Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, September 08, 1888, Image 1

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    - yrrirn
Vol, 3. No. 30
Lincoln, Nisduahka, Saturday, SicnncMincu W, 188M
V "
fr ; ".
KFOHE tho waits was over
Tlioy sought a moment'
brief respite
Out of tho whirl and whero
tho light
Was go ft and mellow.
And there lu hnpplncss nlono
They sat mull tho Unto had blown
A tt 111 to drown tho final tono
That nllcd tho 'cello.
OutsUlo tho window they could boo
Tho snow upon tho winter tree,
Whoso twigs otico trembled with tho glee
Of Eiimmer's swallows.
And wlillo upon this scono Intent ,
They gazed, a my of sentiment
Appeared, and conversation went .
Bomowhat an follows:
. r
"Clarissa" hero ho paused n while
To contcmplato Clarissa's smllo . s
And polish uphls verbal stylo; "
She, lightly drumming
Her fingers ou tho window, lest,
KmbatTosscd, ho forget tho rest,
Oavo him n chance and meanwhile guessed
Just wliat was coming,
"Clarissa" hero ho took her band ,
To help his rhetoric to land;
Bho let him hold tho fingers, and, r
Ily squcczo Judicious,
And gcntlo turning of her head, .
Bho punctuated what ho said fr
An action which, Interpreted,
Meant "How delicious I" S
'Clftrivn, darling" after thcio
Ho suffered an cmphntlo squcczo
"I love you" hero upon his knees,
lu truo dovotlon,
Ho knelt before Clarissa, who
Was all uncertain what to do;
Her heart seemed practicing a now
Eccentric motion.
Tlicn, llko a fervent worshiper,
Ho told bis In'ods of lovo to her;
Said bo: "Clarissa, 1 prefer
To mako llfo's journey
Along tho paths of Paradise"
Ho said that scutenco over twice,
And thought it Hounded rather nlco
For on. attorney.
"I'm poor," ho said (Lovo'o truest art
Makes this a sotto voce part),
"nut if you'll promlso mo your heart
In sweet surrender,
Wo shall not want for sordid gold;
Clarissa, you are wealth untold
You nro" tho metaphor was bold
"My legal tender."
Frank Demstcr Sherman fa Life.
Tho Arizona Kicker,
rrovcmler. Our birthday occurs next week
Friday that IhsIur our Uilrty-iUth and nuy
Itttlo reminder sent in by tho public will bo
warmly appreciated. Wo stand in ueed of
shirts, socles, neckties, collars, etc., and it
baa been suggested Uinc io 'auics organuo
and contrlbuto to n generous outfit.
Somo of cur friends declare that, in viow
of what Tho Kicker has douo for this local
ity, a purso of $103 should lo presented to us
by tho men. Wo should bo thankful, of
course, and moro thankful If it was made
$150. An editor should bo modest, howovcr,
and wo simply throw out tlicso fow sugges
tions without any thought of being personal.
P. S. Wo wear n No. 15 collar and tho
shirts should bo full in tho back.
Moro Wind. Professor Hose, who hit this
town last spring to got up n class in music,
and who has been hero on his uppers over
&luco, doesn't llko our way of dealing with
him. Because wo suggested last week that
ho quit (load beating find pick up tho pick or
t&orel, ho is around town calling us a fugl
tlvo from justico and asking why tho police
iVon't do something.
Qontly, professor. When wo left Xcnla,
O., tho sheriff patted us on tho back and loot
us half a dollar. Wo aro tho only man is
this town who doesn't turn polo when tho
stage comes in, and tho only ono who doesn't
break for tho sago brush when it is nnnouncod
that tho United States marshal is here. Wo
nin't rich or pretty, but wo aro good, and tho
professor is barking up tho wrong tree. Wo
don't bear him nny ill will, but tho professor
must retract his statements nbout us or wo'll
drop a lino to Pinkefion asking if Ynller
Jim, alias Professor Koso, isn't wanted some
where. Detroit Freo Press.
Wanted, u lien.
A man who subscribed to The News for
threo months writes: "I want to pay for my
subscription, but I'm a little short of money;
so I send you a half dozen eggs. If you'll
put 'em under a scttlu1 hen thoy'll hatch out
enough chickens to pay for a year's subscrip
tion." Now, this Is n now way to pay debts:
but If somebody will glvo us a hen wo will
try tho experiment. binlthvlllo (Oa.) Now
At (.'iMlimnii l'nrk,
Tho fnrowell concert given by Mrs. Wolier
at Ciishmnii Park last Sunday was a delight
ful event nud a largo audience w.ih present to
enjoy tlio nlfalr. Asldo from this tho pleas
nro seeker enjoyed the cool breezes and
fclindy ret i cats of the park, together with the
swings, linnuuock.s and numerous other fea
tures. Cushiiiau Is a favorlto siot to enjoy
in afternoon.
KlngHteear's, flue boots and shoes, lull) Out.
Hcrlbneisiiingnriuound tho CouuiEli wil
be sent to nny address ono year for $11.35. Let
us hear from you.
No one can a ironl to neglect n cold ; cat an h,
chroulo brojichltls nnd consumption are caus
ed by neglecting common colds. Take Chain
berlnlu' Cough Hemcsly mid cure it while you
ran. Bold by W, J, Tut tier.
Chnmberlaln's Colic, Cholera and Dlarrluea
lleinisly Is tho most etfcct pieimriitlon in
use for bowel complaint. It acts ipiick, can
always lie ilejieiidisl uK)ii and i pleasant to
tnk. fold by W. J. Tuuicr.
A l'ot pititrl of Notes About the Spurt mid
Personals About Wheelmen.
All contribution under this bead sent to
"IMilly" cum of TllK Cut'lllKIt, not Inter than
Thursday noon, will receive prompt attention and
space In this ilcimrtnu'iit. TnK CnimiKH In tho
only recognized Journal lu Lincoln for 'cycler
and nil pacrM or Items pertaining to this great
and growing rt w III bo thankfully received.
O 0 linker, Mnnitou.
Tho roads nro dusty, awfully mi.
A race Is talked of, to tnko placo during
tho ensuing week. Tho particulars could not,
bo lean iel.
JohnC. Itonuell rides a victor safety nud bo
does it very gracefully, Mr. It, should ho n
Do not forget. Meellng! When! Monday
evening. What time? Light o'clock. Whurof
Cormrm olllce.
Bovrrvl young men who lmvo no wheels nt
present, but who i.xkwI to get ono soon, will
bo on hand at tho meeting.
II. A. Adiiins while working ou tho fair
grounds ride to and from It on his wlieel.
Wlint Is tlio use of havlli; ti wheel If you do
not live It?
An WHilogy Is duo tho reader of this col
urn for tho non-npioarancoof anything under
this head last week. Tho writer was visiting
until the Couiuini had gone to press.
Hlneo Mr. Addis' departuro tho Coliiiulila
xxplo havo not been represented in Lincoln.
Arrangement nro being now made with n
good house which may terminate to great ad
vantage to tho young men of this city.
Hoveral, wo may say a dozen attempts,
havo liee'i made to organize a club of riders
in Lincoln without success. At least llfteen
young men havo been Interviewed and they
havo all slgnllled their intention of becoming
memlicrsnud helping tho cause along. All
who wish to form a bieyolo club please meet
Moiulnv evening nt 8 o'clock at tho CouniKU
olllce, b.osoment of Iturr block, llenieuiltor
thotluionnd place nnd do no', forget tutu
there is material enough to mako a good club.
Wo havo been disappointed so oftou that wu
havo concluded that this should bu tho great
est nud last attempt.
Looks I. Ike New.
Thestoro rooms of Messrs. II. It. Nlssloy &
O'o, havo all been remodeled and renovated
nnd now nrescnt a very attractive npcni
Tho ceilings n:u much higher, thus giving tho
promises moro light, moro room, and gives
to it tho appearance of a new plnco of bust
ncss. Their continued success is gratifying
to their many friend?.
Tlio V. C. A, Slate I'.ilr Kxeluinge.
Tho Indies of tho W. C. A. havo all arrange
ments completed to recelvo patrons, nt their
dining hnll ou thu stnto fair gioimd which
opens to dny and from now until after thu
tho fair, tho ladles will servo oyster large,
flnu and fat, In any style, with coffeo, nt reiu
ouablo prices. Ycu will Had their plnco con
veniently located, Ixilng near to each hall.
Everything will bo cooked lu ho'Lo llko style,
served by tidy waiters and nothing but tho
pure nnd wholoomo will Ihi used in the prepa
ration of this favorite dish.
Tho ladles havo tho exclusive right to servo
oysters on thu giouudnud tho CouniKU trusts
tbey will Iks well repaid for their labor and
tiiidei taking.
IiiviMu)'h Hoy.
About as happy a mini at the Count Kit has
ever seen was D.ivld May Wednesday. His
a hoy and like its futhur is corpulent, healthy
.and good lonk'ug. It is tho llrxt Ixirn nnd
Dave says It is a dandy for a starter. Mother
and sou are doing well and when l'np.i May
comes to from tho excitement and joy, it is
excctcdhd will Ikj convalescent. At any rata
hero is long llfo nnd protporlty to tho junior
of tho May family.
A Serious Qunrrcl.
"What time did young BamiD-on lenvo last
night, Clara!" asked her papa.
"It wns after midnight," replied tho girl,
with n haughty sneer. "Wo had a quarrel,
nnd I bado him good-by forover."
"If you quarreled, I wonder ho didn't leavo
"Wo didn't legln quarreling until nearly
10 o'clook." Now York Sun.
Solid with tlio Dog.
"Ocorge, dear," said Mabel, "I thought
you nnd papa wero not very good friends."
"Woll, yes, that's so to a great oxtcnt, Pit
sorry to say."
"Why, then, did you send him that grea
big hnudsomo bulldog V
"Why did I send him that dogP George
smiled a tender, thoughtful, far away smllo.
"You see, dearest, that dog and I nro old
friends." Merchant Trnvoler.
Valor anil Discretion,
"Now, then, my hearties," said n gallant
captain, seeing that his men wero likely to
bo outnumbered, "you havo n tough battlo
boforo you. Fight llko heroes till your jxiw
dcr'sgouo tlieuruu. I'm n Httlo lnmo, I'll
start uowl'
Tho Caiiwi.
"Isn't tho baby a woo Httlo thing lor seven
"Oh, not so very. Ho's small nnturnlly.
They feed him on condensed milk." Har
per's Buzar.
ltossl, tho Italian tragedian, Is said to bo
about to rotiro permanently from tho stage.
That prokibly means a "fnrowell" visit to
tho United Btatcs. Lowell Courier.,
A riyuwny Jokn.
"It's a perfect nugel of u houso," said she.
"All wlng, 1
suppose," said he. Harper'
(If Interest to Mimical 1'eoplo.
KorHoiiin time ast several of our most
talented vocalist havo been (udavoring to
havo Mr. Fannin lvellogg llaehertcoineto
Lincoln senil weekly toglvo lions In singing.
Mr, ll.iehurt is nt present making her honit
in Oinalmand having Ikhii olTeiisl a number
of pupils its a couituoucenieiit has conwuted
to visit Lincoln every Tuesday and Friday
until January llrst, afuu' which date sho will
ivttirn to IIimUiii, UlsH.'areely neceitsjiry for
tho CouniKU to M' who Sirs, ltarlvert Is, for
all who are a.-ipinlntod with thu higher
branches of music know of thu lady by iep
utatlon, Hlio has condnclisl the suveral
Amerhviu roucorU tour of thu celebrated
Fanny Kellogg Concert Company, lias lieen
tho leading vwallst with Theodore Thomas
concert, .Mendelsohns concert, llilgnollo
and other of tho very best inusleal iittrao
tlons ever presented to tho publle
Asuunrtlsto of talent nud coiiiiotcnt to
Instruct lu this charming art. lu Its highest
courses wo know not her eipnl and It Is cer
tainly fortunate for tho musically Inclined of
Lincoln to have niieh an opiortunity to uc
ipilre the higher rudiment. Already Mr.
Ilachert has a large number of pupil bo
sides many of Madame Weber' scholar and
other desiring to receive instructions may
leave their order and lecelve full Informa
tion nt the looms fonneily occupied by Ma
iliiuio Weber, In thu Odd Fellow block, cor
ner Kleventh and L strisji, or Mr, Mr.
Ilachert may be cousuhed K'ionally at tho
above locality on TucNlay next.
Had r.nougti to Last.
Woman (to tired tramj), who Ls resting nt
tho gate) If you'll como 'round to tho back
door I'll glvo ye a pleoo o' plo." (
Tired Tramp Thunks, ma'am, not any;
you gavo mo a pleco of plo when I passed
through tbls section last summer.-
Uncle From Wyoming,
Messrs Geo. McArthur. John Mtout, Will
Maxwell, Frank and Charllo Iturr, who have
1m?cii enjoying sjiortsuiiinsllfoonUio Wybinliig
frontier for tho past month returned home last
Friday. The boys look pretty well tanned up,
nud report having a delightful time. Tlioy
tell so'ma.vory iuterestitg stories about the
deer nnd lienr, and of course tlioy nro gener
ally considered to bo just right.
A quiet wed ling took place Wednesday
minting at the home of Mr, George Fisher
mill It street lu which the most interest d
ixirtios wero Sir. A. 11, Warner nud Mis
CoraK Fish-r. Tha Hiv. Dr. Wools timl
nuptial knot In presonco of but n fow imme
diate relatives and friends.
Mr. Warner Is a resident of Hiltimore, but
formerly a western young man nud both
were nt one tlnio students attlio.Iiio. Hop
kins university, whore it Is said their direc
tions wero kindled. Tho happy twain left on
tho 1 :-(l p. in. train tho saina d ty for their
now homo in Italtiuiore.
A Very I'leasitnt IJIitli I ty,
Wlillo II, Hargieaves and John W. Har
greaves received Roiiio fifty young friends at
the family rcideneo l2.) M street Wednes
day afternoon. The occasion wn the cele
bration of Wlillo' twelfth and Johnnie'
eighth blrthdny. Tho afternoon was pleas
antly passed In the umuemuut knuwu only
to juvenile life nnd when tluio for serving
refreshments nrihol all hands enjoyed a
sumptuous feast. It was a gay tlin 3 for the
young folks and one that will linger long In
their minds. Tho joins thn friends
of the boys in wishing them a long life of
health and happiness.
lintel New.
Dick Johnson tho Capitol's head cleik ac
companied by his wife in much belter health
returned fiom Hustings .Sunday.
Tho Windsor rotunda has leeii tnslefully
decorated and other Improvement nbout the
betel mo characterlo of Landlord Criloy's
enterprise in conducting n first-class hotel.
Tho now addition to the Lludoll hotel
makes that hostelry nuother valuable ad
junct to Lincolus hotel facilities. It will
bo ready for uso during fair week and will
accommodate n largo number of extra
The wulk In front of tho Capital hotel has
l5it lowered to the grade and a small (Kirch
built in front of tho olllce. It gives the
exterior of tho buildlnga better upMMiratice
and adds much lo thu looks of Eleventh
street in that vicinity.
10.000 Cleared Ily Illinium.
From a closo estimate It Is learned that It .ir
nuin' not rcelpts for two performances on
Thursday was $10,000. This llgure seems high
but when tho fact is cousldrcd that tho large
tent holds 15.000 jieople and of that 1,000 are
reserved iitAU cents eiHi, extra, tho side bIiow.s
wero visited by thousand at two M.'i'formau
ces it is easily believed that Itanium cleared
all of $10,000. It is claimed by many that he
netted inoio tliaii that amount but for one
ikiy'u busInesH, that Is a pretty fair average.
At CiihIiuiiiii Toinnrtow,
The park tomorrow will bo visited by Itish
op Kkinner and n large choir who will enter
tain the visitor with interesting addresses
and enchanting music. It will lie a big Bun
day, and ns overj body is going out you can
not nITord to mis being there. Tho springs
are still p luring out their crystal purity, tho
hammocks and w fugs still alToiil a cool resort
for nil and the boats w ill lent your command
tho same nsevir. Tialn start at 'J o'clock
sharp and it only cost 15 cents for tho round
trip. He on baud promptly.
Prof. F. M, GIlH-ault has removed his musi
cal studio from tho Lodwith block to the Llu
doll hotel. Pupils intending to take lessons
in music, harmony or composition will pleaso
HRiil - y
slslsrfWTI 1 1 1 M r Tt JUlt-'S.-
Twenty Thousand People at Two Per
litiltieniu I'lensed Willi the ('Ileus.
Itanium has count mid gone, the glare of
the golden chariot, tho man lu thecage with
(lie wild brnst, tlio camel elephant and the
gorgooils parade In general linger fresh In our
memory, We have seen Ihu grand menagerie,
the nIiIo-kIiow nud the hundred and one vari
ous circus acts, the two rings going at once
togethei Willi the various ft-atmes of the
singe lu the eriitcr. Tho ninny sight have
bewildered the masses nud all hands join lu
saying that lliruuui still maintains the dis
tinction among in my as being the king of
The jierf irinauce was characteristic for
the newness of alinoit every act uudlurlu
the entertainment no action or word wit
uttered that would olTuiul the morality of
nuyoiio. It was also notable that theclowns
who were numerous, failed in got oil" nny of
the usual i lowu ehestiiuiN or lui uutique
song, In fact of Into year ll.iriiuui has not
allowed the clown to priug Jokes of nny
kind. If a clown, by hi cnei:i cannot
amuse the audience w it limit using his mouth,
he Is not wanted. The pirafraualla was all
new nud nltraellve, thu lemouailoiind peanut
vender we extinct much to the delight of
the audience, nud the entire circus from thu
front door in thn first tent to the llual attrac
tion in the last and largest tent was enjoyed
by overybo ly, Many wonderful foil, well
given mid we would I'ke toeuumeraU) them,
but there were too many nud time and spare
J will not iermit. It was a line si ovv nud the
nuillojtoo which packo I tlu tent applauded
loudly to show their appreciation.
" rrrjovalnky m ill Trnrfd.
Hussla's most brilliant explorer, Gen. Pro
Jwrilsky, starts In n few day in quest of now
discoveries hi Central Asia. Ho takes with
him n, lino equipment nud n force of forty
men, expects to Ik) gono two years and hopes
to do for tho geography of western Thibet
xthnt ho hns already accomplished during his
four previous Journey in eastern Thibet
mid lu a great region north nnd northeast of
that country. Ha will try once moro to reach
Llasa, but itwill not bo surprising If ho falls.
Ho hns already been twlco repelled on his
way to tho holy city of tho Ituddhista, whoso
approaches nro now moro Jealously guarded
than over.
Gen. Projovnkky has dono far moro than
ny other explorer to open tho sealed liook
of central Asia. The man who has given to
tho mnps tho great mountain rnngo of tho
Altiau-tagh, which buttresses on the north
tho lofty Thibetan plateau, nnd who wns tho
first to trace tho source of tho lloang-ho
nnd tho Ynusto-klang ns they spring from
tho Kucn Ltiu mountains, deserves to rank
among tho first explorers of his time. Ho
wo:) tho first traveler In modern times to
visit Lako Lob, described by undent writers,
and ho mado tho surprising discovery that
at tho west end of this salt lako its waters
aro sweet nud potablo whore It receives thu
Tnrlm afljuont. Ho was tho first traveler
MiiccMiif-co Polo, six centuries ago, to boo
tho wild camel of tho Lob desert, and ho has
enriched tho museums of his own country
with thousands of specimens of tho Imper
fectly known Horn and fauna of tho lofty
plateau and Immense desert of central Asia.
Iltit tho greatest of Prejovolsky'sdlscovciics,
and ono that deserves to rank with tho most
uotnblo achievements of 8cko and Stan
ley, Is tho fact ho mado known
that an uninterrupted, gignntio mountain
wall stretches from tho HoangOio to tho
Pamir, dividing tho loftiest plain of thocaith
into two jiarts the Mongolian desert on tho
north and the Thibetan plateau ou tho south,
regions that aro as perfectly distinct in their
geology, flora, fauna, and inhabitants as
though many hundreds of miles stretched be
tween them. Now York Bun.
Hopeful Sign of Civilization.
It Is n hopeful sign of American civiliza
tion that nover before in tho world's history
wero thoro so many men of wealth using
their wealth as a trust, not as n private pos
session. I visited not long since ono of the
largest single coal mine owners in Peur.iyl-
vauta. Ho had built up In tho wlldcniem n I
villngo with 5,000 jiopulation. No roof cov
ered moro than two tenements; overy tcno-
ment hnd about It ground for n garden plot, i
Tho day school was kept open ton mouths in
tho year; evening schools afforded special j
facilities for such us wished to pursuo special
studios; n great hall furnished thorn '
with opportunity for every kind of I
recreation, from n ball to a lecture; a free
library and reading room gavo an even
ing lounging placo frco from U'er nnd to- I
bncco; thero was not a liquor shop in tho
town; tho ladles of tho mansion enuinncd i
every year a Christmas treo for tho children
of tho village, dressing many out of tho bun-
dreds of dolls with their own hands; but
i..t,... if n .i. i ...i.. ...i
i.,tw ,,.a uvow V. U(, ,UUUlllUI Ul I1JUJV, UIIU I
land, and cottages lived lu tho midst of I
his workliigmcu, nnd administered with his
own hands tho e&tato which furnlshod tho
1,000 workingmen with employment, tho !
5,000 villager with bread, and homes, nnd I
life. I thought how ft would havo delighted '
tho heart of grim old Carlylo to havo visited
Drifton, and how even John Ilusklu would 1
lmvo found something to praise lu such n
m'nlng comniuulty. Ablxitt In Tho
Including lints from Stilps,
A Philadelphia:! has Inventoil n patent np
pliunco for a hawser which is intended to
prevent n rut from climbing up on a vessel,
Tho atcut is an appliance, shaped liko a ,
funnel, over which tho varmints can neither
crawl nor climb. If this invention, should '
work it would mako tho pa tenteo n fortuno;
but old sailors don't think that anything can '
keep rats out, and they declnro that If thov
(thu rats) could not get ou board sliljia any
other wny they would swim out and crawl ,
up tho slippery sides of the boats. No ono
appear to bo nblo to say why tho wharf rats
havo taken such a fancy to Philadelphia this
summer. Kvery vessel that comes into tho
port brings a swarm of tb;m here, but tho
veaiels which nro outward bound havo very
ferrof these unwelcome passengers aboard.
Philadelphia Record.
An Important l'.lenicut
Of tho sueccvs of Hood' Bnmaixirllla Is the
fact that every purschnser tecelvc a fair
equivalent for his money. The familiar head
Hue "100 Dose One Dollar," stolen by imita
tor, is orlglnul with nud true only of Hood'
Sarsaparilln. TuU enn easily Iw proven by
nny one who desire to test the matter, For
real economy, buy only Hood' Barsaiwrllla.
Bld by nil druggist.
No ICslilblt This Venr.
The CouniKU regret very much that It
will not be able to make an exhibit this year
at the state fair of tlio work done In It lob
dejiartmeul, tt was the aim of the man
ager of thatilrpaituieut In have a neat and
haudsomu display, showing the excel'ciit
w oik of the olllce lu way of nitpiltit'ng, line
stationary and cngi living, lu fuel, of the
latter wo bad nl toady prepared KamplrHshnw
Ing engraved wink of wishtlug Imitations,
iiiiiioihicciiipiiIh, calling cards, bull nud paity
programs, etc,, all of the latest ihslgtm and
newest st.lcsof ait.
It was our pleasuie last year to receive first
premium and the featuroof havlugone of our
piesses on Ihn gtouuil. However, so much
work has been brought totheollhewlthlu the
pnntwrck that Ithas lieen nn utler Iniposlbll
lly to even think of taking time to prepare for
tlieexhlbll. However, we shall bepleiiMil to
see our friends and the public at our olllce in
tlio 1 tin i block nudshow tin-in our every day
display of pilnlid unit cngi aved novcltle.
lewlsll llnllilll) m.
The Jewish New Year 57 III commenced
Thursday. Hervlce went held by Hie leforuusl
congiegallon Wednesday even'ng nud Thur
day morning nt tlio (In mini Al. M, Chinch,
mill and M Ht.iniil tlieoilliiiiloxcongicgatloii
Good Tiinplnis ledge mom on O hticcl, near
Fifteenth Tlio day In the Hebrew tongue I
ciilhsl " itosh-a bono" and dale fi om the lib I b
of Jiidinsin.
Next Kalunlay Is Hie day of atnnrment
known nH"Yoin-'klppur."Hervlii' will Imi he-Id
at the same plm-cn Fildny evening in d Kat-
urdiiy mottling, nnd a general Invitation Is ex
tended to the public to be present at the re
fo lined congregation on At Hlreet, Air. Iloso
iiuu, an uble Itnbbl from Clovchud, who con
dueled the exercise Thursday will Ihi present
and a his sermon will be delivered lu Kugllsh
It w 111 gh e the public an opportunity to bain
much a to the Jewisl' theory of belief. Kxcl
cut music will ho furnished by tho choir.
With thn Hottentot nnd lliishuian nnd tho Terra
del I'ueglnii
lie hnd fought with frenzM fury, so bo said.
At tlio l'nlagontnu giant lie bad burleJ IiIj proud
And bad pnlntrsl nil the Bandn leh Island red;
(To had niailonllthoiinthcHscatterlii tlio Jungles
of Slnbrntta,
From t'ie Itlo do la I'lntn to tlio sources of the
II.) swept With his bravado realms of khcdWoand
And regulated nil tho rnrlb In true Imperial
With tlio entiimoutit and tiger and tho Abymvlu.
Ian lion
lie bad grappled sluglo bunded nud had never
I'vcry sM)ntliig blpiKipotninus bo got bis raglo
eye on
Was sure In lay out, first or last, a dead brute
, at bis feet
With bis blazing eye n-brlghteiilng bo would dash
nbout n-frlghtcnlng,
Just like lubricated lightening lunging through
tlio thunderstorm,
Frightening w lib this facial fcaturo every savage
Audumko.tho slullng ntinasphcro superflu
ously wnniu
Then his wlfo como In tho grocery store sorry
In tho mlddlo of a story on tho Jungle of
ho fuiigbt n Ixifi constrictor and came otT s
blwMly victor
When thoiu'tieiitinodvoiirtv chased lilm with
Intent to till.
And sho took III tit by tho collar, bado tho timid
suppliant follow,
And ho heard tlrjfrllow "holler" like a doomed
uoul for tils slnu,
"Como," tlio said, "nnd have somo gumption, 1
want yt u for homo consuiiiptimi,
And wlillo 1 do the washing joii must entertain
tho tvln."
-B. W. Toss lu Yankee Illodo.
A Nutural Solution.
An nlmoii.l eyed wnshermaii boanled a
cablo car yesterday with his hamper of
clothes. As tho grip tienred thu corner whero
ho was to get oir, tho driver, who is n good
naturcd Irishman, said ton passenger: "Dy'o
see that hnythuut Watch mo and sco inu
throw him."
At tho corner tho Cclestlul made n leap,
nnd tho driver npphed his braku so a to give
tho grip a lurch. The lauiidrymnu turned a
somersMult lu tho air, enmo down ou his feet,
grinned, nud asked s
"What lo mrttei stllng bloke (glnf
Chicago Mall.
Care In Diet.
Mr. Shciitpcrkhont (at hotel table, n sum
mer resort) Mciu craciousl Isaac, you lit
tle vooll Vat fvor you nsk for bretl
Littlo Isaac I runt bret mlt my meat,
I w,r' . ftMmWMMU-,
' vanU. bret ven bret sell
I oaf' n" L h Bn l rat " '
I 1 pay llfo tollai-a a do;
Mr, Bhentpcrslient Shust hear tint! Ho
for only fife rent u
knvator olT n loaf, an'
pay llfo tollars a day at dU hotel. Hem.
Isaac, cat dis Iwttlo olf olives. Dey cot von
tollarn bottle. Tho Cartoon.
A Conversation OTrrliearil.
"Why! Don't you l.ko itl"
"Yes, but donV'-Life.
Eugll.h In KnrUliud.
English Is wrote at Karlslwd by a "tulIeT"
In this way: "IIonornbloBIrl I tako me tho
liberty, to mako you attentive on my Ktab
lisscment. Them I please you, to favour mo
by somo uses of clothes, with jour visit, and
always keep a largo cholso of cuglisch,
franch, nud bruuuer materials and clothe
shall mado to measure on tho best and no west
facon; and I nm llko ready to full full your
esteem wiuhes." Now York Bun.
l9sWT3r A5iWB'' Ptl2 R'
A Prospectus mill Itevlew of Aiiiuseiiinut
Ml the I'mibe,
There was a large audience at P'unko Wisl
uesilay evening (o wo HoyU now skit, "A
Tlu Holdler," and there wasn largo niidletioo
thoiiiuglily pleasisl with I ho very clever
eomisly "A Tin Holdler" makes no proton
tlons to be n tragisly or I, moralizing drama,
but simply n lot of umiHcnso run lit together
and eallisl a "A Tin Hiildl-r." It Is satirical
on Hie Plumber nud rhows to what extent n
(rado limy Ihi burlesqued. Thn muslu I
catchy anil s.iveral new aim pleads I the audi
ence. Kiigcno Ciinllold a unuil brought
down the houso and wa the center llguro In
the piece,
The Andrew drainallu roinpany hn (ho
hoard nt (hi Mipulnr house mid the attrnc.
lion oircrcd the public none lew t linn Hip
Vim Winkle, preseiibsl with u wealth of fine
eo.tuiiilngmid shcIiiI scenery. In tho pi In
clpnl mlo Mr. Fiod G. AndmwH, agontlemaii
or rnroahlllly lor the part will he soon, as
sisted by Miss (leitiudo AndrnwH aHGret
rhi'M. The piece Is In tlinsi iu-Ih and I snld by Die
press, prcKoiiled In n pralsewoilliv manner.
The company hiipKirtlug Mr. Andrew hn
beonenicfully selectisl end the play tonight
promise to Im) all iibln produetioii cf this
eelebralisl piny. The eoinpnny rarrle It
own orchestra, and some excellent muslu may
For the week commencing Monday tho
opeia house iimnagement has secured an en
giigemenl or sir night and matinee of thn
Justly iKipular anil tulenled Iviitlo Piitnnir
with her roinpany of inctroolitau arlM.
To our city theatre goer, wo inxsl say noth
ing by way or hitioductloii for ovrrj lover of
thedruma In Lincoln known full well tho
merit of this combination, To our vliltoi
Tin: would like to say, that If they
have an evening to spine during tho week,
they will not Hud n h etter place to put ltiu
than at the ox-ra house.
Tho play to lie presented aro of a high
order, several of which nro tho proeity
of and exclusively presented by Mis Put.
nnmsniniiiiuy. Following I tlio rcpartolra
for the engagement: Monday , Krma tho
Klf jTuesday, L-iin, tho Madcap; Wednesday,
Littlo Itaieloot; Thursday, Old Curiosity
Hhop; Friday, Little Dotectlvo; Hatiirday,
Pearl or Huvoy; concluding with u grand
matlner Hat unlay afternoon nt two o'clock.
Regular pi Ices of ndmlsslnu and reservisl
seat mav bo had at the sbige entrance as
iiMiml on Twelfth sticet,
Helen Limout will head the H'elson Coinlo
0K'rn Coiiipaiiy,
Jowph Murphy will ls-gln on Heptimber
10th a season which he is to continue for
thirty-six week.
"The Iopiechnun,', nn Irish comedy -drama
by Col, Mlllkeuniid Ilmiind Mortimer mado
a hit in Philadelphia last week,
Kydnoy Drew, who has made a hit In "A
L-gnl Wreck" at the Madison Hi pi are Thrall e,
has Ixs'ii engaged for two yeniH.
Hose Chglilmi lias leased a handsome house
lu New Yoik adjoining thu residence of Hob
eit Mautell ou Nluely-llftli strict.
Manager McKovuolds is urrnugliig to have
the walk In front of thu opera house llliiml
nnted each evening during the fair.
Mr. William O'Sulllvaii I)iiupfel-yo God,
what a iiamu for a thrro-shect oslcr. Bho
will Im- ou view at the Htar, New York, on
the Ktli prox. Hut ran she net!
Illauchu Marwleii, win I at Ivostei- nud
Illal ha the making ef a iopulur biiilcsquo
actu-Ks. Hhu ha u tuneful voice and the
most exquslU) llguro seen on the New York
stage in many
J. 11. ltyley ha lioeu ongngisl for tho new
GilU-rt and Hulll van opera at thu Casino. Mr,
A reason it thinking of putting n social com
pany on the road, beginning the some dale
ax the production lu New York City,
(IllU-rt and Hulll van's now oprrn i called
"Tlio Tower of IiOiidou," nnd Is a satire on
, the ci iio for uiitiquitief. Thero are eleven
cba-a-tciH In the uev piece which will bo
pre.diiccd nt Hie Casino Octolier 1st with a
clioius of fifty six, and new scenery and
Minnie Madden Is not tobe mnrilul to "the
editor of n leading inetiopolitau iiewswiKr
this fall," neither I Helen ltnucroft to wed
"one of the business mnuagersnf the Madison
Square Theatre," nor is Carrie Turner "t
liegiu .i suit for ditorce against her hus
band." Iliillliint DIiiiiioihU,
Di'iiunuiU In H(K-lety am as big a feature and
add much to the toilet of the fair sex, as wo
to the oinnmeutntfou of a gentleman' dress
In these days of modern attire, diamonds aro
even more isipular thr.ii ever, and thu iierson
who goes through life without one or more of
them is behind the time. We notice Hallett,
ithe jeweler Is making a s.-clnlty of these
previous stone now a days and shows u line
I that will enquire In price and quality with
that of many of thu sorc in the largest east
ern city. ou don't loose anything by look
ing nt Hallett' Imndsomo diamonds and you
aro Invited to step in nud look nt them, even
I though you do not Intend purchasing.
fulling CiikIs.
The ('oi-lilKIl has Just received a, largo in
olcoof lalllm: carils in the latest sluuxs and
'size. Our lady friends esHclnlly am invit
1 etl to call and examine. We furnish them
either pi luted or engraved in any stylo of tho
To the National lliicitiiipiiient,
I The I'lilou Pacillc, the Overland ltoute
w ill sell ticket at a rate as low as tho lowest
to the National P.ueampmoiit nt Columbus,
Ohio, Kept. 10 11th. Ilemeinlier this is tho
only line olfei lug tho choice of sis different
route from tlio .Missouri river to Columbus.
For a party of twenty-five or more, Family
Blis-jiem will lie furnished free from any
point ou tho line through to Columbus with
out change. For dates of sale, limit of tick
ots, etc., call on your nearest ticket agent.
J. B. TY.HliKTTO, Gen, P. & T A.
Old Papers I'or Sale.
Houso cleaning time is hem, and old ivnpers
will como in handy. The Couiukh olllce has
a good supply at !W milt n hundred.
Holding plants, cut flowers, ete.,ut Bawyer
& MosherV, Masonic Temple. Telephone lll.