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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1961)
Mildred Whitcomb Weds John Kamphaus At Amelia Saturday AMEIJA Miss Mildred La Verne Whitcomb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Whitcomb, Amelia, and John Kamphaus, Bartlett, son of Mrs. Julia Kamp haus. O'Neill, were married in the Methodist church at Amelia Saturday, June 3. The Rev. C. F. Cox, Cham bers, performed the double ring ceremony at 2 p.m., before an altar decorated with baskets of white and lavender chrysanthe mums. Miss Georgene Kelley furnished appropriate wedding music. The bride wore a traditional white gown with pearl anil sequin trimmed scalloped neckline and bodice of Chantilly lace. The long sleeves tapered to bridal points. Her skirt was of nylon sheer, bouffant style, trimmed with a Chantilly lace flounce. A finger tip veil of white illusion fell from a pearl and sequin studded crown. She carried a cascade Janice Engler, Wayne Baker Exchange Vows ATKINSON — The marriage of Miss Janice Jean Engler. daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Eng ler, and Wayne Baker jr., Stuart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Baker, O'Neill, was solemnized in the St. Joseph Catholic church in Atkinson Monday, June 5. The Rev. Richard J. Parr of ficiated at the 9:30 a.m. double ring nuptial mass. Traditional wedding music was sung by Larry Judge, accompanied by Maxine Pacha. The bride selected a gown of hand clipped Chantilly lace over taffeta and satin. The bodice featured a Sabrina neckline em bellished with pearls and sequins. Long tapering sleeves came to bridal points at the wrists. Her aisle-wide lace skirt featured in serts of tulle in front and back, trimmed with appliques and lace. Her veil of imported silk illusion was held in place by a queen's crown of lace and twisted strands of pearls. She carried a bouquet of an orchid and stephanotis Miss Arlene Engler, sister of the bride, was maid of honor, and Miss Julie Fetherston was brides maid. They wore pastel blue dresses with bodices of chiffon over lace. The skirt was chiffon y-.-g —Bd&rasai——■— O'Neill photo co. Uiuquet centered by a large or chid and surrounded by Vanda orchids. Miss Beverly Whitcomb, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and she wore a full skirted waltz length nylon lace over lavender taffeta. She carried a colonial bouquet of white carnations ac cented with Vanda orchids. Harold Whitcomb, brother of the bride, served as best man. Ushers were Bill Whitcomb, brother of the bride, and Art Kaiser, Hardin, Mont. A reception followed the cere mony, in the annex of the church. Mrs. James Holmes was in charge of the guest book and Mrs. Vern Kaiser cut and served the cake. The bride attended Burwell high school and Dana college at Blair. She has been employed as a teacher for several years. Mr. Kampliaus attended school at Amelia and is presently en gaged in ranching at the Albert Summers ranch north of Bart lett where the couple will re side following a wedding trip to Colorado. O'NEILL PHOTO CO. over taffeta with a satin cum merbund. They wore matching head bands and carried bouquets of white gladioli. Dean Gokie served as best man and groomsmen was Dayel Foc ken.' Ushers were John Baker. O'Neill, brother of the bride groom, and Larry Wewel. Miss Carol Kaup was flower girl, and Ernie Engler was ring bearer. A wedding dinner was served to 60 guests after the ceremony, and in the afternoon a reception was held for 150 guests. Both af fairs were held in the Knights of Columbus hall. Miss Janette Straka was in charge of the guest took. Mrs. Ed Dvorak and Mrs. Arlen Brown poured. Miss Helen Straka cut the wedding cake which had been baked and deco rated by Mrs. Charles Deermer. Mrs. James Engler cut the bride groom's cake. The Misses Donna Engler, Arlene Engler and Julie Fetherston«4ooked after the gifts. Mrs. R. C. Braun was in charge of the flowers at the reception. The bride attended St. Joseph high school and prior to her mar riage, was employed in the IGA store. Mr. Baker attended Atkinson public school and is employed at the Willis Peterson ranch near Stuart, where the couple will re side following a wedding trip to the Black Hills. Joyce Holz Weds Donald Jokumsen At Rapid City LYNCH — At a quiet ceremony May 22 Miss Joyce Holz became the bride of Donald Jokumsen in the First Baptist church of Rapid City, S. D. Officiating at the 8 o'clock ceremony was the Rev. Dallas French. Attendants of the couple were Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Greene, Rapid City, brother-in-law and sister of the bridegroom. The bride is a graduate of the Lynch high school and Miltonvale Wesleyan college. She will be attending Wayne State Teachers college this summer. Mr. Jokumsen attended Washington high school in Sioux Falls, S. D., and has spent four years in the U. S. Air Force. He is currently employed in road construction at Sioux City, where the couple is residing at 11th and Jackson Street. Hallie Carsten Weds Kenny Fernau At Lynch LYNCH — The hirst Metho dist church in Lynch was the set ting for the May 21 wedding of Miss Hallie Carsten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Carsten, and Kenny Jay Fernau, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fernau, Ver del. The Rev. Mr. Spragg officiated at the 2 p.m. double ring cere mony. Miss Sharon Christensen played the traditional wedding music, and Loren Pinkerman was soloist. The bride appeared in a waltz length gown of nylon net over taf feta with fitted bodice. The sweet heart neckline was trimmed with sequins and pearls. Other fea tures of the gown included long tapered sleeves and an over skirt of intecale embroidery. Her double French illusion veil was held in place with a queen’s crown of seed pearls and sequins. She carried a bouquet of white roses. Miss Jeanne Mulhair was maid of honor, and Miss Karen Fernau. sister of the bridegroom, was bridesmaid. They wore identical gowns of nylon lace over taffeta in pink for the maid of honor and blue for the bridesmaids. They wore matching accessories and carried colonial bouquets of pom pons. Tom Fernau. Butte, served as best man, and groomsman was Dale Eiler, Verdel. Ushering were Dennis Cahoy and Dick Abenhause, Butte. Acting as flower girl was Miss Sue Kilmer, Madison, and as ring bearer was Kame Fernau, brother of the bridegroom. A reception for about 90 rela tives and friends was held in the Legion hall. Mrs. Roy Mul hair cut and served the cake and assisting were Miss Veldeen Pinkerman and Miss Connie Bowlby. Mrs. Aldie Wagner pre sided at the guest book. Mrs. Veldon Pinkerman and Mrs. Audrey Compton were in charge of the gift table. Mesdames Don Bare, Orville Gallop, Leroy Angel and Gweneth Angel helped at the serving table. The bride is a graduate of Lynch high school. Mr. Fernau is a graduate of Niobrara high school and is now employed on a farm near Fairfield where the couple will make their home. Sharon Jacobsen Weds Robert Rissler At Orchard Sunday ORCHARD—Miss Sharon Kay Jacobsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everet Jacobsen, Royal, and Robert Rissler, Crofton , were married Sunday, May 28. at 2:30 p.m. in the EUB church at Or chard. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Duane Lenz. Mrs. Harry Holbrook sr., Orchard, was organist and Miss Annie Couch man. Crofton, was solist. Miss Couchman was accompanied by Miss Glenda Thomsen, Orchard. A floor length gown of silk or ganza over taffeta was chosen thp A i navvt« rvf /'"’V-ir> tilly lace was worn over the or ganza. Her veil was held in place by a pearl crown. She carried a bouquet of blue mums. The gown was designed and made by the bride’s mother. She wore a lavaliere belonging to her grand mother. Miss Pat Weber, Crofton, was maid of honor, and Miss Twila Stewart, Norfolk, and Miss Lor na Cuthbert, Sioux City, were bridesmaids. They wore similar dresses of light blue taffeta and carried bouquets of white mums. Perry Rissler, brother of the bridegroom, served as bestman and Stan Jacobsen, brother of the bride, and Larry Rissler were groomsmen. Ushers were Galen Gibbs, Norman Rissler and Jim Filips. « Miss Roxann Thelander was flower girl and Steve Moser was ring bearer. Candlelighters were Randy Rissler and Miss Dawn Cheyney. A reception was held following the ceremony at which time Miss Lora Gibbs was hostess and Mrs. Floyd Gibbs presided at the cof fee service and Mrs. Dwight Ris sler was in charge of the punch bowl. Mrs. Frank Marshall cut the cake. Mrs. Charles Moser, Chillicothe, Mo., the bridegroom’s sister, took care of the guest book. Taking care of the gift table were Mrs. Mervin Jacobsen and Mrs. Melvin Jacobsen. Also assisting were Mrs. Joe Filips, Mrs. Ken neth Marshall, Mrs. Delton Chey ney, and the Misses Liane Chey ney, Alta Cooper and Caludia Mitchell. The couple will spend the sum mer working at a resort near Estes Park, Colo., following a honeymoon in Colorado. Begin ning the fall school term, they will reside in Albion where Mr. Rissler will teach mathematics in junks- high and coach junior high athletics. ALICE MEYERS has accepted a'contract to teach English and speech in the O’Neill public school according to school board officials. Miss Meyers has undergraduate majors in English and speech and a minor in music. She has seven years of high school teaching ex perience including five years at Scotia and two at Broken Bow. Pre sently Miss Meyers has a teaching assistantship at the University of Nebraska and is teaching a freshman speech class at the Universi ty. Her degrees include a B.S. and M.A. from the University. Last year Miss Meyers was nominated for the central state's speech as sociation outstanding young speech leathers award. Announce Engagement EWING—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nelson of Carroll announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Shir ley Nelson, to Richard Woslager, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alphonso Woslager of Ewing. Miss Nelson is a graduate of the Wayne city schools and is employed at Sillik's Ready-to Wear Shoppe in Norfolk. Mr. Woslager is a graduate of Ewing high school, and is pres ently engaged in farming. A September wedding is plan ned. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey A Tomp kins of Inman announce the en gagement of their daughter, Linelle Claire, to Ned E. Kelley, son of Mr. and Mrs. William E Kelley of Inman. Miss Tompkins is a student at Nebraska Wesleyan University in Lincoln where she is affiliated with the Willard sorority. Mr. Kelley has attended Nor folk Junior college and Doane College at Crete. Both are 195S graduates of Inman high school. No date for the wedding has been set. Mr. and Mrs. Willard West over of Grand Island, announce the engagement of their daugh ter, Janice Lee, to Gary Dean Beckwith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Beckwith of O’Neill. Miss Westoevr will graduate from Doane College at Crete June 5. She is a member of the Omega Psi Theta sorority. Mr. Beckwith attends Doane College where he is affiliated with the Delta Kappa Pi fraterni ty The couple plans an August wedding. STUART — Mr. and Mrs. Charles Skoj>ec jr., of Stuart an nounce the engagement of their daughter. Caroline Jane, to Gary J. Attn, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Roy Aten of Ainsworth. Miss Sk.tpec is a graduate of Atkinson high school and the University of Nebraska. For two years she has been a teacher of English and Spanish at David '* City high school. During the past * year she has also served as David City public schools li brarian. Mr. Aten is a graduate of < Ainsworth high school and the University of Nebraska College of Agriculture. During the past year he has been a student at (iarrett Institute in Evanston, III., in preparation for the Metho dist ministry7. They are planning an August wedding in Atkinson. MRS CRABB WEDS In a quiet ceremony Friday, June 2, Mrs. Austa Crabb and Maurice Grutsch were married at the Presbyterian church in the presence of their immediate fam ilies. . The Rev. John Hart performed the ceremony. Attending the couple were Miss Jean Crabb and Elwin Grutsch. Following the service, a wed ding dinner was served at the Town House. SO YEAR SOLD PAGE—The 80th birthday of Mrs. Ruth Spangler was celebrat ed May 28 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Spangler of i Page. f A no-host dinner was served to over 60 persons in attendance, f The birthday cake was baked and decorated by Mrs. Harvy I Spangler. Present were the elder Mrs. Spangler’s brother-in-law and sis- | ter, Mr. and Mrs. Gustafson of Clarinda, la., and her sister-in- | law, Mrs. Fred Forslund of Ew ing. Also present were her 11 - children with .their wives and hus bands: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coon and Doris of Beemer; Mr. and % Mrs. Wilbur Spangler, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Spangler, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Rothleatner, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Barlow, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spangler and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spangler and their families, Ewing; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Spangler and children, O’ Neill, and Andy and Rudy who reside at home. Grandchildren who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Stan Skipstead and Mr. and Mrs. Gaylen Bruner and daughter, Fremont, Dale Coon, Fremont, Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Ewald and Don Spang ler, Creighton, and Jo Ann Bar low, Omaha. Carol Knapp Weds Harlan Haake in Lutheran Rite CLEARWATER Two hundred guests were present for the wed ding of Miss Carol Knapp, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knapp, and Harlan Haake, son of Carl Haake, in the Concordia Lutheran church at Clearwater Saturday. June 3. Performing the double ring ceremony at 7 p.m. was the Rev. D. L. Braunersreuther. Soloist was Joseph Urbina. Tilden, ac companied by Mrs. Phillip Nore, Lincoln. The bride was attired in im ported Chantilly lace and 1u)le. Natural scallops of the lace, traced with iridescents and pearls framed the Sabrina neckline. The lace basque featured long sleeves tapering to bridal points. Her bouffant skirt of lace was design ed with an insert of tulle, appli qued with pearl and sequin em broidered lace, and a brief scal loped back peplum above alter nating ruffles of tulle and lace. She wore a queen’s crown, lat ticed with pearls and crystal tear drops, to hold her veil of silk il lusion. Mrs. Lyle Haake, Neligh, sister of the bride, was matron of hon or, and another sister. Miss Gay lene Knapp, and Miss Sharon Snider were bridesmaids. They wore identical gowns of mint green, in sheath style with net overskirt and bateau necklines. They carried bouquets of white carnations. Serving as best man was El von Ziems. Groomsmen were Fred Schindler, Neligh, and Al bert Schindler Omaha Usher ing were Lyle Haake, Neligh. and Charles Kirchner. Miss Annette Ashton, Neligh, was flower girl, and Kirk Knapp was ringbearer. Following the ceremony a re ception was held in the church parlors. Mrs. Frieda Pederson. Neligh, poured. Mrs. Howard Ashton, assisted by Mrs. Jerry Holm, cut the cake. The guest book was managed by Mrs. Ed Schrimer, and in charge of the gift table were Mrs. Gary Miller, Miss Donna Damme and Miss Sharon Twiss. Assisting with the serving were Miss Shirley Tins ley, Miss Beverly Snider, Mrs. Allen Peterson and Miss Joyce Anderson. The bride is a graduate of Clearwater high school and the Lincoln School of Commerce. She has been employed by the Na tional Bank of Neligh. Mr. Haake is a graduate of Clearwater high school and is engaged in farming. After a w’edding trip to the Black Hills, the couple will be at home on a farm near Clearwater. Patricia McKenzie was elected to the office of department presi dent at the 18th annual State American Legion Junior Auxili ary convention held June 5 and (i at Hay Springs. She was instal led by the department senior president, Mrs. Fern Stage, Lin coln. Attending from the Junior auxiliary Simonson Post 93, O’ Neill were the following members and two sponsors: Gayle Mur phy, Dorothy Havranek, Carolyn McKenzie, Kathy Hynes, Susan Abart, Bruce Ann McKainy, Peggy Martin, Sharlene Hav ranek, Gertrude Streeter, Junior chairman, and Edith Davidson, Junior Pan-American chairman. O’Neill will be host to the Depart ment convention in 196*?. EWING — Frances Noffke, laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Noffke, was graduated Thursday evening from the Sacred Heart School of Nursing at Yankton, in serv ices held at the Mount Mar ly auditorium. Those attending the exercises included her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Koenig, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Heumesser and Mrs. Stanley Bartak, all of Ewing, and Mr, and Mrs. Harold Grag ert and family, Creighton. The Frontier— >111. AND MRS. BOB WORTH observed their 45th wedding anni versary Sunday with open house from 2 to 5 p.m. at their home in O’Neill. The Worths were married in the O’Neill .Methodist |*arsonage . I line 7, 11*16 by the Rev. Mr. Bruce. They are the parents ol children as follows: Charles, with the air force-at Wichita, Kan.; Clarence jr., with the air force in Massachusetts; Roy Alvin, Omaha; Mrs. Orville .Miller, O’Neill; Mrs. Daniel I’iige, S;ui Bernadino, Calif.; Mrs. Adolph Wetzler, Verdigre; Mrs. Benny Wetzler, San Bcrnadinn. Calif. One child. Victoria, died in 1961. About 125 guests called at the open house Sunday. Mrs. Roy Karr. Spencer, and Mrs. Roj Worth, Omaha, presided at the coffee service; Mrs. Adolph Wetzler cut the cake; Mrs. Fred Lindberg had charge of the guest book and Mrs. Harold Worth took care of the gifts. Wintermote Graduates From Nursing School CHAMBERS — Miss Carolyn Wintermote, member of the senior class of the School of Nursing, Immanuel hospital, Omaha, was graduated Thursday evening at commencement ex ercises held at Alfred Bloom hall. Attending the exercises from Chambers besides Miss Winter mote’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gaius Wintermote. were Mrs. Belle Wintermote, Mrs. Lola Grubb, Mrs. Ernest Farrier, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Adams, Mrs. Stanley Elkins, Rodney and Dar rell Elkins and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Baker, Lee and Joe Also attending were Mrs. Ida Ander son, Norfolk, Carolyn Prokop, Spencer, ana Mrs. Bayne Grubb, Pat, Evan and Ellen. Lincoln. Sick and Injured CHAMBERS — Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gibson returned from Ro chester, Minn, on Friday evening where they went through the Mayo Clinic. Jim had surgery on Friday, May 19th at Rochester Methodist hospital and is well on the road to recovery. . .Mrs. Ee Roy Holcomb is a patient at St. Joesph’s hospital in Omaha. . Mrs. A. B. Hubbard returned home from St. Anthony’s hospital in O’Neil] where she had been a patient for several days. . .Bill Eogeman was a patient in St. Anthony’s hospital two days Iasi week !i\ ih< K"..-,nc i IV in' V« . ___)_ Finch, Hall Wed In Stuart STUART The Community church of Stuart was the setting for the wedding of Miss Lois Finch, daughter of Mrs. Coral Finch, Stuart, and Bill Finch, O’Neill, and Joe Hall, son of Mr. and Mrs. B C. Hall. Mc Minnville. Tenn. The Rev. Herbert Young of ficiated at the 2 p.m. double ring ceremony. Mrs. Mark Nel son played the wedding music. A white lace and silk organza gown was chosen by the bride. The bodice of lace featured cap sleeves and a bateau neckline. Her ballerina length bouffant skirt was silk organza over taf feta. She wore a lace hat and car O'Neill photo co. ried a cascade arrangement of Sweetheart roses. Miss Lorraine DeLosh was maid of honor and she wore a street length dress of light blue silk organza over darker blue taffeta. Her headpiece was a blue shade and her colonial bou quet was of pink carnations. John Sweet served as best man. The bride graduated from the Stuart high school and attended Wayne State Teachers college. She taught school several years in the Stuart community. Mr. Hall graduated from Gainesboro, Term, high school and is now’ with the U. S. Navy, stationed at Lakehurst. N. J., with a Helicopter Rescue squad. The couple left immediately af ter the ceremony on a wedding trip to Tennessee.