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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1962)
Page News By Mm. Bn Aster Help-U club met on Wednesday with Mrs. Otto Matschullat, with nine members and three visitors, Mrs Jessie Cronk, Mrs. John Steinberg and Mrs. I>arry Iirook houser The members picked out walnuts for the hostess On No vomber 20, at the Improvement club building, a card party is planned with Mmes Ora Caskey, Kenneth Waring and Sidney Faul haber as hostesses. Mrs. Caskey won the special prize. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Farnsworth returned home last Tuesday after spending the weekend visiting his sisters, Mrs. Salina Malm stein and Mi#* Minnie Farns worth, both patients in a hos pital in Lincoln Another sister, Mrs. Jessie iioyd. Spokane. Wash, returned to her home after spend ing over two months here. KNA lodge met Wednesday evening at the IOOF Hall with 15 members present. It was voted to have a covered di*h luncheon at the next meeting in observ ance of Thanksgiving Mrs I. O Wcxxl and Mrs Donald Snyder were the hostesses. To observe Education week and Veterans’ Day, a program was held at the Page public school auditorium Thursday evening. The program was in charge of the American Legion and Auxil iary. After the advancement of colors, followed by a prayer and the singing of "America ’, Diane Kemper and Bruce Howen, this I a*jSBk If the folks can’t make it for Thanksgiving... bring the fun to them | by telephone! | ! ■ ■■ ■ . . : - --mi a* Holiday rates in effect all day Thanksgiving! SAVE MONEY... CALL STATION-TO-STATIO* SAVE TIME ... CALL BY NUMBER \P.S. Make your Thanksgiving plans by phone, too! NORTHWESTERN BELL i. J year's girl and boy staters, gave their reports William E. Gal braith, Beemer. State American I^egion commander, then addres sed the group. The program end ed with the singing of the "Star Spangled Banner" and the re tirement of colors. Open house was then observed with a tour of the classrooms and the meeting of the teachers. Sev eral students participated in each class. Refreshments were served dur ing the evening, which was fur nished by the school district. Those assisting in the program were Mr. and Mrs. William Schei nost, Mr. and Mrs Ben Asher, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kennedy, Allan Gross, William Sorensen, Calvin Harvey, Edd Stewart, Har rison Hallman, Jerry Asher and Mrs Lee Fink. Mrs. Merwyn French sr en tertained 12 members and three guests, Mrs Earl Stevens, Miss Catharine Stevens and Mrs N. D. Ickes, when the Page Exten sion club met with her Monday for a one o”clock luncheon. The lesson was on "Christmas Ideas” with each member displaying the work they had made. An ex change of ideas followed. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Trow bridge and family and Mr and Mrs. Bud Ickes and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Park. Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Kelly were Al vin Reed, Burlington, Wash., Mrs. Jensen, New Underwood, S. D., and Mrs. lela Reed, Brunswick. I^ater in the eve ning they called on the Tom Kelly family. Mrs. Anna Smith and Ernest Trowbridge were Sunday callers at the Elmer Trowbridge home. They all were callers at the home of the Earl Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Smith, Neligh, and Mrs. Vem Wrede, O'Neill, were at the Stevens’ home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stevison and children, Lincoln, returned to their home Sunday after spend ing a week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Braddock. At the annual Election day dinner and supper and bazaar held at the Methodist church last Tuesday, $450 was realized. They served 60 for the noon day dinner and 200 at the supper. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parks, Omaha, were weekend guests of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Stevens. Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Brandt, Atkinson, call ed. Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Adrian and Mrs. Lulu Dunn, Atkinson, attended the funeral of Mr. Kelly’s uncle, S. R. Reed at Brunswick, Saturday. Enroute home the Mitchells and Mrs. Dunn were dinner guests of the Kellys. Mrs. Marvin Stauffer and Ray mond Heiss returned home Sun day evening from a nine-day tour to Washington, D. C. and New York City, which was sponsored by the Christian Social Relations Commissions of the Nebraska Conference of the Methodist church. Thirty-one persons from the state traveled by chartered bus. Special briefings in Washing ton arranged by the Methodist headquarters were on foreign policy, medical aid, agriculture, peace and world order. Beside* the tour of the White IlouK1, point* of national historic interest were visited by the group which included American Uni versity. A Methodist endowed college, which specializes in training students for foreign serv ice. Of main interest during the three-day stay at New York City was their visit to the United Na tions where they were permitted to attend several sessions of various commissions and one ses sion of the general assembly, at which tune Eulogies were given for Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt. There too, there were special briefings of international scope on some phases of disarmament, human rights and aid to under developed countries The members of the tour plan to hold a reunion at Page Novem ber 29, when they will hold a dinner together and show pic tures. Mrs. Edgar Stauffer, a mem ber of the tour remained in Lin coln to attend a two-day conven tion of the WCl'U. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Stevens were the Vernon Parks, Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis LaFave and chil dren, Oneida, S. D., and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stevens, Orchard. Band mothers met Wednesday at the schoolhouse. Plans were made for a fish supper to be held Friday night, serving from 5:30 to 8 p m. Class mothers ot two me* Haturday afternoon with Mrs. Calvin Harvey to make plans for a shower for Rosemary | Johnson, fiancee of Marlin Frahm, to be held November j 24 at 2 p m. at the Methodist ehureh. In observance of Veterans' day the Page American Legion Aux iliary entertained the veterans of the community at a covered dish supper Sunday evening at the I^egion Hall. Cards followed, with prizes won by Mrs Robert Harvey, Mrs. Keith Kennedy, Harold and Ben Asher and Harri son Hallman. Mrs. Calvin Harvey, Mrs. Hes ter Edmisten and Mrs. Frieda Asher, Page, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Woods, Lincoln, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher, Atkinson. MYF met Sunday night at 6:30 for a covered dish supper with 17 members and four guests pres ent. Caroline Max led the group in devotions. A film was shown by Darrell Heiss entitled “One Love Conflicting Faiths” this is in keeping with a series of lessons on love and marriage they have been studying. A discussion fol lowed. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleby, Inman, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher and Ron were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Nissen. To help Glen Stewart, Keith Kennedy and Kay Harmon cele brate! their birthdays, Mrs. Stewart entertained the follow ing at a card party Saturday night: They included the above mentioned and Mrs. Kennedy Mrs. Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. William Scheinost, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Landreth, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Neubauer and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen sr. were pleasantly surprised Saturday night when five of their Yule Window Unveiling AND Unrelated Item Contest Friday, Nov. 23rd Sponsored by the O’NEILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE $50 in Prizes lst Prize $20.00 2nd Prize $15.00 3rd Prize $10.00 «■» Pri« $ 5.00 Contest windows will contain one unrelated item of the merchant's choice. Contest window will be posted. Persons competing must be 18 years old or older. Pick up entry blank at either The Frontier or The Holt County Independent office starting at 7:00 p.m. Friday, November 23. Partic ipating C. of C. members and their immediate families not eligible to compete. View the contest windows, pick the unrelated items. Return contest blanks to either news paper office between prescribed hours. Entries will be judged on correctness and time of return. WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED WEEK OF NOVEMBER 23 r seven children and their families called in observance of their 47th wedding anniversary The guests included sons, Soren jr., O'Neill; Charles, Grand Islam!; Russell, Oeighton; William. Page; ami daughter, Mrs Robert Nissen, Page. The self-invited guests brought refreshments. Mrs Roan is here spending the winter with her son. H L Banta NOK club met Thursday with Mrs Carrie Sterner The after noon was spent informally. They will meet November 29 with Mrs Milo Landreth The American I/egion Auxil iary met Monday night at the Ix-gion hall. It was decided to bold their annual Christmas party December 10, for a 6:30 covered dish supper with a 3th gift exchange. The member* voted to send $10 to the little Kcd Schoolhouse and $3 to Tanks Who Gave. Hostess*-* were Mine*. Tikalsky, Robert were Mmes. Arnold Tikalsky, Robert Harvey and Lyndley Crumly. Mr*. Lee fink won tin special prize. Mmes. Lyman Park. Otto Mat schullat, Alton Braddock, Robert Stevison, George Clasey, Jessie Cronk, Anna Smith and Anna Thompson surprised Mrs. John Steinberg Friday night in honor of her birthday The Tri Fs will meet at the Methodist church Sunday evening at 6:30 for a Chill supper Mr and Mrs Melvin Roach en tertained at a pinochle party Sat urday evening. Their guests in cluded Mr. and Mr*. J E Pringel. Hoskins. Mr ami Mrs Walter Kahler and Mr ami Mrs Hen Fuelberth. Osmond. Mr ami Mrs Louie Oltjenbruns, Plain view, and Mr ami Mr* Dan Troshynski. Page Prizes were won by Mrs. Oltjenbruns. I>an Troshynski. and Mr and Mrs. Fuclberth Sgt. and Mrs Brum me tt ami | girls, Grand Island, spent Sun day with her parents. Mr. ami Mrs Hugh Holliday Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Bernard Grimes, Cham t>ers, were Mr ami Mrs Jessie ■ Kelly, Mr, and Mrs Emmitt Thompson and family. Page, and Mr and Mrs Cyril Hansen and family, Wayne. Jerry White, Lexington. Ky., ] spent a few days here visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Elsie Nas lund. Mrs. Dora Townsend entertain ed at a dinner Friday at her home in honor of Mrs. Sarah ANNUAL THANKSGIVING BAZAAR WED., NOV. 21 Baked Goods Fish Pond Country Store Grab Bag Needlework Lunch served 11:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Christian Mothers St. Dominies Hall - Ewing, Nebr. Adams. Chamlsrrs Among her guests were some of her class mates who attended the first clasa of district No. 2 It was then an old sod houae located a mile south of town, built in 1HK4 Mrs Page was the first teacher Their desk was one long tahle with benches cm either side (Xit of 28 schoolage children only a few attended Her classmates at the dinner were Mrs Allan Haynes. John Grey, Kollie Snell ami Mrs Nel lie Storm. Hoyal Her guests in cluded Mr. ami Mrs Harry Har per. Mrs John Grey ami Allan Haynes. They spent Ux* after ni»»n rrminttring and playing an organ anti •tntftng old time song* In himor of Mr* Harper'a birthday her daughter. Mr* Frank Heelaert entertained Mr itn<i Mr* Hob Prill and family. Mr and Mr* Bob BeeUert and daughter. Marcia Stauffer and Harry Harper for *upi>er Tbur* day Phone Your New* to The Frontier Phone 788 Gotschall Bros. REGISTERED HEREFORD BULLS Plus Special Angus & Hereford Breeding Cow Offering TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20- 12:30 p.m. ATKINSON LIVESTOCK MARKET iti ij.h to sf.ij. at t oo p.m. IH Hereford Hull*, ill nlriMl by their popular Klnm-er Ithwlim «*•» All are coming 2 year obis, (.run n ami fitted by Rancher* for Itanebers. Tliese bulls are good haired, heavy honed, sound foot ed bulls, tbe kind Itanebers keep In their herds. HKKKDI.NO (OHS INCKI DE— 160 Cboire Bred Tearllng Angus Heifers from tbe Wallingford Estate, Cherry Oi. Itred to top Angus Hulls to calle Alarrh 2© M Choice Angus Itred 1st ealf heifers, officially vaccinated, Reyn Kuhn Co. Ml Angus cows, 3-K years old. Abbott Kros., Harwell. M» Angus cows, (-K years old. Art 1 arsi-n. Spring view. 15 Angus cows, 6 6 years old. Funk Hrtm. 10 Head Angus Cows, Mark Hendricks 2© Angus cows, 6-H years old. O’Neill 15 Heart Hereford cows, t-K years old, from (he (.all Kanch 15 Head of llerefortl cows, with calves at side 1st and 2nd calf heifers — Vic Thampsou Kanch 10 Head llerefordd cows with fall calves at nhli- and 25 Hereford cows bred for spring calves from Um* Johnson Kanch More consignments by sale day. Whether you want to Ixjy or Sell breeding stock, tie sun* to attend this auction If you have weigh up cows which are suitable for cornfields, bring them Tuesday We will have several Eastern buyers for these kind In addition we expect 1000 Stockers and feeders, Including a good nin of spring calves. Eor further information phone 5141 Atkinson IJve stock Market. Atkinson. Ncbr. Next SPECIAL STOCKER PEED ER SAKE. NOVEMBER 27th ATKINSON LIVESTOCK MARKET ATKINSON. NEBRASKA — RHONE 6141 MEYER'S MIDWEST — FREE TOP VALUE STAMPS PreEHoliday CLEARANCE ON QUALITY BEDROOM FURNITURE AND BEDDING 3-PC. MODERN BEDROOM SUITE • Double Dresser with Mirror • Chest • Bookcase Bed • Walnut or Limed Oak 3-PC. DANISH MODERN SUITE • Double Dresser and Mirror • 4 Drawer Chest • Bookcase Bed • Danish Walnut finish with Plastic Tops 3-PC. SOLID OAK SUITE • Double Dresser with Mirror • 4 Drawer Chest • Bookcase Bed • Durable Solid Oak SERTA MATTRESSES BOX SPRINGS SERTA ALL STAR 29s8 Mattress or Box Spring SERTA FIRM POSTURE 3088 Mattress or Box Spring SERTA JUMBO QUILT 4088 Mattress or Box Spring SERTA PERFECT SLEEPER 0088 Mattress or Box Spring ** SHOP OUR STORE WIDE EVERY DAY LOW LOW PRICES Meyers Midwest FURNITURE & FLOOR COVERING West O'Neill FREE DELIVERY Phone 526