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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1961)
Chambers News By .Mrs. K. It. Carpenter St. Paul's Lutheran Church Chambers, Nflbr. William K. Bo ten. Pastor Thursday:, 8 pm., Building committee, at church. Saturday: 9:15 a.m., Saturday school. Sunday, Jan. 29: 10 a.m., Bible class and Sunday school; 11 a.m., Worship and installation of of ficers. Mr. and Mrs. Everette Cooke of Springfield, Ore., are visiting his mother, Mrs. John Keller, and other relatives and friends. Mrs. James Grimes left Tues day for Ottumwa, la., to be with her daughter, Mrs. Loran Coppac, who is to enter the hospital for medical care. Mrs. Raymond Beed and Mrs. 1 Lloyd Gleed attended a Nebraska Methodist conference in Norfolk January 17. Mrs. Anna Albers and Mrs.’ Glen Grimes accom panied them. The Rev. and Mrs. Charles Cox drove down to the meeting in the afternoon. The Rev. Charles Cox, Vernon Whitaker, Erwin Carpenter and C. V. Robertson attended a meet ing at the O’Neill Methodist church Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Carpenter were Sunday dinner guests of the Rev. and Mrs. Charles Cox. Bill Held of Chambers and Don Imboden of Jefferson, S. D., at tended the Denver Stock Show. Irven Peltzer of Stanton spent a few days last week with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Peltzer, and his sister, Mrs. A. A. Walter. Mr. Walter had gone to Rochester, Minn., at the time. H. C. Walter ot Dewitt visiten his father, John Walter sr., and his brother, A. A. Walter, Fri day night and Saturday of last week. Dean Stevens and Bob Lewis of Atkinson were at the E. R. Car penter home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Green drove to Omaha Saturday to visit her mother, Mrs. Ed Harvey at St. Joseph’s hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Vem Bishop and family of Mead were weekend guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hertel. Several friends and neighbors surprised Mrs. Anna Hertel on her birthday anniversary Friday evening. After a social time, lunch was served. The Dumas Doers Extension club met January 10 with Mrs. Dick Day. Eight members and one visitor were present. It was voted to give $2 to the polio fund. The next meeting will be Febru ary 14 with Mrs. Tom Papke. A group of neighbors surprised Mrs. Harry Scott Friday evening on her birthday anniversary. Twenty members of the Junior Methodist Youth Fellowship en joyed roller skating in Atkinson Sunday. Sponsoring the group ^ — Electric Motors I Rewinding — Rebuilding Call 2434V — 24-hr. Service Northwest Electric O'Neill INSURANCE Hospitalization Mutual of Omaha LIFE 1 » United of Omaha Oscar Spitzenberger Box 667 Telephone 888 O'Neill, Nebr. Office at 429 North 3rd Street 38tf were Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Hoerle and Melvin 6ell. Mr. :uul Mrs. Henry Wood were surprised by a card shower January 17 on their 40th wedding anniversary. They received over 100 cards and letters of congratulations. The Home Circle club met January 18 at the home of Mrs. E. M. Jarman with Mrs. Joe Koci as co-hostess. There were 14 members and two visitors pre sent. At the business session it was voted to give $2.50 to the polio fund. There was an election of officers. Mrs. Willard Rickard was elected president; Mrs. Vem Wilkinson, secretary and treas urer. The next meeting will be February 15 with Mrs. Ralph Blair. Co-hostess will be Mrs. Vem Wilkinson. Mrs. Bill Logeman enter tained the following guests to dinner Sunday in honor of her husband’s birthday anniver sary: Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Earl David of Chambers and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Logeman of Bruns wick. The dinner was a sur prise to the honored guest. Sunday guests in the Harry Scott home were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott of O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Milan Welke and family of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Vearl Tuttle of Clearwater and their daughter, Linda Tuttle, who is in the armed service stationed in Georgia, were guests of Mrs. Tuttle’s brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell, January 17. Other guests were their brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Urban of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Rubeck of Chambers. Linda Tuttle expects to be sent overseas soon and was given a short leave with her par ents. Mrs. Lyraan vxjvey emeuamcu | a group of friends January 18 in honor of her husband’s birthday anniversary. A social time was spent and lunch served. Supper guests of Mrs. A. B. Hubbard Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Adams, Mrs. Anna Albers, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik and Mrs. John Honeywell. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Winter mote and girls were guests of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thorin at Bart lett Sunday. Pam Shavlik was elected pre sident of the Seven Sisters 4-H club at election of officers Mon day in the home of Mrs. Lloyd Gleed. Other officers are Patty Hoerle, vice president; Nancy Hoerle, secretary and Janis Ro bertson, reporter. Following a business meeaing, a song fest and election, the group adjourned to the kitchen to make a sponge cake for their first lesson. Re freshments were served by Mrs. Gleed. The next meeting will be February 11 with Pam Shavlik as hostess. For sure starts on cold morn ings, Wizard batteries, as low as $7.88 exchange with 24-month guarantee at Scovie’s Western Auto. 40c Amelia News . By Miss Florence Lindsey Amelia Progressive club mem bers met January 18 at the home of Mrs. Elmer Coolidge. Ten members and one visitor, Mrs. Julia White of Atkinson, were present. The business meeting was presided over by the presi dent, Mrs. M. E. Madsen. The lesson on “leather-craft” was given by Florence Lindsey. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Paul Fisher with Mrs. Milton Clemens to present the lesson. Mrs. Lee Gilman, Mrs. Charles Everett, Mrs. Dick Doolittle, Mrs. Gertie Adair, Mrs. Hienie Frahm, Mrs. Art Doolittle, Mrs. Bob Adair and Mrs. Edgar Peterson attended a party at the home of Mrs. Stella Sparks in Chambers Tuesday evening. Mrs. Charles Gates of Atkin son was present Friday at the home of Mrs. Edith Andersen to present the remaining parts of the lesson to the members of the WSCS. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Forbes and I FARM AUCTION 1 Having decided to quit ranching, I will sell the following described personal property at the ranch located—From Lynch, 11 miles south, 3V2 miles west, Vi mile North—From O’Neill, 16 miles I North, "Vi miles East and Vi mile North—From Midway, 1 mile South, 7V2 miles East and Vi mile North — Road will be marked. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 1 Sale Starts at 12:30 p.m. Lunch on the grounds 71 Hereford Cows 71 head of well bred Hereford cows, to start calving March 26th. All bred to registered bulls, consisting of — 35 head of 4 year olds, 33 head of 5 to 6 year olds, 3 head with calves at side, 2 mo. old. -Also 1 Bay Saddle Horse, 10 years old. Farm Machinery 1 Underslung, heavy duty; 1 Kramer winch to fit H, 2 yrs. old; 1 6 i ft. McCormick mower; 1 12 ft. McCormick hay rake; 1 2-row Mc Cormick lister; 1 2-row McCormick eli; I International Hammer I mill; 1 4-section flexible harrow; 2-3 section harrows; 1 McCormick endgate seeder; 1 Wagon with 50 bu. box; 1 Planter; 1 Plow; 1 I Drill; 1 Bob sled; 1 900 lbs. platform scale; 1 Feed bunk, 14 ft.; 1 I Feed Bunk, 16 ft.; 2 8-ft. stock tanks; 3 50 Gallon fuel barrels; 1 Electric chick brooder; 5 Heat lamps; 2 Chevrolet truck tires, i\ 8:25x20, mounted on bud wheels; 80 Rods woven wire; 2 Ton of I old iron; Shop tools; Vice and forge; Post drill; Anvil and other I items too numerous to mention. HAY - 35 Stacks of alfalfa hay, Lst and 2nd cutting. | TERMS—CASH or make arrangements with your banker. No I property to be removed until settled for. I CHARLIE SCHOLLMEYER Wallace O’Connel & Dewayne Anson, Auctioneers First National Bank. O’Neill, Nebr., Clerk Mr. and Mrs. Gene Thompson at tended the stock show at Denver this weekend. Donna Forbes stay ed with Mrs. Edith Anderson over Thursday night and went to Atkin son Friday evening to spend the weekend with her grandmother. Ronnie and Kay Thompson stay ed with Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton and with their grand mother, Mrs. Lavina Thompson of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. George Atkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Atkin son and son Leslie of McPherson, Kans. were overnight guests Sat urday of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fish er. They had been called to Butte to attend he funeral of Mrs. Mary Atkinson. The Clyde Bjrge, Glenn White and other neighbors of the Atkinson family, when they lived in the Amelia community, gather ed at the Fisher home Saturday evening to visit with them. The Rev. Ernest Chambers, pastor of the Bethany Free Methodist church, officiated at the funeral. MMAAAnlUIAHAAIWIAHAAnAMM Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adair, Al len and Dick, Mrs. Gertie Adair, Mrs. Stella Sparks and Mrs. Maude Forbes were dinner gjests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Hienie Frahm and family. Two films were shown at the schoolhouse Thursday evening to a good size crowd. Pie and coffee were served after the films. Mr. and. Mrs. Ralph Rees and Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Barnett were Ice fishing at Brown’s Lake Tuesday and reported having “quite good luck.’’ Gene Han sen, and Bill Gilman fished there later in the week, and BiB caught a nice sized nor thern pike. Mrs. Emma Lindsey and daugh ter, Florence, were observing birthday anniversaries this week end. On Saturday evening a group of women surprised them with a party. Those present were Mmes. Ralph Rees, Link Sage ser, Floyd Adams, Blake Ott, Maude Forbes, Vern Sageser, MAMMIWWIAAAAAMWIAAAAMWWW Edith Andersen, Fraifc Pierce, Lew Backhaus and Gertie Adair. The evening was spent playing various games and lunch, brought by the women, was served. The honored guests received many gifts. Bill Gilman is working for John Hansen. Mrs. Maudie Hansen is quite ill at her home in Atkinson. The Merry Matrons club met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Helen Pokorny. Mrs. Juila White returned to her home in Atkinson after about a weeks visit at the home of Mrs. Vern Sageser and with other friends around Amelia. Vern took her home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. William Fryrear left Monday morning to visit their granddaughter, Mrs. Don (Gle thh) Lewis at Phoenix, Ariz. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Black more went to North Plate Sun day to visit their son, Bob Black more and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Backhaus and Mrs. George Thompson were Thursday visitors at the Lew Backhaius home. Mrs. Maude Forbes is em ployed at the home of Alice French in O’Neill, caring for her mother, Mrs. Jen French, who is ill from the effects of a stroke. Mrs. Clyde Widman visited Mrs. Link Sageser Friday evening while Clyde attended the adult farm group meeting at the schoolhouse. Mrs. Vernon Berry also visited Mrs. Dunk Peterson while Vernon attended the meet ing. Glenn Whites are having some remodeling done on their house. Clyde Widman and Eamie Johnston attended a meeting at the Methodist church in O’NeiU Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coolidge and Kenneth of Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ragland, Wauneta and Roy van of Page, Mr. and Mrs. Cal Coolklgc, Stevie, Terry, Gary and Cynthia Ann visited Sun day at the parental Elmer Cool idge borne. Vern Sageser was in Lincoln over the weekend in interest of the Holt County Fair. Mrs. Glenn White visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Bar nett, Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Bar nett has been ill a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Peterson called at Joe Stoeckers Sunday afternoon and spent the evening With Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Art Doolittle vis ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shierk INSURANCE AGENCY O’NEILL, NEBR ' I Insurance of All MMmnMWWMMWAAMinWVVWI Tom Doglitle, Sunday afternoon. Mr. ami Mrs Jjpb Adair, Jerry and Diane wore supper ffuests Sunday evening at Art Doolittle's. Dunk Peterson was at Sargent Friday and Saturday doing some carpenter work. Mrs. Nettie Bllsticn and son, Pat, visited at Art Doolittle's Tue«!hy evening. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schjvde call ed at the Glenn White home Sat urday afternoon. Pete Frahm went to Pilger Monday to visit his daughter, Mrs. Jerome Krutz and family. Dr. H. D. GILDERSIEEVE OPTOMETRIST ■ . T -v Eyes Examined—Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Phone 1OT — O'Neill, Nehr. Hours 9-5—Mon. thru Saturday Closed Wednesday UWMMWWWMlWWMMWWIWWi • . • TENDER ... YOUNG I ft TOWN & COUNTRY FROZEN S I Frying | I Chickens I 1 CUT UP - Lb. 35c I COLUMBIA SLICED BACON 2 .£* 79« LEAN CENTER CUT PORK CHOPS *. 69c - v '*'& i‘-s- , . vi • ■ LEAN MEATY FIRST CUT PORK CHOPS.2 SWIFTS BROOKFIELD SKINLESS LINK SAUSAGE SWIFT'S SUMMER SAUSAGE L, 59c BEEF HEARTS ££** Lb. 29c © s m e £ GOLDEN DEW OLEO 5 LBS. FOR 1 .00 GOLDEN WHEAT ! | MACARONI 2 £, 39c jj MAJOR BRAND CHOC.DRINK 2 c°l 49c jj GARDEN GLOW—FREESTONE PEACHES 4 £2* 1.00 jj COVE CREEK 1 j TOMATOES c”;303 19c jj BAKERS CARMEL CHIPS ^ 19c jj PREMIUM CREAM STYLE j| CORN 2 19c jj Robin Hood FLOUR I EA u>. $0 OA 1 Prices Effective January 26-27-29, 1961 Quantity Rights Reserved CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES 2 DOZEN _ 69c FRESH CRISP CARROTS 2 1-LB. BAGS _ 25C TEXAS SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT 10 for _49c I; TOM THUMB FROZEN TV ! DINNERS | Each 49c FROZEN SNOW CROP PEAS OR CORN 2 ;k°“ 43c FROZEN FILLET OF PERCH LB. 35c ROYAL GEORGE Dill Pickles.c*. 31c KRAFT Oil.9+ 63c HUNT’S Tomatoes.cS 19c JENO'S PIZZA MIX Pkg 49c ARMOUR’S X i 4c Off l2-oi. A Q _ I reet ubei.c«n *rYc HALF GALLON Sta Flo Starch., m. 49c PILLSBURY Cake Mixes.e. 39c JOLLY TIME WHITE or YELLOW Popcorn.2 & 29c fJ&U Jib GMuhj orf&bfrom KRAFT Details on Packages MAKE ‘EM AT HOME KRAFT CARAMELS . 14-0*. Pkg. 39c KRAR MARSHMALLOWS purred Pkr 23c This Week's 7" Mixing Bowls... i | FREE WITH A $5 GROCERY ORDER OR MORE AND THIS WEEK'S COUPON ...