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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1961)
O'Neili Teacher is Featured in State Magazine CHAMIJERS A local woman has Ixen featured in the Nebras ka Educational News, the official publication of the Nebraska State Education association. This woman is Mrs Lorine Smith, Chamlxrs, third grade teacher in the O'Neill public school. She was selected as a typical Nebraska teacher from among the many attending the summer session of the state uni versity. Lorine is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Walter. She was •x»rn anil reared in the com munity, graduating from the Chambers high school with the class of 1937. She attended Wayne State Teachers college and has taught 14 years. In working to ward her degree in education, she has taken summer courses at Wayne, Seward and the Uni versity of Nebraska. Her husband. Wayne Smith, is a ranch and trucker. They have a son, Dean, who graduated from Clmmlters high sciux>l last year, and a daughter, Judy, a junior at Ohamliers. Mrs. Smith hai been a 4-11 club leader for a num her of years and is active in com munity affairs; also is a mem her of St. Paul’s Lutherar church. The publication featured Mrs Smith in a full day of activitj with pictures and interview. Hei days in college l)egan with z class at 7 a.m. and she was pic turned in this and other classes also at lunch and at the close ol the day. Mrs. Smith, who enjoys hei profession to the fullest, states that “summer school is essentia] for anyone who continues teach ing.” Receive Word of Death of Sister INMAN — Elwin Smith receiv ed word of the death of his sis ter, Mrs. H. H. Johnson, Lincoln, 72. Mr. Smith left Tuesday morn ing for Lincoln to attend the funeral. Mrs. Johnson will be re membered here as Ethel Smith and her husband, Dr. H. H. John son was a practicing physician here fifty years ago. Kreizigers Feted On 25th Anniversary EWING — Forty-eight friends and relatives surprised Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kreiziger at their home Thursday evening to assist them in observing their 25th wed ding anniversary. Among the guests present was their son, Bob, home on leave from the navy. Lunch was served by the self invited guests at a table centered with a “money” tree bearing sil ver dollars. Mrs. Joe Thoendel baked a four-tier cake for the occasion and it was decorated by Mrs. Marcella Bollwitt. Stevens' Daughter Is Home After Surgery LiVem Stevens returned to O' Neill Wednesday evening from Denver, Colo., with his daughter, Maria Elena, who was released from a Denver hospital Wednes day after undergoing surgery on her leg following a car accident a week a^o. Her leg was fractured and will remain in a cast for several weeks. Another operation will he required later. The Stevens will visit with rela tives and friends here for several days before returning to Denver where Miss Stevens will go back to school. Mrs. Edrie Patras Dies at Norfolk CLEARWATER — Mrs. Edrie Patras, Clearwater, died Friday morning at a Norfolk hospital following a lengthy illness. Her death occurred 1hree days before her 56th birthday. She is survived by one daugh ter, Mrs. Keith Carnes, Neligh; two sons, Eugene, Clearwater, and Walter, stationed with the marines in North Carolina; three sisters and one brother. -- -| ELMER TAVENNER Farm Sale Vz mile south, 4 west and Vz mile north of Page, on . , . FRIDAY, OCT. 6 Sale starts at 1 p.m. 90 Head of Hereford cattle Team of gentle horses, wt. 3,200 Saddle pony w«th saddle and bridle Line of farm machinery TERMS: Cash Elmer Tavernier Roy Kir-wan, Ed Thorin Auction Service Father of Clearwater Woman Dies at Neligh CLEARWATER John Mi chaelson. the father of Mrs. Ileen Schmitz, Clearwater, died Friday in the Neligh hospital after being in poor health for a period of time. Mr. Michaelson looked after the farm work for Mrs. Schmitz after her husband’s death, and the Michaelsons made their home on the Schmitz farm for awhile. They moved to Neligh last fall. Rites Held for Cecil Thornton CHAMBERS — Funeral servi ces were held Wednesday. Oct. 4, at Chambers for Cecil Thornton, 60, who died unexpectedly at his home Monday morning of a heart attack. Funeral rites were conducted toy the Rev. Charles Cox at the Chambers Methodist church, as sisted by the Rev. Glenn Kenni cott, O'Neill. Burial was in the Chambers cemetery. Cecil Thorton was born at At kinson December 23, 1900 to My ron and Daisy Garwood Thorn ton. When he was 13 years old he moved with his family to Glen rock, Wyo., where he grew to manhood. He was united in marriage to Rosa E. Tracy at Oklahoma City, Okla., June 27, 1927. Three child ren were born to this couple. They lived at Glennock, Wyo., and Oklahoma City, Okla., until they moved to Chambers in 1932. Survivors include his wife, Ro sa; one son, Cecil James, Daven port, la.; one daughter, Mrs. Clay Johnson jr., O'Neill; seven grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Os car Nelson, Brownsville, Tenn., and three brothers, Jesse. Los Angeles, Calif., Leonard, Casper, Wyo., and Harold, Denver, Colo. His parents and one daughter pre ceded him in death. Pallbearers were Robert Scott, Bernard Cavanaugh, Ray Grubb, Eric Dankert, Albert Bogart and Willie Ritterbush. The following were honorary pallbearers: Ly man Robertson, Hap Medcalf, Van Robertson, James Cava naugh, Lyle McKim and Dewey Schaffer. —1 1 —■ - ■ ~ ,.^^_ZZIZZ1 Yes We Have h Hunting OUT PERMISSION >8G I £9= TO 69= EACH The Frontier Former Resident Of Holt Dies In Illinois A former Holt county resident, Mrs. Susan Adele O’Brien, 90. died Tuesday, Sept. 26, at Ur bana, 111., where she had lived the past eight years with her daughter, Mrs. G LeRoy Porter She was the widow of William P. O'Brien, longtime Omaha realtor and cattleman who died in 1938. The O'Briens came to Nebras ka from Pennsylvania in 1882 and they lived in Holt county until 1914 when they moved to Omaha Graveside services were held Saturday at the West Lawn cemetery at Omaha. She is survived by a son, W. Parke O'Brien. Los Gatos, Calif.; two other daughters, Mrs. A. Ralph Ellis. Omaha, and Mrs. Harry W. Wen berg, North Holly wood, Calif.; 13 grandchildren and 14 greatg randchildren. Harry Smith Dies Monday Night in Neligh Hospital ROYAL Funeral services were held in Royal Saturday for Harry Smith, 66, who diet! Mon day night at the Antelope Mem orial hospital in Neligh following a lingering illness. The Rev. James Cunningham, Havelock, officiated at the rites in the Methodist church. Harry Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman E. Smith, was born February 19, 1895 at Alliance. He was a World War I veteran. Mr. Smith had been a farmer in the Royal community for nearly 30 years. Survivors include his widow, three sons and three daughters. Receive Word of Death Of Former Holt Woman Mrs. Minnie Higgins has re ceived word of the death of her sister, Mrs. Edythe (Storjohann) West, 64, of a heart attack at her home in Belmont, Calif., Wednesday, Sept. 27. Funeral sendees were held in Belmont. Interment was in the Veterans National cemetery be side her husband, H. L. West, who preceded her in death five years ago. Mrs. West was bom and reared is northern Holt county. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Joyce Johnson, Roalds, Mich.; a son, Bob, Kansas City, Kan.; 4 grandchildren; two sis ters, Mrs. Higgins, O’Neill, and Mrs. Charles Thies, Minden, la. and four brothes John Stor johann, O’Neill, Carl Storjohann, Independence, Mo., Herman Stor johann, Scribner, and Albert Storjohann, Omaha. Former Page Woman Dies in Oklahoma PAGE — Word has been re ceived of the death of Mrs. Archie Treadway, Yukon, Okla., September 27. Mrs. Treadway was the former Isabel Moffat of this vicinity. She was the sister of Mrs. Jennie French. O’Neill, and the aunt of Mrs. Alton Braddock, Page. Rites Held at Ewing For George Latzel EWING — George Latzel, who suffered a stroke several weeks ago and had been cared for at a rest home in Stuart, died Friday September 29, at the Atkinson hospital. Funeral services were held Monday at St. Peter’s church in Ewing. Cooperative Month Governor Frank Morrison has proclaimed October as “Coopera tive Month’’ in the state. There are 494 cooperatives in Nebraska doing more than 500 million dollars worth of business a year. Bus Schedule Leave Sioux City H.30 a.m Arrive O'Neil] 3 ;3o p.m Leave O’Neill 3:45 p.m. Arrive Sioux City 7-35 pm Leave O’Neill 9:30 a.m Arrive Omaha 3:50 D.m. Return Leave Omaha 8:30 am. leave Norfolk 12-30 pm Arrive O’Neil] 3:00 p.m. Leave O’NeiL 4:00 p.m Arrive Winner 7:15 p.m. iy;a\ c Valentine 9.10 am Arrive ONeill 12:15 p.m. Leave O'Neill 12:25 p.m. Arrive Grand Island pm. Leave Grand Island 4:05 pm Arrive Omaha 7:45 p.m. Return Leave Omaha 7 -45a.m. Arrive Grand Island 11:20 am Leave Grand Island 12:30 pm. Arrive O’Neill 4:00 p m. Leave O’Neill 4:15 p.m Arrive Valentine 7:15 p.m. leave Winner 6:00 a.m. Arrive O'Neill 9:00 a.m. Funeral Services Held Wednseday For Naper Man Funeral services were held Wednesday, Sept. 27 at the Con gregational church at Naper for Walter E<hvard Nicolaus. 64. who died at his home Sept. 23. The Rev. Delbert Permann officiated. Burial was in the Naper ceme tery. Walter E. Nicolaus was horn in Howard county. Nebr., March 4, 1897 to John and Mary Nicalous. He came with his par ents to Boyd county in 1901. On November 16. 1927 he was united in marriage to Freda Faatz The couple were the par ents of three children, sons Har ley and Dale and a daughter, Mrs Lester (Arlene) Neumiller. Mr. Nicolaus was a member of the Congregational church for 31 years and helped reorganize the First Congregational church of Naper of which he served for 20 years in various capacities in the church. Pallbearers were Paul Engel hart, faster Anderson. Chris Rockholm, Jim Corny, Grant Ro ller and John Stahleeker. Survivors include his wife. Freda, sons, Harley and Dale and one daughter, Mrs. Lester, (Arlene) Neumiller, eight sisters and four brothers. Clearwater Girl Hurt In Fall from Table CLEARWATER — The 21 month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johnson, Terri Lea, sustained a skull fracture last week when she fell from a table at her home. Hemorrhaging started im mediately and her parents rushed her to Antelope Memorial hos pital. She is reported to be im proving. Rev. Stark to Speak At Wesleyan Church LYNCH — The Rev Price Stark is the featured speaker at the Lynch Wesleyan Methodist church this week until October 8, with the exception of Saturday Both the Rev. Stark and his wife were active in missionary work in West Africa, where they served three terms before re turning to the states. Sukup Breaks Wrist ORCHARD — Edward Sukup broke his wrist Wednesday when he fell backwards when a chain gave way while he was repairing the ceiling of a bedroom. Names Added to List Of College Students Additional names have been received of Holt county students who are attending schools throughout the state. They are: Carmen Meusch, At kinson, at St. Elizabeth Hospital School of Nursing, Lincoln, and Roma Fundus, Atkinson, Wayne State Teachers college. Greenfield Clan Holds Reunion STUART — Greenfield family reunion was held at the Newport Gym Sunday honoring Mr. and Mrs. Roy Greenfield, Sand Point, Ida. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Laurel Martin, Mrs. E. Mundorf, Sharon Buller and Mrs. Florence Cobb, all of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. ■ Ernest Greenfield, the Lawrence Greenfield family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shald, Don Shald and fam ily. Genree Hitchcock nnrl fnm. ily, and Mrs. Albert Everingham, Mrs. Bessie Greenfield, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Greenfield and family. Vernon Heyne and family and Mr. and Mrs. George Wallinger, Mrs. Ethel Stracke, Mrs. Stan Cobb and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Greenfield, Bassett. Legion Picks Atkinson for '62 Convention Atkinson has been selected as the site for the 1962 District n Convention of the American Le gion and Auxiliary. The site was chosen at the convention held Sunday at Pierce and attended by many members in Holt county. In the election of officers for the District n Don Kramer, At kinson, was elected as comman der; and John Fangman, Elgin as vice commander. Appointees are: Mike Coday, Atkinson, ad jutant, and Alvin Hesse, O’Neill, service officer. Mrs. A1 Chavet, Plainview, is District president for the auxili ary, with Mrs. Bemeiee Buss man, Norfolk, as vice president. Honors for turning in the high est percentage of membership quota for 1962 were won by the Stuart American Legion post. At the present time, only one post in the District has more mem bers than Stuart. The state champion Stuart color guard advanced the colors for the convention and also ap peared in ±e parade with a num ber of the members from the state winners, the Stuart firing squad. The Stuart post was award ed a citation from national head quarters fen: its work in child welfare. Patricia McKenzie. O'Neill, State Junior Auxiliary president, presented an address at the con vention. Mrs. Edith Davidson, O'Neill, won first prize on her publicity scrap book. The Chambers auxiliary won second place in the Poppy Cor sage contest. George Wetdaufer, Page, past District Commander, presided at the Legion convention. I •• - DIPLOMACY AND MANAGEMENT art* qualities earned early by the Waring quintet in the day* when the above transportation furnished free rides fur Waring* and the neighltorhood kids It was quite apt to take a whole family to persuade the long eared slow witted. shaggy and temjiermerttal quad ruped into a command performance. Have YOU ever tried leading one of that breed when he tinned himself and settled hack into a rn> ■.» position fee ,, , .. i , , • .mplcte 1 i nt« ■ ■ st m tt plans for the day that most certainly included giving of fr. e rules for the kids'* Sneaky little tricks were often res uied to an 1 pcrmnilcrs used might include a hoard with a nail in the end or u mult* whip in singing contort! m on the back of the defense!* -<s and thick hided burro. Yeah, it took a good one to handle this !;«iy t «nsp • i.itmn problem. Kmm 1. !t to right the War ing* are: Glen, Gerald (Jerryi, Dale, Nellie and Kenneth Y<nt will have met Ken in the county clerk's office in O'Neill anil Nellie has been Mrs. J. W Fin h ;<• this quite sometime. Many of you will even re member having met the burro in days gone by. * RIDING (UGH AND STRESSING TIIK SMI I V FEATURES OF U. H. HAVINGS BONDS to Nebraska llvestoek growers are Chester Patton (left), Thedford, President of the Nebraska Growers Assoeiatlon, and Robert II. Clifford, (right) Atkinson, President of The Hand hills Cattle Association. They were recently named co-chairmen of the l»fll Cattlemen's savings bo,n1d .‘"*ve b-v State Chairman, \V. B. Millard, Jr.. President of the Omaha National Bank. He K«iiu, We greatly welcome the assistance of Nebraska cattlemen In promoting Increased waving* bond purchase*. Certainly a part of everyone’* saving* In-long* In them. Having* bond dollar* help defend America, and they pay the owner top Interest too, 3per cent when held to maturity.” Returned Missionary to Speak at Lynch Church LYNCH — Elder D. T. Hawley and family, who have returned to the States after five and one half years in missionary work in Pakistan, were present Saturday for services in the Lynch Seventh-Day Adventist church. They were accompanied to the services by his father, Dr. D. D. Hawley and family, Sioux Falls, S. D., and the George Hagglund family, Minneapolis, Minn. Elder Hawley and family plan to reside at Hinsdale, 111., where he will be public relations director of the Hinsdale Sanitarium and Hos pital. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S ADMITTED: Sept. 23 — George Jefferies of Ewing; Margaret Be lik and Mrs. Frank Snyder of Page; Silas E. Howard of O’ Neill; Mrs. Herman Holcomb and Mrs. Merle Peterson of Cham bers and Mrs. Joe Schmaderer, Dickie Ray Johnson and Melvin S. Brevik of Stuart. 29 — Carol Gaughenbaugh of Inman and Ter esa Templemeyer of O’Neill. 30 —Mrs. Alfred Sanders of O’Neill and Mrs. C. E. Walker of Page. Oct. 1 — Mrs. Mary Cavanaugh of O’Neill; Helen Cavanaugh of Chambers and Wilbur Bennett of Ewing. 2 — Mrs. Robert Bengan and Jim Laska of O’Neill; Mrs. Clement M. Olson of Spencer; Mrs. Harriet Carson of Page; Mrs. Lee Conger of Inman and Mrs. Rebecca Butterfield of Or chard. 3 — Marion Brewster of Ewmg and Robert Oilendick of Chambers. 4 — Randall Repen ning of O’Neill. DISMISSALS: Sept. 23 — Mrs. James Conway of O’Neill. 29 — ! George Jefferies of Ewing; Don ald W. Day of Bartlett and Mrs. E. H. Medcaif of Chambers. 30 — Carol Gaughenbaugh of In man; Dickie Ray Johnson and Melvin S. Brevik of Stuart. Oct. 1 — Cecil Thorton and Mrs. Merle Peterson and baby of Chambers; Margaret Belik of Page. 2 — He len Cavanaugh of Chambers and Mrs. Mary Cavanaugh of O’Neill. 3 — Silas Howard of O'Neill; W.l bur Bennet of Ewing and Mrs. Frank Snyder of Page. 4 — Ter esa Templemeyer and Mrs. Don Eisberry of O’Neill. ATKINSON MEMORIAL ADMITTED: Sept. 25 — Bennet Sorey and Donald Schafer of Stuart. 26 — Thomas Nightingale of Atkinson. 28 — George Lat zel of Ewing and Mrs. Richard Klinger of Atkinson. 30 — Lau rel Ready and Albert Desieve of Stuart and Fred Jungman of At kinson. Oct. 1 — Mrs. M. Ruther of Bassett; D. Cadwallader and j Mrs. Robert Tielke of Atkinson; j David Frost, Mrs. William Dean and Mrs. William Marline of Stu art; Mrs. Dona'A Lines of Cham bers and Michael Ludeman of Anoka. DISMISSED Sept. 25 — Mrs. Charles Jansen of Stuart and Carl Anderson of Atkinson. 2fi — Henry Timmerman of Stuart; Mr:;. A1 Liedtke of Chambers; Mrs. Garry Scheinost and baby of Spencer and Hubert Ramold of Atkinson; Mrs. Wesley Cobb and Kevin Shald of Stuart; Mrs. Blaine El lis and baby of Newport. 29 -Mrs. Frank Disterhaupt of Atkinson; Mrs. Ethel Kelly, Mrs. Terry Wil son and baby and Donald Scha fer of Stuart. 30—Tpm Nightingale of Atkinson. Oct. 1 — Laurel Rea dy of Stuart and Fred Jungman of Atkinson 2 — Darryl Cadwal lader of Atkinson. SACRED HEART ADMITTED: Sept. 25 — Oct. 2 — Frank Plouzek, William Lued ke and Mrs. Rollin Hiatt of Spen cer; Baby Louis Rae Stewart jr. and Fred Spencer of Lynch and Mrs Clyne Dye of Anoka. DISMISSED: Sept. 2fi — Mrs Arthur Retzlaff and Mrs. Leman Huber of Lynch; Mrs. Roscoe Croekmur and Mrs. Elmer Frank of Bonesteel, S. D. and Rickey Dean Loock of Spencer. 27 —Ly nelle Breyer of Naper. 29 — E. L. Hagberg of Spencer; Mrs. James Cline of Niobrara and Mrs. Rich ard Weber of Butte. 30 — Baby Karla Jean Classen of Spencer; Mrs. William Zeisler of Naper and Mrs. Louis Stewart of Lynch; Oct. 2 — Mrs. Casper H&selhorst of Bristow and Ernest Schoen rogge of Fairfax, S. D. Warranty Deeds WD-Glen Pickrel to Kenneth G Van Every & wf 8-23-61 $6470 NW’i 2-2910- except % mineral rights reserved Justice Court— September 27: Vernon McClure. ViJla Park, 111., no reciprocity, fined $10 and costs; Officer Clif ford Kizzire. Harvey Borchers Wheatland, la., <m*rweight inter ior group of axles, fined $60 and costs, Officer Kizzire. Donald J Cleveland, O’Neili, expired li cense plates, fined $10 and costa; Officer Chris McGinn. September 28: Robert Cava naugh, Dubuque, la., overweight on axle, fined $70 and costa; Of fleer Kizzire. October 2: Arnold Romberg. Al bion, overweight on capacity plate, fined $10 and costa; Officer Kizzire. Gordon Allen, Norfolk, overwidth, fined $10 ami c'*Ui; Officer Kizzire. At The Courthouse DISTRICT COURT— Sept. 27 - City of O’Neill vs. Anna B'/wers, et. al. petition for annexation. COUNTY COURT— Sept. 28 — Fred Crouch. Pierce ton, Ind., night speeding, fined $10 and coats, officer R. L Gufle. Sept. 29 — Marshall L Dear man, Lincoln, night speeding, fined $15 and costs, officer R. L. Gude. Sept 29 - Ronald R. Burt, Bas sett, night speeding, fined $15 and costa, officer R L. Gude. Oct. 3 — John A Protivinaky, O'Neill, ficticious license plates, fined $10 and costs, officer R. L Gude. Oct. 10 — Paul C. Owen, Lin coln, faifore to st/g) at stop sign, fined $10 and costs, Sgt. R. R. Sborney. WHEN IT'S A "MATTER OF FORMS" SEE US