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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1961)
Orchard News Mr*. Wilbur MjU><><><) Phone in SSlur, Bridge club met with Mr*. E. Bright Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Hannah Johnson, Mr*. Wayne La itenachlager, and Gertrude Cribble were guests. Prizes went to Mrs. E. Bruce. Mrs. H. H, Drayton and Mrs. D. L Flet , cher. Gertrude Gr.bble was a Plain view visitor Friday. Mrs. J. W Mahood and Louise Sidling dr ive to Creighton, Mon day Mrs. J. w. Mnhood was a Ne ligh visitor Wednesday. Mm. NHlie Hamilton suffer ed a stroke at her farm heme :U Middle Branch and was tak en to .St. Anthony’s hospital in O'Neill. Mrs James Withee sr. fell at her home this weekend and was taken to the Plain view hospital, X rays revealed no broken bones. Mrs. Withee broke her hip over a year ago and she fell on the same hip. Karen Webeakel, dnagMer of Mr and Mrs R. A Wehenkei, Orchard, was named to the mid-quarter honor n>ll at ih«* C. E- Sch«»ol of Commerce, Om aha. Floyd Steinberg is getting around with aid of crutches after injuring his ankle while working at the Drayton Elevator X-rays showed that a bone was cracked in the ankle. He is wear ing a cast Bridgetts Bridge club met on Monday evening with Mrs Lyle* Skhldisener with all members present. Prizes wore won by Mrs. Archie Walton and Mrs. Du ar 1 Dempster. Mr and Mrs. L<*w Holman and daughter. Mill Grove, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holman of Woodbine, Wash., were visitors in the John Steliing homo. Rose and Rarxiy Hodgens, Sioux City, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kellog. Mrs. Homer Barton and Mrs. Noel Lautenschlager spent Thurs day in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Wiekland, Sioux City, and Leonard Hill, Ew ing, were Sunday guests in the ... .. i Public Sale In order to nettle the estate of the late Cecil Thornton, I will sell the following personal property at Tublic Auction at the home In Chambers, I block east of the on . . . SATURDAY, NOV. 18 Hale Htarts at 1:00 House Moving Equipment To be sold as a unit 1947 KB-7 International truck, 8:25 tires, semi-trailer, winch anil boom; WW II halftrack. White engine, Ford rear end on rubber with boom, winch and beam (5th wheel) for house; 2 — sets 40 ft timbers; 3 sets 32 or 35 ft. timbers; Chains, chain tighteners, 5 jacks, crib blocks, bridge planks, short timbers, enough wheels and equipment to have 2 houses loaded. CECIL THORNTON ESTATE D. R. Mounts, Administrator Good Line Household Goods Also 4 Lots Sell TKItMS: CAHII. No property removed until settled for. ROSE THORNTON, Owner M. tirossnicklaus, auctioneer :tnd broker Chambers Stab* I tank, chirk Ray Hill home Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Sharer and family, Wayne, and Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Wilson were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Wilson. Mra. Glen Miller and children s[»ent a few days in the Oowen Miller home at Craig. Mrs. Gary Koester and son, Ter ry of Omaha spent the weekend in the home of Mrs. Koester's parents, Mr and Mrs. Ray Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Muslik and family, Yankton, were Sunday guests in the K L. Bruce homo. The FLT club met with Mrs. Ralph Shrader, Tuesday after noon with 10 members and one visitor, Mrs. Wilbur Bennett, present. Mrs. Ralph Shrader had charge of the business meeting. The pro ject of the afternoon was making robes for the Odd fellows home. Lunch was served by Mrs. Ralph Shrader and Mrs. Wayne Shrader. Mrs. Olive Everhart let Wed nesday for Sargent, Nebr. to vis it her son and family for several days. Mrs. Herman Link, Chadron, visited in the Henry Drayton home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Weiting visited relatives at Pierce Satur day. Mrs. Olive Bennie visited in the D L. Fletcher home this week. Mr and Mrs Earl Tuoker and family. Wayne, and Mr. and Mrs Archie Walton and family visited in the Carrol Clifton home Fri day. Mrs. Louise Beal spent several days in Omaha in the borne of her sister. Mrs. Mabel Edwards returned borne Wednesday after a few ■lays in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Edwards and family, Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs Marion Everhart and sons, Blair, spent the weekend in the Mrs Mabel Edwards anil Jack Hil dreth homes. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Barton, Columbus spent several days in the Bernard Sciiacht and Homer Barton homes the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Haake, Omaha visited the Raymond Ste ven’s home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Sawyer at tended a golden wedding anniver sary of an uncle and aunt at Pen der the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Classen had a surprise supper on Jerry Mil ler's birthday, Monday evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs Jerry Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Har lan Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Holliday, Mr. Rick Cowling and the Classen family. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Nelson, NOTICE SNOW TOMORROW See today’s weather report page_ iiilliHiiiSljj There is still time to get your snow tires. We are staying open until 9:00 tonight because of the emergency. Extra servicemen on duty ... no waiting ... no increose in pric^ No mounting char go. I If. S. ROYAL ! Uk QUIET SNOW 7/RE I I RE SIZE SALE PRICE EA. 6:70x15 and 7:50x14 . $21.00 8:00x14 and 7:10x15 . $23.00 8:50x14 and 7:60x15 . $25.00 HARRY R. SMITH IMPLEMENTS O'Neill Nebraska. —... -----—.... ..... ______ It’s Murder! THE TORTURE TEST WE PLAN FOR THIS FINE BARWICK 100% Dupont Nylon CARPET Shouldn't Happen To A Witch! MEYER'S MIDWEST Just Installed This Carpet On The Drive Of The NEW DEAL OIL CO. O'Neill, Nebr. ■ For the next two weeks cars and trucks will drive over this carpet re gardless of WEATHER, OIL, MUD or SNOW! Then . . . we'll have half of it cleaned by Bill's Cleaning Service to show you how well it wears and cleans. ITS RUGGED DURABILITY CANNOT BE OVERSTATED. It outwears all other fibers by at least 4 to 1. Its th:ck, bulkier texture will not pill or fuzz, shed or mat. Resilient and easy to clean, it is unconcerned about heavy furniture, scuffs, spills, is mildew and moth resistant. With it, you get a written guarantee for TEN YEARS OF WEAR; it will endure for many more. Drop In At The New Deal Oil Co. Soon And See This Fine Carpet On The Driveway For Yourself , FREE TOP VALUE STAMPS WITH EVERY PURCHASE Meyer’s Midwest Furniture & Appliance i West O'Neill FREE DELIVERY Phone 526 ■— — ---1 Bennington, were weekend visit' <v» in the Dr. K L. Brace home Mr and Mrs Lester Wuhee am) Jan were weekend v sitors in the Dr Wuhee home. Sr>ux City. The Rev Jesse Withee and Mer WiU Devall, Spencer, spent Tuesday at the Fred Lindberg farm. Howard Devall, Columbus, has been visiting the i«a*t week with relatives and friends in this com munity and around Spencer. He visited Friday ami Saturday at the Elmer Devall home. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Johnng, Cleurwater, were Monday via]lorn at the Martha Johnng home Mrs. Harold Fox and Marlene and Mrs Came Hood were din ner guests there Wednesday. Mrs Harrison, Ekir thy Devall and Diane were Tuesday evening visitors at the home of Hicks. Meek News By Mrs. Fred lindberg The Paddock Community aid met at the home of Wilma An son Wednesday, Nov. 1. A large crowd was present. A quilt was tied for the bazaar to be given with the Christmas party at El sie Jensens home December 6. The Christmas party will be at noon fallowed by auction of the material and goods made by the members anti articles foliated for the sale. Plans were 'also made IV auvc (U Uif ft. r« *i neau sale November 14. Lunch was served by the hostess at the close of the meeting. The Green Thumb club met at the home of Nellie Boshart Oc tober 31. Several members were absent. The roll call was answer ed by telling about a new plant grown this year. The lesson was a discussion on plants. A poem on flowers, birds and trees was read. Dorothy Devall won a spec ...1 prize. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Dewayne Anson No vember 29. Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Johring and family were Monday evening visitors at the Henry Walters home. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Walt ers and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Anderson and girls were Tuesday evening visitors. The Rev. and Mrs. Don Olm sted and boys, Spencer, were sap per guests Tuesday evening at the Austin Searles home. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Connell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Aus tin Searles and girls were Sat urday dinner guests at the Clar ence Ernst home. Mr. and Mrs. William Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hard ing surprised Mrs. Kennis Han sen on her birthday Saturday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Drueke and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Theresa Schelkopf home in O’Neill. Mrs. Melvin Armfield, Butte, came from the Lynch hospital Thursday to her sisters home, Mrs. Harold Fox, to remain a few days. Saturday her mother, Mrs. Carrie Hood, accompanied her home to Butte and will remain for some time. Mrs. Armfield was unable to bring her new ba by with her at this time. He on ly weighs four pounds and it is nescessary to give him oxygen part time. He remained for med ical care. Sen. Frank Nelson left Sunday to attend a business meeting in Lincoln Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby wcic inuisuay infill visitors at the Paul Nelson home. Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson were Tuesday evening visitors at the Sam Robertson home and the Nelson family were Sunday eve ning supper guests at the Elmer Devall home. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Woid neck and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Hipke and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Prouty and fam ily gathered at the George Mel lor home Monday evening to help Barbara celebrate her 10th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Hull, Levi Hull, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Woid neck and Mrs. Rosa Bowers spent Thursday evening at the M. Woid neck home. The occasion marked Linda’s birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Willis. Au rora took their grandchildren, Sammie and Susie Kamphaus, home with them last weekend while here visiting and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kamphajs went to Au rora Sunday to bring the child ren home. Good Reading for the Whole Family •News •Facts • Family Features The Ovfcrian Sconca Monitor One Norwer *, Soolon IS, Mom. Mr and Mrs. Drwayo# Anson called at the Marion Wotdneck b»roe Friday night Mrs. Delia Harmon spent Fn ilay with Mr and Mra Dennett Dnill, Mr. anil Mra. Harry Mit chell and Boyd. Butte, spent Sun day with them. na visited his parents Mr and Mrs. James With«-e. Sunday and Monday. Mrs Leon Mitchell, Claudia, and Lloyd Beulter were visitors in Norfolk. Saturday. Sunday guests in the Carl Nel son home were Mr. and Mra. John SteLling. Orchard. Herman and Harold Nelson. Bruns* ek, Mr. and Mrs Rudy Pegro and Mrs Gilbert Johnson. Plainvicw The occasion was Carl Nelson's birtiidaj. Chambers News Bv Mrs. E. K IWpenter Due to the weather conditions Uie pictures and talk by Miss Thelma Nicholas, a retired Army nurse, which were to have I een at the Methodist church Sunday evening was postponed until a later date. The American Legion auxili ary of the Chambers unit No. 320 served lunch Tuesday at the Rubeck farm sale southeast of town. They report having cleared approximately $50 Persons here to attend the funeral of Floyd Whitaker in cluded: Mr and Mrs. Lee Miner and Mrs. Emmett Whitaker, Ra venna; Mrs. Norma Klasna and daughter. Tanny, and Gary Hol comb. Lincoln; Mr and Mrs. R. J Paul. Missouri Valley, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Neven Ickes sr., and Mr and Mr* Neven Ickr* Jr.. Page, Ranald Whitaker, Indianapolis, Ind.; Mr and Mm Everette Miner and Mr and Mm Russell Miner, O’Neil!, and Mr and Mm I Van Steven*. Cbrrilyn ant Terry, Atkinaon Glen Miller anti Jim llospndka. Omaha, »j* nt tlie weekend of October 2K with the former'* par ents. Mr. anti Mm. Art Miller. an»l enjoyed some hunting Mr*. Miller accompanied them hack to Omaha, returning home Tuesday Mr and Mr* R J Paul. Mis soori Valley. Ia . who t ame to attend the funeral of Floyd Whi taker were overnight guest* Sat urday in the home of Mr. and Mrs E R Carpenter The American I region auxiliary met Friday evening at the Ix-glon hill with 11 memitem present Tin* president. Mm IVmaltl Green presided Plan* were dis cussed for assisting the I<eglon in the Veterans Day program There was a report on a party at the Veterans hospital Octolier 12 and on County Government I >ay in O'Neill October 10. Hills were allowed for gifts for "The Yanks who gave " Punch was served hy Alice Johnson and Mm. E. R Carpenter with Mm IVIlte Fauquier acting in Miss John son's place. A large crowd gathered at live sehoolhouse Friday evening to enjoy a carnival which was sponsored hy the Chambers At tie letie club. Mr and Mrs Ilennls Kaup and family, Stuart, were Sunday din ner guests in the Raymond Heed home The occasion was Ixiri Kaup's fifth birthday anniversary and Debbie Kaup's fourth birth day. Mrs. Valo Edwards plans to leave the last of tine week for Omaha to spend the winter with her daughter Keller rluh met Wrdm-sday. Nov. 1. with Mr* Bernard Grime* Mr* K. A Farrier waa { Roll * all waa an — swered by naming a favorite meat Fifteen trwmtbrr* were present A special prize was awarded to Mrs Sam Young The program consisted of a skit put on by Mrs Glen Crimea. Mr* Bay Beed ami Mrs Bernard Grime* lamrh was served by tlie ho*te**ex The next me.-ting will he at the home of Mr* Glen Grime* with Mr* Bay Beed, co ho* test. Mr and Mr* Milan Whlke ami children. Fwing were dinner guests Sunday «f tier parent*. Mr ami Mrs Harry Scott Af terrtoon visitor* were Mr* Al Rockford ami children Mrs. Ileim Ik-irklng rr porta that her son-inlaw, William l*fell, Wayne U seriously III In the Hospital Ibrrr. Mr. and Mr*. I*WI have visited at Chamber* ntany limes. The two small sons. I’at ami Tim of Mr and Mr* Bill Gan ger. Wood l^tke. *jn-nt a few day* last week with lheir grnndpar ents, Mr ami Mrs F. M Jar man while live pa rent* were In Omaha, The farm sale of Mr. and Mr* F.Utn ICnheok last Ttirsulay waa well lit tended and price* of lltostoek and machinery were very satisfactory. The Itiihecks moved the last of the week to Colmnhtis where they are hoth employed. Mr ami Mr* Jim Hlngle and daughter, Knric, Omaha, ami 1 xttii'lu* Jarman. IJncoln, sjient Sunday with llieir parent*, Mr. and Mrs K M. Jarman. c DONALD'S I J. M. MCDONALD CO. November S “.ving~ Savings for you because these prices are rock-bot tom, lowest ever on new, much-needed items. BOYS' WESTERN JEANS Sturdy 13%-oz. white backed de nim. True Western cut. Buy now and save! 6 to 16. Pair $1 57 SHEET BLANKETS 70“ x 95“ size. Fine soft cotton. First quality. Completely washable. Natural color. Each $^66 CURTAIN PANELS 41“ x 81“ Trulon*’. Beautiful, ever popular. Needs no starching, little or no ironing. White only. Panel $£ JACQUARD BLANKETS Rayon and nylon combined for a warm, yet lightweight blanket. Re versible jacquard patterns. Acetate binding. Assorted colors. Each S/144 CHILDREN'S JEANS Cotton corduroy. Plaid flannel lined. Elastic boxer waists. Assorted colors. Sizes 4-6-8. Each $1 22 MEN'S ANKLETS Elastic top cotton sport anklets. Ir regulars. Fall colors. Sizes IOV2 to 12. 3 prs- 4 CHILDREN'S SLEEPERS 2-pc. cotton sleepers. Self help elas tic back. Gripper waist. Slip-resist ant plastic feet. Assorted colors. Sizes 1 to 4. Each $1 WASH CLOTHS All cotton. Absorbent. Assorted plain colors. Stock up now! 12 ,or $1 NYLON HOSE First quality. 51 gauge, 15 denier. Beige or tantone. 9 to 11. 43c Pr. FABRIC Clearance of better quality cotton prints. All fast colors. Values to 59c yard. 25e Yd SCATTER RUGS Woven of miracle fibers. 25" x 46". Washable. Assorted colors. Each $1 44 ELECTRIC BLANKETS Two year replacement guarantee. Adjusts automatically to changes in room temperature. Choice of several colors. Double bed size. Single Control $ 13 Dual Control *17 I i OPEN THURSDAY N!GHT TIL 9 P.M.