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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1961)
. ixHTON , lAM'K I' tiik FRONTIER, O'Neill, NehraekjA Thurwley, dene A. 10*1 (Adverlisementi WEATHER <*l4M>mav For All TIiom* Win* Stay Away KrlRhl anil Sunny For All Who <V*mo! Volume 1, No. 1, June 8, 1961 _ Published In The Interest of Greater Moneysaving Deals at the New Outlaw Store prjce 7c "Slasher" Outlaw Gana Captured Price Stashing Desperadoes Captured Inna! Authorities heaved a si.'.;h <»f relief as they cornered most of the Slasher Outlaw Ganp;. Shown here are a few of the ringleaders. "SBASIIKR" BOB "HI OAR” KI TH • IAt KS or IIKTTKR" I.ARItY “HAJtY I>01.1," MAKOARKT “MI S< I.KS” < I.KTA "HOOT I.F.O” FLOYD "SFIHHFKY HATTY "SWITt II RFADF” TKRKY “MELON HEAD” SAM “SLICKER” TED “KINGERS” MILDRED MOU/I THE KNIFE” (HADYS “SAW MAN” MAX “CARROT” KEN “I*ADY KILLER” KENT Other members of the gang were being fingerprinted when this picture was taken so they could not be included hut you can see them all in person this weekend at the New Outlaw Store in O’Neill. “SAW MAN” MAX Big Rewards To Shoppers Giant bargains will be offered in every department of the New Outlaw Store for this weekend and prices are effective Thurs day through Saturday. “Saw Man” Max, Alias the Gopher, protested loudly when the authorities captured him. "They sure got a lot of nerve complaining because my steaks are too tender and my proces too lew," he beefed. “Why it’s ev ery steer’s ambition to be good enough to get into the Outlaw’s meat cases. Why it’s like a hu man getting into the Hall of Fame or Who's Who, for a steer to be! selected for sale to our wonder ful customers. And imagine com plaining because our prices are too lew. We can’t help ourselves. We are so in the habit of trim ming fat and waste on the meat that when we come to prices its just natural to trim them too. If they think our prices were low in the past, wait until they see Oil- specials this week. If I’m guilty, so is everyone in our de partment because we take great pride in giving the customers the finest meats for the lowest cost. If those guys continue to com plain. we may have to add ano ther kind of hamburger to our list, he continued. “Slasher” Pap]>enheimer, with the aid of his lawyer, Merry Pason, were finally able to calm “Saw Man” Max down so he could present his usual charming personality to the customers. I I dew- LICiai ■* i •r0R HEARTY APPETITES! Potatoes* W golden ripe Bntncnans 3 lbs- 39$ SOLID CRISP Letfwee Heads 29$ ICE COLD e , Each Melons 98$ i d Do St Again/7 Says "Slasher" "I admit we have been guilty of slashing prices through the years but I would do it again if I had the chance. Let them convict me if they want to. I will go to jail with memory of all those happy shoppers picking up all the wonderful bargains.” said “Slasher” Boh, head of this notorious gang. In fact, secret plans have been made to further slash prices for this coming weekend, said the “Slasher.” "Melon Head" Back in Cooler SAM, PRODUCE DEPARTMENT MANAGER Sam, produce department head at the New Outlaw, was caught cold handed in his sparkling clean produce storage cooler un loading more of his famous “Pampered” fruits and vegeta bles for sale to his many fruit customers. “Melon Head” was further charged with offering his customers cold cash savings on his quality frozen food items too. “Melon Head” refused to divulge the reason for selling only the finest fresh produce when officials are positive that inferior grades are available. Sam’s only com ment was that he liked his cus tomers too much to offer them anything but the best. At last re port the officials were threatening him with solitary confinement for his refusal to cooperate with them. W - - _ _ _ Mr. Top Value Puts Up Bai! All the Slasher Outlaw Gang who have been captured are out on bail furnished by Mr. T-V STAMP man. Officials were re luctant to divulge how many T-V Stamps, Mr. T-V pat up to bail out this notorious mob but one of them remained that he was amazed at how many wonder ful premiums were available for those valuable T-V Stamps. Mr. T-V said he was happy to put up the bail because he wants to do everything possible in the way of cooperation to help make this giant weekend sale a huge suc cess. Officials are still considering ar resting Mr. T-V as an accessory to the crime. Authorities say the “Slasher Outlaw” gang not only sell merchandise too cheap, but they are also giving away T-V Stamps good for valuable pre miums. rs LB. CUT UP,.LB. 2gc Sweet Rasher Cello Wrap SLICED BACON. J Lb. ^Qc Swift’s MINCED HAM.Lb. g€|c Armour Star Cello ¥»ak WIENERS. J Lb. gC|c Hy-Grade Smoked SLICED BEEF.£ Pkgs. gQc COT AID WRAPPED FREE FOR YOU LOCKER U. S. D. A. CHOICE DEEP FRONTS. BEEF HINDS. BEEF EQc BEEF LOINS.Lb. PORK LOINS.Lb. SNO-FRESH CUT CORN, CHOPPED BROCCOLI CHOPPEO SPINACH OR CAULIFLOWER, 10-u. Pkf», Hi-Acres Orange Juice Hash Brown Potatoes 2lb• ba919c 'Slasher" And "Melon Head" Admit Price Murder! “SLASHER” ItOB "MELON HEAD” SAM Many Other Employees Suspected Authorities admitted they have been watching the Outlaw gang for sometime. Very few of the crew will be found innocent of cutting prices and selling foods too cheaply. An intensified state wide search came to an end last night as most of the Notorious “Slasher Outlaw gang were captured. This marked the end of more than a week of day and night scientific man hunting. Blood hounds. fingerprint experts, pri vate eyes and all authorities us ing ihe newest methods cooper ated as a team to round up the ringleaders and most of the lieu tenants in this “Slasher" gang Authorities are confident that they will be able to capture the few remaining members of the gang soon. It is believed that some of the mob are cracking under th< continuous cross-examination of authorities and divulging the hid ing places of others. When all members are captured it is be lieved that the number may total as high as 30 or more. There is still some argument on what the charge will be. Authorities con tend that the charge is “Price Mutxler” and they have accumu lated enough witnesses to prove it beyond the shadow of a doubt. The “Slasher Outlaw” gang has acquired the services of the tint ed criminal lawyer who has nev er lost a case, Merry Pason. Pa son insists that the charge should not be any more serious than ‘Price Slashing.’ The case is oem plicatiol by the fact that two ring leaders “Slasher” Bob and “Saw Man” Max have already signed confessions to the most serious charge of “Price Murder”. They have admitted murdering prices week aft( r week Thousands of happy customers who have made t.emend)».is savings at the New Outlaw Store will be able to tes tify that the Outlaw really did murder prices or at least slash them to the lowest possible level. It looks like this may be the first ease the famous Merry Pason ever lost. IT ^ FOLGERS REGULAR OR DRIP I ASSORTED p S®8 PJJ® I VEGETABLES WWI ■ KLC ft 4 A 300 $ <£ 2 LB CAN ONLY S j u Cans' ,, ■ 25 ! Swift’s 24-oz. Can m BEEF STEW.39c ■ j Swift’s 12 <«. Can E PREM.49c B I Pillsbury's Regular or Buttermilk BISCUITS Apricots ,as" "k 4 ciL$ H Bleach »»* - £!' 29? m m m mm mPimpoBT run instant lea 10c Off, 1A/2-Oi. /« 1 Kraft Oil ££,PDBP0“.71c | Mandarin Oranges SSFL.... 29c f Roka Blue Dressing 41c 1 Cracker Barrel Cheese ££ 55c I CAMPBELL’S VEGETABLE SOUP COUPON NO. 2A AND 2B NOW VALID <;<kh1 for 50c toward the purchase of a place setting and a set of 3 mixing bowls of beautiful Marcrest Old Fashioned Stoneware. I I wod-n-RICH ASSORTED CAKE MIXES WHITE YELLOW DEVILS FOOD OR SPICE PKG. Lucky Leaf PEACH — CHERRY APPLE — LEMON PIE FILLINGS i . < Brock’s j MARSHMELLOWS 1 ^nd 0 0 C I Giant Pkg. Jello.6/99c Star-Kist Beg. Cans Tuna.3/$l Derby Cans Potted Meat . 5 /49c / Sturgeon Bay 303 Cans I Apple Sauce . 2 35c | Butter Kernal Cream or Whole Kernal Corn .. 303 cans 2/39c i Lydia Grey Facial 400 Ct- Boxes Tissue.4/$l | ★ LIBBY’S DOLLAR BUYS! ★ I Deep Brown Beans 7 $ f Mixed Vegetables 6 £ 1 Sweet Peas.5 S 1 Catchup • 5 boAlSI ■ Pears BART1BTT. 4 auu C romato Juice .......3 I Pickles SWKBT.3 'Srf \ See! Stew.2 ££ I