Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1962)
Judith Ann Thompson Weds Dale Leo Adams On Sunday, Dec. a, at the Meth odist church, Chambers, Judith Ann Thomsen, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs W. E. Thomson, be came the bride of Dale Leo Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs Glen H. Adams, all of Chambers. The Rev. Earl Hess officiated at the double ring ceremony. The altar was decorated with white mums, red cardone heather and podocar pus and two seven branch candelabra. Mrs. Ernest Durre jr, at the organ, accompanied Mrs. Letha Cooke who sang ‘'Because” and “The Wedding Prayer”. The bride appeared in a floor length gown of lace and net fea tured a laco bodice with long sleeves, tapering to points at the wrist and an illusion yoke with lace mandarin collar. Her Illu sion veil was hold by a pearl crown. The bridal bouquet was a cascade of white Fuji chrysanthe mums, backed by sparkle net and red crolon leaves, also a shower of looped pearls with a remove able going away corsage of pom pon mums with seed-pearls clus tered sprays. Judy Smith was the maid of honor and Susan Thomsen, sis ter of the bride, bridesmaid. WKWCWmWWW’Crc'CK'CtClKWWC'CW They were identically gowned in ballerina length dresses of red velveteen with chiffon overskirts and their hats were white satin and net. Eugene Adams, Spencer, serv ed as his brother’s best man and Kenneth Thomson, brother of the bride, was groomsman. Larry Adams was the ring bearer and Jean Marie Thomsen, the flower girl wore a red velve teen dress trimmed with white lace and a white satin and net hat. Richard Grimes and Arthur Wintermote, both of Chambers served as ushers. Candlelighters were Dennis Walters and Roger Waldo. A reception was given in the church parlors for the guests. Mrs. Ralph Adams cut the five tier wedding cake which was baked and decorated by Mrs. Vernon Smith. Margene Walters registered the guests and Mrs. Merlin Gross nicklaus and Mrs. Richard Grimes were in charge of the gifts. Mrs. Kenneth Hoerle and Mrs. Eugene Adams jioured the punch and coffee. Mrs. Adams is a graduate of the Chambers high school and also of the Lincoln Beauty Aca demy. The groom also graduated from Chambers and plans on enrolling in college next fall. After a short wedding trip the couple will live in Chambers where the bride operates a beau ty shop and he is employed by the county. . O'Neill Locals The Auxiliary of World War I met on Monday evening at the Legion hall at it p m. After a short business meeting, the veterans joined the Auxiliary for a social hour. Hoatesses were Mmes Gertrude Streeter, Ethel Knight, Helen Hynes and Martha Wills. The Janawa club held their Christmas party Monday evening with dinner at the M and M cafe. Gift exchange and cards followed at the home of Esther Morgan. Winners were Mrs. Ben nett Heriford and Mrs. Floyd Wil son. Mrs. Lyle Landreth will be hos tess to the fourth Tryst of Ad vent on Friday morning, Dec 21 at 10 a m The Jeudi Club held their Christmas party Thursday eve ning with dinner at the Town House and exchange of giiis. The Catholic Daughters held their Christmas party Thursday evening at the K of C hall with a covered dish lunch at 6:30. There was an exchange of gilts. Christmas luncheon was held Tuesday at noon for the officers, board members and employees and wives of the REA. Annual Christmas party was held Sunday evening for mem bers of the Wednesday Afternoon Bridge Club and their husbands with dinner at the Town House, and exchange of gifts at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Burgess. Members of the Chez-a-Mari had dinner and exchange of gifts at their Christmas party Tues day at the Town House. Christmas party for the BCA club and exchange of gifts was held at the Town House. Dinner and exchange of gifts for the members of the O’Monde club was held at the Town House Tuesday evening. Mrs. K. L. VanVoorhis was hos tess at a Christmas luncheon at her home to the members of the Wednesday Afternoon Bridge club. The afternoon was spent socially and with an exchange of cookies. Fritz Flood, New York City, ar rived to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Flood. Mrs. Frank Davidson of 9alem, Ore., came Friday and will be with her mother, Mrs. Frank Ho ward for some time. Lou and Barbara Birmingham, Chicago, arrived Wednesday to spend the holidays with their mo ther, Mrs. H. J. Birmingham. Mrs. P. B. Harty left Wednes day to be with the Tom Harty family in Neenah, Wise, during the holidays. Chuck Froelich arrived Wed nesday from Washington, D. C. where he attends the University, to be with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Froelich until after the first of the year. Mrs. J. J. Harrington left last week for Racine, Wise., to spend the holidays with her daughter, Mrs. Earl Beulow and family. Meek News Bv Mrs. Fred Lindberg A large crowd of people turned out last Tuesday night in spite of the sub zero weather to at tend the box social and program given by the teacher. Mrs. Fran ces Curran and pupils of School district No. 1. Teacher and pu pils are to be congratulated for a performance well coached and delivered. Dwayne Anson was the auctioneer for the basket lunch sale. Free coffee was also served with the lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Borg and children and Mr. and Mrs. Axel Borg were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. anti Mrs. Gerald Harding Mrs Axel Borg entertained the Paddock Community Missionary Ladies at her itotne on Friday af ternoon. Following a short pro gram and business meeting "Good Will Boxes ”, of cookies and candy were packed for the shut-in and eklerly citizens of the community. School District No. 1 will have a combined birthday club and Christmas party Thursday after noon. There will be an exchange of gifts. Pupils being honored for December birthdays are Ron nie Schaff, Kathy Searles and Marvin Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. David Jensen visited Sunday afternoon at the Virgil Hubby home. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Woidneck and family and Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson and family spent Saturday evening at the Dwayne Anson home. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Miller and son Mike, were dinner guests at the Cecil Miller home on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Borg and family arrived Friday afternoon from Des Monies, la., to si>end the holidays at the A1 Gaskill and Axel Borg homes. Russell will be on vacation for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jensen vis ited with Mrs. Myrtle McQuistian who is in the Lynch Imspital on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. B. Devall and son spent Thursday evening at the Roman Filips home. It is hoped there will be a nice turn out for the Christmas pro gram at the Paddock Commun ity church Sunday morning, Dec. 23. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mesmer were dinner guests at the Frank Nel son home on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mesmer are from North Platte, Nebr. Mrs. Mesmer is a cousin of Frank Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby vis ited at the Delbert Rouse home Thursday evening. Mrs. Dave Moler visited at the Dave Jensen home Friday eve ning. x i_i_i_i —» *IO » Ulg uccn fill ployed by the Missouri Valley Construction Co. of Spalding, Nebr., throughout the past sea son, recently returned home to spend the winter. The Junior Citizens club met Tuesday, Dec. 5 at 9 a.m. meet ing called to order by the Presi dent, Linda Woidneck. The min utes of the last meeting was read by the secretary, Enid Johnson. All the members were present. For roll call next meeting, Dec. 19, we are to name one thing we want for Christmas, news re porter, Sue Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyer and family were Friday evening callers at the Delbert Rouse home. Sunday afternoon visitors at the Oswald Drueke home were Mrs. Delia Harrison and Dorothy De vall. Lawrence Johnson called in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Bursell were Saturday evening callers at the Paul Woidneck home. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Haynes and family and Melvin Haynes were Sunday dinner guests at the Ted Crawford home a week ago, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Prouty and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rob Roy Prouty, O’ Neill and Mr. and Mrs. George Mellor and family and Spencer and Mrs. Harry Prouty all ga thered at the Ted Crawofrd home. The evening was spent by showing slides and film strips gathered by the different mem bers while vacationing, different ones contributing views of the World's Fair and many pictures of interest were shown. Mr. Fred Lindberg motored to W'isner Sunday to meet his wife, who was returning from Omaha where she spent 10 days at the Roy Worth home. The latest re ports are that Roy is home from the hospital and recovering nice ly. Carlene and Joyce Hallgrim son, Marion Rosenkrans, Connie Brockman and Bob Jenkins, stu dents from this area, that are attending Evangel College at Springfield, Mo., arrived home early Saturday morning to spend their Christmas vacation with home folks. Mr and Mrs. Joe Kamphaus and Mrs. Ruth Krogh spent Sat urday in Norfolk. Last week Ruth went to St. Edwards to help her parents, the Chris Jen sens, move to another home in St. Edward. from there to Granite, 111., where * tie will now be etattoned for awhile. Mrs. Hughes came back ' Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carson, Lincoln were at the ranch last week on business. Mrs. Harry Carson called at the Edward Car son home and Mr. and Mrs Harry Carson visited at the Car son sisters in Lynch. Mr and Mrs. Ray Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Leman Huber and Mr. and Mrs. Buss Greene were Sun day evening visitors at the Os bom home. Mrs. Ray Wilson had just returned from spending two weeks in Norfolk with her daugh ters. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ruzicka were Lynch shoppers Saturday evening, calling at the Osborn home on their way home. Robert Sholes was calling on folks in this community Sunday. Mrs. R. L. Hughes was an O' Neill shopper Friday. Pat Osborn accompanied Wil mer Crawford to Spnngview one day last week on business. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Cihlar were Verdigre shoppers Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham and family attended the program and basket social at District 1. A very nice program was pre sented to the large crowd. Mr. and Mrs Harold Osborn were visitors at the Rober Zach home Monday. Accepted For Business School Carol L. May, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Donald May sr., Cham bers, has been notified of her ac ceptance for the June 17 class at Grand Island School of Business. Miss May is to be graduated from Chambers high school in the spring of 1963 and will major in the secretarial field at the Grand Island school. I /onus News By Mr*. lUipli Hruokbuaiwv The November PTA was held Friday evening at the Grunton schoothouse. Cards were played at 8 tables Winners were Mrs. Mas LeMas ters, Joyce Kistnger and Mrs F. E. Pierce, and Eddie Heggrn meyer. Lunch was served at the close of the evening. Hosts were Mr and Mrs. Ora Caskey, Mr and Mrs. James Podany and Mr and Mra. Lavaine Hmes Sp. 5 and Mrs. Larry D. Wood worth, returned to the United States in November after send ing the past 4 years in France, where he was stationed. They spent 3 weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Irvin Woodsworth Parker. Prairie, Minn. The Woods worths are for mer residents of this communi ty. Mrs. Bert Moser passed away Saturday. Funeral services were held in Creighton. Many from this vicinity attended. Several school board members and teachers from the vicinity at tended the reception on Tuesday evening for Mr. Don Roch, Knox County School Superintendent, who will retire Jan. 3 after serv ing the Knox County school for the last 24 years. The reception was held at the Bloomfield audi torium. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Goakey. Or chard, were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Vrooman. Mr. and Mrs. Lei and Caskey. Omaha, came Sunday to spend the pre Christmas week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Cas key and twins. Sunday, Dec. 1C, Mr and Mrs. Ora Caskey and twins had as their pre Christmas dinner guest* Mr ami Mr* Hoy Hansen and family, Mr and Mr* Lrland Cas key. all of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs Johnson Caskey, Chadmn, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey and Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Butterfield Rites Held for W. H. Mitchell At Clearwater Funeral service* were held lor William H (Pete) Mitchell, 75, on Sunday, Dec 16 from the Church of Christ, Clearwater. Burial wui at tin* Clearwater cemetery. Pallbearers were C.eoige ami Gene Neal, Otto Kalhoft, John Thompson, Gilbert Taylor and Willis Hague William Mitchell, son of Mr and Mrs H. W. Mitchell, wa* burn in Clearwater and died D«-c, 13 in a Ttlden hospital. On May 11, 11)07, he married Jessie Rogers. Survivors include widow. Jes sie. son, Clark, Oregon, live sis ters, Mm. Josie Miller ami Mrs Kay Bennett, Plum view, Mr- M. • Cressie) Snider, Minden, Mrs Homer (Goldie) McClellan, Ar lington, Mrs. Charles (Hatched), Nolze, Calif , thro* grandchildren ami five great grandchildren. --- CHURCH NOTES Some of Uw* churcbea la the area will be holding ep**-^ •®r vices on Christmas eve. St Pat nek a church wdi have midnight mass Sunday masses will be at 7. *, ». ami 10 a m. with conies st*ms Saturday. Sunday ami Mon day At the Methodist church, O - Nrtll, their will be Chrtslmaa eve communion at 0 30, liunan wdl hoid their service* at 7 30 and Page's will be at V p m The following Sunday arhtad programs will be held Inman Methodist church on Saturday night at 7 30, Page Methodist church will h<4d their pageant at 8 p tn,, Sunday; Methodist church, O'Neill, they will have their program at 7 30 p m. Sun day while at the Meth'idiirt church in Emmet. It will be Sunday morning at » 30 ROYAL THEATRE Thun*. lies'. TO "I I .IKK MONFV” Fit -Hat- line. !1 R Hu: laailile Mill "Tin: n list: of -tm Vi t iti wou AI«i • lilt. HIIAIIOW lit Till: HAT" Hiin.-Moa. Tuea. Ilee. S3 *4 t& Till 30ft Hl’AKTANH" Wnd Tlturs. Frt Hat. line. 2« T* • TVItZAN «.OI:h TO 1MIIA" For the Perfect CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEA Call 1011 omwc'cwtcwtcictc'cicicic'cic'cictcvtcici MRS. ALLEN WALTERS Sales Representative Studio Girl Cosmetics Call 923J1, O'Neill, Nebraska to place your order REGULAR SALE MONDAY. DEC. 24 We will shirt on the hogs not later than 12:30 so everyone can get home anil enjoy Christmas Eve—The Ewing livestock Market wishes each anil every one of you the most enjoyable Christmas —The market was higher on aH classes of livestock last Monday— Top on Butcher Hogs at $16.70 now that is 20c higher than the Sioux City top for that day—That is one of the reasons the Ewing livestock Market is the leading hog market in this area—Cattle of all kinds sold higher—Let us try your next consignment and join our growing list of satisfied customers. EWING LIVESTOCK MARKET Phone I», 70W, 144,1 Terry, Larry and Max Wanser A Nationally Certified Market SEE KROTTER’S FO': NEW 1963 PONTIACS—BUICKS—GMC's Deliveries on 1963’s starting to move at a faster pace. Place orders now for delivery on a car to your specifications. 1 Buick LeSabre 4-Dr. Sedan on hand. USED CARS AND TRUCKS 1958 Buick Super 4-Dr. Sedan 1956 Chevrolet 2-Dr. 6 Cyl. 1959 Ford 6-Pass. Station Wagon 1962 Pontiac Tempest 4-Dr. Sedan 1958 Dodge 6 Coronet 4-Dr. Sedan 1957 Ford 6 Carrier Wagon 1960 Ford 6 %-ton Pickup 1961 Pontiac 2-Dr. Sedan 1958 Dodge Royal 4-Dr. sedan V8 1958 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sedan. S. S. 1955 Buick 2-Dr., H. T. 1954 Dodge 4-Dr. Sedan, VS 1951 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sedan 1957 Pontiac 4-Dr. Sedan 1956 Ford VS ton 1953 me % ton 194S IHC Vi ton 1953 Chevrolet 1 ton with 6x10 comb, rack CARS AND PICKUPS TO ARRIVE SOON 1961 Pontiac Bonneville 4-Dr. H.T. 1960 Pontiac BonneviUe 4-Dr. H.T. 1960 Buiek 2-Dr. H. T. 1959 Mercury 4-Dr. Sedan, loaded I MAYTAG APPLIANCES See the full line of Maytag Washers, Dryers and Conventionals on our show-room floor today. Specials on Dryers. Some good used models priced to sell. DE LAVAL MILKERS, MILK COOLERS AND SEPARATORS Buy quality milking equipment, found in De Laval. We have all models of milkers on hand. See us before you buy a milk cooler. Chances are we can save you money while you are buying a quality tank. IMPLEMENTS New MM 2-row Com Pickers (Special Prices) Used New Idea 1-row Com Picker (Good Condition) Used IHC 1-row Picker Used MM Model E Com Sheller New Idea Manure Spreaders Massey-Ferguson Tractors Wm. KROTTER CO. “Serving North Nebraska Since 1891” G M A C FINANCING ON ALL PRODUCTS WEST O’NEILL PHONE 5S1 Give a package of family tUN 1 amem w gift-pak rsss—«—• -1"; the famous V ew {ascinatinE 3-reel your choice of thr idea'. picture packets. A terrific Ctix UtFECT C.USTM* SIFT F«« »» REELS, 35« • 3 •“““ 3. reel picture PACKETS *1-25 JOHNSON DRUG photo department o Neill, »«*»■*» Dorsey News By Mrs. Harold Osborn Merry Christmas to all the readers of this paper and to the neighbors and friends in the old Dorsey community. We have been having lovely weather since our snow on Mon day and 10 below weather on Tuesday. Mrs. R. H. Hughes took Rod rick to Norfolk Wednesday, De cember 12 so he could take a bus i Teen Age : DP SAT.. DEC. 22 American Legion Auditorium O'Neill, Nebraska Admission: 75c SPECIAL FOR CHRISTMAS The following laundry appliances are available at extra special prices from now till Christmas with no payments till after Jan. 1 602 Philco Gas Dryer - 159.50 614 Philco Gas Dryer - 169.50 624 Philco Gas Dryer — 179.50 626 Philco Gas Dryer — 189.50 714 Philco Duomatic — 375.00 and Present Laundry Equipment AHKHfflllSlilftAiiifilillfflHB For Dependable GAS Service ' .. .. 11 ■ -----J --n MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM CANDY BILL and the gang We are all going home for Christmas and will be closed. We will re-open Wednesday, December 26 at 6:00 a.m. Thanks for letting us go CANDY BILL’S CAFE FOR THE LATE SHOPPER MEN By Arrow — Pendleton — Puritan Evan's Slippers — Trousers — Jackets Gloves — Sox — Robes — Sweaters Top Coats — An extremely good selection Boots — By Hyer and Justin WOMEN Shoes — Slippers — Hose Boxed in Beautiful containers SAUNTO’S Phone 197-W O'Neill LAST “BIG SPECIAL" OF '62 AT VERDIGRE LIVESTOCK MARKET THIS FRIDAY, DEC. 21 SALK TIME 11:00 A M. Featuring 50 “one Brand” Hereford Heifers from the Staley Herd These are all hangs vaccinated and bred to start calving March 20th. They are all bred to reputation Hereford Bulls from tlw Vem Watson herd. For real high quality replacements, come and see these heifers. Other listings include: 25 Angus Stock Cows — Niobrara 25 WF Calves — Niobrara 25 WF Calves — Lynch 3 2 Year old Hereford Bulls 52 Mixed Yearling Steers — Verdigre 48 WF Steer Calves — 400 lbs. — Verdigre 18 Mixed Steer Calves — Center 14 Holstein Steer (halves — Center 26 Mixed Heifers — Verdigre 25 WF Calves — Spencer 10 Mixed Yearling Steers — Spencer Several consignments of odd lots of stock COWS and bred heifers 45 Fancy Angus Steer and Heifer Calve* — Montana 65 Angus and WF Steer Calves — Montana 100 Fancy Pigs — 40 to 100 lbs. — O’Neill 300 to 400 CATTLE in smaller and unlisted consignments THESE ABE JUST THE EARLY LISTINGS — MANY MORE CATTLE WILL BE ON HAND FOR THE SALE FRIDAY. IF YOU HAVE CATTLE FOR SALE—REMEMBER OUR “FRIDAY AUCTIONS”. We are constantly improving our facilities to pro vide you with better service. Our new cafe & office is now in use. WE INVITE YOU TO COME TO VERDIGRE A attend the sale*. REMEMBER THE BIG “NEW YEAR SPECIAL” to be held FRIDAY, JANUARY 4th 1500 to 2000 CATTLE EXPECTED. Many, many good and large consignments already listed. Contact us with your listing in order that we may Include it in our advertising. RKGU1.AK CATTLE SALES EVERY FRIDAY In 1963. ANOTHER LARGE RUN OF HOLS AT THE SALE I .AST MON. We will hold hog auctions on December 24th and December 31st. Plenty of bidding competition on all classes. VERDIGRE LIVESTOCK MARKET Don Jensen, Mgr. Phone 4861 in Verdigre I Our "Greetings to You" at Christmas | May Christmas bring you happiness, A wealth of Joy and Cheer Enough to brighten Every Day | That goes to make a Year. j? We hope that each of you will take this greeting ah our personal % it wish for a Happy and Blessed Christmas. We wish for every * v one of you a Joyous and Happy Holiday Season. I VERDIGRE LIVESTOCK MARKET | Don, Delores and Jackie Jensen