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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1963)
"I Venus News lly .Mrs. K.iijih ItrimkhuUKor Mrs K. E. Pierce entertained | the Work and Fun club at her home Wednesday aitemoon, j March 1J. Nine members answer-1 <-d roll call. Tlte afternoon was spent doing needlework for the I hostess. Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser will have the April meeting. Mr. and Mrs. George Jeffrey receivi-d word Thursday that then son in-law, Lyle Itasmus sen, Council Bluffs was injured in a tractor accident. Mr. Ras mussen, who is employed by an implement firm was moving ma chinery at the time of the acci- i dent. The extent of his injuries | was not yet known Mrs. Joe Jocat sr., Verdigre and Mrs. John Kotrous, Omaha, visited their sister, Mrs. Harry Caskey, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brookhous er and Jeffrey were weekend vis itors at the home of their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brook houser. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tyler, Fremont, spent the weekend with their mother, Mrs. Leona Finch, and Mr. and Mrs. Junior Finch. They assisted Mrs. Finch with moving. Mr and Mrs. Verlyn Gibbs, Kandy and Terry were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Caskey. Handy Finch, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Junior Finch spent Wednesday with his grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Dwin dell at Verdigre. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bronkhou ser visited at the home of Mr. ! and Mrs Larry Brook houser, Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Caskey and 9-ifcllyn and Douglas, Norfolk were Sunday dinner guests of her parents, Joanie returned home with her parents, that eve-1 mng. The farm sale of Leona Finch ; was well attended. Mrs. Finch is moving to a home near Page. j Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller and daughter were Monday evening j visitors at the home of Mr. and j Mrs. Donald Kiunison and fam dy Mrs. Gordon Gentzler, Tilden, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Suffi- I cool and son, Verdigre, helped | at their mother’s, Mrs. Leona 1 Finch, Wednesday. j l.ast Week's News Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Boelter and Jimmie were Tuesday eve ning .dapper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Caskey. Mr and Mrs. Francis Boelter and I,oren were last Saturday visitors at the home of her mo ther, Mrs. Emma Wirth, Verdi gre. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhou ser were Thursday visitors at the Marie Sokol home at Verdi gre. Spending last weekend with their mother, Mrs. Leona Finch and Mr. and Mrs. Junior Finch were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gent zler, Tilden, Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Tyler, Fremont and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sufficool and sons, Verdigre. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhou ser were Saturday evening vis itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Uhlir. Annett Uhlir sjient the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Uhlir and Franklyn. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Davey, Bellevue and Leonard jr, Platts mouth were Saturday afternoon visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhdiscr. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Rudloff ; were O'Neill shoppers Saturday. ! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Abler were Saturday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kinnison. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Davey, Bellevue and Leonard jr., Platts mnilfK "ill of f lir» D /"* !nn and Russell Ickler homes Satur day morning. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hamilton and son, moved Saturday to the Frank Dvorak farm. Mr. Hamil ton is employed at the Verdigre sale barn. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhou ser, Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brookhouser, O’Neill and Franklyn Uhlir. Mr. and Mrs. George Hegge meyer motored to Battle Creek Tuesday where they attended the funeral of a relative. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Boelter and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ham ilton were Thursday evening din- j ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Caskey. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Held | were Thursday dinner guests of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin i Held. Norfolk. Mr and Mrs. Claude Howard ! attended the funeral of her great aunt, Mrs. Mary' Novak, Thurs day, Verdigre. Mr and Mrs. Richard Hegge meyer were Wednesday visitors 1 at her parents home. Arthur Dr onseldas, Wayne. i Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey | motored to Norfolk Wednesday. They were supper guests at the j home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth j Caskey. Mrs. Sidney Faulhaber enter- j tained the Help-U-Club at her home on Wednesday. Eleven members were present at the noon day dinner. In the afternoon needlework was done for the hostess. At the business meeting plans were made to serve lunch at Mrs. Leona Finch’s farm sale. The Frontier On Sale each Thursday morning at Safeway Store — O’Neill Golden Hotel — O'Neill Stannard’s Superette — O'Neill O’Neil] Drug — O’Neill Devoy Drug — O’Neill Johnson Drug — O'Neill Shelhamer Foods — O’Neill New Outlaw — O'Neill Wilson Drug — Atkinson Munn’s Store — Ewing McGraw's Store — Inman New house Sundries—Chambers ler Bros. — Orchard L=~—; ... This Weekend! i To Be Given Away Absolutely Free at NEW OUTLAW I CT "iliU 2nd Prize | mill kifxt 1HH £2TI ST J.)UU 3rd Prize-ltltftf lUv Jo2 STfaTrlr “Jtj KT.' on£“' C°“* I PRIZE top value stamps 4th Prize top value stamps ~ top value stamps 40 Lucky Winners! I HERE’S PROOF! the BES1 U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF BLADE Cui ROAST ARM CUT .... Lb. 49c 7-BONE CUT .. Lb. 45c RUMP ROAST . Lb. 69c I KKSH SLUED PORK Fill ycur freezer with these , I V t£ J? . ^ 20C Bargains - U.S.D.A. Choice pres, ext SL„™ BEEF QUARTERS BACON . 4 lbs- $10C first CUT PORK H!NDS ,b- *7c FRONTS lb. 39c CHOPS 3 ^S* LOINS lb. 69c CHUCKS lb. 41c LOOK WHAT A $1 WILL BUY! U.S.D.A. CHOICE I STEAK SALE! YiINCED All excess fat and bone removed! HAM SIRLOIN tb- 83‘ summer T-BONE Lb- 89c !™GE ROUND Lb 79‘ SALAMI RIB Lb-69c ..._...__ _ \ HUES TASTY I KK.SH YKIJ.OW EGG PLANT ... Lb. J^c ONIONS ^ lbs. 29c FLYING JIB BREADED SHRIMP 10-oz. pkg. H & g 10-|b. box FroMO EMt b WHITING .SI.49 DINNERS .39c Fresh Frozen 10-oz. pkgs. Frozen Went 12 oz. tin STRAWBERRIES.5/$l OYSTERS . 59c T matoes = ^ 25< a mm Hi-C Orange - Grape , I nUllll# Orange Pineapple 46'oz' UQ^ i HrallML Fruit Punch W O JT Y I Pineapple-Grapefruit §| HI-NOTE Reg. ■ una brand “n i9v I Pudding All Varieties ^ ^ Pkgs. I Cocktail ™ 3 $l| PilLsburv 50-lb. sack Stokely’s Whole Kernel and Cream 303 caaa E FLOUR.$3.59 CORN.5 for $1 I Liquid 6-ox. Butter Kernel 303 roag R SWEET 10 .69c PEAS.5 for $1 I Butter-Nut 2-Ib. can father’s 2-lb. box R COFFEE.$1.39 CRACKERS.49c I stalev’s Spray 22-ox. can Mild Greddar Per Pound R STARCH .. 79c CHEESE .55c I Kraft Miniature 10 Vi-ox. pkg. Butter Kernel 300 cans R ^ARSHMALLOW^^^S^JODNEY^EANS^^o^J