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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1961)
I»ec. 9, 1961 Mr*: In view of your editorial, It might interest you why rrianu fuctures are m</vmg south. Here’» what they want: A large und adaptable labor force Sufficient good water A community that will work with them. They prefer non union labor Land, or land and buildings fur niahed. Good highway and railway outlets Good tax structure. Down here the farms are small and often both man and wife work in town Or, with broilers, one can care for them alone, while the other works. Arkansas has an Industrial De velopment Commission. This was fostered by Winthrop Rockfeller. Cities are enabled to get money hi build und attract industry. In the case of Daisy Mlg. Co. the city of Rogers bonded ha one and one fourth million dol lars, sold the bonds and bought land, then constructed two huge buildings. Daisy has 20 years to pay for this outfit. New York Life bought the bonds. I note that Nebraska and sev oral other states are banding to gether to attract industry. Well, union labor is going to have to produce more or take less wages and management will have to get off its gulf cart, do some work and take less profits. In case this doesn’t happen, we won’t have anything to eat. Our gold reserves are down to 15*^ billion. Our imports will soon exceed our exports. My estimate is that 70% of our businessmen are broke. They fig ure their assets in paper, and be fore long that paper won’t buy anything. Enclosed is information put out by Rogers. I’d be glad to furnish my more you wish. Kalpli N. I.eitly Route 2 Bentonville, Ark. Hays, Kan. Dec. 10, 1961 Frontier, O’Neill, Nobr. I»«\ar Sirs, I’m here to spend the winter with my daughter, Mrs. Loo Car ney anil escape the Nebraska hard winter, but by the looks of today its a real winter such as we have there in Amelia. I am enclosing a $3 check to renew The Frontier, as always, each year for Christmas to my son. Please send to George W. Chap man, Linton, N. D. Thanks Mrs. E. M. Withers Warranty Deeds WD - Alfred O James to Oliver W Wolcott 10-22-61 $t«,640-All 14 N4N% 23- NWU- SW14NEV4 W^SW'4- SEI4SWL,. SW^SE'4 13-26-15 WD-Gerald Ferris to D C Schaf fer 1141-61 $1- N^SWVi 13-27-13 WD Bertha C Noffke to Clar ence C Bergstrom & wf 11-7-61 No consideration Lot 2 4 So 20 ft lot 1 Blk 22-Ewing Deloot News By Mr«. H. Reimer Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harpster and Mr. and Mrs. Web Napier were dinner guests Monday at the Glenn Harpster home Mr. and Mrs. Otto Reimer, Lin coln, spent the holidays at the E. L. Sisson home. They were guests at the Melvin Rexin home Saturday evening. Mrs. Dana Sisson and daugh ter left Friday for Seattle. Wash, to spend Christmas with her hus band. Mrs. H. Reimer visited with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christon, Mid land, Tex., at the Larson home in Ewing Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wright and four children. Chambers, moved to the Marilyn Burk farm last week. The children at tend the Deloit school. Mrs. Lewis Pofahl entered the hospital in Neligh the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Milan Bom and son. Humboldt, were unable to spend the holidays at home here because of the storm. The Deloit school had a Christ mas program Thursday evening. It was well attended. Mrs. G. A. Bauer and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kallhoff and family were guests for Christinas at the Sylvester Bauer home. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Temple. Twila and Shirley. Hastings, ar rived at the H. Reuner home Sat urday to spend Christmas with the Reimers. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harpster were visitors at the Reimer home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Stearns went to Lincoln Friday. Madine returned home with them for the holidays. Judy Werkmeister. Lincoln spent the holidays with her par * ents. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Werk meister. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Stearns and Madine and Mrs. Mary Steams were guests Christmas Day at the Martha Kinney home in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Knapp and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Heintz. Ewing, were visitors at the Ralph Tomjack home Monday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Don Spahn and family and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bollwitt and son and guests from Oregon spent Christmas Day at the Ewald Spahn home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack spent Monday evening at the Henry Rehner home Mr. and Mr* Jewell Tomjack and *on*. Hasting*, went by plane to Chicago Tuesday to visit the Ralph He.iudin family. Mr and Mrs Don Spahn were Sioux City, la., visitor* recently Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Stearns entertained relatives at their home Sunday. Mrs. Anita Lee visited Mrs Kenneth Lee and four children in Norfolk last week. (Last Week’s News! Mr. and Mrs. Clenn Harpster and sons plan to attend a family dinner at the Richard Napier home 9jnday. Mrs Leo Funk was hospitalized in Neligh last week Many of the children in the Communny went to town Satur day to see Santa Claus. Mrs. Frank Kruntorad was a a patient in the Neligh hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs Mike Born and Kevin, Humboldt, and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Temple and daugh ters, Hastings, plan to spend the weekend at the H Reimer home. The temperature fell to 17 be low zero last week and there were six Inches of snow on the ground. Krai winter weather. Mrs. Charles I Bud) Bartak has been hospitalized in Neligh for over two weeks. She plans to re turn to her home in time for Christmas. Beverly, Wayne, and Judy and husband, Norfolk, plan to be there, too. Ewald Spahn went to Omaha by bus last week for a check-up The Spahns are expecting guests from Oregon for the holidays. nenry j-teimer was a supper guest at the Glenn Harpster h >me Tuesday. Adolph Bartak was hosptali/ed for a time in Neligh last week Mrs. Glenn Harpster and sons were Sunday dinner guests at the Alfred Napier home. The HEO club was postponed last week until Tuesday of this week on account of members having flu. It met at the Metties home for the Christmas meeting. Merry Christmas everyone. Call Hunter 5-3307 if there is news to report. Meek News By Mrs. Fred IJndlierg A family reunion was held at the Carl Miller home Christmas Eve. All the children were pre sent. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Miller, Spencer; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falter and family, Creigh ton; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Miller and family, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Miller and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Crawford and Pamela and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gehlsen and family. Lynch, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gallagher, O’Neill. Christmas Day dinner guests at the Marion Woidneck home were Mrs. Rosa Bowers, O’Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Woidneck. Mr. and Mrs. Venue Peterson. Springfield, Mo., arrived early Sunday to spend vacation with home folks. Mrs. Peterson is the former Vernetta Krogh. Mr. Pet erson’s parents live at Valentine. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kaczor were dinner guests Monday at the Frank Nelson home. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Borg and Pete Pietenpol were Sunday eve ning visitors at the Gerald Hard ing home. Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Anson and girls were dinner guests at the Oliver Anson home at Atkin son Christmas Day. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Leland An son and family, Spencer; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walnofer and family, Stuart; Mr. and Mrs. Emory’ Bux ton, Orchard, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Buxton and family, Clear water. Galen Hull, Marcus. Ia., arriv ed Saturday to spend Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Hull. Other Christmas Day guests were Mr. and Mrs. De wayne Booth and Mr. Levi Hull. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Armfield and son, Naper, were Sunday dinner guests at the Harold Fox home. A Christmas program was held at Paddock Union church Sun day, following the regular Sun day school hour. Treats for the children were given at this time. The Rev. Mr. Turner plans to be present next Sunday for services. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nelson and Curtis, Crete, arrived Friday to sipend the weekend vacation with relatives. Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson en tertained at supper for them. Ot her guests were Mrs. Christine Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. De __ . i_ i "ajuc ■ruiovm auu guo. The telephone men connected phones of Emmet Slaight, John Schmitz and Lawrence Dobro votay to the new line Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Anderson and girls were supper and eve ning guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Anderson. Atkin son, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Libby are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters and Mr. and Mrs. Loran Libby. Page. Henry Walters and Alien. Ben nie Johring. Loran Libby and Ronnie, Page, met Gene Libby in Grand Island Friday. Christmas Day dinner guests at the Merlin Anderson home were Mr. and Mrs. Allen Walters and boys. Mr. and Mrs. George Nel son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Johring and family, Mrs. Christine Johnson, Mr. and Mrs Henry Walters and Norma and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Robertson. The Padock community aid will meet with Mrs. .Axel Borg Jan uary 3. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wrede and family arrived Saturday evening from Omaha to spend Christmas with the Lawrence Dc-brovolny family. Other guests Christmas Day were Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Hail, Marjorie and Louise and Mr* Rose Baxter and arms. Blue Earth, Maui., and Mrs. Viola Hall and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Dnbrovol ny, Atkinson. Mr and Mrs. Virgil Hubby and Jessie Kaczor were Monday vis itor* at Axel Borgs. Mr. and Mrs Gerald Harding and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ai GaakilJ were dinner guests Christmas Day The Christmas programs in the community were well attended Pie. coffee and [<op were served to the large crowds following the program and a free will offering was taken at both District 27 and District L Mrs. Howard Rouse called on her mother, Mrs. Carrie Borg. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Hansen and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Burgard and boy, Verdel, were dinner guests at the Kenms Han sen hmie Christmas Day. Dinner guests at Virgil Hubbys Christmas Day were Mrs. Jessie Kaczor, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rouse and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rouse and Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. William Hubby and Mr and Mrs. George Hansen and Mrs. Carrie Borg and Marvel. Mr. and Mrs Dewayne Devall came Friday to spend their Christ mas vacation with home folks. Dewayne is attending a veteri nary school at Ames, la. Walter Dervalls entertained Mr. and Mrs Elmer Devall and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Devall and Mr and Mrs. Bennet Devall Sun day evening. At supper Christ mas Day Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Devall hail all the children home for dinner, also Mrs. Delia Har rison and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Peterson and Janet. Mr and Mrs. Clayton Wither wax and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bluett, Stockton. Calif., arrived Tuesday night to spend Christmas vacation with relatives and friends. Verdigre News By Vac Banda Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bartak and children, Linda and Bobby arrived here Wednesday evening. Dec. 20, from Lafayette, Calif., to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Bartak, and other relatives. Ionic Lodge 87, AF & AM held the regular communication Thurs day evening at the Niobrara Ma sonic temple. Election of officers was held with the following re sults: Tony C. Paesl, Verdigre, worshipful master; Bolten Randa, Verdigre, senior warden; Gail Burdick, Niobrara, junior warden; Glen F. Foner, Niobrara, treasur er, and George Skokan, Niobrara, secretary. Installation of officers will be in January. Attending the meeting from Verdigre were Mr. Paesl, Vac Randa, Leonard J. Kocina and Floyd Hildreth. A bridal shower was held in Norfolk Tuesday honoring Miss Rita Vecera with a miscellaneous shower at the home of Miss Ilene Mlady. Decorations were in blue and white. Games furnished the diversion for the afternoon. Miss Vecera is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vecera. She will be married the latter part of this week. Lad Vonasek, Verdigre pioneer, was honored at a birthday sup per held at his home on his 80th anniversary last week. Cards and the showing of slides furnished the entertainment. Prize winners were Vine Frank, Mrs. Marvin Krejcik. Paul Holan and Emil Krejcik jr. The birthday cake was baked and decorated by Mrs. Emil Krejcik sr. A large crowd attended the Sun day school Christmas program Thursday evening given by the First Methodist church in the ZCBJ hall. Numbers were pre sented by the beginners, the pri mary group, the junior class, in termediate youth and the MYF chorus. The Rev. David T. Gus tafson addressed the assembly. Santa Claus made an appearance with gifts. In charge of the pro gram were Mrs. Otto Uhlir, sup erintendent, Betty Randa, Pen ny Jarman. Lavonne Hildreth, Karen Jacot, Frances Hildreth, Marlene Soucek and Dr. and Mrs. V. A. Walstrom. A Christmas program was pre sented at the Jelen school Friday by Bruce Bartos, Frankie Bartos, Theresa Havercamp, Terry Viter na, Rodney Bartos, Patricia Paesl, Joseph Paesl, Ray Paesl, Joseph Paesl, Darlene Janak. Lvnette Viterna, Karen Tweedy, Marilyn Paesl, Francine Bartos and Kenneth Bartos. Mrs. Jolene Yager is the teacher. Santa Claus appeared after the program with presents. Lunch was served. VERDIGRE — The Hawks won over Osmond Tuesday evening Dec. 12, at Osmond with a score of 73-51 and the Verdigre Jun iors won their game 27-24. This was Osmond’s second loss in the season for the first team. The Verdigre Hawks lost their first basketball game of the sea son when they played at the Creighton Homecoming December 9 and were defeated by the St. Ludger team. 63-61. Both teams played on almost even terms for the first two per iods and at halftime the score was knotted 30-30. But the third quarter proved to be the fatal one when several bad passes and mis takes on the Hawks' part sent the St. Ludger team to a 47-34 lead midway in the quarter. The Hawks rallied and trailed 42-49 at the start of the fourth quarter. Using a full court press, the Hawks narrowed the mar gin to two points with seconds left. They got a fmai shot and a chance to tie that failed. Timmerman led with 23 points and also in the rebounds. Allen Boelter collected 18. Tall Jerry Closer scored 25 points to pace the Creighton Comets and Vogt added 17 points. The Junior Hawks also suffer ed their first loss. 32-27. Naper News By Mn John HctoooefttM Sunday dinner guests m tiie Mrs Christina Windmeyer home were, Mr ;md Mrs Lester Neu miller and family, Mr and Mrs Herman Nuemiller and sons. Chris Nuemiller and Mr. and Mrs. John Odenbach, Bones:eel, S. D Word was received by Mr and Mrs Robert Stoltenberg and Mr and Mrs John Cararn, telling of a son arriving to Mr ami Mrs. Marvin Stoltenberg. Tacoma Wash , on Dec 15. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. George Alexander jr., Dec. 16, at the Burke hospital. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs William Schock, Burke, S. D.. and Mr. and Mrs. George Alexander sr., Naper. Sunday evening visitors in the Ben Fuhrer home were Mr and Mrs. Reinie Fuhrer, Albert and Fred Ott. Pvt. Earl Stahlecker, Camp Carson. Colo., and Mrs Earl Stahlecker arrived Saturday eve ning to visit with his parents, the Walter Stahlecker* and other rela tives and friends until after Christ, mas Mr and Mrs Wayne Abler* and family were Sunday dinner guests in the August Ahlers home Sunday dinner guests m the Marlen Green home in Herrick S D to help them both celebrate their birthdays were Mr and Mrs Reiiue Fuhrer. Mr and Mrs. Ev erett Green and Dennis. Mary Nicalous. Vera Lund, the John Nical<jus’s and Herman Nicalous'* and sons, Butte, and the Albert Nicalous family, Fairfax. S. D Mr and Mrs. Larry Juracek, Winner. S. D., spent the weekend with her parents, the Grant Re bers. Don Paul, Bonestee), S D . was a W’ednesday supper guests in the E'.ward Peppel home. Lois Ktbby arrived home Sat urday from Evangel College, Springfield, Mo., to spend Christ mas holidays with her parents, the Clarence Kibbys and Ronald. An early Christmas was enjoy ed in the Waiter Stahlecker bum. Sunday «u they could have must uf their frunuly home while Earl u n m« on a furlough. Present for the dinner went Earl. Mr and Mrs Robert Stahlecker and fam dy. O'NeUl and Bernice and Mickle Stahlecker. Luncheon guests were. Mr and Mrs. Ho ward Stahlecker and family, Gre gory- S. D., Mr. ami Mrs. Wil bur Oliver and son, Burke. S D . and Bill Dawson Several men helped move cattle for Herman Katies Friday irvmi the MoKutsey farm to the borne place, as Mr Kabe ha* been on the sick list for some time Mr. and Mrs Robert StoSten berg left Monday for Spokane and Tacoma. Wash , where they will visit their son, Marvin and fam; ly (Last Week's News! Mr. and Mrs John Stahlecker and Greg and Mrs Barbara Vogt visited with Mrs Matheldia St ah lecker and Mr and Mrs Robert Willuweit and family in Jamison Sunday afternoon. Mr Stahlecker became ill that day and was taken to the Burke. S D., hospital where he remained for obeanta h«m until Monday .Mr and Mr* Pete Kramer >;rni Sunday and were overnight guests <4 their son. Paul and family, Platte, S D Monday they were guest* m the Frank Kramer home in Lake Amies. and the George Kramers on Tuesday mght From there they went to Gedde*. S D Thursday morn mg ami visited with the Harry Key leg and Fred Bent* families Julius Serr returned home Sat urday evening from Houston Tea . w fie re he hail sjami the past week with his daughter. Mrs De lores Mi* Mrs William Ullrich areom panted Mr and Mrs John Mitch el, Spencer, to Skju* City, fa., Thursday They returned home that evening, Mrs Claus Sieh was brought home from the Lynch hospital Saturday evening by tfie Everrett Breyer fanuliy Mr and Mrs William Blakkolb went to O'Nedl Tuesday to attend the REA Christmas party aud dinner. Servicemen * Note* , . . Gary W Holly. radioman aoc • aid clam. USN. man al Mr and Mr*. Stanley N Holly of 730 K Clay at . O Neill, la serving with the staff of the commander id ih* seventh Fleet. Vice Adm William A Sehnorb. USN. aboard the hea vy cnuner U88 Saint Paul In the Western Pactfte .Airman Bnaic Kenneth C Gnm *e. son id Mr and Mra Carl K Gross*, O’Nedl la tiring •* tignisl to the United States Air Force technical training naira* for radio ami radar maintenance specialists at Keealer AFB, Miss Airman Grown*, who haa com j leled hi* basic military training at Lackland AFB. Te* , was sr lected f«* the advanced coura* <«i the basts of his interests and ap titudes He la a graduate of Creighton public high school and a former student of 1 wn« coUage in Hlalr. Th« Frontier— I I ’ REMEMBER THIS... t In One Short Afternoon You're Selling A Lifetime of Work! Play It Safe — Advertise In The Frontier! 300 FREE BILLS! MORE THAN 3000 BILLS DISTRIBUTED IN THE ADVERTISING COLUMNS OF THE FRONTIER! EXPERT ASSISTANCE IN PREPARING YOUR FARM SALE BILL! “usk sau POSTPONEMENT! addoWS to help bidders free FARM sale ARRO LOCATE YOUR FARM! Five Reasons Why You Get More At s - ' w"^y; a %7^~7ir',T'*•**rk‘'^: " •r‘!/a7>T11w,"~r • •:'•' -■ •" -'r ,> .. i-'-J.■'’.'.