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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1887)
f ' T''H!W7FvT mm "TTrTFJ JTTTS 7VW?riTJT 7 CAPITAL CITY COURI ER n V M Vol. 3. No. 2 Lincoln, Niclirasica, Sawuuay, Diccicmhick 'JA, 1887 F'KICIC KlVIC OtCNTM ft MANV MATTKKS MINCKI). ' VAHIOUS MATTERS INTERESTING ALL. A I'nt iioiirl of Note tin Numerous Mulder t. Society hows In Lincoln tho past wook has l)ocn meagre, m was uxpoctod tlio week lw fore Christmas, mid nsldo from n few enrd pnrtios mid impromptu affairs theio Iiiik licon absolutely nothing of interest trim spiring. Tlio Iiyid TumiH'rniico Legion Sunday Behind give n Christmas entertainment nt Hod IlllilxHi Imll last evening. Tim eyes of r tho children wero dazlcd liy tho BlliL a Christmns tivo, laden with gifts mul candy. An excellent program wasnlso rendered. Invitations for a ixirty nt Mr. nud Mrs. 'Guthrie's In enst Lincoln hnvo boon Issued for TIN 'Sntnrdny evening of next week. A ton nt seven o'clock will lxglu tlio entertainment which will afterwards Ih occupied by pro gressive euchre. Messrs Tychon & Lelnnd were each tho ra clplonts yesterday of n very elegant gold liondcd canon tokens f mm employees, lioth on tlio road mid in tlio house. Appropriate presentation addresses wore tnndo. Kueh enno wns lienntlfiilly ongrnvod with proer inscription. Mm. I). Wise, 1M8 K Ktreet Is entertaining tlio following trio of clinrmlng young Indy visitors: .Miss Addlo Illoom of Iown City, daughter of Senator Bloom of Iown, Miss Small Rosenborg of Omaha mid Miss Clnrn Ooldberg of Chlcngo. They Imvo been Liu coin visitors since Monday mid will (hiss tho most or next week hero Ixjforo returning, lloso Conimny No. 1. of West- Lincoln is ' arranging for n grand ball nt Ilultera lmll Thiiniilny ovenlng. This will Iw their flrht annual ball mid it is to bo hoxl thnt tho ntteudmico will be largo mid worthy of tho ( now organization. Invitations can lw hnd by npplylng to tho socrotnry, Mr. 1). II. Curr.m. Tho Capital City Chautauqua circle held Its first meeting Tuosilny evening nt tho Y. M. C. A. rooms. An tiuiisunlly Interesting program had loon prop'irod, nud wns carried out. Tho clrclo will hold thulr meetings every other Tuesday evening. Much interest lias boon manifested, mid new members nro being nddeil. It gives tho CouiHKii plensuro to chroiilclo th'i lucroxslug struogth of tho ' Chnutntiqunn frntornlty, as it is n sourctj of plensuro mid prollt to its niombcrs. Tho lndios of tho Lincoln branch of tho Irish National League gavo n very pleasant ontortnlnniLMit ntTomplo hull Monday oven Ing An excellent musical program wns ren dered. Professor Uibonillt rendered n sold on tho piano, vocal solos wero given by Mr. Corcornn, Mr. Lawlur, Mndniuo Welxjr. find Miss Lllllhrldgo mid MUs Flanagan, tho Misses l Iynu played n iluot on tho piano, Miss I'erry gavo n recitation nud Mr, O'Shen a cornot solo, Refreshments wero nerved by tho Indies, and tho timo wns very onjoynbly Fjient. , Col. O. B. Skinner, was very pleasantly sur prised Inst Sunday afternoon by his friends of tho Hod IMblxm club who presonto 1 him with a magnificent portrait of hluisolf, hnudsomoly framed, nsu mark of their ostein and regnrd. Tho portrait wits suspended In tho room mid covered, nud when tho "Bishop" stepped Into tho hall ho wns called forward, and after n bhort presentation Rpoech tho covei wns re moved and tho picture formally presented. It Is needless to bay thnt tho Colonel was over come, nud could but x nls thanks. Tliim to do llniui). IIo I fear I mn wearying you with ray proy conversation. You look u llttlo tired. She Oh, no, indeed; I was only thinking Low very tired you must lie, N Juy CoiiIiI'h Autograph. Jay Oould's nutogrnph brouglit JC100 To London last veck. It was nt the i nd of n check for f.WC Mnko your huslmud happy by presenting him with a fluo hinoklng sett or a box of im ported cigars. Ed Young, HttO O strcn't, keeps tho llnost lino in tlio city. Sign of tho lted Dude. If J ou nro troubled with rheumatism or kindred diseases go to Dakotn Hot Springs for sure cure or great Iienellt. Kxcursion ticket on salo nt Klkhorn ollleo, llfl South Tenth street. A. Hurlbut & Co., tho clothiers, nro giving nwny a lino horso and buggy valued at f 1,000, nud every person buying $10 worth of goods geten ticket In tho drawing, which tnkea plnco December 31. If you wnnt to seo tho InUwt and prettiest 'designs In Jewelry go to HalletU, 112.1 O street. Ho has Just nvoivisl mi Invoice of olegnut goods that cannot bo surpassed in tho west. His prices! lire always below those of his coiniHitltoi's vhllo his stock Is larger iwid iluer than any similar Block In tin, city. You will miss it if you purchase elsowhero lieforo soolng him mid getting prices. H will not lw under sold by any ouo which is evidenced by his heavy trade. To the Traveling iulillo. l'lenso noto that a snporb lino of FHKE CIIAIH CAHHisuowruii butwoon Lincoln mid Chicago on trains Nos. fl and No. 0; nlso thnt sleeping enr barths or drawing rooms on tho "dyers," Not 1 and 'i may lw rosHrved in lulvanco nt City Ticket Ollleo, corner Tenth mid O StreoU. A. 0. .laMKit, City I'aswuor A'ent. Low Itutnitto California. Tho California excursions via thu Hurling ton route (tho scoulo lino of America) have iwcoiiia so popular ns to nociwilUiUi a train of this kind oyory wook. Donvor, Colorado Springs, Miinltou, Iloyal Oorgo, Mm-shall J'n&s, Illaek Canon of tho Oiimilknii mid Salt Uko city nro all on this mute. Full pirtlcu lars inaylw obtained at city ollleo, corner O olid Tenth street, or ut depot. 4& ifv llnllrimil ltuckrt. Tho new time table of tho It. mid M. went Into rirect Tueslay. Tho fast train west leaves forty minutes latr, tho noon trnis an hour mid twenty minutes later, Tim latter train has boon running only as far ns Mo Cook, but will run on to l)eiiver,heroafler. Tho morning train to Grand Island mid Ilrokeu How will leave ntfct! I.' IiisUnuI of UliHI. The llmtilco train leaves at 'J p. in. Instead of I. !A"p. in, Tho Atclilsob train will leave nt Ms 40 p. m. Instead of 11:30 n. in. Tho regular train from Chicago will nr live nt M:ttJp. in. Instead or llsliO a. m. The Nebraska City train "111 arrive at li 10 p. in. Instead of ll:40n. m. Tho train from Ciluinbus will nrrlvo nt M:15p. m. instead of llsOn. in. Tho Imlf four tram to Ashland has Ixxin taken oIL Tassengei-H will lw taken to that city by tho Omaha train which connect at Ashland with the I'lattsmouth train. Tho Union Pnclllo runs no Sunday train into this city, nnd but one each way during tho week. HportliiK Hiill, Mr. Von der Alio, tho gentleman of might in base liall circles, is off on n F.uroixMin tour. Lip Pike, once n favorite on tho diamond, Is looking for an engagement next season. Detroit's "pretzel" pitcher, wants 5,000 for next season. It is safe to say ho won't got it, Sulllvnn of lust year's Topokn club has signed for next senson with Hlrmlnglmm, of which team "VIton Goldshy is manager. Now York will have enough pitchers next season. Koofo, Welch, Crnno, Titcomb, Qeogo mid Slnttery Imvo Iroii already signed, Hi-oughton, tho grent backstop of tlio Mil wnukees last yenr, will prove a good addition to Detroit's catching talent. Ho will catch Conway. Tho Conwnys nro grent for pitching talent. One of that naino will olllclato for Detroit, ono for Host on, nnd last but not tho lenst tlio great "Jim" Conway, of last year s Toeka, for Kansas City. Hon. Young has lieen doing some good urn piring on tho coast. It Is said ho promises writing a Iwok on thnt subject. Tho salaries of tho association umpires for next season nro: Onlllroy, SiNK) ; Doeseher, 2,:t00 ; Ferguson, fa.'JOO ; McQuade, t'J.lKX), Clarkson will likely play in Hostou next yenr. Tho negotiations hnvo not lieen com pleted j-et, but It Is said Rndbourno nnd a cash Iwnus will Iki tho price It is not so very many years since I tail wus considered tho greatest pitcher, but his hand seems to hnvo lost its cunning I'leiianiitly Kntertulneil, Thurhdny evening Mr. nnd Mrs. I. C. Wise entertained a number of friends nt thulr cozy homo on K street near Twelfth. The enjoy ment of the evening was principally that of dancing, nnd enrds, with music, both Instru mental nnd vocal intermingled. About eleven o'clock refreshment wero served after which dnnclng wns inaugurated again mid kept up until midnight. Tho nffnlr was In honor of three young In dies who nro at present visitors In the city. Tho honored gnest vtoro Miss Addlo Hloom, daughter of Senator and ox-Mayor Hloom of Iown City, Miss Goldlierg of Chicngo mid Miss Sarah RosenWg of Omaha. A I'riiKroixliu ldiclire. Wcdiiesdny evening tho pleasant homo of Mr. and Mm. J. O, Whlto wns tho scene of a very pleasant six-handed progressive euchre party, given In honor of .Mrs. White's sister Miss Helen Million, Tho evening wns n do llghtful ono; tho now moon bhouo brilliantly nnd tho occasion for going to nnd from the party was in itself much toward lining an evening of rare onjoyliont. Hut when tho guest wero rieoivcd nnd welcomed, nud tho fascinating euchre was introduced, tho real pleasure was commenced. Thero wero eight tables nnd nt each a merry p irty wns doing tho scioutllle work of handling tho paste boards. Finally, as In all things, mi end came to card playing mid the winners of the roval prizes (there wero no Ixxibles) wero Mrs. Huek stair nud Mr. Hob Muir. Alxiut eleven o'clock when enrds had lioeii laid nsldo each table was supplied with dainty refrcbliincnts which wero duly enjoyed niter such nu evening of "hard work." The follow ing is a list of tho invited guest: Mr. nnd .Mrs. II. P. Foster, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. L. Sheldon, Mr. nnd Mrs. I). D. Muir. Mr. and Mrs. Huckstaff, Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Stout, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. C. Hurr, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II. Itnhoir, Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Klfer, Mr. and Mr. II. It. Coryel of Omaha. Misses Howell. Hnw- klns, Stout, Hello nnd Alien Onkloy, Lntta, Lulu and Dnisy Clarke, Grunlnger, Futiko, Nellie Hiium. Lllllbridce, Carter. Dorrls. Hammond, Hooper, Hardy, Arnold of Omnha Mason of Kansas City. Tilllo Furst. nnd others. Mossrs Zehrung, Haum, Forosman, Hardy, Hob Muir, Toniplotou, West, Carrothors Wnito, Cameron, Joo Inihoff, Lou Wissel, Lowe, Aaron Huckstaff, Klngsloy, Clarko, 1), E. Thompson, llwnrds, A. H. Smith, W. H. McArthur, W. F. White, I). C. Jackson, J. T. Million, II. J. ltynn, Shelby of Omaha, Will Pickett. The l'lrt'inen'M Dance. Tho Hrotherhood of lxxximotlvo Firomon held n very pleasant dance ntTemplohnll last evening. With n good crowd present nnd ox cellent musio furnished, nil enjoyed themsol ves to tho utmost. Tlio hnll wns lionutlfully doorntod, with fistoms of overgoeen hanging from comer to cornor and intertwined in various pretty designs, with white nnd colored Innterns bus ix'iided hero nnd thero. Abavo tho musician's platform wns n tasty iMinnor with tho name of tho Hoi Hive lodgo, with tlio number at tached. Tlio nttondnnce ns quite lnrgo nnd the time delightfully spent. Miss Hiehadson of lied Cloud, who has Ik-oii visiting in Lincoln returned homo Wed nesdny accompanied by Miss Etta Hiilhurt who will lw Sliss nichardsous guost for sev al weeks. The HotliliiyH And tho colder weather nro now rapidly np pronclihig. The Joyful season is eagerly nn ticitisl by tho young folks in thousands of llOllles: but 111 llenrlv nil tlinrnnrontin nr mnm older ones ti u'liom ilwi null) whvihi moi n... storms mean reiumed suffering from rhomnt- looacKBor limits, it is not claimed that Hood's SarsapnriHa Is a positive specific for rlioumntisin; wo doubt if there was or can lie such a remedy. Hut tho remarkable succors Hixxl's Snrsaiuirilln linu IimiI In i-lii, tl.i llffLS'tioil Is Slltllelellt rivisn fop llmvii u !. .. Buffering Ui try this jiecullnr mwlicino. How 81m (tot V.tvw it MHipUeeir. A Hnrlciii lady bought a nlr of hoso In n sninll store for which she paid $1. When sho nvichisl homo she iliscovorvd that Iheii) wasn hole In tho heel of ono of them. Tltiw daj's afterward, when slio had occasion to nss tho tort, sho returned tho hose, onylngs "There is a hole In the heel of ouo of those stockings. I wUh you would exrhange them." Tho ntorokeoor examined them midhnndixl them back, sayings "My tear lady, vo enn not exchnngo dem. You should hnf rctiinirl (loin Immediately. You can darn dot holo up." Tho Indy indignantly took up tho stockings nnd started out, when licrstcw weronrrewtod by tho proprietor calling out: "Mrs. Uroun, cxeuso me, but thnt dollar thnt you gnvo mo had a holo In it." "Is that sol Well, sir, you can Just dnrn tho hole up. (lewd day, sir." Now York Evening Hun. Mjeillng from V.teerlenre. vu . Miiw Hlniii'lin -Have you mailo nny con quests this summer! Mlsii Lillian Oh, yes; Mr. Jones proposed tho dny lieforo wo eaino away. Miss Hlnucho Doesn't ho jiop tho question In tho most awkward manner Imngiunblef Thoyineotas stningerH. Life. Hull Your lee. That was n lirilllnut suggestion of i corro fpondent that boiling is n sum preventive of Ico infection. What n happy thought! And so strange that nolxxly over thought of it Ixjforo! Itoll your Ice. How simple, tlio sug gestion! Just how you nro to make tho ico contribute to Its original purposo nftcr Itoll ing It is somewhat dlClcult to bco. Hut never mind n llttlo matter Ilko tliat; first Ixill your Ico, then you nro safe fnm tho ravages of hidden disease Philadelphia Tolegrapli. A Dcnervlng Cane. Omnhn Dnine Well, what's tho matter now? Wouldn't that tramp eat tho crust I told you to glvo him! Little Son Not yet. Ho wants mo to ask you for soma wnrin wnter and soap so ho enn wash himself lx'fore onting. "Sake nllvol IIo does! Go tell Jnno to show him to tho bath room nnd ask him to stay to dinner. Omuha World. He AViih No Horsn. First Small Hoy (whllo Santa Clnns Is dis tributing presents to tho Sunday school) Don't look nt Santa Claus so hurd, Jimmy Second Small Hoy Why notf First Small Hoy Hccauso jia said today you ought not to look n gift horso in tho mouth. Second Small noy Humph I Santa Claus Is no horse. Judgo. A Kovoro Test. "If I should tell you, dear," ho Bald, "thnt my lovo for you had grown cold; that I had ceased to caro for you, nnd that tho happy timo when I shnll claim you ns inv owncst own will never, never bo, would it lenllybo t VI IUI IU J If II, Hill lllll "Yes, Goorge," shyly admitted tho girl, "it would lxjn breach of promise trial." Now York Sun. Why IIo r.olilib-il? Mnglstrnto (totrntnp) Tlio policeman say you wero acting in u disorderly manner. Trniup I was gobbling, your honor. Magistrate What do you go nbout tin streets gobbling for? Trump I can't help It, your honor; P vo hnd nothing but turkey three times a dny for over two weeks. Eioch. Nuw Social (Same. Ono siiortlve vagary played with cards a deal of late Is known by the attractive title of "Patent Medicines." Any number from ono to n dozen can simultaneously particijiato In this fascinating game. Tlio players sit ubout a table, nnd nil tho cards uro dealt. Each player then chooses the name of some patent modcilno mndo known through extensive ad vertising; tho more lengthy and ridiculous the better for mirth-provoking purposes. All tho players being supplied with such iinuies, ouch places Ids card face downward upon thu table. Tho K)int is to capture ull thu enrds Kssb)o, nnd the iici-soii bankrupting all tho rest, of course, w ins tho gniiio. Supjioso A and 11 are playing in tho clrclo. A has taken tho mime of Dr. Pettlhono ltriggs' PnloGrcenCod Liver Oil, nnd It has chosen the tltlo of tho six Northerland Hi others' Mustache Vigor. (The names, however, must bo those of well known patent medicines.) A turns over Ids tp card and places it face upward. Supjxise It is nu ace. If It turns Ids top curd in like manner and that proves to lie nn nee, it behooven A and II to shout out each other's patent medi cine names, mid whosoever shout first takes tho others cards which hnvo lieen turned over Whenever two players disclose the same card face upward each must call uikhi tho others patent medicine nnino. When thero nro six cr eight players it is by no ineuns easy in tlio con fusion of turning cards hastily, to remember those name. Intellectual iwistimo, oh f Com bine amusement nnd instructtlou, ns Mr. llanium wys of tho circus. Despite it shal lowness, however, it enn be made exceedingly funny. Try it in tlio homo clrclo when tho folks next door como in of nn evening, mid see if It Is not good fun. Miss Nelllo Hiiymoud, nloeo of A. S. and I. M. luiymond, left AVednesdny for hor home in Charles City, Iowa. Miss Raymond sjxuit thu past two or thrc' rc 'im ery pleasantly In tho ("ipitnl cit . . ' . h,r vivacious nnd engaging innin.iu - , .,. i mv frieuds.who will lie pleased to Imvoher ivtuui soon ngnln. They know Just how to plooso yon with oysters In every stylo nt Hrowu's Now Vienna Cnfo fill JL mWS n VvJi v m lfV 1r& Wm Nf" . V MSIC AND THIS DHAKA. I AMERICAN AMUSEMENT AFFAIRS. I.lre In the I'rorrnsl diallers Mindrnl ami llrimiHltis Niilcn Aliout I'lajeiK MIXIlll I'K'KI.I'.H. Only u f,,r kIumI midleiiee greeltNl,l, II. Polk ntlh' riinUo Wnliiewlny evening, In ws tlincoiiKsllnii mid his company In his lannti nblenbsnnllty, "Mhisl Pickles." Polk as of yoni lakes tho lending character of laughter nnd nmujomeiit for Ids audience. Luclnda was iiii'i'j'uliW eharacler and thu part of Mr. Himhii v,iiHxntrned Inn innunertlmt show isl the (leUir to lw ono of more than ordinary ability. The Imhuuw of Hie company Mas KinnI, nud the piece although II gave genenil satisfaction would lmo bis'ii pnxlueoir with nioie vlinhad tho house Ix'eu larger, for II Is a well known fact that n company nhwijn plays lxtler with a huge nudleiice limn n small one, but the night wns un extraonllnary co d (inn mul prcpari tlous going on about town for the holidays was the causo of tho luck of attendance. TimonoiiA. The grand sins'laeuhirpiixluet Ion of Then ilorn nt the FiinUu last night was one of the iK'stllmt hits Uvn heen In the city in years. ThoHcciio was laid in Ilyzanlulm In the year A. D. WW, mid afforded magnificent stage setting. MlssOlcoltnpiK-artsliiithotltlorole, and nivtmd that chmacler ccnter.t! tho chief Interest of Hie piece, a Ins Olcott hasjnueh iiuprovml In herdramatlopoer since her last apiearanee heiv, and In "Theodora," she lias n play that brings Into uctlon all the drnmalle power she KMtii. Her delineation of tho character was nil that one could wish, ni.d much Impressed ,.. millence. The supxirU iiigcouiNiny was very gixxl, tho costumes i Ich nud beautiful, mid the in fie rn dcene eiitinn dug. to-nihiit. This evening tlio Lilian Olcott eouixwry will present "Ingonmr," one of Miss Ohott's HtroiiKiWplnyH. The ivpiitatlon of tho com pany and Mio play will bosulllclentlollll tho house. AHwhosaw Miss Olcott last oeiilug will wnutitoHcohcr in "Ingouinr." .KXT WIIKIv'H ATTIlAlTlON. The l'unke will bo ocu every night next wook, the attraction being the colobmtisl HmtholoaiewN Equine Paradox. The merit of this slinw Is well known to tho lovers of horse flesh mul the admirers of tho educated quiidriixs. In this combination npcniB twenty beautiful oducatisl hoiws, who go thiough various tohsi mid movement that not only please tho nudleiice but call forth npplauso enthusiasm. Tho names of Prof. Hartholoiiiew's horses are : Huchephulus, Prince, Poie, Liiom Hall, Hlnel; Hnll, Hiutus, Caewir, Sprite, Alxlnll alia, Chevalier, Miistnug, Gold-Dust, Major Draco, '.Melllo thu ladles favorite," Heuuty, the niiilo Ilnniey, Petite, tho donkey Judgo, and Salailln, tlio smallest horso on eaitli. Tlioy will Ixi on exhibition after next Mon day Morning in their jmlaeo cur at Union deixit. -K.very Ixxly is Invited to seo them Bpecinllv the Indies mid children. The horses eatenndyand cake and oxiect their Christ mas present, The eiiteitalinnent nffords nn evening of rnro plensuro mid shows what kind treat ment mid a llttlo care will do for n dumb brute. Thu prices have been put down to special holiday rates, S5, !rt and fill cents, nnd will surely bosulllchnt inducement to fill the lioiiso every night. A grand mnllnco will Im) given Wisluesdny mid Haturdny mid a street parade each day at eleven o'clock. A Clilnnmnu in Now York is named TnliU Tahk. It is not stated, but wo supxso he U n lwrbcr. Norrlstown Herald. Tho Ago of Woman Is tho title of a forth- ! coming magazine Wo venture the prcdlC' tlon thnt the editor will not dare to give It awny. Iioston Post. Tho Hlnghamtoii Republican says thnt a PolohiniiKsl Hentzlstozskl recently settlod a few iiilleu out from thnt city. From tho Jaggod apixvirauco of Ids naino, wo should tako him to Ikj n section of n lmrbed wiro fence, rather than a iiola Norrlbtown ner nld. Pittsburg, Pa., hns a bnrlicr who talks through his noso, nnd this enables his mouth to snatch a llttlo rost Burlington Free Pross. Ten incendiary attempts Imvo lxxm nmdo to burn n small town in North Carolina dur ingthojinst tlireo months. Tho town has two drum coriw. No other cause for tho in cendlnry attempts is known. Norrlstown Herald. A young man who wns examined for an appointment us a department clerk camo across this question: "Whnt states and ter ritories would you cross in going from New York to tho Pnclllo Const r IIo d ain't know, nnd so ho wrote: "None. I would go around by Cniw Horn." Exchnmro. Among tho leading uud representative bus iness houses of tho city is that of HVtts & Sowell, No. KM) O street. On the first of April of this year theso gentlemen sumsxltsl to tho business of Mr. Thos. Sowell, ono of our oldest and most rciqicctod citizens, mid tho new firm has more than kept up the re putation, acquires! by Mr. S, in his long years in business, for keeping none but the liest nnd freshest groceries. Both Mr. Belts Mr. Sew ell lire well quiililKd by exX'rieneo to conduct such a trade as theirs has grown tolxj, a statement amply substantiated by their increasing business. Their stock Is complete in every detail and consists of everything kojit in i llrst-claxs grocery btore. In securing your supplies for tlio holidays or for tho winter, it will jiay you to call on them, Iii8oct their goods nnd irot their prices, which are ns low ns first-class stnples enn lo sold. As tho Joyful season of Christmas approncii os, tho young folks speculating as to whnt old Santa will bring them, the children daily wishing for tho arrival of tlio timo honoris! i guest, nnd nil the world seems to shout a won! of wolcomoto tho coming festivities, it Is but ' right nud proper that wo make the prellmlu ! nry stops now to celebrate in n lxeomlng manner this, thu most eventful holiday in the ' ehrlitlnn yenr. It is the timo when presents , nru exchanged, tokens of love and friend- j ship nro given and received, and it Is pel - llluXflllT tl) tllll IIVItl-ilfr.1 ibimnii t,i.!.i ,. b...... I whnt may lie most appropriate for a present. In n few words, let in ndd, thnt Mr. It. O'Neill, tlio Jeweler on Tenth street, has the most complete Hue of lino holiday goods shown in Lincoln this season, and it would not Iki doing yourself Justice, wero you to mnko a selection before first going to see his stock. Itwud his adv. elsowhero in this issue. Heeeplloii to lllnliop lloimeiim, Notwithstanding the fact Hint the weather wils bitterly cold, hundreds of ooplo tin mil out to welcome IllOiop Domicilii! to (he city. Thostngowiis very pieltlly wdiind llllodwlth leading incu uf city mid stale. Ex-flovernor I'm tins pii'sldisl hi the nWiico of Gov. 'IJImyer, who was slek. To tho left of Mr Furnas sal Bishop lloimcum, on the light Bishop OVounor of Omaha mid other emi nent clergymen of the Cut hullo cliuMi. Ex Gov. Furnas made a few ivmiiilts on taking the chair, In which he warmly welcomed Ihe bishop. Secretary Sutton nnd several letlem or regret, Mr. L. W. Bllllngsloy following with nn address of welcome on Ixilmlf of Ihe mayor, council mid oily of Lincoln, After some excellent iinulo by Hie If. of P band, Secretary Hutton dellveiisl nu rlixpti nt mklress of welcome on liehnlf of SI. Theresa church and tho see. Bishop Hiiiicinu replied In n very plisislng address, thanking all for the genuine waruilh of the welcome ho had received. As honnwo to Kienk little Mnry MoIaiighllu tilpHd across the stnpi and piisenbsl him, im Ih Imlf of the ladles of ht. Thuresn's church, with ii U'ailtlful basket of Mowers. Bishop O'Connor of Omaha, nud ,v. Alex Allen, Bis'lor of Holy Trinity Episcopal church, followed hi welcoming iiddreHsos. The Catholic xsple are to lj rongratuliitisl on the hcloctlim of Lincoln ns n ssi city, mid that It will add materially to the welfare of thu church Is tlio Chuiiikh'h earnest hope. Tlio isxiplo of the city did themselves es pecially proud In the generous welcome ex temlisl, and tho bishop lias "received a good Idea of Lincoln hospitality. Tho iMMtollloo depaiiuienl Is badly iiikIioI with the Itillux of Christinas bundles mid INiekngeH, If you don't get your pnior or geuei al mall promptly don't "kick," thode piiitment is doing Its Ix-st to accoimiKxIato the public, A Itlpo (;lictiiiit. Our youngest editor of The Flresldo Is orlglnnl if tho rest nru not, Soniu timo ago a tooth iHvomlng loose lio was taken to a dentist who picked It out, nnd yesterday tho yomid Ed. camo i mining to Ids mother with "Oinaiiial sool lgot miotlicr rlMi toothl" MIimeaH)lls I'lresldu. An Orlfflnul Theory, A llttlo -1-yenr-old boy wns standing nt the window wntclilug thornln, which, much to his disgust, kept him Inthehouso. Turning to Ids mother, with puckered brows, hosalds "I guess God took a drink nnd forgot to turn tho water off. Now York World. On the Way to Ilroolil.wi, A sunburned old fellow with nn oilcloth traveling bag was sitting on u Iwncli In tho Fulton ferry house tho other dny. Suddenly ho uroso from Ids seal, hecostcdn passing gentleman, nnd Inquired: "Eh kin you tell mo what timo tho boat lenvesr "Why, there's boat leaving ovory few minutes or so," wns thoreply.jv "Everj" fow minute cr so, Jioyiny'l whut's tho reason this boat doii'tTiuirClIioTri'' "What Ixxitr "XV'y this 'em boat." "Man nil vol This ni 1't t'w h; t thtaia tho ferry housol" "Yew don' ay ,l" ,'owSy ojarul.-itod tho suiiburiKsl old fr'.o r. "Too fcrr.v hounol" ho went on, with n f..-ik'i rr Ah. "An1 lioro Pvo Ixxn n waitln'll'iv" hmirsior tlio blamed thing to start lor Hr-xi. l-.ui" And ho rubbed iil-i l.ln rc'Ctlvely nnd walked on. Drako'rfTinvelurs' Mngiulno, .loiirnalUllo Imterprlno. Says Thu Arizona Howler: "A despntch has Just como to us over our special wiro from New York, saying thnt tho French peoplo hnvo elected a man named Sadlo Carrot ns president. It looks ns though there must bo some mistake In thu transmission of his unmo; but ns wo pay big moiioy for our sjieclnl nows, wo enn't nfford to throw It nwny on r.ccount of n llttlo inlstako In tho nnmo. So wo shovo her in with tho single lemark that it la IxHtor to Imvo a Carrot for n president than a dead bent for n son-iu-lnw. In this way wo ngnin worn a live beat on thu galoot 'Tho Rlpsnortcr.' Whoojxjol Now is tlio timo to subscrilxj." Now York Tribune, Ainorlrn's g four. Princo of Wales Mamma, allow mo to present you to Mr. Blnluo of America. Victoria Happy to meet him. "And Hits Is Mr. Gould." "Glad to see you, sir." "And this is Mr. Cody." "I hnvo had tho honor of meeting Mr. Cody lieforo, my son, but whit menus this omlsslonl Where Is Mr. Sullivan!" "IIo wouldn't como." Omnhn World r.roiiomy I Wealth. Llttlo Iky Schnumburg having fallen and raised u lump on his forehead, somelxxly sug gested to his mother that she press a silver dollar on tlio bruises! place, which would cmtso tho swelling to sulfide. "llcpoccn," wild Moso Schnumburg, "you don't need n wholo tollnr. Schxst press n nhnluf a tollar dot bump on. Vat for j-ou vant to Indulge In fcomnnyoxtravngaiiecsr" Texas Slftings. A flatter of Iliinlneu, Young Wlfo My dear, you ought not to hnvo purchased such an elegant suit of clothe. It Is entirely tx costly for your In come nnd you certainly ought to know It, Young Iliislmid I got them on credit, "Still worse." "But I had to hnvo them." "What forr "To Keep up my credit,' Omnhn World. It Winn't Hid HiioiirIi. Mrs. Penchblow Vnse How long lias your bill been running Collector Two months, ma'am, nnd I hoo Mrs. Penchblow Vnso Only two months! Tnko It nwny. I novcr look nt anything that Is not old. I nm n collector of nutlque, Chi rngo Lodger. Itiuirri'lliii? with 111 1'ood. Duinloj' (timidly, for ho is liehind with his lxxird)-l-cr think, Mrs. Hendricks, that tliU milk is a trifle sour. Landlady (fivsinr;ly .Jnno, pass .Mr. Dum ley tlio mgnr New York Sun. Alnrmln;; Coiitnrtlout. Passenger (on street car, alarmed) Madam, do you feel n (It coming onl Mad im (hnughtlly) No, sir; I'm trying to And my jxxkot. Now York Sun. A Note of Admiration. iSflisj J !iivr am.-. T- r .".....n OfTjLAiAf 'r rs-V7 "I don't know her uamo, Mercutlo, but sho's n la-la," Life. The I.lme Kiln Club. Judgo Ojieiiliousu Cnblff. .chairman of tho committee on moteorologlcnl dlsturliaucos. retorted that thu thermometer Invented especially for tho olub by Professor Mosos Clliigstouo, of St, Iuls. bud not been found up to his warrant. During tlio heated term In August It registered from 8 to 10 dogs, bo low rem right along, nnd during tho cold wave of Novemlxjr it innrked SJSO degs. abovo rem for several days In succession, It had been greased with licar's oil, boiled In milk mid linked In the oven, but there It was nt that moment on thu wall, registering ovor 100 degs, Mow zero. IIo didn't supixxw that a difference of 20 or "-' degs. in either heat or cold made nny great differeiico to nny mom Ixir, but such n wiilo margin us had lxon ivconled wns tilling It on rather too thick. Ho recommeniUtl Unit It ho enst nsldo, nnd Hint Professor Clingstone bo uollilid to re move It within thirty days. On motion of Shindig Wntklus, who Is in venting n colored man's thermometer him self, the risMimmeuilatlou wns adopted. Judge Cadaver had Imsjii sitting on tho islgu of his htixil for the limt ten inl'iuten, and ns noon ai tho nlxivo liuslness wns illNK)sed of ho nroso uud olfunsl tho following resolu tion: "Ilosolvod, Dnt wo condemn dn wisdom of do iKillcy which luductsl thu American colo nies to frow off do British yoke," Tlio slli'iieo for tho next mlniito wits deep euo'jgh for nsleamlxiat drawing twenty-two feet of water. Brother Gardner looked down upon tho smiling Judgu nud triisl to eny soniDthlnj', but not a word would como. Ha then motioned to Glvmdnm Jones, Saroa parilla Smith nud Sundown Davis to tako liltu out of I lioltxlgo iixim uud do witli him as they I bought Ix-st, IIo went out with thorn, and wiih seen no mom during tho ovenlng. Tho trio returned In nlxitit toil minutes, each ouo favoring Ids light log, nud tho mutter was dii.iiils.scd. Tlio Hon. Cavendish Cahoot then nroso to nsk for Information. 'Was tho mm drawing higher thu ivirtht lio hnd heard It wns, but didn't projKiw to accept tho statement with out having it aillrmed by thu club, -.-.".Brmldnr CiUHXit,", hn. yi B9t any butter, to melt In euiw do sim nm drawin iilghorr' nsLcd tho priwldout. "!To, mli." "Uxi you laid In nny oxtrn conl to propar' fur do eim gwino furdor awny!" "No, sah." "Don you sot down I Jlst let do sun nlono. Doan' worry nlxiut him. A chap who still owes (20 on Ids spring clothes hns no occa shuu to git unrvotis olier either du sun or moon." Tlio librarian, undismayed by tho fato of Cahoots, nlso desired to mako Inquiry. Should soclnletiiiuetto provnll among thoso gnthcrwl In tlio library of nn ovcnlngl "Yes, to somo extent," replied tho presi dent. "Nolxxly need wpieezo his hoofs outer bhnpo to keep 'cm out of sight, but In enso unyliody nplts on uuylxxly ulsu's biitcs lio will lie 'sfxU'd to make a few remarks in an apologetic tono. 1,'t us now nlxluct to our homes." Detroit Free Press. Itcportorlal Ilollilny. First Ilcjiorter What day does Christmas como on this yenr! Second Ilojwrtor Sundny. "Tlmt's lucky. Thero won't 1k so much going on nnd wo won't Imvo to work much linrdcr thnn usual. " Omnlui AVorlil. A Debtor's MUtnhe. Dollmpient I think, Ixiy, thnt In present ing this bill so often you am causing mo un duo annoyance, Bo3' Dnt ctln't unduo, sir. Do boss says ltts overdue. Now York Sun. After All. tCta&sr "I cannot ki) yes, Walter. I shall always bo a sis" "SUter to mor No, you won't." "Yes, Walter; your brother Charier pro posed to mo Inst night aud I accepted him. Life. Try the Nuw Line. Tho I'nlon Pnclllo Im Inaugurated n now service between LliKihi,ToK'ka nnd Kansas City andlmsphusslfixsiiii'ilrcarion tlionew train, having Lincoln nt8:2.l p. m. and arriv ing hi Kansas City nt 0 a. in., making eho con nectiong In tlio union depot with nil Hum for the enst nud south, St, 1'niil unit the Northwot. Point in tlio nlxivo dIrtctions are reached lxst by tlio Elkhoni vnlloy line. Connections nro sure and tho lino most direct. Get tickets! nt lift South Tenth street or depot, corner S nud Eighth srectts. Tho lntost nnd Ut tiling out la the Elkliorn Valley nnd Chicago nnd Northwestern poLiou. sleeping car lino nmnlng dally K'tween Uqx coin nud Chlcngo, Berths assigned Indi vnnco of a trip, If desinsl, nt ollleo, lift South, enth street an I depot, cornor S nud Eighth streets. .. i" ' 4 hi