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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1888)
5 ' t,w -Mm W" Bo Suro to Cot Hood's Sarsaparllla, my child. 8co tlioy do not clvoyounnytJilnn die. You remember It Is tho medicine which did mama so much good a year ngo my favorite- Spring Medicine Nearly everybody ncodi a good spring modi clno like- Hood's Sarsaparllla to expel Impuri ties which nccumulato In tho blood during tho winter, keep up strength as warm weather comes on, ercato an nppellto and promoto healthy digestion. Try Hood's Sarsaparllla and you will bo convinced ot Its peculiar merits. It Is tho Ideal spring medicine re liable, beneficial, pleasant to tako, and gives lull value tor tho money. Ho suro to got Hood's Sarsaparllla BoldbyoltilruRRliU. Jl tlxfor. 1'rpp.ircdonlr by 0. 1. HOOD A CO., Apolliecrlci, Lowell, Man. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar Pomeroy-Coal COMPANY DEALERS IN Coal and Wood. Good supply ot High Grade JSoft, anq Hard Coal al ways on hand. 1201 O St. J. R. LEMIST, Agent. TRAVEL VIA THE BURLINGTON ROUTE. It Is tho only lino riiitiiltiK directly through Ponvernnd Suit Iilto City, oiironto to Him KnuielKco nnd other California points, mid In known ns tho "Scenic 1,1 no" to tho Puclflc const. Tho lltirltiiKtoii Houto runs over Ub own trnek ovory duy In tho your. Complete train of l'ullinan l'nlaco Carn and Elogiint Day CoaehcH between Denver and Chicago, Denver and Kan. City, Denver and Omaha, Kansas City and Peoria, Kansas City and Chicago, Lincoln and Chicago, Lincoln and St. Louis, Lincoln and Peoria, Lincoln and Kan. City, Mnklng direct connection In Union Ili-pot fornll polntH North. Knot, Month and West. Itlmlio I'lonocr niuliiK Car I.lno between Mlsourl rlvor and Chicago. Meals only 7c. Tho lliirllnirton Dining Care wcro built ox promly for tho service and nro luaunged en tirely In tho Interest of our patron. SHORT LINK HBTWKKN LINCOLN AND OMAHA. Via tho Aslilnnd Ciit-olT, making direct con nections with trains for Ht.l'mil, Minneapolis Chicago and all points Kast nnd Northeast. Tho (llagrnius of tho Llncoln-Chlcano sleep ers via this popular rout nro at City Olllce.eor O and 10th sts., where berths may bo secured at any tlmo. A.C..IKMKH, H. EUSTIS, I'. and T. Agt Lincoln O. l'.nndT. Agt., Omaha. J. II. V. HAWKINS, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT, Ilullillncs completed' or hi Jcourse of erection from April J, 18W): ituslness blouk. 0 K ontgomery, 11th and N. do do L W lUlliiunlcy, 11th near N. ltestnurant (Oilells) 0 K Monlgoinfry, N near 11th. ltesklence, J J Imhoff, J nnd Uth. do J I) Jlncfnrlnnd, Q and 1 Ith. do John ZtthrunK, I) nnd 11th. do Albert Wntklns. I) bet Uth nnd 10th. do Win M U'linniil, K lHt Uth nnd 10th. ilo EUautlirlo, '.Tth nnd K. do J K Keed, JI U, V l't IBth nnd 17th, do I. O M Ilnldwln. 0 lift lhlli ami IBth. BAnttntiunt biillding nt Mlltonl, Nub, Flirt Hnptlst church, Uth nnd K street!, ortuary chadel and receiving tomb nt Wyuka cemetery, Oflleo , - Rooms 33 nnd 34 Richards Bloolc. DR. B. B. Powers, DENTIST, GoldFillings A Speciltay Cold, Silver niul Porscelaln Crowns insert ed on roots of teeth. Sets Inserted without ji plate. All operations first iclass nnd wnr rnnteil, 1114 O Street over Elliott's. A TDUE DEAR 8T0nY. Two Men Muffle llrnln In lllntilu't nn1 (let (tin llt'Ht oT Mini. r'X Iff saa -VW '.V rrrK m'nciAii to Tho New York Hun ftinn Hernii ton, says tlmt 111 lluivey lloccrn nnd CIiiwIch 111" ll'l 0 s w w- f .A .'! efeA .iVi , "v. it o u c k were driving homo through n piece of woods In liOh!)h township, thulr horn's prleked up their earn and topcl suddenly nt something In tho roud ahead of thorn. Tho dim light of tho now moon revealed tho outline of 11 dm k object, but tho men could not tell what It wns, nuddolluuck juui)cd out of tho sleigh nud ran ahead. As ho Rot in front of tho team Ilouck snw what ho took to lio n loy standing In tho mlddlo of tho highway, nud lio walked slowly townnl him nnd was nlwnt to nsk him what ho wns doing thcronll alone, when n low grunt from tho object stopped him. Houck thou saw that instend of n boy a largo hoar, standing uprlj-lit on its lmuuchos, wns what tho horses stuck up their enrsnt. Thinking tlmt lio could easily scare tho lienront of thorond, Houck pulled tho mit ten from his big right hnnd, (lushed up to tho bear nud gavo it a smart slnp on tho sldo of tho head with tho tint of his hnnd. No sooner hnd ho ilono this, Ilouck said, than tho lar plunged nt him nnd almost downed him lcforo ho hnd n clianco to realize that ho hnd nrousod thonnlmnl's nngor. Quickly recov ering himself, Ilouck denlt tho bear nuothcr stinging blow on tho hend, nnd then thcro wns such a ronrlng and snarling nround thcro that Rogers, who had romnlnod in tho sleigh, know what kind of a creature Houck had run foul of. Again tho boar sprang nt Houck and knocked him down in tho snow, but bo beforo tho furious Ixvist could trumplo on him ho got on his feet ngnin. Seeing tho bear wns n fighter of tho first order, Houck Hung off his inulllcr and over coat nnd went nt bruin in earnest, giving it thrco or four lively thumps on tho nose. In stead of turning tall at this sort of treatment, tho raging nnlmnl tackled Houck savagely, striking him In tho faco with ono of his big claws, nnd making his noso bleed frooly. Houck then saw that tho lonr was too much for him, and so he ran townnl tho sleigh, the bear following closo nt his heols. 1 V Rogers saw tho maddened nnlmnl thrash ing through tho snow, nnd ho rushed in front of it nud throw n big horso blanket over its head. Thnt stopped tho benr's wild dash for a moment, but it soon shook tho blanket off, and then it mndo for Rogers, gnashing its tooth nnd hollowing till tho woods rang. Uy tho tlmo tho Ixuir hnd pnwod and shaken tho blnukot from its head, HogerH had rushed to tho sleigh nnd got tho other blanket, nnd, tho moment tho bear lunged toward him ngnin, lio threw tho blanket over its hend, falling on tho bear at tho instaut nnd seizing It around tho nock. Tho boar struggled terribly to f reo itself, but Rogers hung on llko a good follow, nt tho samo time telling Houck to got tho other blanket. Hoforo Houck could nsslst him tho murderous beast roso up on its hnuuehes nnd throw Rogers several foot away. Tho boar thou floundered nud pawod nnd kicked nnd jumped till it had got its head freo ngain, when it tried to renow tho attack, its rago be ing frightful to witness. Then thoy quickly plnced tho blnnkots togothor, mnking a doublo thickness of thorn. Thon each grabbed nn end of tho doublo blanket, nnd, when tho Infuriated bear plunged nt them again, thoy flung it over its head, rushed upon tho lcar as thoy did so, and falling upon it with all their wolght, thus forcing tho boar to tho ground. Once or twice tho powerful anlmnl lifted both of thorn off their feet, but they kept tho blankets over its head by clinging to its nock with their muscular arms. Thoy soon downed tho struggling brute, howovor, but ho didn't stay down long. At this stage of tho fight ho roso upon his haunches with n spring, lunged forwnrd nnd struck on his foro feet, and thos rprang up ngnin nud flung himself to on fide, Tho men still hung to tho lienr'sneck fjr dear lifo, IwUoving thnt thoy would bo nblo to smother nnd choko him to death in tho courso of a fow minutes mora Tiio bear wns Apparently pnrtinlly oxhnusted, for it lay (till n short tlmo, nnd then it roared up nud flounced about, but tho men soon floored him onco moro. After nnother rest of a few soc onds the boar madoadesporato nttempt to got rid of the two strong men, but thoy hnd rested, too, nnd thoy locked tholr lingers to gether under his throat and kept on top ot him ns he struggled and swung them this way und that. Vhon the boar boenmo quiet for an instant tho two men got n grip on his gullet with both hands. Then ho mndo nuothcr dosperato Struggle to get looso, but thoy had him com plotoly in tholr jwwer, nnd thoy soon choked tho lifo out ot him. lloth Rogers nnd Houck were pretty well tuckered out when thoy loosoucd their holds on tho limp nnd llfoloss bear, nud thoy said thnt, if it had not been for tho blankets, tho lonr would in nil proba bility have killed both of them. When thoy got home that night thoy found thnt tho car cm of tho murderous brute wolghed 304 pounds, nnd lieforo noon of tho next dnv the people of the entirosottloment were talking nbout tho terrific lluht that tho two plucky farmers hod bad with tho iuoddluomo bear. m i -:wi d SI ' x tf Wm . I.O..I ' t I -. i r& CS vK )& If' j WHAT SHALL WE WEAR 1 STYLES IN JACKETS IMPORTED FOn EARLY 8PRINQ DAYS. Hint In Itrnnrd to the New Mllllnory. Novcltle In llrnrnlrtu l'ronrli Moilnla Tlmt Illiintritln Now nud (Irnrefiil Modes of Drr.tliiK the llalr. Wo present in tho first cut horn shown a front nnd back view of a now l'reuch morn ing coiffure. FIIONT AND HACK VtKW OV MOHNINO COIF- rums. Tho front hair Is f riwed nnd curled and or namented with a tortoise shell hnlr pin, deco rated with a gold top. At tho back a long Dinna loop mndo of a strand of hnlr is twisted into vnrl6us turns, according to tho illustration (See Ixick viow.) These loavo tho unpo of tho neck without ornamentation. rnONT AND BACK VIEW HEOKrTlOW COIFFOMC In tho second cut is shown a Paris recep tion coiffure. As will bo seen nn ornamental handonu crosses tho top of tho head, nnd tho front hair is frizzed nnd curled. Tho back hnlr is arranged in thrco Dinna loops fas tened with decorntivo plus of tho samo uinto rlnl as tho bandeau. Tho lowest loop falls ns a catogau. llnll nmt IWrnlnc llrrupn. At this season thcro nro not very mnny now fentures in bnll gown liodices. Tho drapery which hns a corner caught up to ono shoulder, n la Orecquo, still finds favor, nnd is uindo either ot somo soft transparent crce, through which tho bodice is seen, or of embroidered Jet, which clings closely to tho figure, l'lcturosquo ideas llko theso, thnt nro not carried out In too prominent a, fash ion, aro always wclcomo as rolloviug a lull room from tho monotony of design, moro or loss apparent, when two or thrco ieoplo do cldo whnt hundreds shall wear. Tor low Ijodlccs a pretty trimming is to havo tho loft Mdo completely covered with soft drapery llko a succession of hnlf circles, whilo coming from tho right is nn nrrnugomont of long loops of ribbon, flowers, lnco or passomen terio, which frequently descends to tho edgo ot tho skirt, With liodices thnt havo n long, narrow V cut out back nnd front, a tiny, delicately gathered chomlsetto is often worn. This can Ikj mndo in white Hsso or crepo, cr in somo pale shade corresponding with the rest of tho dross. Pretty belxi pulled sleeves will Ik sometimes worn to match tho chemi sette, cither terminating in n broad band of velvot on tho nrm or tied with moire ribbons. A fow French low bodices havo Inpcls of silk turning outwnrd, back and front, tmm tho neck in V shnpo. This stylo makes nsomo what hard outline but to mnny fnces it proves becoming. Sleeves do not seem gnln ing in fnvor for tho strictly fashionable bnll gown In fnct, thoy nro chleily rcmnrknblo for their absence. At tho snmo tlmo thcro nro mnny beautiful absolutely high dresses worn, nnd in theso days of solid liend em broidery, procurnblo in almost any shndo, it is easy to havo nil tho warmth necessary without tho slightly stiff nppearanco that a bod i co has when made to tho throat entirely of ono material Cloth Jackoti for Spring. Cloth jackets imported for early spring days, says Harjcr's Bazaar, nro of plnln, plnld or striped cloths, In higher colors thnn nro usually chosen for wraps. Tho sty lish coats of smooth faced clotlis for drossy occasions come in copper colors, in tho now green shades, in tobacco browns, Huodo color, tho odd blues with green tints, and in bright rod shades, whilo tho rougher homespun jackets nro in stripes or lnrs or melanges of two or threo of theso colors together. Tho now bhnpes nro qulto short and nro slnglo breasted; tho fronts aro closely fitted, nnd many havo vests of contrasting color inado ot cloth or elsoof ptquo; tho edges nro stitched or bound, nnd tho linings nro of striped, checked or chnugcablo surah. Braiding has by no menus had its day of favor as n trim ming on JncknU, and is ilono with both metal nnd mohair braids, somo of which are flat and others tubular, whilo tho twisted cords ot silk or ot niotnl aro used in all tho most elaborate designs hitherto done only in Goutacho braid. A jncket that may be worn with hnlf u dozen diirurent dresses is n useful garment in n spring nnd summer outfit, nud it is now an easy matter to choose such n garment, sluco tho cloths nnd homespuns nru bo varied in color; thus a copper colored or Sucdo cloth jacket is worn by young ladies not only with a gown of tho samo color, but with bluo, green or brown dresses, or with a a gown of black laco, whilo coats of bluish gray or of drub cloth aro worn by older ladies with gray, brown or black dresses. HiiRce.tloni About llodlee und Drnpqry. This season tho richer materials In tho darker shades will form tho Iwdico and drapory of the dress, whilo tho skirt will bo in the pnler color. Here Is an Instance, a lovely mouso volvct mndo Into a low bodice and tlrapery, over a dellcato shrimp colored silk, with a deep pinked outruchonttho foot; tho drapery, lined with shrimp, is caught up high, nud the front of the bodice is shrimp silk gathered very fully with mouso velvet ribbons, tied ncross it from sido to side. This design can of courso be carried out in many contrasts of color, and looks mrtlcularly woll when the velvet used is gray, nnd tho skirt a rich shade of yellow, and makes it wondorfully pretty dinner gown. Thoro is a beautiful shade of gray grcciwhich will bo worn much und combines with yellow woll. 6oiui n( tho Now llrncolott. Whilo somo of tho now bracelets nro very light and delicate in construction, tho ten dency Is to heavier nud moro solid workman ship in theso ornaments. The gold curb chain bracelet is it pojAdar sort. A bracelet out for tho holidays was formed of two strands of gold rojio tied in tho center, so ns to present tho llgures 88. A striking orna ment seen consisted of n brncelut composed of gold horbouhooii nutted by little chains, the nails iu tho .hues oolug represented by small brilliants. WmSi ALL AROUND THE HOUSE. A Dainty Funny In Furiitttirf Nrwunl filmpn In Hllverwnre l.rntnii lllnlirm White nud gold furniture Mug n fnncy of tho day, ono or two nrtlcles In this slylo have n good elTect iu n room, licslilo furnish ing u convenient wnyof transforming old things Into new. An old mirror that has Ixvn set nsldo on nccountof it worn frame nmy, with whlto lilnt, varnish nud strloi of gold Miint, lio converted Into a hniulioino piece of furni ture; for ot nil tho furnishings of tho house tho mirror stands nt tho head ns tho most beautiful when framed in while and gold. An old fuddncd light sland painted while, with bauds of gold, with a whlto felt scarf thrown over it, tho ends embroidered with golden rod or daisies, is u pretty addition to any room. A willow rhnlr or rocker that hns grown dark may Iki mndo beautiful by painting in whlto nnd gold, upholstering tho seat nud nrms lu myrtle green plush, running inyrtlo green satin ribbon through thospneo around or across tho back, nud fastening nt tho right hnud corner lu u broad bow. The back may have n round or tvpinre cushion of thu samo shade of plush, or need not havo any, A common eano sent eh air mlntcd lu white nud gold, upholstered lu jHVicock bluo, with ii Imwof tho biiuio shade of ribbon tied nt the upHr right hnnd corner of tho back, is very pretty. St) Irs In Hllxer Tnlilnwiire. Tho beauty nud nirlty of wnros shown in all articles of silver nud lu sliver and glatts combined, for use nnd urtistlu dec-oration on the table, Is tuoru romurknblo this season thnn ever. One of tho most oxquislto styles in a ion or coffee set over brought out Is, according to Decorator nnd Furnisher, n fine quilted satin finish, with flutid top nud burnished bands, nud It is hiivlrg Immense success. Kngravcd figures on satin llulsh look like sliver brocade on n ground of frost work. There nro hnlf a score of models, nf tor which now designs aro made. A style iu Milled surfneo with the lines mu lling iu n sweeping curve from top to bottom of the vessel is very pretty, ns well ns that which bIiouh pcrK)udlculnr Hidings lu melon shape. Indeed tho round, plump, nectlnoy melon hns Urn tho modol for somo of the liest designs of tho season. Spoon holders nro shown In gohlot shnpo nud lu tho melon shnpo just described. A now style is a Hat tray with nearly straight sides nud handles. Others nro tall, with nrched handles and elaborately ornamented sides nnd bodies. Syrup cups nro iu tall slonder forms, regu lar pitcher sluqies nnd iu tho melon pattern. Some butter dishes set very low upon tho tnbleothers, rcsttiM)n thostnudnrd, nnd thoro nro those that nro suspended mldwny in nn urcli of decorated und filigree metal. Oriiugo bowls nro ot cut glass, tho framo and stand of silver. OLABH AND H1I.VEUWAIIK. Berry dishes nro wider nnd moro shallow thnn tho orango bowls, but nro othorwiso similar nud mounted In very much tho snmo fashion, Somo of them havo Imwls ot en graved gloss, others of llutod or cut gloss. Jinny of the IkiwIs nro of colored glass, clthor cut, engraved or decorated. Low flat dishes aro iojiular, although somo of tho nowost pattern havo balls thnt aro made of a wldo Kind of niotiil, nnd decorated iu most elnbor nto stylo. Egg stands nro populnr. They nro in Boveral forms, somewhat like u largo coster, but have standards for the egg cups whero tho caster liottles are placed. A small bracket holds the sooii nnd tho stand is ordinarily passed for each inombcr of the family to tako cup and sjioon. Toast racks nro among tho breakfast con veniences. Thoy aro in various sizes and will hold from six to twolyo slices of toast. Beside other novelties, tho authority men tioned ttatcs that salad cantors nro coming into general uso. Thoy havo two liottles, ono for oil nud ono for vlnegnr, and some havo pepper nud salt bottles. In cako baskets tho latest patterns nro somewhat in tray shapo with straight sides, corners almost square, anil wide, decorated handles. Tho cut hero given represents a doublo pre serve stand of cut glass in a silver framo, a richly chased claret jug nnd a silvor toast rack. Keel pes Tor tho I.cntcn Keiisnn, Among dishes suitnblo for tho leuten season a correspondent of good housekeeping gives tho following: Milk soups nro also very agrecablo, and can lio mndo with otatoes, rice, sago, tapi oca, vermicelli, etc Boil ono quart of milk, season with very little salt nud sugnr, and thicken with ono tenspoonful of roni starch. When serving, pour over blocks of fried bread. Two yelks of eggs added improves tho soiqi greatly. One-half cupful of rico or ouo-quurtcr cupful of sago lwllcd In a quart of milk makes rico or bago soup. A little sugar must lio added and yolks if liked. Canned Lobster. Cut in small pieces, lay iu pudding dish, pour over it bechamol or white sauco mndo of milk, cooked quite thick. Orate over it ouo-quarter jiound cheoso par mesnu is and boko until brown. Ilurd lwllcd eggs with cream sauco poured over them is another dish easily prepared, also served cold with mayonnaise, to which you have added ono teaspoouful of French mustard. 4 German jmn cakes mado of two largo wooden spoonfuls ot flour, four eggs, nnd made to a thin batter with milk, nud baked with plenty of butter, in n ian, nro nice. For vnriety spread with jolly, jam or npplo sauco, and roll. Cream Whipped Solid Without Wu.te. Cathcriuo Owon tells thnt tho only way to whip cream bolld without one tcaspoonful of waste is to havo it at least twenty-four hours old nml Uioroughly chilled; then to lient it steadily without taking the Uiiter out till it is ns solid ns the white of egg. This usually happens in ten minutes with a pint ot cream, but If the kitchen is warm nud it does not "como" in thnt time, it Is often nn economy ot tlmo to set It in the ico, just as ft is, to got chilled ngain. There Is no occasion to re move tho froth us it rises; tho whip will bo finor nud firmer without. Hints Hero nnd Thorn. Always wah glassware by Itself. Clean piano keys with a llttlo alcohol. A soapstouo griddle is tho best for linking cakes. A sunny kltcluui window Is tho liost for plants. Rub rough lint irons on u board sprinkled with lino Kilt. Pure whlto damask is tho first choico in dinner cloths. NEXT - AT - MILLER'S Special attention will bo paid to DRESSGOODS Stock Large. Assortment Complete. All the New Shades. All the New Fabrics. J. E, MILLER'S 145 South Tenth Street. SOMETHING NEW! WILL OPEN NEXT WEEK. Cut Flowers, Art Designs, Nebraska Floral Company, 125 North 12th Street. Something for a Rainy Day. 100 Ladies Gossamers with Bycrs Ventilated Epaulets worth $2.50 we will close the lot at $1.25. I. FRIEND & SON 9 1 3 and 91SO Street. NEW SPUING STYLES! JUST ARRIVED. And now ready for inspection at John Morrison's All the Finest Qualities and Latost Patterns in stock. I have the finest cutter in the city and guarantee satisfaction. Cal and see my goods and work. 121 North Eleventh street. Union - Pacific - Railway, The Overland Route. Shortest and Safest Route to all points in Colorado, Utah, California, Montana. "The Dveriand Route' Tako tho ovorhind llyer nud wtvo ono duy to all rnelllo const iolnts. TIIIJ UNION PACIFIC IS THE FREE CHAIR CAR LINE. HiinnlnK Into Union DupoiH mid cmuieolliu with tho fiut limited-trains of nil linos for points cunt, north nnd smith. Through ticket on modern iliiy pouches. IIukkiiro ehoeko throiiKh toilextlimtton from nil kuu oiul hi tho United Htntes mid Cunudu. Sleeper accommodation reserved in through Pullman l'nlucc cars from the Miss i river to the Pacific coast. E. B. SLOSSON, Agent. llHt O Street, Uncolii, Nehrnslau T. J. POTTER, K. U I.OMAX, J. S TK1M1KTS, Fiot Vice President, As. Oen. Puss, and Ticket At. (ieii. Pitss and Ticket Aj WEEK Wedding and Funeral Work. Telephone 682- Idaho, Oregon, Washing 'n Territory. JJIJ