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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1961)
Sharon Mitchell, Robert Mitchell Exchange Vows ATKINSON — A 7 p.m. candle light ceremony was performed Sathirday, Sopt. 30, at the Butte Community church uniting in marriage Miss Sharon Kay Mit chell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adriun Mitchell, and Robert L. Mitchell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mitchell, all of Atkinson. Performing the double ring ceremony was the Rev. Elden Bergen. Church decorations in cluded candelabra and baskets of red and white gladioli. Wed ding music was provided by Mrs. Vera Tomek, organist, and Ro bert Hendricks, vocalist. The bride was attired in a gown of handclipped Chantilly lace over tulle and satin. The bodice featured a scalloped Sa brina neckline, embellished with pearls and sequins, and long ta pering sleeves with tiny sell-cov ered b ittons at the wrist also at the back of the dress. The aisle wide lace skirt had inserts of tulle, trimniid with appliques of lace. Her double waist-length veil of imported illusion fell from a crown fashioned of pearl loops designed in seven points and ac cented with drop seed pearls. Her bouquet was a cascade of red roses. Matron of honor was Mrs. Don ald Mitchell. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Larry Mitchell and Mrs. Gary Arp, Spencer. They wore identical dresses of red lace ov er satin designed with cummer bunds of red chiffon which fell into a big bow with long stream ers in the front. The sleeveless dresses featured rounded neck lines. Their headpieces were Bethany Women Hold Meetings at Ewing The Bethany Women’s Associa tion met at the home of Mable Gibson Wednesday afternoon, Sep tember 20. There were 16 women and five children present. Maude Urban led the Bible study les son. Tlie annual smorgasbord and bazaar will be held either Octo ber 19 or October the exact date to be confirmed later. The group met again at the church, September 28 and had an interesting lesson on Christian education led by Ramona Hoff man. One evening recently the pri mary class of the Bethany Pres byterian Sunday School, and its sponsors and guests visited the Ken Werner home to view the moon and the stars through Mr. Werner's telescope. The group then went to the Glen Burge home for a watermelon feed. Members of the class are Leonard Burge, white circular veils of illusion held in place by white headbands. They carried colonial bouquets of while carnations. Donald Mitchell brother of the bridegroom, served as best man. A brother of the bride, Larry Mitchell, and Rudy Dvorak were groomsmen. Ushers were Ken neth Mitchell, O'Neill, brother of the bridegroom, and Fred Dunn. Flower girl was Cindy Syfie and Dennis Garwood was ring bearer. Gary Mitchell, brother of the bridegroom, and Roger An gus were candlelightcrs. Following the ceremony a re ception was held in the church parlors. Mrs. John Schoberg, Om aha, and Mrs. Russell Angus, Spencer, cut and served the wed ding cake. Mrs. Lulu Dunn, At kinson, presided at the coffee ser vice, and Mrs. Wilbur Mitchell served the punch. Mrs. Bennett l>evall, O’Neill, was in charge of the guest book. Arranging the gifts were Mrs. Carrol Olson, Miss Patty Horst, Mrs. Ray Co burn and Miss Roma Fundus. Serving the bride’s table werj the Misses Judy Syfie, Joanne Schoberg and Marjorie Lewis. Mrs. Elmer Holm was hostess, assisted by Mmes. Ed Horst, Vem Dix, Marion Mohr, Wilford Arp, Bob Ellwanger and Herman Schroetlin. The bride graduated from Butte high school and was employed in Atkinson for one year. The bridegroom is a graduate of Atkinson high school and has been in the ranching business with his father. In the evening the couple en tertained their friends at a wed ding dance in the Butte Legion hall. After a wedding trip through the Black Hills they will make their home on e ranch south of Atkinson. Darla Summerer, Diane Summer er, Frankie Lambert, Melvin Knox, Loren Butterfield, Harold Larson, Steven Harkins, LaRee LaRue and Karen Summerer. In cluding the others present there were thirty-five in the group. Celestine Leach Weds D. Snyder PAGE — Mrs. Celestine Leach and Donald Snyder, both of Page were married at the First Metho dist church in Pierre, S. D., Sep tember 25 at 5 p.m. The Rev. Arthur Gugin offici ated at the ceremony. The bride was given in marri age by her cousin, Jesse Suiter. Pierre. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Suiter also of Pierre, attended the cou ple. A reception followed at the Jes se Suiter home. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder returned home Sunday evening after a wedding trip through Wyoming. Ellen Grohs Weds Merlin Green At Sioux City NAPER — The marriage of Mms Ellen Grohs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Grohs, and Merlin Green, son of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Gnien, all of Na per, was solemnized Sunday, Sept 17, at St Paul’s Lutheran church, Sioux City, la. The Rev. Ray Haizhauer offi dated. Tom Spears, Dubuque, la., was vocalist, and Mrs. Evelyn Scbwier was organist. A floor length gown of mist taffeta and Chantilly lace was worn by the bride, and it was designed with a Queen Ann*.- col lar and full taffeta skirt with prin cess panel of lace and chapel train. She carried a bouquet of white roses. Sisters of the bride, Mrs. Ber nice Johnsen and Mrs. Mary Lewis, attended the bride. They wore sheath dresses of aqua bro caded taffeta and matching veil ed hats. Their flowers were ar rangements of aqua carnations. Dennis and Marian Green, bro thers of the bridegroom were best man and groomsman. Ush ers were Richard Johnson ami Herman Nicalous. Linda Grohs was flower girl, and Kelly Nicalous was ring bearer. A reception was held in the par ish hall following the ceremony and was attended by 100 guests. Presiding at the coffee service was Mrs. Wilbur Grohs, and ser ving punch was Mrs. Raymond Grohs. Mrs. Marian Green and Mrs. Herman Nicalous cut and served the wedding cake. Miss Patricia Grohs was in charge of the guest book, while Mrs. Harold Grohs and Miss Mary Lee Nica ious arranged the gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Green will reside in Crystal Lake, 111., where he is employed by Neisners Store. ATKINSON — Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Minings, Atkinson, an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Marjorie Sue, to Ken neth Osborne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Osborne, Atkinson. Miss Winings Is a 1961 gradu ate of Atkinson high school, and was employed this past sum mer by the Shonka Agency in Atkinson. .Mr. Osborne, a 1960 graduate of Atkinson high school, is em ployed by Ronald Watson, Atkin son. An October wedding is being planned. A. Boelters Observe 25th Anniversary VENUS — Mr. and Mrs. Albert Boelter observed their 25th an niversary at their home Sunday. A dinner was given in their honor by their children, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Boelter and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Boelter. Mrs. Gerald Waring, a sister of Mr. Boelter, baked and decorated the cake. Mr. and Mrs. Boelter were married Oct. 1, 1936 at Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Waiter McElhose. Verdigre were the attendants. The couple has spent their married life in the Venus community. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Boelter, Mr. and ' Mrs. Ewalt Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Beaudette and Rickie, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parks, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Johnson and family. « 3T*»KXI 1 .VV i '< rk-w;r. it SE\ EN BROTHERS AND SISTERS met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Marsh Saturday and Sunday for a family reunion. Two of the nine child-en of the late Mr. and Mrs James Cromwell Geneva, were unable to be present, a sister .Anna McMahan. Los .Angeles, Calif, and John Cromwell Gamble. Calif. Present were (front. 1. to r.) Vem Cromwell. Omaha; George Cromwell Ft Morgan Colo., and Orvell Cromwell. Norfolk, (standing) Mrs. Albert Marsh. O'Neill; Mrs Wllmetta Kin- Santa I Barbara. Calif.: Mrs. Leona Bunge. Bland Mo., and Mrs. Maude Ayres, Astoria, Ore. Some of the mem bers of the family had not been together for 20 yea-s. Several of the children had their families with them for the reunion. j Janice Micanek Weds Dale Wood At Lynch Sunday LYNCH — Miss Janice Leree Micanek. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Micanek, Lynch, and Dale Henry Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wood, Ewing, were united in marriage Sunday eve ning, Oct. 1, at the Christ Lu theran church in Lynch. Tlie Rev. Donald Burgdorf of ficiated at the 7 p.m. double ring candlelignt ceremony before an altar flanked with candelabra and large baskets of white mums and pompons. Mrs. Harlan Larson sister of the bridegroom, was vo calist, accompanied at the or gan by Mrs. Walter Wesche. The bride wore a traditional white gown of bridal taffeta and Chantilly lace. The molded bo dice of lace over taffeta accented a square neckline that formed a V in the back. Long fitted lace sleeves ended in points over the wrist. A graduated tunic edged in lace revealed a bouffant floor length skirt that fell gracefully into an aisle-wide chapel train. A small jeweled cap held in place the fingertip silk illusion veil. She carried a cascade of white mums and pompons. Miss Joan Andersen, Omaha, was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Wayne Hoffman, O’ Neill, Miss Joyce McGill, Verdel, and Miss Helen Halstead, Lynch. They wore identical gowns of royal blue satin, styled with a V neckline, small self-fabric bows at front waist and semi-bouffant skirts. Headpieces and slippers were of matching color, Each carried a semi-crescent bouquet Mrs. Elsie Nasland, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Waring, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter McElbose and Karen, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Miller and Steven. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Metties and Lonnie, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Trowbridge and family, Mr. and .Mrs. Edward 9ucha and family, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Boeiter and family, Mrs. Doris Fick, Wally, Eddy and Debbie, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Beaudette and Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Waring, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Boeiter, Mrs. Bill O'Brian, Chesie, Peggy, Sherry and Sally, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Mitties, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Boeiter, Owen Parks and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Strope and Boyd. O'Neill Locals Plan Card Party Friends of St. Mary’s academy will have a card party at 8 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 8 at St. Mary’s gymnasium. It will be sponsored by parents of the junior and sen iors. Pitch, bridge and pinochle will be played with prizes for all divisions. A lunch will be served. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kiitz return ed Friday from a visit in Chica ---1 of mums and pompons. Bernard Gribble served as best "'.an. Groomsmen were Wayne ILifman, Zane Edwards and Leo nard Brown. John Lee Farrier, Chambers, and Harold Gene Mi canek, brother of the bride, seat ed the guests. Candlelighters were Harold Lar son and Mauri Micanek. Mary Jo Horwe, Fremont, was flower girl. Gus Bentz, Spencer, was rang bearer. Following the ceremony a re ception was given by the bride’s parents. Mrs. Donald Johnson acted as hostess, greeting the 250 guests. Mrs. Pete Mulhair and Mrs. Wesley Howe, Fremont, sis ter of the bridegroom, cut and served the wedding cake. Presi ding at the serving table were Miss Pauline Mulhair, serving punch, Mrs. Phyllis Mulhair, serv ing the bridegroom’s cake, and Mrs. Emil Micanek, pouring cof fee. Assisting at the bridal table were the Misses Helen Sobotka and Marlyn Graham. The gifts were recorded by the Misses Car ole Johnson, Joanne Lansworth, Faye Weidner and Mrs. J. L. Far rier. Miss Corrine Brinker, O’ Neill, registered the guests, and Mrs. W. Moffett had charge of flowers, The bride is a graduate of Lynch high school and Commer cial Extension School of Omaha. At present she is employed by Consumers Public Power of O’ Neill. The bridegroom is a graduate of Chambers high school and is engaged in ranching. Following a wedding trip to the southwestern states the couple will be at borne on a ranch south of O’Neill. go and Elgin, 111., and at Janes ville, Wis. At the latter place they visited their daughter, Phyl lis Kiltz. At Elgin they spent a week with Mrs. R. S. Leitner, sis ter of Mrs. Kiltz. They also vis ited in Maringo and Woodstock, 111., with relatives of Mr. Kiltz. At a congregational meeting Sunday morning, Oct. 1 the Be thany Presbyterian church una nimously voted to join with the O’Neill Presbyterian congregation in the purchase of a manse in O’Neill. Mrs. John Harrington, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Stanton, Mrs. Ag nes Rohde and Mrs. Anna Donlin attended the Catholic ladies din ner in Spencer Sunday and spent the afternoon visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Murray. Sgt. and Mrs. William O'Con nell and children returned to Ra pid City, S. D., Sunday after spending a week in O’Neill and , attending the funeral of Mr. O’ Connell’s mother, Clara O’Con nell. Sgt. O’Connell will be trans ferred overseas in the near fu- , ture. His wife and children plan to make their home in New York j with her parents until his return, j Visiting at the home of Mr. < and Mrs. George McCarthy for the past week was their daughter i and grandchildren, Mrs. Bernard 1 Prus* and boy», Bcrnw and Bob by, Omaha Mr Pruaa arrived Friday u> spend the weekend and they returned home Sunday A1 ao visaing the McCarthy* over ihe weekend w.u their *»n Ed, Columbus Joe Cavanaugh returned Sun day from Grand Island and Om aha where he received a check up on hta leg at the Veterans hospital m Grand Island and at tended a performance of the Ak Sar-Ben Rodeo ui Omaha McKinley Simonson went to Omaha Tuesday where he ts re ceiving medK-a! attention. Mr and Mrs, Neil Dawes, Fairbury, former residents of O' Neill, \isi ted friends lie re over the weekend. Jim Spiutenberger, Jack Mc Ginn ami John Me El vain spent Sunday fishing and boating »n the Scalp Crei-k area at Fort Rami all. Mr. and Mrs. Don Becker and girls, Julie anil Laurie, and Mr*. McKinley Simonson spent from Thursday until Monday in Kan sas City, Mo., visiting Mr. and Mrs. Russel Mo!er. Recent dinner guests in the Martha Ross home were Mr. ami Mrs. Cecil Miller and Oliver Ross and daughter, Mary. A week ago Sunday Martha Ross and Clarence were guests in the home of Mr and Mrs. Charley Miller in Bristow. Neighbor (tub Meet* ‘«>r club met at the home of Mrs. Ralph Van Horn September 27. Eleven members answered roll call by giving a sandwich recipe. They also brought plants and slips to exchange. Get well cards were signed for two sick members. The afternoon was spent quilting. 'Hie next meeting will lx- at the home of Treasa Walsh October 25. Roll call will be the present ing of pie recipes. Altar Soeiety Meets St. Patrick’s Altar soeiety met September 21 in St. Mary’s gym. Miss Hilda Gallagher presided at the meeting. One visitor, Mrs. Rutledge, was introduced, also a new member, Mrs. John Beri gan. Msgr. O'Sullivan told of the progress of the new convent and school. Miss Helen Gokie read an essay. Msgr. O'Sullivan anl 30 women from the O'Neill Deanery uavncu uy uub oepurmoer zt> 10 Columt>us for the National Council of Catholic Women’s Con vention. The St. Elizabeth's guild, Mrs Leo Laible chairman, was in charge of the meeting. New Club Started AMELIA — “News and Re views” is the name of a new club started in the Amelia sch«x>l. Members present the latest local, national and international news each Monday morning with one book review. Officers are: Jan eth Oetter, president; Jack Doo little, vice president; Debby Wal do, secretary', and Donna Forbes and Cynthia Dierking, roll call. Jerold McClenahan is the teach er. —————— . I*.* M m Relatives Honored CHAMBERS — Approximately 50 relatives were present at a family dinner Sunday in honor of Mr . and Mrs. Ralph Harkins, Grand Island. The dinner was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dedie Fauquier, uncle and aunt of Mr. Harkins, -W* * X . Mrs. Hunt Is Hostess -- Mrs. Earl Hunt entertained members of the BCA club Tues day evening. The group met for dinner at 7 p.m. at the Tropi cal Gardens and later adjourned to the Hunt home for an evening of bridge. Prizes were won by Mrs. Virgil Laursen and Mrs. M. L. Burney. Association to Meet Three Circles of the First Pres byterian church will hold an As sociation meeting in the Fellow ship hall Thursday at 8 p.m. Re ports and lessons will be given followed by a social hour. Re-enlists in Navy James D. Enright, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Enright left Sun day for San Diego, Calif, where he will attend school to study air conditioning and refrigeration. James enlisted in the navy for a six year period. Robert Kurtz is on a fishing trip at Ft. Robinson with his bro ther, John Kurtz. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gokie and :amily were dinner guests Sun iay at the home of her brother n-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pribil. Marvin Ziska and his uncle and xtusin of Stuart returned Monday " rom a Successful weekend hunt n Wyoming. The three men each jagged a buck mule deer Sunday. )ne deer which was hit in a leg j vas roped by a former Ewing j nan, Lyle Potter, who is now iving in Wyoming. How many times do you repeatedly write er type the same meesefe over and ever every deyf *■* RIBBEI STAMP A... 1 I FRONTIER Htone 788 O'Neill Not e.! I LAND 1 - —- “ i - t::n.—- - —- pixase ~~ lfJid do this immediately. ^ removal 1 1 rate and tio rv»nntv In costly - , I 1 ^ ^ “ 11 “ “please See That This Is Done HOa COUNTY BOARD OF SUPFRV.SOR ^ EMMET — Mr*. Doiuta II. Htauh. daughter of Mr and Mr* linut Ferry, Emmet, and Adolph Vt. Arp, hw «»f Mr. and Mr*. William Arp. (Urrnll, were untied in marriage September 1*. The rrrrmooy wa* performed by Judge Frank I'ronk at the O'Neill courtbnuae. Attending the couple were Mr. and Mr*. Melvin Mohr. Oantond. The hride ha* been employed at tlie John < omiril at ore at I'.rnniet for the |»a*t year. Mr. Arp I* engaged In larmlng near Handolph where the < on pie t* now residing. Conda Kay Couch, Larry Williamson Wed at Inman INMAN — Rod carnations and white mums decorated the altar of the Inman Methodist church for the September 24th wedding of Miss Conda Kay Couch, daugh ter of Mr. aud Mrs. Ivan Couch, Inman, and Larry Dean Williarrt son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Williamson, Orchard. The Rev. Robert Linder officiat ed at the 4 pun. double ring cer emony. Miss Marilyn Siders was soloist, accompanied by Mrs. Mary Hartigan. A floor length gown of Chan tilly lace was chosen by the bride for her wedding. It was designed with long bridal sleeves, wing tipped collar ami illusion neck line. The bouffant skirt had deep lace trimmed tiers in back ami a deep lace trimmed flounce in front with an overskirt of lace. Her veil of silk illusion was caught by a crown erf sequins and pearls. She carried a corsage of white carnations and stephanotis on a white Bible. Mrs. • Eugene Couch, O’Neill, was matron of honor. Bridesmaid was Mrs. Dick Appleby, also of O’Neill. They wore identical street length dresses of red faille Mrs. Helen Sullivan returned Monday from a three-day con vention of the Nebraska Florists association in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. J. Forsche, Lan der, Wyo., are visiting at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Carl Colfack. |. with nylon lae* trim, scoop neck lines and three-quarter length sh eves. They wore white fp(iin«r hats *1*1 carried coltml*J bou quels of red and while carna tions. ’ Richard Williamson. Norfolk brother of the bridegroom, was liest man, and another brother, DeWainc Williamson, ll.itte, was groomsman Ushers were Eugene Couch, brother yf the bride, and IVwath# Schwager, Orchard. Following the ceremony n re ception was given by Lhe bride's parents in tlie church annex. The wedding cake was cut by Mrs. DeWaine Williamson. Mrs. Rich ard Williamson, Norfolk, served the coffee and Miss Jo Ann Will iamson, Orchard, served the I lunch. Servers were Mrs Marvi* Hawk, Orchard, Mus Mary Mors bach, Miss Barbara Keil ami Miss Georgia Hero Id Mrs Tom Cun ningham , Milford, and Miss Karon Brown arranged the gift*. Mr*. Lyle Tucker, Ewing, look car* of the guest book. The bride U a graduate of the Inman public achoai, cJa*s of 1961, and Mr. Williamnon is a graduate of the Ewing public school. Following a wedding trip through the Black Hills, the cou ple is residing on a farm near Orchard. Presbyterian I-Julies KI MMAOF- HALF Thursday Friday and Saturday In old Beautyland salon. PLANNING A WEDDING? PHONE 788 THE FRONTIER, FOR Invitations Thank You Cards Napkins Get our Prices Before you Buy See Our Sample* Before Onmc The Frontier i