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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1961)
|. i IT • Monowi News Ity Mm. Mike PlkUpp LOcott » »» Mr and Mrs Vernon D.ihlber*; and family visited in the Art Vesely home Sunday evening Mrs. Charles Kolar and daugh ter, Norfolk, are staying in the Frank Lewis home this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. McGeorgr were home from Omaha over the weekend. They left Sunday afternoon for Omaha again as Ray enters the hospital Tuesday for surgery on his throat. Mrs. Frank Ertz sr., Sharon and Butch, Anna Wells and Rick McGeorge visited in the Darrel Jjademann home near Spencer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Heiser and Mr and Mrs Leo Jorgensen visited in the Ed Cassidy home near Fort Randall Thursday Mrs Marvin Schindler and Mary Ellen, of Missoula, Mont., are visiting relatives liere a few days. Mr and Mrs. Ewalt Miller, O’ Neill, visited in the Pikla|ip home Sunday afternoon. A large crowd attended the program in school District 79 Thursday evening and enjoyed pie and coffee served by the teacher and pupils Mr and Mrs. Robert Zach and boys visited in the Piklapp home Sunday < vening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zach and family and Cathy Hrbek and family visited in (he Rudy Eiler home Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Censer and family visited in the Lois Censer home Sunday afternoon. Warranty Deeds DW-Atkinson Co-op Creamery to Claude Raymer and wf 9-7-61 $7,900. Lots 3 and 4 Blk 11, Atkin son. SHERIFF'S DEED-Leo Tom jack, Sheriff to Joseph R. Sie wert and wft 11-3-61 $5,725 lot 13 and west 5 ft. lot 14 blk 24 O’ Neill. WI)-Reginald B. Pinkerman to Max R. Jeffers and wf 11-3-61 $7,800 West 40 ft. lots 1-2-3 Blk 42 Riggs add O'Neill. WD-lJoyod Gibson to Hubert Rauterkus and wife 11-1-61 $650 Part of SW>/4SEy4 29-29-11. WD-Celia Bridget Grutsch to Joe A Grutsch 9-11-61 $1 N% NE'/4 SE NE'/i N M>NW l4 34-31 12. DEEDS OF ROYALTY-A11 fn>m Lois Rol>erta Bailey. All $1 consideration to Robert and R. Peter Brandt 11-1-16 of 1%. All <>n the same land wysNEy4 2-26 15 swy4swy4 28 em> sEy4 29 EVi NE%NWVi 32 NW‘i 33-27-15. To Finco, Inc., 10-23-61 !4 of 1%. To Kenyon A. Hyle 10-2361 1/8 of 1%. To Armind Papin 10-1961 1/6 of 1%. WD — Merwyn G. French Jr to Otto Rahe & wf 7-2161 $3500-Lots 1-2-3 & 4 Blk 23- Page QCB — School Dist No 2 to Harry C Park & wf 9 — 61 $1-1 acre in NW corner NW>4 21-28-9 OIL & GAS LEASE — Beulah A May to H L Hunt 10-2361 $10 N4SW>4 4-25-16 OLL & GAS LEASES TO JEFF HAWKS Robert J Batenhorst Stuart 5-1261 $10-480 acres; John Friedel - Stuart 7-29-61 $10-802.52 acres; Fred R Moon-Stuart 5-10 61 $10-320 acres; Wilbar L Moon Stuart 5-1061 $10640 acres; Paul L Shald-et al 5-1161 $10-2880 ac res; George H Wallinger-Stuart 5 1161 $10- 480 acres; Lavern R. Stracke-Stuart 7-26-61 $10-1917.78 acres SHERIFFS DEED — Leo S Tomjack, Sheriff to William T Zahradnicek 10-30-61 $540.51- Lots 15,16,17 & 18 Blk 2-Collins Add Atkinson LIS PENDENS — Martina G Dishner vs Orton M Young, et al 11-2161 taxes for years 5667-58 & 59- NEh 3-30-10 WD - Wayne B Roelle to Ramon W Shelhamer & wf 11-2561 $11, 700-Lot 5 & No 4 lot 6 Gilg & Swenson's Subdivision-O'Neill WD - Etta Geary to Lillian Marie Geary, et al., 3-11-37 $1 W4NWl4 19-W4SW>4 18-27-10 IHTX \ _> C'nr.nnln ff X/ u vv x t VIX UkkTV I 1 wv * » n«>v w L Yantzi & wf 11-6-61 $13,200-N^ N4-SEV«NEVi 34-31-12 OIL & GAS LEASE - Ethel B Peterson to H L Hunt-10-31-61 $10-4400 acres in Rock & Holt Counties MINERAL DEED — Paul A Bu sick to Helen L Schneider 11-8-61 $10- E4 NWl«-Els 22-S^-SEVi NE>>4 23- SW>-4S4-NW4 24-NW *4 25-E4NWV4-NEt4 26-25-15 tl-16 Int MINERAL DEED — Paul A Bu sick to Judy F Renedell 11-25-61 $10-same land 9175-140 QCD - Rita Clare Hoenhe to Helen T O'Donnell 11-25-61 Sl-WL 6-29-12 WD - F J Gilg. et al to Richard L Shelhamer $1250-10-18-61 Lot 21 Gilg & Ressels Add WD - Dorothy Lawrence, et al to Eddie A Kaczor 9-26-61 $12, 960-NWu4 15-N1iNE14 16-26-10 MINERAL DEED - Asa L Hen son to D A Browndyke 11-7-61 $10 All Sec Id-SE^NE^-NEWSE^ 16 SWtx 21-26-11 4 interest in min eral rights MINERAL DEED — Paul A Busick to Donald E Mitchell 11-8 61 $10-1-16 Int in mineral rights in E4NW>4-E4 22-S4-SEl4NE’-4 23-SW14-SlsNWli 24-NW14 25-E4 NWl4-NEv4 26-25-15 OIL & GAS LEASE-Edgar Her rington to H L Hunt 8-17-61 $10 3886 acres in Holt and Rock Counties MINERAL DEED — D A Browndyke to F E Franklin 11-24 61 $10-All Sec 15-SE l4 NE *4-NE l4 SE^4 16- SW^ 21-26-11 Phone Your News To The Frontier Phone 788 Clearwater News Mr*. Charles Outright HI liter 4 S2M Reid Mummert underwent surgery Wednesday morning in the Methodist hospital in Omaha. His condition is reported to be improving. Relative* here received word last week of the death of Alvin Anderson at Casper, W'yo. Funeral M-rvirn and burial were at Casper Thur*day. Tlie senior class play, “Nit Wits" will be held Friday night, j Dec. 8, in the high school audi-1 torium Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Switzer left Wednesday for Enid, Okla., being called there by the death of Mr*. Switzer’* brother, Ray llol/claw. The deceased ha* Ihth in falling health for quite sometime. Aliout 45 persons were present for the first Civil Defense course held here Sunday. Kenneth Shi i»ata, Albion, a former superin tendent of Clearwater schools, is the instructor. There will be more classes held. Mr. and Mrs John Knievel en tertained friends and relatives Friday night at open house in their recently constructed steel1 building southwest of town. Dancing w'as enjoyed, with Lyle Durham and Dennis Sanne fur nishing the music. Mr. and Mrs. Don Luben. Weeping Water, were weekend guests here. Elkhorn Valley Home Exten sion club met Wednesday. Nov. 28, with Mrs. George Wrenholt. Meeting opened with the club| creed. Mrs. Lyle Medcalf was in charge. Mrs. Melvin Jacobsen acted as secretary-treasurer in the absence of Mrs. Lawrence Schnabel. Roll call was answered by the 11 meml>ers present. Business included plans for new members. A letter of thanks from the Norfolk Opportunity Center for a recent contribution was read. Roll calls were discus sed. Mrs. Erick Minerich gave the lesson of the afternoon, “Christmas Lighting.” Lunch was served. Next meeting December 21 will be with Mrs. Milton Smith. Report from 88-year-old Hans Neilson are favorable. Mr. Neil son. who suffered a broken hip six months ago. has been able to be in a walker for a short period. He is confined to his home and is slowly regaining his strength. Riverside News j By Mrs. Lionel Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock saw their grandson, Phil Pollock, on television Tuesday noon on Chan nel 3. He presented a piano! selection. Phil lives in Omaha. Mrs. Rudy Ahlers helped at the ! Frank Schmidt home Saturday, j Mrs. Esther Mae Barnhart and I family, Neligh, had Sunday din- j ner at the Grant Mott home. Mrs. Dale Napier and Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry visited in Norfolk Thursday. The Ernst Mott family, Orch- j ard, were dinner guests Sunday j at the Grant Mott home. Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Mont- j gomery and family, Mr. and Mrs. I Floyd Napier and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier were dinner guests Sunday at the Lynn Fry home in honor of Mrs. Lorraine Mont gomery’s birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pierson visited in Neligh Friday after noon. Zita Donohoe returned to her home in O'Neill last Sunday after helping the past four weeks at the John Napier home. She is the mcther of Mrs. Napier. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Napier and son. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Na pier and the John Napier family were supper guests last Saturday at the Richard Napier home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walter and i family. Chambers, visited las j Monday evening at the John Na- j pier home to help John celebrate his birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgo-1 mery visited in Norfolk Wednes day. Mrs. Earl Pierson is helping part time at the Walter Woeppel home. Her sister, Mrs. Woeppel, recently suffered a stroke. I " - Mr, and Mrs Ls*e Fink and family. Page, were Sunday din ner guests at the Bert Fink home The Rev. and Mrs. Everett Keesler and family came home Tuesday from the Free Methodist Youth convention at Ansley. Mrs Fern Pollock and Mrs Edna LofquUt were dinner guests last Sunday at the Bert Fink home. Mr and Mrs Earl Schnebel and family and Mr and Mrs Milton Biddlecome. all id Nor folk, were supper guests last Saturday at the Keith Biddle come home Mr. and Mr*- Oeorge Montgo mery and Mr. and Mr*. Z. H. Fry took Mr*- Millie Mahood. Orchard, to Dtxixi Friday to at tend the funeral service* of a rounin. Frank iJate. Mr and Mrs Bert Pink were O'Neill visitors Thursday. K Biddiecome returned to his work in Chicago last Sunday morning Mr and Mrs Dave Pollock visited in O'Neill Saturday Joan Miller spent last Friday night with Elaine Tinsley Sharon Johnston spent Thanks giving weekend with her parents. Mr and Mrs Archie Johnston On Sunday her parents and Bar bara and Marilyn tuok her back to Storm Lake, la . where she is attending college Mr. and Mrs Dewitt Hoke were dinner guests last Sunday at the Alvin Nelson home near Plainvtew and in the afternoon attended the Jones Jacob wed ding in the Grace Lutheran church in Neligh Mr ami Mrs Ora Swtt/er, Mr. and Mr* Howard Milhrr. Mr and Mrv Walter Miller and tJanny and Jay Butler were gueata laat Tueaday evening at the laro Mil ler home in honor of KUen a alxth hirthday anntveraary A lunch of Ice cream and cake waa aerved Tt»e Manrtn Pribnow family tV<t«r Rapid*. via* led Um Satur day evening at she Karl Heme* home Ttir l^re Kink family. Page, were dinner gueata last Sunday at the la*> Miller home The Frontier— Heavy cotton Fisher-stripe work suit is easy and com fortable to wear. 6 pockets for small tools 35 to 42. MJM "Prices aed offers apply to al Gamble* | owned stores, and in most Dealer stores." O'Neill, Nebr. ^ GIfIS FOR Driving Gloves Brushed Orion Bulky Cardigan Girls'Bulky Knit * 69 ^98 498 398 Stretch style is sure to fit! Long sleeve crew neck pull- Whlte °rlon acryllc bu"y Prettily knit in Orion-"' aery- W(X)1 hacks ^ ieather over of brushed Orion-"'aery- kn,t- a T* gal* l»c to win a girl s heart at palms Qrlon"- acrylic/ny lic is a favorite on campus! casual wardrobe. Easy wash- Christmas! Collar style in ,on lining. j sbe fits all Grey, charcoal, white, ing—no blocking! Misses bright new colors. 8 to 14. Value! fuchsia. 36-40. M — L. Pe<puH/LSefc * Gl()t Special! A Thrilling Gift! Seamless Nylons 098 68® A favorite gift anytime! Seamless nylons in fashion Truly a gift she'll ri*ht tan or honey ,onc' treasure! Stardust Reinforced heel and toe. rayon tricot set in Sizes 9 to FULL FASHIONED NYLONS CQc has lace bodice Dark seam sheers in lovely beige shade Sizes 9-11. trim. Peignoir robe has a luxurious shawl collar of lace. S"SML BRIEFS COTT°N PANTIES Ijwe Trimmed SUpS f°r Gir'" 714 59c l« 39e Give her dainty panty utUe girls ,ove friUs No-run nylon knit briefs of Celanese ace- f , 3.tier sUd of ever_ panties have double tate tricot! She’ll love glaae cotton ^ ^ crotch for extra long xjY *** Pretty lace trim- of eyelet and lace. wear’ Dainty tow trim White in Misses’ Sizes shirred back will appeal to girls. 5_6 — 7. ^14 Many colors. 4-14. " J! ~ Cannon Towels *1 22x44-inch bath towel in pink, lilac, gold. Buy a whole set! Matching hand towel 59c Hash cloth.29c t I t I ft I . _ _ £ Chenille Spread 498 Lovely full size bedspread comes in aqua, gold, green or rose on white or colored background. Color fast! Value! Lunch Cloths J98 Colorful patterns on vat dyed cotton sailcloth—so easy to wash and iron. 52x52 in. square. 52x70-in size . 2.98 Frilly Aprons *1 Party aprons to fit the mood of this gala season! Cottons and organdies in prints, solids, dots. Some with lace or ribbon trim. MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Plaid cotton suede flannels are full cut, have long tails. Many colors in sizes 14 Vz to 17. DEERSKIN MITTENS Soft, pliable! Cozy elastic wristlets, cot ton-rayon fleece lining. Grey, brown, tan. Boys 6-14. CAPESKIN MITTENS For boys 4 to 7. Snug elastic web wrist lets assure warm protection. Soft cotton ray m fleece lining. BOYS' KNIT SHIRTS Long sleeve cotton knits have collar, ribbed cuffs. In blue, charcoal, olive or grey. Sizes 6 to 16. FLANNEL PAJAMAS Men’s Sanforized cotton flannel pajamas in coat or middy style. Many colors, pat terns. B. C. BROADCLOTH P J's Coat or middy style in cotton broadcloth —a good gift for meat Many colors, pat terns. B. C. MEN'S WHITE SHIRTS Handsomely tailored in wash ’n wear cotton broadcloth. Many collar styles. 14^2-16^2 neck. 32-34 sleeve. DRIVING GLOVES Wool/nylon knit gloves have leather palms for comfortable driving. Grey, camel. Sizes S.M.L. Cetfo*t&! Wash 'n Wear 1 Menses to brighten tier day, in a bitf selection of color ful patterns, styles Huy more than one at this price. 12-20 11 Mr 24 M,. Holiday Frocks for Small Fry 298 ^98 and J She'll feel so dressed up on / Christmas Day in her bright ^ new party dress! Choose cot ton, or easy-care cotton, silk, acetate blends in many cute styles and colors. Sizes 3 to 6x, 7 to 14. Buy! L _I MEN'S VINYL SURCOAT 1395 Bolt a flex 4(JO vinyl jac ket 1* rugged and warm for men'* winter wear. Ha* heavy quilt lining, handsome knit collar and cuff*. 36 to 46 Boys' Surcoat Vinyl with Sherpa‘*< acrylic pile lining, knit trim. 8-16. 10.98 DOMAIN Sport Shirts Wl Acetate and rayon blend by Milliken looks like wool! Choice of many plaids. S.M.L.XL. "Hwt rM*r\ oopty *9 of Or?*' CHALLIS II98 Long sleeve sport shirts of rayon challis in blue, olive, red or gold. Spread collar. 8-1S.