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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1961)
_FOR SALE FOR SALE -Purebred spotted Po .land Chinn boars. Vaccinates and guaranteed—Martin Hof! man, Spencer, Nebr. 25-32< 5 ALT FOR SAJ Jv K a n a p o 1 i 516.50 a ton; American 520.50 i ton; white block 75c—Located blocks east, 4 blocks north o traffic light, Everett Gorgan Ph. 164, O’Neill. 51t REGISTERED HAMPSIURI HOARS for sale. Meat tyys breeding stock from qualit; bloodlines. New bloodlines to old customers . 3 miles eas of Creighton on Highway 59. Ph 121 on 10. Shadylane Hampshin F'arm. 23-30< FOR SALE Certified Cheyon wheat seed. Also IHC powei washing separator in excellen condition. Henry Stelling ant Son. Orchard, Nebr. 21tfc FOR SALE 75 head of bred ewes 2 to 4 yrs. old.—John Deines, 1 mile east of Orchard on Hwy. 20 28-29r FOR SALE- Registered Hamp shire boars and open gilts. Big and rugged with tired in grow ing ability Alfred Hansen, Plainview, Nebr. Ph. 21 R99 22 tfc FOR SALE Heavy duty under slung with or without beds; also sled tires with liberal guarantee, reasonably priced. Gerald O’ Conner, Phone- 2194, Atkinson. 26-29p •FOR SAI.K Purebred Hampshire hoars, vaccinated and guaran teed. John Sojka, 1 Vz north and 4 east of Page, Nebr. 24-36c FARM LOANS, S e R n Parker. 50tf SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFKWAY mobile homes, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone Contois Motor Co., Neligh. _J0lf FOR SALE Registered purebred Yorkshire boars and gilts. Buy them young and save.—Richard Ilill, Box 511, Phone 564 RU, O’ Neill. 22 tf FOR SALE—Hampshire boars, long Ixxlied with size for age, double vaccinated, guaranteed breeders, new bloodlines.—John Raster, Ph. Hunter 5-3360, Clear water, Nebr. 24-31p PICKERS — TRACTORS 2-M picker mounted on M tractor, reaily to go New Idea picker J. D. mounted picker Some good used tractors David’s Repair Shop Chambers, Phone 2363 28-29c IF YOU WANT A lower rate of interest than you are now pay ing, see me at my office in O’ Neill, Nebr. R. H. Parker. 50tf. SAVE ON INSURANCE—prompt claim service. Virgil Laursen Agy., O’Neill. lOtfc TURKEYS FOR SALE—Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser, Route 2, Orchard, Nebr. 27tfc MOBILE HOMES New & Used See us today for the best deal on a New or Used Mobile Home. Open Every Day MILLER MOBILE HOME SALES Ph. EX 5-2170 Albion, Nebr. 27tfc 1 AM BACK In my office again and can loan money on Farms and Ranches and City Property. Some at 4% and some at 5% in terest. See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 50tf Bert & Irene Nodes BULLS FOR SALE Used Bulls And Yearling Bulls Sired by JS LAD TONE I and JS REAL TONE I 18 miles Southwest of Newport, Nebr. 28-30c MACHINERY K1 pickup J107 Chicken batteries 55 each 2 — refrigerated truck bodies Chicken picker 1950 GMC 2 ton truck Utility 460 demonstrator Farmall 400 Farmall Super MTA Farmall Super M IHC 2ME picker IHC 2M picker IHC No. 20 picker NHC No. 24 picker Also pull type pickers No reasonable offer refused on pickers IHC 55W baler with motor IHC 55T baler with PTO Holler and Hammer mills H & M tractors 2 — Clothes dryer specials left SHELHAMER equipment CO. O'Neill, Nebraska !HC - Gehl - RCA Whirlpool^ TOR SALE Nearly new Winches ter 20-gauge pump shotgun. New gun case and three boxes shells included. Must sacrifice Phone 833, O'Neill 29c - TOR SALK Storm windows, most • any size, including bay windows. Wood anti Aluminum combina i i tion doors. House doors; several i! new 6 Ute farm sash. Many new 1 windows for replacement or re f modeling. Ralph Beckwith, 112 . W. Adams. O’Neill. 27-29p f •j TOR SALE Capons, alive or < dressed Phone 513-M, Norijert ■ Clark, O’Neill. J t - ECU SALE I-r and 2nd calf t Holstein heifers, heavy springers. John Sojka, 1^ north, 4 East of i Page. 15tfc TOR SAEE Purebred Hampshire , ixjars bloodlines for old custo mers Henry and Richard Stell ing, 2 miles south, % west of Orchard, Nebr. 29 tfc ATTENTION FA RMERS- -Wiscon sin dairy bred heifer calves for sale; also Wisconsin springer heifers. Direct from my farm to your farm Write: Carl Brandau, Tomah, Wise. 27-30p FOR SALE D-4 Caterpillar trao tor with hydraulic, $2,200 complete. Runs good. George Courtney, Lynch, Nebr. 29-30c FOR SALE Purebred Hamp shire boars. Can be registered, ready for service. Two new I blood lines, two way veterinary vaccinated. Priced reasonable.— j Xavier Kalkowski, Lynch, Nebr. i 27tfc | FOR SALE GO bred ewes from 2 to 5 years old.—Mrs. Dorothy j Pribil, O'Neill, Nebr., Route j * No. 1. 29p FOR S ALE— Purebred Duroe boars. Meat type, popular blood i lines. Priced reasonable.—F. W. Ixjock, Spencer, Nebr. 26-29c TOR SALE —34-ft. combination ' truck Ixjx. John Graves, O’-; Neill, Nebr. 29-30p j SEMI EOAIJS WISCONSIN Spring ers and heifers, some fresh with heifer calves From Shores Wis-I consin Dairies. Fancy Holstein, Guernsey, Ayrshire, Jersey and Swiss springers and heifers. Fine Holstein bull, $115.00. Rug ged grey-white young Swiss bull. Loads open, bred and weaned Wisconsin heifers. Shores’ cat tle “Pay Your Bills, Stop Your Worries.” Travel refunded. Shores, Neligh, Phone TU 7-4060, 7-4850. 29tfc See The LARGEST SELECTION of MOBIIjE HOMES 15 New Units and 20 Used New 50x10 start at $3,995 Used units start at $395 We Trade for what you have, Service all popular brands, with Financing at Bank rates up to 84 months. Call or Write to CONTOIS MOBILE HOMES Northeast Nebraska’s Largest Neligh, Nebraska OPEN EVERYDAY & SUNDAYS! 29-32c Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE—1.000 acre ranch north of O’Neill, 800 acre ranch | NE of O’Neill, 480 acre farm NW | of O’Neill, 160 acre farm NW of | O'Neill, 400 acre farm south of O’Neill.—Kieth Abart, O'Neill, Nebr. 29c FOR SALE- 1,000 acre ranch, 700; acres deeded, 300 acres accretion | land, 1V4 mile river front.! Springs in every pasture. Fair improvements. This ranch is located 17 miles north of O’ Neill on Hwy 281. Good terms. 240 acre farm well located and with modern improvements for ( sale in the Chambers valley. Write or phone Ron Shonka, At kinson, Ph. 7542 or Mike Shonka, 1 Burwell, Ph. 346-3455. 28-30p FOR SALE ^90 lot- • 9 K/\rlTVUSrM family sized living room and kitchen with eating space, full basement, very good condition. V. A. Loan available, or for cash sale. 521 east Benton: 4 bedroom home,1 well located close to school, good condition, and terms available. Spelts Ray Sub-Division: New 3 bedroom home, with excellent terms and quick possession. The Frontier building, located on South 4th St. We have other homes, lots and business properties for sale. VIRGIL L. LAURSEN Agy. O'Neill. Nebr. Phone 434 FOR SALE—Six room house and three iarge ;ots. $3,200. 309 West Adams.—See Lloyd Johnson, 820 E Clay. Phone 604-W. 27-29p vJAKE PATTONS BEN Franklin store your candy and nuts head quarters. Always fresh. 37 tie WANTED—Old guns. Cash paid or will trade for all muzzle loading rifles and shotguns, old model Winchester rifles and Colt re volvers.—John Sojka, Page, Ne braska, Phone 3599 . 21tfc LARGE SELECTION of used furni ture. Cal’s Furniture, TUden an Highway 275. 35tfc FOR SALE 4 — 2 bedroom modem homes. Full basements, (close to school! priced from $5,000 and up. Convenient terms Harry Ressel Phone 2T8-W O'Neill, Nebr. 28-29c I MAKE Monthly payment loans some at 4% some at 5% interest See R. H. Parker, O'Neill, Nebr _ 50tt WELL DRILLING and well and windmill repair —403 N. 1st St Phoiie 553-J SPRAGUE WELL CO., O'Neill 3 blks. W. & 314 biles. N. stoplight CITY LOANS. See R. H Parker 50b AviVlED Serum pigs: leading lays, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week —Dwaine Lockmon, Stuart, ph. 3741. tl REAL ESTATE 2 bedroom modem home, Ideal Location 3 bedroom home Many other good homes listed 480 Acres north of Emmet, Very Good Terms 240 Acres located west of Page 320 Acres west of Page Other farm and ranch listings ED. THORIN Real Estate Broker Ph. 207, O'Neill, Nebr. _38tf_ FINE LARGE HOME On 125 East Clay 8t. New Gas Furnace and Garage Good Income Property, Priced right and terms. Phone 324-R or see Herman J. Janzing ZjvanteB NEEDED AT ONCE-Full or part time. Man or woman to service customers with Watkins pro ducts, in city of O’Neill. Earn $65 and up weekly. No invest ment. Write Watkins Products, Inc. D-55, Winona, Minn. 29-30and 32p WANTED—Milo and com to com bine.—Fred Frerichs, O’Neill, Phone 8*10 Jl. 28-29p HELP WANTED- Singer Sewing Machine Co., wants a salesman for the O’Neill territory. Only requirement is that you want to make money. Write Singer Sewing Machine Company, Nor folk. Nebr. Care of Art Rosse, Mgr. 29-32c WANTED—Waitress and kitchen help.—Segerwood Cafe, O’Neill 15tfc Thinking of a Building? Behlen Franchise, Sales and Erection UDEY CONST. CO. Gene J. Udey, Ph. TU 7-4869 NKIJGH, NEBRASKA _14tfc WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks. south of the New Deal Oil Station—O’Neil] 50tf L. GUTHMILLER Halt Block East Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene and arc welding LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED AND SHARPENED, ALL MAKES Also repair parts for Lawson and Clinton engines on hand. _ 9tf "WE" DON’T WANT • ALL” THE BUSINESS We just want “YOURS” PATTON’S BEN FRANKLIN _23 tf FOR RENT FOR RENT: Four bedroom home. Reasonable rent. Located across the street from REA building.— Anna Donlin, 322 E. Adams. 29-30c FOR RENT—Modem 2-bedroom farm home with garage. 2% miles from oiled highway in high school district with bus ser vice.—Harevy A. Tompkins, In man, Nebr. 2$tfc LOST & FOUND STRAYED—2 Hereford steers from pasture north of Emmet. Branded Lazy S with half circle each side on right hip.—Donald Skrdla. Stuart, phone Atkinson 5028. 29c MISCELLANEOUS ASHBURN MONUMENT CO. P. O. Box S. Tlldea, Nebr. | Personal attention to all orders. Covers all Northeast Nebraska. Call collect, FOrest 8-2220. AD work fully guaranteed. NEH. ASHBURN, Prop- 21p TO SELL OR BUY Cattle, all classes contact Dsyle Hewett bonded dealer. Phone 195 or Box 533, O'Neill, Nebr. 26-29c MONEY TO LOAN On Automobiles, Furniture, Signature. O'Neill Loan Co. Virgil I-anr^en, Mgr. i 38tf AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private listings and Auctions Auction Service IDNG TERM LOANS ED THORIN PHONE 207_Q'NEn.1 CURTIS BREEDING SERVICE Offers you the best half of your herd in dun-y and beef breeds. It costs less to raise a good one. Call 470, Duane Gray, O'Neill. _ 41tfc Phone Your News To The Frontier Phone 788 ----- —' CARDS OF THANKS I WISH TO THANK everyone for the lovely cards, letters, gifts, flowers and visits while I was a patient at St. Anthony's hospital at O’Neill. A special thank you to Dr. Wilson, the Sisters and nurses and | the entire hospitall staff for their excellent care. Many thanks to Rev. Peterson and Rev. Kucera for their prapers and visits and the ALCW for the lovely gift. May God bless you all. Mrs. Allen Hargens 29p IN MEMORIAL! IN LOVING MEMORY of our be loved husband, father and grand father, Pete Hansen, who passed away eleven years ago, Nov. 8. No one knows how much we miss you, no one knows the bitter pain we have suffered since we lost you. Life has never been the same. In our hearts the memory lingers, sweetly tender, fond and true there is not a day dear loved one that we do not think of you. Your wife, Mary, children and grandchildren 29p I-Legal Notices-! (First pub. Nov. 9, 1961) William W. Griffin, Attorney No. 4455 NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF ELMER BUT TERFIELD, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribu tion of estate and approval of final account and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on November 29, 1961, at 10 o'clock, A.M. (COUNTY Frank Cronk COURT County SEAL) Judge. 29-31c (First pub. Nov. 9. 1961) Norman Gonderinger, Attorney Estate No. 4503 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, NOVEMBER 6, 1961. IN THE MATTER OF THE irtiL ur i-suruviAiN u. uHii DFCFASFD CREDITORS of said estate are; hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said estate is February 26, 1962, and for the payment of debts is November 6, 1962, and that on November 30, 1961, and on March 1, 1962, at 10 o’clock A.M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. (COUNTY Frank Cronk COURT County SEAL) Judge. 29-31c (First pub. October 26, 1961) William W. Griffin, Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING FOR FINAL SETTtEMENT OF ACCOUNT No. 4449 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF BERNARD OTTO KOENOCK, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination erf heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribu tion of estate and approval of final account and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on November IS, 1961, at 10 o’clock, A.M. (COUNTY Frank Cronk COURT County SEAL) Judge. 27-29c TIRE VULCANIZING and repair «IJ mgr TIRES JOE'S TIRE SERVICE Phone Tit OTtefl, Nobr. (First pub. Nov. 2, 1961) William W Griffin. Attorney No. 44S# NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL. SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA ESTATE OF FRANK BEUK DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA. TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribu tion of estate and approval of final account and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on November 22, 1961, at 10 o’clock, A M. (COUNTY Frank Crank COURT County SEAL) Judge 28-30c A Poem From Mrs. Eby ... —FEAR NOT— Fear makes cowards of us all, if we fear our country is sure to fall, that’s a n w thought for Americans today provoked by the people just across the way. They are driving death dealing bombs in the air, intended it's true, our people to scare into giving up our “way of life’’ for their heartless plans in the cold war’s strife. Oh! Lets not be afraid of tom orrow for God is already there, He sees the path from begin ning and will all our tomor rows prepare. If we’ll walk by His side, have faith and abiue a place where all is joy and peace. This is the place where God will provide, a place from all fears release. And not doubt for doUbt sees the obstacle; but faith sees one day, a-;uut areaas to take a step; while faith soars away on high, doubt questions, “who be lieves”? while faith answers “I”. Yes, fear of bombs has gripped us, but C kTs bigger than Mr. K. He’ll see us through if we’ll just have faith, confess ing our sins and pray. So don’t be afraid of tam< rrow. God is already there. He’s rea dy to help if we’ll lift ap our hearts in humble soul searching prayer. The premise: “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will they hear from heaven. I will forgive their sins and will heal their land”. (Cron 7:14) ■Della Stuart Eby Royal News By Mrs. R. J. Bering Son-in-law Receives Promotion at Kent Mr. and Mrs. Russell Burch have received word that their son-in-law, DeWayne Cjiarf, Kent, Wash., who has been employed for many years at the Boeing Air craft Plant at Kent has been pro moted to the position of supervi sor of the department where he works. Russell Burch returned Friday from Norfolk where he has been for several weeks super vising the construction of a gar age for his son-in-law, Laurence Fryer. Mrs. Salome Noddings was sur prised Sunday, her 77th birthday, by the arrival of four families of relatives including her daughters and their husbands and children: Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Phillips, Lin coln; Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Len zen, Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Partrish, Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Walters, Clearwater. Halloween was enjoyed by the j school childen who costumed fcr a party at school, and who then paraded the main street of 1 the village. At night the usual ‘trick-or-treat’ parade was held and some 36 children in costume rang doorbells for a handout. No buildings were upturned in town and no tricks played. Thursday a wet snow storm : came from the west impairing J xisibility and making driving' hazardous, as well as making locomotion difficult for pedestri ans. A strong wind from the northwest added greatly to the discomfort. An estimated two inches of snow fell. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holm vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Yocum, Fre mont. several days the past week. Mr. Yocum was station agent at O’Neill for several year*. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Van Os trand visited their granddaughter in Omaha during the past week Mr. and Mrs. Alva Soverign. Alliance, former residents of this community, returned home Fri day after spending several days with former neighbors and other friends. Mrs. C. F. Meyer entertained Sunday in compliment to her mo ther, Mrs. O. F. Bartsch, and her sister. Mrs. Lawrence Johnson. O’Neill, whose birthday's occurred Monday and Tuesday. Guests ot her than the honorees were Mr. and Mrs. Perry Lichty, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Storm, Mrs. Mabel Meyer, Royal, Mrs. Pearl John sod, Orchard, Mr. Johnson and Enid and Errol, Mr. Meyer and Everett. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Storm were Norfolk visitors Friday. The first basketball game of the season is scheduled for No vember 14 at BeMea. Practice is held Tuesday, Wednesday Clearwater News Mrs. Cfcerisa Outright llUiter s izes Mr. and Mrs William Brock mulicr. Ug alalia and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brock mulicr. Scrib ner, visited at the William Luben home Monday WSGS of the Methodist church met Thursday at the church with Mrs. Maiyr Hemcnway and Mrs Wayne Switzer as hostesses Mrs. Switzer presided at tlie meeting. Devotions were by Mrs Eric Mm erich. Tlie lesson, "God, Light of The World," was given by Mrs. Douglas Hemenwuy. Mrs. Amos Switzer gave a report on the re cent bazaar. The group voted to send cards of cheer with person al lines from each member to shut-ins. Prayers will also be said by the group for the unfortu nate. Tlie visitation committee re ported visituig 10 families in Oc tober. Mrs. Mary Hemenway and Mrs. Jack Middleton were on this committee. The committee for November is Mrs. Mary Hem cnway and Mrs. Eric Munrich. Mrs. Lyle Switzer led the group in prayer for the week of pray er and soil-denial, taken from Luke 4-17. A special offering was taken for missionary woik. The December meeting will be at the church with a covered dish lunch eon. Mystery sisters will hold a gift exchange following the lunch eon. Lyie Clark and his parents mov ed to Lincoln Friday where Lyle has employment as custodian in one of the schools. Halloween has once in ire come and gone, with a little more spook ery this year than usual. Spooks j had a yen for hay, machinery and barrels that moved fast and in a wide range of directions, the | little folks in their weird attire made the usual tricks or treats rotlnds and found the welcome mat out at all homes. Late in the evening a faint tap at ojr door and investigating found two very little spooks one in a long black dress, the other not ever two feet high calmly enoying the con tents of a bottle of milk via the nipple. This was lie youngest so far to visit us, I believe. Ve.ius News Bv 'Irn. Ralph Br<x > house* Lloyd Phipps Is Elected as Vice President Lloyd Phipps, a former Venus resident, son of the Rev. and Mrs. Charles Phipps, Atkinson, has been elected vice president of the combined junior and senior Theological college at Miltonvale, Kan. Lloyd is a ministerial stu dent at the college. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brookhouser and Jeffrey are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs Ralph1 Brookhouser. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Hamilton and family, Ewing, visited at the Bernard Montgomery home! Wednesday. The Help U club held a Hal- i loween party at the Page Im-i provement club building October 31. Ten couples attended. Ten point pitch was played at five tables with Mrs. Sidney Faulha ber, Irvin Held, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch jr., Mrs. Clarence Finch sr., George Jeffrey and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser receiv ing prizes. Lunch was served at the close of the evening. The Help U club met with j Mrs. Ora Caskey November 1 Money To Loan! Property, Cars, Trucks, Farm Equipment Household Goods, Personal HARRINGTON Loan and Investment Company LOW RATES _ _ t ■ with 10 members present. The hostess served a luncheon. Km broidery work was done by the members during the afternoon Mrs. Clarence Finch sr.. received a prize. Names were drawn for those- to entertain at the forth coming club parties Mrs Irvin Held will have the next meeting Margaret Hrtik, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fk>yd Itrtlk. In a patient at the Nellgh honpital. She wan Injured while pla>lng volleyball al school about three weeks ago. Mrs Kelly Thompson and Con me. Big Springs, were house guests of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs Clarence Finch sr.. a few days last week Mrs. Finch took her sister arid daughter to O'Neill October 31 and tfie visitors returned home by bus They called at tin- Ken neth Warmg home at O'Neill while here. Mr. und Mrs J. W. Finch ac companied by their mother, Mrs Alta Finch and Mrs. Kthcl War ing spent the weekend with the former's daughter, Mrs. Larry Taylor and family at Scottsbluff Richard McDonald, Kristie and Tommy, Noligh, were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Held Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kokuhr entertained at a club party at their home Octolx-r 27. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Caskey were Creighton visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mm Hoy Harwell. Omaha, visited with relative* In Ha* community this week They wen* dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Itonald Caskey Wednesday, Nov. 1. Mrs Kimer Alder and family visited tier mother. Mrs Edna Buelter. tilts week Mr and Mrs. Francis Boeder called there Wed nesday, Mr. ami Mrs George Wood*. Lincoln. sjx-nt lh«* weekend with tlieir son. in-law amt daughter. Mr. and Mrs Irvin Held. Mr and Mrs Huy Hrookliotwer and Jelfrey, Norfolk, returned to their home Sunday night after stiending several days with their parents, Mr and Mm. Ralph Brook houser Mr and Mrs Harry Caskey vis ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Caskey and family, Norfolk. Friday, Mr and Mrs Robert Mitchell and family, Omaha, were week end visitors at Ihe lame of their parents, Mr and Mrs George Jeffrey and faintly and Mr and Mrs Leo Jumlt, Crught n. Mrs. Nellie llami.ion |« re ported to be Improved alter be ing srriewklay Ul for a few days. She suffered a stroke October 28. Mr. and Mrs Iceland Caskey, Omaha, were Friday overnight and Saturday visitors of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Caskey SWEEP UP A HEAP OF SAVINGS ON THESE OLDER MODELS 1950 Chevrolet 2-dr. 1950 Ford V-8, Overdrive 1951 Chevrolet 1953 Ford 4-dr., Overdrive 1950 Buick straight stick 1953 Ford V-8, Ford-o-Matic Good drive to work or hunting cars. PRICED FROM $50.00 to $195.00 ROBERTSON MOTOR CO., INC. Phone 33 316 E. Fremont O'Neill, Nebr. 3 Schoolhouses At Au ti n Selling buildings and equipment of Holt County Districts 227, 118 and 196 at the schools and one acre of land belonging to School District No. 227. Sale will start at No. 227 and continue to other schools . . . ON FRIDAY, NOV 17 Sole Sturts at I p.m. PROPERTY OF NO. 227: Good frame school hou'e. 24x32 and 12x16 bam, 2 toilets, 300-gal. fuel tank, good desk suitable for home, 2 slate blackboards, pump and pipe, oil space heater with fan, 2 steel yard gates, school books and some desks. PROPERTY OF NO. 118: Frame sehooihouse 18x40 and 14x16 bam, 2 toilets in good condition, coal stoker with thermo stat and fan, pump and pipe, 2 slate blackboards. PROPERTY OF NO. 196: Good frame and tile sehooihouse, 22x32 and bam 14x20 suitable for garage, 2 oil space heaters, up right piano, chime clock, flourescent light fixtures, LOCATION: District 227 is located 3Ms miles southwest of Ewing on the Ewing-Chambers road, then 2 miles south. Watch for sale signs on road. HOLT COUNTY DISTRICT 6 SCHOOL BOARD Ed Thorin, O'Neill Auctioneer ami Licensed Real Estate Broker Closing Out Farm Sale A. the farm located 16 miles north of O'Neil, on Hwy ^"o ^dway, then 4 miles east and 4 miles north to the place. Watch for Farm rows on Tuesday, Nov. 14 Lunch at Sale Sale Starts at 1 p.m. 115 head of cattle including 15 milk cows 154 California White pulletsjust starting to lay 8-year-old riding mare with saddle «*nd bridle Complete line of farm machinery including 2 trac tors Lots of hay and feed Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Dick' f ernau Ed Thorin Auction Service, O'Neill