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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1962)
Chambers News By Mm. E. R. Uupeitw Duane K. Miller drove to Val entine Sunday to meet Mrs. Mil ler’s mother. Mrs. H E. Richards, (hadron, who came to assist in the Miller home while her daugh ter is in the hospital and recuper ating at home. The American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary met in joint session Friday evening at the Legion Hall in Chambers. Legion Commander, Edd Coday, presided. The main event of the evening was a report by Ladean Weller, who attended “Boy’s State”, Lincoln, in June. Ladean, who was sponsored jointly by the r-— Legion and Auxiliary, gave a very interesting and informative report of the boys state activi ties. Other matters considered were plans for operating a stand at the Holt County Fair. The County meeting to be held in Chambers, Sept. 10, was announc ed and also the District meeting in Atkinson Sept. 17. Following the joint meeting, the Legion members held a short business session at which time Merlin Grossnicklaus was elect ed Commander, to succeed Edd Coday, who now holds a county office. Lunch was served by Mrs. Coday and Mrs. Donald Green. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter received word that their daugh ter, Phyllis, (Mrs. Ben Medcalf) entered a hospital in Minneapo lis, Minn. Sunday, July 28, for observation and x-rays and ex pected to submit to surgery Tues day morning. The Medcalf’s ad dress is 5557, Emerson Ave., So. Minneapolis, Minn. The Woman’s Society of Chris tian Service met at the Methodist church Thursday evening with 17 members present. The president, Mrs. G. H. Adams, presided at the business session. Mrs. Ray mond Shoemaker reported on supply askings and the group voted to accept them as present ed. The president announced the fall Seminar which will be held in Neligh, Oct. 2. Mrs. J. E. Grimes and Mrs. Louis Neilson - I presented the final chapters of the study book “Under Orders". Lunch was served by Mrs. Steve Snavlik — assisted by Mrs. An na Albers. Frederick DeHart and Mr. and Mrs. Max DeHart and family, Council Bluffs, la., were Sunday guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred DeHart. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker, Amelia, were Sunday afternoon callers in the E. R. Carpenter home. Mary Ellen Gillette met her friend, Barbara Turner, Rich mond, Ind., at Grand Island last Monday, July 23rd, and the two left by car for a trip southwest and into Mexico. They expect to be gone about two weeks. Mrs. Kenneth Adams departed Friday on the tour which is be ing sponsored by Miss Elja Mc coullagh. Mrs. Rena Deirking left Satur day for Wayne to the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Pfiel. 9unday they attended a reunion of the Feycr herm family at West Point. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Gilbert, Kanardo, Kan., came Wednesday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gilbert. The Dale Gilbert family, Stuart, came Wednesday, evening and all were supper guests. The entire group left la ter for Stuart where they visited in the Dale Gilbert home until Sunday. The Marvin Gilberts re turned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neilson were Sunday dinner guests in the J. E. Grimes home. Mrs. Kenneth Bindara and daughter, Lisa, Rapid City, S. D., has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Urban and fam ily and her sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gilder and children and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grimes and Vonda. Mrs. Bindara is the former Barbara Wilcox of Cham bers. Mrs. Charles Grubb returned home from Omaha Friday where she had been staying near her mother, Mrs. Mabel Hubbard, a patient in the Methodist hospital there. She reports her mother’s condition as good. Mrs. Duane K. Miller was a patient in 9t. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill several days the latter part of last week and the first of this. W. H. Crawford and 2 daugh-; ters visited Friday and Saturday with the former's son, Arlo Craw ford, at the Methodist hospital, Sioux City, la., and Mrs. Craw ford is staying with relatives near Sioux City, returning Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Cava naugh were Sunday dinner guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cavanaugh, O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Miller, -- Lincoln, enroute home from a va cation trip through some of the southern states, stopped in Cham bers to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Damme. The Damme children, Larry and Cheryl accompanied the Millers to Lincoln for a weeks visit. The Commission on Education met at the Methodist church Wed nesday evening, and again on Sunday evening. Gayle Farrier returned home Friday from a few weeks visit with her brother, Harold and family, in Denver, Colo. Enroute home she spent Thursday night with her sister and brother-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Wedge wood and family. Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brazda and family, Wisner, were week end guests of her paernts, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Koci and brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Koci and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fry re ceived word that their grandson, Chuck Fry had been injured in a fall while at work at Burwel] Saturday. They drove to Burwel! Sunday to see him and to learn of the extent of his injuries be sides the three broken ribs and bruises first reported. Fry is an electrician. Mrs. A. B. Hubbard accompan ied by Mrs. Chauncey Porter, O’Neill, went to Omaha Wednes day to be near their sister-in-law, Mrs. Mabel Hubbard, who un derwent surgery at the Methodist hospital there that day. They re turned Friday. Mrs. Leon Hertel went to Ma rine, 111., Friday to be with her daughter, Mrs. Lowell Anderson (Leota Hertel) who will have surgery. Betty Rockford is assisting Mrs. Lyle Hanna with cooking during haying. Marsh Warner entered the At kinson Memorial hospital Sunday for medical care. Mr. and Mrs. Milan Welke and girls, Ewing were Sunday din ner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott. Afternoon callers in the Scott home were Mr. and Mrs. Max De Hart and family, Council Bluffs, la., Mrs. Fred DeHart and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Carson, Chambers. Jim Messenbrink, Fremont, 1 - came Saturday to get his wife and two daugnters, wno had spent a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vern WiUmson. They returned to Fremont Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sloup and grandson, Schuyler, were Sunday guests in the Emerson Loeske home. . Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Cooper drove to Lincoln Friday where Mr. Cooper had a medical check up. They spent Friday night with the Dick Head family, Milford, and Saturday night with the Dave Holcombs, Aurora, return ing home Sunday. Richard Harley came Friday to get Mrs. Harley and the child ren, who have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bly. They left Sunday for their home in Montreal, Quebec Can ada. Raymond Bly who has been a patient in a Sioux City hos pital, accompanied Mr. Harley back to his home at Amelia. Sgt. and Mrs. Kenneth Child ers and family, Anchorage, Alas ka and his mother, Mrs. Mamie Childers, Genoa, were dinner guests Wednesday in the E. M. Jarman home. Sgt. Childers ancf family will be stationed now at Jefferson City, Mo. Loren Walter, student at Con cordia college, Seward, was a supper guest Saturday in the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walter. He was a guest speaker at the Lutheran churches, Atkinson and O’Neill, Sunday in behalf of the H. U. B. Program of Concordia college. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Christen sen were Sunday supper guests in the Charles Wright home. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hubei and girls and his mother, Mrs. An ton Hubei, Ewing, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Hubei’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sanderson and Terry. LaVem Hoerle, Chambers and his brother, Harold Hoerle, Clearwater, took their mother, Mrs. Jake Hoerle to Omaha Monday where the latter under went surgery Tuesday. Phone Your News to The Frontier Phone 788 Rosedale News By Karen Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mahlen dorf and Carol and Tom Swan were Thursday supper guests at the Duane Mahlendorf home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mahlen dorf were Wednesday dinner guests at the Duane Mahlendorf home. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Snider were Thursday evening visitors at the M. B. Nelsons. Mr. Duane Mahlendorf and Mrs Ivar Johnson were Tuesday af ternoon guests of Mrs Elroy An derson. Mr. and Mrs. M. B Nelson and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Bud Snider home. Butte. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Anderson and girls were Sunday afternoon visitors at the Walt Nyquist home in Randall Valley. Mr. and Mrs. John McKihbm. Lincoln, were Monday evening supper guests at the Fred Nelson home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin son, Wahoo, and Mr. and Mrs. L.' S. Martinson were Saturday eve ning guests at the Fred Nelsons. Nancy Lightfoot came horrr* Friday to spend her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Law son Lightfoot. Nancy will go back September 23, as a senior to the University of Nebraska School of Nursing. Mr. and Mrs. Arden Berg were Sunday afternoon callers at the Harry Holmberg home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holmberg and family were Thursday eve ning guests at the Arden Burg home. They all helped Bernard celebrate his birthday. Lou Ann Landholm came home Wednesday to spend her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Landholm. Mr. and Mrs. George Hartin son enjoyed a picnic super at the Herman Landholms on Monday. Lou Ann Landholm and Olga Bengston went to Covenant Ce dars Bible camp for a special meeting Saturday. They returned Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Land holm were Sunday evening sup per guests at the George Martin son home in Spencer. Mrs Carl Nygren called on Mrs. Joe Peterson Friday after noon. Tom Swan and Carol Mahlen dorf visited with Karen Ander son at her home Thursday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Bower, from Hemmingford, were weekend guests at the Joe Mllacek home. Mr. Con Thorell and Mrs. Clyde Beckner were Tuesday callers at the Adolph Sedivy home Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Sedivy were Tuesday supper guests at the Gay Hull home in Lynch. They helped Gaylene celebrate her eleventh birthday. Wesley Sedivy made a trip to Omaha Monday to meet some re lalives coming from Chicago. They will be guesta this week at the Adol|>h Sedivy home. Mr, and Mr*. Duane Mahlen dorf and family, Mr and Mrs. Don Bridge and family, Mr. end Mr*. Glen Mahlendorf. and Tom Swan enjoyed a piinic supper Sunday afternoon at the Harry Mahlendorf home. Alvin and Art l»mtborg wen* Friday evening callers at the Carl Anderson home Ponton Insurance Insurance oi All Kinds and Bonds FLORENCE PONTON, Prop. Phone 10*_OoMew BM| FRITZ'S Body Shop 24 Hr. Wrecker Service Complete Body Work Glass Cut & Installed - PHONE - 86 Day - 473 Night 30tfc O’NKIILL.. NEBK. 24" GRILL I M I PORTABLE “SPOT” COOLER Was 7.77, Now I I PURIFIES, CIRCULATES AIR 2995 Was 4 47 Now I ^ower^ 2-speed portable with exclusive Aquadial ' WOW I cooling/ventilating control...Germ-Gard filter. Holds I 2% gal. water. 17V4xl3Vixl4Vfc inches high. STINKER DAY SPECIALS FANS “ 18" “ 2 SPEED 1888 -- 1588 LADIES AND GIRLS SUMMERWEAR 12 PRICE ON STINKER DAY OUTSIDE WHITE ONE LOT OF PAINT BOOKS ^99 and 399 I Values to 4.50 39‘ _______^^^i > 1 Teen Acj® 1 HOP SATURDAY. AUG. A Muoo ^ j O'Neill, Nebraska \ 1 Music by “Tbe 1 RAMRODS 1 Adnw*sion: 75c \ AUGUST CLEARANCE 00 , OMAHA I C 6 I O U D Lifatime Construction ._' Guarantee! _ _ . 2'pc. Suite 2 step tables, 2 table lamps, 2 sofa pillows i With Any MASTERCRAFT 2-PC. SUITE, SECTIONAL or HIDE-A-BED: 2 step tables and 2 table lamps DINETTES BEDROOM SUITES MATTRESSES ROCKERS & CHAIRS 5-pc. start 3995 3'pc Suite-Double dresser & and BOX SPRINGS Chairs start 2450 7-pC. Large mirror, chest & bookcase bed Serta lux Mattresses Rockers Start OQ9S 5 finishes to choose from Limited Supply .. start at 6095 13Q95_3795 rtartat ... 3995 Carpets & Floor Coverings Reduced! FREE TOP VALUE STAMPS WITH EVERY PURCHASE Meyers Midwest furniture & floor covering West O'Neill FREE DELIVERY phone 526 «