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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1963)
FOR SALE LANDRACE BOARS FOR SALE— Ready for service. Veterinary Vaccinated for Erysipelas, Hog Cholera and D'pto; guaranteed breeders. Spencer Feed Service. Spencer, Nebr. 26tfc FOR SALE Holstein Bred Heifers due to freshen in April, May and June. Richard Stelling, Orchard, Nebr. 48-49c FOR SALE Caterpillar D-7 with Cat Bulldozer & Cable Unit — Good shape — Reasonab ly priced. Bob Pospichal, ph. 948, O’Neill 4748c FOR SALE Big, long Duroc fall boars, Registered, vaccinated, guaranteed. Phone 2459, L. V. Gant and Sons, Atkinson. 48-51c BUY YOUR HERD BULL when winter is over, at 13th Annual Thoene's Registered Polled Here ford Auction Monday, April 22, 1963 1 :30 p.m., Ranch Sale Pavi lion on U. S. Hi way 18, 7 miles west, *4 mile north Bonesteel, S. D. 48-52p FOR SALE Nashua trailer house 8x35', modern, very good con dition. See at 319 E. Fremont, telephone 973J. 48-51 p SEE US for new SPARTAN ^or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 257 down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone Ccntois Motor Co., Neligh. 30tf FOR SALE — In this area, 1963 Electric Chord Organ for 6 pay ments of $8.76 or discount for cash with a new guarantee. Al so an Electrolux Vacuum Cleaner for $34.50 or will sell I on payments. To see them write Credit Manager, Box 325, O’Neill, Nebraska. 47-48c FOR SALE—Two l>edroom modem house in O’Neill. Write to Box SC in care of Frontier for in formation. 46-48p DOOR CANOPY SALE Over 33 1/3 discount, Jumbo Size, Supply limited, call or write JIM SESSIONS Phone 109, Box 568, O’Neill 46tfc USED TRACTORS 4 J. D. A tractors, 1937, 1944, 1949, 1951 2 Case tractors, 1950 1 IHC - H tractor, 1944 1 IHC - C tractor, 1950 1 Massey Harris - 44, 1952 1 J. D. B tractor, 1949 1 J. D. B tractor, 1938 1 J. D. B tractor, 1945 2 A.C. Rolomatic Bailers, 1955, 1960 1 J. D. corn planter, No. 290 1 J. D. corn planter, No. 6 1 new wagon and box 1 A. C. 2-16 plow 1 IHC No. 15 3 bottom l No. 9 mower, 9 ft Bar 1 wide front for M 1 Litz grinder, PTO 1 4 section Harrow. DAVID’S REPAIR SHOP Welding — New Steel Used Tractors & Machinery Phone 1V2-2362, Chambers 46-50p SPECIAL DISCOUNT SALE NEW and USED CARS All Completely Reconditioned and Guaranteed and Ready To Go NEW CARS CHEVROLET'S New 1963 Impala, 4 door sedan with: power glide. 327 Engine, power steering, tinted, padded dash, and DLX air conditioner. Regular price . $3648.00 Serial 116694 Sale price $2895-00 New 1963, 4 wheel drive pickup, Model K1534, ileetside, 650x16 6 ply tires, 292 biy ”6” engine, 4 speed transmission, side mount wheel carrier, D/X heater, front; wheel lock hubs, ammeter and oil gauge. Regular price $3209.00 Sale price . $2575.001 USED CAKS IQCC CHEVROLET ■ V33 4 door — $350.00 JQC7 CHE \' ROLET ■ # 3/ 4 door Bel Air — $895.00 IQPQ CHEVROLET I T30 Del Ray 4 door — $595.00 1 OAH CADILLAC I 70U Model 62 4 door sedao very clean — $2495.00 10*54 DODtlE ■ ?»»“ 4 door Royal sedan one owner, very clean, runs like new — $95.00 10*55 FOKD ■ * V8 2 door Custom $195.00 105/5 ford • » 2 door sedan $195.00 IQC7 FORD 6 pass. ■ Jr 3/ Station Wagon V8 $495.00 10 CO FORD I / JO 4 door Custom 300 V8 $450.00 | Q/A OLDSMOBILE • 7ww 9s * door Holiday, on owner, loaded with equipment $1595.00 10/51 OLDSMOBILE 1^01 4 door Town Sedan Fae ton- Air — $1995.00 10/5A EOKD I 70V 4 door V8 Galaxie $895.00 10/51 CHEVROLET ■ rO I 4 door Impala V8 $1195.00 PICKUPS 1055 CHEVROLET ■ Jr 33 FCAB 2 Ton — $”50.00 1050 CHEVROLET ■ T37 2 Ton Truck — $1200.00 Spitzenberger Chevy-Olds O’Neill. Nebraska FOR SALE — 1962 Singer Sew ing Machine, complete with at tachments to make hems, but ton holes and fancy designs for 5 payments of $7.49. Can be seen in your area. Write Credit Man ager, Box 451, O'Neill, Nebraska. 47-48c FOR SALK 1952 International pickup, % ton, light duty, 4 speed transmission. Priced at $350 for quick sale Tom Camp bell, phone 222, O'Neill. 48p MUST SELL at once in this area, 1962 Pfaff Needle Automatic Zig Zag Sewing Machine with new guarantee Party with good re ference may own by assuming small balance. For information write Pfaff Credit Manager. Box 451, O’Neill, Nebraska. 47-4Bc MOBILE HOMES New and Used See us today for the best buy on a New or Used Mobile Home. Many Models and Floor Plans to choose from. We Trade — Finance — Deliver MII.LEK MOBILE HOME SALES Open Everyday Albion, Nebr. Ph. 395-2170 48tfc FOR 9ALE — Ten first calf dairy heifers, heavy springers; all calfhood vaccinated. Marvin Pal mer, Bartlett, Phone 65-4-3313. 47-48p New and Used FARM MACHINERY Used— D-17 Diesel Tractor WI> 45 Tractors W C Tractor and loader Allis Chalmers 4-bottom plow A-C 2-16 mounted plow A-C 2-14 pull-type plows IIIC TD 14 Crawler with hydraulic dozer IIIC Loader and Horn hay head 220 Letz. Grinder Bear Cat Hammermill New— Kelly Ryan Spreaders A-C D-15 Diesel demonstrator American loaders THRAMER FARM SUPPLY FI wing, Nebr. 48c Raster’s Ilampshires FOR SALE — Serviceable fall boars from C. M. S. sires extra rugedness length bone heavy hammed meat type rapid gain ers — sired by Gold Prince, 1962 Nebraska Reserved Grand Champion, vaccinated 3 ways. Guaranteed breeders. John Ras ter, Clearwater, Nebr. Ph. Hu 5-3360 47-4p TRACTORS FOR SALE I IHC Super M, complete motor overhaul, perfect condition L 1951 Massey 44, wide front axle, live Hyd., good tires and perfect 1 1951 Massey 30, perfect 1 IHC B, good 1 1945 IHC H. fair 2 Manure loaders for H or M 1 IHC truck, perfect condition VERNON GORGEN -Ilist east of O’Neill Drive In Theatre 48tfc FOR SALE — Seed Oats, Clarence Gokie, O’Neill. 46tfc FOR SALE — Irrigation boom, Burkley pump and Allis Chal mers motor combined and 2,400 ft. of 5” and 6” pipe. Phone 917R1, O’Neill, Otto F. Lorenz. 46tfc SHORES’ NEW DAIRY CREDIT Vll the money you want. 36 months at 6%. Buy new cattle, finance entire herd. Shores Wisconsin heifers. "Pay your bills, stop your worries.” SHORES, NELIGH, TU 7-4060 41tfc I make monthly payment loans on City real estate. R. H. Park er, O'Neill, Nebr. 41tfc FOR SALE — Nixon Cattle, Hog and Poultry Feeds, Salt, Miner als, Soybean, Barb Wire and Steel Posts. Warehouse lVz blocks south, Vz block east of Town House. Ray Lawrence, O' Neill. Nebr. 38-10p FDR SALE—Hereford bulls.— Kieth Abart, O’Neill, Dercy Abart, Emmet. 32tfc CITY LOANS. See R. H. Parker. 50tf AVOID DISPUTED CLAIMS—Buy Quality Insurance. See Kieth Abart. 38tfc OATS FOR SALE — Patrick J. Gokie, RR 1, O’Neill 39tfc CALL US for estimate on Blown Insulation job for your home. Save 40% to 50% on your fuel bill. N. D. Ickes and Dan Tro shynski, dealers at Page. 49c FOR SALE — Eight big rugged Hereford Bulls, coming 2 and 3 years old. Albert and Rex Car son, Lynch, Nebr. 44tfc FOR SALE—Beef calves to go on cows. Any amount. Calves on hand most all times. Gerald O' Connor, Atkinson. Call 2562. 48-51p Real Estate for Sale FOR QUICK SALE — The Murray house (second house south of the Town House! can be bought furnished or unfurnished. Mod em. 2 BR, Basement, Garage, forced air heat. An extra large lot. See Ed Thorin. O’Neill, li censed real estate broker. 47-49c \VE ON INSURANCE—prompt ~!aim service. Virgil Laursen Acv O’Neill- lOtfc FOR SALE — My modem two bed room hrnie. good location, Del bert Addism. Stuart, Nebr. 47-49p Why pay more than 4% interest on your land loan? See R. 11. Parker, O'Neill, Nebr. 41tfc HELP WANTED — Male & Fe male, $75 and up weekly earn ings possible for man or woman to service customers in city of O’Neill full or part time. No in vestment. Write Watkins Pro ducts, Inc., D-71, Winona, Minn. 46-49p Dr. W. F. Finley Residence for sale by Heirs. Modem Home, 4 bedrooms, good location. See George Hammond Executor, or W’m. W. Griffin, Attorney. 42tfc WANTED WANTED — Dealer for profitable Rawleigh Business in S. HOLT & WHEELER CO’S. Good living at start. See or write Marvin Stahlecker, Box 92, Spencer or write Rawleigh, Dept., NBC 101 - 101, Freeport, 111. 47 and49pd WANTED TO BUY Cylinder phonograph. Write LeRoy Angel, Verdel, ph. 9-3355. 48p If you would like to change the in terest rate on your farm loan or ranch loan down to 4% interest, See or write R. H. Parker, O’ Neill, Nebr. 41tfc WORK—Electrician. I had trouble with the union on the coast, and it will be three years come June since I had a job, rates reason able. Charles E. Lockard?, Box C L, c/o The Frontier. 48-51p WANTED TO RENT — Pasture, Alfalfa and hay land. Jim Corkle 45-48p L. GUTHMILLER Half Block East Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene and arc welding IAWN MOWERS REPAIRED AND SHARPENED, ALL MAKE Also repair parts for Lawson and Clinton engines on hand. 9tf WANTED—Driver, semi-diesel, ex perience. Must have reference. 5c a mile. Contact Edgar Boyle, or call 859, O'Neill. 48tfc WANTED- Housekeeper. T have a five room house with bath, fur nace, hot and cold water, elec tric stove, refrigerator and freez er. Anyone interested write stat ing salary desired and date you can start in Page, Nebr. Write Frank P. Snyder, 975 W 4th Ave., Broomfield, Colo. 48-50p WELL DRILLING and well and windmill repair.—403 N. 1st St. Phone 775-LW. SPRAGUE WELL CO., O'Neill 3 blks. W. & 3blks. N. stoplight. NEED MONEY We make quick cash loans on automobiles and furniture. See us also for your insurance needs. Central Finance Corp. O’Neill Phone 14 Nebr. _21tfc MAKE PATTON’S BEN Franklin j store your candy and nuts head-: quarters. Always fresh. 27 tfc CURTISS BREEDING PAYS Dairy Herd Improvement Associ ation figures show that CURTISS HOLSTEINS average $20.00 profit annually over their stablemates. Can’t you use an extra twenty from each cow? Call 470 Duane Gray O’Neill 42tfc i INCOME TAX For assistance in filing your self employment and tax reports, call on— GEO. C. ROBERTSON, Agency We work for your interest and appreciate your business. Downey Building, O’Neill, Nebr Ph. 534 — Res. Ph. 161-W Jan-Feb-Mar "WE" DON’T WANT “ALL” THE BUSINESS We just want “YOURS” PATTON’S BEN FRANKLIN __23d WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks. south of the New Deal Oil Station—O’Neill _ 50tf MONEY TO LOAN On Automobiles, Furniture, Signature. O'Neill Loan Co. Virgil Lam-sen, Mgr. 38tf ' HELP WANTED — Two new and used car salesmen. Apply by j letter or in person to Spitzen berger Chevy-Olds. O’Neill. tfe j ATTENTION — Splendid Rawleigh business available in S. HOLT & WHEELER CO’S. Steady go">d earnings year around. No capi tal or experience needed to start. See or Write Marvin Stahleck er, Box 92. Spencer or write Pawleigh. Dept. NBC 101-96. Freeport, 111. 46-48p I FOR SALE- 2 bedroom home in O'Neill. Attac hed garage, natur al gas heat, nice lot. Contact Rees & Rees, Brokers, 914 So. 5th St., Norfolk. Nebr. 33tfc .VSHBEKV MOVEMENT CO P. O. Bo* 6, Tilden, Nebr. Personal attention to all orders. Covers all Northeast Nebraska Call collect, FOrest 8-2220. All work fully guaranteed. NElf. ASHBERX, Prop. 4f>tfc Why can't you live w ith a loan that you do not have to i>uy any shares or stock in the Company? I can loan money at 4% interest on Farms and Ranches. You do not have to buy any shares or stock in the Company to get a loan that you can live with. See R. II Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 48tfc LOST & FOUND STRAYED Hampshire male hog 250 pounds Walter O’Malley, O’Neill. 48-49c MISCELLANEOUS There are two types of alternating current, Electronic devices. The first practical one was de signed by Thomas Edison. It utilizes unidirectional line cur rent. The basic characteristics is the use of a rotary switch, called a commutator. The second was designed by Ni cola Tesla. This utilizes an elec tromagnetic wave called a "sign wave”. The basic characteristic is a rotor in which the trans verse inductors are shorted at both ends called squirrel cage winding. Charles E. Lockard? electrician. 48p You do not have to buy any stock in any company to get a Farm or Ranch loan from R. H. Park er, O’Neill, Nebr. 41tfc AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private Listings and Auctions Auction Service LONG TERM LOANS ED THORIN PHONE 207O'NEn.I. CARDS OF THANKS [ WOULD LIKE TO THANK all my friends for the visits and love ly cards received during my stay in St. Anthony’s hospital. Also (hanks to Dr. Wilson and Dr. Wa ters and the hospital staff for their wonderful care. 48c Evelyn Gray WE WISH TO EXPRESS our sin cere thanks to all our friends, neighbors and relatives at the time of our sorrow who were so kind in sending food, flowers and cards. A special thanks to Dr. Wilson and the staff of St. Anthony’s hospital. Your kindness will never be for gotten. 48p Leota DeBolt and family WE WANT TO THANK the nurses at St. Anthony’s for their wonder ful care. Dr. Wilson and Dr. Wa ters, the Sisters and Father Ku cera for their prayers and all who spoke and sent comforting words during the illness and passing of our beloved one. It made our sor row a little easier to bear. Mrs. E. F. Petersen, Eldon and Clinton Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Petersen and family Mr. and Mrs. Richard McNichols and family 48p I WISH TO THANK the many rela tives. friends and teachers for their prayers, cards, letters, gifts, flowers, phone calls and visits while I was in Sioux City at St. Vincent’s hospital and since I’ve been home. May God bless each one of you always. 4Sr» "A f, innUi . - -4 -- WORDS CANNOT EXPRESS our sincerest thanks to all our rela tives, neighbors, and friends for the messages of sympathy, the beautiful floral offerings, and memorials and the many other acts of kindness. A special thanks to the Wesleyan Methodist ladies for their service and to the choir. Mrs. Edna Huebert Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Harding Mrs. L. A. Hobbs Mrs. Lorin Haven Tom Harding Jim Harding 48p NOTICES NOTICE I was born 1-13-1901 to Minta Warner on the Warner property. She was married to William Mal colm Lockard in 1902. I was never adopted. It is impractical to alter my name this late. Therefore here in after I shall place a question mark after my signature. Charles E. Lockard? 46-49p TIRE VULCANIZING and repair ALL SIZE TIRES JOE'S TIRE SERVICE Phone 716 O’>>111. Nebr. Alice's Beauty Shop 32S E FK*n»l»« «t. Phene rVimnlete Beauty Service gUmUner Rerhicine Machine |-Legal Notices (First pub. March 14, 1963) Leo F. Clinch, Attorney Estate No. 4610 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, MARCH 8, 1963 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN P. ZINKON, DECEASED CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the tune lim ited for presenting claims against said estate is July 3, 1963, and for the payment of debts is March 8, 1964 and that on April 4, 1963. and on July 5, 1963, at 2 o’clock p.m., each day, I will be at the County Court Room m said County to receive, hear, allow or adjust all claims and objections duly fil ed. (COUNTY Frank Cronk COURT County Judge SEAL) 47 49 Proceedings of The Board of Education O'Neill Public School Office of the Superintendent March 5, 1963 Regular meeting of the Board of Education held on March 5 1963 at 7:30 p.m. at the O’Neill Public School with all members present. Meeting was called to order by President Lohaus. Bills were read and discussed. Motion was made and duly sec ntlflwl th Of thn Kill.- Kn nllmimJ and the secretary instructed to issue warrants in payment there of to-wit: (list attached) Motion carried. Moion was made and duly sec onded that the insurance on the band uniforms be increased to $5,000. Motion carried. Motion was made and duly seconded to have John Watson, School Dist. treasurer, take care of the investing of the school bond money. Motion carried. Motion was made and duly sec onded that the base pay of the teachers at all steps be increas ed by $50. Motion failed to car ry. Motion was made and duly sec onded that the bill from Storz Wachob-Bender covering their fee for acting as fiscal agent for the District be paid, after the bill from the County Clerk for regis tration of the school bonds has been paid by them. Also that bill from Clark & Enersen, Archi tects, covering initial work done by them for the O’Neill School Building be paid. Motion was made and duly seconded that we do not pur chase the set of Chimes for the band, as has been proposed. Mo tion carried. Motion was made and duly seconded that we send Supt. Mc Coy as a delegate to attend the North Central Conference in Chi cago, March 18 to 22. Motion car ried. No further business appearing, the meeting adjourned. Morgan Ward Secretary Morgan Ward, Postage 5.00 A. B. Dick Products Co., Photocopy supplies 17.00 Hammond & Stephens Co., Forms for office use 11.11 The Frontier Printing of Proceedings 15.73 H. L. McCoy, Round Trip to Omaha, Expenses 73.63 Knights of Columbus, Rent of K. C. Hall Bond Election 7.50 Betty Watson, Substitute Teaching 127.50 Affiliated Publishers, Library Books 3.99 Carl J. Leibel, Inc., Library Books 52.37 Molzer Music Company, Band Music 1380 Hospe Piano Company, Vocal Music 53.08 Radio Electronics, Records 11.65 Eby’s Conoco, Bus trip for Choir 7.75 New Outlaw Store Groceries 12.64 Safeway Stores Inc., Groceries 29.07 Gillespies Appliance, Home Ec. Equipment, Repair Recorder, Lamps for Projector 61.45 Coast To Coast Store Shop Supplies 2.00 Marcellus Impl. Co., Shop Supplies 18.28 Moore-Noble Lumber Co., Shop Supplies 3.55 Silver Burdett Company, World Events Charts 9.95 Southwestern Publishing Co., Books 6.10 University of Nebraska, University Extension Div. Film rent 18.00 Modern Sound Pictures Inc. Film rent 1.81 University of South Dakota, Film Library, Film rent 3.75 Kansas-Nebraska Gas Co., Fuel 672.35 Consumers P. P. Dist. Electricity 180.19 Northwestern Bell Tele. Co.. Phone Service 60.40 Fetrow’s, Exchange of Ranges, H~me Ec. Rooms 37.00 Tom’s Music House, Repair Horn 3.15 St. Paf’ek’s Parish. Payment on Operating Expense 300.00 Activity Fund Milk Refund 77.82 « Amelia News By Mlw Piorrmr linilwj Mrs. Laura Asher and son. Lawrence, Chatfiekl, Minnesota, visited Mr and Mrs Blake (Xt over the weekend They were en route to their home after sjiend mg the winter in Phoenix. Aru Mr. and Mrs. John Ccarns, Scottsbluff, were delivering a load of i iota toes and onions in this vicinity again this week and while here also visited her par ents, Mr and Mrs. William Fry rear. Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Bar nett, Greeley, Colo., spent the weekend with their parents, Mr and Mrs. S. C. Barnett, Amelia, and Mr. and Mrs. Ned Akierson, Chambers. Helping Hand Club The Helping Hand club met Thursday, March 14 with Mrs Ralph Rees. All the members were present except two. The quilt pieced by the club was put in the frames for quilting and members are to meet at the church annex March 22 to work on it. After a very nice dinner the business meeting was held and then Mrs. Blackmore show ed pictures of their trip through the Black Hills, Yellow Stone Park, the Tetons and Jackson Hole Country. Glenn White and Rev. Paul An dre went to McPherson, Kan., on Wednesday. Glenn attended a meeung ot tne Doaru oi Trustees of Central College and also vis ited his daughter, Venita, who is a student there. Rev. Andre, District C. Y. C. Director met Rev. Todd, Conference C. Y. C. Director, Winona Lake, Ind., at McPherson, and were making surveys in interest of C. Y. C. Rev. Todd was a dinner guest in Rev. Andres home Saturday and that afternoon went to O' Neill in interest of the C. Y. C. program. Glenn White visited Mr. and Mrs. George Atkinson while in McPherson, Kan. The Atkinsons and their four sons were former Amelia and Chambers residents. Mrs. Atkinson had recently un dergone major surgery but was feeling fine again. The four boys are away from home and doing for themselves. Charles, the old est is Superintendent of Schools at Galva, Kan., Melvin is an In terior Dec rator and works in Phoenix, Ariz. Don has been teaching and has received his Masters degree from the Univer sity of Illinois. Leslie, the young est will receive his degree in In dustrial Arts from Emporia, Kan. State Teacher’s college in June. He recently announced his wed ding engagement. The bride-to be is a registered nurse. Mrs. Blake Ott and Mrs. Lew Backhaus were in the luck when they were fishing near Atkinson Friday. They both caught their limit of fish. The Films and short program at the school house Thursday eve ning was well attended. There were several films on Wild Life and others on Bull fighting and Rodeo. The skits presented by the pupils were much enjoyed Debby Waldo sang a solo “When Irish eyes are smiling”. She was hv Flnrpncp T.inH«;PV at the piano. Pie, coffee and pop were served after the program. Mrs. Art D-olittle and grand daughter, Diane Adair were ov ernight guests Wednesday with Mrs. Gertie Marcellus, O’Neill. They all went to Lynch Thurs day where Mrs. Marcellus con sulted a doctor. Mr. and Mrs. Kayo Fullerton were supper guests Friday eve ning with Mr. and Mrs. Art Doo little. Pat Bilstien and his mo ther, Mrs. Nettie Bilstien were also callers there later in the eve ning. Mrs. Vem Sageser entertained the Garden club at her home ! Tuesday evening. There were 11 members present. Mrs. B. W. Waldo was on the sick list a few days after re turning home from their trip. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards. Loy and Russell, Nevis, Minn., were here last week to visit his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Maas and family. The Edwards family plan to move to the Chambers community the first part of May and Charlie will be employed on the Maas ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Maas plan to retire from the ranch work because of Mr. Maas’ health. Now . . . Save up to $12 and more on Kelly Celebrity — Nylon Extra Passenger Car Tires with lifetime road hazard guarantees 7->0 x 14 and 6.70 x 15 . *18.91 8.00 x 14 and 7.10 x 15 . *20.70 8.50 x 14 . *22.73 all prices plus tax Prices good for two weeks only ASK ABOUT OUR NEW LOW PRICES ON TRACTOR REARS Joe's # Tire Service Phone 716 O'Neill, Nebr. Mrs Letha Cook, Mrs Etta Keller, Mrs Edith McClrnahan, and Mrs Vab Edwards, Cham bcrs visited Mrs Lindsey and Florence a little while Sunday a item* sin. Mr and Mrs Leo O'Malley are parents of a son born March 17. l*J»4 at the O’Neill hospital. Mr and Mrs. Delbert Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Edwards, Loy and Russell, Mr ami Mrs. Zane Edwards, Mr and Mrs Kalph Maas and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Butterfield and fam ily, Mr and Mrs. Marion Mey ers and family and Miss Arils Edwards gathered at the Gerald Edwards home near Clearwater Wednesday evening to celebrate the second birthday anniversary of little Terry Edwards, son of Mr and Mrs Gerald Edwards Mr and Mrs. Delbert Edwards and grandchildren, 1 Hiretta, Han dy and Loren Butterfield joined other members of their CH club and went to Neiigh Sunday eve ning to a skating party. Mr. and Mrs Floyd Foster, Plainview, were Saturday dinner guests with his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton and at tended the Swanson land sale. __.1 . • . «u. mm nua. <r nuuini nail a farm sale Wednesday, March 20 and will move to Burwell. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parrott ami son, Vernon will live on the Worden place. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce called at the Lyle Worden ranch Sunday afternoon and on the way home stopped at the William Fryrears where they were sup per guests. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Young, Chambers, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith, Atkinson, were also supper guests. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cearns, Pam and Tammy, Mr. and Mrs. John Cearns, Scottsbluff, visited Mr and Mrs. William Fryrear Sun day and Monday. Mr. and Mrs Fryrear observed their 40th wed ding anniversary Monday, March 18 and, their children were all home sometime during the day. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gruenberg, Stuart, and Orland Fryrear vis ited them on Monday. Mrs. John Cearns is the former Arlene Fry rear and Mrs. Gruenberg was their youngest daughter, Naomi. Don Cearns is their grandson. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Winings were tendered a post-nuptial shower Sunday afternoon at the Johnnie Mohr school house. Blake Ott and Billie Sammons went to Clearwater Saturday to get a pick-up truck for Billie. Mrs. George Fullerton and Mrs. Lloyd Waldo planned to go to Fremont Tuesday and spend a day or so with Mrs. Fullertons daughter, Mrs. Gene Skala arid family. They went on to Lin coin later in the week whrie they were delegate* to the W St.'S convention Douglas Frahm ha* hern ill with a sore throat and absent from school a few days Mr* August Foaptchsl, Rich ar«l and Michael went to Lincoln Friday where the boy* attended the basketball tournament Mi* Ponpahal visited relatives Calvin Collidge and wins, Stev ie. Terry and l»ary. Seneca. Kan., Mr. und Mr* Charles Coo lidge ami aon, Kenneth, viMtrd at the parental Elmer Cooiklge home Sunday Mr, ami Mr* Roger Lomon, Albion ami Mr. ami Mr* Klnn-r Cooltdge visited at Torn Baker* Sunday evening Mr and Mrs. Edgar Peterson *I>ent Sunday afternoon at Art Doolittle*. Tlie Doolittles come to the Petersons to spend tlie eve mng. Three seta of twin calves were born at tlie Art Doolittle ranch during last week. Dank Peterson, Rusty Adair and Pete Frahm were doing car penter work for Tommie Wolfe, Marir»*ant Likt wppk Ikib Adair has been working on a garage at Tun Reeds In Chambers the past week Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backhand received word from their nephew. Ted Hackhuus, that he is home from tile Omaha hospital where he had part of his foot nmpti tated. Mr and Mrs. Robert feeder have r<-turned to tiieir home In Atkinson after a visit with their sons, Kenneth. Lee and Arlen in California. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Adams and Don, and Mrs. Gertie Adair sjient Sunday evening with the Lindseys. Fertilizer for Alfalfa and Pasture 0-20 0 with 1H% sulphur $42 ton applied For other fertilizer needs, see us. We furnish man and nppli enior for «0e per iu-re with our fertilizer sales. Plus Imv fertilizer p*1ee* at Joe's Tire Service | Phone 71« O’Neill, Nehr, | SEE KROTTER’S FOR: NEW 1963 PONTIACS—BUICKS—GMC's Deliveries on 1963’s starting to move at a faster pace. Place orders now for delivery on a car to your specifications. 1 Huick Special 4-Dr. Sedan on hand. USED CARS AND TRUCKS 1961 Chrysler 4-Dr. Sedan 1961 Pontiac 2-Dr. Sedan 1957 Ford 4-Dr. Sedan 1955 Pontiac 4-Dr. Sedan 1961 Bonneville 4-Dr. H. T. 1960 Pontiac 2-Dr. Sedan 1952 Pontiac 4-Dr. Sedan 1957 Mercury 2-Dr. H. T. 1958 Buick Super 4-Dr. Sedan 1962 Pontiac Tempest 4-Dr. Sedan 1957 Ford 6 Carrier Wagon 1955 Buick 2-Dr., H. T. 1954 Dodge 4-Dr. Sedan, V8 1951 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sedan 1958 Ford 4-Dr. Sedan 1960 GMC Vz ton Pickup 7’ x 9’ Combination stock and grain Box 1951 Ford Vz ton pickup 1953 IHC Vz ton 1948 mC Vz ton 1961 GMC Vz ton Pickup 1951 Ford Vz ton Pickup 1962 % ton GMC 1961 GMC 1 ton with fold down rack ■ CARS COMING SOON 1959 Pontiac 4-Dr. Sedan 1961 Venturi 4-Dr. H. T. 1961 Buick Electra 4-Dr. 225 1959 Chevrolet 2-Dr. MAYTAG APPLIANCES See the full line of Maytag Washers, Dryers and Conventional* an our show-room floor today. Specials on Dryers. Some good used models priced to sell. DE LAVAL MILKERS, MILK COOLERS AND SEPARATORS Buy quality milking equipment, found in BeLaval. We have all models of milkers on hand. See us before you buy a milk cooler. Chances are we can save you money while you are buying a quality tank. IMPLEMENTS New MM 2-row Com Pickers (Special Prices) Used IHC 1-row Picker Used MM Model E Com Sheller New Idea Manure Spreaders Massey-Ferguson Tractors Wm. KROTTER CO. “Serving North Nebraska Since 1X81” G M A C FINANCING ON ALL PRODUCTS WEST O’NEILL PHONE 5S1