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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1960)
Inman News By Mrs. James McMahan Perry Dawes of O'Neill visited Hr. and Mrs. David Morsbach and Mary Sunday. Jack Mainquist of Wausa visit ed Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and family Friday evening. Harold McDonald of Neligh was a Saturday caller in the Albert Reynolds home. Mary Morsbach visited in the A. Neil Dawes home at O'Neill Sunday evening. Sam Watson, Linelle and Roger Tompkins, students at Nebraska Wesleyan University, are home for the holidays with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tomp kins. Callers in the Albert Reynolds home Sunday morning were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rosondaal and Mrs. Pearl Koskovich of Neligh and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mainquist of Wausa. This group accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and family continued on to Win ner, S. D., where they spent the day visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ruffing. Others there were Mr. and Mrs. Don Angel and family of Spencer. Cal Geary of Craig was an In man visitor Tuesday. The Geary’s plan to move to Inman in the near future. The operetta, “Christmas Comes to Grandmothers,” will be Ideal Cleaners "Freshen the Impression" O’Neill, Nebraska ®c*ww««cs*©r| ■tew ew’^tew!'e'P-v>?w!-z’ew!‘z-z‘e’?‘&vewexte&ts:t£Xgxme.tgtem*>e>&ex*Bi£«.t&&%!&*€*€% fi r. 3 S' H 3 9 5 5 3 8 S S 8 8 8 c> s s 3 8 8 8 8 3 § 8 8 3 8 8 8 8 3 t 8 j J Grutsch j ts -s’S’c ?:%. -s'e:s«'g'€(ststs«*€«c!g!c!e!s!gtp€'€'s's,€'s,is,€^r€,f.’«'2;,s,g-s,^-s’-:! TStg!g!g^!g ^!g!g*.g!gTg!C-2'S’g*S'S'SlS!S<glS!e«g«e!«ie«g«8«g«6!g,€!g(€»^l!g«g?g&2eg'^!(?«S«^:^Sf ! jcrv ! ~~L » | oliday mftm I v & Wm. Krotter Co, § O'NEILL, Spencer £ Stuart and Naper ] 5 1 5 **!€!S!g!e(es;«tgf€'S-«!€!€SS«e!S<StS,««g«««!gie««J«<S!€lg««S!StS^»g!g!S1g’€^'€,S-SSS5S!S'S; ! i e S I I ! ! ! S i ] ! ! ' ! i i i s < I i I | I .1 -1 1 ■ . - ... • • bWe will be closed all day Christmas O’NEILL, NEBRASKA \ presented at the Inman con solidated school Wednesday eve ning. Mrs. Reimer, Miss Keyes and Mrs. DeLong will direct the program given by the kinder garten through fifth grades. Naper News By Mrs. John Schonehaum Sunday visitors and dinner guests of Mrs. Mary Nicalous and Mrs. Vera Lund were, Mrs. Hen ry Zimbleman, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mckoski and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Zimbleman all of St. Paul, Metha Beck of Winner, S.D., Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zimbleman and family of Bakersfield, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nicalous and Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Green and Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Nicalous and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Nuemiller and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Don Beauchamp and daughter of Herrick, S. D., took her mother, Mrs. Anna Gosch to Estherville, la. Friday where Mrs. Gosch will spend Ihe holidays with relatives. Mr. Albert and Gust Holmgren of Estherville, la. came Monday to take their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Holmgren, back with them Tuesday where they will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Kerns went to Yankton last Wednesday morning to atti nd the funeral of Mrs. Anna Katzer. From here they drove to Vermillion to visit with their son Mylon at the Col lege. Dr Philip Holmgren of Kearney arrived Monday to visit with his parents, the Philip Holmgrens, be fore they leave for Estherville, la. Mr. and Mrs. William Blakkolb drove to Bassett Sunday after noon to visit with their daughter. Joyce. Sunday evening guests in the Reinie Fuhrer home to help their daughter, Mrs. Marlin Green, ce lebrate her birthday were Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Schockemaier and family of Bonesteel, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Green and Dennis, the Harold Schultz family, Art Hy sell and Albert Gosch. They en joyed home made ice cream. Hulda S'chock of Bakersfield, Calif., spent from Thursday to Saturday evening with Mrs. Stel la Cunningham. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Holecheck I ,V> -J y’t&'&tof c> to < a ME fc=r fata fa fa fa fa fa»< of Milboro, S. D. attended the Graveside services of his sister, Mrs. Anna Katzer, at Naper Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Beem visited Sunday evening in the John Schonebaum home. Hulda Schock visited with Mrs. Lester Anderson Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stahlecker visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bechtold. The 49 Ford car of John Rabes was taken early Saturday evening from in front of Layh’s tavern. It was found at the State line north of town. Pleasant View By Delores Tunender Mrs. Joe Ramold and Jack vis ited Mr. and Mrs. George Ramolds, and family Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schiltz sr. of| Manilla, la. came on Wednesday*) to visit their son-in-law and| daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Con-jf way, and family. They returned?) home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Rice and? daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Ben| Bazelman and son were supper| guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Babl.| Mike Bauer called on R. E.| Tunender on Wednesday morning ?) Mrs. Charles Deermer was hos-| tess to a party Wednesday evenings which Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Tun-g ender and family attended. The| evening was spent playing cards 8 Victory Homemakers club metj at the home of Mrs. Ray Schaafi; with a Christmas dinner. Ten| members and two guests answered?/ roll call. Mrs. Ray Timmerman and Do-y lores Tunender were guests.| Mrs. John Babl led the group| singing Christmas hymns and? Mrs. Bob Gallagher read a^ Christmas story. Door prize was won by Mrs.| Ray Tunender and guess what bye Mrs. Ray Conway. Six dollars was sent to St. Jamesg Orphanage for Christmas. Gifts? were exchanged by mystery sis-a ters. Next meeting will be January! 11 at the home of Mrs. Joe Ra-| mold jr. Mrs. Joe Ramold and sons wereft Thursday evening guests of Mr.8 and Mrs. Ray Timmerman and| family. | Mr. and Mrs. John Babl jr. anda family were Thursday visitors of $ oeutxuoauaoee teoeagt per r.«* r & »• al ; | A /H • *P- ^ \ A-Gw i with ; Good MsKeS Our warmest wishes ? to all for a bright holiday. | * t BILL'S BAR ; O'Neill, Nebraska f--- - § " "• $&Soh% 1 Qr&M Majr a full measure of holiday t 9 h) j joy and good will be youn in this happiest of ’ g • seasons. And may it last 1 ’ g \ throughout the year. §j Apparel Shop f 5 t ‘ 1 Winnie Barger Leota DeBolt * Esther Smith O’NEILL, NEBRASKA \ ^‘^^^gtgtggtgtgggggegggeppepepeeopoowiwpopgiggetsggieg^ | t-*— - 5 (kh * May all the delights of this happy Christmas season be a enjoyed by you and your family. CENTRAL FINANCE O'Neill, NebrasKa i ' *• - • . . • Mr. and Mrs. John Babl sr. Mr. and Mrs. Don Engler and family of Stuart were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Babl and sons. Mrs. Joe Ramold sr and Hu bert were Friday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Peters and family of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Don Engler and children of Stuart were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Babl of Emmet. A large crowd attended the Christmas party at the church of Epiphany at Emmet Sunday after noon. Pictures were shown and Christmas carols sung. Refresh ments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Rauter kus were Tuesday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Marcellus and family. The Young Homemakers Club met at the home of Mrs. John Kitchens Wednesday, Dec. 21 for BIKit CAM M#K their annual dinner and Christ mas party. New mystery sisters were chosen for the year. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Farewell and Judy were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Klinger. EVRN Club met at the home of Mrs. Louis Siebert with a Christ mas dinner and exchange of mystery sisters gifts. Many attended the program at school district 159. Mrs. Walter Pease is the teacher. Monowi News lt\ Mrs. Mike Piklapp LOcuat 9-2520 Lois Gcnser visited her father, Lysle Nelson, in the Plainvicwg hospital Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christen-gi EtnfleteteetctctKtetetgte<e'g«'£'£?£te'g'S’S . i SP B 8 i\j; 8 <■? 8 8 8 B 8 8 B B M 8 «p aP g? FLORENCE PONTON O'Neill, Nebraska €!©g»s«e«gfgg?g!gsg!g«g!gigic!g(g!€!gis!©©5Be®©®eis«eie|ie5!a'«!sn£«,j5!(g«Esc«ts'€'s!,€'< |J ^g^>ewg^^^^tcgipgtpccpofw«iipce«iBPg8g,g€,^ggae»g,ai)Pg5 rs’c $f HAPPY CHRISTMAS TOALL ! b &5 b i 8 8 8 8 '•■; b (V? 8 8 w 8 1? 8 5? 8 8 8 8 8 I Shelhamer Equipment Co. I Your IH Dealer n*vni i vi’ud tel/ \ 5?? I i S I I Sf '■& 9 i 9 "? 9 5f i » 5? 9 y 9 B 9 » i i » l _I m & w y y i w s w » y i w 1 y I M 1 | ^ I | <%• f # N» 1 f ! y y UK (to [ Oft -repeated but sincere | Is our Christmas wish *o you: a An abundance of good cheer | To last the whole year thru. | Bill Perry — Joe Sivesind Rex Gtowell — Owen Parkinson Meadow Gold Products •tt- * ~ ’o'. jfrr- ;// * . sen, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heiser and Mrs. Herman Heiser attend ed the funeral of Mrs. Ed Hei ser’s brother in Nerigh Thurs day. Dr. Walstrom of Verdigre was a professional caller in this vi cinity Thursday afternoon. Ed Hrbek called at the Elvin Hrbek home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed May and Dwayne were business callers in O’Neill Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Eiler and children were business callers in Verdigre Friday. Mrs. Glen Rihanek and daugh ters visited in O’Neill Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis visited in the Will Burger home in Lynch Friday and helped Mrs. Barger celebrate tier 73rd birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zach and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Eiler and family visited in Yankton, S. D. Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Zach and family visited in the Eller home Sunday evening. Alice’s Beauty Shop 3 Operators Open 8:30 a m. to 9:00 p.m 123 East Douglas Phone 263 — O’Neill Hope your holidays are as merry as children building a snowman I PINKERMAN'S Radio and TV O'Neill, Nebraska • j hidt ^4~ UjwlW We wish you and yours a rich abundance of all of the joys of this happy holiday season. Gaskill Ins. Agency O'Neill, Nebraska 3-grg,g-gig's,g'g,g'g,S'S'g'g!«,g'g«igtr^«e€!g,€'S,««’g’g,gtgf:,g'g'g'g'2’-?"c’'“’,''‘-*««« (Day the joy and love that glorified the night of His birth shine in your heart this Christmas day. and all the days to come. c Fourth v * Street Mkt. George Janousek O’NEILL, NEBRASKA <a o a -a -a'ci si ^ xj -«, tv« ■« ta-ii.-"* ••, ■», a ■»» «*-»*-***-«a ■»»-»a'«*-«i,-a-, -o, / 4*:;' ■»%•' - zm*mt - „ , .«6ifer to all our f- < nd- 3pd patrons. Harry R. Smith Implements O'Neill, Nebraska Ward, Ronnie, Shorty Herb, Jug, Charlie, Melvin Harry*and Harry Hollenback