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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1962)
Oeloit News By Mrs. H. n*tnr Mr. and Mrs. H. Reimer were dinner guests in the Anita Lee home Saturday. Mrs. Bill Gibbs and family vis ited relatives in Norfolk on Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larson were Sunday dinner guests in the Harold Mlinar home in O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. H. Temple and daughters and Mrs. Velma Tem ple spent last weekend in Sid ney and Fort Collins, Colo. Mrs. Marcus Pierson, who is hospitalized in the Antelope Mem orial hospital following an acci dent, is improving at this time. Mrs. Dana Sisson and bab(y boy were able to return home from the hospital Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Reimer, O’Neill, called at the Fred Harps ter home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Anita Lee of Ewing was also a visitor. Mrs. Alnlul Kasim and Fred, Julia Streeter and Mrs. Oscar Bartsch, teachers from Royal, were dinner guests at the Henry Reimer home Thursday. Lambert Bartak reports 2.45 in ches of rain Thursday night and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Mosel and Mona were supper guests in the Keith Bartak home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bartak spent Sunday in West Point. They had Sunday dinner with Mrs Alice lodge and .supper in the Carl Bartak home. The Albert Larson family held a reunion in West Point Sunday at the Don Starr home in hon or of Albert Larson, who will soon be celebrating his 83rd birth day and the Carl Christon and Tommy Christon families, Texas. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Larson and Mr. and Mrs. H. Rei mer, Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. C. Christon, Midland, Tex., and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Christon and three daughters, Colorado City, Tex., Mr. and Mrs. H. Temple and two daughters, Hastings, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Lar ry Larson and Linda Larson, Lin coln, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pahl and Mary, Oakland. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Christon and family and Carl Christon left Sunday for their home in Texas. Mrs. Carl Christon remained for a longer visit in the J. A. Lar son home. Alice's I Beauty Shop 325 E. Douglas St. Phone 263 Complete Beauty Service Slimliner Reducing Machine ROYAL THEATRE Thurs. Aug. 2 • THAT TOUCH OF MINK” Cary Grant Doris Day Gig Young Audrey Meadows Fri.-Snt. Aug. 3-4 James Philbrook Nancy Kovack “THE WILD WESTERNERS” Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Aug. 5-6-7 Gregory Peck Robert Mitehum Polly Bergen “CAPE FEAR” Wed.-Thurs. Aug. 8-9 Family Night “MOTHRA” Columbia Toho — Monsters and Midgets Meek News By Mrs. Fred Undberg Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Hull met their son, T-S Don R. Hull and family at Omaha Saturday night. They have spent the past 3% years at Yakoto, Japan. They returned via plane through Alas ka, San Francisco and Omaha. After a 30-day leave Sgt. Hull will be stationed at Stewart i'Jr Force Rase, Newburgh, N. Y. Sunday evening visitors at I>oyal Hull's were Mrs. Duane Booth, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hancock and Levi Hull. The Garden club had their pic nic Wednesday evening at the O'Ni-ill park. The children en joyed swimming. A basket dinner was served at noon Sunday at the Assembly of God church, O'Neill, on the lawn followed by a miscellaneous shower for Miss Lorene Wetzler, whose approaching marriage to Kenneth Jensen, Plainview, and for Miss Joyce Krogh who plans a fall wedding with Lyle Wyatt, O’Neill. Mrs. Viola Hall was a Friday night guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Dob rovolny. From there she went to visit Mr. and Mrs. Jay Dobro volny, Atkinson, and then to the state camp at Lexington as a guest of the Rev. and Mrs. Wayne Hall, Broken Bow. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rouse and toys and Mr. and Mrs. Vir gil Hubby were Sunday dinner guests at the Austin Searles home. Mr. and Mrs. Demon nouse and family were business callers in Norfolk Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Devall and Kathryn were Friday eve ning callers at the George Nel son home. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Johring and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Maben, Clearwater, were Sunday dinner guests of Martha Johring. Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Johring and family and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wabs were afternoon callers. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Benson w’ere Monday callers at the Dave Jensen home and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Moore and Shirley, Fort Morgan, Colo., were overnight guests Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Devall were Sunday dinner guests at the Preston Jones home. Others pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Young, Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Crum ly and family. Page, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walters and fam ily, Chambers. Joyce Hallgrimson, Marion Ro senkrans and Connie Brockman attended the camp for career age group at Halsey over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Crawford and Pamela called at the Charles Miller home, Bristow, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Arden Nel son. Lincoln, visited home folks over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nelson | took Mary Nelson to her home at Ft. Calhoun Sunday, return ing home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Gifford and family, DeKalb, 111., stopped in O'Neill and took in the services and the fellowship dinner Sunday. They were enroute to visit Or ville's mother, Mrs. Robert Young in Washington. Orville spent his childhood days in the Scottville community. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Searles and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Anson and girls were Monday evening callers at the Virgil Hubby home and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Rouse and family were Friday evening callers. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Borg spent Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! Sunday evening at the Roy Spindler home, O'Neill. Mrs. Howard Rouse was a Wednesday evening visitor at the home of her mother, Mrs. Carrie Borg. Joe Kamphaus went to Aurora Sunday for his wife and family who have been visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Willis and Mr. Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jensen and family, Faribault, Minn., were Saturday overnight guests at the Carl Krogh home. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Watson and family attended the Wamisch family reunion Sunday at Plain view. About 70 were present. A family gathering was held Sunday at the C. E. Worth home, O'Neill. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lindberg, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Rosenkrans and family, Nancy and Donald Wil kins, Palo Alto, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Roy Worth and family. Carter Lake, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Worth jr. and family and Jerry Schneider, Buzzards Bay. Mass., Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Wetzler and family, Verdigre, Mary Wetzler, Maud Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Karr, Spencer, and Mrs. Orville Miller. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Carol Lenz. Bloom field, and Mrs. Conrad Smith. Inman News By Mr*. June* McMakM Mr. and Mrs. Cldlord Bach man, Phoenix, Ariz., spent a few days last week visiting Mr and Mrs. Chester Young's. Barbara, Kathy and Gilbert Youngs have returned to their home in Independence. Mo., after spending two weeks visiting their grandparents, Mr. ad Mrs. Ches ter Youngs. Neil Kelley, U. S. M. C., Camp Pendleton, Calif., arrived Sunday to spend a leave with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Kelley, and with other relatives and friends. Ann Kelley left Tuesday for Columbus where she will visit her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. James Kelley. Otto Retke has returned from a Norfolk hospital where he was a patient for several days. Inman Commercial Club met Monday evening at the Watson Hay Office for their regular meet ing. Several matters of business was discussed including the elec tion of Earl Watson as Secretary Treasurer to replace Albert An thony who will be moving soon. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. SI usher and sons spent Sunday visiting Mr and Mrs I. L. Watson and Sam. The Slushers were enroute to their home in Valentine from a two weeks vacation in Canada. Judy Wait, Lincoln, spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ira L. Watson and Sam. Richard and Johnny Bob Wat son, O’Neil], spent Monday visit ing their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira L. Watson and Sam, Leonard and Gene Butterfield, Norfolk, are staying with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Dana Lines, and working in the hay field. Mrs Bonnie Buhlman and son, Lincoln, are spending a few days visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Banks and Roger. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Banks and family, Lincoln, were Thursday evening visitors in the home of Mr. Banks' parents, Mr. and Mrs. , James Banks and Roger. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Banks and Ro ger were Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rickard and family, Chambers, and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Banks and family, Lincoln. Sam Watson and Judy Wait vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anthony and family Saturday evening. Venus News By Mm. Ralph Brookhon*er Mrs. Bert Moser, Creighton. U visiting in the home of her son and dajgnter-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Cecil Moser and Eugene. Mrs. Clara Groelmg, Creighton, visited in the home of her grand daughter, Mr. and Mrs Ernest Larson and family last Sunday. Soren Sorenson sr., Page, was calling on his customers in the Venus territory Monday. The work on the east and west road to Middle Branch was com* , pleted Saturday. Bill Mitties. Royal, and crew have been doing the work. Dale Dorr has assumed the da* ties of road maintamer operator, Gordon Kotrous resigned. Mrs. Clarence Finch sr., called at the Ralph Broukhouser home Wednesday. Mrs. Harry Caskey and Joan were Thursday visitors C. 0. Evans called at the La vaine Hines home Thursday. Mrs Marlin E Tusha. Genille. Russell and Kenny, Woudbndge, Va., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouscr. Ne-1 va Jean Bartos spent the first part of the week with her grand parents and the Tusha family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey spent Sunday in the home of U»eir son. Mr awl Mr*. Kenneth Caskey and family. Suellyn rtf turned home with them after spending the past week with her grandparents, Joanie returned home with them that evening. FOR SALE - 1954 Ford 8 cylinder, 4 door, radio, heater, standard transmission H. J. Loh«us 12-15o Or. H. D. GILDERSLEEVE OPTOM ETItlST E>e, Examined—Classes Pitted Contact Lenses Phone 167 — O'Neill, Nebr. Hours 9 5—Mon. thru Saturday Cloned Wednesday _ _ ENDS AUGUST 15 WmOmm | with the purchase • CUSTOM-FITTED TO 3 YOUR REQUIREMENTS ^y • TRANSLUCENT RIGID- /J. SrAuNcDt,oTM,NUM • ELIMINATES DARKENED PATIO COVER CORNERS (MIN. SIZE: 70 SQ. FT.) ESTIMATES WITHOUT OBLIGATION JIM SESSIONS Phone 409 O'NEILL P. O. Box 568 James Davidson & Sons PLUMBING & HEATING Service Since 1901 Win>r A Hummer Air Conditioning __ <in* — CMI — One! American Standard Plumbing Fixtures Youngstown Kitchens Sheet Metal Work SIS E. ItouglM Phone O’Neill. Nefer, BARGI t0m*baB3ofbalSf'inSBlfAn^*“Bt010’ S5s;S3SS=S3SfSi •baxgam-Savew* I Pork & Beans Van Camp’*., 2*[.”23< Shortening..,™,.ji55« Margarine CoMbrnk—quartmd. 2 29* Post Toasties.x 23* Pepsodent Toothpaste (“10c off" pack) OQ# Giant (SU-oz.) Tube J/C DuHttnia Believes pain Bottle DQj> DUTTcrin and aches fast.of 60 Sun Tan LoKon 4-ozfpiaatic Btl. $1.49 Jell-0 Puddings^... W35c Sandwich Spread49c Powdered Milk makes 12 qts... Pkg. 89c Cooking Oil off”), Cottonseed . .Bottle 49c . Beverages assorted flavors . .3 Bottles 39c — plus bottle deposit Soda Crackers Busy Baker .. Pkg. 25. Mixed Nuts Buster; fresh ... .^Can 89c p Del Monte; WhL kernel *) No.303 JO LOrn or Cream style Golden. .4 Cans HOC Paper Napkins .Skl>16c C ' I T' Northern— o Pkgs. Oft Facial Tissueassorted ....2of30037c Pineapple Juice£S«r..2 45c Margarine Blue Bonnet.Carton 31c Royal Puddingsintant..2^.25c Ice Cream 13 flayers.. .Carton 79c Pumpkin Pie Mix Comtek?:^ 10c Round Steak -or SWISS U.SJXA. Choice Grade, 69£ For Your Freezer... U'SwD.A' Choice Grade, scientifically aged • • • BEEF LOINS u>79« COT AND WRAPPED AT NO ADDITIONAL COST! Approx 40 lbs. This is Safeway’s scientifically aged beef—tender and foil of flavor. BOTTOM BOUND CUTS Top Round Steak 79c Rump Roost 69c Sirloin Tip Stedc^tt..^ 99c Hon SlicesuwnrtrauHt.i*. 79c Beef Sagsage£7...4uM.OO Sliced Pork liver 29c Beef Short RibsSs.™±29c Chef Boy-Ar-Dee PIZZA MIX Cheese, M Package ■rJC <4 LUCERNE \ FRUIT DRINK ' Punch, Orange or Grape xfa-gal. Carton ( U—————w ■■■■■. i / -yo' ^ rSiSt <1^*100 iMBSSSO.-- nQt Grode-A^s^r ^ Cookies ass^-^.^ ’, 1 only 29* V • *. 1 11 • j^ggjgSSiJ-®'! Elberta, yellow freestone, CalifomiO'grown, fresh PEACHES 17*189 Crate I Phms StaM3*5!cR*i«rMor....Uj.29c RodlsIlOSnSH'ertopV'.™'....2taMbMT5c Pascal Celery SKElT.,...** 19c WateriaeJou$Z23ft..1^79c n PWlTIl j — with purchase of 25-lb. size 20-lb. Bog Lyle’s i| | CHARCO-NUTS Offer gtod thru. Augumt 4 I COLD MEDAL FLOUR '■ £59< “>1.09 ^'ZI9