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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1962)
illi si ROOTlER ' The Voice of the Beef Empire"-North Central Nebraska's BIGGEST Newspapei Volume 82—Number 35 O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, December 20, 1962 Seven Cent* Page News . Holt County Farm Bureau field its Christmas dinner at the Meth odist church basement in O Neill Monday evening Later in the eve ning the Women's Committee had a sale of home made candy for the benefit of the- Nurse's Loan Fund, and young people, in charge of Mrs. Neven lekes jr , Page, went carolling t» St An thony's hospital and several resi dences in O'Neill. Plans for the next county meeting were made, including a discussion of possible legislation in 1963, to be in charge of Vin cent Oison, Atkinson Marvin Stauffer, president, an nounced the district national and state affairs pers ns who will serve m 1963 They are Donald DeGroff, Conrad Frickel, Charles Tasler, and Evan Garwood, all of Atkinson, Norman Trowbridge and I >ale Stauffer, Page, E L Miner and Clarence Ernst, O’ Neill, Bob Summcrer and Dean Rowse, Ewing, an i E. R Bak r, — Chambers. 1. was announced b> Mi. Stauf fer mat Mrs. Everett Hale, At kinson, will serve as W men s uiaammi lor Holt County Farm Bureau in 1‘jU3 Appointed by the Hoard of Directors for the Wo men's Committee are Mr.;. Vin cent Olson, Mrs. Rudy D Dvor ak and Mrs. A D Di/brovolny, all of Atkinson, Mrs. Neven Ickes jr, Mrs Merwyn French sr , and Mrs. Robert Van Horn, all of Page; Mrs E L Miner, O'Neill; Mrs. Wayne Smith, Chambers, Mrs. Dean Rowse, Ewing and Mrs. Vincent Tinele and Mrs. Maynard Stearns, both of Clear water. The Improvement club and the business men of the Page area will sponser a free show on Sat urday, December 22 at 2:30 Fol lowing the show treats will be giv en to all youngsters of the area. HOA club met on Tuesday for their Christmas party at the home of Mrs. William Neubauer. All members were present and elec tion of officers was held Mrs. Il.i.y Lampert was elected pres ident arid Mrs. John Ste.nberg, secretary-treasurer -i Mr and Mrs Roger Johnson, Oin a I iu. spent the weekend with her paren.s, Mr. and Mrs. C. E Walker On Sunday Mrs. Evelyn Orey joined the group lor a pre thristmas dinner Mr and Mrs Gerald Waring returned home after sending two keeks visiting their son, Willis and family at Bilixi, Miss. ,V.r and Mrs. Soren Sorensen sr. were Friday overnight guests A he "Jr” Sorensens On Satur day Glenda and Cathy returned to P_ge to practice f r the church prog am Mr. and Mrs Roy Stewart call ed on the P E N is sens on Sun day afternoon. Word has been received that Mrs Floyd Wertz is slowly los ing her eye sight. It woujdjbe nice to remember her this time of year Her address is 412 Hams Steel, Sedro Woo'ey, Wash,' Mr and Mrs. Larry Taylor and family, Mrs. J. W. Finch and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waring all called on Mrs Leona Finch on Sunday afternoon An ice cream party was held on Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Heiss. Their guests included Mr. and Mrs. Richard and Kenneth Heiss, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cronk, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kennedy and Mr and Mrs Ray Harmon. Mrs. Frieda Ash®r ate dinner and supper on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Ha-old Asher. School district No. 55 held their Christmas party at the school house on Friday night with a nice crowd attending. Mrs. Har ry Thomsen is the teacher. Larry Walker, Becky Beelaert, Leonard Blaine, B-uce Bowen and Andrea Wettlaufer accom panied George Wettlaufer on Sat urday to attend the Governor’s Youth Council held at St. Paul. Over 100 students registered. MYF met on Sunday night at the Methodist church with 13 pre sent. Darrell Heiss, the sponser. Dick Linde- had the lesson and John Crumly the devotion. The lesson was on the pros and cons of religion in school. A council meeting will be held on Friday night at the home of Carolyn Max. A date for the Christmas party was set tentatively for De cember 28. -- I Mr. and Mrs. KeiJi Kennedy were Friday night callers at tile K^y Harmon home. Dale Ludington ami friend, Rawlings, Wyo., were Weone.>day dinner guests of Dale s grandmo ther, Mrs Emma Kemper. The hoys continued on to Grand Is land to visit Dale's parents. Mr and Mrs. Forrest Ludmg.on. Mr. and Mrs Gailen Miller were hosts to the Town and Coun try club on Friuay night. Bridge was played with the Millers and Mr. and Mrs. jerry Asher win ning prizes In honor of Harry Harpers birthday, a dinner was held on Sunday at the Harper home with the following guests, Mr and Mrs. Frank Beeiaert and Becky, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beeiaert and Cathy, Mi and Mrs. Bob Prill and children, Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin Stauffer and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jaiman and fam ily, Chambers. Bid or Bye club held their an nual pay-off Christmas supper party at the home cf Mrs. Jerry Laniason on Wednesday night. After supper bridge was played with Mrs. Harold Asher winning high. Those assisting Mrs. Lam ason were Mmes Harold Heiss, Melvin Roach, Calvin Harvey, Jerry Asher and Gailen Miller. A birthday party was held <n Monday afternoon for Mrs. Ralph Stevens. Her self invited guests included Mmes. Emma Kemper. Hester Edmisten, Mae Copes, H. G. Kennedy and Frieda Asher and Miss Grace Zellers. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Taylor and children arrived here on Satur day and will remain until after the holidays visiting their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. J. W Finch. Today (Thursday) the Taylors and the Finches will go to Grand Island to meet Miss -Margie r men woo win De nome from California for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher were Monday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Switzer, O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Horn and Allan, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prill and family, Mrs. Bertha Prill were last Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Fisher, Wakefield. Also there were Mr. and Mrs. D n Prill and family, Oakland. The occasion was the birthday of Mrs. Bertha Prill. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gentzer, Tilden and Mr. and Mrs. Art Suf ficool and family, Verdigre, were Sunday guests of the ladies mo ther, Mrs. Leona Finch. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beelaret were Friday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski RNA Kensington met on Wed nesday afternoon with Mrs. An ton Nissen. A covered dish lunch eon was held with a gift ex change. Those in the Page are who at tended the funeral for James Bridge on Saturday at the United Bretheran church at Orchard were former neighbors and friends. They were Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Crumly, Jim Hartman, Mrs. L. Crumly. Mrs. J. Sor ensen, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Robin son. Mr. and Mrs. Emmitt Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher and Lura and Ronald Grass. Rebekah lodge held their Christmas party last Tuesday night at the IOOF hall. Since the next meeting will fall on Christ mas day it will be held on Dec. 28th instead. Hostesses were Mrs. Carl Max and Mrs. Donald Sny der. Mrs. Ethel Summers entertain ed the members of the Neighbor hood club at her home on WTed- j nesday with Mrs. Gien Harris as co-hostess. A covered dish lunch eon was held f llowed by games and card playing. Prizes were won by Mmes. Kenneth Wettlau fer, J. W. Finch, George Wettlau fer, Glen Harris and Duane Finch. A 1 o’clock luncheon was held at the Jessie Kelly borne when ihe mt-moers of tiw Page Exten sion club met with her on Friday Trie lesson was based on Christ inas customs The group also sang carols A free will offering was taken to be sent to the Op portunity Center. The Methodist church will hold the Christmas Pagent on Sunday evening Everyone is welcutne Mr and Mrs. Edd Stewart and Mickie were Friday evening cal lers in the Ben Asher home The annual Christmas program was held Thursday night at the school auditorium to a very large audience. The Kindergarten class and teacher. Mrs. Sharon Jackson portrayed .he different Mother Goose characters. "Christmas Gift for a Prin cess" was presented by the first and second grades, Mrs Helen Braddock, teacher. Miss Delores Mellor’s grades, third and fourth presented a playlet "A Boy Who 1) esn't Be lieve in Christmas”. The members of the fifth and sixth grades had made up and ifeveloped the playlet "Christ mas At Grandma’s in 1880" and gave their impression of how Christmas Day might have been celebrated in an early Nebraska homestead. Mrs. Faye Taylor is the teacher. The Junior and Senior High school students combined to form a special chorus for their part in the program. The chorus sang carols and Christmas songs be tween acts of the program. They were under the direction of Mr Allen Gross and Mr Carl Lu cas. Riverside Newr Hv Mr». IJoqaI liuitrr The Seek and Share project club had their Christmas party at the annex Wednesday with a turkey dinner at noon. Mrs. Ron nie Mctt became a member mak ing fifteen members present. They had a gift exchange. Riverside Missionary Society met Friday afternoon at the Ho ward Miller home. Eleven mem bers were present and they had a gift exchange. The Jolly Workers club met Thursday afternoon with Georgia Wiegands. Fourteen members were present. Mrs. Willie Shrader presided at the business meeting. They voted to send $4.00 to the Opportunity Center in Norfolk They had a gift exchange during the meeting. The club will meet with Mrs. Flora Young Thurs day afternoon, January 10th. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller and family were dinner guests last Sunday at the Bert Fink home. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Ahlers vis ited at the Jerry Meyers home in Wisner Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry visited at the Wayne Fry home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wetlauffer and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Johnston and girls and the Verl Gunter family were supper guests last Sunday at the Eddy Shrader home. Ernst Trowbridge visited at the Howard Miller home on Thurs clay. Mr. and Mr* John Napier and family visited at the Bill Fmch home in O'Neill Tuesday Mr. and Mrs Duane Jensen and family were overnight guests Sat urday at the Z H. Fry home Other guests on lAmday were Mr and Mrs. Dale Napier, Mr and Mrs. Richard Napier and g.rls, the Frank Emsick family and the Wayne Fry family The gathering was in honor of Z H Fry's birth day and Mr and Mrs Z H Fry'# wedding anniversary Mr. arid Mrs. Z H Fry plan to leave Wednesday for Coohdge, Am . to spend the winter. They will be guests Christmas day at the Phil lip Brummitt home, El Paso, Tea Mr and Mrs Earl Pierson vis ited in Neligh Friday. Mr and Mrs Willie Shrader and David took Sandra Shrader to Osmond last Sunday evening. Melanie stayed at the Ora Swit zer home Wednesday while her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Miller and Becky and Steve visited in Norfolk. Mr and Mrs Keith Gibson and son of Omaha visited last Mon day and were overnight guests at the Wayne Fry home Tues day evening both families joined the Lewis Vandersnick family at the A1 Gibson home in Neligh Mr. and Mrs. Will Finch, Mr and Mrs Jerry Cuddy and farn ily and the Ed Walters family had a pre Christmas gathering at the John Napier home Tuesday eve ning. Mr and Mrs. Ronnie Mott were dinner guests last Sunday at the Terry Mulhair home in Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Archie Johnston visited at the Leo Miller home last Tuesday evening Mr and Mrs Maynard Morrow and family and Ina Bennett were dinner guests at the Wilbur Ben nett home last Sunday. Mrs. Alfred Napier visited Mrs George Keller Thursday. Mrs Leo Miller and Melanie visited Mrs Archie Johnston Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier and family visited at the John Napier home las: ihmday afternoon Mr ami Mra Gem gf M* mt U ;ncr>* visited Mi ami Mi* 1> A Gunter Friday afternoon Mrs. Alfred Napier called on Mr* Raymond Mullen* Friday Joan and Vickie Miller attended a band clime in South Dakota Friday evening They will return home late Saturday evening Mr ami Mra Z M Fry visit ed Mr. and Mrs Albert 1 .arson Wednesday evening Mr. ami Mrs Art llusahardt and family and Mrs Anna K<«eh ier visited Mr and Mrs Dave Pollock Wednesday evening ami I helped litem i elehl ale their 4-Wh wedding anntvri»aiy Mr* Atom Nrlw.n * tolled Mr* llewitl Ih-hr last Monday alter . -on » - IHtil •% * . <* tied m Neltgb Saturday morotng : h * ttt Rafts wm ; dinner gnr»ta Sunday «t the At vut N cl ton home In the altef noon l*rth couple# vtatted tiie l). A (junler* in Norfolk Wishing you a Merry Chi talma’ and 4 Happy an.I Prwnperou* New Yea The Frontier— I OR. D. = DAVID OPTOHFTRIHT Complete Visual Car© Contact I einses Xpieiintment Phone CIOI Hi tcer, Nebraska Record iiop ST. DOMENICS HALL EWING, NEBR. THURS., DEC, 27 8:00-12:30 p.m. Admission 50 cents IT'S NOT TOO LATE TO HAVE THE I Kilo RlGlEl PAIR INSTALLED FOR CHRISTMAS Only.*19950 Only.$23950 NORGE Automatic NORGE Automatic Gas Clothes Dryer Washer Four Ways to Dry Complete Front Service Access Ask About the Norge Five Year Special Warranty • Your Present Laundry Equipment Will Be Taken In Trade New NORGE Hair Dryer...FREE With A New NORGE Gas Clothes Dryer THESE SAME APPLIANCES ARE ALSO AVAILABLE AT YOUR FAVORITE GAS APPLIANCE DEALER For Dependable GAS Service FRITZ'S Body Shop 24 Hr Wrecker Service Complete Body Work Glass Cut & Installed - PHONE 86 Day - 473 Night 30tfc O’NEILL, NEBR. DANKERTS . . . Home of Famous Brands AMANA SPEED QUEEN NORGE SIEGLER DEARBORN WARM MORNING LATE SHOPPERS... BUY APPLIANCE GIFTS - - and ask about Premiums with Christmas Purchases. Dankerts Service Q/NEiLL_CHAMBERS FARM CLOSE-OUT Auction As we have decided to quit farming, we will sell j the following described cattle, machinery and miscellaneous items at public auction at the farm located: From Ewing — 2 miles east on Summer land Road on . . . WED., DEC. 26 *al«- Start'* Promptly at IS S«m It Stand on l.roiuMlo 63 - HEAD OF CATTLE - 63 Including 29 Holstein Milk Cows Good Line of Farm Machinery 12 HOGS - SOME HAY & GRAIN SURGE MILKER & 300 GALLON MILK TANK n:KMH: CASH. No property rrmovrd until irtUrmml li iinuli JOHN W. & MARGUERITE MILLER | Ma* Wanker and Wally O’t 'onnell. uurtlnnrem Karmen* State Kwlng. elelit MOTOROLA' ALL-TRANSISTOR PORTABLE RADIO Weighs just 7 ozs. is cigarette-pack small... yet it has the power to fill a room full of music, deliver full, rich tone! Precision de signed to tolerances of 1/5000 of an inch. Six transistors, exclusive PLAcir* chassis for added reliability. Custom-selected Golden Voice* speaker, special tone-chamber vent ing for added bass response. Complete with gorgeous gift box and earphone. Smart scuff-resistant leather-look case in Black or Blue colors. Model X34. MO0«I AI5. In White or Turouoise. p MOTOROLA TABLE RADIO ★ Powerful 4-tube rkaaaio ★ 4" Golden Voice* speaker * Wide tonal range with Broad-Band IF trans former # Outstanding reliability with exclusive PLAcii* ehawrio The look and sound of luxury MOTOROLA ALL-TRANSISTOR PORTABLE WITH WINDOW-DIAL TUNIN6 • High Frequency Converter Trans stor. vernier tuning for virtually notee-free reception of distant stations as Long as therss a signal • Golden Voice* speaker— preciwon engineered ton# chamber for fun tonal range. • PuM** fJAefr* "soWer-rtveteT* chassis—battery Ufa indicator • 7 transistors Motorola and Pinkerman's TV Wish You and Yours A MERRY CHRISTMAS And A HAPPY NEW YEAR | Pinkerman Radio & TV j