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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1888)
"5" T"rtMj T-"WW er? TALMAGK TO HIS FLOCK. THE REVEREND DOCTOR PREACHES AT THE TADERNACLE. "An tlio Hurt 1'ntitclli After ttio Water IlnmU, So I'nntet.i Mr Soul After Tlirc, O Ooit" A Sermon SucarMril by ft Visit to tlm Adirondack. HnooKi.r.v, Sept. 0. The great organ, Im proved and enlarged, rolled out with now power the long meter tloxology nt tlio opon lug of tlio sorvieo in tlio Hrooklyn Tnltor naclo Uxlny. Tlio great nudltoriuni was thronged nml overflowing. Tho llov. T. Do Witt Tnl nmgo, I). D., hni rcturnod from hi summer vacation, during which no una iipokcn In many parts of tho country, nml shnkon hands, ho says, with nbout n him lrdl thousand people Ho closed his tour hy n visit to tho wilderness In upper Now York state, nml upending some tlmo nniong tho hunters. Thh morning ho expounded passages lllustrntivo of Solomon's nctpialut nneo with naturnl history. Ills text wns, Psalm xlll, It "As tho hart pantoth nfter tho wuter brooks, so pantoth my soul nftcr thoo, O Ood." Tho groat preacher said: David, who must somotlmo havo seen n deer hunt, jwlr.ts us hero to u hunted Mag making for tho water. Tho fusclnntlng mil mnl called In my text tho hnrt, Is tho snmo nnlinnl that In sacred nml profano llternturo Js called tho stag, tho roebuck, tho hind, tho gazello, tho reindeer, lit central Hyrln, In lllblo times, thero woro w holo pasture fields of them, ns fJotomon suggest who'i ho nays: "1 charge you by tho hinds of tho Held." Their nntlors Jutted from tho long grass ns they lay down. No hunter who hns been long In "John Hrown's track" will wonder that In tlio llililu they wero classed among clean ntilmnU, for tho (lows, tho showers, tho lakes washed them us clean ns tho sky. When Jacob, tho patriarch, longed for venison, Esau shot nud brought homo n roebuck. Isaiah compares tho sprlghtllness of tho re stored crlpplo of millennial times to tho long nnd quick Jump of tlio stag, sujlngt "Tho i. lMi. na !... l.nrf r Slnlnmrm nic. predated thrms or they ovcrrcnclixl you lna bnrgntn, nud yon tried, In Wall street par lance, to got n corner on them', or you lmvo lind n bereavement, and Instead of being subinlsslvo J on nro lighting that be reavement', you chargo on tho doctors who failed to elfect n curot or you chargo on tho carelessness of tho railroad coninny through which tho accident occurred; or you ford' hound, nml Carl of YnruoroiigW hounds, nud tlio Duko of Uiillntid's homiil, nud Queen Vlctorln pays 8,MX) r year to lier master of buckhouiid. Hut nil of them put together do not equal In number or speed or power to hunt down the great kennel of hounds of which sin and Irouhlo nro owner nnd muster. Hut what Is n relief for nil those pursuits nro n clironlo invalid, nnu you irot ana i nf trnt..,, nllli .....mvniien. nnd iialn. nnd worry ami scorn ana womierwnyj-ou ronnoi 1 )elwVoment My text gives It to you In a word of three letters, but each letter Is n chnrlot If you would triumph, or a crown If 1.1111a shall loan ns tho hart," b'oloinon ex pressed his disgust nt n hunter who, having shot n deer, Is too lazy to cook It, saying: "Tho ilothful man roastcth not that which ho took 1 1 hunting." Hut 0110 day David, whllo far from tho homo from which ho had been driven, nnd sitting near tho door of 11 lonely cavo whero ho had lodged, nml on tho Imnks of n pond or river, bears n pack of hounds in swift pursuit, Bccuuso of the pre vious sllcncoof tho forest tho clangor startles him, nnd ho says to himself t "1 wonder what thoso dogs are nf tcrP Thou thero Is n crack ling In tho brushwood, nnd tho loud breath ing of some rushing wonder of tho woods, nml tho antlers of n deer rend tho leaves of tho thicket, and by nil Instinct which nil hunters recognize, plunges Into n pond or lako or river to cool Its thirst, nnd nt tho samo tlmo, by Ita capacity for swifter nml longer swimming, to got nwny from tho foaming harriers. David says to himself: "Aim, that is myself I Saul nfter mo, Absa lom nftcr me, enemies without number nftor mo; 1 am chased, tholr bloody muzzles nt my heels, barklns nt my good name, barking nfter my body, lurking nfter my soul. Oh. tho hounds, tho hounds! Hut look there," says David, "that reindeer has splashed Into the water. It puts Its hot lips nnd nostrilo Into tlio cool wave that washes tho lathorcd flanks, nnd it swims nway from tho fiery ca nines, nnd It Is freo at last. Oh, that I might find In tho deep, wide Inkoof Clod's mercy and consolation escapo from my pur suers! Oh, for tho water, of llfonnd rcscuol As tho hart pantoth nf tor tho water brooks, so pantoth my soul nftcr thee, O Ood." I havo Just como from tho Adirondacks, nud tho breath of tho balsam nml spruco nnd plno Is btlll on 1110. Tho Adirondacks nro now populous with hunters, nnd tho deer aro being slain by tho score, Tnlklngn fowdaj'B ngo with n hunter, I thought I would llko to seo whether my text was accurate in Ita allusion, and ns 1 heard tlm dogs baying n Ilttlo way off nnd supposed they were on tho track of n rclndeir. I said to tho hunter In rough cordu roy: "Do tho deer nlways make, for tho water when they nro pursued r Ho said: "Oh, yes, mister; you seo they nro n hot nml thirsty nuliual, nud they know whero tho water Is, nud when they hear danger In tho distance they lift their nntlei-a nnd hiiufl the breezonnd start for tho Haequct, or Loon, or Saranne; and wo get Into oilr cedar shell boat or stand by tho 'runaway, with rlllo loaded ready to blaro or, ay." Sly friends, that Is 0110 reason why 1 like tho Bible fo much its allusions uro bo tnw to nature. Its partridges nro real partridges, ita ostriches real ostriches, and Its reindeer real reindeer. I do not wonder that this nutlercd glory of tho text makes tho hunter's cyo sparklo nnd his rheoks glow nud h.s respira tion quicken. To say nothing of its useful ues, although It Is tho most useful of nil game; its flesh delicious, Its skin turned Into huuin't nppaivl, Its sinows fashioned Into bow strings, Its antlcra putting handles on cutlery, nnd tho shavings of Its horns, used ns n restorative, taken from tho nniiio of tho hart nnd called hnrt-diorn. But putting nsido Ita usofulncjs, this enchanting creature seems mado out of ginccfulucss and elasticity. What nn cyo, w itli n liquid brightness ns If gathered up from a hundred lakes of sun Mitt Tho horns, n coronal branching into every pvdbln curve, and after It sjems done, advancing into other projections of exqulslteness, n treo of polished bone, uplifted In pride, or swung down for awful combat. It is velocity emboJled. Timidity Imperson ated. The riicliMitincnt of tho woods. Ky lustrous In life nnd pathetic in death. Tho splendid animal n complete rhythm of mus cle, nnd bono, nud color, and attitude, nnd locomotion, whether couched in tho grass among tho shadows, or n living bolt shot through tho forest, or turning us bay to at tack tho hound 1, or rearing for its last fall under tho buckshot of tho trapper. It is n splendid nppearauco that tho painter's pencil falls to Bketeh, nud only a hunter's dream on n pillow of hemlock nt tho foot of Ht. ItocU Is nblo to picture. When, twenty miles from any settlement It comes down at eventide to tho lake's edgo to drink nmong tho Illy pnda nud, with fts sharp edged hoof, shatters tho crybtal of Long Lake, It la very picturesque. But only when, after miles of pursuit, with heaving sides and lolling tonguo nnd oyes bwiuunlug In death, tho stag leaps from tho cliff into Upper Barunne, can you rcaliz-j how much David had suffered from his troubles, nud how much ho wanted Ood when ho expressed himself in tho words of tho text: "As tho hart pautct'.i nftcr tho water brooks, bo panteth my soul after thee, O Ood." . Well, now, let nil Ihoso who havo coming nfter th-jin tho leati houuua of poverty, or tho black hound i of persecution, or tho spotted hounds of vlchsltude, or tho palo hounds of denth, or w ho nro iu any w iso pursued, ily to tho wide, deep, glorious lako of dlvino solaco nnd rescue. Tho most of tho men nud wo men whom I happen to know nt different times, If not now, havo had troubles nftcr them, sharp muzzled troubles, swift troubles, nil devouring troubles. Many of you havo made tlm mlbtnko of trying to fight thum. Homebody meanly attacked j on, nud you at tacked them; they depreciated you, you do- lw well llko other people, and you nngrlly charge on tho neuralgia or tho laryngitis or tho nguo or tho sick headache. Tho fact Is you aro n deer nt bay. Instead of running to tho waters of dlvino consolation, nud sink ing your thirst and cooling your body nnd soul In tho good cheer of tho Uotpol, nnd swimming nway Into tho mighty deeps of God's love, you nro fighting n wholo kennel of harriers. A few days ngo I saw In tho Adirondacks n dog lying ncrosstho road, nnd ho seemed tumble to get up, nud I somo hunters near byt "What mntter with that dog?" They nnsweredi "A deer hurt him." And I saw ho had 11 great swollen xiv nnd n battered head, show ing w hero tho nutlcrs struck him. And tho probability is that somo of you might glvo n mighty clip to your pursuer, you might dauingo their business, you might worry them Into 111 health, you might hint them ns much ns they havo hurt y ti, but, nfter nil, It Is not worthwhile. You only lmvo hurt n hound. ' Better bo off for tho Upper tinraiiac, into which tho mountains of God's eternal strength look down nnd moor their shadows. As for your physical disorders, the worst strychnine you can take is fret fulness nnd tho best medicine Is religion. Iknowp-o-plo who wero only n Ilttlo disordered, yet lmvo fretted themselves Into com plete vnletudlunriiinlMu, whllo others put their trust In God nud emtio up from tho very shadow of death, and lmvo lived com fortably twenty-live yenrs with only 0110 lung. A man with one lung, but Ood with him, U better off than 11 godless man with two lungs. Kome of you lmvo been for n long time sailing around Oapo Pear when you ought to lmvo been sailing nroiind Capo Good Hojio. Do not turn back, but go ahead. Tho deer will accomplish more with its swift feet than w ith Its horns. I saw wholo chains of lakes in tho Adiron dacks, nud from one height you can bet thirty, nnd there nro said to bo ovor eight hundred in the grent -wilderness. Ho near nro they to each other that your mountain guide picks up nml carries the boat from lake to lake, tho smnll distance between them for thnt reason called n "carry." And tho realm of God's word is ono long chnln of bright, refreshing lakes; each promise n hike, n ery short carry between them, nud though for ages tho pursued havo been drinking out of them, they nro full up to tho top of tho green banks, nml tho snmo David describes them, and they seem so near together that lu threo different places he sjnks of them nsn con tinuous river, saying: "There Is n river the streams whereof shall mnko glad the city of God;" "Thou shalt mako them drink of tho rivers of thy pleasures;" "Thou greatly on richest it with tho river of Ood, which is full of water." But many of you lmo turned your back on that supply, nnd confront your trouble, and you nro soured with your circumstances, and you uro fighting society, nnd you nro fighting n world, nud troubles, in stead of driving you into tho cool lako of heavenly comfort, havo made you stop and turn round nud lower your head, nud it is simply nutlcr ngaiust tooth. I do not blnmo you. Probably under tho tarn circum stances I would havo dono woroo. But you aro nil wrong. You need to dons tho rein deer does In February and March It sheds its horns. Tho Ilahblulcnl writers olludo to this resignation of antlers by the stag when they say of n mail who ventures Ids money iu risky enterprises, ho hns hung it on tb stag's horns; nud a proverb in tho far east tells n man who has foolishly lost his fortuuo to go nnd llud where tho deer shed her horns. Sly brother, quit tho nntngonism of jour circumstances, quit misanthropy, quit com plaint, quit pitching into your pursuers; bo as wiso us, next spring, will bo nil tho rein deer of tho Adirondacks. Shed your horns. But very many of you who nro w rouged of tho world and if iu any assembly between Bandy Hook, Now York, nnd Golden Gate, Ban rranclsco, it wero asked that nil those that had liecn sometimes badly treated should ratio both their hands, and full rcspouso should be made, there would Ikj twice ns many hands lifted as persons present I say many of you would declare: "Wo havo al ways dono tho best wo could nud tried to Ik) useful, and why wo should become tho vic tims of mallgmncnt, or invalidism, or mis hap, Is Inscrutable." Why, do you not know that tho finer n deer and tho moro elegant its proportions, and tho moro beautiful its bear ing, tho moro anxious tho Imiitor.i nnd tho hounds aro to enpturo It) Had that roebuck n ragged fur and broken hoofs ami an obliter ated oyo nnd n limping gait, tho hunters w ould liavosald: "I'olmwl don't let us waste our am munition on a sick deer." And tho hounds would lmvo givoii n fow sniffs of tho track, and then darted off In another direction for better gamo. But w hen they see a deer with nutters lifted in mighty challeugo to earth and sky, ami tho bleek hi do looks ns if It had been smoothed by Invisible hands, nnd tho fnt sides cucloso tho richest juisture that could bo nibbled from tho bank of rills so clear they seem to havo dropped out of heaven, nnd tho stamp of its 'foot defies tho Jack shooting lantern and tho rillo, tho horn nud tho hound, that deer they will havo if thoy must needs break their neck iu tho rapids. Ho If thero wero no noblo stuff lu your makeup, If jou wero a bifurcated noth ing, if you were a forlorn fuiluro, you would bo allowed to go undisturbed; but tho fact that tho w hole pack Is in full cry nftcr you is proof po3itlvo that vuu nro splendid gumo and worth capturing. Therefore, sarcasm draws on you Its "finest bend.1' Therefore, tho world goes gunning for you with its best Mnynnrd breech loader. Highest compli ment Is it to your talent, or your virtue, or your usefulnejs. You will bo assailed iu pro ortioii to your great achievements. Tho best and tho mightiest boing tho world over saw, had set after him nil tho hounds, terrestrial ami diabolic, oud they lapped his blood after tho Calwircin massacre. Tho world paid nothing to its Redeemer but a bramble nnd n cross, JIauy who linvo dono tholr host to make tho world better havo had cuch a rough tlmo of it that nil their pleas ure is in anticipation of the next world, nud they could cipres3 their own feelings In the words of the Baroness of Nulru ut the clob-a of her long life: Would you bo young ngnlu Bo would not I; Ouctcarof memory civen; Ov .ard I'll hlo; Life's dark wao forded o'er, All hut at rrat oa bhorc, Lay, would jou plunge cccj mcro, Willi liotiio to ulUf If you might, would you now llelraco your , ay f Wonder thioiigh ttormy wlldj Taint and astray? Right's t'loomy vatchei fled, Mor.iln0' nil beaming red, 1 lope's cir.tls around us shed, I icia enward, aw ay I Yes; for tomo pcoplo in this world there seems no let up. They nro pursued from youth to manhood, ami from manhood Into old ngo. Very distinguished nro Lord Btuf- you want to Iw crowned, or n like If you would slnko your thirst jen, n chain of threo letters O-o-O, tho ono for whom David longed, nud tho 0110 whom Darld found. You might ns well meet n stag which, nfter lt.s sixth mile of running nt tho topmost speed through thicket nnd gorgo, nnd w Ith tho brcnth of the dogs 011 Its lirwila lina fntim 11 full air-lit nt Hnntntl lllkn fflM, I nnd tried to cool Its projecting nml blistered It iitw tnttiriin uillt n ilrviit it tintv fffitii n lilniln in grass, nst i nttempt to satisfy nn Immortal soul, when flying from trouble and sin, with anything less deep nud high nml broad nnd imincUKO mid iultnlte nml eternal than Ood. Ills comfort, why It nnliossnuit nil distress. IJIs nrin, It wrenches tiX nil bondage. His hand, It wipes nwny nil tears. His L'liiistly atonement, it iimkes us nil right with the last nud nil right with tho future nud nit right with God, all right with limn, and nil light forou'r. Lnmartliio tells us that King Nluirod said to Ids threo sons: "Here uro three vases, nnd ono Is of tiny, another of ntnber, nnd another of gotd. Chouse now which you will have." Tho oldest son, hav ing tho first choice, chose tho vnso of gold, on which wns written the word "empire," and whou oteued It wns found to contain human blood. The second sou, making tho next choice, ehoso the vnso of amber, in scrllied with tho word "glory," nud when oicncd It contained the fishes of thoso who wero onco called groat. Tho third son took tho vnso of clay, nnd opening It, found It empty, but on tho bottom of It was Inscribed thoiinmoof God. IClng Nluirod asked his courtiers which vnso they thought weighed tho most The uvnrlcrous men of hi i court said the vnso of gold. Tho KXtn said tho ouo of niulier. But the wisest men said the empty vase, liecauso ono letter of the name of God outweighed n unltcrso. Tor him I thirst; for his grnco I leg; on his prom Iso I build my nil. Without him 1 cannot le happy. I have tried tlio world, nnd it docs well enough ns far as It goes, but It Is too uncertain u world, tixi evanescent n world. I am lint u prejudiced witness. I havo nothing ngnlnst this world. 1 havo been ono of tho most fortunate, or, to uson more Ciiristlnu word, ouo of tho most blessed I of men blessed lu my lwronts, blcs-cd In the i plnco of my nativity, blessed In my health, blcssfM lu my field of work, blessed In a naturnl temperament, blessed In my family, blessed In my opportunities, blessed lu my comfortable livelihood, blessed In the hox) thnt my soul will go to heaven through the pardoning mercy of Ood, nnd my body, unless It bo lost nt sea or cremated lu fomo roufhigmtlou, will Ho down in the gardens of Greenwood among my kin dred nnd friends, somo already gone nml others to como nfter mo. Life to many has been n disapiioiutnicut, but to mo it has been n pleasant surprise, nnd yet I declaro that If I did not feel that God was now my friend nnd ever present help, 1 should bo wretched nud terror struck. Hut 1 want moroof Hint. I havo thought over this text nud preached thU sermon to myself until with nil the aroused energies of my body, mind and soul, I can cry out: "As tho hart panteth nfter tho water brooks, so panteth my soul after thco, OGod." Through Jesus Christ, mnko this Ood your Ood, and you can withstand' anything nnd everything, nnd that which nffrights others will Inspire you. As lu time of an earth quake, when nn old Christian nomnii wns asked whether she was tea red, answered: "No, I am glad that I lmvo n God who can shako tho world;" or, as lu n financial panic, when n Christian merchant was r.skcd If ho did not fear ho would break, answered; "Yes; I shall break when the fiftieth Psalm breaks lu the. fifteenth verso: 'Call upon mo lu the day of troublo; I will deliver thco and thou shalt glorify inc."' Oh Ciiristlnu men nnd women, pursued of niiuoyauccs nud exasperations, icmcmber that this hunt, whether n still hunt or n hunt In full cry, will soon be over. If over n whelp looks ushamed ami icadyto bhuk out of sight, it is when iu tlio Adi rondacks -a deer, by ono long, tro meudous pluugo into Big Tuppcr lake, gets nway from him. Tlio dlsappolu'ed cuuluo swims iu n ilttlo way, hut, defeated, sw Ims out again and cringes with humiliated yawu nt tho f"et of hU master. And how abashed nnd ashamed will all your earthly troubles bo when yon have dajhed into tho river from under the thl'ouo of God, nud the heights nnd depths of heuvon nro between you nnd your pursuers. Wo are told lu Ucvelation xxli, U: "Without aro dogs;" by which I coucludo there is a wholo kennel of houudi outside tho gate of heave.), or, ns when ft mister goes in n door, his dog lies on tho ctcps waiting for him to como out, so tho troubles of this llfo may follow us to tho shining door, but they cannot get in. "With out are dogs." I havo seo'i dogs, and owned dogs, that I would not bo chagrined to seo lu the heavenly city. Homo of tho grand old watchdogs who are tho constabulary of tho homes In solitary places, nud for years havo been tho only protoctiou of wife nnd child; somo of tho shepherd dogs that drivo back tho wolves nud bark nway tho flockj from going too near tho preclpleo; and somo of th doga whoso neck and law Ijindiecr, tho painter, has mado immortal, would not find mo shutting them out from tho gate of bhlnlug pearl. Homo of those old Ht. Ber nard dogs that lmvo lifted jwrishing travel ers out of the Atptuo snow; the dog that John Brown, tho Keoteh essayist, saw ready to spring nt the Burgeon, lest, in removing tuo , cancer, he too much hurt tho poor woman i whom tho dog felt bound to protect; and dogs that we caressed In our childhood days, or thnt in later tlmo laid dowu on tho rug iu teeming sympathy when our homes wero desolated. 1 say, if somo soul entering heaven should happen to leavo the gate and these faithful creatures should quietly walk in, it would not at all distnrh my heaven. But nil thoso human or brutal hounds that havo chased ami torn ami lacer ated tho world; yea, all that now bito or worry or tear to pieces, shall bo prohibited "Without aro dogs!" No plnco thero for harsh critics or baekbitorfl or despollcrs of tlio reputation of others. Down with you to tlio kennels of darkness uud despair! Tho hnrt has i sached tho eternal water brooks, and the panting of tho long cho&o is quieted In still pastures, and "there shall bo nothing to hunt or destroy iu all God's holy mount," Oh, when some of you get thero it will ho llko whitn hunter tells of when ho was push ing UU e.moo fur up north in tho winter, nnd amid tho Ico floes, nud n hundred miles, ns ho thought, from any other human be ings. He wns startled ono day ns ho heard a stepping on tho Ice, nnd he cocked tho rifle, icady to meet anythlug that came near. He found u man, barefooted and it mo from long csposuiv, approaching him. Taking him Into his canoe nud kindling flies to wurmhlm, ho restored him, and found out whero ho had lived, nud took him to Ul.i home, and found nil tho lllago lu great excitement A hundred men I wero tcnrchlng tvr this lost man, nnd hti family and Itiends rushed out to moot him; nud ns had been ngtved nt his first npenr nnco, belli were ning nml gnu wero dis charged nnd hntiquct.i spread nnd tho rescuer loaded wth pivxent.s. Well, when sonio of you step out of thl wilderness, wheio you lmvo been chilled nnd torn nml sometimes lostnmld tho lecWgs. Into tho warm greet ings of all the villages of tlm gloiifled, nud your friends uish out to give jou n welcom ing kiss, tho news that there Is an other soul forover saved will call tho caterers of heaven to spread tho ban quet, and tho bell men to lay held nf tho roo In tho tower, nml whllo tho chnllces click nt the feast, and tlio bells clang from tho towers, It will lion scene so uplifting I pray God I may li thero to tnkn art lu the celestial merriment. Anil now do you not think tlio prayer lu Holoimm's sing, where ho compared Christ to u iclndeer coming down In the night to pasture on tho plains, would mnko nn exquisitely nppropitnto xro rntlon to my sermon: "Until tlm day break uud tho shadows lien nwny, ho thou like n rim or n young hart upon the mountains of Bother." NEW SPING STYLES; JUST ARRIVED. And ni w icady for inspection nt John Morrisons, Ail the Finest Qimlities mul Lntost Pntterns in stock. I have the finest cutter in the eitv nnd guarantee satisfaction. CnU and see my goods and work. 1 21 North Eleventh street. A Two I'ueed llnnli Nolo. Ill tho United Ktntos there Is ono bill which li CIO on ono sido uud CM on tlio other, It has been In circulation twenty-four yearn, uud hns nt Inst been c.iptuivd nud put in n glass case. It was exhibited the other day at the wholesale store of the Jtochcstcr Limp company. By n mistake at tho government bureau of printing, four bills were printed as 810 nn tho face nud f','0 on the reverse side. The mistake was not discovered till after they had been put In circulation. An attempt wiih inndo to get them Three of the bills wero recovered, hut tho fourth bill wns lost, Tho bill which Is the subject of this utory was tho lost bill. It accidentally camn Into the v-eslon, a short time ngo, of Mr. Gregg, n manufacturer ut Wiilllugfonl, Conn. He discovered It ns he wns paying olT his employes, nml was uncertain whether It was n$IO bill, n f ) lull, or no bill ut all Mr. O. H. Upton, of the lump company, paid Mr. Oregg flWU for It, It Is u national bank bill of thoBecoml National hank of Hpringllold, MnsH.; govern ment number, ',, DUI.TIKI; bnuk number, 1,515; number of bank, lHt. It wns printed .Inn. 5, ISO! I, and Is signed with tho curious nnd well known signature of F. K. Hpluncr. It has also the slgua'.uro of II. Alexander, Jr., tho president of the bank, Tho hill Is now frayed n Ilttlo on the edges, but It Is bright lu color. Mr. Upteu presented It to tho Importers nml Traders' bank nud to tho Chumlcnl bank for Inspection, nnd the bank experts pro nounced It. n good bill, nml nt first did not oliscrvo anything jiecullnr nlwut It. It Is n good bill, nnd its vuluo h $10. It Is said that Mr. Stewart, tho well known restntirnnt keecr, nnd Allen & Glutei-, tho tobacco nists, hne ofrei-cd 100 for tho hill. Mr. Upton said ho w uld not sell It for $1,000. Now York Star. B00KS,THREE CENTS EACH! Tlit fnllnnttiir linolm ftrn Mthlliliftl In Mrr. fttnl Inntir nf Ihtin Iisih nomolr lllii.tiitlril 1 Ji.litcl In stir luml or laniug, sml (iitnluli In tlio in of tlm fti'i'la n iiittimll iilimiuia it, in' ift iliiv m ttm innftt lilnltii rliien.i llintt Hi 'ilr t nfilch tiivy nro lit to tdloro.l. Kuril ono l ruuilcl In ll.flf i not mplil(it form, rtlnlcl frnni rimkI tf.l.ln tr on ri"l Iril limy nro wiiiinui Mrcllon tits mtuprtl lnnkn star I UU !. or tin, 'u'lo n iiiittnmlr to fi-niin IIMMI III mir ultinr MrlM llifi mtt wciln wuulil con tutor II. ft lYnnil nf IliA.Wnrlil. NtttMf. Ann OrilRN Cnn L1M trrttlll,ii mil lltu.lriilliili. nf lha tiut.l nni.i(nl Wftthisf ii.tnm n t fit, it. n V.ry lntr.,llnft .n I In.ltiirth Vtj.,M1prnr l,nN,l. A il,.rilllni, nl lt lit.lir fenlnLr rut .it I Itaiillhit tiling, lunnl at Ilia Wltoiit lil Ilia (i,..M, III, pmtu.a IIIii.IiaIIpii. "A I'lritaiirr lrrllnn," nml lltlirr Hkrlrlit-n. Itr "Jn.un AllaVa Wik ' A fulti-HInn ,l li tr.l.ilMr funny ll.lrli.a It? Ilia tnn.l fiitl.r tiimnrnli. wrllfr sill a il.y 'I ho iint Ki.IhIi I'nlur,, I, t'l . Annual, Anllmr at1 Ilia lln(( tStrnm.lil. ,t Imi.l tMlruloli.lJI falill Ufua .-Inat.r wa, rpMltn ' USImv Itnlnlt " i lirlalimia hlttrlia, i.jr lii.nira linar.a Contain, a nnmtffrnf iia in.lliaimln ClitiMnni. ainrlra m.i wrllLu br tliaa-rf1 t..t wiitrr iit,r I'.tit 1 41 sun. !. ,tni l-t. Ilnllllil tlm l:rtilliir l.uniji, .A l-Hltiil.liiil.a,i(tui,a, finMlMAti I ran -a tnr Ilia llllt h lia at linmi- I'optiliir llrvlliiltiHia ntiil I tin I on lira, liiiniftlnn., ilrama llaait t ialliii in in tln( all Ilia I. Ii-.l. S-. 1 an I nm.l iwvnlat- 1 Urn nt .Minlltll I Inn.. Contain. mr trail, an 1 1 lniniiii, ant t.ntnua .l! tii.ila Am.rtranMiom Hit lima nt fianhtlii In Ilia pt.fnl riunlllur tlilnfnllnna. tVnlatnlnc Ilia nililn an 1 author .lilpnf tnanr ilnatra litn,iirn!lr nt.l Int. a ting altl iwlit.l.a tlon. A valtlatila wntlt nt ,, .,ira l.otr In plrllrl. ilanf lil.iilfluf.. almoin. Ilia italk asla nf Ilia In tl.a ir.l rltr flfuilraKif Tlm Itnnil In Wrnllli. Not tn cliruiar tut a tlinmulMr iiarllral nik nlnllng nnl a waj by v-tlfh all may malia nmn.r m.IIv, ra, Slly an I linnf.lly Olin llnnilml I'nniilup hutia. ..nllin.nUl tjC I romtr, liirtn.tlnit inn.t r ilia ratmli.., n.w an I nil fir NnrPa llrlr, A II. Ilia Hat An... Pi A llnrl.tnl I tft". A Nnl Ily m.aiimllial .an An lllil Man' riftOrltlrn. A Nut, I, li; Ilia. Aa H. rsrH.aa. Tho t'urrrlthil llulilca. A Mtf.l lly II. T. 0ln 'I lin tllil,' liral. A Sot.l lly flu !. (Vi, J pat. Jt, I lin I'rarl ailtlmllrrun. A Natal, lit t'l BA Anal at.. Ilullntr Aal, Hull. A Noi.l, lly lli.giaat 'Uuiar. ItNtrrar.if I llirn llon.r. A Nnf.l, fly Ktta W. Tlktrt. . I mlrr Ihu l.llma. A hul.l. lly Ilia aallivr f " IMa llio, na " llin lllni.iiiii.l llrnctlrt. i Not.l, Ty III., Il..l W "HI IllUltHlliI 'llinLiiwyrr'aNrfrtl. A Nol, lly lli.all, r.Sainnar. I lin Mrni.tfii lii.i-i.r llr. JiUjII nml Mr, llyilu, A Ni.l Hy 11 T STavtN.nM. A M Irtr.l lllrl, A l..l tlrllttil'rril. Hat. 1. 11 ily uliirlli' IthirniiNila, A Kat.l. Hy "Taa tll'l M.R. " 1 llt'tntrn Ton Klna. A sn.n. py ina aninor 01 -uata Tlwirii - lltuMli-tMii I lin Muri nf llrrirl". ANnt.l tit It I. Paiukh. Ilnrla'a I iirliinr. ANnt.l lly rr nahai W Atntn. 1 A Mnrrlnnr. A Nnt.l, Hy lll.a Iluiuia. , 'I lin lliillly llltrr. A Sotrl HylVilalnCilllla. 'J In, I'l.l.on r Aana. ANnt.l llr t'l, f I imt llrmiar. A Kat.l. Hy lira. tla Won. '.irulrut tin, I'Alli-ra. A Kat.l lly lira Aitniim. A ilnyitrlKlil'a lliiushltr. A Niit.l, HyUr., Aati Pnw.aria rH.nalfif .... fit I r Imt fnl.r. A Nun I. y Iha aulltr af "I'dii Tlimn. " Ifn.friir.if l.unrii.ltr'i. ftibln. A Xo.,1, Sy lira, II. V Virtoa, ri,irrfir.,f linrrnrn ItlnHlno't Ur.ll,. A Not.l. lly Mr., lira. A, tlraiana Iuilrafli. Tho llmnuii llnttr. A Not.) Hy ir. J II. Stai..i. hflirurnU Ctabln. A Nut.l Ily II, T. CAtw.t, J-Wn trill naiiil tnr Imrnf Hi slmtti hnnlrslrrnisiltMial pM upnn rnrtlplnf mily III 'Villa nitti tat KA Trill ta.iirfuvnfi ivlor r.O I rnlai tho rnlltn llIH'llnii.lfiir IfHriifaitlm null 10 II. I liuuiul III llhcli.llili.uW.fiirnl ,lt. Tlilltlioirri'Ali'tlinr(tlnltllHiatiroriiltrrfil ll.ihiilfall InUkiiailtilltafflilf It, lltticflurivitdruriorilririirorrrirrniriilnl. I'o.t.Ro tinmint Ukuifiirfftcllnnanf sitnlUr An lunur tolUi'llllr, ftftr In tnr liiiarwr inililltlipil In Now Vnrk. Ilknwlan In I lin Ciimiin-rrUI Aarnclrn. All irrilorn fll'fil lif TUiutll. Adilreutlllclttti; J'.JI. I.UrXON,riiblt.ucr,:o UllMurruy Htreal.Naw Tffl- nion - Pacific - Railway The Overland Route. Shortest and Safest Route to all points in Hubert (liuirtl' Ualtlineru I'nlnee. Tho Gnrrett resldenco li u wonder of archi tectural nnd decorative nrti nnd Its forinnl (Ienlng, hy n (,'ruiid bull early lu .laninry, 1887, was the event of thnt ll.iltluiore season. Tho ground plan Is 00 by 100 feet; thero nro three storioj nml n bascuieut, wlthn solid front of brown stone. Tho Koncral style Is of I'reneli Ueunissnnce, but tlio ttestgncr til lowed himself much latitude. Tho main hall U that of an old Ihisllsh manor, nnd nil tho woodwork U of KiirIUIi black oak, elaborately carved, with panel decoration", chnlco paliitliiRS nud steel suits of mail. There U also n library fin ished lu luahognny, n dining room in tho Dutch stylo of tho Sixteenth century, a par lor upholstered In Gobelin taiicstry. with deep frieze' Of allegorical palntltigj, a won derful balcony and n conservatory, -10 by IX) feet In size, which Is n perfect paradise In fcrn3 nnd cxotlo flowers, witli bubbling foun tains nml waterfalls, over all of which Is n light soft as that of n full moon. Altogether, It Is n neighborhood nf which tlio possll-io colored orphan neighbors would have no caiiM) to feel ashamed. Tlio ival wonder of tho plnco, howovor, Is tho bathroom, modeled nftcr t'jnt of tho luxurious Louis XV of Franco. Tho celling Is in Imitation of lattice work, with vines nml (lowers; the iniuieuso lavcr (vulgnto voce, "tub") 1 1 of silver nnd Tennessee mar bio; the water conios in through brass pipes nml goVl plated fixture:, and all tho adorn ments aro of sybaritic elegance. l'hiladel phla News. A Iti'tlo tii rutrliitlotu. Whllo dredging lu tho harborof St. Johns, Newfoundland, preparatory to building n dock fur tho Colonial government, tho frame nud hod of n iiinkeu vcrsil was found. It was the wreck of the Ani'Tlcan privateer George, sunk hy tho Ilritinh man of war I'luto in Julv, 1181. ThoGeorgo nml another I rlvato r had captured n llritish ship outside tho harbor, nud were captured In turn by tlio Pluto. Tho George w-ns afterward sunk in the harbor. It is said sho was scuttled by somo of her crew to prevent her boing of service t ) tho llritish government. Her keel wna of English oak. When found by Mr. Simpson It was lu magnificent condition. There wns not tho leist sign of decay, ol- though It had lain In the wnter over 100 I year. Tho Arm turned it Into walking I sticks. It took n polish llko n mirror. Sev eral of theso sticks wero sent to Congressman CumtuingB nnd other members of tho houso ' recently. They havo silver handles and aro I ns lmndsonio canes ns wero ever turned out. I Ono of tho canes was also sent to President Cleveland, who values It very highly. Now York Evening Sun. Colorado, Utah, California, Montana. M Idaho, Oregon, Washing 'n Territory. Tnko the oMTluiiiinycr nml siivuunotlny to nil Paeine coast points. Till: UNION PACIFIC IS Till-: FUKIJ CHAIR CAR LINE. ltuuiiliiK Inlo Utilmi DepotH mnl t-oiineellmr wlllt the fust limited tnilnn or nil lliiifor n tiollitHCMHl, norlli mnl mnitli. Thimiuli Hi-I.cIm on minimi day eimelicH. Ilaumnio ulif eke tliioiiuhlo diminution fiiiiinill pnltitxeiiNl III the Unlit tl Hlnlis nml Ciiiuidit. Sleeper iiccouiinrJiitloiiH icucrvctl in tliroujjli Pullman Palace cars from tlio MUs u t her to the Pacific const. K. H. SLOSSON, Agent. KM I J) Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. K. L. LOMAX, .1 K TKIIIIETH. Ais, Gen. Pass, nml Ticket Agt. Gen. 1'nsH nml Ticket Act, T1IOV. L. K1MISALL. Acting General Manager. yRjt LiJUN UMACQUAIHTED WITH THE OEOOnAniV or THE COUNTRY, WILL ODTAIN MtJOir VALUABLE lUrOHMATION rilOM A BTUDY OF THIS MAP Or THE Ittiblnsteln'a rtiutii:rapllo Treasures. Rubinstein, tho plnnist, has innny photo graphs, hut none thnt ho cherishes moro dearly than ono of which ho Is accustomed to relatotho following tale. Ho was, at tho very outset of his professional career, about to glvo his first concert nt n town lu Russian Poland. Rubinstein sat at the bos ofllco all tiny, but not ti single person camo to buy tickets, and tho young musician had n sink ing feeling nt his heart. At last, however, a Polish Jew entered, ard throw down u rou ble, ashing for six scats. This rouble proved tho first of many thousands of coins that tho artist was to pocket during his career. Ycaw afterward Rubinstein ngaln passed through this Polish town, met his friendly Jow of old, nml had him photographed. This counter feit the pianist would net part with now for many roubles, New York Tribune Ulsldlng tlio Dote. Some pcoplo who havo observed that modi clno ordered by tho doctor Is seldom moro than half used get nhcad of the druggist by muling out what ho charges for tho wholo prescription and then ordering half of iU New Orleans Times-Democrat. J$? JZTr?&&&-' j Jjftwyfr'oi.ia V-Ml-'aJtW' 'l iMtiiWiMi'iiiiii in iiiimim rmn-ii -- - tt i riniMi m nmriivwtW CH6CAGO. ROCK ESLAND & PACIFIC R'Y. Us cnntrnl position nnd cloa oonnoouon with Rtistorn llnoa nt CMcnao ...l, ,n S lin. t . nlnnl rinlntl Wnnt. MortllWOnL. mid BOUtll- wont, mnko It tho truo mld-llnk in that tranticontlnontul chain of ateol which Miilton ttio Atlantic nnd Pacific Itu niuln Uuob and branchoa lncludo Chl- nnd rntro. Jollot. Ottnw lltl, inlu nnrnnnni't V it Lliortj , town MiiinnUiio. Vfiahlnirton. KiUrflckl. Ottumwa. Oalcaloor-.o. l 1-,.-.. V,vl . a lnillrmnln M1"!, Irtartf AtlllTlflo Tv,-n. y'4i"V",?i jl -j. ?"","'v " .V ";rrv.t v.:;,vr'rt'oii.iv; vino, Autiuuon, uarmn, uuiiut" ..i iu.- u"" 2t,""y " i-.',v " . ",' ,"""-' , Tron'.on, Cnmcn.i.Si JoEoph i.xul Kaneau City. In iiiusovrt , Lonvcnv. t rtli nnd Atdiloon, in iCunsaa; Mt.inoupollo ftiul 8t iiJ, In h..nncaota; Wutor- WaStJpuaWklni A Email flpurt. Citizen (to Italian who Is making the dirt fly) Why are jou so very Industrious, Gari baldi; do jou feel that you ought to caru your wages I Garlbaldl-BI, slguorj boss lok-. Tho Cpoclu BLEEPING CAItfe.und (botwoon Cld.'npo, St. Jqsiiph. Atchit n and Kane us Cltyi I--' UU Uliuf-ININO CHAIR CARS, aoatn KREIi tc tioldore of through ilrot-cl. JBtlckots THE CHIOACO, KANSAS & NEBRASKA R'Y (CREAT ROCK ISLAC!n ROMTF Krtontla waai nnd oouthwoet from, Kcno.- city and St. JoBoph to Fair, bury, Nolnon, Horton, Topoka, norlncfton, Iliitchlnot. u, Wlchltu, CaldVJ-oll, aiiUriu points in Bouthoni N bv. .1:.-. Intorinr I' .ncuo and bi.yoml, .tntlrv niu.jonifor onuipmont of th- colobratocl Pullman mrnm cturo. bolldlybnl In Jtod trade of lioavy otoi. 1 mil. Iron and otorio t.-ldrrco All rnxfoty r.piillancca and modom ln.provnmoi.t3. Commodloua, woll-bullt ututtonB. Colorlty, cor tuinty, comfort und luxury nsHurod THE FAfAOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Iatho fiivorlto botwon Ohlnfro, Rook Island, Atchloon, Kannnn City, ami Vir i" Tjolhiand .t i'aui T u t i.irijt routito all TT-rtiiorn ESuuimor Rc3rrttv It j V7. fjrtown Braneli irav. e j tu nnauctlvo i lnndn of the ;Ertat "rhoi"t nd dulry bolt" oi Northorn Iowa, South voutcrn MlnncBota, end Enst- uonirniunuoui. T botv Atohlsou T.V,r-fl pon Ticket Ottluo inthoXJnltodStatoaor Ciumdu,, oruUdrona E. ST. JOHN. E. A. HOLEJROOK, QoneralKiaaicr. tllllO VG IMa. 'ho Short Line Vlll ttonoca linn iiii:insuouiiji-auiiioi-iar ihcihiiuj t" i j-- 70oii Cincinnati. IiuUuniinollo, Lufayotto, rndCounoll Blullb, bt.Josorh, . licnvon rorth, Krmnd City, Mlnnoapouii, ana t. l'nui. rtir.tru,rt. Koldoits. or tvnv doslrod Information, unnly tounyCou Oon'l Ticket & X'ass'r Agent. K 1 tt VMtM -ikAbM 'to.i.'hruiA ? yiww',-vwfp' wis v.tfjH 'wmnBiir mut r ci; r ,rww-w- rift t ATOIBKyyiMWl11 ' Cl JlTPl'f '