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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1887)
CAPITAL CITY COURIER Vol,. 3. No. 3 MNCOt.N, NlCUWASKA, SATURDAY, DlCCICMIHCW 31, 18W7 Pwicic Livic Oicnts e t u 4 MIHTATIVKMUSINUS. ITEMS IMAGINATIVE AND OTHERWISE. IiiIoikIimI to Tickle tlio ItlslhlltliH or iluru Philosophical Discussion. Ill- In no other city lu which I hnvo over been nml I Imvo seen two orlhroo have 1 heard no iiiiicIi Hwonting on tlio streets us in Lincoln. Ono cannot p iu nln'.i ; our streets lifter dink without linvlug his o irt mail! bv oaths mid J language tlmt woul I ii.s,;n . a lnr loom. Thootlioruvenlng I was walking on Nortli with n ludy mill eiieountensl the crowil returning frmii tho mooting of tint givjiol iiriuy on T street, mnl to tlm slmmeof tho young men of Lincoln some of thociowd I recognized in sons of prominent citizens llw it (mill tlmt Mich disgraceful lati- gungo I have never Isiforo hoard, language tlmt ono would oxeet from tlm off-seotiiings of creation, mid not from some who call themselves gentlemen. Tho nuthorltles should endeavor by hoiiw moans to stop, in (nrt nt lenst, this wholesale swearing on tlio streets. It Is n disgrace to tho city mid tc our boasted civilization. o I mn of the opinion tlmt u snow shovel brig ado would Is) n good thing for Lincoln. In spile of tlio ordinance wliicli calls for tlio re movnl of miow from tlio pivontouts within twenty-four hours nftcr ItluiH censed full ing, tlio beautiful is very seldom removed unless tho sun thnws It out. A snow-shovel brigade tlmt would lmvo tho Know removed In season would lie n g Hi-send to tlio (coplo who hnvo to travel through tho stuff. o Tomorrow is Now Years, tiny nml I suppose the young muii who mo nildlctod to vices, .great or snmll, Will lmvo their regular minimi .swear off. Don't do It, Isiys, you know you wont keep your good resolutions, and will only lower your self-esteem when you break thorn. Any day In tho year Is Just as good to quit bad habits, mid It you over really Intend to quit you will do It without waiting for Now Years day. rionuint Greeting. Tf-4H Two torn : policoinuu ou sidewalk talking In "Happy Now Year's, ia It? fered nan nip or n tip today l" "Mo, too " The dog does not testify. Nobody's of- Tho usual dullness w lilcli follows the brisk business of Christmas lias not Iwen felt at Halletttho jeweler's, mi O street. Tlm great Inducements ho has been offering in watches, clocks, jewelry, silverware, etc. prior to his moving to his now quarters on Eleventh street, recently occupied by Geo. Fuwell, has nttrnetcd many buyers. Ills immense, btock, tho various lines of which lmvo not been broken by tlio holiday rush, must bo reduced and goods nro going nt any price, Cnll around mid seo him and secure ioinoof tho bargains ho is ottering. Now Yrurs Curds. Tho CouuiKH will as usual lw headquarters for New Year cards, mid tho assortment this year is without doubt tlm finest over shown. l'laco your orders early and secure tho choice ones. Our reputation for lino work will as euro our (uitrons as regards flno printing. Call mid beo us. No. 1!!00 O St., now Ilurr block. 9300 In C'iihIi Prizes. This Is tho temptingotrer mado by a cloth lug houso us a special Inducement to their patrons to lay In their needs for tlio winter at once. Messrs. Mayer Hrojhers, I if! North Tenth fctrcet, glvt to cash purchasers of live dollars worth of pwds, n ticket which untitles tho holder to n cli.iucu for drawing tho cash, not something you hnvo no use for, hut the real hard, sound legal tender coins of national value. It is readily to bo so n that by purchasing jour clothing, gents furnishing goods or any thing in their lino of them, you lmvo tho op portuulty of adding to your riches without paying for tlio chance or any extra outlay. Tills firm is known for Its excellent values given tlio trade, Ising low class goods for living prices. If in need of a suit or any thing else, call on them mid they will demon strate to you tho saving problem mid at tlio same timo get u chnuco at tho f -NX), Ciinoii City Coal nt tlio Whltebroast mid Lime Co. Coal Try Ihu New Line. Tho Union Pacific 1ms Inaugurated n now Borvlco lH'tween Lincoln, ToK)kn and Kansas City mid has placed frco chair euro on tlio now train, leaving Lincoln at 8:8.1 (i. in. and nrrlv lug lu Knnsns City nt 0 h. iii., innklng close con- i iioctions In tho union do(K)t with nil lines for the enst mill south. 4 The latest mid U-st thing out is the Elkliorn 1 Vnlley uud Chlcugo and Northwestern piilnco i slis'plng car line ruiiiilug daily lHtwis3ii Liu- (.eolli nml Phteiifm ltirtlin nKMlffllitil 111 nil- i ,- - w....-f,-.. ...- n - - r,L vnnco of n trlji, if desired, at olllco, 11.1 South lucd onth stroot an I tlonot, cornor o ami i-JIglitti It! ........... I aid nii.eeia. FiirnUlieil Itoiims to Kent. Thris) rooms, nicely furnished, close to business centre, ViM P street. ' iJBf- CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES. Christmas IVsthiiU of ilii' Clmtclie "f 11m Oil). Vltllotlft Trinity M. K. church held their Christmas trco Haturday evening. Tho program of ex ercises was excellent, tlio singing esHvlnlly living very Hue. Three well loaded trees ndornod tho pulpit plilforni, and tho gifts wero there lit jileuty to gladden tho hearts of both Young mid old At the Heciiiid Coiigieguiionnl church CliriHtums will long In) remembered by nil. Tho nxcrc cs wero held Monday owning, and consisted of music, reading and thu dis tribution of gifts, mid tho breaking of jugs containing offering for tho building pro ject. I'ho Hoventh Day Adventlsts celebrated Christmas In a very Interesting iimmicr. The exercises wero of tho usual onler, singing recitations nnd tho like, nil of which wero well received. After the program was gone through witli, several of tlio littlo ouch were sent through thonudleiico to colhvt tlm offer ings, which amounted to tH. Tho proceeds are for tho mnliitennuco of African missions, Tho Congregational Holiday school gnvo their annual Christmas entertainment nt tho church Tuesday oveulng. Instead of dls pchslng gifts to tho children, tho custom was reversed mid nil wero exeeted to bring gifts to Imj distributed among tho KKir of the city. Amu result, theso unfortunates wero given a chanco to enjoy plumy of Christmas cheer. An excellent program was rendered, tho chil dren taking tlm principal parts. Tlio festival of St, Marks Lutheran church was held Sunday evening In tho Y. M. I. A. lecture room. A handsome tree, laden with gifts , mid Hanked with nuts, caudles mid fruits, stood on tho rostrum, nnd after exercises, consisting of music mid recitations, theso wero distribute! among tho expectant scholars. Tho evening was n very pleasant ono to young and old alike, ami, tlio Christ mastime of lbsi will long lie reuiemlMjrcd by nil. Grnco M. K. church celebrated Christmas In good stylo .Monday oveulng. The church was filled to overflowing nml the program of exercises very Interesting. I ho children were treated :ight royally, Ising remem bered with lings of nuts, caudles and sweet- meats. llov. Miiiuhnrt was mado the recip ient or n lino overcoat, Mr h. C. race acting as KiKikcsumn, while Mr, Wm. Ilotnling, the superintendent, was made to remember tho occasion by tho present of a hatidsomo silk mulller. Tho Sabbath schools of the Church of the Holy Trinity and St. Andrew's chapel held their Christmas exercises at Masonic Temple Monday evening. After the program was taken up Miss Nettie Hnllcnbock received as a rownrd of excellence a flue prayer look nnd hymnal, presented by 8ii(orliitcndont Sen mark. Several other gifts woro nlso made. l he progrnm whs u nusirti one, anil con sisted of solos by Mrs. l'rutt, Mrs. Mateor, Mr. II. J. IV. Seamark, interspersed with carols by tho whole school, Mr Semnnrk owning witli mi organ solo, "Christinas Jlarch." At St. Paul's M. E. church Monday oven lug tho cantata of "Hnnta Claus' Mlstako, or n liuiidie of Sticks," wns produced. Char acters In tlio enntntu wero taken by Miss Min nie Gaylord, Miss Winnie Jackson, Miss Marino mid Miss Mnliel Doyle and Louio At kinson. A chorus of sixty littlo boys and girls ably sustained the soloists. After tho entertainment some bXI bags of candy mid nuts wero distributed nmoiigst the scholars. Much crydlt for tho success of tho entertain ment is lino to Mrs. A. I). Guile, Miss Marine, Dr. l'aino, Mr. Schwnko nnd tho others who had charge, Tho scholars of the Presbyterian church gave n very pleasant ciitcrtinmnont Sunday owning. 'X lio pulpit was very prettily gar iiiturcd with llowcrs nnd owrgasms, mid Ih hind mi arch of evergreens in which was worked the words "The Star of Ilutlilehem," was placed thu choir. A largo nudluuco was gntliertsl, and all wero highly pleased Thu uxercises consisted of uiusic, singing, nnd re citations by the vnrious classes. Miss Mlniiio Ijitta rtlted n lsautiful jiuoiit "All My Heart This Night ltojoieos". Tho littlo ones ucipiltted themselves very creditably, not withstanding the short time for preparation. The regular Christmas festival nnd trco was given lust oveulng, and the hearts of the littlo ones made glnd with gifts, candles and tho various littlu delicacies denr to their hearts. l'lirty Miislenlu, The elegant largo mansion of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ilurr, Sixteenth ami L streets, was the scene Wishiesdny evening of a very success ful (uirlor uiuslcalu. Nearly two hundred iieoplo wero lu attendance, by far the largest number over present at u jmrlor iiiusicnlo In Lincoln. A pleasant time, socially, win hud iH'foro lioglnnlng the musical program, pend ing tho nrrivnl of all tho Invited guusts. Prof. Welier nsslstisl .li-s. Ilurr in receiving. Alsiut half (last eight the company assembled In tho parlor and listened to the following program: Violin solo-llth Air Vnrlo - Cli. do llerlot Ailolf Weber. Tenor solo IajI .Mo I.Ike a Kohller Kail (Murllami) .... Wallace. A. Trnynor-Cnineron. Aria Oh Mlo Kuiilliiaiiilo(Travlata)l)oulzutll Mine. I-:. IaiwIs linker. Violin nolo Carnival do Venice - Weiss Mlsstlrncu Ilurr. Soprano solo Kegunvu Nel Hllonzln (Lu- eln) Uoulzattl Mine. A. Weber. Piano solo Impromptu lu 0 Minor - Arno Klullcl Mrs. P. V. M. Itayinoiiil. Contralto koug lllrds lu tlm Night Hulllvnn Mine. i:. Lew-Is linker. Violin solo-(a) Wleconlled (b) Hcliluu- morllud Hniisor Prof. Webor. Vocal duct II Gulriimonto - Murcadnute Minus. Wuliernud llnkur. Tlio (Sirformers woro listened to with rapt attention, mid each received a duo measure of applause. Tho instriliuuitnl solo of Miss Oracle Ilurr was osiwcinlly well rendered for so young a musician. Prof. Wobor and Mrs. llaymoud played lu tholr usunl excellent stylo. Tho hinging of Mrs. Webor and Mrs. flakor was one of tlio incidents of tho even ing, nnd ench selection wus twice encored. Tho oveulng ns n whole wus ono of tho most cnjoyublo over sjiout, us nil of tho guests cheerfully testify. The West Lincoln Hose Co. No. I guve n very plcusnnt dunce nt Halters hall, West Lincoln, Thursday evening. The attendance was quite large and tho time pleasantly bpent. Writ Lincoln. This Infant of Lincoln Is now but one year old. Its location Is useless to ilo.'rlho ns It Is fiunllilr to every school child In Lincoln. Tlio llrst residence was built one year ago by H. 1 Munii; today then) nro ono hundred and llfty cottages and handsome residence orna menting tlm hill.mul over AOO wills n im living happy in tliino lioui'w, rejoicing over the pnsiects of her ini.rvolous gniwth. In coiincctiou wllli the residence buildings, lire two hntulsoiiio chiirrni's, tho M. H. on tho tsirner of Ith mid Jeivey stiwts nnd the I'hrittinii chinch, corner Thlnl nnd Ilnlontlno stiwts, nt lioih of which olllclato able iuin- tom. The business ivpiiwntatlvcs of West Lincoln, are, Cudniin $s McNl'il, C. A. Mori 111, .loliti l'vtitt, O. M. llurhmis, W. II Mills, lliohumn, 0 !'.. V.'nnl, l W. Jones uiidC. li lleiisou. Tho ilriu of Ciidmnu & McNeill nro grocers, Hour nnd feed, mid dmtj thing In this line win be found there, put up mid delivcnsl oushoit notice. Un der the same roof Is found 1 L. Crosby, the Issit and shoo man, the Now York growler, but honest cobbler. U. A. Morlll is tho pro prieltirof the dry goods mid grocery house combined mid handles tho yardstick artist ically and easily. The druggist and man (if medicine is Dr. O. llurhmis, wliound el stands apothecaries weights nml how to heat the sick. Tho closest iiiiii hi town Is C. E. Ward tho tturU'r, and so ho will remain until that scalping banker arrives. Mr. Durham tho butcher, Is found In the Halter ; block, nnd In the samo block can bo found, Jones tho billiard man, mid Mr. Chmlie, Hie ikiIUo spirit vender. Charlie has n parlor saloon ami In It ienco and harmony must l-eigii regardless of threats. Mr. W, C. Austin, tho llrst mid only real estate man can lie rouuii lu the upper story or tlm Halter building where ho will of fer a i illusion or n hut at prlcvs its high ns you can reach,' or ns low ns you enn fall. William 11. Mills is our blacksmith, and the anvil nnd hammer can ho he.-uil from morn until night. Then, last but not least of our business llrms is Mr, John Pctitt, the proprietor of tho Hub; meals can lie had at nil hours nnd served In any stylo find man ner. Commodious mid elegant furnished rooms nro always ojion to the weary traveler nnd no ono will depart tired or hungry West Lincoln has but one school ami tho nunilier of school children is nlxmt ono hundred, too many for the building, hence h cry for more room. In connection with the business houses Just mentioned thore are other buildings not yet completed, that will lie occupied, by tho banker, clothier, oto,, ns soon as Mulshed. licsidcs tho alsivc, there are other enter prises worthy of mention tho oldest of these is tho Lincoln llrlck nnd Tile works, owned nnd o))cratcd by Mr. John l-'iLsgorald. These works have 1kiii Iii ojieratlon tho Hist summer nml gave employment to over ono hundred men. Tho Lincoln Stock yards are locabsl here, nml receive nil the hogs consumed by the (Nicking houses. Now Bheds mid other buildings have been nddl to them tho post siimmernhd ere another senson pass es those yards will lw excelled by none. Packing house No. 1. Is tho property of tho Stock-Yurds Co. but Is ojiernbsl by Messrs. Jordan .V; Co,, who give employment to nliout seventy llvo muii nnd Bhuighter nbout WiOhogs perdav, but when running a full force can (11shm of 1,(KK. Tho largest house, No. li, or more faiiillarly known us the Lincoln Packing mid Provision coinMiny, isriiuundnjHirnttsl by W. II. Hll lierliorn & Co. This house Is much lar ger than No 1, mid of course has u capacity of slaughtering more Inns. Tho West Lincoln water works are not to lie slightest, for it Is n living necessity, Isoldes supplying tho brick works, factory and the (lacking houses with tlio ucccossnry amount of wnter. Tho water jiljies Hud thulr way Into tlio dwellings. The Lincoln Canning uud Provision com pany plays quite a prominent part in the West Lincoln enterprises. The canning sea- hon Is now over, but thoy will continue the manufacture of yeast and vinegar during thu winter. Then last but not least is tlm West Lincoln Host) CoiiiMiuy No.l, n cor(Mrntloti that cannot lw with. It Is volunteer, mid tho apparatus Is owned by tlio company, hcuca de(ieiident on no one. W, C. Austin, is Chief mid C. H. Currmi Secretary, With tho enterprise in our grnsp mid tho enterprise wo nro reaching for, with Hod at ur right hand mid attempt nt our left suu ess is ours. West Lincoln. Nubritskit Stnte Historical Socluty, I OKKICK OK Hl'.CUKTAHV, Lincoln, Nkii., Deo. ul, 1887. Notice Is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of tho Nebraska State Historical So ciety will lw held in thoClmiol of the Unlver Ity building, Lincoln, commencing Tuesday, Jan. 10, 188S, at SUM) p. lit. The following is tlio i-nofiiiAii Tuesday, Jan. 10, at 8 p. in. Ilegulnr Pro ceedings. Itc()ortof Olllcers. Election of Olllcors. PuMrs and discussions, Tuesday, Jan. 10, at 8 p. in. Pnjier by Hon. W. W. Cox. P:i(or by Hon. J. A. McMurphy. Gko. E. owaiiii, So rutary. Miil-rleif. GllIKKIN Woi.kk, At the residence of the bride's (uireuts, Thursday, December -J, Mr. C. II. Gillllli nud Miss Nelllo 11. Wolfo. Itev. J. 1). Johnson olllciutlug. Mr. Grilllu has for several years lieen a teacher lu thu (iiihlie schools and is well llktsl by all who know him. Miss Wolfo Is u daughter of Mr. J. V. Wolfo, one of Laucas tor county's most prosjiorous farmers, mid luw nlso been engaged in teaching in Lincoln for soino time. Tho happy young couple hnvo settled down for the enjoyment of married life, In East Lincoln, followed by tho well wishes of numerous friends. Low ltates to California. Tlio Cullforulu excursions via the II urllng- ton route (thu scenic line of America) lmvo liocomo so opu!ar its to necessitate a train of this kind evury week. Denver, Colorado Springs, Maiiltou, Itoynl Oorgo, Marshall Pass, Pluck Canon of the Gunnison nud Sal Lake city are all on this route. Full partial ars may bo obtained nt city olil-o, oonvir O mid Tenth streets, or nt tho il'M")'. A. Hurlbutoi Co., thu clothi n-, nro i;ii'U' uwuy a lino horso and buggy vain id at &l mi nnd every (icrsou buying JIO w j -m of goo Is getsn ticket in tho drawing, which taKospliuo DeeeinlH-i' 111, They know just how to please you witli oysters In every style at Ilrown's Now Vienna Cafo. A TALK ONJK)iaKYAI!I)S. SOMETHING THE CITY 8HOULD HAVE. Intertlcw Willi Mr. I!. (. Heliwnuerl, The liiiuitnen pe A tell 1 1 eel The subjis't of parks has Ihsh ngllatisl off uud ou for some years, but no dcllulto action lias ever Usn Inkeii. Hlneo the arrival In the city of Mr 11. O. Hchwngerl, the noted land seno nre1ilUs-tandciiglnisr, however, Inler est litis hon nwakeinsl nnd It Is wry likely the Mibjivt will roctdvn serious allenlloii. ICnowliig that the Coimncii iisulersesiiecliilly are Inlen-sttsl In this Mihjcct, n i-eK)rlercallisl iqmn Mr. Kehwagerl to glean some Informa tion on tho subject. He was found lu very jilensaiit iiiitri-s lu tho llond block, corner Twelfth rind () streets, and nlso willing to en lighten tt' scrlls) ou the matter of parks nnd iHiiileviinls. "Would it not lie diillciilt to projierly plncn theM) (inrfts at this stngeof develoiiinontt" "No, lisUssl, this Is tho wry time when the NS)plonf Lincoln should seriously consider tho subject ol parks uud pink boulevards. My obsorvntl'iu mid kuowhslge of your city Justi fy me lu saying that at no former srlisl has itsfutuio boon so (Kisitlvely assunsl ns now. Tlio toiwrraphy of the suriiiuiidlugs of your eltv admirably uduptsltforu system ofpaik lKiulevark" "Wlmtulo you'inisiti by n (mrk iKiulovaril" "A (IK iKiiilovnnl Is a system of 'attenuat ed' (Nirkl with IsMilovards running along and through their center. Hytlm won! 'utlenuu tsl' I nieAii n long rather narrow park sklrt iug thesITtesof the boulevard. Homo apply tlm wordpark to an Isolattsl square lu the midst of jv city or u large wotshsl t ract laid out in regular lines or (swlbly left to grow ns It wishes; but my Idisi of tlm (roier thing for Lincoln jvroiilil Isj the system I have Just sM)keu of. The lioulovnrtls would be from !i00 to lint) feet wide, nud would consist of one central grand highway, w Ith law us of varying width oufclthcr hand, with side drives, or roadwayi." "Hut wouldn't this Ik) a very oxonslvo Im jirovemeyt to make." "1 do u'Jt tlilnk so, Tlinro would Ik coin (inrnllvely littlo grading iiiressary, nnd this is the )irlucl(ial cost of such undertakings, Tlm country nround the city Is so dlverslllisl with gracefully rolling hills nud charming valleys, that tho beat plan would Is) to follow tho Hues of natural oxpressUn. Tlm grades nearly nil slope townrd tliocItT, nsiiny one fumllliar with tho city's surroundings knows. The Ismlevnrls would all radiate from u com mou ci'iibT, nnd form a most licuutlful ad junct Id the city. Capitalists would locate hero on nixsiunt of the ls'imtlfiil residence sites nml tlm np)ortuulty to enjoy riding or diivlng, As a natural Betiieuco, thoy would llnd many channels of investment. I would havo these iMMilevurds located mid planned In anticipation of fully ilfty yearn growth, but would contract nnd improve them only 5'iJdt iKxyun necesry. Ilut Hie people of Lincoln should net soou In such n nml tor tieeH nro very scarce, and Isoldes Hiillliieiit timo Is necessary for their proor gniwth and development ufler being plmibsl. It is wry foolish to let tho city grow in u haphazard style ns nt present, since in the future It will cost many times as much as now, Tho lsisitioii of tlm city, Isith as mi (slucu- tloual center and capital, demand that steps Is) taken Immediately to lienutlfy It, uud by that means still further advance her material irosHi'ts, She ought to lie to the state and thu west, what Washington Is to the nation. Ily thus early enhancing tho material beauty of your advantage, the Kople of tho state can always jwlut with prldo to Lincoln as Its cap ital. Now is tlm timo to settle ujsm its future plan of Improvement, which is tlm course calculated to bring to It added life and thrift, wealth uud culture. ' Wiiat should lw tho llrst steps necessary In such undertakings!" A mutter of such vast Interest and Imiiort- mice should ho made a subject of careful lu vestigatlon ns well us thoughtful consideration nud should cnll out every citizen of ambition nml sound judgment who ought to carefully select n few of thuir soundest mid most cultur ed intellect to net us u coiniultts to make such Investigation tqiou the ground Itself, uud Into the subject relating to such Improvements. They should proceed ndvlstslly and thorough ly, making their lejKirt tangible, clear, ami comprehensive. Such a rcsrt would present tho fact which might lead to further actions tlio maturing mnl crfcctlng of plans for adoption which would then lead uud govern further Improvements, to conform to such general plans, Tho improvements, ns stated before, could 1h carrhsl out in time ns the city's growth, advancement and ability would Justify. Mr. Sehwagerl's extensive reputation as u landscape urch!tcct,uuil the manner he handles such subjects is sunk-lent to command resi-t. Ho Is a reeognlasl authority of much skill on all matters (MTlnluing to I-nndu-apu Engl-ins-ring In the ejist, where there nro many sub stantia! monuments in Isith privutomul public (Mirks, ns nlso in most of the liner Now Yoik ceinuteries The C'oiiiiih (Mull. Tlm Counts Club gave u very pleasant enter tainmeiit nt Temple bull Thursday evening. Altout twenty-two couples wuro present, nnd enjoyed themselves hugely. Tho ladles nml gentlemen were nil attired In fiillilrctts, many of tlm costumes Uing decidedly elegant. When a reporter looked in nlsjut half-iast ten the scene wns n most brilliant one, uud the merriment nt its height Tho meinliers of thu Couius Club nro very sociably inclined, mid their entertainments are always tho most pleasant, Thursduy evening's lielng no oxeo( tlon to tlio rule, Tho Philharmonic orches tru, assisted by Miss Wllloiighby, furnished excellout muslo for the occasion. A very pleasant ball was given last even ing nt Masonlo Temple. Mr. S. A. Wnnier olllcintod ns master of ceremonies In his usual excellent manner. The dunce wns held as n preliminary to tho foruritiou of n new social club, successor to tho Capital City club of last year. Tho Capital City club, composed of former pupils of Mr. Jacob Mahler, gave a wry pleas ant dance at Tuinnlo hull Saturday owning. I It is unnoceMsary to say thoy had a good time, t m I showed tho nilinlrablo training of their Ipioceptorlnthourt. a very pleasant ilanee was liulil last even lug nt tho resilience of Mr. Goo. Hymn, l.'f.M O street . Alsout twenty couples wero pres ent uud fully enjoyed the exercise of teqwl'-'horo. Excellent rofreMiinonU wero served nnd a good time gonorully van hnd. HOLIDAY I'AHTV. 'I'bif lieasaiit llmir iliiiilni-s lliilerlnlii the Seiiloia, The Pleasant Hour iluulors gave Iheli' holi day ixirty at Temple Hall Wisluislay evening on which occasion the Plouxuut Hour Seniors weie their guests. Tlm ball wus one of Ihu largest and most sueeevsful ever held lu the city, uud the enjoyment coircsKinillugly grislier. The evening was u most delightful one for Indulging in the merry whliloMho dance, mid the lloor wns llllisl at every cull. The program ronslstisl of twelve liumlierH, nud isieh was duly enoyisl. Many elegant toilets Mere worn ley (do iiuiiiH, mid luthe movement of the dance, tho contrast Is'twreii their bi'llliaut costumes uud the full dress hiiIIm of the gentlemen was very pleasing. (t)ullo u iiiiuiIh'i- of Ni-sons from abroad were (iresent, among whom were Mr. nnd Mrs Clement O. Chase of Omaha. Mr. I-Mgar Etl wmils as nmsler of eeieiiioiiles wns omnipres ent, mid ellhienl In his capacity. Follow lug Is u list of those pi (sent i Mr. mid Mis. Mulr, Mr. nud Mix Sheldon, Mr. mid Mix Mason Gregg, Mi. mid Mrs, A. 1). Ilurr, Mr. and Mix L. C, Iluir, Mr. mid Mrs. Audi us Mr. mid Mrs, llceson, Mr. mid Mix, Chase of Omaha, Mr. uud Mis. Myron Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Perryiumi, Mr. mid Mix I lay den, Mr. ami Mix. Coffroth, Mr. nnd Mrs, John II Clmk, Mr. and Mix Lnnlieitson, Mr. uud Mrs. Macfaimml, Mr. mid Mix McAilhur, Mix Ileruard,. Misses Lllllliildge, Clile Hroivn, HisiMr, Allen mid Hello Oakley, Olllu and Minnie Initio, Perry, Maud, May nnd Hoi tie ilurr, I' mike, lluwklus, llallentlneof Ouinliu, Iiauiniond, Walsh, Stout, Hiiins, of Omaha, Wellsof ('Inelnuiit I, llrownle and Nelllo llaimi, Hardy, ICIIIntof ICnnsas City, .erung, Georgia Huwkeof Nebraska City, McKinrleof Puun- m, I). 1., llercli, liuKelt.t Issors.tlrunlnuer. Vndriis, Snulllug, llellcn Million, Hiilhuwny, wncox or riciirasku city, Asniiy, iics'Uer lfilllllll ijT1 if ltriMIS'f HUrvii n lllVIMt'l' "sj "(- -.. .-. -i.-v..v Uiiulst, Van Duyn, ThonqiHon, Teinplelon, lll'n" ",l ''Is own yncht, nud Uing tho lurgot Zehrung, Will mid Clmiilo Clark, Hardy, I r. "" iiuws()iiiier shirs. Norrlslown Hor-l-'unke. Anion Huckstnff. Mnxwell. Wisst. ! nl', llarnanl, Uiwis, llomalto, Messrs Itlchti .McClay, Hmiiinoml, l'rank mid Charlie Ilurr, lowls, Will nud tlisu-ge McArlhur, Nlssley, Hob Mulr, Helskell, Scott, Hlggeulsittom, Mng'siii, Young, Hulhiiway, l'ormman, Wi'ey, Amlriis, Walsh, Simons, AVnckbniigh, Smith, Hluford, Holmes, lTdwnnls, Storrs, E. II., 0. Y. uud A. II. Smith, llonlx, Huiiiii, Polk, Kingsbury nml others, A Complimentary Party. Tueolny evening was mi extremely cold one, but Interfered not In thu least wlthn party that hud been previously arranged for several visiting ladles, given in their hon or by n iiiiiiiIht of young gentlemen of the city, at Masonic Temple, The ladles, four lu number, have Is-cn visitors lu the city for sev eral weeks (xist; .Miss Itloom, of Iowa City, nud the Misses (loldlierg and Itosenlsjrg, of Chicago, under the hospitable roof of Mr. nnd Ml-H II, Wise, oil Ksliwt, anil M'ss l'Vl, a guest at the homeiifjii I Fn. ', j-.i .1 s.. Shortly iifb-r tilno, Hi" phtxuj"" wU'L'-j nienoisl and ntln riii!l-.'iM,ip , i,-L-,k-t' struck up a IWcly inanii, I lie pjiii'hsw's in , tlm iK'cislon ihomiI lit i I'll j ii-l "lti (o ' lug lhi'oUii v.inous prolwV (Igi.ri-i. the ,eU , wns Inuiigiii.iVd m.d tl.e h -tlviv f a'y to gnu. Tho pion m of elghti -.u i.i n n.i ci.i talllisl ii well en ll'ged eider u' di.-utu, ivl.ieb ' were llnlshisl lij nn'i'ii'i"1., 1 -.) ill piss cut repaired to ill-own u Ci.Io v tit ic m lic.oui refresliiuents were duly n-llslns I i'ho affair In every M-nsool mo old wus compllmuiitnry to the guests of the evening uud us such they certainly iipHurcd to ap preciate thu situation. At the table, will wishes for the Indies wuro expressed nud niter lidding two of tho ladles, goodbye the party was nt mi cud, Miss llloom nml Miss Rosenberg left Wed nesday for Oinaha wheio thoy will visit for a timu Is'foru rctiirulugcust mid the Couiukh extends its U-st wishes for a pleasant stay at the metro(N)lis. Christum I'urty. The Pleasant Hour club held their Christ mas party Monday evening nt the Windsor Hotel. Alsiut thirty couples wero present uud enjoyed the terislclioremi exerclwss to thu fullest extent. Tlio program was of the usual length, mid thu party one of tlm most pleasant of tlio scries. Mr. I". ( . 7-chrimg olllciiibsl us master of ceremonies with grace nnd affability. The costumes wero us usual pretty nml appropriate, and the atmosphere conducive to dancing. Refreshments were served nt nliout eleven o'clock. Among those present wero: McKsr nml Mesdames W. It, Dennis, Shel don, Mason Gregg, Myron Wheeler, Ed. P. Kwing, II. L. Perrymun, K. IC. Ruydeii, II. P. l-'ostrr, Mulr, Huckstuff. Misses Walsh, Hawkiiis,Kunko, Llllihridge, Pickett, Holm of Kansas City, Hums of Onmlm, Hnrnnrd, Luttu, Dickey, Orunlnger. Wells of Cincinnati. Messrs av, Wiley, A. H. Smltli, Hnrdy, Vnn Duyn, Mugisni, Zeluuug, Polk, I'iuist, llrown, Phul(s, MoArthur, Rlehler, W. Smith, E. II. Smith, Korcsmnti, Klnusley, Helskell, Cunningham, Gruulger, Hidges of Kansas City. Ciieliro Part. A very ploasant. euchre (xirty was given Thursday owning at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. E. It. Guthrie, Twenty-seventh mi I M stlii'U. Tho isisy residence wus very Imiiilsoniory decorated with beautiful Howeis, w hose fragrance lent charm to tlm scene. Kupjr was served at seven o'clock, mid after this Interesting feature had received due ti- tcntiou, curds wero brought forward, uud thu enchanting gumo of progressive euchre ooiuiuuncuj. At tho close It was found that Mrs. Perrymun nnd Will Hardy had won tho royal pri.os, mid Mrs. 1). I. Hrace mid Hert Smith tlm gtxiso egg prizes. Following Is u list of those present: Messrs nnd Mosdmucs Mu-sou Gregg, El Kwing, J. H. W. Hawkins, Henry IaiwIs. i Frank Ijwis, II. L. Perryman, A. H. Cof froth, C. T. Hrown, I). U Hrace, nnd Mrs. V. Pickett of Ashlnnd. Miss Hawkins, the Misses Alger, Clara Funke, Clara Walsh, Muggio Mullon, Corn Hanly, Flora Elliott, Miss Hums of Omaha, Miss Uiwuot Omaha, Minnie Latta, Ethel Marslaud, Mtrs Chas. .Vigor, A. II. I.iw, Frank Zehning, Hert Smith, C. W. Isolds, Will Stull, Will Hanly, A. 8. Tibbetts, I). C. Van Duyn, Clair PlieljM, Mr. Wiloy. Mrs. Guthrlo was asslstsl in receiving by Miss May and Mr. Will Pickett, Attend the great sale of dry goods every thing goes. Oaklky & CoV. 8TRAY JOKCO. Anoldlrnvcliff'M Idea of nnenrlhly paro illse In n h tel wherothu hall boyii aro iloni nnd duinb. Hotel Mnll. lUderllnggnnl's bruin nmy nppropi lately lw callcsl a novel apparatus. Itoohestor Post Express, She Do liiiiiiorlnto get jxild, Charley. Ho Oh, no, I hoy wrllo for fun, Tlio Wnter bury. A Parisian dielci has lson "ifoundod In thoimhuihs." .odiri't know whu' part nf the anatomy the suburln may be, hut It Is it great plly tlio othor fellow wasn't woundetl In tlm contiguous nelghlKii hood. NoniKtomi Herald. They loll of n young Lincoln man that ho Is m able u contort lonlnt that ho cull eco without dillleiilty the bald s)t on tho back of his head. Lincoln (Nub.) Journal. Santa Claus Is said to lo of German origin. Ills favorite oath, wo presume, Is "Hy Chim ney I" Norrlslown Herald. Among trawling salesmen onler I heavun'i first law. Life. "Kossuth Is rcmomticred In thin country by tho hat he wore." A great many Indies hnvo Ikimi roinoinlKirod lu Iheatreii by tho huU they wore, but tho reiiiemhraucu did not nffonl much pleasure, Ou the contrary, iulto the reverse. Norrlslown Hcrnld. A K'trl(l(sl sandwich was dug up near Hwan Cns)k, Ills., the olhor day. Thoy put It with tho collection at tlm railroad station and Ihopiirchasor hMld It wan tho tuudorust sandwich ho hnd over Ismght nt tlmt place, Judge. Andrew G'nrneglu ndvlsen nil youiiff men who wuut to gut rich to keep clenr of sjhjcu Intlon. If .lay Gould hnd followed this ad vice ho might hnvo lieen a worthy inochnnlo icruHj, wiuKing inr vio n wis)K, insieaii or. being u mllllounlio Milling up thu Meillterrn- nervous wiro (to iiuMiumi who is wrlllng) The wpusiklng of tlmt (kjii Is ilrendful, John; what nro you writing! Huslmnd A poom. Wife I don't wondur tho (sin wpieaks. Tho lCjHK'll. A lndy, who Mipxrtsl n worthless liiis ImiiiiI by k(splng Isiarders, had him erumnUxl when death rcllavnl her, nnd nil old Issirdor to whom sho npiled for mi Inscription for tho cinerary urn gnvo her this: Here rests tlm husliniid of n wife Who kept tlin vuus that wed; HIid enri.eil his Imnlies while lie lived And uracil hlj ashes, ilead. Washington Critic Mlsirist of tho House What Is this blotch on the wall acr, llridgutl Hrldgot That'a mi llu (Milntlug, in'eui. Thu stoisr kim out of the can. lliirllngton l'rco Press. Jeuliiiisy nl 'llin Ilootnra' Drivers' 11 all. -.-flSw-. .., win. Mr. Clay (soliloquizing) Ef tint Em Lufloy douo knoWLsl tint dut Rahltlmo' coon drlv fur n boss doctah, reckon she wiidn' bo quart sor fnilsh oz ter dnrnco fob sets wlv him. Judge, S'oiiiiiwluit Mixed. Tho mother of two sous, twins, met ono of the brothers lu n Held ono morning. "Which of you two Isiys mn I speaking tor nskisl tho mother; "Is it you or your brother f "Why do you ask," inquired tho lad, pru dently. "Uecnuso if it Is your brother I will box his ears." "It Is not my brothor, it is I." "Then your brother Is wearing your comt, for yours had a holo in it." "No, mother, I am wearing my own coat." "Good henvensl" shrieked tho mother, looking at him intently, "you arc your brother after all." Arurnts llornld. Str-t Car Incident. Omnha Man (rending to friend In street car) -Venoziicln has offered n prlzo of t4,000 for n process by which locusts may Imj turned into grease or somo other useful article. Stranger Ehl Hog (mrdon. What Is Hint amount I "-1 (JtX) n "Olil Only l,000. I thought you said f 10,000. Sorry I disturbed you. Ah I Hero Is my street. Good day, sir." Omuh.1 Man Who is tlmt gcntlomnn! Friend Ho is Mr. Do Fntte, tho grout but tcr miumfactuicr. Omaha World. Int Wus Not h Trump. "Poor iiuiiiP exclaimed tho lienovolont lady to the sssly mid hnggnnl man who hod callcsl nt her houso; "what can I do for you I You nro suffering for food uud clothing, aro you not!" "Muduui," ho replied, with offended dig nity, "I am not a trump. I havo culled to ntk you to subscribe for this book, of which I am tlio nuthor, nnd to tho preparation of which I hnvo devoted uu oxtenslvu oxporlonoo and tho best yenrs of my life," "Whnt Is tho Uwkr "It is n treatise on 'How toMako Money.'" Chicago Tribune. The Warm Wuvo Netneils. Merchant Come now, movo on. I'vo got nothing for you. Tnttcrod biKvlmon Ploaso, sir, I'm not beggar, sir. I want to buy somethiug. lSr got sovcuty-nino cents. "Humph! What do you wantl" "One of those sovwity-flvo cent thermome ters, but I want you to fix It so it will regis ter about CO degs. lower than it docs. I want to linng It In front of my olllco." "Do you mean to say you have an offlcor "Yes, sir, I'm a coal dealer." Omaha World.