Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, January 28, 1888, Image 4

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.(ii-LI J I L .
Makes the preservation o( the natural
teeth n upcclulty by nil known approval
method. (5 old ami Mrcclaln crown s
mounted on the natural root.
All operation pcrfonncil without pain.
aStlofnctlon guaranteed.
Wo, tlio undersigned am jieroonnlly ac
quainted with Dr. U Wcnto, who In to lonvo
II noon and enRtiKo hi tlio practice of dentls
trv In vour city.
Wo can imhwltathmly recommend lilm a
a thorough master of hi profofwlnn, and wo
nro sure that all work ontrintod to him will
bo skillfully ierforinod.
J. UNDRIIIIIl.t., M. I).
W. W. Mu.Ma.nn, M. 1).
J. E.MoAiamm,.M. H.M.I).
J, M Oai.i.kikjoii, I). 1), H,
Qaudmch, Illinois, Jan, '!, IHS7.
116 South Eloventh St., Lincoln, Neb.
Boots and Shoes.
Fine Shoes and Dancing Pumps
Price a low a reliable first-clan (rood
can be told for, and nil honorable compe
tition fairly met
1043 O Street.
1.114 O street.
Examine sample of 'our work before
ordering clsawherc.
Hew Hampshire
Step, Single and Extension
230-232-234 S. 1 ith st.
Philharmonic : Orchestra,
A. lUOINOW, Q. II. Aschhan,
Musical Director, Manager.
Office Funke' Opera House, 8d Floor, Front
Will fumkh draud or Sacred music for
and all other occasion requiring flniUdass music
t3rSpeclfU rates will be made with club
desiring the ochestra for tho Reason,
rates furnished on application.
We also desire to state that wo hare opened a
Conservatory of Slualo In our apartments In the
opera house building, for the Instruction on
orchestral instruments. Tuition hours; S a. n
111 19 noon, and 1 till 4 p. m. overy day except
Sunday. For scholar not able to attend atregu
ar hours, special time will be given.
For further Information as to prices, time, etc
address or call on the manager.
$350 in GOLD
Given away at Ed. Cerf 's
clothing store.
67 Prizes
905. O street.
tiwnnfff itli iirir 1 mn n rirn i n iiririihwiifrmiiiwiriOLlrtra'jfrisin iiiTmw t nai'MlM''""' r sfsAMM1wsifc
A linlUir htitr of Modern 7Vmc.
rtiiiiMiuniom Ono Yir by Mall or Carrier t,0)
HI x months, 31,00, Thn-o mouths M Cents, Ono
month lOCiiitslmnl nlilj In Adntice.
nviciirnKMittrt: Unlet furnished on nppllentlMi
nl tlio ofllco. 8eelnl rnlet on Tlmo Contract.
t'oKTnimrnoN! Hliort spicy sketehe, miii, and
stories solicited. Personal nnd Koclnl uoti- nro
rsHclnlly desirable.
I'niNTiNOi Wo nwikn n specially of linn 1'rlntlnK
1 1 all It hrnnuhe. Hoclety work a specially
Ailitniut all I'ouiiminlcAtlonii direct to tlio office.
wicaaiCL, nouniNS,
KtiiTon and rnocaiKTon.
Cnpllnl Hotel Ml North Khivi'Mli Street.
Telephone: editorial ltooina BM, I'rlntltiK, VTO.
Tlio CouiiiKH will not Ikj rofjionsltilo for
any del mnilo by any ono In It iiniuo, tin
lossn written order nocoininnloH tlio amo,
properly signed, of eourtto.
Wkhhki. & Doiiiiinh, Prop'r.
Now that tho United HlnloH supremo court
ha decided that Maxwell, tho layorof l'rel
ler, must hang, It I to lie hood that he will
SkvkhaL of our exchange am discussing
thoqurstlon, ''Why Don't tho Men Marry!"
Considering that till In leap year, It I proba
bly Ihhiuiho tho girl don't nk them.
Mn. KiikuNyk, wo learn, ha Invented u
now, Illustrated Joko. Mr, Nye's Ingenuity
and Industry nro to lm commended. A now
Joko undoubtedly fills n long-felt want.
It 1 rt'M)i tod that Julian Hawthoruo re
ceive $1,000 uplccti for editing Inhjiector
Pyrites' stories, Julian hail Instter stick to
tho Job; It ay better than editing hi own
KvKHY man in tho lower house of coukivxm
ha iutroduciMl or will shortly Introduce n bill
fur tho erection of a public hutldhiK at homo
K)lut or another, Kvlduntly (ho mirplu Is
Tint Cot'HIKH ha Mcured tho Hcrvlce of
0110 of LIucoIii'h ni(wk acitimpllHlicil young la
dlitt, who will luivafter pri'sldo over tho
social column of tlio paper, thus enabling u
to more fully cover that Held.
Now that tho Atchison and Lincoln iiowh
pnpcni havo tnuuortalltcd tho iiamo of Will
IIiiblianl'Keriian, nuppoMi thoy give us a rest
011 him, Keniau ha both gooil mid bad itial
Hies, llko tho rot of humanity, but it 1 hard
ly right to show up tho luul only.
IlKV. W. O. Ilnwklu Is contributing n so
rle of letter descriptive of KuroiHiin sight
nnd scenes to tho Couiiiku w hich will well
repay jwniwil. Air. Hawkins Is 11 very enter
tnlulug writer, and present new light 011 ov
ery subjoct upon which ho touches.
TllK comparative amount of buslnvs, and
relatively, tho comparative sites of Lincoln
and Hasting Is mIiowii by tho sum total of
postolllco ivcclpt nt tho two cities. Lincoln
foots up tio.OOO and Hasting $15,000. And
yet sonio people cldlm that Hasting is a ri
val of this city, If Lincoln over finds It out
thoro will bo sonio fun.
That spring Ikxhii 1 begliinlmi to show It
elf. letters from manufneturerf In the cast
nro received dally by tho lxvird of trade, and
Lincoln seem to bo In favor n n location.
Wo havo room for them all, no lot them all
como. This year will w line many additions
to tho manufactories of tho city, and n cor
responding Increase In population.
CrriZKNH of Olbbon, Shelton, Kenrncy, Co
ead and other places along tho lino of tho
Union Pacific" whoro tho Hiipply of coal had
Wo oxhaustcd, stopped trains and emptied
coal cars of their contents. It seems a llttlo
unreal oven to irnons hero in Lincoln to read
of such occurrences, but no 0110 blames the
jeoplo for their desj-crnto acts.
houk surprise I felt In home quarter that
Hon. J. M. Thurston accepted thoKMltIon of
solicitor to tho Union Pacific railroad, there
by dolwirring him from tho race for United
8tatos senator. It Is to bo notlcod, how-ovcr,
that thero is a dlffercnco of 7,000 n year in
favor of tho railroad ixisltton. Besides, tho
latter was n suro thing, which tho other wn
for from being.
The retirement of Mr. T. J. Potter from
the management of the Union Paclllo railroad
would iw a sad blow to tho Interests of that
road. It is hoped that Mr. Potter's health
will bo such that ho can fulfill his project of
making tho U, P. the great railroad its facil
ities and locntlon render possible Mr. Potter
empluitlcally denies nny intention whatever
of offering his resignation.
The Burns club of Omaha celebrated tho
120th anniversary of the birth of tho Scottish
iHird Wednesday ovenlng with a iMUKjuotand
ball at Exposition hall, In which nearly
three hundred iwrson partlciated. Toasts
wero responded to by Hon. J. M. Thurston,
Mr. John Wilson and Mr. Q. M. Hitchcock.
Tlio exercises were intonspcrseC with tho play
ing of Scotch nlrs by tho band and tho sing
ing of Scotch ballads by various members of
tho company.
Atlejs Haht. of tho North Nebraska Fji-
glo, is up for honors. The Couiiieh Is In re
ceipt of nn elegant folder with tho words
"Birth Announcement" embossed in gold
across tho upper half, and on tho tiny card
bolow the Information is given that tho now
arrival will bo known iu the social world us
"Georgia LomIno;Hart,"havlng become a res
dent of Nebraska January 13th, 18S8. Con
gratulations are now in order, and none can
bo moro sincere than the well wishes of tho
CouniEit, which aro hereby extended, with
compliments of the season to Mr. and MnC L.
A. Hart.
TllK worklngman ha very llttlo how f"orn
fair henrlng at tho hand of tho pre of tho
country, Jiwt now the men w ho nre out on
Mrlkoontho Philadelphia & Heading nmd
aro receiving all tho blaino for tho coal fmn
Ino, tho high prleo of that commodity nnd
varlou other ovll. Tho CnUHlKU llkw to
wo fair play, and a from roiinl olnervn
tlonlt know tho employe of tho Heading
aro treated very shabbily In coiiipurlwn with
tlintmvonled IV'iimylvanln Centnil men, It
dcMWi't lilaiun them nuich for trlklng. Tlio
matingemeut of the Heading havo lieon very
niggard In thnlr dealings with employes, and
when they were making big money never of
fered an ndvanco In wage, but when tho
uliu'k tlmo enmo nutel to rethico them.
Thoy havo arrogated to themwlveii every lit
tlo bit of prollt, havo nilel tho employe with
an Iron hand, nnd tho only wonder I that tho
men havo stood ltnlonga thoy havo. Hlght
ly managed, tho P. & It. should lie ono of tho
Inwt paying road III tho country, tapping n
It doc tho great coal region of Peuulvanla
and running through Mich cities a Heading,
PotUvllIe, Beriititon, WllllainiKirt, Hunbury
and other. Tho blnmo fur tho in I mi In price
of coal hhoulil Imi pineal 011 tho fchoulder of
Austin Corlilu and hi subordinates whoro It
rightly lioloiig and not 011 thow)of men vtho
aro liattllng for enough money jkt diem to
keep themselve and fnmllle nllvu.
In Bcrlbner' Magazluo for Kebniary wo
llnd a very Intorontlng article "What tho Will
KiroctJ," from tlio kii of Prof. William
JamcN, from which wo take tho following ox
tract: Ifonovioro a pure sentimentalist,
with no KetiHO for Nature' cold inechnnlc.
one might keep an utterly cloistered faith and
ltvo with ono' head In tho wind of soma cnnxl
which utterly delicti physiology nnd physic,
and yet havo 11 pcifcctry good Intellectual
coiiKclenco, and cotitlder that till wan noth
ing hut yielding to ovldcnco of 111. objective
sort. Ho, too, if ono were a good tmlluetketl
materlallKt by nature. Having no yearning
for tho lullnlte, It would cot nothing to give
tho Inllulto up, nor to sny that tho mechani
cal philosophy had written itnelf in clinrac
tent of living light on tho virgin tablet of
ono' puru Intelligence. Hut theso OHtrleh-lIko
nttltiiilo aro Uitli of them getting harder
than over to maintain, With civilization,
sympathy and MMisibllity and tho love of life
aro over growing more uo.uto nnd exacting;
and toiling otmtluately within us like never to
bo Hlt"iiced bolls, thoy demand that tho ele
ment which wo cull dlvluo in thing fchnll Ikj
an eKstiutlal and etornnl element a well. Hut
there, too, on the other hand, llko n great
ocean spread outnldu of u, lie the world
without a purpose of tho mechanical plilloto
phy in which what Isdlvlno apjicurs as a mere
accident; and no model n man' cat can Irs
ouitodcuf to tho tumbling of that ocean's
.Suit Khriim
With It Intense itching, dry, hot skin, often
broken Into painful cracks, nnd tho llttlo
Watery pimple, often causes indoscritinhlo
suller lug. Hood' Sarsaporllla ha wonderful
power over till disease. It purities tho blood
and excl.tho luimoiyuidtlio skin heals with
out a scar. Send for book containing many
statements of cures to C. I. Hood&Co.,npoth
ocarle, Lowell, Mass,
SlierlrT hale.
Notlco Is hereby given tliat by vlrtuo of an
execution Issued fry tho Clerk of tho District
Court of tho Second Judicial District of Ne
braska, within and for Umcaster county, In
an action wherein Hegnler & Slump nro
plaintiff and Charles W Hellloy defendant,
I will, nt!J o'clock Kin., on the 27th day of
February, A. D. ltS8, at tho front entranco
to tho District Court rooms In city of Lin
coln, Lancaster county, Nebraska, ofTer for
sale at public auction tho following descrtlKsl
real estate, to wit:
Ixits Two and Threo (2 and .t) In Block Four
(4) In Clark' Addition to Bennett in Ijiiico
ter county, Nebrnskn.
Given under my hand this 2 Ith day of Jan
uary, A.D., 1&8.
S. M. MELICK, Sherlir.
Ilurlliigtou Itnulo Callfuruln Kxeurslon.
Ijust cheap excursion by tho Burlington
Houto Feb. 10th. Tickets fOO.OO. CItHxl for
six month fiMK). Kxcuilou tickets sold
everyday. For tickets, ratcc of fare, etc,,
apply to A. C. Zikmhii,
City Pass. Agent.
Traveler, Take Notice.
Hereafter Ksengers holding local tickets
rending from Lincoln or stations cast to ArIi
land, Omaha, Plattsmouth, or Paclllo Junction
will not Imj curried on No. 3 leaving Lincoln
ntl:oOp.iu. P. S. Euhtis,
General Passenger Agent.
8t, laul and the Norlhwont.
Points In the nlwvo directions aro reached
best by tho Elkhorn valley lino. Connections
nro suro nnd tho lino mostdirect. Get tickets
at US South Tenth Btreet or depot, comer S
and Eighth sreetts.
They know just how to please you with
oysters in every stylo at Brown's Now Vienna
St. l'uul leu 1'iiIhcu KxcurMo".
January SMth tlio Klkhorn Valley train
leaving Lincoln at 12:05 noon will connect at
Missouri Valley with a special limited excur
sion train for St. Paul to enablo pussoiiKer to
witness tho llrstNtnrmlnKoftho lee I'ahiceoii
Friday night and to seo tho icrand lllumlna-.
tlou of (Saturday evening. Ticket good re
turning till Feb. 6th. Hound trip, $13.65
Berth reserved In advanco at 115 H. Tenth t
Canon City Coal nt tho Whltebreust Coal
and Lime Co.
Klkhorn Valley Line laiiBr Train Sor
Tho Chicago llyer is train No. 44, leaving
at 12:05 noon. It carries a through palace
Bleejier Lincoln to Chicago, and a dining car
from Missouri Valley and reaches its destina
tion nt 8 o'clock tho follow lug morning. This
train makes connection at Fremont for Nor
folk and Omaha; at Missouri Vally for Sioux
City und St. Paul.
Train No. 42 laes Lincoln at 0:55 a. in.
for Wahoo, Fremont, Norfolk, Chadron, the
Black Hills country, York, Soward, and Has
tings. To the Traveling l'ubllc.
Plcaso note that n suiierb lino of FREE
CHAIR CARS Is now run lutween Lincoln
and Chicago on trnlns Nos. f and No. 0; nlsc
that sleeping car lierths or drawing rooms 011
tlio "flyers," No. 1 and 2 mny lw reserved in
advance at Ulty ilCKOt umco, ixiruur emo
and 0 Streets. A. C. Zihmek,
City Passenger Agent
Jacksonville, Flortdn, excursion tlckots on
sale at Elkhorn ticket olllce, 1158o. 10th St.
Imported wuoking tobaccos, finest mado, to
Ixj had only nt Havana cigar factory, Burr
block. 1
Blankets one-lialf price at
Oaklkv & Co's
in "TTi ii nfnTriilT'iffiWiiaWw mwiini
Within a llTrr light the liuly stands
Like soma fair sniut Hit robo of urrat nhlU
A lonlrr lear of Mphjr roen dowu
From orgtiet's snowy breast, .ttnl from hri- head,
Bo nobly poised, there fall n iiilsty scarf
Bpun fnun the (Inest fleece of ali-liert'a fold.
In ring, all argentine, her linlr lie soft
On pure, pule brow, where Intellect I writ
As puro the hand that with such kindly gracw
A welcome! hold. Hut now she seak, and 01
Her gulli'lesa nord uncoiiclously ruVenl
Whiter than nil Clm woman' RpotleH soul I
Mai Btcrenln Homo Journal
A Chicago Man Makes n I'rnlt AVoman
Ilnppy by a I.lttln Hereptlon.
"IIow easy It Is to inako omo Koile happy
by deceiving them n littlol" wns tho pbllo
sophlo remark of Mr. Jacquos Ilanklus, a ho
turned from his desk to relate n bit of his ro
cent cx)orIenca "Thcro iannltalian woman
ft good, clean, hard working woman who
comes up hero overy day with fruit to soil.
Ono day I wan walking on Adams street, I
think It wns, and I saw her wallring in front
of mo with her tuiakct on lier arm. Two men
wero standing In a storo door, and I hoard
ono of them say: 'Don't you romcmlxjr that
woman! Btto used to havo a fruit stand in
front of my storo In Memphis in war timos.
Her namo Is Cunlo.'
"That afternoon when ho camo Into my
offlco I looked a llttlo sharply athcr and said:
'Ilavcn't I seen you somewhere beforo sonio
whero bcsldo hero in Chlcagof 'I don't
know,' said sho dubiously; 'your faco socms
tort of natural to me.' 'Let mo boo,' said I,
assuming a medltatlvo posture; 'didn't you
used to havo n fruit Btand In Mcmphlsf Ilor
oyos brightened as sho said sho did. 'Right
in front of Iiwcnstcin's storo T I said. This
was a venturo. for I had merely takon it for
granted that tho gentloman who had spoken
of her was Mr. Lowciutcln, because that was
tho namo on tho sign of tho storo whero ho
was standing, and ho looked sort of llko tho
proprietor. But it hit tho mark. 'Yes,' said
tho woman, sotting down her bosket and
looking as tickled as could be, 'that was me.'
'That was about let mo see about twenty
thrco or four years ago,' I said. Sho moved
hor lips as if sho wero making a calculation,
and then, all smiles, said: 'Yes, I was thoro
then.' 'Your namo Is Cunlo, is it notf I
added. This was tho last feather. That I
should remember so much nbout her and oven
bo ablo to call ber by namo gnvo her tho
greatest Joy. Tears oven carao iuto her eyes,
and wo shook hands heartily.
"Thon I proceeded to ruako her remember
mo. 'Don't you remomber,' I said, 'I used to
go to lunch at that little restaurant Just down
beyond Lowcnstoln's, and I used to buy fruit
of you, and stand and talk to you almost
every dityl' Sho looked nt mo a long timo
.nil Onnllv linnrflnnllnn .1(l Ifa wr.1. n. H.l.
and Anally imagination did its work, as it ol
I ways will, and sho remembered mo perfectly.
Younovcr saw anybody moropleasod. Ill
had been a long lost brother sho could not
havo Itoon happier at mooting me. Sho told
ino all about her family, every inombcr of
whlch I, of courso, remombored more or loss
distinctly, and all about her llfo slnco tlion.
which would mako an interesting story to '
write Then sho modo up a big bag of fruit
wmen 1 lot uor givo to-me, ueeauso ic sccmcu
to plcaso her so much to do so. Slucothat I
havo, howover, been a pretty regular cus- '
tomcr of hers, and I mean to bo as long aa
bm Keeps coming. What it It is truo that I
novor was in Memphis iu my life? Sho has
told 1110 so much about it that I could go all
ovor tho city in tho dark now, nnd I am suro
I havo given that poor hard working woman
as much pleasure as if I had brought to hor
In fact an old friend." Chicago News.
Furalturo of tlio Cntncnmbs.
Tho furniture of tho Catacombs Is instruc
tive and interesting, but most of it has been
removed to churches nnd musoums, and must
bo studied outside. Articles of ornament,
rings, seals, bracelets, necklaces, mirrors,
took picks, car picks, buckles, brooches, rnro
coins, innumerable lamps of clay (terra cotta)
or of bronze (oven of silver and amber) oil
sorts of tools, nnd in tho caso of children a
variety of playthings wero Inclosed with tho
dead. Many of theso articles aro carved with
tho monogram of Christ or with other
Christian symbols. (Tho lamps in Jewish
comotcries generally boar a picture of tho
golden candlestick.)
A great number of flasks and cups, with or
without ornumontAtion, aro also found,
mostly outsldo of tho graves and fastened to
tho gravo lids. Theso wero formerly sup
posed to havo been receptacles for tears, or,
from tho red, dried sediment In them, for tho
blood of martyrs. But later archa!ol'sts
consider them drinking vessels used iu tho
Rgapai and oblations. A superstitious habit
prevailed iu tho Fourth century, although
condemned by a council of Carthago (307) to
to givo to tho dead tho euchnristlo wlno, or
to put n cup with tho consecrated wlno iuto
tho gravo.
Tho instruments of torturo which tho fcr
tilo imagination of credulous icoplo had dis
covered, and which wero mado to provo that
almost every Christian burled in tho Cata
combs was a martyr, aro simply implements
of handicraft. Tho instinct of nature prompts
tho bereaved to deposit in tho graves of tbolr
kindred and friends thoso things which wero
constantly used by them. Tho Idea prevailed
also, to n largo extent, that tho futuro llf
was a continuation of tho occupations and
amusements of tho present, but froo from sin
and imperfection.
On opening tho graves tho skeleton fre
quently uppcara oven now very woll pro
served, sometimes in dazzling whiteness, as
covered with glistening glory, but falls into
dust at tho touch. Tho Century.
Dlfllcultlcs of rincor Mining.
It will not pay investors nowadays to go
Into placer mining without looking a long
way ahead. It is only in countries whoro
thero aro no farms or arablo ground that
placers can bo mined for any length of tims
without harassing and costly legislation.
Tho fanner whoso lands aro injured by tho
refuse of tho placers washed down tho streams
aro tho ones that mako tho troublo, and
blackmailers uso tho cloak of tho farmer to
extort mouoy from tho conpany. -In Mon
tana there has boon no troublo of this kind,
but In California plocor mining has boon
killed, and in Colorado the fight is Just be
ginning between tho miners nnd tho farmers.
In ono county tho fanners aro now trying to
stop tho running of ovory ore mill in tha
county, complaining of tho tailing! curried
down by tho streams, nnd it thoy kticcood tho
Colorado place m might as woll bo given up
at once. Mlulng Eagtnoer itGlobo Demo
crat. A Lucky Dng.
Brown Yon'ro a lucky do:?, Robinson. So
you married a girl worth halt 11 million dol
lars lu her own right.
Robinson (rather moro sadly than tho cir
cumstances seem to warrant) Yes.
Brow n You ought to put up tho drinks.
Itoblmou All right, old man. Just wait
whllo I run iuto tho house and seo if I can
got n dollar. Llfo.
Buttonholes hi children's garments ore apt
to tear out, especially lu wufsts and drawer
bands. If you will ttitch a strong cord im
mediately In front of tho buttonhole yoo
will havo 110 moro trouble of this kind.
ijsjj3jtr.tftt.fa, , .-j- ,rf
1 tnK I'lnn.
find (with carving knife and fork)
V '' the children ready for dluiicrf
V, lie Yen, dear, but as wo hao duck for
dinner, and tho children have Just returned
flout riuuilay school, I thought It better that
Hies I'luuld remain upstair until you get
throu, 'i with tlio carving. Now York Sun,
After the Dinner.
Miss Gotham What an elegant menu thoy
Miss Chicago Did thoyf Well, now, I
didn't notlco It. You see, I was bo busy sb
tag up tho bill of faro. Tid Hits.
A iMte Literary Invent.
Tho latest novol submitted to this ofllco for
publication Is tho product of nn ambitious
boy, who, in tho excitement occasioned by
tho thrilling adventures of his hero, forgets
that such n thing as a spelling book is in ex
istence Tho story is written on ragged
monllln paper, in pokobcrry ink, and tho Im
pression on tho mind of tho gcntlo reader is
lurid in tho extreme. Wo mako no formal
announcement of tho publication of this
literary sensation, but spring a spocimon
chapter on our readers uuawaro:
ChApToH Fitu.
Tho Boy Wunder of tho Yollowstono sod to
tho Dred Avenger. Tho Masked Terror
"Do you smell bludT ho oskod, hoarsely.
"No," was the anser, "but I cent footsteps.
Tho to fell forward on ther face, as tho
sound of footsteps seemed to bo walking
nearer. It was an unfortunato move. Tho
Hov Wnniler nccldontnllv nnllnl tbn trlmrnr
of his sixteen shooting rlflo, and tho 10 shots
. & .. ,. I
ran out in rapiu socessien.
Instantly thero was a wild yell from tho
throats of the murdunts Blackfcct, nnd they
sprang jcl mull Into tho glado.
"Wo must kill," sod tho Dred Avenger.
"Thero is not ovor ten, an' thoy shall dy bo-
cause thoy stolo tho butiful Uoso blossuia
from my ranch.
I will roveel a gruto secret
to you, Boy Wunder.
I am the father of
help mo kill theso
that girl, nn' If you will
munturus noru or uusxy uiackroct and res
cuo her you can marry her. What do yoa
I will," said the Boy Wunder of tho Yel
lowstone, flrmly. "Theso lnfurnal scalp tak
ers shall dy. We shall shed ther blood."
"Blud hungodln echoed tho Masked Tor
rer, who wo shall kuow in tho future as the
father of tho girl.
Then tho ten Indians was treutod to a
deadly surprise. Tho two whlto men drow
thor knives an' pistols, an' the murdurus
worriers dropped ded.
This is tho end of chapter V, and we draw
tho curtain. Drako's Travelers' Magazine.
Iletimied Without Thanks.
Mr. A. E. Olmstood, of tho Center market,
was tho recipient of a serviceable, holiday
presont. Just ono year ago Mr. O. had a now
ox mysteriously disappear from his promises
and ho could never oven surmlso wlmt modern
Elisha hnd spirited tho useful implement
away. Early ou Christmas morning ho
found tho missing artlclo tlod to ono of tho
outer doors of his resldonco, and nttachod to
it a bit of brown paper, on which was
written, in pencil, tho following brief but
touching words: "Tako you d d old ar.
Santa Claus." Connecticut Vnlloy Adver
tiser. The Deceptions nf l'Hiflilon.
Farmer Griggs (to his son) Golly I They
must bo feedln' you pretty woll down to
York nowadays. Yo wero a reg'ler spider
legs whon yo camo up last summer but Jest
look at yo now) Texas Sittings.
Tim Plnco for Invalids.
Omaha Man Your sojourn in Texas Booms
so havo dono you a great deal of good; must
bo a lino climate.
Returned Invalid I fool llko a now man,
but it wasn't tho climate, it was tho oxorciso.
"Wo novor could prevail on you to tako
excrclso hero."
"I was on tho Jump all the tlmo in Texas."
"Woll, welll Effoct of tho air?"
'No, centipedes." Omaha World.
GotthiR a Pleasant L'xprutslon.
Photographer (to sitter) I saw you at
church bust Sunday, Miss Smith.
Sitter Oh, did yon I
Photographer Yes, and also your friend
Miss Brown If you could rnlso your chin a
trlllo, thanks and whot an atrocious looking
hat sho. hud ou, (After a pause), Thoro,
Miss Smith, it is ovor, and I think wo have
caught a very pleasant expression. Now
York Sun.
Poverty und Progress.
Starving Supplicant Plenso, sir, wouldn't
you bo willing to buy a dog to help a poor
man nlongl I havo two moro than I need.
Woll Fed Clerk Very sorry, but I cant
afford to keep n dog. Omaha World.
All llurklul Stay lluehledl
Though fat ntnl scro,
Ileloml his dear
With H'k. K's, and Q'sj
' Hut. tohuKtiro,
When she not poor,
Ho offered lilt excuses.
When ilines wero good
This Liter would
Knrich his lo u Itli tolTee;
Hut iKiw, alas I
Bho takes It out lu cofTeol
Blaughter h tfcf wnl Draw 0110 1
Uurdvtto lu Urooldyn Eagl
Nt, Paul Ice I'nliieo.
Tho St. Paul Ico Pnlaeo and Winter CnrnU
vol opens Jan. 25th nnd continues ten days.
Tho nlsovo figures represent tho amount to ho
charged for the round trip via. tho Elkhorn
Valley Line. Tho "Sioux City Route." For
fiilllNirtlculars Inquire at their olllce, 115 Sov
10th St.
Ticket 111 Imj sold from tho 21th lust, to.
February lt, good returning until Felru
ary ftth.
A iiomi:
On the easiest )sslblo term. I will sell ot
nny rosoctnllo party a lot In NEARBY AD
DITION, with three-room fottngo for f 5O0,uj
011 cash payment of ?.V) and $10 monthly
Lot with four-room cottngo at $G00,upon cash
jmyiuent of $00 and ttl) monthly. Lot with
II vo-rooni hou-io $700, cash payment of f 75 and
$15 monthly. Interest oil nbovont eight po
cent, jier annum. In this way you can maker
the rent pay for the house nnd lot. For In
stance, take lot and three-iooui cottage, with
ordinary rents for $10 jor month or $120 jier
year. Interest 011 $500 amount to $ 10 jor
year. You thereby gnln $80 overy year or
enough to pay off tho entire debt in II voyeurs.
You will In this way get to own a homo by
simply paying rent. I will also sell n lot lit
Nearby Addition for $150, on monthly pay
ments of $5 each until paid, at eight per cent,
interest. Apply nt Ed. Cfrf's clothing storo,.
WW O sreeUt Ihaao Cahn.
To l'enpln Who Kntcrtiiln.
Society ieoplo arranging for parties, balls,
weddings, receptions or nuythlne in this lino.
should insiioct our elegant lino of stationery
nnd printed novelties used on such occasions.
o havo Just received our now fall line of
elegant ball programs, invitations for wed
dings, parties, etc., announcements, folders,
calling enrds nnd in fact everything lu thU
Honm Cheap Property.
A lino rcsldeiHi lot on Twcnty-llrstl&trcet
near; Nfjfor sale at a reasonable price. Also.
ono In Mechanics addition, Hyde Park nnd
ElmwoodVWHl sell cheap if sold; in. nu dint ely
Call onornddrejjs, L. Wessel, Jr., enro this.,
Now Sowing Machine for Sale.
I havo 11 first class now sewing innchluo
uever liccn used, of tho latest Invention and
with nil tho modern appliances that will bo
sold nt n big bargain. Address Jo-Jo, enro
this olllce.
Itflllttl tllfl TllU'll.
JTJLenvo n oier wrapper with a JthreeJccnt)
staiiip on witn it. w. linniin. cnyiicketngeiu
of tho Missouri l'acillc rnllway, and hivve a
"Lincoln Illustrated" mailed to your friend
oust, froo of charge.
Through slociera to Chicago oro run mul
all enRtern connections mnilo by tho Elkhorn
Valley nnd Chicago and Northwestern rail
road. Try this elegant route. Offices, 115
South Tenth streets and depot, comer S and
Eighth streets.
Chicago & Northwestern ? mileage tlckets
sold to anyone at Elk'horn office, 116 jjouth
Tenth street mid depot corner S nnd Elglitt
McMurtry's addition on K street, below
Niiietcenth, Is ono ot tho slghlfest in the city,,
as well as being rignt in tho centre of tho
fastest growing portion. Call at his office bo
low tho Capital National Bank and secure ono
of the lots.
Only via tho Missouri Pacific railroad can.
you get free reclining chair cars through to
Atchison, Kansas City, Chlcngo, St. Inils,.
Terra Hauto and IndlanapolU
Lincoln Hack and IIiirkuvo Line.
Telephone No. 201, meat market, 037 0
street, or No. 1101 livery barn. Order slates-,
at same places nnd U. P. ticket olllce, corner
Eleventh nnd O streets. Hack stands, Capi
tal hotel nnd meat market.
Bohanon Bnoa.
Olllco l'limltum Tor Sale.
Ail improved double office desk, two finer o
cllnlng desk chairs, two other enno seat
olllco chairs, etc., for wilo at a bargain. Only
!oen Iu uso four month. Gocdnsnew. In
quire nt this ofllco, 1!11 North Eloventh St.
DR. B. B, Powers,
Gold, Sliver and Porscclaln Crowns insert
cd on roots of teeth. Sets inserted withou,
a plate. All operation s first :class nnd war.
1214 O Street over Elliott's.
All tln 1'A'rTKUNH vuu vlli to Ufu durlnn tha
I year, for nothing, (u savhig of from $3.00 to $1.00;, bj
uuKnuiui; tut
)emo rest's mf
With Twelve Orders far Cut Paper Pattern! of
your own (election and of any ilie.
Of nil tlio AlnfrnzlncH. "
Tine, anii UousKi1n1.11 uatteiis.
IUuttrixteil tvtth OWtf"" titrvl VxQrnv
tiiO, I'hotouruvure, OH I'lcturm inf
flue ll'ooileut, muklin it the Model lluya
(n nf America,
Rich Mii'.'iizlno contains u coupon order entitling
Ilia holder tn tlm ulcctinn of uay puttirn illuntrnled
ti tlio fashion drartmont In that number, and In
lay of tlm Mae nnnufactured, making pattorns
ijrlni? tho yer of tho vulunof ocrthreo dollars.
DCMOUKST'H MONTHLY Is Justly entitled tlio
IVorld'a Model Magazltic. Tlio Largest In Form, tho
UirKet In Circulation, and tho beat TWO Dollar
Family MaRazInu lmuef 1KS8 will bo tha Twenty,
fourth year nf It jmlillcittlon, and It Manila at tlio
he id of Family 1'erloUlcala. It contains 78 paees,
hirito quarto, HVUW Inclies, elegantly iirhited atid
fully Illustrated, Publlalied by W, Jennliiga.
Demurest, New York
Anil by Special Agreement Com
1 blnod with tho
Capitol City Courier at $3,25 Per Year..