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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1961)
Church Notes t /Ul minister* are Invited to wnd their church notes to I he Frontier. For guaranteed publication, we ask that the notes are to our office l>y Saturday, one week prior to the services. First Methodist Church The Rev. Glenn Kennicott) Thursday: Prayer Circle, 10 a.m., Claude Bates home; Dor cas, 2 pirn.; WSCS, 8 p.m. Sunday: Morning worship, 11 a.m. Sunday school, 9:45. Finance canvaseers dinner, 12:30 p.m.; fi nance canvass, 2-5 p.m. Tuesday: WSCS District meet ing at Ewing, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Contact Mrs. Roy Wayman for ride. Wednesday: Senior MYF, 7 p.m., Senior choir, 8 p.m. st. Patrick's Catholic Church Msgr. Timothy O'Sullivan and Father Robert Duffy, assistant* Sunday: Masses, 7, 8 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Saturday: Confessions from 4 until 5:30 p.m and from 7:30 P nt. until 9 p.m. Masses in the church every day at 7:15 a.m. Church of Cpiphany Emm*-*; (Father Ralph O Donnell* Masses at 8 a.m. the first, third and fifth Sunday of each month; at 10 a.m. on the second and fourth Sundays. Page Methodist Church iThe R< v. Robert Linder* Sunday: Church school, 10 a.m.; worship 11 a.m. Wednesday: Choir and MYF, 8 p.m. Thursday: W5C9, 2 p.m. P.ethauy Presbyterian Church ( The Rev .lehri Hart* Sunday: Worship, 9:30 a.m., Sunday school, 10:30 a.m. Center Cnhiii Church (The Rev 1 'on Olmsted* Sunday: Morning worship, 10 a m ; 9.nday school. 11 a.m., and Christian Endeavor, 7 30 pm. Wednesday: Cottage prayer ser vice, 8 p.m. So many extras in HAWKEV1 AH the features you expect in a sport and work boot — plus so many wear-and-comfort extras that only Acme could make possible — at this price! See them today! sz. 1020 MEN Nawkeye premium quality in the "Magnum” . . . Acme's fully insulated 10-inch sport boot for that man-size feel! 1058 MEN The "Yukon” ... a Hawkeye custom &inch sport boot by Acme featuring the “Forward Thrust” sole . . . “it takes the work out of walking”! 4950 MEN Popular everywhere is Acme's “Dogger” . . . features the comfortable “Double O-Toe" and straight wall heels. A & M SHOE STORE “The Family Shoe Store” O’Neill. Nebraska Methodist Church r .inbers •The R- Charles Cox) ‘iunday: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; vk.nship, 11 a.m. Immanuel Lutheran Church Atkinson iThe Rev. A. S. Gedwillo) Friday: Junior choir. 8 p.m. Sunday: Sunday school, 9:45 a.m.; worship 11 a.m. Tuesday: Sunday school staff meeting, 7:30 p.m. First Presbyterian Church (The Rev. John Hart) Sunday: Sunday school, 9:45 a.m., worship, 11 a.m. Monday: Bible study, 2:30 p.m. Wednesday: Junior Youth, 7 p.m. Thursday: Senior Youth, 7:30 p.m. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH 505 East Williams Sunday: Bible school, 10 a.m., Worship and communion. 11 a.m. Wesleyan Methodist Church ( The Rev. Don Olmsted) Sunday: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; morning worship 11 a.m.; Bible school program, 7:30, Wes leyan Youth; evening worship, 8 p.m. Wednesday: Prayer hour, 8 p.m. St. Joseph’s Church Amelia (Father Ralph O’Donnell) Masses at 10 a.m. the first, third and fifth Sundays of each month; 8 a.m. on the second and fourth Sundays. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Chambers I The Rev. William Roten) Sunday: Sunday school and Bi ble class, 9 a.m.; worship, 10 a.m. Monday: Bible study, 2:30 Emmet Methodist Church (The Rev. Glenn Kennicott' Sunday: Sunday school, 9 a.m.; morning worship, 9:45 a.m. Assembly of God Church (The Rev. Ivan Christoffersen > Sunday: Sunday school, 10 a m.; morning worship and Jun ior church, 11 a.m.; young people service 7 p.m., Evangelistic ser vice, 8 p.m. Wednesday: Prayer and Bible study, 8 p.m. Mrs. Arlene Lisle, Neligh, will show slides of her recent trip to the Holy Land. Thursday: Fellowship meeting at Ainsworth services, 2:30, 6:45 and 8 p.m. Inman Methodist Church (The Rev. Robert Linder) Sunday: Church school, 8:40 a.m.: worship, 9:40 a.m. Wednesday: Choir and MYF, 8 p m. Orchard News Mrs. Wilbur Mahood Phone TW 3-3185 The Library board met Friday afternoon at the library. Mrs. Bernard Kellog, president, pre sided over the meeting. Mrs. Lie bsack, the librarian, reported that books are being checked out in satisfying numbers. Several new adult books have been pur chased, also some new children and teenage books are in the li brary. It was voted to have the library meetings on the second Friday of every month at 3:30 p.m. WSCS of the Evangelical United Brethren church met September 13, at the church par lors. Twenty-nine members and two visitors, Mrs. Archie Walton and Mrs. Blanche Fletcher, were present. Mrs. Harold Mitchell, president, presided over the meeting. The lesson leader was Mrs. Boyd Mitchell, assisted by Mrs. W. Napier, Mrs. D. L. Fletcher, Mrs. Vernon Munger and the Rev. D. Lera. Mrs. Wen dell Wilson gave an original reading. There is to be a tea in October. It was voted to have a bazaar and turkey supper Octo ber 24. luteal conference of the EUB church will be October 19. The total membership is invited to attend a farewell for Dr. W. P. Watkins who ha-s resigned its conference superintendent ef fective November 1. He and his wife will leave Nebraska to live In Burbank, Calif., where he will serve as superintendent of the Pacific Evangelical I'nited Brethren Home and Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Will Carey and Cheryl, North Platte, were week end visitors in the home of her parents, the Rev. and Mrs. Wal ter Seefeldt. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Hill and Mr. and Mrs. James Walnofer attended the State Fair in Lin coln a week ago. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis, Mrs. Louise Beal and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Barton had a picnic at Gavins Point dam Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Kane spent the weekend visiting in the James Wellman home in Sioux City, la. Mr. and Mrs. August Axen, Buhl, Ida., were here last Sun day to visit in the home of her sister, Mrs. Walter Seefeldt and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bennet Young and family, Omaha, were week end visitors in the Flora Young home. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Seefeldt. Marshville, Wis., were weekend guests of his brother, the Rev. Walter Seefeldt. Mrs. Lois Johnson and son, Verdigre were Saturday guests in the A. L. Robertson home. Mrs. Anna Sexton, Ogallala, is visiting relatives and friends here this week. Octet Bridge club met with Mrs. Kenneth Bruce Tuesday af ternoon. Mrs. Cecil Lee and Mrs. Lester Withee won prizes. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Cecil Lee. Bridgette club met with Mrs. Clifford Erb September 11 with all members present. Mrs. Lyle Schleusener and Mrs., Duard Dempster won prizes. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Archie Walton September 26. The next meeting was Wednesday with Mrs. Marvin Haswell. Mrs. Sam my Reinke was a guest. Mrs. Archie Walton and Mrs. Sammy Reinke won prizes. The Stitch and Chatter club met with Mrs. Lester Raff Fri day with 13 members and one - visitor, Mrs. Wayne Rodgers, Valentine, present. Kozy Koraer club met Monday with 10 meml>ers present. They went to O’Neill for a dinner party at Slat's Cafe and attended a show. Blue Bird club met Friday at the Legion hall. At this meeting, the members started to make doll houses. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hill ac companied their son, Bob, to Lin coln Tuesday, where he is en rolled at the University of Ne braska. Bridge club met with Mrs. Mil lie Mahood Thursday afternoon. Gertrude Gribble was a guest. Mrs. Henry Drayton, Mrs. Ted Berry and Mrs. Lester Withee won prizes. The next meeting will be with Mrs. D. L. Fletcher. Mrs. Ray Hill and son, Warren, spent a few days in the Gary Koester home in Omaha last week. Noel UnitenschlaRer, who has been stationed at Colorado Springs, Colo., left September 12 for Thule, (ireehuid for duty. .Mrs. Lautensehlager and the two sons will make their home in Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. William Roether, Schuyler, were visitors Friday and Saturday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drayton. Mrs. Millie Mohood and Gert rude Gribble visited in the Elmer Bergstrom home Sunday evening at Ewing. Mrs. Olive Everhart spent last weekend with her son, Harold Everhart and family, Sargent. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bright and Dr. and Mi's. E. E. ltruce re turned home Tuesdny evening af ter spending a few days trip in the Black Hills. Lavem Hauptman, Neligh, was a dinner guest in the Gurney Drayton home Saturday. Mr. Hauptman teaches at Leigh. Tom Drayton accompanied Bob Lee to Lincoln Friday. Gertrude Grlbble attended a bridge party at the home of Mrs. O. Brown Wednesday at 1 p.rn. Lunch was served. Mrs. Bernice Whitmer was home over the weekend from Madison where she it teaching. Phone Your News To The Frontier Phone 788 LOWEST PRICE EVER! & Genie GAS Lite Now enjoy constant, dusk to-dawn, soft-as-moonllght illumination which does not attract bugs. Low op erating cost, dependable light that never fails . , . parts last indefinitely. per month on yoar gas bill with no down payment, no carrying charge. Full price of $36.00 Includes installation. i, "" y I ■p^Portion— This cut »£gt„°g^you S?S& «*—1«**.» ....69C Center Cot kib (C nnfid PUnics MoSvspride; cooked, .• ^ ^ boulder Butt Roast From our midwest pork Kf «« country comes the finest meat, WW tssn +22* r GhVE| especially for Safeway’s customers. Cut from fresh shoulder (Boston) butt. The lean pork is a |M delicate glistening pink edged with white fat. It’s rushed nj to you fresh so you get it at its delicious best. |^y| ^ PORK STEAKS, Shoulder (Boston) butt. . . .Lb. 39c MWldPl ! W ■ ill Med. size, 3 to Small, lean wl B00^0.5-lb. avg., Lb. and meaty, Lb. Spiced Apple Rings Royal .Class 35c Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce Chunk Pineapple LaLanl ...3 Cans $1.00 Whole or jellied, delicious Staicin Din Eillino' No 2 9Qi» With pork. .... .No. 300 Can JfyC ndlalll r 1C rilllllg Wilderness .Can CqQ . '...... Horseradish Mustard French......Jar 10c First Quality m§mm | COFFEE I Safeway, 2-oz. Jar With the purchase of any 114-lb. Bel-air frozen fruit pie. It’s Safeway for the Brands you know Vanilla WafersSShSTcH*.,!!&£ 25c Peanut Cookies crunchy peanuts.Pkg. 43c Chunk Tuna .S 49c Nestled Quik instantly in milk ........Pkg. 29c Pillsbury Flour finer baking ..Bag 55c Barbecue Sauce Id^th"’....^^ 39c Luncheon Napkins or colored.of 50 I9c NuSoft Rinse ZZSfSg.49c Liquid Linit Starch..27c Clorox Bleach plastic container ..Jug 4lc AH Aluminum Pitcher I Each ^ 9C I Deep, well-formed lip for easy, accurate pouring. I Ice retainer ridge and polished finish. I Skylark Brown n’ Serve Dinner Rolls Easy-to-prepare, Pkg. of 12 |yC | Skylark BREAD Ballerina flE Saves ’<6-oz. Loaf | y°u6c Frozen Food$\% v tprffl1- • . . J Cauliflower gl'Sfi'JE 2 39c j Lucerne Sherbet .. .&£; 59c | Frozen Juice £f5 c™ $1.00 Pineapple-Orange or Pineapple-Grapefruit Juke All prices effective thru Saturday, September 23, in O’Neill, Nebraska Natural Qo4ogethers ... Safeway*s Superb Pork and JONATHAN APPLES H ffl ■1 ' ..II .. 4-lb. Poly Bag Crisp, juicy and full of sweet flavor. Ideal sliced or whole Safeway aas fresh, ... in pies, turnovers, cobblers and other desserts. first quality produce! Russet Potatoes io-ib. /I Or U. S. No. 1 Grade, firm and shallow eyed, Q_l D ___ ■■■I delicious with Lucerne Sour Cream.■ 0*7 Dug ■ JBw You always get your money*s worth or your money back at Safeway! Tomato Soap. Campbell’s — full of luscious red-ripe tomato flavor... serve with crisp Busy Baker Crackers C v ackers ». * 39* $ 2 3c Busy Baker — first quality, fresh and crisp, yet so inexpensive.«. ideal in soup, casseroles and dressings Apple S^ee 6*a» *100 Town House — 7 No. 303 Cans $1... ideal in salads or for dessert Powdered Ad Vel \ Detergent Detergent, J _ 5 193,4-oz. 77. s?35c I pkg Vel | Liquid Beauty Bar j Swan JL39< j 39c Modess | _ Sanitary SP°"9e Napkins j Wop Reg. or Super, j Cedar— 89< =fa‘s2" r frakco-american ... \ Ur w-s I ’:in —t0^51 I MaccsrorA g| 1 in cheese 1 cans ^ * SPAGHETTI 1 W\ and Meat BO... •JOC | 1 l5Va-°*‘Can M \ U^-- " '^^rTnOHD STAJAPS SAFEWAY GIVES GO i 0 Con**** ***°‘ Karo Syrup Blue label, 3b^24c Swift'ning Shortening (“5c off” pack), a 82c Kerr Self Seal Caps I Regular size, Jf.37c Mazola Corn Oil m 71c 1-pt. Btl. 41c Kerr Self Seal Lids Regular size, 2619c Downy Fabric Softener ir 49c