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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1961)
Clearwater New Mrs. Charles Curtright III liter 5-S290 Band sponsors met Monday evening in the high school re creation room with 15 in atten dance. Business of the evening included a discussion on re plenishing the treasury, and plans were made for the annual teachers reception to he held in the very near future, a date to be announced later. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knapp and Mr. and Mrs. Randall Hixson were in charge of the entertainment which was furnished hy Mr. and Mrs. How ard Luben who showed colored slides. Mrs. Wallace Twiss con ducted the meeting in the ab sence of the president, Wayne Switzer. Mrs. J. W. Bennie and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Curtright served refreshments. Roy Stevens spent several days in Antelope Memorial hospital. He was able to return home Thursday of last week. Karen Wrcnholt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jieorge Wren holt, underwent a major opera tion Friday morning in the Ne ligh hospiial. Karen, a student in the Norfolk .Junior college, became ill Wednesday night ami was brought to Neligli Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerotd (Spike) Smith, Wisner, visited friends and relatives here the past week. The Smiths have purchased a home in Norfolk and will move there in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sparks and son Terry, and Alice Sparks, Norfolk, spent the weekend in the Merle Sparks home. Mrs. Iziretta Ashcraft, Fre mont, is planning a public auction of her household belong ings here in Clearwater Septem ber 30. Relatives here received word of the death of Tom Miller of Des Moines, la. Mr. Miller had been in poor health the past six months. His wife is the for mer Josephine Mitchell of Clearwater. Guests in the Will Luben home Monday were Mrs. Guy Copper, Kansas City. Mrs. Mildred Per vo, Alhambra, Calif., Mrs. Zolla Suiter, Norfolk, and Lydia Nor wood, Elgin. WSCS of the Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. Eric Minerich Thursday with Mrs. Amos Switzer, co-hostess. There were nine members, four honor ary members and one visitor present. Mrs. Lyle Switzer led devotionals. The lesson was given by Mrs. Mary Hemenway and Mrs. H. Sprague. Plans for the fall bazaar were discussed. The bazaar is to be held in connec tion with the Lord’s acre sale, a date to be announced. The wo men are making a quilt for the bazaar. Next meeting will be the birthday meeting at the church. Pep club officers were named the past week with the following taking cluirge. Presi dent Sherryl Alders; vice presi dent, Bonnie Damme; secre tary and treasurer, Beverly Snider, and reporter, Cathy Wiegand. The sponsor is Miss H. Czarnik. First team cheer leaders are Marie Anderson, Maxine Hoffman and Cheryl Rice. For the second team they are, Chellie Nolze, Helen Sni der and Sharon Kallhoff. Mr. and Mrs. Don Dufphey were Thursday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Curtright. Mr. and Mrs. John Rix and family visited relatives in Oma ha Sunday. Deloit News By Mrs. H. Reimer Last Week’s News— Mrs. Bill Schindler, Omaha, underwent surgery recently for a ruptured appendix. She is re cuperating at her home. Mrs. Glenn Harpster and her parents returned Tuesday after a 10-day visit with relatives in Kansas. Jimmy Dick Schindler, Oma ha, is to undergo heart surgery at Rochester, Minn., in Octo ber. Mrs. Louis Pofahl was albe to return to her home near Deloit Saturday. She had been hos pitalized. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jewell, Dal las, S. D., spent Sunday at the Ralph Tomjack and Johnny Bauer homes. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Munson, Norfolk, spent Thursday at the L. L. Bartak home and visited Mrs. Lodge. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Merle Sehi last week. Claude Temple, 64 of Lincoln passed away Sunday unexpected ly of a heart attack. Burial was in Kansas. He was the father of Howard Temple of Hastings. Mrs. Mary Steams visited aliout two weeks in the Athel Fuller and Roy Peterson homes in Chadron. She returned home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Redlinger and family have moved from the Kryger ranch to O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bartak vi sited the Harold Cook home in Lincoln over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schindler and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer were visitors Friday evening at the R. M. Tomjack home. The Deloit pinochle club met Thursday afternoon at the Charles McDonald home. Mrs. Effie Kubart was a guest. Mrs. Charles Bartak and Mrs. Anna Savage went to Wayne Wednesday to take Beverly Bar tak back to college. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Tomjack spent Thursday evening at the Sisson home. Mr. and Mrs. Donohoe and family, California, have been vi siting at the Johnny Bauer home. Mrs. Donohoe is the former Pat Bauer. The new schoolhouse in the Cache Creek area is progressing. Naper News By Mrs. John Schonebaum Last Week’s News— Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Stahlec ker were Wednesday evening vi sitors in the John Stahlecker home. Shirley Bechtold returned to Sioux Falls, S. D., Tuesday af ter spending Labor Day weekend with her parents, the Albert Bechtolds Mr. and Mrs. Emil Heermann and family, Wisner, were last Sunday visitors and dinner guests of Mrs. Anna Heermann. Ed Nicalous was admitted to the Burke hospital September 6. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stahlecker, Yankton, S. D., returned to their home Sunday after visiting with his parents, the Walter Stahlec keds, and other relatives for several days. Last Sunday evening visitors in the Everett Green home to visit with Merlin Green, Dubu que, la., and Ellen Groh, Sioux City, la., were the Gene Reis selman family, Donald Schmitz and family, Elizabeth Reisel mann and Donna Halbur, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Vogt and fami ly, Mr. and Mrs. Don Rolf and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Vogt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Klein and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vogt and family, Marlin Green and sons, Jim Blums and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sieh, Denver, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sieh re turned to their home in Denver, after spending a short vacation Set set for SCHOOL DA YS with MCKESSQN BEXEL I McKesson bexel vitamin SPECIAL OFFER! This unique SPiCE-O-UFE Herb Rack only $6 a»d any BEXEL vit’Tuo box M Bus $19.95 value. This authentic reproduction of an Early American antique of hand-polished Ponder osa Fine holds ten taste-tempting herbs and spices from “The House of Herbs”. Ton also get the valu able “The Art of Herb Cookery”. 1 McKesson BEXEL VITAMIN MONEY-SAVING COUPON « SPICE-O-LIFE I Box 548, Bridgeport, Conn. . “ Enclosed please find $6-and a BfiXMi box top S for this $19.95 value. MIMF . — » ——--- I CITY - PTIT1I ■ . .. —... n NAME AND ADQUESS OP P&PG ST rtf T » . — •es:oot» v cowKCeTKt»TA*o ss Miescu. epf«eeoeee«jriee.e^. Johnson Drug Store Phone 118 O'Neill, Nebraska with his grandparents, the Claus Siehs, and other relatives and friends. Last Sunday visitors and din ner guests in the John Stahlecker home were Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Juran and sons, Rapid City, S. D., Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shierk, O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Stahlecker and daughters, Wood, S. D., and Dennis and Linda Heermann. Mission Festival services were held Sunday at St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran church with Pastor D. Sellnow, Rapid City, S. D., guest speaker for morning services. Afternoon speaker was Pastor K. Fuhl brigge, Mission, S. D. Ewing News By Mrs. Harold Harris Last Week’s News— Arrangments have been made at the Ewing Methodist church for a nursery. Mothers may leave their babies and small children here during the morning worship hour. Mrs. Marcus Pierson, as sisted by RozLynne Spragg, will be in charge Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Thom son and Scottie were dinner guests Tuesday at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Lester Spragg. They were enroute to their home in Bassett from a vacation trip. Mrs. Thomson is a niece of Mrs. Spragg. Mrs. Louis Pofahl was able to come home Sunday from the An telope Memorial hospital. Mrs. Harry Parks is assisting in the Pofahl home. A series of revival meetings are scheduled to begin Friday at the Ewing Methodist church. The Rev. J. R. Parker, Wilmore, Ky., is the guest speaker. The Rev. Lester Spragg is pastor of the Ewing church and he extends a cordial invitation to the public to attend these meetings. The Rev. and Mrs. Fred Stock ton and son, Pakistan, arrived in Ewing Tuesday and were over night guests at the home of Dr. Wm. H. Ross. The Stocktons are back in the states for their first furlough from the missionary field. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tucker at tended a covered dish supper at the American Legion hall in O’ Neill Monday evening, honoring Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Beha who are moving to Wisconsin.. Mr. and Mrs. Lyslie Couch and grandson, Bartlett, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Tucker. Thursday evening guests at the Ray Tucker home were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Billings, Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones and family, Chambers, were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tucker, Sunday. ! The Order of the Eastern Star. Jephthah Chapter No. 85, met for the regular session Tuesday eve ning. Marie Davis was initiated into the Order. Mrs. Waldo Davis and Mrs. Harriet Welke were re freshment hostesses with Mrs. John A. Wood assisting with the decorations. Mr. and Mrs. M. London, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shaw and Mrs. Mark Muff, O’Neill, Mrs. Wilma Daniels, Mrs. Lorraine Wright and granddaughter, Debbie Carl, Ewing, were Sunday evening guests at the George Jefferies home. Weekend guests at the Jef feries and Mrs. Lorraine Wright homes were Mr. and Mrs. Don Drey and family, Omaha. They returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Olson, guests at the H. R. Harris home for a few days, returned to their home in SiOux City, la., Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Ruroede, Sam Regan, Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyers, Clearwater, visited Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Jefferies. Other callers during the week were Andrew Olson, Mrs. Ivan Wright, Mrs. Royce Wright, Mrs. Laura Spittler and Mrs. Eddie Cuddy and children of O’Neill. 9unday guests at the Sis Eb bengaard home were his nephew. Bob Mathison and family, Sioux City, la. Mr. and Mrs. Ebben gaard drove to Neligh Saturday to visit Roy Stevens, a patient at the Antelope Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Latzel and his mother, Mrs. George Latzel, visited Sunday with George Latzel at a Stuart Rest home. Mr. Latzel, who suffer ed a stroke several weeks ago, remains about the same. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Doud, Mrs. Edna Lofquest and Mrs. George Meyers, Clearwater, went to Fort Randall Sunday to spend the day. Mrs. Curtis Roberts and Kar en Mlnarik attended a bridal shower for Miss Katie Depew at Neligh Monday evening. Vina Wood is spending her two week vacation with her brother in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Coe Butler, and other relatives in Lincoln. Mr. ana Mrs. m ueinsKy ana family, Omaha, were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sham and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bernhardt and Traci were Thursday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bartwistle. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Walter and family, Clearwater, were Sat urday evening guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Walter. Mrs. Lucy Dougherty transact ed business in Norfolk Tuesday. Mrs. John Pruden and Mrs. J. L. Pruden attended a dog show’ at Des Moines, la., Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Wayne Shrader and child ren and Ina Bennett were dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Flora Young at Orchard Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Burtwis tle and Jim were Tuesday eve ning callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Grossnickt?us and girls down on the Beaver, and were visitors Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eu gene Zimmerman and family. ■££££ THE WEDDING OF Mr. and Mrs. David Wright was performed August 1» at Ewing in St. John’s Catholic church. The bride is the former Marcene Schmiser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schmiser, and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright, all of Ewing. When a car is this beautiful, you know Pontiac built it! Who else but the builder of those front-running Wide- Track Pontiacs could bring out a car so freshly * and finely styled I It’s longer, with a crisp, low silhouette. It’s distinctly Pontiac, with a new twin-scoop grille you can recognize a block away. Powered by the potent Trophy lZ-8, with 215 to 348 h.p. Beautifully poised on Pontiac’s famous Wide-Track stance. V\/e’ve even cut the turning-radius as much as 316 feet to make handling easier. The result Is a pride-pleasing new version of Americas Number One Road Car. Come on In—and let a Pontiac show you its stuff while it’s showing you off! The \62 Wide-Tracks are hereiX - This Is the new silhouette ot the Bonneville Sports Coupe J •EE ALL THE PONT1ACS • CATALINA • STAR CHIEF • BONNEVILLE • GRAND PRIX • AND SEE THE PONTIAC VICTOR BtfRGE SHOW ON CBS-TV—SEPTEMBER 27 NOW ON DISPLAY AT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER Wm. Krotter Company 305 West Douglas _O'Neill, Nebraska _