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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1962)
Atkinson News (Jlrn Stethem, Burwell called on his aunt, Mrs. William Wefso Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Eeago and son. Kevin, arrived Monday from Houston, Tex., to spend a couple of weeks visiting her parents Mr and Mrs. Emil Colfack and other relatives. Mrs Thelma Radke expects to return to Atkinson this weekend from St. Louis, Mo., where she has been visiting in the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs Ronald Radke and family. Mrs. William Wefso returned home last Friday after spending a week with her daughter, Mr and Mrs Norman Hodge, in Den ver, Colo. Guests in the home of Mr and Mrs F'rod Richardson last week end, were Mrs. Matilda Brown, Portland, Ore., and her son, Mr. and Mrs. James Brown and fam ily, Jacksonville, FTa. They also visited with Mrs Brown’s sis ter, Mrs. Agnes Henderson and her aunts, Mrs. Susie Tushla and Mrs Joe Binder in Atkinson Mr and Mrs. Tommy Dunn, Omaha, spent last weekend in Atkinson with her mother, Mrs. Ethel Mohr and other relatives. Mr and Mrs. Guy Parsons drove to Niobrara last Sunday to visit her brothers, F’rank and Wil liam Pavelka. Mrs. Parsons re turned to Atkinson Sunday eve ning hut Guy remained for a few days and hopes to get in a hit of fishing before returning home later this week. Mr and Mrs. Fred Richardson received word from their son. Bill Richardson, that he left Minneapolis last weekend and will spend the next six weeks in Syra cuse, N Y. on a new Auditing assignment in the eastern states. In Minneapolis Bill visited in the home of another Atkinsonite, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Spence, who make their home in Minneapolis. Mr. and Mrs Denton Colfack and Wanda visited Monday night in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs Emil Colfack and with Mr. and Mrs. Jasper I-eago, Houston, Tex., who are spending their vacation here. Mrs. Hilah Hinz left Monday morning for Minneapolis where she will visit relatives before re turning to her home in South Carolina. Mrs. Hinz has spent the past two weeks visiting her bro ther, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Run nels. in Stuart. Word was received here Mon day of the death of a former Stuart man, O. B (Stub) Stuart, who moved to Cozad several years ago. Mrs. Della Ehy, O' Neill, is a sister. Mrs. Norris Johnson and chil dren and Linda Mack left Mon day for Casper where Mrs. John son will join her husband, Capt. Johnson, and they will continue on to their new home in Colorado Springs, where Capt. Johnson has taken over his new assignment. Linda Mack has spent the past couple of weeks with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mack here and she returned to her home in Casper with Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Mahle Robertson, Cham bers, and Mrs. Olive Skrdla and Mrs. Ella Mack, Atkinson, drove to Gordon last Friday where they judged the annual flower show. Mrs. C. E. Spence, district treasurer of the WSCS. and Mrs. Claude Humphrey local presi dent, returned last Friday eve ning after attending the school of Missions in Lincoln, which was held on the campus of the Wes levan University from August 20 to 27. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer McCon IOOF LODGE NO. 57 meets every Wednesday at 8 p m All members are urged to be present. Visiting Odd Fellows welcome. tf Alice's Beauty Shop 325 E. Douglas St- Phone 263 Complete Beauty Service Slimliner Reducing Machine DR. D. E. DAVID OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Care Contact Lenses By Appointment Phone 21C1 Si^icer, Nebraska nrll and family returned Sunday after spending their vacation in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The McConnells returned by way of Scottshluff where they visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs Henry Zahradnicek and ti North Platte, they visited witn hs lis ter. Mr and Mrs Robert Tho mas and family. Mr and Mrs C. F. Small will go to Norfolk Friday morning where they will spend a couple of days with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fullerton and fam ily. The Fullertons have been liv ing on an acreage near Norfolk and the Smalls will help them move into their new location in Norfolk. Dr. and Mrs. James Ramsay and family returned home last Wednesday after spending the past three weeks on vacation touring the northwestern states and Canada Dr and Mrs J. W. Carlson, Scott and Sheryl, were overnight \ guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Wefso, last Friday i night The Carlsons were enroute home from their vacation which took them to Idaho, Wyoming and Colorado. They also visited her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hodge in Denver. They returned to their home in Crofton Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Calvin McClurg and family arrived Saturday to spend the week with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. James AJlyn, Stuart, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McClurg. Elmer McClurg and Donna vis- ■ ited in the Warren McClurg home in Bassett last Sunday afternoon. David and Diane Allen, grand rhilrlron Mr ;»nrt Mrs Arl;im Tindall, left by bus Monday for their home in Akron, la., after spending a week in Atkinson with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson drove to Kearney last Saturday and were overnight guests in the j home of their son, Mr. anti Mrs. j Claude Johnson jr They were accompanied home by Mrs. John son’s aunt, Mrs. Mabel Andrews, j Alda, who will spend some time | in the Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson, owners and operators of the Wheel Inn Motel in north Atkin son, have sold their motel to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wenner, Shel ton. The Wenners will take pos session in the near future, they have one son four years old. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have no de finite plans just yet. Mrs. Alfred Kazda returned last Thursday from Lincoln where she had visited her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Brice Braziel. She also received medical care in Omaha. Dr. and Mrs. Blake Skrdla and family, Santa Monica, Calif., left Monday for their home after spending a week with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skrdla, in Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Meurrens, new manager for the Northwest ern Bell Telephone company, moved into their new location last j week. The Meurrens were trans- J ferred here from Spencer and I are living in the Frank Skrdla residence in east Atkinson. Mrs. Ernie Weller entertained j at a Coffee Tuesday at her home in Atkinson, welcoming Mrs. J. B. Meurrens, who moved here ' last week. Mr. ana Mrs. Calvin McClurg \ and Elmer McClurg and Donna attended the Moody-Allyn wed ding in Ainsworth last Sunday. Mrs. Mabel Robertson, Cham bers, and Mrs. Olive Skrdla and Mrs. Ella Mack, Atkinson, went to Lakeside Wednesday where they judged the "Sunbeam Calyx Garden Club" flower show, which was held in the Pleasant Point church. Following the show they were guests at a picnic held at the Forney Ranch home near Lakeside. Mr. and Mrs. Fomey are well known in the Registered Hereford Cattle circle. The ladies returned to Atkinson Wednesday night. Dr. and Mrs. Blake Skrdla and family, Santa Monica, Calif., ar rived last Wednesday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skrdla. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Muffly, Lincoln, who had been visiting their son-in-law and daughter. Dr. and Mrs. Blake Skrdla in Santa Monica. The Mufflys left Thurs day for their home in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Keller, Purdum, have purchased the Frank Skrdla ranch northeast of Atkinson. The transaction took place Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Keller will not take possession until April 15. 1963. Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! NOTICE Butte Livestock Mkt. No More Special Saturday Sales Combined Hog & Cattle Sales EACH WEDNESDAY AD Sales Will Start at 12:30 P.M. You may contact either Ed Thorin at O’Neill or Roy Kirwan ! of Butte See us for your farm Auctions j Personal property and land sales. Extensive advertising program ED. THORIN, O’NEILL ROY KMBWAN, BUTTE Home Phone 72S Home Phone 5287 Office Phone 207 Office Phone MSI ROY KIRWAN, Owner & Operator BUTTE LIVESTOCK MARKET Butte, Nebraska Inman News By Mr». Jiuur« McMahan Mr. and Mrs E E. Clark left for Pine Rtver, Minn., where they will ***nd a couple of weeks va cationing. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Tjesaem and daughters left Friday for their home in Maywood. 111., af ter spending a few days visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson and Sam. Mrs James Sobotka returned Wednesday from Buhl. Idaho, where she was called by the death of her father, Charles Stark. Sam Kelley. Omaha, spent the weekend visiting Mr and Mrs W. E. Kelley and family. Mr ukl Mrs Ivan Couch. Lex ington, spent the weekend at their home here Lorraine Butterfield, Norfolk, (pent last week v siting Patty and Sharon Morrow and with « her friends in the Vir^l Mo-tow home Mr and Mrs Arthur Benash and family, Beatrice, came Sat urday to spend a few days visit* ing Mrs. Benash s mother, Mrs. Ray Salers and <her relatives in O’Neill. Mr and Un Gerald Snyder, O'Neill, visited Mrs Ray Balers Saturday night Mrs Ray Siders went to Or chard Thursday to visit Mrs, Clarence Juracek and family. In the afternoon Mrs Siders and Mrs Juracek went to Norfolk where the Jurseek's are moving Mr and Mr* Levi Morshach, Nehjth. rtaited Mrs Eltaabeth Murkbarh and Mr and Mr* Da* Hi Marabach Sunday afternoon Jot Hater*. Norfolk. sjient Thursday evemn* and Friday in the W E Krlley h»»me Kay Kal ley returned to Maduam with them Friday afternoon an.! stayed un ti! Saturday evening Mr and Mr* Don Kelley mm) family. Norfolk, vUited hum lay with Mr Kellry'a parents, Mr. and Mrs W K Kelley and fam ny Mr and Mr» Lav Brady. One it t. were Wednesday evening d nner and overnight gueala td Mr an 1 Mr* Lyle Abney. "Just Charge It" at GAMBLES! O'NEIL! X WOOL SKIRTS BAN-LON GIRLS BLOUSES SWEATERS Misses' New Styles Sweater Values Discount Price Girls' Cardiqan 398 c Terrific selection ol new tail Long Sleeves 3.98 Huge group in perky prints or SIlDOVerS 1 98 styles! Pleated or slim lines. 8Upover or cardigan styles in ^ ^ Sanforized Orlon (R“ m.ry|l(. „ | Petites 20-26; misses 22-30. easy-care Ban-I»n nylon. 3«-4o. cotton, rollup sleeves. <-14. short sleeve slipovers. h-| . I Nylon - Cotton ANKLETS l)!i|>'»nt nylon with cotton lin ed (not lor comfort- tilrln rlhlM-d style. 7 to 11. TERRIFIC BUYS! Girls' Pretty School DRESSES Huge group of crisp fall cottons — many wash ’n wear. Styles for. gradesters. and pre - schoolers, too! gpr »9c VQ(UP ^5 puOYSsOxS U.99c S>lon stretch cmr m>*s. White f “V *1'' '■"lors. Wide libbed to,, A— E^j^k SaVE* "'»*! Size, m | .. 11,11—fc '"' ' . j/- Boys' 6 - 16>^ ~— UNDERWEAR^ 12 *9mg. I [for |Cj \ F-Shirt* with „>!<>„ reh./orced J crew necks. Knit brie,, ha^ JE ^Ljr ^en's Sizes f WOERWEAR t 2 fl4 [F0» |M 3k Scott Craig cotton knit T-Shirts ^ *Ek a"d hri*fv T-Shirts S-.W-L ^^J^k brief, 30-40. BOYS' 1.79 VALUE SPORT SHIRTS Sanforized Flannels Wash 'n Wear Cottons 147 Big choice of neat prints. Wash - wear cottons or cotton flannels. AH with long sleeves 6-16. MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS BIG , CHOICE / Rayon challis, / wash-wear cot- t ton prints, / ginghams! S-M-L-XL / Wash 'n Wear , SUCKS 5 Random \ Cords 1 Glo - Twists I Printed I Polished I Cottons I Big selection I men & boys: Ivy I tailoring. Boys’ I to 18. Men 28-36 ' BPJS 098 Values Jfg MEN'S SIZES ~98 ( 4.95 VALUES <3 [ bable. ^B^B ., / -/ Western Style BOYS JEANS 13 3/4 oz. cot ton denim — the heaviest made! Reinforcer points Sanforized! 2.29 I Values I 6-16