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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1962)
Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY'S ADMITTED: Mar. 2H — Mrs. Frank Ertz, Daniel J. Hershi aer, Mrs. Don Adamson and Car olyn Hill of O'Neill. 29 — Mrs. Lyle Davis of O'Neill; Richard Kayl of Spencer and Shuri Sch leusener of Orchard. 30 — Mrs. Howard Berry and Mrs. Della Bowden of O'Neill. 31 — Mrs. George Carstens and Mrs. Virgil Tomlinson of O’Neill and Mrs. Rex Carson of Redbird. Apr. 1 — Merlin Grossnicklaus of Cham bers; Mrs. Helen Clouse of Bart lett; Mrs. Leo Lydon and An drew Wettlaufer of O’Neill. 2— FRITZS I Body Shop 24 Hr. Wrecker Service Complete Body Work Glass Cut & Installed - PHONE - 86 Day - 473 Night O’NEILL, NKHK. 30tfc ■ Mrs. John Mattson of Inman; Mrs. Everett Keesler of Ewing, Nick Berens of Spencer and Mrs. Robert Stahlecker of O’Neill. 3— Sharleen McClellan and Jack Dailey of O'Neill; Harry Redies of Spnngview and 0. L. Fernaj of Butte. 4 — Mrs. Kenneth John son of O’Neill; Robert Barnes of Omaha and Mrs. Thomas Glider of Chambers. DISMISSED Mar. 29 — Harry Park of Page; Mrs. Frank Grenier of O’Neill and Ole Lar son of Chambers. 30 — Charlene Held of Chambers; Richard Cun ningham of Page; Mrs. John Cas sidy of Spencer; Harry McGraw of Inman and Mrs. John Latzel of Ewing. 31 — Roy Rees of Ewing; Eldon Peterson ami Mrs. Frank Ertz and baby of O’Neill. Apr. 1 - \A rtl riitAriru Paecfone dn,f Daniel Hershiser of O'Neill. 2 — Mrs. Lyle Davis and baby, Mrs. Howard Berry, Andrew Wettlau ier and Carolyn Hill of O’Neill; Mrs. Raymond Heiss and Mrs. Eva Lenna Orr of Page; Mrs. H. B. Black of Spencer; Mrs. Rex Carson and baby of Redbird and Merlin Grossnicklaus of Cham bers. ATKINSON MEMORIAL ADMITTED: Mar. 26 — Bar bara Jones of Stuart. 27 — Mrs. Harvey Hanson, Feme Slaymak er and Mrs. Robert Summers of Atkinson and Sheryl Thompson of 80 Wisconsin Calves — 40 Angus Cross Calves 40 Holstein Heifer Calves at the Regular Sale in Verdigre FRIDAY, APR. 6-12:00 noon 250 to 300 MIXED FEEDER CALVES 100 to 200 MIXED CATTLE IN ASSORTED M)TS Plan to attend the Sale this and every Friday in Verdigre 3 BIG SALES NEXT WEEK Monday, Apr. 9, Regular Monday Auction 1000 to 1200 HOGS STARTING 11:00 A.M. Cattle following 2:00 P.M. Thursday, Apr. 12, Annual 'All Breed's Bull Sale' 85 HEREFORD BULLS — 25 ANGUS BULLS — 2 ( IIAIIOLAIS BULLS — to PUREBRED SHORTHORN Y EARLING HEIFERS Bulls of all ages for every need. Consignments from many prom irnmt breeders covering a wide area. Friday, Apr. 13, 'Special Stocker & Feeder Sale' A TRUE QUALITY SALE WITH MANY' REPUTATION CATTLE (Contact us with your listings as soon as possible for next week’s advertising) No Sale on Friday, Apr. 20 (Good Friday) Friday, Apr. 27, Annual 'Steel Creek Special' Contact us in regard to any of the above saless BUY and SELL at our “NATIONALLY CERTIFIED” MARKET VERDIGRE LIVESTOCK MARKET Don Jensen, Mgr. Phone 4862 in Verdigre Phone 4862 for more information on any of our sales Charter No. 5770 Reserve District No. 10 Report of condition of the O'Neill National Bank of O’Neill, in the State of Nebraska, at the close of business on MARCH 26, 1962 Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes ASSETS Cash, balances with other banks, and cash items in process of collection ..$ 688,041.46 United States Government obligations, direct and guaran teed . 1.933,742.53 Obligations of States and political subdivisions . 481,902.08 Corporate stocks (including $7500.00 stock of Federal Re serve bank) . 7,500.00 Loans and discounts (including $862.10 overdrafts) . 1.193,690.75 Bank premises owned . 3,000.00 Other assets . 7,826.28 Total Assets . 4.315,703.10 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and cor porations . 3.050,131.26 Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations . 195.450.00 Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) . 81,117.70 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 340,418.86 Deposits of banks . 190,044.65 Total Deposits .$3,857,162.47 tal Total demand deposits .$3,661,712.47 ib> Total time and savings deposits $ 195,450-00 Other liabilities . 7.066.66 Total Liabilities . 3.864 *’**9 13 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital Stock: Common stock, total par $100,000.00 . 100,000.00 Surplus . 150,000.00 Undivided profits . 201,473.97 Total Capital Accounts . 451.473.97 Total Liabilities and Capital Accounts . 4,315,703.10 MEMORANDA Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes . 788.000.00 I, O. D. French. Cashier, of the above-named bank do hereby de clare that this report of condition is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. O. D. FRENCH We, the undersigned directors attest the correctness of tins report of condition and declare that it has been examined by us and to the best of our knowledge and belief is true and correct F. N. Cronin, J. B. Grady, Julius D. Cronin. Directors ... *■■■■ ‘ Amelia. 28 — Mr*. Herbert New man and Harold Gill of Stuart; Mrs. Terry Fried of Butte; Mrs. Paul Seger and Mrs. Mary Etta Hoyt of Atkinson. 29 — Mrs. Anna Humphreys of Newport and Mrs. Donald Farley of Stuart. 30 — Emery Hickok of Atkinson. 31 — Leonard Anderson of Newport and Mrs. Roy Shull of O'Neill. Apr. 1 — Verkin Rickard of Chambers; Jerome Bejot of Long Pine and Mrs. George Skopec of Emmet. 2 — Mrs. Ernest Wedige of Atkinson and Mrs. Nick a mons of Stuart DISMISSED: Mar. 26 — Mrs. Mae Ruf of Chambers. 27 — Mrs. Duane Emerson of Almeria and Barbara Jonas of Stuart. 28 — Mrs. Rose Monahan and Mrs. Harvey Hanson of Atkinson; W<1 bv Ashlev of Stuart: Mrs Rich. arc! Dojghtery and baby of Ains worth and Sheryl Thompson of Amelia. 29 — Mrs. Lew Verzal and Mrs. Hans Bogue of Atkin son. 30 — Leonard Libolt of Bur ton; Mrs Roy Goeke of Atkin son; Harold Gill and Mrs. Don ald Farley of Stuart. 31 — Leo nard Anderson of Newport; Mrs. Mary Etta Hoyt and Mrs. Robert Summers and baby of Atkinson. Apr. 1 — Verlon Rickard of Chambers and Mrs. Elvon Chace ! of Atkinson. 2 — Mrs. Paul Se ger and baby of Atkinson and Mrs. Anna Humphreys of New- j port. ^ ^ ^ SACRED HEART PRESENT: April 2 — Bill Boet tcher, Mrs. Lena Commit and John Schommer of Spencer; Mrs. George Courtney, sr , Mrs Kath erine Cranford, Mrs ImnaJd Mc IXiwali and Mrs. Margaret Zepf of Lynch; Mrs. Mary Heiser of Monowi; Mrs. Clara Hahn, Mrs. Rosetta Wheeler and John Tie fenthaler of Butte; David Jansen of O'Neill and Gust Wevckum of Naper. DISMISSED Mar. 27 — Mrs. Donald Jokumsen of Lynch, Ar ne v a Iron Thunder of Verdel and Glen Brown of Naper. 28 — Mrs. Jack Adams of Spencer. 29 — Mrs. Elsie Pelc of Spencer and Miss Marvelyn Glynn of Bone steel, S. D. 31 — Mrs. Mary Wolfe of Lynch. Apr. 1 — Mrs. Charlie Havranek and Mrs. John Havranek of Spencer and Orvyl Fernau of Butte. 2 — Rodrick Hughes of Lynch and Ted Frasch of Fairfax, S. D. EXPIRED: Mar. 27 — Mrs. Lawrence Smalley of Bristow 30 Henry Maly of Spencer. Too Late to Classify FOR SALE State tested Brome Grass Seed. Lawrence Skrdla, Stuart, phone 5025 (Atkinson). 50-57p FOR SALE Minhofer Oats, State test pending, windrowed. fanned, 90c per bushel Merwyn G FYvnch jr.. Page, Nebr. 5b-52p CARDS OF THANKS WE WISH TO EXTEND our sin-j cere thanks to our relatives and friends for the cards, letters, flow ers and memorials at the time of 1 the illness and death of our belov ed husband and father. Thanks to Rev. Gates and singers, Dr. Ram say and hospital staff, pallbearers and those who sent food to the house, also the Spencer Ladies who served lunch after the service. The family of 50c James Havranek sr. i iv/ i imixrv rvciyutir wihj helped me in any way to win thini prize in the A & M Shot* Store contest. I couldn't have won with out your help. It was greatly ap preciated. Mrs. Irene Williamson 50c Orchard WE WISH TO THANK our friends and neighbors who came to our assistance and the O'Neill Fire men who responded so quickly to our call to help fight the fire at our farm on March 28. Without your assistance our loss may have iieen greater. We are truly grate ful. 50p Lou and Bea Vitt WE WISH TO THANK our friend* and relatives for the many cards and gifts, flowers and telegrams sent to us on our golden wedding while we were in San Diego. Calif 51c Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Quinn OUR SINCERE THANKS to our friends and neighhors for their wonderful acts of kindness at the time at our bereavement Your cards, visits and gifts of food meant so much to us and will never be forgotten. A special thank you to the Dean Rows*- family. 51p Mrs. Esther Durre and family I'D LIKE TO THANK all the folks who visited me and for the cards, letters and prayers sent my way when the going got rough while I was a patient in Bryan Memorial hospital at Lincoln. Its great to live in a community where j your neighbor isn't just the fellow ' across the street or the next sec tion but just anybody who needs a lift and where no one passes by on the other side. Thanks once again. 50p Harley Kennedy, Page I WISH TO THANK each and every one who has given to the fund. To the doctors, nurses and those visiting me, for the cards while in the hospital. The neigh bors and friends who have help ed me at the home. It is all appre ciated so very much. 50p Harry Park WE WISH TO THANK our friemls and relative* for their ranis, visits and gifts, the hospital staff for their wonderful rare. A special thank you t<^ pr Car stens and to our fine height*t* and friends for taking care of us and our home. May God Kies* You All. 50c Phil and Maud Allemiorfer I WISH TO THANK everyone for the cards, letters, visits and gifts I received while I was in the hos pital and since returning home. I also want to thank the ones that took care of the girls ami helped the family in any way. 50p iMrs. Walter J oh roast 1 WISH TO THANK mv friend* anil relatives for the citrus, letters and visits while I was a patient at the Norfolk Lutheran hospital Also Mrs. Everett Gorgen lor taking care of my son. 50c Mrs I-!u \d Lledtke 1 WISH TO THANK 1 >r». Wilv n anil Waters, the Sisters and the hospital staff of St. Anthony's hos pital for tfie wonderful care given me during my stay there. A spe cial thanks to Rev. Kennu-ot, Rev and Mrs. Emhree and Father Ku cera for their visits and prayers and to those wl*o donated blood for me. Muny thanks to my friends and relatives for the cards, v isits, flowers and Rifts. Your kindness will always la* remembered. 50p Mrs. Archie HriRht Wtmns AtXlSt'. roan not cxprgn* my deco, gi*Uiu«|r to IJf Water* uni tni* uiinrtrrfuT daffnt St An thony * hospital for the splendid care and the kind consideration with which that carr waa given. 1 appreciated the many flower*, raids, and visit* from my friend* and loved one* during my illnes*. &Up Mrs. Amy Jacobeon l WISH TO THANK all my rela tives and friend* for the cards, flower* ami gift* I received ami their visit* to me while l wa* hos pitalised in St. Anthony**. A spe cial thank* to !>r ('arsten* amt the hospital staff he the wonder ful care ! received. Stic Mr* Frank Grenier I WISH TO THANK everyone for their cards, flower* and visits dur ing my slay at tl*e hospital and since my return home. A special thanks to the staff of St. Anthony's for their wonderful can* 50p Harry 1 Ainsworth Author's autographed I’UIKsTI (first printing), a lloiidoiii House lilslorieul noii-tietloll lHM>k, cwauthored in llolt eounl>'s t'arroll (4'all Slew art. ■too on sale, lit l.KN’H l umi li A I.IIT HillH*. O’Neill. Ul lil. I Its midi. *7 tA> ltd will be at IIKI.KN’H after 1 pm., Haturilay, Apr. 7 fur autographing You Always Get The Best in USDA Choice Beef when you Shop at the NEW OUTLAW lirii;.wjjiiy Hir .J. WE GIVE f TOP VALUE STAMPS | LBS. ) I ! Sl> \ ClMik-e RIB STEAK.Lb. 69c I .can ttonele** PORK CUTLETS.Lb. 49c I .fan PORK SAUSAGE .... 2 lbs. 79c Pickle and Pimento LUNCH MEAT.Lb. 49c Barbeeue I .oaf LUNCH MEAT.Lb. 59c tt’H3THERN GOLDEN POPPY - PACKED BY DEL MONTE r ivjc^n CARROTS 1-lb. Cello ^ Pkg. ^^B Red Ripe Fer ib. TOMATOES .25c Fresh Green Each PEPPERS . 10c RIPE .2 lbs. 29c We have a full selection , of SEED POTATOES nOHIOS—COBBLERS— POXTIACS—RED WARBERS (j Make the Outlaw Your ({Seed Potato Headquarters > COTTAGE CHEESE Mr | Rain bo Beg. 39c Pkgs. > FRUIT ROLLS. 3/*1 I Si,oam No. 2 Vi Cans » PORK and BEANS 5 /Si | Crescent MACARONI and “>.lb pkg > SPAGHETTI. 39r h South Shore Stuffed 4Vi-oz Jars | OLIVES . 3 /Mr a Nabisco 2-lb. box ! CRACKERS .49r - Hershey 12-oz. pkg. J CHOCOLATE CHIPS 39t Staley's WAFFLE Quart Jar | SYRUP .4Se w Grade A Large Dozen | EGGS.3/SI .09 " Saxtet Whole Kernel 393 cans „> CORN.7/$l FRESH FROZEN SLICED HALIBUT I | Headless and Dressed Per lb. BULL HEADS . 49c - Sliced SABLE or Per lb. | BLACK COD . 39c ® Sno-Fresh I WeIsh FRENCH FRIES I GRAPE and CORN I iUiCE A pkgs. 49 I e-ox- tans !s/*i FREE EXTRA f TOP VALUE f STAMPS I llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I FREE 50 EXTRA | Top Value Stamps I with the PurehaMe of V 25-lb. sack RED ■ POTATOES I llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I FREE 50 EXTRA I Top Value Stamps I with the PurehaMe of U Mb. HERSHEY 1 COCOA I llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I FREE 50 EXTRA I Top Value Stamps ( with the PurehaMe of V 1 Pkg. H-K 1 BLEACH I llllllllllllllllllllliillllljjllllllllllllllllllllll ( FREE 25 EXTRA I Top Value Stamps ( with the PurehaMe of m 1 12-oz. jar BIG TOP f PEANUT BUTTER | ll!lli!l!!!l!!!ll!!lllllllll!ll!lillllllllllllllllll ( FREE 50 EXTRA | Top Value Stamps C with the PurehaMe of 5-lb. Pkg. ff BACONENDS I