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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1888)
i' CAPITAL CITY COURIER -nrt Vol. 3. No 'JA, Lincoln, Nicukasica, Satukday, May liO, 18B8 Phioic Fivic CiCN'ra (When MnJ Anderson took possession of Fort Sumter, the whole command assembled and knelt Mound the flagstaff while tho chaplain offered prayer, previous to tbo raising of Uie.tUR.J The gray light of dawn o'er tho rampart waa stealing, Whero Bumter Its atem rocky walla lifted high, Aad ipread lu aoft haze o'er tho noble there kneeling jkad Towing their flag to defend or to die. The low toIco of prayer morning stillness waa breaking, As solemnly bowing a blessing they craved. Then rose a glad shout, all the echoed awaking, As, proudly unfolding, their flag o'er tham waicd. Hurrah for tho banner thus boldly left flowing And flinging Its bright stars and stripes to th sky; Hurrah for tho heroes, no flinching o'er showing, Who'll guard It unstained, or lu death coldly lie. Dear flag of our country, shall focmen assail yo And every bright drop In our hearts fall to bum? Shall rebels beneath you o'er beat their rovctllo And wo not In triumph their lnsolenco spurn? By the graves of our fathers, who died In do fending Thy fame, to their deepest affections so dear, And whoso voice from their grass covered hil locks ascending la eloquent pleadings for theo wo now bear; By tho future which stretches In rlita bofore us, By the echoes which sound from a glorious pat In purity still shall thy folds yet wave o'er us, Or, drenched hi our Ufo blood, enshroud ua at last. It Is u Curious I net That the body isnowmoiosusceptable to ben efit from medicine than at an other season, Heuco Ihuimportniiconf taking Hood's Knrsn pnrilla now, when it will do you tho most gixsl. It is really wondoiful for puilfylng and cn richiug tho blood, ci eating an apietitc, and giving a healthy tono to tho system. Ho sin e to get HikxI's Karsitparllla, which Is peculiar toithelf. MR. MAHLER'S FIRST SOIREE. I'rldny Kvimlug. .lune Htli, at .lliilnnle 'lemple, Mr. Miihleranuouiicis that ho will glut his first sofiviiiiiMxunfi', Kililuj oening, June 8th, from eight to twelve o'clock. Pupils of this year's class w ill reecho (oiuplimeiitai cards of uilmlvslnii, while tickets for iiou lliemlMjrswIII Imi I Lfill for gentleman, includ ing ladles, which may be piocimd of Mr. Mahler at tho ii all or Windsor hotel. A i oi dial Invltat Ion Is xundid to nil Mr Muhlei's t riunds. I.. I). T. CO, Will get your Kiinduy Mull from tho Post olllco and deliver at jour houso, or olllce Telephone 110, TRAIN, TRACK AND TRAVEL. llftllroml New (lathered lit City (Mice, Alinut Depots, lltr. Mr. J. II. Prow ley. traveling passenger agent of tlo Union Pnellle, jwild Lincoln a visit this week. Hupt, Hllcksondolicr of tlio Union Pnellle was In tho city tlili wwk. Koine improve ments lire contemplated of tlio road's projsfrty In Lincoln. Mr. (J. W. Honnell, tlio Ilurllugtoirs efll clout dpK)t ticket agent, neeonipnnlod liy his wire, returned Tuesday, from u months visit in California. Tlio Omalm Her of Wednesday, gives tlio following interesting lilt of railroad gossip: "Thero It ft Kiinio of chess going on between n half dozen roods Just nt present relative to transcontinental mutton in which it would npionr that tho Union Pnelllo and Chicago, Hurllugton & Qiiiney nro piny lug ono Mile, tho Demerit Rio Uintule and Hook Inland tho other with tho Continl l'nclllo u spectator, mid not ii disinterested one either hut tho sort of n HnecMtor who is willing to hold tho stakes wagered on tho gamo for u small fraction thereof, nay 50 er cent. The lite of u fow days since contained tho announcement that tho Chicago, llurliiigtou & yulncy had decided to nso tho Union Puci llc for it transcontinental business from Choycnno westward. An yet It in understood that this applies only to freight ImslnetiH hut thoso who uro in n jiosltion to know contend that putsongor travel Im to follow in n very shot t spaco of time. Of course this leave tho Denver !& Hio Urimdo without an eastern connection mid tho only income tho road can derive is from its local business. It is indeed n inovo calculated to "check" no it wore. In return for this sending of freight and iMUwen gent over tho Union l'nclllo westwurd tho lat ter road Is, so it 1h understood, to send ltn freight and passenger trulllc eastward from Missoui i river points via C. 11. & Q. lines. Hut at thin iolut tho other sldo irojioso to do n little lino wmk on tho Imurd. A combine is to Imj eirccted by tho llock Island and tho ltlo Grande. Of course tho Rock Islnnd now has u lino to Denver via St. Joseph, Mo. To make tho matter more binding tho hittor company proposo to build u lino from Omalm in a southwesterly direction through to Fnlr bury, connecting with tho Chicago, Kansas City & Nebraska, which, when completed, i will give tho Hio uiundo equally as good connections us liefore. OiihIiiiiiiii Turk Opening. The picnic season was duly inaugurated w ith the dedication of Cushmaii I'm k, Thurs day attPiuoon,at which time oer 1000 people weru nt this livnutiful siwit to enjoy opening ilnj, and tho festive nttt actions it presonUsl. Tho long train of coaches which left the II. & M. dcKit nt two o'clock was completely llllod nnd,w lien tho thiong reachisl the park tho en tortalnmentl began mid if smiles nnd laughter nro nu Indication of happiness, certainly that assembly enjoyisl tho occasion. He(ik lug by tho OoM'inor nnd other prominent people was pleasantly received, while music both vocnl mid insti umeiitnl was drank In as j a delicious luxury by tho largo gathering, Klegnntrefieshments wero served ut tho pa- villon and ilancing to the liealts content of all present wns enjoyed by all, both young and old, music being, furnished by Mr. Wnr- tier's orchestra nnd tho K. I'. band. Drives about tho grounds wero the fenturo of those who cuino In carriages, while those promenading found lovely walks nnd retreats in tho shade. Tho now and jKipulur resort was admired by all and it seems none could do Justice enough In pralso of the lovely spot to express their admiration. Klscwhcio in this issue will bo found a descilptlve article regarding Cushmaii Park, its attractions, location, etc. under the heading "A Lovely Pie Nlo Ho sort." Ml llitwkln's 1'urtj. As tho CauitiKit gs.s to press too early for a complete reort of the Uerinaii leceptlou teudeiedby Miss Hawkins to her cliass In dancing, last eneiilug at Masonlo Temple, n descriptive account will apMtar in our next Isstio, giving costumes or tho partlclMiui, etc Loyal Legion No. 8, Belect Knights A. O. l W., under command of Dr. Simmons, gave an exhibition drill in tho cnpitol gi omuls last Tuesday oveniug. They nro n llue-looklug ImxIv of men, and go through tho evolutions with the skill of veterans. Tho two Johns, Schtuittel and Dav Is, had a nan ow escape from serious injury Tuesdny evening. While out di iving tho front nxlo of tho buggy broke, throw lug both gentlemen out. Mr. Selimlttel licit! cu to the lines, how c or, and prevent! a runaway. Mr. L. JI. IIuert returned from Cnllfor nla Inst week, and lias purchased n half inter est In the grocery stoio of D. K. Cuminings. Thero aiofow things about tho grocery busi ness that Mr. Hupei t is not conversant with, and ho will Imtoiii things around 1120 O street. For several years past ho hus lieeii with tlio grocery firm of Cixik & Johubon Thort arrived nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. W. Hawkins, yesterday, n bright eyed little stranger who will hereafter mako his homo with the family. Tho young man tips the scales nt twelve pounds nnd is a healthy and hearty addition to Lincoln's inhabitants; mother and son doing well nnd father in as good n condition us could 1k oxpoctod under tho circumstances. Col. V. M. Woods returned from Cleveluud Ohio, Wednesday, whtro ho hud Ikhjii for nearly two weeks conducting an auction sale of high-grade cattle. An average of f f Wi w as obtained for IM head. This sieuks well for tho Colonel, and the fact that his port Ices is generally In dor and all over tho west, shows conclusive that his services are not only nj prcciated ut homo but abroad as well. Attention is ilius'ted to thnadveitisincut of the Hill Ktiiudnid Hook Co., who want agents in this pint to canvass for Hill's Album of HioglHphy and Art Tho Usik Is haudsouily illusti nted, contains biographical sketches and IMiitnilts of huudicds of pioiiiineut persons, mid sells at sight. It will Imi ii valuable addi tion to any man's llliiniy, tieitlng us it d es of hundreds of subjects that u well read (su son must needs know ami understand. Miss Jllnnlo mUi on L street is cutci tabl ing two ( lull tiling young ladles, Miss lsmils of Council Hluirs and Miss Hiirus of Omaha, who in lived in Lincoln Wednesday. Miss ltui ns will leiualu for suveuil days, while Miss Looinls anticipates a two weeks' visit, but will spend most of her tlmo whilo heio as the guest of her cousin, Mhs Dona ImxiiIs, The CouiilKH weliomes both Indies, and hopes their visit may Imj pleasant. AN 01JSKKVKHS THOUGHTS. COMMENTS AND OPINIONS IN TYPE. What lie Sees, UriiiK, 'llilnk mid HKlne". m Little did our friends of Omaha, or tho state know what n genius nnd lirlllaut writer they had until tho nt,Mrii entitled, "Mr. Samson of Omalm," wns announced oven now fow more than thoHostudyiug lu tlio Mil Ions parts in (ho 0era know what n lirlllaut author nnd play wright they have In the s"rson of Mr. Fred Nye. Tho lihmtto Is by our Journalistic fi loud Nye, of tho Omalm ll'iiWtf nnd tho viKiilscom by Mrs. Young of tho snine cltv. "Mr, Hum. son of Oinnlui" will ho staged nttho lloyd's three nights next vvcok, commencing Thurs- day orenlug, tho east comprising sonui of the leading musical Mrsoniigcs of the inotrojMjlls. While lu Omaha, one eeniug this week lu conversation w ith ii lady friend who assumes one of tho leading characters in tho ciut of "Mr. Hnmsou of Omaha" 1 was told thai tho piodlictlou would bo one or the Wt of tho season, not withstanding it is by a homo auth or mid local talent, "Why, do you know I" Mild tho vocalist, "Tlio music Is HTiictly charming; the airs arc, many of them catchy, nnd tho Bcoro throughout Is jMirfectly faseln ntlng, tho lines of the owirn nm as nicely ar ninged, tho wonting as pretty us any ohhh I luivo over heard, and tho situations urn often lulto novel. I'll miss my guess awfully if tho oern. Is'nt u great big success, for It has every ipiullflciition for drawing well." Tho lady is one of Omaha's most prominent vocalists nnd with such recommend and from such n source wo may exHct much nnd the Observer know ing tho genlnl Fred Nye, does not linvo nny doubt but that tho production will bo all that has been predicted for It, Hpenklng of "Mr. Hnmson of Oinuhn" there lias leau sDine talk of bringing the company to LIiiodIii to present tho oern here, nnd I tnist proHr nrrongoinont will Imi mode for tho event; I nm snrn iiVrowdisl houso would greet tho company, notonlybocnusoof thoexcelenlt proiluctinn but for tho fact that lu tho cast aro so many very lino singers, and among them tho licst vocalists nnd lenders of Omaha socie ty. Wo trust ".Mr. Kainson of Oiimhn," will glvo Llncolnltesnn opportunity to show them their appreciation of home talent of the met ropolis. I wltncsvsl nu interesting sceno tho otner day in n lestaiirnnt, nnd tho fact Hint wrong was punished, (pilto pleased me. 1'ioin whnt I could observe it wcmisl that u lady had been dining nt tho lcstaurant.and herhuslmud wns to call for her later, about tho time she would lsvready to leave the place 'I ho waiter, (a innle) net knowing that the Indy was married, or that her husband, who had Just stopis'il in, was near at hand, iniido some insolent and disreputable remnrk about her to u young man nearby Htnudlug wheio ho could hear tlio talk, tho husband promptly pio"ccdcd to to chastise tho puppy, nnd would have thrash ),(, i,, 0t a liystnndnr reminded him of his jiositlon nnd that cool Judgement usetl In tho ,tter would bo lietter than n public scene. However the wnlter who had no tlmo to talk, ft without waste of tlmo or words. This sort f thing Is Winning entirely too topulnr for K()0(i result and vigorous steps should Im taken to stop it, Now-n-das n lady, no mnt- ! tor how reserved iniiDnenrnncoshoinav Imi. or how little attention sho pnj-s torsous on tho streets, etc., thmo mo always n set of hood lums dressed In gentlemens attire, who en deavor to pick up ncipialntnuce, or as they call it, "mako u mash," and nothing ever pleases tho Oliserver inoro than when ho oli servosonoof these fellows getting Ills just deerts;l low over men, (for they nro not gentle men) if you must (Hi t or will Insist on making acquaintance, theronro enough females roam ing the street that will talk to you, anil will not feel insulted, without ynuriiimlllatfng tho truo lady. If you are dopinved and without honor or common sense, go to that class that llnds similar favor, but to tho unproteeUsl, tho innocent nnd the rcM'Ctcd lady you should not, will not, and if the law does Its duty, can not continue this base and insulting conduct. On tho Avenue. Jack (to young Callow) That old gentle man wo just passed seemed to know you, Charloy. Young Callow Yn'ns, ho's my futher. Jack Why didn't you rocognlzo hiiuf Young Callow To toll tho truth, old boy, I never do ,u tho street. Ho con of a rawther poor family, y'know. Iloliliy hliufto, Friday, Juno 15, Hp. in. Katurday Matinee June 1(1, HiSO p. m . at OfHirn houst. For tho Henellt of the Homo for tho Fi lend less 75 chlldien lu tableaux, songs, da net 8, and other novelties under tho direction of Mr. Jacob Mfihler Ti 'kets 50 cents cash j Reserv ed seats, 25 cents extra, may Imi obtained two ilavs lu advance n the opera house. Light Culonil I'rluce Alberts. Thesiason for light summer uttiiu lM?lng at hand, the Olobo Clothing houso has just re ceived u very Hue Hue ofspilug and siiintuir suits in light colons! Plilicii Albeils of the la test cut, and maihi up with lliicst trimmings, lined and faced lu Hat in. To see them Is to like them, and to like them Is to buy a suit. You know the lest, so come mound and look at them llutr Hutu to luillu napiilU, On account of the national pmhihltlon con volition, lound trip tickets to IudianaMiis will Imi on sale by the llurliiigtou louto fiom IMiiiits in Nohuudtii and Kausis, May '.'(I to 'J8, ut one laic, limit lor letiirn Juno 5, P. H KuhTis, Oeiienil Passenger Agent, A WEEK'S REVIEW AND PROSPECTIVE. Amusements fur the future. What Nome of the 1'itvorlte are lining, (II'KIIA IIOl'HE AMtlHKVIKNTH The I'll like lias been rlosisl during Hie past week there Is nothing Ixmkod for next week; but Hicks nnd Hnwyer's Minstrels will make their npHareni on Monday next, June, Ith. '88, followed about n week later by Nate Halsburjs Tioubadors, after which n surles of comiiieceuient exorcises w ill Imi given nnd "Hobby Hhnf to" will 1st presented lu the house Juno 15, and 111, Tho season for theat ricals Is coming to a close; and but few more plays will Iki see in Lincoln this sasou. The liouso wll Ui remodeled In the later part of Juno, and tor thooimiilngiiutl fall attractions, many very lino companies have all eady Ims-ii iKKjktsI. DOIMIH OK TIIK PIUIKKNHION. l'aiillne Hall Is lecovermg from n uncle illness. Mr. nnd Mrs. Oeorgo H. Knight go to Aus tralia shortly. Manager MclleynoliU was out on the Ne braska Circuit this week. Annlo 1'lxley closes her long and successful season June litd in Chicago. Thero is u prospect of u law suit between uirl Herman nnd Henrlch Com led. lien Uteru will Imi tho business manager of tho Cntletnii Operu Company next season. The Madison Kquiiru Theatre sUK'k com jmny do not i etui n to New York until after election. W. J. Bcanlan is Hearing the end of his tour which Manager I'ltou says has Us'li excissllng ly pi oil table. Md ward Harrlgaii ohjiis his next season nt tho 1'aik Theatie, N. Y. w Ith anew local play culled "The Motrox)lls." The Nebraska Circuit under Ciawford flc McHcynoltts is iM-comlng jsipular for the iium- ber of excellent theatres thero are on it. Gustavo Krohmaiiiindarchltectlluboit, his father-in law contemplate building a new the. ntro on upper llradway, Now York. Next, Inuo Klrnlfy has roiuino'icisl the reheai sols of "Nero, or the Kail of Home,'' which hepio ilucesut Ht Oeorge, Hlaten Island, Juno Kith. Them is eery prosit of auolher coinlo opera company lwilng heard lu New York shortly, llarrlgan's 1'nik Theatio will prob ably bo its abiding place, Win, (lllletto has leuseisl the Mndlsou Ktpiai o Theatre for tin eo moutliH from Aug., Kith. He will produce se vol nl of his plas with his own company. Edwin Hooth has puichusvd tho elegant mansion on (Iniuiiueicy I'ark adjoining tho former icsldeuce of Samuel J. Tildeu and will present it to the 1'layer's Club. Tho HiinbiiH' "Kantasinn" Comimuy closisl their tour with this wis'lt in Montreal. Tho 1 anions est Imato that their two companies have made fl(H),(XM) on the season. Tho thentrical season in Lincoln Is virtually over. Thoio atohowever a muulier of excel lent attractions booked for tho summer but they in u few and in many instances, far bo- tw eun. Itoliert Mantell iircsenttsl "Monlmrs" in Chicago to largo audiences. Ho is resting in New Yoik this week opening at tho (Irimd Opera Houso May liSth for tlio Until week of his season. The following attractions nut now playing I In Now York: "Nudly" nt tho Casino; "The Queen's Mato" at tho Hrondway; "Tho Pearl' of Pekin" at the Illjoil, Thh McCnull 0Mra Company in "Tho Iuly or tho 1 Iger" at Wal lauk's; Hosiim Vokesnt Daly's, "Natural (Jus' at tho Fifth Avenue; "A Possible Cine" at the Madison Sipjnro, "Tho Wlfo" nt the L ceuin. "Tho Htreot of Now York" at tho Ac ademy of Music; "The Htlll Alarm" at tho Fourteenth Htns't Tlicjitre, Kato Claxtou in 'Tho Woild Against Her" nt Nlhlo's; HnKik iiiauu's Acting Monkeys at tho Star, "Rock wood, or Dick Till pin's Hide to York;" at the Windsor: "Lost in New York" at the People's I)ttlo Church in "Tho Unknown" at thu Third Avenue; "Doloies" attheOrand Ois-ra House; Yaudovillo at Tony Pastors and "Lights nnd Shadow," atthoHtandard. This ought to Imi auiplo variety of amusement for Now Yorkers. Tho Knlchts of Pythias kill takes place on Thursday evening at ltohunnn s hall The Pleasant Hour club w ill glvo llrst of a series of picnics at Cushmaii park next wee)' Miss Oertlo Marquette leaves early next wis-k for tho oust to Imi absent several weeks. Tho now lodge rooms of tho l'.lks will Im ready for occupancy ii week from next Mou day. Miss Minnie Sutter of Council Mud's, is visiting Mrs. II. W. Hruwu and daughter, 11,'tl II street. Mr. Ralph Ilium, ho that carries thu finest lot of cloaks, is in town, and piling up orders in Ins usual style. Thero nte no mostpiitoos on Ralph, Lincoln's customary iMivy of summer visitors uro arriving, and Indications nro thut tho vis itors this summer will 1k more numerous than heretofore. Mrs. Kato Hrewster Cheney, who has Imxmi visiting her slstor, Mrs. Thomas Howell, since tho musical festival, returned to her home in Sioux City Thursday. Professors Ilageuow and Aschmaii of the Philharmonic orchestra returned Wednesday from the cast, where they havo been laying in a supply of musical instruments for tho military bund, which will soon give its first open air concert Mr W. J. Hryan loaves Wednovlny for his Into homo in Jacksonville, III., and after a two weeks' visit thero and thereiilM)uts, will i cturn to Lincoln with his family. Mr, Hry an has n) homo already pieparcd comer of Seventeenth nnd 1) streets, for his estiliiublo lady, whom tho Coi'ltlKU welcomes to Lin coln. Miss Lulu aiunluger, sitter of Mrs A. C. Xeimernud a very popular visitor in Lincoln, ntrived in tho city Thursday for a several days' v islt. Miss (Iruninger's friends wem do light lo welcome her back again, nnd will Im plcusisl to learn that her patents hav locnttsl ill Omaha, thus ulfording Miss Oruuiiiger ficrpicnl v Islts to tho capital city Tho Cnni IKH extends tho hand of welcome and vv lilies tier abundant happiness in her Nebraska home and equally ns much eujoj nient on this mid subxspieut visits as she has cxiKUicuctsI heio toforu lu Lincoln I., D. T. CO. Delivers trunks to nny ii t of the city or to any depot for 25 cents each. Claim chocks given, Telephone UK). TIIK NATIONAL GAMK. NEWSY NOTES FnOM THE DIAMOND. What I doing on lu the llnsehiill Wortd. The l.lurnlii Team, Heir Is hitting the ball hard this season. Ht. loul npisMirs to 1st the Jonah of tlio lies Moines leant. Haseball news III the western league circuit Is scarce tills week. Ht. Paul and Minneapolis played a diawn game uf llfteeil Innings Thursday, Chicago, without Clatkson, Is playing a wondoiful game They mil stayers, too. Hoover IiiisImsui leleastsl to the Chicago Maroons, Tebeau will pi obnbly shut on like fate. Thntolrginph fulled to lc,oit the names Is'twis'li tho southern chilis ot the league this week. Wright Is putting up n stiong gamo ImOiIiiiI the bat, and is hitting tho leather In good shape. The umplio of the Denver-Lincoln Is said lo have Issiu very rank. Ho must Imi akin to Ilumby. Lincoln's chances for admittance to the Western assiM'I'itloii are giMsl, If our jMsiphi wish to take hold Nicholson of tho Chicago Maroons has been sold to Minneapolis, and Atthur Clarkson to the Llmas of tho Ohio league. Cincinnati and Ht, Iiuls ate battling man fully for tho association )HUinant. The Hrowus will Im vn no walk-over this year, Ilelsack Is showing up fairly well In his sec ond hnso play Lincoln has u strong Inlleld, but slugging Is what wlnsganirs. The Topics man of the Journal mint have nu Immense liraln. Two match games of bull have Imhmi played there during tho pusttwn weeks, Hiunsey, lmlsvlllo's isit phcher, has btsui susMnihsl for nintlmiisl drunkenness. When soliM' lie is one of tho licst twirlcrs lu the as Noclntlon. What's bsoine of tho diM.tors, the lnwyeis, the druggists, the bin Im-i-h and t lie other Iwal clubs that wimii wont to knock covers olf balls lust summer Denver tin)!: thus) straight fiom Lincoln the ist vvisik. The fouith gamo by tain In the fourth Inning, with tho scoie standing I (oil lu Lincoln's favor. Dos Moines still leads lu tho Western Asso ciation race, with Omaha and Kansas City close up. The games plnyul compute favor ably with those of tho leagiio or ushwlatlon. A meeting of the Western leaguo will Imi belli in Unveiiworth next Monday for tho punoso f admitting two moro clubs to mom lM'ishlp, Hloux City and Wichita having ap plied. New (implies will also Imi aiM)lllttsl. Chicago, Huston and Detroit, It Is freely predicted aio the clubs who will Imi lu the light nt thu llnlsli. As Mlko Kelly says, how ever, It Is only a (piesllon of eiiduranco. Tliut Is, whichever i lub has tho least numlMirof injiinsl mull at tlio close will win. aThe Domestics budly defeatisl the gniigof had amateurs which gs under thonniiioof of thoJoui mil nine vosterday on tho Missouri Pacific grounds The score was 1W to 7, Klin merer, whoilld the tw It Hug lor the Domestics, made the reiuai kahle record or thll Urn sti Ike outs. Clarke has Imsmi sold by Chicago to Omaha. He played n t of last season with tho Dos Moines club, but was slgiusl by tho Chluigo for 1RSS Ho pitchisl two games against In dianapolis, winning both. Ho shut out Kan sas City Thursday lu bis llrst irnlue with the Oumlins. flatter of Taste, Daughter Manimn, wouldn't it bo lovely if wo only hud necks like that! Mamma-Why, my chlldf Whut odviui tago would it bo to list Daughter Wo could tnsto our Ico croam so much longer. To Nensdeulers unit the I'lilille. Anniigeinents havo Immmi made with tho Oothnm NewssUitid so that hereafter when news dealers run out of CouniKiw they may Iki supplied with additional copies at same rate as sold at this olllce, by applying thero. A supply will always Imi kept on hand, also back numlMirs and sulcrintions will Imi received, Tho publishers makii this arrangement to ac comodate its iwitrons and the public who want jmiH'rs after close of tho Couuikh'h business olllco. Tho Gotham is omii every evening and nil day Sunday 1 18 south Kloventh Ht. lln for CiibIiiiiuii I'ark Today, (lo out lo Cushmaii Paik this afternoon and enjoy nature's Utilities and get a snlir of real genuine country air The attractions theie, the surroundings, etc., will bo such as to mako the visit thoroughly enjoyable Iluiid concert uttlirmi o'clock. Train leave-, llurliiigtou depot ut two o'clock slmip Fare round tlip 15 cents, Ciuliinaii paikwillalso jm open tomoirow, trains l.wive nt same time A Nuturnl ( iirluslt). Lincoln Msiple will Im pleased to know that the celebrated cave, itsvntl) descillKsl in these cnlumiis, has Imsii thrown oH'H to tho public This cave, which is situ itisl near the line of the Nebraska slioit itlsuinco this side of tho onitentiari, was iis formerly siys mil the the liendiiuui lel-sof the James I iiihhvrii who Infestrsl thesn pints, and Is well woith a visit. It it lustily on the Hue of South Tenth stus-t, and open every day In tho week. HerHilshelmer tS: Co. am showing an elc guilt new llni of black silk wrap goods. Priits low ami quality suikmu. Mmmmm just I NOTCS ON BICYCLING. "Ileins About the Hpi.rt.-I.oeiil News Mint Whut Is llt-liig done lu (lenerHl. Flunk Van I loin has disposed of hU ordi nary mid now tldis p V(i(hii. , Tim Hprluglleld chili celebratisl lis seventh '' nnnlversaiy Tuesday of last week. ' Asa whole, Iho lliitlsh press Is very fair with Howe In Heating of his lecent defeats. Dr. Hliei wiksI and wlfo am now niiuilH'nsl iiinong Lincoln i Idirs. They u-o tandem tricycle, ami mo viy enthiislastlo lidets. A twoinllo bicycle men, hiiudlcap, will Imj one of the f( ntlli es of the games of tho Hlaten Island Athletic club at West Now llrlghton, Juno'Jd, Mr. Addis tiKik a ildoout lo Cushmnii nrk oiuiday this week Ho says that roads nro veiy gissl all the way out, nnd that thu rldo will probably bo ii Kipuhir one this summer witu wheelmen. Messrs, Hlghter and Addis rode to Vnlpa (also mid ivturn, fifty miles, nu Wednesday. The time, Including stois, was seven mid one half hours, leaving Lincoln nt Mi'.V) n. in. nnd returning nt 7 i, in Twenty New Yoik clubs nm to bo lepra. sonUsI lu the century inn from New Yoik to Philadelphia, which Is to Imi one of tho pre liminary ntliaetlous for Kmplm state wheol men going to this year's meet. The lavish manner In which wntor Is dis tributed on top of about six Inches of dirt, with which our pavement nro coveted, miikcs Mejele riding almost ilanget ous. If tho city fatlieiswlsh to endear themselves to the hisu ts of wheelmen, they will see to It that thu mud Is lemovisl. Twice has an t-ITort Immmi mnile by several noting men to orgiiulm a blcyclo club In this city, slid in many times have they failed to obtain the deslled tiuinlM.'r of t Hiitlemeil pre cut. Theio me probably fifty ildeis in town nnd they should Imi willing to have a giwxl club on n giMsl llnanclal fisitlng. The llrst bicycle road rnco ever held III Southern California took place Saturday, April liNth. Tim inuto was from Pasadena to Monrovia and return, n distance of rlgliton miles. Andrews on an J'xfK'i t. In the fair time of 1 Ii, in mill. Mr. A L. Atkins olllclntcd its one of tho Judgis. Tho Plum CreoU I lie v do club stands second in slrn and elllcluucy In the list of clubs in the state, Omaha Isdug llrst. This club wns organized In Mmrli, IHMI.wlth four iiicmlHirs. At the pi cwnt time the club numbers tlihty iiietubers, all irovld(sl with wlnsds and uni forms. They uietlie owners of a quarter mllo circular course, constt ticttsl nt a cost of 100, Win end in the JiejWr llWif run .. A II" llnllilhi of May 18th, that the country bo twieu Poitland, Oiegon, mid Him Francisco, Is about to Im traveisisl on bicycles for tho lli-st time, ly Messis. Daniel and Cushmnii of Taeonia. Tin isi yeam ngo tho w rlter met, while lu Kaleiil, Oiegon, a Mr. McClnltl of Sricrinneiito, who was on his way to Portland from Han Fiituclscii on a bicycle. Thero seems to Imi something wrong with thu state ment lu tho Win Id. On Himduy last ICd Hlghter, luouutrsl on his Hxpert Columbia, aiioiiiplislnsl the feat of rilling fi nm the cnpitol grounds to Kaltillo and Jamaica and retm ii lu two hours mid twenty minutes, Including stojis. Taking Into consideration the fact that thu laud Imi tween Lincoln and Jaliiiilin stands on end, and that u hurd wind was bloniugdiiriug tho rldo, makes this n record. Mr. Hlglitcrsliows Hue foi m on tho wheel, uud It would not I w surprising If ho gnvo some of thu older riders n buck sent Is-foiu the season is over. A Mood Work. At n meeting; held lu the Y. M C A. rooms Tuesday evening over 1700 was subscribed by the young men present to the building fund. This Is gissl work, and the i.ssociutiott conlldently uxMK'ts that f5,(XX) can Imj secured from the young men alone. Lin.iolu ninnot alfoid to let tho present opisirtuulty oks,und each and every cltlron should put his shoul der to the wins'). ht. I'liul's Mnsluiile Ml Iinliiiff's. TikmIiij eveniug'scutcrtaliuneiitiittheumg tiillceiit lesiileiu-o of Mr. and Mrs. J J. Imlioir, conier Twelfth and J stusds, for tho bent lit of St. Paul's M. K. church, was a de lightful airiilr. It w ns unlike tho customary chinch alfair, Mug moro sociable and enjoy- I able, and it was noticeuhlu that thorn present were not only meiiilMirs of t lit church but equally its many outsiiio ut mo cnurcii enjoy is I tho (M-cuslou. The following piogrnm was perfectly carried out, with occasional en cores which were loudly applauded and pleated all. 1 Instrumental Duet, Mrs. T. L. Stephens and Oini M. Iinholf. 2 The Pilgrnm, jhii .lilumn, II. M. Caselx-er. it Autumn Song, yMir Mnulilxilwn, Mm. K. Hruwster Cheney and Sirs. J. P. Dorr Music and Ixno, ;ir .SVrjc. MlsaJonnio Mauiitt. 0 A Cry of Ive, ixrr -. Loville, Mrs. J.P. Dorr. 0 Heart Hroken Sailor Hoy, jxtr Miloletlt. Mrs. Knto Hrevvster Chenoy. 7 Judeth, ;sir ('oncoiic, Miss Miiymo S. C. Ulil. 8 (K1 Night, ;kii' (inlitbrru, Jlcudames Clienny, Dorr, Hnymond nnd Wntkins. After the conclusion of tho prognitu straw lierrioh with cake mid ico creum were served, after w hich tho guests strolled about the var ious ttiMirtmoiits'iiud arrangements of this, ou of Lincoln's most elegant homes. Alnnit a hundred dollars was cleared for tho Ismetlt of the church. Irish League Meeting. The Lincoln brant Ii of the Iiish National league held n v ci' interesting meeting Sun day The tune was plincluilly occupltsl in iho ilisctiKsion of tho sipai rescript, Messrs Ciiviil), l'gaii, lltzgvnild, Cortoran nnd others siiticipating. A numls.T of resolutions rtsvntly jmsstsl at a meeting in Dublin in which the Irish uicinlM-rs of vir)lament par ticixittsl, vveie eudorstsl. Tlieso icmiIuUou am of sliuilai tenor to thoso asscd at n i is.vnt nuss'tliig of the Lincoln branch, but mom SMfWItim- 111 Til.. lltuliM...,. it T !.. ,in ,ir, almost u unit in denying thoisiwer i or rj(.ilt of j0.w jAH, t0 i,ltl.,fm, ln nwion lKiliilrul, n sentiment which dins thunirisllt. Dr. W. L. Dujtoii retuitnsl Thuisihiy from Europe. Ho has Ihs-ii nliNeut since lust Octo 1st, which tlmo he sjH'iit working In tho vari ous hospitals of Vienna, Herllu, Put Is and Loudon, anil ictuuis much iuiuovts, IkiHi in know letlgo of his profession and In health.