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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1962)
Celia News Mr*. Mark Hendricks Bobby, Becky and Ricky Hend rick* spent the night at their grandparents, the Mark Hend ricks home Saturday night while their parents were in O’Neill, At kinson and Stuart on business The Wesleyan Methodist Prayer meeting group met at the Robert Hendricks home on Wednesday evening. A party was held at the John Sicboneder home on Thursday evening hi honor of Mr. and Mrs Gary Hitchcock, who will be mov ing to their new home *oon. Those present at the party were Mr and Mrs Robert H Hend ricks and children, Mr and Mrs. Duane Beck and children, Mr and Mrs. Hans Lauridson and son, Mrs. Vic Frickel and child ren, Mr. and Mrs Gary Hitch cock and son and Mr. and Mrs. John Sicheneder and children The Hitchcocks were presented with a lovely gift from the Celia Homemakers club of which Mrs Hitchcock is a member Mr and Mrs. Robert Hendricks were in O'Neill on business Thursday and were dinner guests of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cole. Ricky stayed with Grandma Hendricks The Wesleyan Youth group met at the Leonard Chaffin home Thursday for a late Halloween party. There were 19 children present besides their president, Mrs. Vivian Vaughn, the Rev El more Blain and family and Mr and Mrs. Mark Hendricks. Mrs. Emil Colfack and Mrs Dorothy Hoffman attended the Holt County Rural Teachers As sociation in O’Neill Tuesday eve ning. There were several films on “Helping the Slow Learner” shown. Lunch was then served. The Celia 4-H boys and girls held a roller skating party at the Crystal Ballroom in Atkinson Fri day evening. Joan Straka fell and broke three fingers on her right hand. She was taken to the doc tor and later returned to the Ball room to be with the group for lunch which was served by the 4-H mothers. There were several guests including George and Dor leen Wadsworth, Jerry Gotschall, Juliene, Nancy and Clair Beck. Mrs. Emma McKathnie was an overnight guest at the home of her son, Milton McKathnie. She returned to her home in At kinson Tuesday with her grand daughter, Mrs. Ernie Wonder check, who later took the bus for her home at Potter, Nebr. Little Julie Dobias came to the John Sicheneder home on Tues day to spend about a week while her mother is in the hospital with a new baby boy. John Sicheneder helped Norbert Dobias pick corn Friday, the 9th Mr. and Mrs Ed Hetser and children attended the house warming party at the new home of Mr. and Mrs Hubert Rauter kus near O’Neill on Sunday eve nmg Ed Heisers attended the funeral of Mr. Dwight Raymer in At kinson Saturday. Mr and Mrs Leonard Chaffin, Linda and Edith, were Sunday dinner guests of the Mark Hend ricks Mrs. Richard Klinger was also a guest Mrs Hans Lauridson called on Mrs. Elmer Stearns Friday. Mr arui Mrs. Henry Macho, Lee Center, Minn., were last Sun day visitors at the Alex Frickel home. Mr Macho is an uncle. Mr and Mrs. Hans Lauridson and sons and Mr Jim Lauridson were last Sunday dinner guests at the Louis Lauridson home at Spencer. The occasion was the 12th birthday of Linda Lauridson, daughter of the Louis Lauridsons. Miss Dorothy Scott was a sup per guest at the Duane Beck home Friday, the 9th. Cheryl and Sandra Beck, daugn tors of Mr. and Mrs Duane Beck spent Saturday night with their grandmother, Mrs. Helen Beck, Atkinson Mrs Beck brought them home Sunday and stayed for dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Anderson visited in Butte one day this past week. The Wesleyan Missionary La dies met at the home of Mrs. Herman Meyer sr. on Tuesday On Thursday Mrs. Meyer was hos-tess to the Atkinson Country Women's club. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Tindall, At kinson, were last Sunday dinner guests at the Herman Meyer sr. home. A number of the 4-H’ers from this community and their par ents attended the 4H fun night in O'Neill on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Focken jr. were Sunday evening supper guests at the Clarence Focken sr. home. Miss Dorothy Scott was a dinner guest the same day. Mrs. Emil Colfack, teacher, and her pupils entertained the patrons of their district at a Pat rons Day, on Monday evening. Bill Kretchman visited at the Robert Hendricks home Sunday evening. An Absolute Auction of the BAMMERLIN ESTATE LANDS l.tN-alcd in Keya Paha County, Nebraska Consisting of » Properties — 560 and 875.87 Acres Monday, Nov. 26 - 1:00 p.m. in the Auditorium — Springview, Nebr. Nn If-, No Ands No Buts The heirs are in full agreement to | sell Contracts and deeds have been duly executed and are held in trust by the auctioneers, to he delivered to the buyers. You’ll not be wasting your time you'll not be fooled — Inspect these properties today, if interested And Come Prepared To Buy. 560 Acres—All Hay & Grass Meager Improvements Located 5 miles north of Springview, Nehr. on U. S. Highway No. 183 and thence -412 miles east on State Highway No. 12 (Road to Burton*. Legally described as All of Section 27 - Excepting the South '2 of the South East '4, Township 34, Range 20. West of 6th P.M., Keya Paha County, Nebr. >60 Acres of the finest hay and grass ever.—Tall, luxuriant blue stem indian grass, switch grass, blue sand love, little blue stem, and a dense undergrowth of buffalo grass, blue flag gramma, hairy gramma on the meadows interspersed in profusion you will iee alsike and ml clover in abundance. Improvements — Frame 1 story residence, 22x26 ft. with 8x16 ft. utility porch. REA, telephone, water in the house, Machine Shed and Garage 12x22 ft., hip roof barn 16x40 ft. (only fair), several smaller general utility buildings. Good tree windbreak, shade and shelter, 3 wells and 2 windmills. I-md I'sage — Currently around 270 acres being hayed and 290 acres used as pasture. It is a high tonnage hay producer and ranks as number one in the area for carrying capacity. This property has been in the Bammerlin Family for 75 years. Terms of Sale on the 560 Acres — 25% cash payment at time of sale. Full settlement on balance by March 1st, 1963. Warranty deed and abstract furnished. Should the buyer need a loan, see the auctioneers. 875.87 Acres — Improved Located 5 miles north on U. S. Highway No. 183, thence 5 miles east on Highway No. 12. thence 4 miles north and 1 west to the improvements. Or 4 miles north of the 560 acre tract. Legally described as W V2 of Section 3 and East of Section 4 excepting the S4 of SEVi. Twp. 34, Range 20 . 560 Acres. The SEV4 of 33 and the S\Vl4 of Sec. 34. Twp. 35. Range 20. All in Keya Paha County. Nebr. Improvements — 2 story 8 room residence in excellent condition. Part basement. 4 bedrooms. Jiving room, dining room, bathroom. Hot water heater, REA. telephone, mail delivery* Cement cave. Large hip roof bam (good) 32x48 ft. with 11x48 shed. Shed 18x28 ft. with 2 18x28 ft. leantos, Shop building 10x24 ft. with 8x10 at tached. Cattle Shed 16x32 ft. (good). Hen house 10x18 ft. (Several other buildings marked with an X are the personal property of Ed Bammerlin and are not included.) Also has pressure water system and 3 wells and windmills. Land Usage — 65 Acres native meadow. 100 acres alfalfa, some new seeding, a small amount in crop. & around 650 acres pasture. Terms of Sale on 875.87 Acres — 25% cash at time of sale and an additional 25% each March 1st for 3 years, expiring on March 1st, 1965. Contract calling for warranty deed and abstract to be es crowed by the heirs will be given the purchaser. Possession March 1st, 1963. SALE DATE: Monday, Nov. 26—Auditorium Building. Spring view, Nebr. One o'clock p.m.—Coffee & Donuts served free. Carl Bammerlin. one of the heirs, living in Springview. will show these properties to interested parties at anytime. Heirs of the Bammerlin Estate OWNERS Ernie Weller. Phone 61S1 Dean Fleming, Phone 7192 Atkinson, Nebraska Licensed Realtors and Auctioneers This ad will appear but once Clip anti save if interested m APPLE — CHEEKY — PEACH — PIMPKIN ■ FTtF.SH F ROZEN I FRUIT PIES 1 £ for $£00 ■ BruolidiUr Frozen lo-oz. P**" I I PEAS 2/29C • Kitchen Trent Frozen I DINNERS.Each 39c ■ Fresh Frozen FTIJJCT OF' I POLLACK Lb. 39c m Snllv Ann lt»-o*. pkgit. I STRAWBERRIES 5/$l Hrrwfeejr liuUnt 2-lb. 601 pk|. c”OA.„*?i——-—^ ,(fgss®itei^„ I soup BtANs me Ocean W^Ln,"^^^ 1 APRICOTS 3/Si I gpray Sproy Cranberry^,*' I “r .JL«£k ^5£% I BS*A ’#. I otlVES a/»' whIKpO t/& I Huppy 2-lb. Hxuk wV B POPCORN.19c 16-0xJ /$,' I ( harmin Bathroom 4-roll PH I l . <•« m l eissue is< %J '’W I BITTER KERNEL ..lELU^P _*mV| % PEAS . w V -^^Thank You" Buys At k S lhanksgmng. ff . 21 ■ Pom Missing Htende,! Pan Ready pork roas, lb 39' PORK STEAK . lb. 49c Suin'* Brookfield I.INk l.b |>kR. 3AUSAGE . 49c W>*1 (kraal IldM. OYSTERS . 79c F>e*h Fork M>. CUTLETS . 69c Krrah Fork I J» LIVER . 25c Hwlft'a Frornluf IJ>. BACON . 59c Hwlft'a Frciiiltiin fl-lb. run CANNED HAM .... $4.49 HIND QUARTER BEEE I USD A CHOICE Lb. only ,, ,• ANI) wkappkd C a ■ ■ ■■ op fi'Oll VOIR ■ W A I L W||C FKKEZKR FKKK! 1 JERSEY . C SWEET POTATOES! ISTOKELY'S PUMPKIN a*™ lAC CHEF'S CHOICE * ’1IXED NUTS 4QC GENUINE ^ JELLO J PKGS. 25c STOKELY'S g c . CATSUP 0 14-oz. bottles 1 BLUE BUNNY—All Flavors / Ap ICE CREAM Hal,9allon 0/ ANGEL FOOD ^ AA CAKES Large Size—EACH PHIIADEIphw 3.x. pkg. T AC CREAM CHEESE * 7 STOKELY'S 46.,. c,n ) CC TOMATO JUICE * J LUNCH MEAT 1:<*’ s““* Oowk-AD Flavor. LUNCH MEAT 39t CAKE MIX. 4 okos 4, -°°GK>OD . $2,39 EGGNOG . NORTH DAKOTA U. S. No. 1 Red SPUDS 10 lb*sack 39c 100 lb. sack $1.98 □LBS. I Fresh Crisp ■ RADISHES € GREEN ONIONS 1 cucumbers Each 4 GREEN PEPPERS 1 ROME BEAUTY M APPLES.2 lbs. 25c 1 OCEAN SPRAY S CRANBERRIES.Lb. 19c I (.VO'' t Crisp Pascal I 'Celery If \ Lge. Stalk Only jhfj ( A I \VV%M C