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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1888)
Ir B IV m IB,- IV I TRAVEL VIA THE It I tint only lino riinnlnu illiveily tlirnuitl Denver niul Halt City, rnriiiilnjlo Hut Krnnelnoo and oilier I'ollfnriiM points, uml I known n Hid "Pernio I .Inn" to III" I'ncllli const. Tim lliirlliiRlun llmtln inn over ll own tniek everyday lu tho onr. I'ninpleti Irnlnx of I'ulliimu I'nlncd Cum iwk llkuunl Day Conches lctwen Denver anil Chicago, Denver nnd Knn. City, Denver nnd Omaha, Kansas City and Peorin, Kansas City and Chicago, Lincoln nnd Chiiago, Lincoln and St Louis Lincoln nnd Peoria, Lincoln and Kan, City Making dliect connections In Union IMiol for nil point Nuilli, Knsl, Hniiili unci Weil IMntlio I'lniuvr IMiiliiff tr l.lnu bptwcui Missouri rlvor uml t'lilouit". Meal only 7)r Tim IliirlliiBfrn Dining rant were built ox pro-sly for Urn service uml mo mumtucil on (Iroly in tlm Interest ormir patrons. 1TIH T1IK8I1UIIT MNP. IIKTWnr.N LINCOLN AND OMAHA Via tho Ashlniidl'ut-oir, ninkliig direct run ncctloiis with trnln for Hl.l'iinl, Mlnm iimiII Chicago ami nil polntn Kits! niul Northi'tiM, Tlio illnurnm ofllm l.lncoln.l'lile aim sleep cr via till iMipuliirmiil iirantriiy()llh,c,cir Onnd IQIIisI., wlicrobcilhsimi)' do second ninny lime, A sjieelnlly I iimilo of Ocean Htramvilp Tick i'Ir, niul nrlli'HiMi'iriiiilnllinf n trip lo tlio old r-,iiiitryiirilcitliliiuliii'iiiiriirtlii'lrfrli'niliiliiml(l not full to correspond with in, Our inlranm the loffiwt, nml our facllllli'N uiiniml(Hl, nnwo repre sent ouch and tweiy lltiociowlng tlm Atlantic. A.O.l'.IIJMMl, Oily lii8). Ant,, Lincoln, j riiANow. ti. w.itotimrcdi:, (ten. Pii". nniU'kt AkIi General M'rit, Omaha. Omaha J, II. W. HAWKINS, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT, Hulldlni completed or In courso of erection irom April 1, liWJii iliislnrss block. 0 V. ontRoiiierr, lllhanilN. ilo ill IiWIMIhijriiU'y, lltliiicarN. llcstatirnut (OtlolW) 0 11 Montgomery, N nenr Ulli. ItraMcncc, J J ImhofT, J nml l'.th. ilo J 1) Macrnrlam1. g ami t Ith. ilo John eliruiiR, I) mill lltll ilo Allien Wntkln. I) lift mli nml 10th ilo Win .11 Ixmiuil, I". bet Dili nnd 19th ilo K It (lulhrle, Will nml N. ilo J K Itivd, M I), V bet 10th and ITth ilo I. (I M llaldwlii, (I lt lHtlt nml lBtti. BiiilUrlum InilMliiif nt Mllford, NVIt, Flirt ltnptlut church, 1 Ith nml K street, ortunry lmiIjI nil I rojjlvl.ij tuulinl Wyukn cemetery, Oflleo , Rooms !C1 and 9 1 RlaliardM Bloolc NUW8PAPCn NOTORIETY. Help Wanted! of Wanted at once a responsible party good address lo represent By HON. TIIOS. E. HILL, aullior of X 11118 Manual of Social and Uust- neas Fnrms. In LANCASTER COUNTY An excellent opportunity to secure n good position and make money. Sale ran lie mndcon the Installment plan when dcslr- cd. Address for terms and particulars, HILL STANDARD BOOK CO., Publishers, 103 State St., CHICAGO, ILL. FAST MAIL RODTE ! mMmm B888WB8TfltHBT'A'W,Br 2 DAILY TRAINS - 2 TO Atchison, Leavenworth, St.Joscph,Katuas City, St. Louis and nil points South, Enst and West. The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parsons, Wichita, Hutchinson nnd all principal points in Kansas. The only road to the Great Hot Springs of Arkansas. Pui.lmak Si.kkpkks and Frku CiiAtn Caks an all trains. H.G. IIANNA, R. P. R. MILLAR, City Tkt Agent, Gcn'l Agent. Cor. O nnd 12th Sts. What tlio pen Drivers llnvn to Hny About r.vo's I'Mlr Daughters. Edith Thomas, tho poet, will assist In edit ing HU Nicholas noxt season, Quocn Victoria tins lind wlcksr baskets tntiilo for lior cats to travel In. Mine, Cnniot, wlfo of tlio French pruddeht, parts her hair on ono side, Amelia III vosChnnlor receives altout thirty loiters a day from her admirers. Mrs. Lynn Linton, tlio English writer, is suffering from bud eyesight, not far removed from blindness, Mrs. Harriett Beechcr Stowo Is In Just such condition n Kmorson tvhou ha exhibited tlio first sIrii of mental decay, Tlio omprns of itussln has a household of seamstresses, yot makes nearly all the rloth Idr for her youngest children. Miss Constonco Frodurlca Oordon-Cunv mhiR cots $2.Vi a yoar from tlio llrltlsh civil list III consideration of her literary merits. Mki FrnnecJ Wot more, formerly of Kovr Yoik, has been nppolntwl government phy sician for tlio Islnml of Hllo. "Dr. Funny," ns sho Is calleil, has n largo prnctlco nnd is ixipiilar nmonR nil classes. Hlio nnkes her visits on horseback, nml Is ready to answer any call, night or day, In fair weather or foul, Correspondents from MTesternland, n North sea watering platv, descrllio tlio queen of lloumnnia slttliiR .upon tlio bench with tlio children around her llstcuhiR to fairy talcs, which slio tells very clovcrly, end receives her rownnl In flow era and other gifts within tho children's moans. Miss Rebecca Wright, now Mrs. Ilensnl, who gnvoOen. Sheridan tho sociot informa tion by which ho won tho battloof Win. Chester, Is n clerk in tlio treasury department nt Washington. Hho has nmotig her trens urw a gld watch iK'nrliiR tho Inscrlptloni "I'rosciitwl to Ilebecen U Wright, Sept. II), 1807, by Oon'l Phil. II. Hhorldan. A mo mouto of Sept, 10, 1601." Prlncovs Victoria of Wnlos has davelopeil a rcnmrkablo talent for pastel drawing, and has Just competed n very clover portrait of Queen Victoria. Tho Trlnco of Wales is .Ions?d at this exhibition of nttlstlo nhlllty on tho pnrt of his daughter, and will mm ovcry cITortto havolt dovelopeil. Ho Is a goixlcrltioof pictures himself, mid can Jitdgo his daughter's merits ns nn artist ipilto accu rately. Tho Chronlclo, of Ban Francisco, reports that among tho students of Cooper Medical cpllego in tho clnss which will bo graduated in November nro two sisters, Miss Mlnnlo nnd Miss Llllj Dean, fitting themselves for tho foreign missionary work under tho enro nnd support of tho Presbyterian Mission Itoard. After graduating they will practlco a year In ono of tho city hospitals before pro, oeedlng to their mission Held, which Is not yet determined on. Mrs. F. I). Thurber'u cottneo at Onteora is built entirely of hewn logs, stripped of their bark and colored n pearl Gray by the storms and sunshlno of six year. Tlio round of tho log makes tho outside, w hllo tho lint insldo forms tho Interior walls If our former great men had been born in such log cabins ns theso, thoy would liavo leen regarded ns sybarites rather than as homy handed sons of toll. Hanging In ncorncr of tho Thurbor piazza is a luxurious hammock, tho prizo won oy air. i uurocr rortiio tnirit best water ing placo letter published this summer in Th ljvcnlng Telegram of Now York. Mrs. Ilolva Lock wood taught school for fifteen years before sho went Into tho law. Hho fouud leaching very hard work and very poor pay, and, ns sho had n family to sup porther husband, ilnco dead, being then an Invalid sho studied law and was admitted to tho bar, nnd now sho novcr makes less than $3,000 a year. Mrs. Ixwkwood says that sho can do housoworl; as well as auy woman, but that It is cheaper for her to employ her talents In other directions. Although her ambitious run In tho lino of n pulilio and political life, sho dresses about as other women do, cud Unds delight in laco ami dia monds. Miss Dora Whoclor has Just built a studio at Onteora park, in tho CaUkllls, where sho has her sunnier cottage, which sho calls Tennyroynl." This studio consists of ono largo room, with beams and studding of hark covered logs. An enormous fireplace, built of stouo oir tho mountain nt tho back of tho studio, fills nearly all of ono side. Largo windows let in tho light, and glvo out upon a most beautiful view of vnlloy nnd moun tains Tho ouUldo of tho studio is nmilo of bark covered slalis, which havo tho effect of logs. Indeed, tho placo looks ipilto liko a log cabin built in accordanco with cultivated taste, An English reporter, Interviewing Mme, Bernhardt, nsked; "Where are tho young lions, madams P "Ah, tho dear things," sho said; "I had to lenvo them in Paris. Tho poor llttlo tiger, you know, is doad. I grloved for him much more than my frlenda did, I am afraid." "And tho famous coffin with tho satin linings. Havo vou that stllll" "Oh, yes; that is in Paris, too." "Is it true, madame, that you usodtoslccplnitp "Well, yes; I did sleep In It, but not always. It was this way: My sister was very ill. I wanted to bo with hor at night, and, not Do ing nblo to share her bel, I had tho coffin carried into her room nnd slept there. I keep the coflln still, but I bavo como to tho conclusion that I will not bo burled in It. I will bo cremated." YOUNG FOLKS' COLUMN. 'w 'Milwaukee mtt Oh n and operates WOO miles or thoroughly nulppeil mna In Illlnol. Wisconsin, Iowa, MJssourl.Mlnnesotunnit Dakota. H Is tliplloit Direct llouto botwum all tbe Prluclpnl Points lu Sim Northwest, Southwest and Kur West For maps, tltno tables, rates or passogo ami frolKlit, etc., apply to nutireHt utatlou uuont ol CHICAGO, MII.WAUKKK A HT. l'AUI. KAIL WAV, or o auy Uallroaa Agonl unywticru In I bo world. ' H.MItiUJIt, A.V.lI.OAUl'r.NTKU. General M'R'r, Ueu'l I'niw. AT'kt Aat. J. F TUUKKll. OKO. II. UUAKKOUD, Asr. acil'l Mer. AsHt. (1. 1'. A T. At. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Siberia's Now Waterway. A now waterway In Siberia will connect tho Livers Obi and Ycnlssei, and will utillzo tho River Obi and its branches, Ket, Oser naja, Lomowotaja and Jasswaja an outlet of tho "Great Lako" on ono sldo, nnd on tho other tho Ycnissel with its tributaries, tho Great and Llttlo Kass, A cutting A miles long, between tho Great Liko and tho Llttlo Knss, will oomplcto tho connection between tho two rivers. Tlio dlfferouco of lovel be tween tho Great Lako and tho Ribcr Obi U 05J feet, nnd will ncccssitata eight locks be ing built, whilo between tho Great Lnko aud tho Ycnissel there is a fall of nearly 174 feet, which will bo got over by twenty-flvo locks. Tho Great Lako Is C)4 feet deep. Tho cut ting, or canal, out of it is 43.0 feet wldo and 4.1 feet deep. Tho total nmount of excava tion is 710.0S0 cublo yards, of which 78,000 cublo yaws bavo yet to bo dug out Tho works were commenced In 18&I, nnd will bo finished this year, tho estimated cost being 8,000,000 rubles. London Standard, FOR THE SPECIAL ENTERTAINMENT OF OUR LADS AND LASSIES. rirturraqtin Architectural Onus unit ln terrains Hpots nt Mrntfnnl-on-Atoii, Axncliilril trlth Din (Irrnt Tool niul llrntimtUt, Ulllhini Hluikrupruir. Wnshlnglon Irvlng's description of Rhnko-six-are's old houso as n "small edllleo of wood nnd plaster, a truo nestling placo of genius, which deems to delight in hatching its off spring In by comers," no longer applies to HIinkesiK-aro's blrthplneo, which lias been mutilated ngnln and ngnlu by careless re wlrs, but has ultimately xxi islorel to Koinethlng liko IU original condition. Thus it is now far inom liko what it was when Hlmkespeaim ilayeil about Its door, though, .doubtless, many of tho minor details huve been cliaugeil.a j- MULTUM IN PARVO. A.VMC IIATHAWAV'rt COTTAOE. Ono of tho most plcturesquo architectural VX'insof Htrntford Is tho uirlsh church. A li'wo treo nveiiuo lead up to thu porch of tho flno structure, rich In monuments nut) stouo carvings, BhnkeBpearo's resting place, with tho monument niul bust so well known to ovcry lover of tho drama, within tlio Com munion tnblo railing. Ho sleeps among hi own people. On his right hand lies Anno Hnthaway, his wife; on his left, his favorlto daughter, Susanna Hall "witty abovo her sex, but wlso to salvation." Further away is tho grave of her husband, P. Hall, and of their only child, Ellrnticth. Tho sjiots of interest connected with SlinkcsH)nro are not limited to Htrntford. A short mllo away through tho Ileitis is Shot tery, n small village, where Is tho old half tlmlter cottage, tho houso where Anno Hath away lived w ben Shakespeare wooed her for his bride. Stlclilrhacks nml Their Nests. Nests are by most crsons associated with birds as their architects and occupants, but they nro by no menus exclu sively so, ns many ipinth ukh1 build nests, liko tho beautiful little harvest mouse, whoso nest, raised high up on tho stalks of com, Is known to most practical field naturalists. Many IKIics are nlso nest builders; among tho lot known of theso are tho stickleback. Tho ono illustrated is tho fifteen splncd stickleback, n mariuo species found in Immonso numbers. This is tho larg est of tho three, attaining nt times a length ns great as seven inches. It is generally to lo found in rocky jiools on tho coast, feeding on worms, small Crustacea, and tlio cggs'hnd fry of other fish. Its on u eggs it prefects in thu singular nest figured in tho cugrnvht,;. In tho early mouths of tho year theso llsh select some quiet locality not npttolio dis turbed by tho vloleucu of tho waves, oc casionally selecting a placo that is left un covered by tho tldo for two or three haunt at a J lino. For tho foundation, or K'rha It would bo better to say, for thu suspension of Its nest, it frequently selects nn ovorhanging branch of seaweed, or oven tho looso end of n ropo hanging In tho water, us shown' in tho central nest lu our engraving. Soft fragments of seaweed and tougher corallines comtituto tho structure, theso Mug fastened together by un clastic material tlmtlslikcued to silk. UfVor Information lu reference to 7 .and niTTowiis owned by tlio Chicago, Milwau kee & Ht. l'nul Hallway Company, write to 11. U. HAuaAN.t-UBd Commissioner, Milwaukee Wlsconslr An Old Indian Tup!!. Tho fudiau school at Carlisle, Pa., has tho oldest pupil of any cdi;atlonal institution in tho United States. Ho is more than CO years of ago. Crazy Head Is his name, and bo was ouco chief of tho Crow nation. Ho was a bold warrior aud on ablo ruler. Ho Is anx ious to learn tho ways of whlto men, and is now recelviug instructlous iu blccksmlthlng. During tho coming winter bo will attend school. Ho Is a man In vigorous health, and has a more refined fnco than is often found in his race. Ho is docllo and patient, and there Is something almost pathetlo about his longing to learn tho customs of civilization before uo dies. -"Boston Transcript. It is estimated that 1,800,000 dozon cans of swtct corn will bo packed this year In Mnlnc, Young women whoso hair Is prematurely silvered nro at a premium In Now York so ciety Just now. Tho working forco In tlio principal now "gold initio" discovered nt Ishpemlng, Mich,, is said to consist of two men. Thedukoof lllpon undertakes tho wl.olo cost of constructing swimming baths for tho youths of that ancient city. Tho Chlneso minister at Washington has doveloped a great fondness for watching pro fessional baseball. A burglar, In tho courso of examination, declared that ho hail committed 120 burgln rlcs In districts of tondon during tho pres ent year without having been arrested. A genius has Invented a flat Iron, nnd has utilized tho prluelplo of expansion of metal by heat so that a llttlo bell rings when tho Iron Is hot enough to Iron clothes with. Admiral Porter, after trying both, says that running n lY?ot is child's play compared with supervising alterations in your scasldo cottago and getting them mado to suit you. In digging n well on his farm nt Ilismarck, Dak., .), J. Lamb found nt tho depth of thirty-six feet tho petrified tusk of a mas todon which measured over thirteen feet In length. Tho largest strictly cash purchaso of real cstato in tho history of Chicago was mndo re cently when William A. Slater, of Norwich, Conn., paid over ?SOO,000 for tho Ilonoro block on Dearborn street, Tho receipts from shipping on tho Suez canal steadily Increase, lu July they were MliO.OOO frauos, ngalntt ft.lOO.tiSO francs In July of 1837. Tho enmlngo in tlio first seven months of tho year were JJ7,07l,8.V) francs iu 1883 and !H,:H0,0.1i francs lu I8S7. A rector writes to Tho Guardian that "a ccllbato order among tho clergy h ono of tho Impcrntlvo nccessltlesof tho time," thoreuion being "tho Imiiosslbllltyof supporting n wlfo and family upon tho ordinary Incomo of n curate," There was a clwap railway excursion from Paris tho other day. It landed pnEsengers almost Within slcllt of tho Chlneso wnll. Tickets were $1,000 each, but llio railroad company did not Insult tho buyers by print ins on tho tickets "Good for this day only." Tho old cabin onco occupied by John W. Mnckay, of bonanza fame, when ho mined In Allegheny City from 18M to 1850, is to bo ex hibited at tho mechanics' fair In San Fran cisco. Tho pick, shovel nnd rocker used by Mackay will tilno bo exhibited. An engineer nt Bangkok, desiring recently to Impress a princess, who was on lioanl of tho launch, with tho wonders of steam, wedged down tho safety valvo of tho boiler on tho steam launch ho was running. Tho explosion killed flvoof tho princess' suito out right, badly scalded eight, and sent tho boat to tho bottom In fragments. How n Leper Looks. Johnson, tho lejier, lies in a room off from tho contagious wnrd. Ho is hideous. Ills hands and hairless foco nro Incrustcd w Ith sealo liko blotches of reddish brown. Tho fnco shows most distinctly tho ravages of tho horrlbjo disease, Tho lower IIiU of tho oyes uro drawn down and turned Insldo out. Tho lips nro blr.o and tho uoso Is swollen to twtco its natural sizo. His back and abdomen are covered with hugo tulicrclea. Theso scales slightly chango color from thno to time. There Is no known remedy for leprosy. It has for all timo defied tho efforts of physi cians. But ono Important discovery has been mado of into years, and that is that tho dlscaso Is contagious, and Is not hereditary, as gener ally supp:sciL Tho germ of tho dlscaso Is known to exist, and animals havo been Inoc ulated, afterward showing unmlstnkablo signs of tho malady. Still no euro has been discovered, or oven a remedy to nllovlato tho leper's suffering. Ioprosy Is n slow disease, nnd Johnson may llvo for oven fifteen years. There are two forms of tho disease, viz., black leprosy and whlto lopiosy In tho for mer tho scales are dark and iu the latter per fectly white, Johnson is suffering from tho former. Tho leprosy of tho ancient Jows consisted of shiny smooth blotches on which tho hair turned whlto nnd silky, and tho skin and muscular flesh lost their sensibility, it was incurnbla It was not until about tho year IHX) A. D. that tho black leprosy ap peared. In timo tho toes and fingers drop off, and when tho eating process reaches the vitals death ensues. Chicago Herald. CALIFORNIA'S HTICKI.EHACKS AND TltEUl NEKT. In this nest tho spawn Is deposited and watched over by tho malo jtircnt, as are thu young when hatched and ablo to shift for themselves. Tlio fish itself, though vnlucless ns food, is interesting, not merely from its nest building propensities, but also from Its chameleon liko power of changing its color rapidly when excited. Tlio threo spired stickleback is n much mora familiar sjiecies than tho ono just described nnd inhabits fresh water. Tho Original Iloblnton Crusoe. All are familiar with tho statement thnt Daniel Do Foo founded his story of "Robin son Crusoo" on tho real adventures of Alox nnder Selkirk, but "Notes nnd Queries" gives an account of a work by a German author, which Do Foo may havo copied. This German writer, OrlmmeUhausen, fifty years boforo "Robinson Crusoo" was written, and nearly as long before tho story of Sclklik was mado public, published "Tho Adventures of Simplicius Stmpllsriinus," and tho coincidences arc interesting. Simplicius is wrecked ou nu uninhabited island in tho tropica, rich iu vegetation, with a warm climato and a periodical rainy sea son. Ho builds himself a house, aud ho has a cavo to retire Into. Ho makes clothes for himself of skins, and ho keeps n register of timo by cutting notches ou n stick. Ho ex periences au earthquake, and ho also moral izes ou tho usclcssness of somo money which ha finds. Tho Island is visited by ravages in boats, nnd also by n ship, tho captain of which offers to take Simplicius away. This Is certainly n striking parallel, and suggests that Do Foo did not draw on his own imagination so much as tho world has heretofore given him credit for. And it also is mado to appear that Blmpltclus, and no5 Selkirk, was tlio original Crusoe, A widow usually lays nsldo her first, wed diug ring on tho day of her second maniiigo. Tho Famous "Dovll's ItrldBO." No ono who has mado tlio tour by tho St. Gcthard pass, traveling from Gosclicncn to Andermatt, but will reccivo with regret tlio news that tho famous Dovil's brldgo over the Rcuss lus collapsed. As tho drlvo to Antler mott up tho valloy of that rushing mountain stream Is ono of tho most ruggedly beautiful iu Switzerland, so tho Devil's bridge is ono of tlio most daring structures with which oven Swiss engineers havo sianned tho tor rents of their nativo hills. It consists of n slnglo granlto arch, resting at each end on buttresses built upon tho rocks around which tho Rcuss fumes and foams without ceasing. Somo twenty feet below stands tho wreck of tho old bridge, mass grown and hoary, across which it is probable tho trafllo will now pass, Tho spot is famous in history as tho scene of obstiunto fighting iu tho Napoleonic wars, in tho courso of which old Suvnroff and his Russians distinguished themselves iu their usual dogged tuid herolo fashion, -To tho modern tourist it is chiefly notablo for tho gusty wind which sweeps down tho valley, to tho imminent peril of tbo traveler's head gear, and for tho rare beauty of tho precipi tous gorge, over resonant with tho thunder of tho mountain torrent. Boston Tran script, A lilt of Satire. I was told tho other day of a smart bit of satire leveled nt Leamingtonlans by an American lady who Is sojourning hero. Asked what her opinion of Leamington jeo plo was, sho replied that "ono half scorned to bo asleep and tho other half to wall; about as though thoy were afraid to wako them," Tho oko reminds mo oCouo that was perpetrated by nn American at tho expenso of Warwick, Happening to nrrivo In Warwick from Leamlugton nt tho early houroi 8 n. m and finding tho streets deserted, excopt by a soli tary milkman, ho inquired! "Is this War wlckP "It Is," quoth tho man of milk. "Indeed," rejoined tho sarcastic Yankee, "I thought Warwick was on Inhabited s. illugol" Homo Journal. roc's Cottago at roidham, Tho present occupant of tho Poo cottago at Fordhani Is Capt. Michael Hart, of tho Ford hum tire department. Tho cottago Is owned by John Cary, o Now York merchant, who has a country scat near by, Mr. Cary does not object to renting tho place, but ho In tends to keep it as Poo loft it, and will not iveu Introducognsor otbermodern improve ments Into it, Tho house h about vlghty (cars old, aud is n plcturesquo llttlo placo, ihcltcred from tho high road by big trees tud about two acres of laud. Harper's linear. Finest: Production. ?'3 o o r- H ffQ 0 05 rf 3 O i r - 0 r - (D r 0 a 0 (f) 0 M - -H 2 (0 o 0 o CD o CD Jarvis' California Pear Cider. Tills delicious summer beverage Is made in California, from very ripe mellow Baitlett Pears. In the height of the ripening scaton ninny tons of pairs become too ripe for shipping or canning purposes, ihey can then be utnlicd by pressing them into cider. The fresh juice Is boiled down two gallons into one, nnd is then stialncd through pulverised char coal. Tills heating, condensing nnd straining completely dcMros fcr mcntatlon,atul the cider ever nflcrwards remains sweet nnd good and is a most healthy and nutritious article for family use. Knowing there arc mnny spurious ciders sold In tills market wc offer the nbov explanation with the eminent testimonial of Piof. J. II. Long. Vcrj KopcctftilH, THU G. M. JARVIS CO., Sole Pioprlctors,' San Jose, California. 39 N. Slate Street Clilcng.. Chicago, July 7th, 1S87. THE G. M. JAKVIS CO., Gentlemen: I hac made ninde a chemical examination of the sample of Jan is' Pear Cider submitted to me a few dnjs ago, nnd would report Ihoc points among oilicis noted. '1 lie liquid Is non-nlcohnllc and has n specific gravity of 10.65. The total extrac tive ifiattcr amounts to 10.25 per cent., containing only .025 per cent of fice acid. The tests show this acid lo be malic acid as usually found in fruit juices, I find no other acid or foreign substance added for color or flavor. I believe it, therefore, lo consist simply of the juice of the Pear ns represented. Yours truly, J. II. LONG, Annljlirnl Chemist, Chicago Medical College. THE G. M. JARVIS CD San Jose, Oil. THE C. I JARVIS CO 39 N. State St. Chicago W. B. HOWARD, Traveling Salesman. FOR SALE BY ALL Druggist and Leading Wine Merchants. -. M gfffe avssssHSMggsjggppsjsjfjggtjggsgggpssjsj2