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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1961)
Section Two Four Pa9es "The Voice of the Beef Empire"-North-Central Nebraska's BIGGEST Newspaper Volume 80—Number 40 O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, January 26, 1961_Seven Cents Would You Be Safe From Atomic Radiation? If an enemy bomb should fall on Omaha, Lincoln, Hastings or Sidney, would the residents in this area know how to protect themselves from radiation? This is one of the points brought out by the Rev. A J. Paschang of St. Boniface church in Stuart in his talk on civil defense given at a recent meeting of the Par ent-Toachers asscciatwti at the O’Neill public high school. Since his talk is of such time ly interest to Holt county resi dents, The Frontier is printing his speech. Hie only thing that is really new about Civil Defense is the name. The principle, that indi viduals and families should take care of themselves to the best of their ability, is as old as the human race. In our own country, the pio neers, who pushed the frontiers of our country westward, were completely on their own. They had usually, no protection of the government or the military. They therefore saw to it, that they were well supplied with food and shel ter, took reasonable precautions as to their health, and kept them selves ready to repel attacks from Indians and other enemies. Through sickness, or maybe severe winters or attacks by In dians, many of them lost their lives. But enough survived so that the nation survived and contin ued to grow. We today, are very much in tHb same position as were the pi oneers. Our health problems are simplified, and we are not as helpless in the face of severe weather, and of course, wo need no longer worry about Indian attacks. But in place of Indian attacks, there now hangs over our head, the threat of attack by atomic bomb or nuclear weapon. And in this regard we are really in the same position as were the pio neers, since we are, for a time at least, completely dependent upon ourselves, without aid from government or military. As also with the pioneers, there is a grim side to this picture. Many of us too, will lose mar lives. But with proper precaution, enough of us will survive, that this nation can survive and fight back. Now ours is a food producing area, and our particular problem is this, that production must be maintained, not only for ourselves but to help feed the other ser vices of the nation, such as the industrial, communications, trans portation, police, military, etc., Ours is also a shelter area, so that we must be ready to give aid to those evacuated from the cities. For the cities are most likely the main target areas. For the present, let us concen trate mainly on survival in case of attack by Nuclear Weapons. All nuclear weapons, whether they be the atom bomb, the hy drogen bomb, the guided missile with a nuclear war-head, or any other type of weapon that gains its effect by nuclear explosion have four main effects. 1), Heat; 2), Blast; 3),Initial Radiation; 4), Fall-Out Radiation. HEAT: The heat generated in a nuclear explosion, is estimated to be in the millions of degrees Fahrenheit. A nuclear bomb or guided missle, will probably be set detonate somewhat above the ground, to increase the heat and blast effect. Those dropped in Ja pan were detonated at about 1800 feet above ground. The bombs dropped in Japan were about 20 kiloton, that is, the equivalent of 20,000 tons of TNT. The nuclear war head of the missiles now in use, is about 1 kiloton. The bombs now on hand, are estimated to be about 20 megaton, that is, the equivalent of 20,000,000 tons of TNT. This kind of bomb, is ex pected to cause First Degree Burns, within a radius of 27 miles upon anyone exposed to the full heat. Second Degree Darns will probably occur up to a 20 mile ra dius, and Third Degree Burns can be expected up to a 17 mile ra dius. This heat effect is of very short duration, about 30 seconds or so, but still long enough to incinerate a person, who happens to be very close to the explosion, and long enough to set fire to much inflammable material. BLAST: Coupled with this heat, will be the blast of the explosion, which will arrive at ground level within a few seconds. In Hiro shima, this combination of heat and blast, was enough to ruin or destroy every building within a radius of five miles of the center of the explosion. The force of this blast Is estimated to be aJbout equal to a 500 mph wind. INITIAL RADIATION: Is that radiation received directly from _ - - , J if protein-, [JQW. . . Ifiok slowing \ LIVE ALL OF THE DAY you down': ALL OF the WAY! drink Rexall ^ Inslanl Pmtein a quick, delicious food supplement it's the natural protein concentrate that supplies QUICK ENERGY NATURALLY I HIGH IN PROTEIN • LOW IN CALORIES I> ■ One ounce supplies almost Va of the aver- m f age daily requirement of protein ... yet con- >§| I tains only 105 calories. || || ■ Serves as a natural aid to sensible weight jj| control —satisfies between-meal hunger— 1| | improves nutrition. IB Provides a better balance of essential pro- h tein than many foods or other high-protein || products. ^ I ***mixes instantly with water...tastes great... fj chocolate or vanilla § |: SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER § FREE ^SHAKER with your purchase at regular price soz’2.49 If NATIONALLY ADVERTISED '{Retail} the exploded bomb. It will not last more than a minute or so. However, it is very intense, and anyone close to the explosion, will receive a fatal dose, if he is not properly shielded. Fortunately, the air will absorb this radiation very much, so that those outside of the actual damaged areas, will probably be little affected by it. FALL-OUT A 20 mgt bomb, ex ploded near the ground, will form a crater about one-half mile in diameter and about 150 feet deep. The tremendous heat of the ex plosion first expands the air. Then after a short time, this heat diminishes, and the air begins to cool and contract, thus creating a partial vacuum. Air from all sides rushes in to fill this vac uum, and gathers with it, dust and dirt and debris from the ground. This is the stem of the well known mushroom form of an atomic explosion. The atomic explosion releases a great num ber of radio-active particles, and these fasten unto, or are fused by the heat, with the dust and debris. While this cloud of dust and air is cooling, it rises to great heights, 50,000 or even a 100,000 feet or more. When com pletely cooled, this dust and de bris will settle again to the earth, bringing with it the radio-active particles. Fall out will be most severe rather close to the center of the explosion, say within 15 or 20 miles, because the heavier parti cles of debris will drop sooner. However, the lighter particles will rise higher, and there will be taken by the prevailing high altitude winds and carried along until sufficiently cooled, when they will fall again to the ground. This may be several hundred miles from the actual explosion. And this is the fall-out that we are most concerned with. Fallout is expected to reach our area trom about six to twelve nours after the explosion at Omaha, Linco’n, Hastings and Sidney. It is expected to last from twelve to twenty-four hours. After that no more should fall. Radio-Active fall-out, gives off three main types of radiation— the Alpha, the Beta and the Gam ma rays. The Alpha ray is of very short duration, i. e., it dies out quick ly, and is stopped by ordinary clothing, or even a thickness of paper. Hence it is of little con cern to us. The Beta ray, is of concern, be cause it can cause severe burns. However, just like sunlight, it can be easily guarded against, so that ordinary clothes are quite ef fective. The Gamma rays are the most dangerous. They are like X-ray, very penetrating and can cause severe sickness and death, if ab sorbed in any considerable amount. Radiation is measured in Ro entgens. Just like water is mea sured in gallons, or distance is measured in miles. The rate of radiation is measUerd in Roent gens/per hour (Rh). The hour is the time element, like in gallons per hour, or miles per hour. The general rule of thumb (not precise because individual toler ances will vary.) is that we should receive not more than the fol lowing doses: 25r in any one day, lOOr in any one week, 200r in a many persons, if received in a short period of a few weeks, lifetime. 400r will be fatal to The above supposes exposure to radiation over the whole body. We can take much more exposure, if it is confined only to a small part of the body, such as in X ray therapy. Radioactivity decreases with time, at a fairly constant rate. Thus for every sevenfold increase in time, radioactivity will de crease to one-tenth of its origi nal intensity. Thus if the outside radiation is l,000r/hr now, in 7 hours it will be 100 r/hr; in 7 x 7, or 49 hours, it will be 10 r/hr. In two weeks, which is about 7x7x7 hours, the radiation will be 1 r/hr. That is why protection is critical for the first few days, and of great importance for about two weeks. Protection from these rays is by two means: 1) Shielding our selves, 2) Taking precautions that we do not ingest any radio active particles in our food or water, or air. SHIELDING: When we take shelter from Fall-out in, say an ordinary house, let us say on the first floor, we take advantage of the fact, that radiation is ab sorbed to an extent by any sub stance it passes through, even by air. When we take shelter in the basement, we have achieved more shielding, and so will absorb less radiation. A cover of 30” of concrete is almost perfect shielding, as also is about 36” of dirt. Glass is prac tically worthless as protection. The first floor of an ordinary house, will give 'as about 50% protection. The basement, pro vided there are no exposed win dows or outside doors, will cut down exposure to about 10% of the outside radiation. Example: If the outside radia tion level is 500 r/hr, and we were on the first floor of an or dinary house, we would be ab sorbing about 250 r/hr, — which would be a fatal dose in a couple of hours. At the same radiation level, if we were in a well shield ed basement, we would absorb 25 r/hr — which figures oLt at somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 r for two weeks, a rather high figure, but not necessarily fatal. We do not know what the out side radiation is going to be, and as of today, we have no instru ments in the county, to measure it, and will have to rely on radio reports, which may not be too accurate. Food and Water may be pre served from contamination, by simply taking care that radio active particles do not get into the food or water, and thus enter our system. Radiation will not contaminate anything, or make it radio-active. It is of damage only to living tissue. Anything in dust tight containers, is perfectly safe. Even fruits and vegetables, that have been contaminated with radio-active dust, can be thor oughly washed and thus are safe for use. Food in deep-freezes, re frigerators, lockers, etc. is safe. Cattle will eat contaminated grass and drink contaminated water, and thus ingest radio-ac tive material. The main danger here is that radio-active Iodine and Strontium 90, will settle in the milk, and thus make it un fit for human consumption. Radio active Iodine will decay in about 60 days, so if cows have been on uncantaminted feed for that per iod, the danger from Radio-ac tive Iodine is past. However, the radio-active Strontium 90 has a long Ufe, and milk should be checked for it, before use. Just recently , two professors from Minnesota University have suc cessfully filtered Strontium 90 out of milk, in their laboratory. For the present, canned or powdered milk seem to be the safest an swer. Meat from animals that have been contaminated toy exposure to radiation, or that have ingest ed radio-active particles, is not in itself contaminated. Such cattle may get sick and die, because ra diation has upset their normal bloody chemistry and so affected other bodily functions, but the meat itself, is not made radio active. However, Strontium 90, besides settling in the milk, will also settle in the bones, and so these should be discarded. Na turally after an animal has be come sick, the meat would be un fit for consumption. All-purpose kitchen slicer, only $4.77 at Seovie’s Western Auto. TIRE VULCANIZING and repair ALL SIZE TIRES JOE'S TIRE SERVICE Phone 716 O’Neill, Nebr. PLANNING A WEDDING? PHONE 788 THE FRONTIER, FOR Invitations Thank You Cards Napkins Get our Prices Before you Buy See Our Samples Before Yoo Choose The Frontier Stuart News Kv Mrs. Herb SLala Mr. and Mrs. Dwaine Lockmon attended the Denver Stock Shew Thursday to Sunday and also vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Darol Miller and family at Greeley, Colo. Sam Marcellus and Henry Waechter attended the funeral of Henry Spahn at Naper Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Muharter al so attended. Mr. Spahn was a brother of Mrs. Muharter. Sunday dinner guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Sam Marcellus were Mr. and Mrs. H. Mulhair of Lynch and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Marcel lus of Bassett. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Mlinar of Atkinson visited Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kaup and family Friday evening. Friday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kaup were Mr. and Mrs. Karo Moseman of Hoop er. Thursday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Vic Kaup were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Greenfield and Er nie Smith. Jake, Joe and Theresa Levi entertained three tables of pitch players Sunday evening. The next party will be with Mr. and Mrs. Pete Jensen. Lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamik sr. spent Saturday afternoon and Sun day in O’Neill with the children of Alfred Hamik while he went to Omaha for his wife who has been in the hospital there fer three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson and girls and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoffman ahd Danny were Sun day dinner guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hoffman and girls. Jim Hoffman spent Friday and Saturday at Lincoln with Norris Coats. They returned home late Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Goebel ac companied Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pax ton to the Denver Stock show and returned heme Thursday evening. Sunday dinner guests of Ethel Stracke were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greenfield, Mr. and Mrs. George Wallinger and Bev, Larry Addi son, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stracke, Bill and Mel Roy, Marge Ries of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Jule Kcrnan of Ainsworth and Bessie Greenfield. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Addi son were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Robinson at Bassett. Brent Fry of Scottsbluff spent the weekend with his grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bernt. Monday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cadwallader were Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cadwallader of Atkinson. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warded Alexander were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sharp and daughters of Ainsworth. Mrs. Edwin Engler, accompan ied by Mr. and Mrs. Nick Sim mons, drove to Grand Island Wednesday to get her brother, Charles Simmons. They accom panied him to his home at Nor den. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Engler left Tuesday for Omaha to vis it Mr. and Mrs. Mel Engler and family. D. R. Mounts accompan ied them to Omaha where he left by plane for Tonkawa, Okla., to visit his sister, Mrs. Grace Lucas. Sunday dinner and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Engler were Mr. and Mrs. Al fred Straka and family. Supper guests were Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Engler of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Skala, Bar bara, Jo Ann, Dick, Clifford and Mylon were Sunday dinner and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleby at O’Neill. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Char les Cadwallader and Mrs. Grow of Inman. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cadwallader were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Jackson at Dallas, S. D. Afternoon guests were Mrs. Harry Hall and two children of Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Steinhau ser spent January 17 at Yankton and stopped to visit Mrs. Stein hauser’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mauch, of Fordyce. Mrs. James Steinhauser was host at a baby shower honoring Mrs. Gary Lockmiu Wednesday evening. Nine guests were pre sent and the evening was spent playing cards ;uid games. Lunch was served. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Steinhauser and son were Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Steinhauser and Tony, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dobrovolny, Dave and Dick. Mrs. L. H. Steinhauser enter tained the Catholic guild Jan uary 19 at her home. Three guests received guest prizes, Mrs. Tom Dobrovolny, Mrs. John Steinhau and Mrs. Merle Armstrong. Hi Five prize winners were Mrs. Francis Steinhauser, Mrs. Anna Ramm, and Mrs. John Hytrek. Lunch was served and Mrs. Fran cis Steinhauser invited the mem bers to her home February 2. January 15 guests of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Steinhauser and boys were Mr. and Mrs. William Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steinhauser, Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Pacha and family and Mr and Mrs. Leonard Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jauemig called on Mr. and Mrs. Owen Lane January 15. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Yarges en tertained the couples pinochle club Sunday evening. Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson were Robert Blinn and son Gary of Norfolk Brownie Scout meeting January 18 was called to order by Preai dent Connie Babl Colors were advanced by Diane Wallinger and Sally Hytrek. The Pledge of Al legiance was given and roll cnD was answered with Brownie Pro rnise. There was a visitor, Mary Kay Coday. Diane Wallinger serv ed at this session. Sally Hytrek served January 25. The Scouts finished their hand work project Sunday afternoon callers of Mrs. Alta Lockmon were Mr and Mrs. Claude Humphreys and Mrs. ARa Campbell of Atkinson. Mrs. Herbert Young was host January 18 to the Cleveland La dies aid at her home with 14 • members present. The Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Cham berlain of Broken Bow were Mon day afternoon callers of the Rev and Mrs. Herbert Young and Mark. MORGAN WARD ACCOUNTANT & AUDITOR INCOME TAX SERVICE Good tax service doesn't cost— —IT 1*AY8 Golden Hotel Bldg. Phone 414 4(M3c 06O (To oouooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 'o OOO'OOO YEAR’S g c~ § BIGGEST BARGAINS a^ Power 0 *0 District ° WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCES\\ |0 ° yli IOOOOOOOOO ooo mw ■Kao | | H9HBR SPECIAL CLEARANCE SALE PRICED 2-DOOR REFRIGERATOR DELUXE • EXTRA LARGE FREEZER FEATURES • LARGE REFRIGERATOR FOOD WASTE DISPOSERS carry SPECIALLY CARRY PRICED IT OUT rm«u under FOR THIS YOUR ARM! 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