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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1962)
Section Two RONTIER Four Paget "The Voice of the Beef Empire"-North-Central Nebraska's BIGGEST Newspaper _ ___Volume 81—Number 50 O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, April 5, 1962 Seven Cents Verdigre News Hy Vac lUuida Music Students Take Part in Music Clinic VERDIGRE Thirty-two Ver digre high school music students took part in the Knox County Music clinic last wi*ek at Crofton. There were 12 students in the band and 20 in the chorus spend ing the day in rehearsal for a combined concert in the evening. Janet Kudioff presented a vocal solo. Verdigre Pep Club Is Host At Banquet VERDIGRE — The Verdigre I’ep club was host at the Athletic Banquet which was held Wednes day, Mar. 21, to honor all stu dents who took part in sports dur ing the past year. About 120 persons attended the dinner at the high school gym nasium, including board of edu cation members and their wives, faculty and students. Barbara I-iska, Pep club presi dent, welcomed the guests and following her talk, Marlene Sou cek, Dennis Mott, Russell Wood ard, William Ilarder, football coach, and Gene Nott, basketball coach, gave speeches. Supt. Robert G. Sheckler pre sented gold pin awards to Mar lene Soucek, Jeanette Marshall, Frances Hildreth and Marvalene Ickler, first team cheerleaders; Janet Rudloff, Betty Randa, La vonne Hildreth and Mary Pavlik, second team cheerleaders, and Barbara Liska, Elaine Hazen, Carol Frank and Joyce Kotrous, club officers. The coaches then introduced the football and basketball play ers and awarded their letters to them. Dancing provided entertain ment for the remainder of the evening. Preparing the meal were Mmes. Henry Frank, Gor don McElhose, Otto Liska, Ed ward Pavlik, Floyd Hildreth, El mer Kotrous, Bolton Randa and Frank Frank. Inman News By Mrs. James McMahan Ned Kelley, Lincoln, spent the weekend visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kelley and daughters. James Kelley has gone to Grand Island where he will have employment. Kieth Kivett, Wayne college stu dent, spent the weekend visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vaden Kivett. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Butterfield and family, Norfolk, were callers in Inman Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Abney spent the weekend at their home here. They left Sunday to return to Omaha where Mr. Abney re ceives medical treatment. Margaret Pruss, Clearwater, spent the weekend visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pftiss. Harold Sobotka, Valentine, spent the weekend visiting his fa ther, John Sobotka. Harvey Tompkins, Linelle and NOTICE Butte Livestock Mkt. No More Special Saturday Sales Combined Hog & Cattle Sales EACH WEDNESDAY All Sales Will Start at 12:30 P.M. You may contact either Ed Thorin at O’Neill or Roy Kirwan of Butte See us for your farm Auctions Personal property and land sales. Extensive advertising program EIJ. THORIN, O’NEILL ROY KIRWAN, BUTTE Home Phone 723 Home Phone 5287 Office Phone 207 Office Phone 6431 ROY KIRWAN, Owner & Operator BUTTE LIVESTOCK MARKET | Butte, Nebraska Allen, Waverly, spent the week end visiting Mr. Tompkins mo ther, Mrs. Leon Tompkins. Charles Schollmeyer. O'Neill, visited Mr. and Mrs. Leo Harte and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boyie, O’Neill, were visitors Monday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Schneider and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeLong left Sunday for Rock Rapids, la., where they will make their home Mr. and Mrs. Robert Myer and family have moved from a farm near Page to the property recent ly vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeLong. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Reimer took their son, Robert, to Om aha Tuesday where he continued on to Philadelphia, Pa., where he is stationed with the Marine Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph BrittelJ and daughter, Albion, were In man visitors Saturday. Mrs. David Morsbach spent the weekend in Neligh visaing Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Grosser and sons and at Clearwater with Mr. and Mrs. Mearl Sparks and family. Mrs Morsbach’s daughter, Mary, Norfolk, spent the weekend at the Sparks home in Clearwater. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morsbach and daughter, Clearwater, spent Sunday visiting Mr. Morsbach’s mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Mors bach. Out of town relatives here for the funeral of Mrs, Josephine Kopecky Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Boldt, Matt Hudeck sr., Matt Hudeck jr., and Miss Emily Hudeck, Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Ordeen Sawyer and Carol and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sha bram and Albert Kopecky, New man uiwe, tester KopecKy, Lindsey and Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Scwarz, Archer. Mrs. A1 Hamik and family, O’ Neill, visited in the home of Mrs. Frances May Sunday afternoon. Inman Workers Project Club met Wednesday evening with Mrs. James Coventry for their regular meeting. Mrs. Sobotka al so gave a very interesting les son on “window treatment”. Mrs. Coventry served lunch. Community Club met Monday evening at the school assembly for their regular meeting. The meeting was in charge of Mrs. James McMahan. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fick showed slides and told of their recent trip which took them to Philadelphia, New York and Washington, D. C. Lunch committee was in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Keyes and Rev. and Mrs. Robert Lin der. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sanders and family, O’Neill, visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Engelhaupht Sun day. John Reimers and Harry Mc Graw are medical patients "at St. Anthony’s hospital in O’Neill. Several from Inman enjoyed seeing Sam Watson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson on KOLN TV Sunday afternoon. Sam and Jane Spehlik, Wesleyan Universi ty students, were featured in a half hour program entitled “From the Campus” which showed various classes and ac tivities of the college. Narrator for the program was C. E. Scon built-in, do-it-yourself road-straightener ...that's Wide-Track! (and you know who has Wide-Track!) SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER FOR A WIDE CHOICE OF WIDE-TRACKS AND GOOD USED CARS. TOO Wm. KROTTER CO. O'NEILL-SPENCER - STUART "Serving North Central Nebraska Since 1891" yers, Director of Development, Nebraska Wesleyan University. The regular meeting of the In man WSCS was held Thursday at the Methodist church annex. Mrs. Eleanor Gaughenbaugh was m charge of the meeting which included a report of the fourth quarterly conference held at Page. Mrs. Elsie Keyes led the devotions. Mrs. Ellen Brown was luncheon hostess and was assist ed by Mrs. Eunice Appleby. Richard Watson, O’Neill, visit ed his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson, Tuesday wjnle his mother, Mrs. John Watson, was in Omaha. Mrs. W. E Kelley spent from Thursday to Saturday in Wichita, Kan. where she attended a post master training meeting. Enroute to Inman Sunday evening she visited Mr. ad Mrs. Don Kelley and family, Norfolk. Chambers News By Mrs. E. K. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Peltzer were in Norfolk Friday and also visited relatives at Stanton and Pilger. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mitchell and son, Sioux City, la., spent from Thursday until Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Fagan and Gary. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar DeHart were Sunday dinner guests in the Louis Neilson home. The occa sion was the birthday anniversar ies of Mr. and Mrs. DeHart and Mrs Neilson. Bus Clouse and Anna Hertel drove to Omaha Friday to visit the former’s mother, Mrs. Helen Clouse. They returned to the Clouse home Saturday and Sun day the family brought Mrs. Her tel home. Mrs. Lloyd Gleed went to Lin coln the first of the week to as sist in the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blevin, and to get ac quainted with her new grand daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Thom son and Dale Adams went to Lincoln Saturday to visit the for mers’ daughter, Judy Thomson, who is attending college there. The Rev. and Mrs. Charles Cox drove to Mead, Kan., Monday to spend a few days with their son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Finney and children. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Read and family, Milford, came Saturday to spend several days with his par- j ents, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Read, J her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eu-1 gene Halsey and other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter drove to Atkinson Sunday for a j visit with their son-in-law and I daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dean j Stevens and family. Weather and road conditions have interfered with some of the moving operations. It was not until Thursday that Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Blair and daughter were able to get their possessions moved from their place northwest of Chambers to their new home north of O’ Neill on Eagle Creek. A num ber of friends, neighbors and relatives of the Blairs assisted with the moving. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gleed en tertained at a dinner Wednesday evening in honor of the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Gleed and her twin brother, Leo Adams, At kinson. Other guests were Mrs. Adams and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Grimes, Chambers. Mrs. Gleed awl Mr. Adams have spent part of every birthday anniversary to gether. Mrs. L. V. Cooper attended a Postmasters Regional Training convention held at Wichita, Kan.. Friday and Saturday, Mar. 23 and 24. She was accompanied by Mr. Cooper. Enroute home Sun day they visited Mr. and Mrs. Dave Holcomb at Aurora. The grade school at Chambers will present a program Friday evening. The Better Ways Extension club met Tuesday evening, Mar. 20, at the home of Mrs. Donald Green with nine members pre sent. Mrs. Russell Barelman pre For Sale Used Farmalls 350 Diesel 460 Diesel MC Super A Used McCormick No. 33 Loader New Manure Spreaders New Stan Hoist Loaders Used Jeep Pickup 1962 Maytags. Frigidaires and Admiral refrigerators and freezers in stock 1959 DC 162 IH Truck with 17-ft. rack Used Maytag Automatics from S74.95. overhauled and guar anteed A few used dryers, ready to go 12-in. wood stacker pulleys in stock Keating Implement Atkinson. Nebraska 50 years of service 49-SQc sided at the business session. Roil call was answered by each telling their middle name. The music period was devoted to Irish songs The lesson on "window treatment-’ was presented by Mrs. Ernest Durre and Mrs. Fritz Schwager. Lunch was serv ed by the hostess The next meet mg will be held at the home of Mrs Don Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Walter en joyed a telephone visit with their daughter, Mrs. Eld Avenll, at Selcui, Wash., Sunday evening. Mrs. Nels Mikkelson has spent several days with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Raj McNair, at Battle Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ganser and boys. Wood Lake, came Sunday to visit ner parents, Mr. and Mrs E. M. Jarman. They returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvm Rockford, North Platte, were weekend guests in the A1 Rockford home. The Bethany Presbyterian Wo men's association met Thursday at the cbjrch. The worship ser t vice opened with a hymn and prayer. Mrs. Henry Wood pre sented the lesson which was bas ed on a portion of Paul’s letter to the Romans; Chapter 5:12-21. The scripture was read by Mrs. Stanley Lambert. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Walter Summerer conducted the busi ness meeting. Plans were dis cussed regarding a summer camp at Cleveland and Bible school at the Bethany church. The association welcomed Mrs. Russell Barelman as a new mem ber. Refreshments were served to 11 women and five children. Mrs. Celea Christiansen re turned Saturday from a week spent at Norfolk with her bro ther and family. Karen Kruse, who has secre tarial work in Omaha, visited last weekend with her father, Doran Kruse, and brother, Jim Wayne and Harold Larson were guests of Jim LaRue Sunday, re maining to attend the junior high meeting at the Bethany church with Jim. Mr. and Mrs. Milan Wefke and girls, Ewing, Mr and Mrs Ro bert Scott and Mrs. Leon Sargent. O'Neill, were Sunday guests ui the Harry Scott tiome. Mr. and Mrs Vern Wilkinson were Sunday callers in the E M Jarman home. Mrs. Dennis Werner and infant daughter, Debbie, Kings Lake, came Thursday to spend a short time with her husband’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Werner. Connie Werner, Aurora. Colo., is also visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Werner. Mr and Mrs. Steve Shavlik and Pam visited relatives at Clearwater Sunday. i Mr. and Mrs. R C. NoRe, Boelus, attended services at the Memorial Baptist church Sunday. They accompanied Mr and Mrs. William Turner to Page where all were dinner guests of Mrs Icie Snyder. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Larson. Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! 1 FEDERAL LAND BANK Real Estate Loans On Farms and Ranches Boyd, Garfield, Holt Wheeler Counties Through Federal Land Bank Assn. FARM CREDIT BUILDING Lyle P. Dierks, Mgr., O’Neill, Nebr. Clearwater News Mr. UMriM lMrtrt|kl lit liter I 32M High waters of the past week have gone down and rr.idnih here relaxed their vigilance. The road between town amt ttie north river bridge was out for awhile, but is cgten to traffic. At this tiime there is no water expected from the west Snow banks have faded away but chill north winds continue. Officers of the Alumni associa tion met at the home of Mrs. Howard Luben Friday night The annual bunquet has been set for May 29 at the Lutheran church basement. Tickets may be pur chased and reservations made with Mrs. Roy Stevens. I Elkhorn Valley Home Extension dab met Wednesday, Mar IS. with Mrs Melvin Jacobson Mrs Lyle Medcalf opened the meet ing and Mrs. Hubert Middiet *1 led the grout' m the flag salute, Hull call was answered by escb telling her favorite magsxtne A story aI Nebraska counties was enjoyed Flans were made for ac tivities for the April meeting Ful lowing the regulsr business. Mrs Medcalf gave the leswm cat "care id flooring". The next meeting will be with Mr* Erick Minrrtch Lunch was served Merlin Luben. Oak, was a S«t urday visitor at the William Lu ben home. Mr*. Terry Peteraun and lofini daughter returned Saturday from the Tiklen hospital to their home here. Mrs Leslie Her ley la a patient in a Norfolk hospital. -- INCOME TAX SERVICE For assistance in making out your 1961 Income Tax Return, see— FLORENCE PONTON Golden Hotel Corner Phone 106 - O'Neill DRESHER DRESHER CLOSING OUT I Because we have sold our ranch we will offer the following described personal property to I the highest bidder at public auction at the place LOCATED ... 9 miles south from Spencer on high- I way 281 and 1V4 miles east... OR ... 22 miles north from O'Neill on highway 281 and 1V4 mile, I east (Watch for Farm Sale Arrows) on . . . j Thursday, April 12 _ Lunch at sale | Sale starts at 1 p.m. J FARM MACHINERY MISCELLANEOUS 2 Super "C" Tractors, good IHC pull-type 2-row Lister Chicken Waterers and Feeding J. D. Manure Spreader, new Set of Fertilizers for IHC lister Equipment Farm Hand Loader w hay head, Prouty Bros. Hay Cage, 16-ft. Underslung Jack manure fork, snow bucket and jHC 12 ^ Hay Rake Roll of Snow Fencing pushoff Redhead Hammermill, 10-in. Good line of Tools and other J. D. 10-ft- Disc Mounted Lister for "C" miscellaneous items too num 6-in. Burr Mill « . . - u. . 2-row tractor Cultivator erous to mention IHC 7-ft. trail-pull Mower Woods Bros. 1-row Corn Picker_ 2-section Harrow New Idea Wagon and box 11-ft. Grain Drill IVi-in Water Pump and hose Chev. Pickup, good HOUSEHOLD GOODS | rull size Bed, springs & mattress Coal or wood Heater Overstuffed Chair Single Bed, springs & mattress Wardrobe Trunk, very good Floor Lamp 2 Dressers Wash Stand Cupboard Rocking Chair 4 Kitchen Tables 4 Kitchen Chairs Oak Library Table Crosley Home Freezer, excellent Dishes, fruit jars, pans and many 3 Chests of Drawers Frigidaire Electric Range, very other items Coal or wood kitchen Range good TERMS: CASH. No Property to be removed until settled for Mr. & Mrs. Roy Dresh r Roy Kirwan, Ed Thorin Auction Service, Butte and O'Neill