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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1961)
Announcement lias been made of the engagement of .Mist* Sharon Tennis and latrry fiodel. Miss Tennis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim- Tennis, attended Hastings college where she was a member of the Ka|i|>u IMio (ipsilon sorority. Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. I.loyd fiodel, is attending Nebraska State Teachers college at (.'hadron. , life . ' / SI'KNOCK — >lr. and Mrs. Jerome Prokop, Spencer, an nounce the engagement of their (laug)iter, Carolyn Jean, to Rod ney la-e Klkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Klkins, Chambers. Itoth are students at Nebraska State Teachers college at Wayne. Helen Halstead Weds Kim Lueken At Lynch LYNCH The wedding of Miss Helen Halstead, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Halstead, and Kim Lueken, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Lueken, all of Lynch, was performed December 2 at the Assumption BVM church in Lynch by the Rev. Charles Kam ber. The nuptial mass was at 10 n.m. Church choir members pro vided music. A floor length gown of Rochelle lace over taffeta was worn by the bride. It was styled with a fitted Ixxiice, scalloped neckline and long tapering sleeves. The front of the skirt had three flounces of lace with a show of ruffles in the back. Her fingertip illusion veil trimmed with lace to match the gown was held in place by a tiara of pearls and sequins. She carried a prayer book centered with carnations. Miss Jean Lueken, sister of the bridegroom, was maid of honor. Bridesmaid was Miss Alice Hal stead, sister of the bride. They wore magenta dresses of taffeta with matching headpieces. Serv ing as best man was Duane Lueken, brother of the bride groom. The bride’s brother, Larry' Halstead, was groomsman. Bill Halstead, also a brother of the bride, and Rex Carsons were ushers. Alice Marie Cassidy was flower girl. Ring bearer was Bobby Lueken, brother of the bride groom. One hundred and fifty guests attended the reception held in the church basement. Miss Doris Carson had charge of the guest book. The couple graduated from Ly nch high school. The bride has been employed by the Nebraska State Bank at Lynch. Mr. Lueken is employed by' the Glen Hull con struction company at Lynch. Carolyn Kay Carr, William R. Milner Exchange Vows ATKINSON — Miss Carolyn Kay Carr, daughter of Mrs. John Carr, and William R. Milner, son of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Maloun, all of Atkinson, were united in marriage Monday, Dec. 18, in the Methodist church. Performing the 2 p.m. cere mony was the Rev. Charles Gates. The bride, given in marriage by her godfather. Emil Johnson, was attired in a blue lace over taffeta frock, waltz length, styl ed with elbow length sleeves. She carried a bouquet of white mums. Miss Sharon Kay Watson, Ame lia. was maid of honor. She wore a white sheath dress and car ried a bouquet of white mums. A reception was given by Mrs. Carr, mother of the bride, at the William R. Maloun home. Mrs. Frank Prescott cut and served the wedding cake. Mrs. Mable Hammerberg served punch and Mrs. Carr presided at the coffee service. The gift table was cover ed with a gold table cloth which be’onged to the bride’s grandmo ther. Both the bride and bridegroom attended Atkinson public school. Mr. Milner is employed by Frank Prescott in farm and ranch work. The couple is residing in Atkin srn. Miss Bennar Marries John Pavilk Saturday VERDIGRE Miss Ardis Mark* Bennar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bennar, and John L. Pavlik jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Pavlik, all of Verdigre, were united in marriage Satur day, Dec. 23, at 9:30 a.m. in the First Methodist church in Creigh ton. Officiating at the double ring ceremony was the Rev. David T. Gustafson. The bride's dress of white velvet was of street length and featured a high scalloped neckline coming to a V in the back. The veil was of shoulder length. She carried a l>ouquet of red roses. Miss Maxine Pavlik, Pierre, S. I)., sister of the bridegroom, was maid of honor and was attired in a royal blue velveteen dress. It was styled with scoop neckline and cummerbund. Her bouquet was of white roses. Ronald Vavak served as best man. A wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride’s par ents following the ceremony. The wedding cake was cut and served by Mrs. Gordon Smolik, sister of the bride, and Mrs. Gary Assars son, Ainsworth. Assisting with the dinner were Mmes. Emil Jcrman, Frank Vavak. Joe Vitema, Ken neth Johnson, Jerome Mott and the Misses Lucille Johnson, Lynette Viterna and Margaret Dryak. The bridegroom is presently stationed at the Great Lakes Naval base. The couple will be at home at 615 McAlister, Wauke gan, 111. Sharon Kay Anderson Weds Merle Dennis CLEARWATER — The marri age of Miss Sharon Kay Ander son, and S/Sgt. Merle Dennis November 25 at Tillamook, Ore., has been announced. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Anderson, Clearwater. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Dennis sr„ Omaha, are the par ents of the bridegroom. Miss Karen Hash, cousin of the bride, and Morris Roder, uncle of the bride, attended the couple. The bride is presently employ ed in Tillamook, and Sgt. Dennis is with the United States Air Force. EUB Church Has Christmas Party Sunday Evening ORCHARD — The Christmas pageant. “The Seven Golden Candles." was given at the Orch ard EUB church Christmas Eve. Taking part in the pageant were Mrs. Lloyd Holliday. Claude Elliott, John Goakey. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lautenschlager, Mrs. Boyd Mitchell, Mrs. Ernest West. Ronald Wehenkel. Ed Por ter. Fred Thelander, Rich Ha mill. Jenelle Lautenschlager. Lynn Thelander, Jim Elliott, Ken neth Menning, Larry and Gary Caskey and Bill Ziegenbein. Members of the senior choir presented vocal numbers. Or ganist with Mrs. H. Holbrook sr., and choir director was Mrs. Glenn Miller. Jan Withee and Jenelle Lautenschlager were soloists. Mrs. Ray Hill is super visor. ST. ANTHONY'S REGAN — Mr. and Mrs. Char les Regan of Inman, daughter. Kathleen Joan, 6 pounds 44 oun ces, Dec. 13. Blake — Mr. and Mrs. Tom Blake of Ree Heights, S. D., son, Robert Lee, 6 pounds 6 4 ounces, Dec. 15. MCCARVILLE — Mr. and Mrs. John McCarville of O'Neill, son, James Patrick. 8 pounds 9 oun ces. Dec. 16. SACRED HEART DARNELL — Mr and Mrs Donald Darnell of Lynch, son, 7 pounds 1 ounce, Dec 17. MCMANIGAL — Mr. and Mrs Vernon McManigal of Monowi, son, 8 pounds, Dec. 18, MACKEL — Mr. and Mrs Don Mackel of Elgin, son, Terry Lee, 7 pounds 4 ounces, Dec. 15, Til den hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mlnarik of Ewing are the mater nal grandparents. YELL1 - Mr. and Mrs. Ed Yel li of Ewing, daughter 8 pounds 5 ounces, Dec. 16, Tilden hos pital Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hobbs of Ewing are the maternal grandparents. • HEKBEL — Mr. anti Mrs. Ron Herbel of Greeley, Colo., daugh ter, Dec. 17. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Barnett of Amelia are the great grandparents. The mother is the lornu-r Ardeth Barnett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bar nett of Greeley. PAVLIK — Mr. and Mrs. Ru dolph Pavlik jr. of Verdigre, son. 7 pounds 13 ounces, Dec. 15. This is the couple's first child. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pnokop and Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Pavlik sr. of Verdigre are the grandpar ents. GROSS — Mr. and Mrs. John ny Gross of Onida, S. D., son, Curtis Lee, 8 pounds 1 ounce, Nov. 24. They now have two sons. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Vonasek of Verdel. MORAVEC — Mr. and Mrs. James Moravec of Casper, Wyo., daughter, Lori Dee, 9 pounds 4 ounces, Nov. 15. Mr. and Mrs. John Kounovsky of Verdigre are the grandparents. MCCALL —Mr. and Mrs. Da vid McCall of Norfolk, daughter. Valorie Graves, 7 pounds 6 ojn ces, Dec. 14. Mrs. McCall is the former Ardeen Lucas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lucas of Clear water. HALVA — Mr. and Mrs. Fred Halva of Denver, daughter, Deb ra Eleane, Dec. 12. This is their fourth daughter, the others are Kathleen Ann, 5, Karen Marie, 3 and Diane Kay, 2. Mrs. Victor Halva of O’Neill is the paternal grandmother and Mr. and Mrs, Louis Kunkel of Marion, S. D are the maternal grandparents. BENNETT — Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bennett of Meadow Grove triplet sons, 5 pounds 9 ounces; 5 pojnds 13 ounces and 5 pounds 1 ounce, Dec. 14. The couple has a son and a daughter, 1 and 2 respectively. Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Bennett of Tilden are the pater nal grandparents. SMITH — Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Smith of Plainview, daugh ter, Christa Jo, 6 pounds 5 oun ces, Dec. 12. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith of Plainview are the grand parents. FRANK — Mr. and Mrs. Ver non Frank of Creighton, daugh ter, Kathy Kay, 7 pojnds 13 oun ces, Dec. 10. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Louis Frank of Verdigre. RUZICKA — Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Ruzicka of Verdigre, son, 8 pounds 5 ounces, Dec. 17. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ruzicka and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Meyers of Winnetoon. GRAHAM — Mr. and Mrs. Don ald Graham of Omaha, daughter, Nancy, 6 pounds, Dec. 25. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graham of O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Norman of Wakefield, formerly of O’Neill. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S ADMITTED — Dec. 19 - George Robertson of O'Neill and Vernon Slaymaker of Atkinson. 20 — Mrs. Norman Uhl, Mrs. Loyal Hull and Mrs. Jack Rich ard Taylor of O’Neill; Mrs. Floyd Whitaker of Chambers and Tim othy Baker of Inman. 21 — Mrs. Charles Snowardt of O’Neill and Kenneth Coventry of Inman. 22 — Mrs. Kenneth Wilcox of Butte; Mrs. Clark Gaughenbaugh and Cheryl Spall of O'Neill; Charles Fox jr. of Inman and Mrs. Zane Rowse of Chambers. 23 — Mrs. Lyle Tucker of O’Neill; David Morsbach of Inman and Kirsten French of Page. 24 — Mrs. Don ald Gibson of Houston, Tex. 25 — Mrs. Lloyd Winter mote of Cham bers and Sharon Velder and Ro bert Strube of O’Neill. 26 — Mrs. Max Wanser of Ewing. 27 Paul Sedlacek of Spencer; Jolene Stutz. Mrs. Russel Yusten and Linda Donlin of O’Neill. DISMISSALS: Dec. 19 — Robert Heese. Mrs. Duane Lindenberg and Mrs. Ed Flood of O’Neill. 20 — Mrs. Joe Cunningham, Ro bert T. Lindberg, Mrs. Mary Janzing and Mrs. Loyal Hull of O’Neill and Mrs. Lenna Orr of Page. 21 — Mrs. Lester Raff of Orchard; Mrs. Agnes Heeb, Mrs. John McCarville and son and Mrs. Charles Snowardt of O’ Neill, Vernon Slaymaker of At kinson: Kathleen Joan Regan and Kenneth Coventry of Inman. 22 _ Roy Cole. Mrs. Jack R. Taylor and Mrs. Norman Uhl of O'Neill; Timothy Baker of Inman, Ar dell Bright of Orchard and Thomas Schneiost of Page. 23 — Mrs. John Grutsch and Mrs. Max Farrier of O’Neill. 24 _ Mrs. Kenneth Wilcox of Butte; Mrs. Clark Gaughenbaugh and Mrs Mabel Henry of O’Neill; Mrs. Walter Horaback of Spencer and David Morsbach of Inman. 25 _ Mrs. Donald Gibson of Houston. Tex. 27 — Kirsten French of Page. EXPIRED: Dec. 20 — Earnest Earl of Chambers. SACRED HEART ADMITTED: Dec. 11-18 — E. L Hagberg. Ed Goettseh and Ben Creamer of Spencer; Elmer Cleveland of Bonesteel. S. D-: Mrs. Ray Anderson and Mrs. Steve Zamunsky of Butte; Sidney Baker and Mrs. Donald Darnell of Lynch: Mrs. Anna Vondia of Verde!: Ronald E. Nelson of Ma son City, la. and Mrs. Vernon McManigal of Monowi. Dec. 18— 26 — Mrs. Earl Alien, Mr* Jo se.'a Sedivy and Mrs John Carr of Spencer; Mrs William Weid ner of Fairfax. S D .; Mrs Rose Schnetderbauer of Butte and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Pickering of Lynch. DISMISSED: Dec 11-18 — Paul Drobny of Vcrdigie; Mrs. EM ward Streit, Mrs. EMme Mulhair, Jo seph Madura, Mrs. Lester Derick son and David Derickson of Lynch; Baby Daniel Armfield of Naper; Mrs Herman Fuhrer, Ralph Armfield and Mrs Rich ard Weber and baby of Butte; and Mrs. Denton Colfack of At kmson. Dec 18-26 — Ed Goetsch, Ben Creamer and Anna Marie Rosengren of Spencer; Steven Ruda of Bristow; Mrs Ted Frasch of Fairfax, S. D ; Mrs. Steve Zamunsky and Mrs. Ray Anderson of Butte; Elmer Cleve land of Bonesteel, S. D.; Mrs. Vernon McMamgal and baby of Monowi; Ronald Nelson of Ma son City, la., Mrs Donald Dar nell and baby, Mrs. Edmond Rohde and Quentin Pickering of Lynch and Mrs. Donald Ebsen and baby of Verdel. ATKINSON MEMORIAL Atkinson, Nebr. ADMITTED: Dec. 11 Mrs. Julia White of Atkinson. 12 — William Griffin of Atkinson and Mrs. Joe Walnofer of Stuart. 13 Mrs. Neil Swim of Atkinson. 14 Mrs. James Shaw of Bas sett; Mrs. Albert Henning and Mrs. Frank Dvorak of Atkinson and Fred Ferguson of Stuart. 15 Mrs. Robert Wentz. Mrs Ida Pelcer. Mrs. Jennie Mlinar and John Mack of Atkinson. 16 — Mrs. Milford Cook of O'Neill and Milton Clemens of Amelia. 17 — Mrs. Celestine Williamson of Page and Mary Lou Head of At kinson. DISMISSED: Dec. 12 — Mrs. Dorsey' Hieter of Hooper and Mrs. Vernon Stewart of Inman. 13 Mrs. Joe Walnofer and Mrs. Ray Muna and baby of Stuart; Grace Robertson of Chambers. 14 William Griffin of Atkinson. 15 — Don Ommert of Bartley; Mrs. James Shaw of Bassett; Mrs. Albert Henning, Mrs. Neil Swim and Mrs. Frank Dvorak of Atkinson. 16 — Mrs. Dean Fleming of Atkinson. 17 — Mrs. Robert Wentz and Mrs. Julia White of Atkinson. 18 — John Mack of Atkinson. A Poem From Mrs, Eby .,, — ('an This Be Christmas — What meaneth all this fuss and worry? Whence go these crowds to run and hurry? Why all the lights, the Christmas trees and the “silly fat man”? Oh, tell me please; why don’t you know this is the day when everybody should be gay? For this is Christmas. So this is Christmas, do you say, when everybody should be gay for this is Christmas; So this is Christmas, I hear you say. But where is Christ this Christ mas Day? Has he been lost among the throng? His voice drowned out by empty song? No, he’s not here you’ll find Him where some humble soul now kneels in prayer. There you’ll find Christ not Christ mas. But see the many fickle thousands who gather on this Christmas Day. Whose hearts have never yet been opened, or said to Him* “come in to stay.” In countless homes the candles burning; in countless hearts ex pectant yearning for gifts and presents, food and fun, and laughter ’till the day is done. But not a tear of grief or sorrow for Him so poor. He had to borrow a crib, a colt, a boat, a bed where He could lay His weary head. I’m sick of all this empty celebration, of feasting, drinking, recreation. I’ll go in stead to Calvary. And there I’ll kneel with those who know the meaning of that manger low; and find the Christ—not Christmas. I leap by faith across the years to that day when He appears the second time to rule and reign to end all sorrow, death and pain. In endless bliss we then shall dwell with Him who saved our souls from hell. And worship Him not Chirstmas! — M. R. De Haan, M. D. O'Neill Locals Christmas guests at the home of Mrs. Edith Young were her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huston and family; Kansas City, Kan.; her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Car ol Summerer. Chambers, Mrs. Mary Huston and Grandma Blain Page. Afternoon callers were Mar vin Rouse. Ed Young and Ralph Young and daughter, Thelma. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brady and daughters, Omaha, visited rela tives and friends in the O'Neill community over the holiday. Fritz Gilg and sons spent Sun day and Monday in Omaha with their son and brother. Larry, and with Mr. Gilg's brother. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Ziska and family and Mrs. Joe Bartos. At kinson. were Sunday supper and evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Bartos and family. Martha and Gus Chochokiusek, Verdigre. were dinner guests of their aunt. Mrs. Mary Halva, in O'Neill Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Dpn Petersen, Glendora. Calif., are spending the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Petersen and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Har der. Also visiting in the Harder home is their son. John, student at Hastings college, and Jane Petersen and Jay Benta. both at Hastings college, spent the Christmas vacation with Miss Petersen's parents, the Harry Petersens. Francis Curran and Oswald Drueke left Tuesday morning for Rochester. Minn., where they will undergo medical examinations. Mr. and Mrs Grover Shaw spent Chris Unas Day with Mr and Mrs. K. C. Hunt. In the eve ning. Mr. and Mrs Show and Mr. and Mrs Hunt were guests in the George C. Smith twine in Chambers. Mr and Mrs Harry Ciauson spent the Christmas holiday in Bassett with relatives. Visiting in Omaha over the h >hday were Mr. and Mike Trupp and children Christmas dinner and supper guests of Mr and Mrs. Marvin Ziska and family were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ziska. Atkinson, and Mrs. Joe Bartos sr., who is spend ing the week m the Marvin Ziska home. Entertain at “Coffee” Mrs. Marvin Miller and Mrs. Ben Grady entertained a large group of friends Thursday after noon at a “coffee" party at the Miller home. The refreshment ta ble and house decorations were in the yuletide motif. Cousin Hies Word was received by Mrs. Charles Fox sr., of the death of her cousin, Raymond Hoppens at Harvard Saturday. Mr and Mrs Fox and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fox, wlw were visiting here from Lincoln, attended funeral servi ces for Mr. Hoppens at Harvard Tuesday. Mrs. Mahony Is Hostess Members of the Meet Thy Neighbor club met at the home of Mrs. Charles Mahony Wednes day, Dec. 20. Nine members an swered roll call with a New Year’s resolution and plans for Christmas. Christmas carols were led by the song leader, Mrs Frank Shefl. A Christmas card was sent to Mrs. Price now re siding in Norfolk. The entertain ment consisted of games followed by a gift exchange. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Frank Shefl January 24. Mrs. Marguerite Sparks and son, Golder, Winner, S. D., and another son, Ralph, Pierre, S.D., spent Christmas day with Mrs. Stanley Soukup. Mrs. Sparks is a sister-in-law of Mrs. Soukup. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ott and family, Portland, Ore., are here for the holidays at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Ott, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bauld, Newport. They are also visiting her uncle, Fred Heermann and family at O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Paulsen, Atlantic, la., spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Curran. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Velder telephoned their son, Merlin, Sun day in Hawaii, where he is sta tioned at the naval air force base. Barber Point. Houseguests at the Harry Pet ersen home over the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. Don Petersen, Glendora, Calif., Jane Petersen and Jay Banta, both of Hastings college. Mrs. Petersen is the for mer Lois Harder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Harder. Mr. and Mrs. George Bartos and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Koenig and family, Lincoln, and Mrs. Pauline Benze and Nancy were Tuesday evening visitors in the Marvin Ziska home. George Kubik, Verdigre, was a Wednes day dinner and afternoon guest there. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Grenier of Grand Island spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grenier. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sawyer and son, Harlan of Sheridan, Wyo. and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmidt and children. Mr. and Mrs. Clement Cleary, sons, Michael, Jim and Timmy and daughter, Jeanne arrived Fri day to spend Christmas with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Krysl at Atkinson and to visit his father, M. M. Cleary. They also visited her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaup at Stuart, his brother, Alex Cleary and family at Elgin and with his sisters, Mrs. Ed Dumpert and Mrs. Clarence Sauser. They ex pected to return home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sauser visited Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Krysl at Atkinson. Christmas Day dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sargent, O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parks and child ren, Dennis and Linda, Gering and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott and Tommy, Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Parks left for their home in Gering Monday afternoon. Den nis and Linda stayed for a week’s visit with their grandparents, and uncle, Mr. Scott and Mrs. Scott. Spend mg the Christmas holi days with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Han cock, Mr. and Mrs. Kieth Abart and with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Er win and children are Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McManamy, Mrs. Ber nice Frazeur and Mrs. Susan Kubichek. Albuquerque, N. Mex. Mrs. Kubichek is the mother of Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Abart, Mrs. McManamy and Mrs. Frazeur. .Also spending the holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hancock, were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ellers, Tilden. Mr. and Mrs. Woody Grim, Omaha, spent the Christmas holi day with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Boh Er win and children. They also vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hancock. Mrs. Charles Abart and son, Dercy, Emmet, spent Christmas with their son and brother, Kieth Abart and family. The group join ed festivities at the Hancock home also. Mrs. C. Praauner Dies at Norfolk ORCHARD — Mrs. Charles Prauner. Battle Creek, a sister of Harry' Lampert, Orchard, died Monday. Dec. 18. at Norfolk. Funeral services were held Wednesday. Dec. 20. in Battle Creek. Riverside News By Mrs. Lionel Gutter Wayne Fry took his fattier Z. H Fry to the Tilden hospital last Sunday morning for observa tion Mr and Mrs Duane Jensen, Newman Grove, called on him in the afternoon and Mr. anti Mrs Dak- Napier and the Richard Na pier family visited him in the evening Z. H Fry was able to return to his home Thursday af ternoon and is improving. Mr and Mrs. Willie Slirader and David, and Eddy and Alice Shrader visited at the Archie Johnston home on Thursday eve mng. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader and David anti the Leo Miller family had lunch after the Riv erside school Christmas program Tuesday at the Lynn Fry home Ellen Miller was an overnight guest of Sheila Fry. Mrs. Evna Lofquist and Mrs. Fern PolhjJc helped Mrs. Bert Fink with hep house work Friday Christmas Day the John Na pier family was at the Ed Wal ters home at Chambers; tlse Lynn Frys and the Willie Shraders at Kitty Frys; the Robert Montgom I and Lorraine Montgomery I at the George Montgomerys; the ' Dale Napiers, Richard Napiers j and Wayne Frys at the Z H Frys; Dave Pollocks at Art Buss hardts, and the Alfred Nagtk R. A Hords, Lyle Switzers, 1 Hi ane Hord and Lionel Gunters at the Dewitt Hokes. Mr and Mrs. Keith Bartak and family and the Lowell Jensen family were supper guests Satur day at the Wilmer Mosel home for the family Christmas gather ing Mr and Mrs. Wilmer Mosel attended a Christmas party Wed nesday evening at the Lowell Jen sen home for those who work at the Neligh Sale Barn. The United Presbyterian women had a no host luncheon at noon Thursday at the church annex. They packed 25 boxes of candy and cookies for shut-ins. Mrs. Dale Napier sot up the* nativity scene for the Christmas meeting. Mrs. Wilbur gave the lesson. Mrs. Leo Miller led the prayer group, Mrs. Vearl Tuttle presid ed at the business meeting. The 13 members present answered roll call with a favorite Bible verse. They will have the Book of Romans for the study guide in 1962. Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Mont gomery visited in O’Neill Wednes day. Mrs. Ralph Munn and Monica and Patricia and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Retke visited Friday after noon at the Z. H. Fry home. The William Lofquist family were dinner guests last Sunday at the Charles Rotherham liome. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Pauls and family, McPherson, Kan., came Saturday to spend the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Napier and son, Sterling, Kan., came Friday evening to spend the Christmas holidays with relatives. Mona Mosel, Sandra and Doug las Shrader have two weeks Christmas vacation. They are at tending Wayne State Teachers college. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock vis ited in O’Neill Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom ery visited D. A. Gunter Wednes day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pierson call ed at the Marcus Pierson home Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Mont gomery, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Na pier and Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry visited in Norfolk Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Web Napier, Mr. and Mrs. John Napier and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Napier and son and the Alfred Napier family were dinner guests Sunday at the Richard Napier home. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom ery visited in Neligh Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Meyers and baby, Wisner, were overnight guests Thursday at the Rudy Ah lers home. Returning to their home Friday evening. Mrs. Gary Tessmer and Scott and Kevin visited Friday morn ing at the Alfred Napier home. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry, Jack and Sheila were guests at an oys ter supper at the Floyd Napier home last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hord and Duane were guests Sunday at an oyster supper at the Alfred Na pier home. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Johnston and Barbara and Marilyn visited last Tuesday evening with Eddy and Alice Shrader. Mrs. Esther Mae Barnhart and children, Neligh, visited last Tues day evening, after the Riverside Free Methodist Sunday school Christmas program at the Grant Mott home. 'Last Week’s News; The Jolly Workers club met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Ro bert McDaniel. Each one brought a covered dish for the afternoon lunch also something for the pan try shower for Mr. and Mrs. Mil ton Biddlecome who were recent ly married and a gift for ex change. Mrs. Keith Biddlecome, vice president, presided at the business meeting. They answered roll call with their favorite Christ mas story. Twelve members were present and two visitors. Mrs. Ear] Schnebel and Virginia Field, both of Norfolk. They voted to send money to Opportunity Center at Norfolk and The Muscular Dys trophy Fund. The club will meet with Mrs. George Montgomery January 11. Each member is to bring a covered dish for the noon luncheon. A group of women gathered at the John Dienes home in Orchard Thursday evening and surprised Mrs. Wilmer Mcsel on her birth day observance. Mrs. Earl Schnebel and Virginia Field called at the Keith Biddle come home Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Biddlecome were evening visitors. Tlie Riverside Free Methodlet society met with Mr*. Dave Pol Jock Friday for ihe monthly meet mg and Christmas Gift exchange. Twelve member* were present Mrs. S S. Sc blot man came borne last Monday afternoon from St Anthony’s ItospdaL Mr and Mr* W timer Mosel were guests Sunday at the Lowell Jensen home near Neltgh in hon or of Mrs Mosel’s birthday antn versary Mr and Mrs Wayne Fry were Norfolk visitors Tuesday. The Wayne Fry family were dinner guests last Sunday at the Z H Fry home in honor of Jody Fry’s birthday anniversary The Seek and Share Proprl club held a Christmas party Widsmdiji l*ee. 1J, at the Cnl le*| I’n-shv rhureh unites with a iii xn luncheon, a gift exchange and a program »l I'lirlilmm song*. They packctl 18 boxes id cookies and candles for the shuUnH, elderly people and families. Julie Fry and Nancy Napier were overnight guests Friday at the Dale Napier home. Mrs. Z H. Fry, Dale Napier, Mrs. Walter Miller and Danny, Mrs Leo Miller, Joan, Steve, Becky and Ellen, Linda anti Don na Striker, Juhe, Jody, Kevui and Jane Fry, Mrs. Ora Switzer and Jay Duller attended the Frenchtown school Christmas program Friday evening Mr and Mrs. George Montgoni ery attended the Schmidt school's Christinas program Friday eve ning. Mrs Thomsen is the Teach er. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walter and family. Chambers, visited Friday evening at ihe John Napier home. The Willie Shrader family vis ited at the Lynn Fry home Tues day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock call ed at the Z. H. Fry home Wed nesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs George Montgom ery were O'Neill visitors Wed nesdny. The John Napier family were dinner guests Sunday at the Joe Cuddy home near Burwell for their Christmas gathering Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Napier and Debbie Montgomery called at the z h Fry home Th <i i> afternoon Mr Fry has hem • confined to Ins bed due to a back ailment for the past few days. Jody Fry was an overnight guest Friday at the Z II Fry home. A miscellaneous shower was giv en last Saturday i-vening at the United Presbyterian church an nex for Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bid dlecome who were married re cently. Royal News By Mrs. R. J. Hering Plans to entertain on Christ mas as announced Saturday in cluded Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Itund quist and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Rundquist and Jane, Brunswick, at Clarence Thomsens. Barbara and Frankie Morrison, home from school in Lincoln, and Mr and Mrs. Merle Larsen and baby, Mitchell, S D., were to be at Frank Morrison’s. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Johnston and Bobby and Mr. and Mrs. La Rue Johnston joined the Iichty clan at the Munciepal hall in Creighton. Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Lichty were hosts. Mr. and Mrs Fremont Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. Jan Curtis and Mr and Mrs. Ed Shaw and children were with Mrs. T. Lubben in Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. M M. Colson in vited Mrs. Edna Johnston. Clay ton Meisners. Ernie Johnston and Miles Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beutler were at home to Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Kirby, Mrs. Maud Friesheim and Mr and Mrs. laVome Held. At R. J. Herings were Mr and Mrs. Art J. Meuwissen and four children, Mt. Clemens. Mich.; Mary Hering, Norfolk, and Mrs. Zola Hering. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Burch, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Frahm. Mr and Mrs. Darrell Anson and fami ly and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Carlson attended the Carlson Fryer nuptials at Norfolk Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Walmer had as guests their children. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Waimer and child ren and Mr. and Mrs. Curt Sch leusener and children. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Holm's guests in eluded her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Dodds, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Holm and Mrs. Holm’s sister, Mrs. Hans Hofer, Mr. Hofer, Tommy and Deborah. Mr. and Mrs Hofer went to Brunswick in the afternoon to his mother's. Mrs. Rose Hofer. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Rundquist and family were invited to New man Grove to the home of his mother. Mrs. Rose Rundquist. Guests of Mr. and Mrs Charles Meyer Sunday were his mother Mrs. Mabel Meyer and her daughters, the families of Mr. and Mrs. Merle De Peel. Plain view and Mr. and Mrs Waldo Morrison, Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bartsch had dinner Christmas Day for their daughters and their fami lies, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meyer and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Johnson, O’Neill. (Last Week’s News) Highland Extension club mem bers planned to visit the Rest Manor at Christmas with treats for the residence and to give a short program with Mrs Edna Johnston reading, and with carols by the group. Wednesday the Oiristmas party for the WSCS was held at the home of Mrs. M. M. Colson. Thursday night is the date selected for the all-school pro gram at the auditorium. ' Sunday night the Methodist Sunday school will present a . pageant with Mrs. Everett Jacobsen directing. Mrs. Edna Johnston will be reader, the , junor choir assisting. The Lutheran church at Orch ard. the membership including families at Royal, will hold a program Saturday night and a midnight service Sunday night. The ] si slur will also 1m> present at the program at Hie church at Verm* Sunday evening Children tmm Royal participating In the program Saturday night include tip* families of William Millie*, 1 in coin Henry. Waiter Heutler. Herman Knnen and Stanley Mont gomery. Mr and Mr*. Den Johnston, Hay Spring*, wen- guest* of Mrs, Edna Johnston over the weekend. Mr and Mr*. Clarence Weher will leave IVcemls-r 19 for San Gabriel. Calif , to spend Chrtst m«* with their daughter. Mr. and Mr* C. E. Morris and family. VVeekeiwt guest* of tin* Wilier* were Mr. ami Mrs f-a Moine We lter and son. Waverly; Mr* Myrtle Weber. Norfolk; Mr* Clara Johnson. l *la inview, and Mr anti Mr*. Clarence Bittner and Susan Mr and Mr* Weber exnect to spend two months in California, Mr. iuut Mr*. U» ren.-e Fryer and daughter*. Norfolk, iuut Raymond (krl«m, Itoyal. were Sunday ev i-idug dinner guest* of Mr. and Mr* R«»*el Burch. The marriage of Ml** Sandra Fryer and Raymond Carlson I* scheduled to take place Saturday, Iter. JS, at the Find Baptist church In Norfolk. The eou|4e |dan to live on tho Vic Maple farm nortfi of Royal. Mr* Wal<lo Rodgers wn* ho* tes* to the RTC dub Thursday at the annual Christmas party A luncheon vvu* served and guest* exchanged gift* and enjoyed a happy sociul afternoon Children of Mr and Mr* Al fred Zicgenhein, who have l**en recent visitors in the home, are Mrs. Leona Goedde. Cltelan. Wash.; Mrs. Clyde Jay. Salem. Ore.; Mrs. Lavkna Kallhoff Oma ha. and Richard, Hubbard Mr Zegenlwm. who has heen ill. i* reported to In* improved in health. Mrs. Vernon Held and infant, [.eslie Iioyd. returned home from the Ncligh hospital during the past week Mr and Mrs Fremont Curb* were guests of Mr and Mr*. Ed Shaw Sunday and attended a Christmas program with them in Page. Mr. and Mrs Archie Brandt and children. Creighton, were Sunday guests of her pa rents. Mr and Mrs Andrew Jensen. Venus News lb Mr» l(itl|ili ltriM,kliou»<*r Mrs. Sidney Faulhaber Has Christmas Party Mrs. Sidney Faulhaber held the Anniversary club Christmas party at her home Thursday, liecam ber 14, with 10 members present. A gift exchange was held and games were played. Mia. Faul haber served lunch at the chaw* of the afternoon. On Friday Mr and Mrs. Faulhaber were hosts at a curd party for the anniver sary club members and Itusbands Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sukup were unable to be present. Larry ami Gary Caskey spent Monday night with their grand parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Edwin Por ter, due to snow blocked roads. Ed Brandi and Mrs. Elmer Ed minsten, North Platte, were re cent house# jests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Jeffrey Mr. and Mrs. Key Goakcy, Or chard were Thursday evening vis itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookh<Kiser. Mrs. Clifford Krb, Orchard, received a badly cut hand when a fruit Jar broke while she was carrying it. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey ac companied Mr. and Mrs. itaJph Brook houser Wednesday evening to Norfolk, where they visited at the Kenneth Caskey and the Ray Brook houser homes. Both Norfolk families plan to spend Christmas with their parents, weather per milting. Mrs. Francis Boelter and Mrs Roscoe Grueling lielped out at the telephone switch iioard Wednes day while Mrs. Edna Boelter ac companied her son, Francis, to O’Neill. Mrs. Lloyd Butterfield and pu pils at the Grunton District held a Clirisunas program Thurwiay evening. Mrs. Milo Snyder ami pupils of District 18 had their Christmas program Thursday evening. Jeffrey Kinnison, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kinnison. celebrated his eighth birthday Thursday. That evening, helping him celebrate, were Mr. and Mrs Theo Kinnison, Mr. and Mrs Floyd Kinnison and family and Mr and Mrs. Harold Cihiar and Kristie. Mrs. Paul Cihiar and grand daughter, Sherrie Cihiar, left for Tacoma. Wash., Friday Mr. Cih iar took them to Grand Island Thursday where they boarded a train the next day. At Tacoma they will spend the holiday with Mrs. Cihlar’s mother, Mrs Min nie Block, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Kotrous were Thursday visitors at the Donald Kinnison home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhou st; were at Plainrview Thursday Mrs, Sidney FaujJiaber enter tained the Help-U-Club Wednes day, Dec. 20, with a Christmas party. The hostess served a luncheon at noon to the 10 mem bers present. The afternoon was spent in playing games. Helping Mrs. Faulhaber with the enter tainment were Mrs. Irvin Held, Mrs. Francis Boelter and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser. Prize winners were Mrs Clarence Finch sr.. Mrs. William Buxton, Mrs. George Jeffrey and Mrs. Francis Boelter. A “grab bag” Christmas gift ex change was held. Mrs. Francis Boelter will have the next meet ing January 3. 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