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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1962)
_FOR SALE SALT FOR SAIJv Kan a polls $16 30 a ton: American $20 50 a ton: white block 75c- Located 3 blocks east, 4 blocks north of traffic light, Everett Gorgan. Ph 164. O'Neill. 51tf FOR HALE Filson Chutes Special ??? Barbed Wire $7.35 Sweep Teeth $1.50 Heavy Teeth $2.15 New Honda Cycles $640.00 New and used Pipe ami Steel IIOERLE STATION Phone IV 2-2642 Chambers, Nebr. 52-20p FOR SALE ft. I lull craft boat and 40 hp Scott McCullogh motor and trailer. Shelhamer Equip. Co., O’Neill Like new $750. 5tfc SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 257 flown, 57c int.; up to 84 months tt> pay. Write or phone Cc’Mois Motor Co., Neligh. 30tf I AM HACK In my office again and can loon money on Farms and Ranches and City Property. Some at 4% and some at 5% in terest See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, N'1* r 50tf I ' l SALE- Allis Chalmers baler; also six wheel Kelly Ryan hay rake. K. C. Hunt, Ph. 931J12, O’Neill. 18tfc FOR SALE 3 1000 Iiu. capacity steel corn cribs. Like new. Fred J. Jungman and son, phone 7571, Atkinson, Nebr. 17-20p SAVE ON INSURANCE—prompt claim service. Virgil Laursen Agy., O’Neill. lOtfc LANDRACE BOARS for sale — ready for service. Veterinary vaccinated for Erysipelas and Hog Cholera guaranteed breed ers. Spencer Feed Service, Spen cer, Nebr. 16tfc SHORES’ NEW DAIRY CREDIT All the money you want. 36 months at 6%. Buy new cattle, finance entire herd. Shores Wisconsin heifers. "Pay your bills, stop your worries.” SHORES. NELIGH, TU 7-4060 41tfc FOR SALE Purebred Hampshire boars. Big and nigged. Will de liver Henry and Richard Stell ing, Orchard, Nebr. 12tfc FOR SALE—Hereford bulls.— Kieth Abart, O’Neill, Dercy Abart, Emmet. 32tfc CITY LOANS. See R. H. Parker. 50tf FOR SALE — Fresh and close springers, 1st and 2nd calf Hol stein heifers. John Sojka, 1*6 mi. N, 4 E Page. lttfc r* .v Underslung with 24-ft. teams, ■w 14x18 platform. We finance. We trade KEATING IMPLEMENT CO. Atkinson, Nebr. 17-18c FOR SALE — English Shepherd puppies. Excellent cattle dogs. $5 male, $3 female. Write Ernest Wirth. Verdel, Nebr. 17-18p FOR SALE Heavy duty under slungs with or without beds. We deliver. Also sled tires, axles, rims. etc. Gerald O'Connor, At kinson, phone 2562. 19-22c FOR SALE Good fresh beef and beef cross calves; also dairy heifer calves. Stock on hand most all times. Gerald O'Connor, 1 mi east Atkinson, phone 2562. 19-22c j MACHINERY For Rent IHC shovel drill For Rent IHC stalk cutter S t ;s for your new wagons, boxes, '-otsts Aius field cutter IH 20e field cutter IH 24x7 grain drill good IH shovel drill 36-ft. Kelly elevator ~ New Kelly elevators Allis Loader Clean up prices, mowrers and rakes IHC one way Massey one way IH 3-14 plow IH 4-16 plow IH 2PR nicker HM 20 picker Extra clean No. 24 picker 6A New Idea Picker Pickers, Woods and GI 48 Farmall M 49 Farmall H 46 John Deere A Farmall 20 SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT CO. IHC — Gehl — RCA Whirlpool O’Neill, Nebraska FOR SALE—Used lumber, doors windows, screens, plumbing fix tures. cabinets, etc. Gas watei heaters. Two 12x20 ft garages Nearly new Lennox Gas furnace Ralph Beckwith. 19-21f FOR SALE—35-ft. trailer house modern with bathroom, very g- l condition. Contact Car] O'Neil, phone 911J11. O’Neill Nebr. 19-20c -'OR SALE * Bred Gilts John llamhek, Tel. No. 7932, Bris tow, Nebr. 19-22c MOBILE IIO.MES New aiul Csed See us tfxlay for the tjest deal on a New or Used Mobile Home, Write or call for free literature. Open Everyday MILLKK MOBILE HOME SALES l*h. :».V2170 Albion, Nebr. 19tfc Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE One bedroom house, all modern except heat. Natural gas. Located on W. Fremont St. Ray Pease, Atkinson. 13tfc NO REASONABLE OFFERS re fused en first house east of Lu theran church and on homes at 321 West Clay. Both properties are good investments if not needed for a home. See Kieth Abart soon. 15tfc FOR SALE Leonard Brown resi dence at 810 E. Benton St. Thorin Agcy., Ph. 207, O'Neill. 14tfc FOR SALE -Seven room house, to be moved. Anyone interested may write or see Howard V. Berry, 213% East Fremont St., O'Neill, Nebr. 17-19p FOR SALE A 255 Acre pasture. 10 mi. SE of Atkinson. Well fenc ed, 2 windmills, 2 ponds, ordin arily pastures 50 cows with calves. Leon Beckwith, Emmet, Nebr. 18tfc FOR SALE- 3 new underslungs. Heavy Duty $675.00 without plat form, $850.00 with platform and irons all around. Brady Welding Shop, Atkinson. 17tfc FOR sale Improved 340 acre stock farm located four miles north and five and one half miles east of Page. Plenty of grass and water for cattle. Aliout 60 acres broke, 20 acres of alfalfa, some brome. Charles Simmons, Page, Nebr. 19-20p FOR SALE 160 acre irrigated farm with modem improve ments; 160 acres dry land, im proved but not modern. Either or lioth can lie bought on con tract. 25% down, immediate pos session; also 1958 Massey Harris diesel tractor and plow. A-l con dition, good tires and 1953 Dodge hardtop, hydramatic transmis sion, good condition. Lyle Davis, 713 So. 8th, Norfolk, or phone FR 1-4195 or FR 1-1121 collect. 19-22c FOR SALE General merchandise store and residence at Sparks, Nebr. Post office in store. Appr.v 10 acres. Located on Hgwy 12 N.E. Valentine. ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE, Phone 43, Valentine, Nebr. 19c WANTED HELP WANTED- One boy and one girl to work after school at the Lee Store. Apply to Leonard Longstaff, Manager. 19c HELP WANTED—Farm or ranch hand. Fall and winter job. Axel Borg. O'Neill. 18-19p $150 A WEEK If you're earning less, we want you. No experience needed. Serv ice our Growing number of cus tomers in your county with nation ally advertised quality clothing for men, women and children. No investment, collecting or deliver ing. Northwestern Woolen Co.. 510 1st Ave. No. Minneapolis 3, Minn. 19c WANTED TO BUY — A two or three bedroom house in O’Neill. Write SM in care of Frontier, O’Neill, Nebr. 19-21p WAITRESS WANTED—M and M Bakery and Cafe, O'Neill. 16tfc WANTED TO LEASE for spring of 1963 — 240 to 1000 acre ranch. Prefer long term lease or two sets of buildings on larger ranch. Write O. A. c/o Frontier news paper, O’Neill. 18-21c SEED WANTED—We are now in the market for Sweet Clover, Alfalfa, Red Clover and Brome Grass Seed, Highest Market Prices. Great Plains Supply Co., Don O. Lyons, Rep., O’Neill, Nebr., Phone 421. 18tfc I MAKE Monthly payment loans some at 4% some at 5% interest. See R. H. Parker. O'Neill. Nebr. 50tf WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockmon, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf MONEY TO LOAN On Automobiles, Furniture, Signature. O'Neill Loan Co. Virgil Lannea, Mgr. 38tf ASHBURN MONUMENT OO. P. O. Box 6. Tilden, Nebr. Personal attention to all orders. Covers all Northeast Nebraska. Call collect, FOrest 8-2220. All work fully guaranteed. NEIL ASHBURN, Prop. 21p » I * ^ WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Well* Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks south of the New Deal Oil Station—O’Neil] SOtl MAKE PATTON'S BEN Franklin1 store your candy and nuta head quarters. Always fresh. 27 tfc L. GUTHMILLER Half Block East Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene and arc welding LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED AND SHARPENED, AIX MAKES Also repair parts for Lawson and Clinton engines on hand. 9tf WELL DRILLING and well and windmill repair.—403 N. 1st St. Phone 775-LW. SPRAGUE WELL CO.. 0 Neill 3 blks. W. & 3Vfc blks. N. stoplight "WE" DON’T WANT ”AIX” THE BUSINESS We Just want ’’YOURS” PATTON’S BEN FRANKLIN _23d_ NEED MONEY We make quick cash loans on automobiles and furniture. See us also for your insurance needs. Central Finance Corp. O’Neill Phone 14 Nebr. _21 tfc LOST & FOUND LOST — Billfold at Old Settlors Picnic, finder keep money and please mail billfold and other j contents to H. A. Mitchell, At kinson, Nebraska. 19c ___________________ ' LOST — At Goose Lake Sunday, Aug. 26, one meteor water ski, Mahogany veneer finish, has Jim : on binding. Reward. Contact j Bernard Gribble, Chambers rte., O’Neill, or call collect Chambers IV 2-2208. 19c FOR RENT FOR RENT One bedroom modem home. See R. H. Parker, O’ Neill, Nebr. 15tfc MISCELLANEOUS FARM IX)ANS, See R. H Parker. 50tf E. J. (Skip) SHANE Dragline Work Sewer, Drainage, Clam Work Basement Excavation and Road Work Atkinson, Nebr. 51-24p CURTISS BREEDING can service your herd with the highest rated beef bull and the highest plus proven dairy bulls in the nation. Can you do with less than the best? Call 470 Duane Gray O’Neill 14tfc HZZZZZZZHUZZZZIIZ^ZZIZIZ CARDS OF THANKS MY FAMILY JOINS ME in ex tending our sincere thanks to all relatives and friends who sent gifts, cards, flowers, food and help ed us in any way during my ill ness while in St. Anthony’s hospit al and since returning home. Also a special thanks: to Dr. Carstens and Dr. Wilson, all special nurses. Sisters, nurses and the hospital staff for the wonderful care they gave me. 19p Floyd E. Keyes MY MOST SINCERE THANKS to the friends and relatives who re membered me with cards, letters and gifts and also those who vis ited me at the hospital in Sioux City. These were all appreciated very much and I know my mother, who was with me most of the time enjoyed them too. 19c Arlo Crawford A SPECIAL THANK YOU to everyone who sent cards. flowrers. gifts and who visited me while I was a patient in Atkinson Mem orial hospital. Also to the hospital staff and Doctors Ramsay and Ser bousek I extend my sincere thanks. 19p Maurice Parks WE WISH TO EXPRESS our sin cere thanks to our relatives and many friends for the flowers, gifts, the cards and letters and the visits to us during our stay in the hos pital and since our return home. Your thoughtfulness will long be remembered. Mrs. Marvin Johnson 19c and Darla Dee I WISH TO THANK all of my friends, neighbors and relatives who remembered me with cards, gifts and flowers, and those who came to visit me while I was in the Atkinson Memorial hospital. Also my sincere thanks to Drs. Ser bousek and Ramsay and the hos pital staff for their wonderful care. This has all been greatly appreciated. -tat.' 19c Mrs. William Storjohann I-Legal Notices— | i First pub. August 23, 1962) John R. Gallagher, Attorney NOTIC E OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY To SATISFY LIEN HIR SERVICES TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: You are hereby notified that I will sell the lollowing described goods of Nelson Refrigeration of Odebolt, Iowa, to-wit: Cherry Burrell Kold Bulk Milk Cooler Model FTM 185 FOD Serial No. 1399 on the 11th day of September, 1962 at the hour of 2:00 o'clock P. M. on the premises at my place of business at 830 East Grant Street, in the City of O’ Neill, Nebraska. Terms of Sale: Cash. Dated this 23rd day of August, 1962. HAMIK REFRIGERATION, AL HAMIK, PROPRIETOR BY JOHN R. GALLAGHER HIS ATTORNEY 18-19c (First pub. August 23, 1962) William W. Griffin, Attorney No. 4531 NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF MARIAN F. MOUNTS, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribu tion of estate and approval of final account and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on September 12, 1962, at 10 o’clock, A.M. (COUNTY FRANK CRONK COURT County Judge SEAL) 18-20c .4. -- Emmet And Community Dolores Tunender Mrs. Eva Steskal and family, Atkinson, were Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tun ender and family. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Babl and Jeanette were supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bable Monday evening. Mrs. Edward Cavanaugh and Pamela Kay, Chambers and Mrs. Joe Pongratz were Sunday din ner guests of Mrs. Agnes Heeb, O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Babl, jr. Colleen, Curtis and Ca therine and Edward Cavanaugh called in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shaw and girls, O’Neill, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dcnald Marcel lus and girls Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler at tended the funeral of Mrs. Fran ces Timmermans at Stuart, Satur day. Mrs. Eva Steskal and family, Atkinson, called at the home of Mrs. Donald Marcellus and girls Tuesday afternoon. Dewey Pongratz, O’Neill came with Duane Monday and spent the day with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pongratz. Mrs. Ray Tunender and Dolor es and Joanie Peters, O’Neill, went to Yankton, S. D. last Fri day on business. On their return home they stopped at Bloomfield where they visited Mrs. Mark Fehringer and Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Farnik, Verdigre, Mrs. James Havranek, sr., O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Havranek and Larry were Saturday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Havranek. Jeanette Lynn Babl is spend ing a few days with her grand parents at Ewing this week while her mother is in the hospital. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler were Mr. and uutu UU1UCl, V/ill* aha, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hanus and family, Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winkler and family, At kinson and Mrs. Ed Frank!, Can ada. Afternoon callers were Mrs. Ed Winkler and Mary Alice. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and family called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Marcellus, Stuart, Wednesday evening. Mrs. Delashmutt and daughter. Burwell, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Cole and fam ily this week. Golden Rod Garden club met at the M and M Bakery and Cafe, O’Neill, last Thursday with Mrs Shellhase as hostess. Mary Beth and Regina Dvorak spent last week at the home oi Mr. and Mrs. A1 Havranek. John ny Dvorak and boys came and got them Friday evening. Mrs. Eva Steskal and family Atkinson, spent Friday at the borne of Mrs. Donald Marcellui and girls. Mrs. Agnes Heeb, O’Neill, visit ed her daughter, Mrs. Joe Pon gratz, Wednesday and in the af temoon they visited Mrs. Elwir Babl and Jeanette. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Wekhman and family, Stuart. Ellen Frost. Atkinson, was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tunender and family Sharon Seger and Leon Rent schler, Atkinson, were Sunday af ternoon callers erf Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and family. Charlotte Evans and Mrs. Lioyd Evans, Atkinson, went to Sioux City, la., last Wednesday on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. John Janzing and family, O’Neill, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Babl Sunday afternoon. Mrs. John Ocmard and Mrs. Bud Cole made a trip to Burling ton, la., wbere Mrs. Cole visited her mother and Mrs. Conard vis ited some of her relatives in Missouri. Mrs. E. W. Kramer and daugh ter, O’Neill, and Mrs. Bob Fox, Atkinson, spent a weeks vacation in Casper, Wyo., visiting Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fox and family. Mrs. John Babl and Luann spent Thursday at the home of Mrs. John E. Babl. Colleen, Cur tis and Catherine returned home with them and stayed until Sat urday. Mrs. Art Holz and Susan, O’ Neill, called at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Babl, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Rauterkus and family, O’Neill, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and family Thursday night. Charlene, Erin and Jan Hav ranek, O’Neill, spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. A1 Hav ranek. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and family were Sunday dinner guests of Anton Jirak, O’Neill. Dickie and Dean Janzing, O’ Neill, have been spending the last week at the home of their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Babl. Mr. and Mrs. Len Ullrich, Mr. and Mrs Ralph Ries and Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Ruggless were Sun day supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beckwith, Emmet. Mrs. Emma McKathnie, Atkin son, has spent the last two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Evans. Lumir Hartl, Mary Lou and Bob, Stanton, were Thursday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo nard Dusatko and family. Meek News By Mr*. Fred Lindberg The old settlers picnc was the big news item this week. Mrs. Delia Harrison made her dress for the occasion, being 84 years old she did remarkably well. Steve Hicks and his daughter, Ju lia Hubby, Hastings and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ladley, Gordon, Mrs. Ladely was the former Iretta Spindler, were among the old set tlers enjoying the contacts with friends and neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Rouse and family were Tuesday evening visitors at the Carl Hallgrimson home. The Ernst family held a re union last Sunday at the Ivan Wayman home honoring Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lorenz, Minnesota. Those present from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ernst, Mr. and Mrs. John Ernst and Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hen dricks and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pankey and Paula, Manhat ten. Kan., Mr. and Mrs. Don Tuch and Julie, Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Holland and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dickman, Aurora, Mr. and Mrs. Craig Con nell and family, Newport, Mr. and Mrs. James Robertson and Linda, Scottsbluff and Mrs. Jim Robertson. About 95 were present. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Peterson and Janet and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Libert and family, Battle Creek, Mich., were Friday guests at the Elmer Devall home. They had just returned Thursday from a few days visit with their son and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Korab, Denver, Colo. Judy Searles has been suffering the past week from an ear in fection and Kathy Searles has been helping her grandfather (Clarence Ernst) with haying this week. Mrs. Howard Rouse spent Thursday with her mother, Mrs. Carrie Borg. Several family gatherings were held for Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T1_1_It • i % , \ja\A auu V , iUJ U<1VC £>0613 visiting at Shirley’s mother, Mar tha Johring. Monday evening Martha had supper for the fam ily. Tuesday evening Martha Joh ring entertained and Wednesday they went to Donald Johrings, Clearwater, Thursday the Broad family left for their home, Den ver City, Tex. Mrs. Virgil Hubby and Mrs. Ed Kaczor entertained the primary and Junior Sunday school classes, at the Hubby home Monday after noon. There were 12 children pre sent. For entertainment they had a candy hunt. Marion Rosenkrans accompan ied Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kallgrim son and girls to Valentine Fri day to the wedding of Ruth Dix on, Wood Lake and Paul David son, Pennsylvania. School started Monday for Mrs. Leia Risor, District 17 and Mrs. Mabel Derail, District 80. Mrs. Eloise Johnson, District 33, starts Sept. 3. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Walters and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Anderson and girls were Norfolk callers Thursday and Yankton visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Worth and family, darter Lake and Mrs. Max Wilkins and Robert came Sunday to spend a few days with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Purcell. Nickerson, spent Thursday at the Fred Lindberg home. The fam ilies became acquainted, while the ladies were student nurses at the Wise Memorial hospital in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters spent die weekend in Omaha, Norma Walters, who has been visiting with her sister and fam Uy, the Gene Libbys returned home with them. Kathryn Devall. Larry Nelson Bonnie Johnson and Diane Devall plan to attend 9th grade at O' Neill this year. Mr. ad Mrs. Ted Crawford and Pamela are planning to attend the Crawford family reunion at Riverton, Wyo., Sept. 2 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ziech, Sj»encer, will do their farm chores Mr. and Mrs Richard Nelson and Curt, Wakefield and Mr and Mrs. Dewayne Anson and girls were Sunday dinner guests at the George Nelson home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nelson at tended the “Morten Olsen" fam ily picnic at Milton, Wise It op ened with supper at the church Saturday evening. For entertain ment pictures were shown of pre vious gatherings. Sunday noon 119 gathered for a picnic dinner at the Camp Wakondo park One family present was outstanding for their ages which were 75-78 80-82-84-86. These family picnics have been held every year since 1935 in different parts of the country. Friday evening the neighbors gathered at the Paul Nelson home to give a charivari and shower to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Arden Nel son, who had come home for the weekend. The crowd was treated to ice cream and cake. Paul Ar den Nelson was wearing a cast on his foot from an injury a cou ple weeks ago, while unloading a truck, material .fell on his foot cracking some bones. Enid and Errol Johnson re turned home Friday after spend ing a week with their grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Bartsch. Royal. They visited the pioneer village at Minden. Venus News By Mrs. KaJph Brookhouncr Saturday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bar tos and family were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bartos sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhou ser visited at the home of Mr and Mrs. Sidney Faulhaber Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Bartos and family were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser. Janice and Nancy remained with their grandparent^ for a longer visit. Mrs. Willis Boelter underwent surgery at the Neligh hospital August21. She has been a patient since August 15. Mrs. Glen Volquardsen, Verdi gre, stayed with Mrs. Mary Vol quardsen and Johnnie while Glen was at National Guard Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Uhlir and Arnett motored to Valentine Sat urday where they attended the National Rodeo. They were guests of Stanford and Robert Pavelka, who are nephews and Mrs. Marie Pavelka, a sister of Mrs. Uhlir. Otto Grosse did chores while the Uhlirs were away. Annett Uhlir is helping at the Bank of Verdigre for a couple of weeks while C. J. Marshall is at tending graduate school of bank ing at Madison, Wise, Mrs. Burnell Von £>eggren and David visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan John son near Creighton while Burnell was with the National Guard in Minnesota. Ardith Moser broke her left arm above the elbow while playing at tbr Krtb K>4iakr home Tuesday. She was taken to Nellgh (or natlkil aid. Mr. and Mr*. Larry Brookbou ser, Grand Island, returned home Monday, Aug 20, after spending the weekend ' with their parent*. Mr. and Mrs Ralph Urooklxiuarr. Mra. Sidney Faulhaber spent Sunday at the home of her bro '.her and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Louie Zastmw, O’Neill Deloit News By Mm. H. Retmor Mr. and Mrs Ralph Torajaek arrivel home Wednesday after noon after their northwestern va cation. They were overnight guests Tuesday at the J«-w.-ll Tomjack home in Hastings, Mrs. Donald Starr, West Point, Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson and Mrs. H. Renner were callers at the Albert Larson home in Ewuig Wednesday, the occasion being Mr. Larson's «3rd birthday anni versary. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hail, Royal and Mrs. Ethel Hug hey, Pennsylvania were afternoon callers. Several heard the broadcast Monday afternoon over WNAX when George German interview ed Mike and Linda Schmiaer at the Holt County Fair. Both were slMJwing calves and won blue rib bons. Their parents are Mr. and Mrs f* 1 nppnrp tw*hmi«*r Freddie Gath, who has been employed at the Bill Gibbs farm this summer, left Tuesday for his home in Seattle, Wash. Mrs. Mary Stearns spent Fri day in the Will Conner home while Mr. Conner was in Sioux City for a check-up. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Tomjack were Thursday supper guests in the Gene Tomjack home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schindler and family were evening callers. Mrs. H. Reimer attended a pre school meeting in Royal Saturday. School starts August 27th. Terry Harpsaer helped the Na piers hay a few days last week. Dwain Hoffart, vocational agri cultural teacher in Bart lett high school was a caller in this locality recently. Leonard Larson, Lincoln, has accepted the principalship of a Kimball school. He is Mrs Rei mer’s brother. We are badly in need of mois ture, corn, gardens and pastures are suffering. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier and family were Sunday dinner guests in the Glenn Harpster home. A new modern school house is being built in the Urban district, and 2 teachers have been hired to teach there. 18 new modern desks were in-1 T—---. \ Mailed In the Dftloit aohoai !**• week. Mr and Mr*. Otto Renner. Lincoln, spent the weekend Hk the Sumon home They spent .kinday with Echo Fisher In St Kdsrgrd Mrs It M Tomjaek etsltod Florence Butler Saturday wee ning Florence was hospitalised In O'Neill a few day* last week. Sunday evening aupper guest* in the Glenn H*rp«ter home w< re Mr and Mr* Web Napier, Mr. anti Mrs Arthur Roar and Mr and Mrs Lockhart, Cedar Rap ids,. la Servicemen's Notes . . Army S|H*ciah*t Four 1 eater II. Walton, *on of Mr and Mr* Bar ton Walton, O’Neill, participated with more than 70 000 Army and Air Foret* personnel to Exercise Swift Strike 11. a two-week U. S Strike Command maneuver in North and Soutti Carolina fhut ended August 17. The Strike Command unite* select Army and Air Force units ns an (Ur-ground comluit team that can move swiftly into action any place in the world Specialist Walton. a mechanic in the 34Ui Ordnance Company regularly Motioned at Fort Bliss. Tex,, entered the Army in 19M Heed It Torn jack, boatswain'* mate second class, USN, scar of Mr. and Mrs Ixn S Torn jack O'Neill, was serving aboard the heavy cruiser USS Saint Paul when she returned to San Diego, Calif., July 26, after three and one half years of service with the Seventh Fleet in tin- Western Pacific. The ship arrived in the U. S. from Yokosuka, Japan, flying a homeward-bound pennant <574 feet in length Because the Saint Paul was homeported in the Far Fast longer than any major combatant ship since I adore World War D, this pennant is one of the longest ever flown The pennant, which meuaure* one fiait for every man al**ar<t wiio has served more than nine months outside the IJ. S-, was cut up and distributed to the crew ufion arrival at San Diego. Airman Third flaw* Daryl D. Summers, O’Neill, is being re assigned to Scott AFB, 111 , fol lowing his graduation from the United States Air Force techni cal training ‘course for jet air craft mechanics here. Airman Summers was trained to maintain and service jet air craft and aircraft system*. A graduate of O'Neill public high school, die airman is the son of Mrs. Ethel M. Summers, O’Neill. TIRE VULCANIZING and repair AM, HI/E TIREH JOE'S TIRE SERVICE Phone 71* O’Neill, Nebr. WANTED Young man to train for the plumbing trade. Learn while you earn in an established plumbing and heating firm in O'Neill. The man with a skill in the trades has one of the best assurances against unemployment. Call or write James Davidson & Sons PLUMBING & HEATING Service Since 1901 513 E. Douglas Phone 2M O’Neill, Nel»r. Special Cattle Sale O'NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET Thursday, Sept. 13 This special cattle sale will be the first of a series of speciaal sales we plan to* have this fall and winter. The demand for all classes of cattle | has been steadily increasing here at our market — through letters, phone calls and personal inquiry. The current market is very good. With the price and demand both good maybe this is a good time to sell. Early listing of your cattle helps us in the advertising and you on I the price. CONSIGN EARLY. Call, write or see us any time. We also want to announce A NEW DAY FOR OMR HOG AUCTION WHICH WILL BE EVERY TUESDAY During the fall cattle run, beginning TUESDAY. SEPT. 11. 1962 starting at 9:30 a.m. Regular Hog Buyers will be Present O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET Verne and Leigh Reynoldson — Phone 2 {