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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1888)
( V I TV,' t W3f' I "H r VJ? " T Wo rr S ; "V TT 1 ' - ' -WIT ""-,"" Twr - V V, o izy ;.::"-" D R L. WENTE QDENTIST. .Makes the preservation of llic nnturul eclh n apcclnlty by nil known approved method!. Gold and porcelain crowns mounted on the natural root. All operations performed without pain. aStUfactlon guaranteed. TO TIIK PKOH.1C OK LINCOLN, NKIIHAHKA. We, tho undersigned nni ersonully no qnnlnted with Dr. I Woute, who In to lenyo us soon and engage I" tho pmctlco of dontls try in vourcltv. Wo can unhesitatingly recommend lilm as n thorough master of his profession, and wo are sum tlmt nil work entrusted U) him will bo skillfully iwrformcd. .1, Uniikiuiiu., M. 1). W. W. MoMann. M. 1). J. E. MoAdamh, M. H. M. I). J, M. Oau.kiiumii, 1). 1). H. J Oahdnkii, Im.inom, Jan. S3, 1837. 116 South Eleventh St., Lincoln, Neb. WEBSTER&BRISCOE, Boots and Shoes. Fine Shoes and Dancing Pumps A SPECIALTY. Prlcci as low as reliable first-class goods can be sold for, and nil honorable compe tlon. lalrly met 1043 O Street. FINE : ART : STUDIO. 1314 O strcit Examine samples of our work before ordering elsewhere. New Hampshire s:e:E3"crc:E3 Step, Single and Extension LADDERS -AT 230-232-234 S. I ith st. LINCOLN HARDWARE Co. LINCOLN Philharmonic . Orchestra, A. IUOEMOW, Musical Director, Offloe FunVe's Opera 0. U. Asciimin, Manager. House, 3d Floor, Froal Will furnUh U rand or Sacral music for t Conckbts, Wkdiiinos, Pautikh, Dalls ad All other occmIods rrqulrlnK first-class muslo pfr8loclal ratJ will be nuulo with clubs Umlrlnjr the ochestra for the season, rates furnlshivl oa application. Wo also dwiro to state that we haT opened a Conservatory of Muslo In our apartments In the 6.era houso building, for tho Instruction on orchestral Instruments. Tuition hours: 8 a. m II IS noon, and t till 4 p. m. every day exiept Sunday, For scholars not able lo attend atregu r hours, special time will be given. For further Information as to prima, time, eto 4dreas or call on the manager. N. R. HOOK, M. D., DISEASES OF WOMEN. drlnary and Rectal Diseases a Specialty, TreaU rental diseases by IIUINKKH1IOKK rAINLKS? HV8TKM. Oftlce, rooms VU, 121 aud 134 Hurr week. Twelfth and O nreeta. Ofllw UUpnopfl MS. Itosldunce 1BW rhone, Uti otm hours, 9 to Yi uuin. 8 to 6 and 7 to 8 p in luaiHys, to 5 p. bi &IC& lLy M BE RJP Qf THE COURIER A limlar lier of Mmlern Timet, PUUMSIIICD 9ATUKDAY rtuiwcniiTinNlOiifl Year tiy Mall or Carrier $1,0) Hit montliit, $1,00, Thrvo month 60 Cent.;, Ona month SO (Vnls Iiivnrnbly In Ailvnnco. iivkiitinkmknth: Itntes furnished on application nt tho nfllco. 8clul rate 011 Tlmn Contrnct. Co.rriiiinmnNs: Hhort spicy sketches, ihm-iii, and stories solicited. Personal and Boclnl note ore especially doHlrnlile. PniK-rimit Wo make a specialty of Flno Printing 1 1 nil Iti branches. Boclcty work n specialty Address nil communications direct to tlio odleo. WKSSISt . DOUI3INH, KIMTUII AMI I'nonilETOIl. Now Dorr llloolc, Cor. Uth mid O HtrcrU. 'l'r.I.KI'IIONH'i'kl. TAKE NOTICEI Tho Couiiikh will not Ikj responsible for any debts innilo by nny ouo In its tmiiio, un less ix written ortlor nevompunlos tho wnno, properly signed, of course. Wkhhki. & Doiiuinh, Prop'rs. Thk Jounml detuonstrntod Its much-vaunted mijmrlority over tho "pinto papers" Wed nesday morning by publishing nil item say ing tlmt tho "Etniioror of Uormnny would shortly cvlohrnta Ids nlnety-olghth birthday.' It failed, lion over, to sny whom it would lie eelcbrntod, Tiik evening nud tho morning nonsnpur are still endeavoring to establish each other's Hjurlority. Tlioro Is not a jwrtlcle of sonso In It, Kuril is indliounhlo in Its plaeo, nud nbout tho only tl 1 o whon their interests ior ccptlbly clash is when each Is working n busi nessman for an "ml" nt tho same time. WilAT'H getting tho matter witlt Lincoln? Onuul Island took tho beet factory from as nud now Hustings guts tho woolen mlllsl Wo nro Inclined to bellovo that tho majority of Lincoln HMplo oxixet Just n cortnln tow of our ntonied men to tnko hold of nil those eu terprlscri, mid if tlicno men cuu't or don't do it, nothing Is done. Thk nspeet of tlio strike nt present Is not very promising to either side. Notwithstand ing tlio fact tlmt tho roud claims to have more men thnn thoy want, thoy are doing lit tle husluoiw, nud trains generally nro running unsatisfactorily to tho public. It is hoped n settlement will won lie reached. Lincoln people's iwtlouco is sorely tried. A VKiiY violent blizzard rnged for several dnys this week in tho Eastern nud Middle states. Tho nest has heretofore leen cousld ered tho homo of tho bllzAird,but the attempt of tho oast to Imltnto will not bo regretted, In fact it has so far outdid tho west that tho full strength of tho Dukntn legion of liars will no necessary to make lienors anyways near oven. It ih nil nonsense for tho nowsp porn to eny that Bulllvun's career iu a pugilist is ended mid that ho couldn't 1111 a hull anywhere iu iVmerlcn. Tlio fact Is his numerous ndmlr. ers In this country never oxioctcd him to win n iiedestrlau match nud n in lzo light at tho sumo time. Ho is still tho great rJulllvan, as any man can have demonstrated who cures to stmul baforo him Inn twelve-foot ring. The Union racllla has just nrrnuged with its eastern connections for n sorItM of semi monthly excursions to all point on Its lines In Kansas and Nebraska, nnd ns fur west us Hioriing, uolornilo. on tho Nebrnikn division, Tickets for tho round trip will bo sold nt the rnto of nbout one limited faro by way of nil Missouri river iioInU over tlio Union I'ncllle. Tciulnys will lw allowed going nud five re turning, nud tho ticket will bo good for thir ty days with stop over privileges within these limits, over tho Union I'acKlo Hues iu tho state named. Tiik city election occurs on tho third of next month. About the. only olllccr of im portance to bo chosen is n KlIeo judge. As tho Couiiikh does nob bellovo in politics en tering into tho selection of uiuniciixil olllcers, it hoiKa that the present incumbent, Mr. II. J. Whltmoro, will bo ro-elocted. Wo do not know whether Mr. Whltmoro is n candidate for re-election or not, but bellovo tluit 0110 who has so faithfully and well iierformoil tho duties of his olllco ns I1118 Mr. Whltmoro should lw honorctl with a ro-eloctlon. Trlcsl men nro always better In such positions than inoxHrlcncod ones, and tho emoluments of t'-o ofllco nro not such that everybody should rush uf tor It. Tiik siiecial edition of the Domocrnt Issuod last Monday was ono of the most comprehen sive roviows of tho city, its Industries, its. commerce nnd Its possibilities yet published. 1'iicls nud statistics touching on thoso points were prvtionted inn manner at.d stylo that mndo their jvenisnl a pleiuuro. So many Lin coln pvoplo are unaware of the dimensions, commercially soaklng, to which tho city has grown that a careful reading of this edition of tho Democrat would considerably enlight en thoiti. Tho subject matter was gleaned, written and arranged by Mr. 8. D. Cox. It was finely illustrated with views of tho city, of Wobt Lincoln nnd of variousbuildlngs, and is n credit both to the publisher nud to tho compfer. Wiikn it is nil sumed up nnd with every argument introduced, Micro is only one real newspaper in tho state and that is the Omaha Jht, You can always look for the latest news telegraphic and otherwise aud depend oil finding it there unadulterated and without doctoring Tlio lie Is not owned body and ouI by corporations or jtollticlans like tho .oioiuif, Herald nnd other. It gives its opinions fearlessly aud frankly nnd cures not for prejudice, thnnU), etc., and nn evidence that the peoplu of Nebraska appreciate u good paper is shown by tho Imiiicuoo circulation, averaging iu these dull (hues over 18,000 pr day. Ity tho wny It is amusing to note com parisons tx'lweeu the .on ran and tho llec, It is like coiupnrJng tha Lincoln street railway to tho C. IJ. & 0. syfctein. ' K110M nresont weather indications It is bo. I loved In Atchison nud Lincoln that Wait Mason will not bo compiled to wear nn over coat this winter. Tiik funornl of T, J, Potter occurred Tues day nt Ottumwn, Iowa, Thus clocd tho enrthly enreer of the grt'ntt railroad mana ger of thodeendo, n man who proved hlmsvlf a second Tom Hcott in managerial ability nud executive cpinlltloH, Indeed, tho careers of the two men nro analogous, Iloth rose from lowly positions by Industry nud application, 0110 to tho presidency of tho Pennsylvania road, conceded to I mi tho lluest III tho country, tho other to the management of a great trims- continental line, with 11 future lllled with bril liant jiOHslbllltles. Hut he was stricken right In tho prime of life, by his own hand wo might say, by overwork, This should bo nu example, to tlio thousands of business men w ho tio vote nil their time to business nnd noun to recreation; but n warning that wo fear will not bo heeded. Fnni) Nvk is embroiled In a controversy with tlio Omaha clergy over nn nrtlclo ho ro toutly wroto nnd published in tho World de scribing his vision of tho "Ureut Htouo Church," where all was xinp nnd pageantry, where the religion of tho 1 Ich was preached nud where the ixor man was placed in n back seat or hustled out, A reverend gentleman speedily denied the oxtsteneo of such a church in nn equally well written "vision." Mr. Nyohnsyet to answer tho clergymnn's last loiter, nud the Couiiikh holies his views will lie somewhat unbilled. Ho makes n mistake In condemning tho whole for the faults of tho few, nud imitlculnrizcs whero ho should gen eralize. It Is n sad truth tlmt tlioro nro too many "great stono churches" where falseness and hypocrisy Instead of tho divine religion, lint they nro ns 0110 amongst many. lCxcumlon Went nml Northwest. Dally excursions havo Imoit nrrnuged for over tho Union l'acllla Railway to San Fran cisco, Ban Diego, Coltou, Iw Angeles, Han Ilornnrdlno and Han Joso, California, also to I'ortlnnd, Oregon, nt $80.00 for tho round trip. Tickets nro good CO dnys for going pns ungo nnd good for the return trip for six months from date of sale with tho usual ste over privileges in both directions within these limits. Thoso tickets nro nlo good by wny of Den ver nnd Bnlt Lnko City In each direction. Tho agent, Mr, K. II. Hlosson, tolls us quite n num ber of our townsmen are thinking of making tho trip soon, nud it would bo woll for those Intending to go in select parties to see him and arrange for their accommodations. Mr. Jolm II. Kmwloy, traveling agent, Union Pacific, at Omaha, Nob., will givo you nny further Information in regard to these excursions. Parties who prefer can corres IKind with Mr. J. 8. TebbcU, O. P. & T. A., Omnlm, Neb. To Toxus Vlu tho Missouri 1'uclllo ltull w ay. Ono fnro for tho round trip from Lincoln onllpolnta. Tickets limited to sixty dnys, and transit limit going and returning of llfteen dnys in each direction. Excursions leave Lincoln January U5, February 8 nnd Jitf, March 7 and S31. Double Hue of Pullman sleeping cars from Kunsns City. A raro op jwtunlty to visit Texas. Lowest rntes over offered. For nmis, descriptivo jwniphlots, rntes, and further Informntion, call on or nd ,,ri,?H .. . ll- v- K- Millaii, II. O. Hanna, Oencrnl Agent. City Ticket Agent, Corner O nud 12th streets. Ilrown's Vienna Coffee and Oyster houso In tho opera houso block is the neatest and nol lest reso rt in the city. Vuntml, Dressnmkors and ladiM lo call at 120 South 11th street, in tho Holmes block, to investi gate Madam Kollogg's French tnllor system. &ot HIlvercC'roBs CIkis. Tho best seller In tho city, nt Ed. Young's, 1(W0 O street, For nil kinds of society stationery, such ns Invitations, programs, cnnls, menus jetc. cnll nt tho Couuiku olllco In tho now Uurr.block. largest lino or Koy West and Imported ci gars at the Uurr block. A Oreut llnttle Is continually going on iu tho human system. Tlio demon of impure blol strives to gain victory over tlio constitution, to ruin health, to drag victims to the grnvo. A good reliable medicine like Hood's Sursaparillu is the weapon with which to defend ono's self, drlv the desiHirate enemy from tho field, and re store iHincound bodily health for many years. Try this peculiar moillclno. Dally oxcuruons to California via tho Mis souri Piicifla Railway. Tho tourists fnvorite route Choice of two routes going, and priv ilege of returning uny ono of four routes. Descriptive folders and nil information obtained of H. a. Hanna, Or It. P. R. Mu.uvn, Oon'l Pass. Ag't. City Ticket Ag't., cor. O nnd 12th bU. Lincoln to Chicago without change via tho Elkhorn lino. Rolls, pimples, lilvos, ringworm, tetter, nnd nil other manifestations of Impure blood uro cured by Hood's Sarsapnrlllu. Tho new tonsorinl nartmcnt of Messrs. llrutto & Wulter, 1KI South Eleventh street, (In Lyman's billiard hall) Is where gentlemen will find comiMitent workmen to givo a smooth shave, an artistic hair cut, shampoo, etc. Try tho new place. The llurlliiKton's Latest. A superb Hue ofree chair cars now leavo Lincoln dally, Sunday included, at 4 p. in. for Chicago, without change. A colored porter nccompaulcs each car to provldo for tint com fort of passengers, supply toilet nrtlcles, etc. Further Information mny bo obtalnodnt city oiiico, corner O nml lOtli street. A. O. ikmbk, City Pass. Agt. New Trains For Omuhu, Hloux ylty unit tho Kut. Tho Elkhorn Valley Una has put on special train with a through Omnha conch leaving Lincoln nt 7 n, m. daily, Sunday ox cepted. This train makes direct connections at Fremont for Sioux City nnd Clilcngo reach ing tho former place at 1:35 p. in. tho later at 0:50 tho following morning. Returning from Omaha tho train leaves at 6:45 p. in., arriving nt Lincoln nt 0:40 p. m. Thoy know just how to please you with ojBters iu every stylo at Ilrown's Now Vienna Cafe. Go east by tho St. Louis nnd tho Missouri Puclfio railroad and avoid all omnibus trans fers; nil changes mndo iu Union deists via this route. Chair cars freo. anion City Coal nt tho Whltebrenst nnd Limo Co, Coal AH sizes of best grade hard coal, nlcoly screened nnd always on hand at Hutchlns & Hyatt, 1010 0 utreot. COMMENTS CONCERNING NOTABLE What tlm Ttnunpiipnr Hny About Mew mid Wnninu Morn nr I.i I'mnmm. "Oliver Optle" is a figure worthy of notice He Is a little man with n full gray beard, pliHisant face, and twinkling hazel oyes. In conversation tho genial nud kindly spirit ulilius out of Ills face. Ho wore a small tightly lilting skull cap which mndo him look like a 'I'm k. He lives Iu Ronton, and lms prohuhly written more stories for boys nud girls than nny writer of this or any other nge. Ho has produced 115 volumes. Only seven of them were fur adults. Ho began writing somo time iu 1851, w lien ho wns IA years of nge, nnd ho lias keptnt it luccfwnnUy ever since. His first story iu book form brought 1 1 1 lit $:i7,f0. Ho had previously re ceived l) for n short story in a Boston jmjicr. Ho write his copy with a ty writer. Theso nro somo of tho points nbout himself that ho modestly gnvo in answer to inquiries. I had a curiosity to know how so voluminous a novelist nrrnuged his work. lie keeps a book in which ho mnH out beforehand the characters of his story, with n sketch of tho part each ono is to play. Ho thinks It all out and then begins to write, nnd his copy comes from tho tyiw writer nil rendy for the prin ter, it Isjlng raro that ho has to mako correc tions or Interlineations. Miss Mnry Ornyblel, ono of tho missiona ries sustained in India by tlio Disciples, is now located in tho heart of Indln, on tho lino of tho railroad which Is to bo built from Bombay directly across to Calcutta. Tho children of the Sunday schools of the denom ination In the United States contributed a fund of somo 1,000 with which to erect a houso for this mission, nnd in her last letter sho modestly tells how tho work was dono. It nppcnrs she hnd to servo ns architect, mas ter builder nnd gonornl boss mechanic. First sho bought four yoko of buffaloes to do the teaming, then n few big trees thoy nro very scarce In thnt jwirt of tho country. Sho em ployed 100 natives, or nearly that number, whom sho taught to quarry tho stono, which hnd tobohntiled several miles, and to mako brio.'.', first tramping the clay, fashioning it into tho bricks, nnd thon burning thwn, using thosparo portions of tho trees for fucL Tho trunks of tho trees were laboriously by hand sawed Into boards for tho floor, roof, ote. A stono foundation three feet thick was laid threo feet below ground and ns much above, this solid lwisc wnll being doomed necessary to keep out tho white nuts, which aro a great pest of tho country. Of all tho prima donne of America Eliso Ueuslor, n New York girl of German parent ago, has risen to tlio greatest heights of fnmo, It commendation of princes bo a test. Ex actly thirty years ago sho sang tho part of Donna Elvira iu Mozart's "Don Juan," in Now York. Tho occasion was her debut. Tho desiro to cross tho water seized her soon afterward, nnd sho followed her Inclinations. Portugal nt that tlmo offered an ample field for singers, and to It sho went. Without much trouble she secured an engagement at tho Royal ojierii houso in Lisbon, and appeared thcro with much credit to herself in Italian opera. Tho king of Portugal, now tho ox monnrch, was accustomed to visit tho theatro alone, whllo his wlfo remained nt tho castle. Ho saw and heard tho American singer, and was pleased with her. Tho queen, having fallen sick, died, und her place was filled by Ellso Housler, to whom tho king projiosod marnngo oiler tno uointso or his first wife. Minister Hoon, tho Chlneso fonrosontntlvo at Washington, enjoys himself immensoly at tho capital. At n recont reception ho was observed dressed in snow whlto linvmlivl atln, sitting under a palm tree, n In Turk, and drinking puiich, which a Inivy of fair American maidens wcro dUiMinsltig from a huge bowl near at hand. Hoon sjioaks only a few words of English, but ho smiles and smiles and is flirtatious still. His vast ad miration for highly flavored punch nnd pretty women is. well known in Washington, nnd no ono thinks tho less of him for It, "He's so Oriental, you know!" oxclalmed a gushing girl recently. The jHinsion of $3,000 which hns boon granted Mrs. Hancock Is, with tho houso just prehonted to her, all that sho has Iu tho world. Sho hns, however, no one dependent on her, nud enn, with good management, livo com fortably on that. Gen. Hancock was n man who never could sny no when asked for money, so ho died without having saved a ponny. Gen. Logon's widow, who has just been awarded n pension of a Jlko nmotint, bus about f 00,000 well invested, nnd occnslon nlly adds a few dollars to her incomo by her pen. nestcr Morris, of Wyoming territory, was tho first woman in tho United States over ap pointed justice of tho peaco. . Sho w as a tall woman, with a profllo which closely resem bled tho portraits of Queen Elizabeth. Whllo sho was in ofllco sho was a terror to a certain class of ovll doers. "Yes," tho half inobrinted would plead on his arrest, "I been n boatln1 my wlfo ngalu. I know it; but don't send mo up 'f ore Mis' Morris. I rather go 'foro ten men than thot woman. I rather bo tried by a man." Roscoo Conkllng tolls his friends, in spite of all rumors to tho contrary, thnt ho is for ever out of politics. Ho Is dovotod to busi ness nnd Ids personal comfort, ami cannot bo persuaded to oven indulge in the after dinner speeches Iu which Mr. Hewitt and Mr. Dc- pow delight. Ills hair Is growing thinner, but his dress is as natty as over, und his pointed beard is white but carefully trimmed. Tho unllghtod cigar between his lips is tho ono weakness of bis business hours. Mr. Georgo Fay, a wealthy Englishman who hns lived for several years nt Guana- junta, Mexico, is now erecting in a subtiib of that city a magnificent paluco, on which ho expects to expend (0,000,000. Tho building will bo not less than 100 feet high, and it will bo surrounded by lmmcnso gardens thnt will recall tho famed hanging gardens of Dabylon, and to which access will bo gulued by a gi gantic elevator. Capt. Stracban, tho explorer ot Now Guinea, who recently arrived in London, brought with him iu his collection of curiosi ties a little "piccaninny" whom ho rescued just as It was on tho point of being cooked and oaten. This youngster, who is declared to bo very amusing, will probably grow Into a Hon of London society. Prince Napoleon has mado another ndditlon to his numerous relics of tho first emperor in purchasing n locket given by him to n Vene tian beauty or high runic in lbou. it contains a portrait of himself mado with his own hair. With tho jKjrtrait is a hastily scrawled billot doux establishing its authenticity, Edmund Cluroiico Btedman, tho Lankor poet, receives as many as 100 letters n week from mou nnd women, young nud old, who nspiro to authorship and seek advice. Anton Rubinstein Is now properly ad dressed ns jour excellency, or Vushu Pravos chodjeetelstva. Alan Arthur, son of tho late ox-pi-esulont, is preparing somo memoirs of his father, Killlni; "Jubilee. Ituu." The English chancellor of tho oxchoquer is doing n good business In soiling remnant rugs from the royal cnrjxit used at tho queen's jubilee, As "Jublleo rugs" tho rem nant fiuds many purchasers, but somo pooplo aro murmuring at the "cheeseparing jioHcy" of the crown. Loudon Letter. TEE CAUSE OF RHEUMATISM. It Is claimed thnt rheumatism is tomotlmc Inherited hut It is mora like ly thnt tho persons presumed to Inherit it nro physlculy constituted the samo ns tliolr parents nnd unturnly susceptible toll. If clilldion urn difloruntlj con Btltutcd from tho nllllclcd parent they do not "Inherit it." llillotisncss Is ns much of an Inheritance na rheumatism, ns persona of n blllotn tciiijioraincnt nro most suscoptlblo to It nnd thoy of course (jot their temperament from their parents. Other authorities claims thnt rheumatism is caused by tho presence of tirlo acid iu tho blood. Othorrf to tnkiugcold wliuti tliolr Is poison circti luting in tlio blood, others that It is puroly nnd solely a riiionao of tho ner vous nystom. It is well known thnt whon porsons linvo nctitn or Inflamma tory rlictnnntlsin tho bowels nrc ummly constipated nnd tho uriuo scanty, but is thnt not cnusod by tho rheumatism rather thnn tho cntiso of it, for whon tho bowels aro kopt open nnd tho in flammation kept down, a cure Is soon produced. Tho Inflammation must bo kept down until tho pails uro restored to n healthy condition. This is not theory ns a grent ninny sovero cases havo bcon cured In that wny. Tho In flammation being deop seated and mostly iu the joints, It is dllllcult to rcacli nnd butfow external applications will roliovo it, thcro is ono however that will, nnd that is Oliuinburlnln's tCp tt..In, ono nppliontion is itsualy sufllclcnt to roliovo tho pain and only tlio worst cases require inoro thnn ono or two lifty cent bottles to effect .1 cure. u is tno most penetrating liniinont known nud promptly relieves tho ago nizing pnins uotn of riioumullsm ami neuralgia. When tho pnrts can bo reach ed nnd tho l'aln Halm applied directly to tho scut of pain, ns in cases of burns nud toothache, It relieves instantly nnd in cases of rheumatism only a fou moments nro required for its effect to bo felt. To keep tho bowels open al ways iiso St. Patrick's Pills as they aro absorbed into tho blood, act through It, purify it nml thoroughly cloiiuso the whole system, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Will euro a sovero cold in less time thnn by nny other treatment. It ro liuves tlio lungs, opens tho secretions, renders tho mucus less tenacious anil onslor to expectorntonnd aids nature in restoring tho system to a healthy con dition. If freely lined ns soon as a cold hns bcon contracted and beforo it has becomo settled in tlio system, it will often euro wlint would liavo boon a sovcr cold in a single day. It is a cor tain euro for croup. Sold at W. J. Turner's. Now Sowing Mnchlno for Hale. I have n first class now sowing mnchlno nover liecn used, of tlio latent Invention and with ull the modern appliances that will bo sold nt a big bargain. Address Jo-Jo, enro this olllco. llnom the Town. Leave n paper wrapper with n three cent stamp on with II. G. Hanna, city ticket agent of tlio Missouri Pacillo railway, nnd havo n "Lincoln Illustrated" mailed to yom friend east, freo of charge. Through sleepers to Chicago nro run nnd nil eastern connections mndo by tho Elkhorn Valley nnd Chicago nnd Northwestern rail road. Try this elegnnt route. Olllces, 110 8011th Tenth sticets und depot, corner S nnd Eighth streets. Clilcngo & Northwestern mileage tickets sold to anyone nt Elkhorn olllco, 1 15 South Tenth street nnd dejxit corner S nnd Eighth strecU. McMurtry's addition on K street, below Nineteenth, Is one of tho slghllest iu tho city, as well ns being right In the centre of the fnstest growing jwrtlon. Cnll nt his olllco bo low the Capital National Rank and securo 0110 of theti lots. Only via tho Missouri Pnclllo railroad can you get free reclining chnlr enrs through to Atchison, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis, Terra Haute nnd Indlnunpolis. Lincoln Hack and IIukkiiro I.I110. Telephono No. 201, meat market, 037 O street, or No. !!01 livery barn. Ordor slates at same places nnd U. P. ticket olllco, corner Eleventh and O streets. Hack stands, Capi tal hotel aud meat market, Roiiano.v BllOH. Ofllco rurnlturo 1'nr Sale. An improved double olllco desk, two finer o cllning desk chairs, two othor cano seat ofllco chairs, etc. , for sale at u bargain. Only liecn In use four months. Good as now. In quire nt this olllco. 131 North Eleventh St. Wedding stationery, Invitations, programs and nil lino printing our specialty. Cnll and see BptH-'imens of our work. Wcssol & Dob bins, tai North Eloveuth sticct To l'eoplc. "Who Kntertntn. Society jieoplo arranging for parties, Ixdls weddings, receptions or anything in this lino, should insiect our elegant lino of stationery and printed novelties' usod on such occasions. Wo have just received our now fall lluu of elegant Iwll programs, invitations for wed dings, iwrties, etc., announcements, folders, culling cards and iu fact everything in this Hue, Homo Clump Property, A fine residence lot on Twenty-first street near N for snlo at n reasonable prlco. Also ono iu Mechanics addition, Hyde Park and Elmwood. Will soil cheap if sold Immediately Call on or address L. Wessol, Jr., cure this olllco. To tho Traveling Public. Please note that a superb lino of FREE CHAIR CARS is now run between Lincoln nnd Chicago on trains Nos. 5 nnd No. 0; nlso that sleeping ear berths or drawing rooms on tho "ilyors," Noi. 1 and 3 may bo resorvod In advanco nt City Tlckot Olllco, eornor Tenth and O Streets. A. O. CiasiElt, City Pussongor Agent. St. I'uul und tho Nurthweit. Points iu tho above directions nro reached best by the Elkhorn valley lino. Connections nro sure and the lino most direct. Get tickets nt 110 South Tenth street or depot, corner S and Eighth sreetts. Klklinru Valley I.lun l'usvuiiger Trilln Sor vlco. Tho Chicago flyer is train No. 41, leaving at 13:05 noon. It carries n through iwluco sleeper Lincoln to Chicago, and a dining car irom Missouri valley una rouchos its destina tion nt8o'clocktho following morning. This train makes connection at Fremont for Nor folk and Omaha; at Missouri Vally for Sioux C'tynndSt. Paul 1 rain No. -13 ltnvos Lincoln nt(l:Mu. m. for Wahoo, Fremont, Norfolk, Chadron, tho Black HlJU country, York, Seward, aud Has tings. The Omaha Daily Bee, DELIVERED HY CARR1E.1 livery Morning betore 9 A M. LEAVE ORDERS for Subscriptions nnd Advertisements at Lincoln Office Omaha Bee 1020 P Street, Capital Hotel Building. SOMETHING NEW. Wc have purchased the meat mnrkct of Mnnger Hros. (formerly Shcrrcr Si Ilcnl rclch) 128 S. nth Street. Wc will cnry a full line of Fresh and Salt Meats, Lard, Fish, Game, Poultry, Butter, Eggs, Etc. Wholccale nnd Rcsnll. Goods bcllvcred to nny part of the city. Telephone 60. Come nnd sec tin. HOVEY & SON. H, W. BROWN, Dcnlcr In Drugs and Medicines rAINTS,OILS, GLASS. Books, Stationery, etc. 127 S. Eleventh st. BLOOD POISON. flM flAA1 tntYl Antilitn kthe qnlatoMODco of blood I tVtl Nftnl Whrt r-n niMllmu it, glutting out of old teeth ' M every rocil and bo heAlthyr Theso teeth sre ucau, uii.cruu.-u, uiiuraiiny frequently cauc a m oiled fsco. Hhould ccrtalr-V bo extracted and replaced with Rood, artificial teeth that nercracho. Can bo extract ed without pain. No hum bug. ABRA8ION OF THE TEETH. The above cut shows the teeth of a man 5 years of age, from Dr. Bell In 1831. Wo meet with this direction lu tho teeth In various forms and degrees. The ends of. the crowns seem erj soft, having a low decree of vitality and wear down sliowlng a dark )cllowlh cupped jjiotjn the center. Many are so foollih as to " "hat molar teeth aro ot little account, ...i at them go br default; after which all tho force ot the muscles are extended to tho front teeth, wearing them down rapidly. The licit, aud orly remedy, Is to cover and 'mild up the ends with gold and platinum, hlch wears like steel and saves them many ears. We make a specialty of fluo gold wort in building them up, contour tilling, etc. A. n "OrQrOQC Cuts A aud B aro from John Tomes, of Eng land. A Two Incisors with notches in the ends. B shows thoptrehaped teeth wlthyellowlh pits lu the ends For such teeth we have two remedies : First To 1111 ih pits In the ends with gold. Sec ondExtract them and riplnco them with irtlllclsl teeth. But tho bones absorb away rapidly so that they will need resetting fro iiicutly. We make tho finest artificial teeth In the northwest We uso Justlcs" and White's patent teoth, with long, heavy pins, raouuted ou strong elastic plates. Those who patronlxc us will not be troubled with broken teeth and cracked plates, canker sore mouths, etc. To loose tho front teeth, Is to looto half the power of speech, and more than half the beauty. Oiseatod Quins. The tfeth turn black and die, the urns bleed at the lightest touch, ulccrato, the toetu looaeu an4 fell out, the breath Is horribles. DR. A. P. BURRUS. 1200 O Btroot, On the Rapid Transit, euies np dtaeaaod irains, mattes tho Unest gold and plntleum lUlliigi, niaksa the OuMt teeth that tobacco will uot UruUlk. S. H. BORNHAM, BROKER. Moay loaned on long or short tune at lowest ites. Office In Richards' Block, room 22. Take elevator on Eleventh street enUaaom. o.A.SHOEMAKER,ffl.D. Homooopatriist Physician, Telephone No, 685, 163 South 1 ith Street, Lincolm Nun Drayage and loving. OLIVER MAGGAHD Desires to Inform the public that his equip ment for moving Household Goods.Plnnos Safes, MnrcliandUe, Heavy Machinery. etc.. is the best In tin- i-ltu K.n-lol ... . and wagons nrc kest for the removal of Pianos and Household Goods, Which nrc nlwnys handled by compctnnt nnd experienced licit), nnd the latest nppll nnces used for handling Safes uud oilier heavy goodi. Call, nddrcss or telephone OLIVER MAGGARD, Telephone 1 1 1 Office 917 O St. yyp& iCisxPrrijr a P4stW yJwWr'"IHrrllffffffBpptTffTl i,.iajwii'TWHi'tMWmwHw f-"-' ubJj-jaoitr