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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1960)
Page News By Mrs. lien Asher Mr and Mrs. Tony Mudloff anti Brenda and Mrs. Edd Stewart went to Omaha Friday, where Mrs. Stewart had a doctor’s ap pointment and the Mudloffs went to visit Madelyn Mudloff, who had just Underwent surgery on her The Mudloffs were overnight guests of their son-in-law anti daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Prokoip, and Mrs. Stewart re mained overnight with Mrs. Gold ie Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Asher of Woodbine, la., were al so visitors in the Clark home. They returned home Saturday. Bid or Bye Club met Wednes day with Mrs. John Steinberg. Mrs. Alton Braddock and Mrs. G. Miller were guests. Mrs. Har old Kelly won card honors. This was followed by a Christmas gift exchange. Nine members were present when the R. N. A. kensington met with Mrs. Hester Edminsten. The women enjoyed an afternoon of visiting and a gift exchange. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmon vis ited in the M. L. Harmon home at Bassett Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Milo Landreth re turned home Sunday evening after attending a supervisor’s conven tion in Omaha from Tuesday to Friday. From there they spent the weekend visiting Mrs. Finn Landreth in Thayer, la. On Saturday night a combined birthday party for Mrs. Keith Kennedy and Bill Scheinost was held at the Scheinost home. Ot hers besides the Konnodys in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ste wart, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmon. Open house was held at the Methodist parsonage Saturday af ternoon and evening with the Rev. and Mrs. Robert Linder as hosts. Around loo persons signed the guest book with Mrs. Arnold Ste wart in charge of it in the after noon and Mrs. Merwvn French sr. in the evening. Other helpers included Mines. Dale Stauffer, J. W. Finch, R. F. Park, Darrell Heiss, Norman Trowbridge, R. V. Crumly, Ivan Heiss, all of Page and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins and Mrs. Ira Watson, both of Inman. Kitchen helpers were Mines. Dale Lewis, Carl Max, Don Nissen, Kenneth Heiss and Frank Bee laert. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Park and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Park and Kel ly visited Sunday with Minnie and Clarence Wood of Carroll. Among those from Page who attended the St. Peters Catholic church Christmas program at St. w>v5!*ttm?w?ter Dominick hall in Ewing Sunday night were Messrs, and Mmes. Joe Beelaert, Dick Cunningham, Melvin Roach, Warren Cronk, Pete Sojka and Leland Finlay. Mrs. Ron Park was a sponsor. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kennedy of Ainsworth were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sorensen. Improves from Attack Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen sr. visited Clayton Messner in the St. Anthony hospital Sunday. Also visiting him was Bill Hicks of Martin, 9. D. Mr. Messner is recuperating from a heart attack. Mr. Hicks was here for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Taylor and Mark left Scottsbluff Saturday morning and stopped to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frels at Hershey. They also met Margie Finch at the train .at Grand Is land. Margie is from Brea, Calif., and will spend Christmas holi days here, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch. Miss Finch and Mrs. Taylor are sisters. The Taylors will be here until after the new year. Larry is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Taylor, also of Page. Has Heart Surgery Mrs. Bernard Kornock telephon ed here Sunday to say that Ber nard had come through his heart operation satisfactorily. Those who care to write him, his address is c/o of the General Hospital, Den ver, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski were Sunday afternoon callers in the Los Lines home. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch were Mr. and Mrs. Duane Finch, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Taylor and Mark of Scotts bluff, Margie Finch of Brea, Calif. Afternoon callers were Mrs. Ethel Waring and Mrs. Alta Finch who joined the group for dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and boys and Mrs. Kitty Fry of Ewing were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch jr. were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch sr. Mrs. Dale Matschullat and children had Sunday dinner with Mrs. Otto Matschullat while Mr. Dale and Otto Matschullat and A1 Anthony of Inman went to Bloom field on business. A large crowd attended the Ladies aid of the Lutheran church in Orchard when they held a Christmas dinner for members and their families Thursday. En tertainment followed which was directed by Mrs. Otto Matschullat assisted by Mrs. Louise Heese, Mrs. Lorenz Rioge and Mrs. He len Meittis of Orchard. New “sec ret pals” were chosen. A Bourbon Alan's Bourbon— % 5 § <5 HI '2 kJ « 6 <§ t: « fi •’ L . . . in the Anniversary Decarter, or Gz/f Wrapped A 6 Years Old—93 Proof ;r> w Krntucky Straiqht Sour Mach Bourbon ••4 i Nebraska—Western Wine & Liquor Co.—Omaha ■2 t ^ f'2 ... . ^ 1 r- ~ r» — *^ •**■» t* *>■> r>. **. >> •& »• *• ■».,<». *5, -v •>x •> "a.,*?. >s». «s» * J .— .c.. . i,&*&• - ..r ^ - .i Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Passelman went to Omaha Tuesday to meet their son, Lloyd jr. (Sonny) who arrived there from Charleston, S. C. They remained overnight as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Braddock of Omaha and re turned here Wednesday. Sonny is home on leave from the navy. Mrs. Tillie Handke of Spokane, Wash., was a Thursday to Mon day houseguest of Mrs. Emma Kemper. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Dorr and family of Flint, Mich, arrived here on Monday to spend the holi days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French sr. First Lt. and Mrs. Richard Buxton and family arrived here from Fort Campbell, Ky. to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Buxton. Dick will leave for Germany the first part of January. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher and family were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ash er. Mrs. Merwyn French sr. was hostess to members and three guests, Mr.- Ivan Heiss, Mrs. Earl Stevens and Mrs. William Ragland, when the Page Exten sion club met with her Tuesday for the annual Christmas party. Mrs. Evelyn Gray left Wednes day to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Weyer of Plainview and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Baber of Norfolk. A Sunday overnight houseguest of Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Fusselman was Dawn Larson of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. William Watter man were Monday dinner guests of AT r c TTmni'i ITorrmnr Mrs. Orville Kemper accom panied Charles Wiseman and Mrs. Oate Wiseman Sunday as far as Moiese, Mont., where she will spend Christmas with her daugh ter, Mrs. Allen Zemple and fam ily. The Wisemans continued on to Everett, Wash., to visit for the holiday Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ko petjka. Mrs. Kopetjka is the daughter of Mrs. Wiseman and the sister of Charles. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Buxton were 1st Lt. and Mrs. Richard Buxton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Arnott Buxton and family of O’Neil! and Mr. Luther Buxton of Ewing. On Sunday evening Orville Kem per took Mrs. Emma Kemper and Mrs. Tillie Hanke to spend ; the evening with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Kemper. Committeemen Ben Asher, Floyd Butterfield and Homer Ernest attended an all day meet ing Monday in St. Paul for coun ty committeemen. Friday night Mr. and Mrs. Mar vin Stauffer entertained the fol lowing at an oyster supper: , Messrs and Mmcs Harry Harper. Bob Beelaert, Frank Beelaert and Becky and Jim Jarman of Bas sett. The occasion was a celebra tion of Harry Harper’s birthday. On Sunday the following guests were at the Bob Beelaert home for dinner: Messrs, and Mmcs. Beelaert and family of Orchard and Frank Beelaert and Becky Harry Harper, Allen Haynes, A.M. and Mrs. Marie Beelaert of Ew ing. Try The Frontier Want Ads — Jt Pays ! Last Minute Gift Ideas Select the gifts that count from the many beautiful and practical electrical helpers i I GIVE BETTER SLEEP GIVE BEAUTY AND ACCURACY ELECTRIC CLOCK GIVE BETTER LIGHTING ELECTRIC YARD LIGHT [11 rGIVE GREATER CONVENIENCE ELECTRIC CAN OPENER — GIVE EASIER DISHWASHING ELECTRIC DISHWASHER tGIVE BETTER ROASTING _ GIVE EASIER GROOMING " GIVE EASIER WASHDAYS ELECTRIC DRYER Many Other Electrical Gifts from which to Choose, Including • Ranges * • Mixers • Waffle Iron* • Washers • Toasters • Electric Grills • Coffee Makers • Steam Irons A See Your Electric Appliance Dealer or the nearest office of ....... CONSUMERS » your Free Holiday Recipe Book. I . Gift Subscription to The Frontier MORE NEWS — MORE CORRESPONDENTS THAN ANY OTHER NEWSPAPER IN NORTH-CENTRAL NEBRASKA $2.50 per year in Nebraska 3.00 per year Elsewhere 2.00 per year for Servicemen, anywhere Fill out the coupon and mail it to us with t your check. We'll send out your subscript tion with a beautiful gift card. COUPON The Frontier Circulation Dept. Box 330, O’Neil], Nebr. Please enter our order for-Gift Subscriptions. I understand that a colorful Gift Card will be forwarded to the person or persons for whom the subscriptions are intended. Enclosed is (cash) (check) (money order). (Your Signature) Name ____ 1 .. Rural Route, Street or Box_ _ ___ _ t City__ State _____ 1