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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1960)
Dorsey News By Mr*. Harold Ooboni The Scottnlle Extension and Redbird Lucky Clover clubs held their Christmas dinner and party at the Scottville Hill Surtday Mr. and Mrs Buss Greene of Lynch called at the Harold Os born home Thursday on their way home from O'Neill. Mrs. T J. Graham spent from Wednesday to Sunday at the Har old Osborn home. Her daughter is suffering from a leg injury. Mrs. Lets Miles and daughter, Linds Kruse, spent the weekend at the A. W Aim home. Mrs. Stanley Lorell Pickering spent a few days at the Claude Pickering home before returning to California. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Svatoa spent Friday evening visiting at the Harold Osborn home. Has Pneumonia Thelma Mashino was dismissed fr m th? Lynch hospital but is still confined at home recovering from pneumonia. T, J. and Howard Graham and Dr. H. D. GILDERSLEEVE OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined—Olasses Filled Contact Lenses Phone IH7 — O'Neill, Nehr. Hours U ft—M on. thru Saturday I W»*dn»*N(lHy Marlyn were Wednesday O'Neill b .is mess callers Mr and Mrs Albert Carson and Mr and Mrs Res Carson and ffendra ▼ lilted at the Ray Wither sat and R Pinkerman homes Tlairsday evening. They helped Marty and Mrs. Anna Carson cel ebrate the r birthdays. Mrs. Claude Pickering and ba by daughter arrived home from the Lynch hospital December 3. Mr. and Mrs Edward Carson were O'Neill visitors Thursday. Mr and Mrs Gordon Barta cal led at the Osborn home Wednes day morning. Mrs. Albert Carson was a busi ness caller at the Harold Osborn hem • Tuesday evening. Omitted from recent news were the Warren O'eson family and the Clifford Wells family who w re guests at the Howard Slack home. Mrs. Gordon Barta and Evelyn visited Mrs Barta's parents, the William Kalals, and other rela tives December 3. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mi’ler and Marilyn were visitors at the Gor don Barta home Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Ted Crawford and Pam were December 4 guests at tho Barta home. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brady were calling on friends and m ighb rs December 7 and attended the Leon Mellor sale. Mr. and Mrs Glen Bare of Lyn man visited Sunday at th’ Har old Osborn home and were din ner guests there. Try The Frontier Wj Arls — P»v< # Page Neys By Mr*. IVw AUwr The Improve mew club me Monday night tor the awn a Christmas s pper This was lot members and their husbands ant around 25 attended. U was decid ed that Santa Claus would appeal at Page on December 17 after tht free show. Thirteen members were pre sent on Thursday for a one o’clock dinner at the borne of Mrs. Glenn w r:. ‘‘New secret pals” were picked. New election of officers was held with Laura Grass as president, and Mrs. Ben Asher as secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Jim Stewart will be the January 12th hostess. Mrs. Leila Snell was hostess to members of the SOS club when it met with her Friday night. Mrs. Ethel Park won the mystery prize. Couple Club met with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski Thursday n ght. Bridge was played. Jerry Collyer was a guest. Melvin Roach and Mrs. Melvin Carson won pri zes. King’s Daughters met at the church Tuesday night. This was the Christmas party and In lien of a gift exchange, each mem ber donated 50c to be sent to Carroll French and family in B dgium Congo. Mrs. Frank Bee laert had the devotions awl Mrs. Robert Van Horn the les son on Christmas hymns. Hos tesses were Mrs. George Writ laufer and Mrs. Harold Kelly. Thursday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmon were Mr. Christmas Special THIS WEEK ONLY WATER HEATER 30 Gallon - Gas Water Heater Glass Lined Tank 10-Year Warranty DANKERT'S SERVICE O'Neill, Nebr. Chambers, Nebr. j »-*-•&« , *»-» •ft--- • 8— ■*— >— ■*— ^ . ^^ and Mr* "Bud" Godel of Venus and Mr and Mr*. Keith Kennedy, Mr and Mr* Art Neuhaus « Orchard and Mr and Mr* Wxlt K peck a of O 'Neill were Friday night gueau of Mr and Mr*. Ben Rornock i To Have Surgery I Mr and Mr*. Ben Korn<'ck left Sunday morning for Denver, I where Mr. K or nock will enter the hospital to undergo heart surgery December 16. Sirs J. E Smith and Mrs. Anna Thompson are staying with the Kornock child ren Ben's address is Denver Gen eral hospital, Denver, Colorado, Mr. and Mrs.^Don Nisaen enter tained at a Saturday night sup per Member* and husbands of Mrs. Nissen s bowling tetm were guests. After supper the group went to O’Neill to bowl. The group included Mr and Mrs. Carl Max, the Rev and Mrs. Robert Linder, Mr, and Mrs. Joe Beelaert and Mr. and Mrs R. V. Crumly. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher and R in were Sunday dinner guests of Mr* Frieda Asher. On Saturday afternoon Mmes. Hester Edm nsten, Frieda Ach*r, Emma Kemper, Bertha Downey, P. E. Nissen, Harley Kennedy, Herb Steven, Miss Nell and Grace ] Woods and Miss Grace Zellers called on Mrs. R. E. Copes to help her celebrate her birthday, i Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey were hosts at a supper party Sun- « day evening which included the following guests: Messrs, and S Mmes. Harold Asher, Jerry Ash- « er, Kenneth Asher, Ben Asher, ft Don Nissen, William Sorensen and ft George Wettlaafer. Cards were ft played with prizes going to Harold ? Asher, William Sorensen and Ben ft Asher. ft Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hansen re- ft turned home Friday night after ft spending a few days visiting Mr. ft and Mrs. Lyle Hansen in Omaha, ft While there they visited with Mr. ft and Mrs. Dale Fabes. ft Mrs. Milo Landreth entertained ! ft guests Tuesday at a cookie party, j Each lady brought three dozen ft cookies and then exchanged with ft the others. Her guests were Mmes. -4 Art Grass, Walter Johnson, Ray 2 Harmon, Glenn Stewart, Bill 2 Scheinost and Keith Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. Asher and girls ^ were Friday night guests in the S Duane Sukup home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch « sr. were Saturday night guests of ft Mrs. Alta Finch. S inday dinner and supper guests ft of Mr. and Mrs. John Sorenstn ft were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hansen ; ft and family. ft The American Legion auxili- ft ary held their annual Christmas ft supper Monday evening with 33 ft members present. It was voted ft that the auxiliary will serve at ft the Kenneth Asher sale January ft 11. Mmes. Harold and Ben Asher ft and Don Nissen will be in ft charge. Christmas carols were y sung and a gift exchange held, ** A Christmas box will be sent 2 to Mrs. Louis Sehacht. Tables 2 were decorated by Mmes. Frie- 5 da Asher, William Simmons, Ot- 2 to and Dale Matschullat. Mrs. Nell Storm, E. E. Reed 3 and Thomas of Royal, Mr. and ! 8 Mrs. Harry Harper and Mrs. Ber-! 5 tha Reed were Sunday dinner! g guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan I g _ X_ -it_ X_ ^_ X- --2 " * Saturday, Dec. 17 A X THE JOLLY OL' FELLOW, busy as he is, wants to greet all the small fry in the O'Neill area at the O'Neill Public School at 2 p.m. X HE'LL BE LADEN with treats for the kiddies . . . he'll want to X spend a few moments with all the youngsters learning their X wants. x I * ATTENTION KIDS: Better be able to report to Santa that you've been good boys and girls and can qualify for gifts you're going •4 to ask for. 1 * jjt Santa's Visit Is Under the Auspices of the — ^ O'Neill Chamber of Commerce U : ^ R Mr- !r-^r ^V^nrf^-V>4^ Vi Vl fr^r&^ryfry^ [, Haynes, celebrating Mr. Haynes 88th birthday Afternoon cal ers were Mr and Mrs Eb»n Graft, Mrs. Wilbur and child ren of Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. Mer wyn French sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen sr. Mrs Ewgar Stauffer and Mrs. Marvin Stauffer were Monday guests of Mrs. Dan Troshynski Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Hansen of Cairo were guests Friday of Mr and Mrs. Jessie Kelly. Daring the Day Mrs. jessie Kelly and Mrs, Anna Thompson accompanied the Hansens to Chambers, where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ber nard Grimes. Mr. and Mrs. J. C King of Co lumbus were Saturday night visit ors of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heias. Sunday the Kings. Mr. and . r Ricnard Heiss and boys and George and Grace Zellers were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zellers. Mrs. Jessie Cronk was hostess when the Get Together club met with her Friday. Ten members ind two guests, Mrs. Otto Mat schullat and Valjean Parks, were present. A gift exchange was held Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beelaert in Becky spent Saturday on jusiness in Merriman. Mr. and Mrs. William Lower md daughter of Huston, Tex , vere Tuesday visitors in the Kime of Mr. and Mrs. Allan faynes. Mr. and Mra Clarence Finch sr Tuesday accompanied Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Waring of O' Neill as far as Fremont, where the Finches stayed a couple of days with their son-in-law and dsjghter. Mr and Mrs Kenneth Tyler. The W a rings continued on to Omaha. Gifts To Home Help-U Club met Wednesday for a noon day luncheon with Mrs Francis Boulter The nine mem bers present filled a package of small gifts and table decorations to be sent to the rest home in Brunswick Thirty gifts were wrapped for every one at the home. The club’s annual Christ mas par y will be held December 21 with Mrs. Clarence Finch. Mr. and Mrs. Arnett Buxton and family of O'Neill were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs William Buxton. Mr. ami Mrs. Clarence Finch were Friday night visitors at the J.W Finch farm. Mr and Mrs Duane Sukup and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Edward Sukup of Orchard. A1 Anthony and family of Inman were Sunday callers at the Dale Matschullat home. The Frontier— ur New Ford That's Beautiful!/ Built to Take Car^ of Itself and Fal con the World's Most Successful New Car. SEE Herman "Herm" Janzing Res. Phone 324-R OR Conrad "Con" Smith Res. Phone 865-W WEEKEND SPECIALS 1960 Ford Galaxie Town Sedan — SAVE $$$$$ 1959 y2 Ton F-100 Ford Pickup 3 Speed ROBERTSON MOTOR CO. "h-'r»e 33 O'Neill, Nebraska I NOW OPEN I Featuring TOYS and GIFT SUGGESTIONS galorel a a a a 8 a a a a a a i i? a « I Big Plastic Tow Truck jj Unbreakable! 21-in. long! Has wind H shield, wipers, moveable boom n and hook. White silver I 8 Reg. 4.98 Metal Freight Train Set S Over 28-in. long with curved 27x36-in. track' Locomotive with tender, tank car and caboose j| ^”nr on 2 fln'-hlight botteri0* (not inrU'AoA i X’-— X - i »_ II jj Big selection! TOYS, GAMES X I II.m.. i i Indian Scout Rifle 2 Shooting Shell Cartridges Bullet Noses 2.98 Detective Set Reg. 3.98 Snub Nose .38 Revoler holster, shells and bullet n noses J, JJ 13-Pc. Tool Set Tumble Sum Game Reo. ? 98 Steel Box Req. 3.98 Shmo Game? 14x5x2,/2in. complete ^ ri 473/4x22,/2-in. board ^ ll with tools, manual L*jl dice, spinner, ect. Ji44 MG. 4.98 TEEN TIMER GUITAR «v~ A party hit! 6 strings, 3-ft. °* *3 ag'*' long. Felt pick and song book -—— Poly Toddler Tractor Reg. 5.98 Polyethelene J T1! plastic. T412x20-In. long 4«f / I I Folding Carriage Reg. 4.98 Quilted floral print plastic body, 21x9-in., with hood. Has spoke l 11 wheels, b'ack tires ® i & Make it a merry ]0[ Christmas with • sparkling holi* 0 i day accessories! ► * Festive candy ; * Gay stocking SJ stutters M • * Glittering & ££ tree lights frC ‘Tree and home w ?j5 decorations M & ‘ Gift wraps $$ :o: *0* Nylaa marqui (•II* oprani. 9 1.59 £ nyion nos* « Sheer 60 gauge I w > full fathionedI I I aa> ■ g M u 89c pt. Girls Dresses J Litt,e &irl*' Pretfy ny,on °nd | 2-65 Sir- cotton holiday styles. £ 2.98 Nylon, sires 1-3 1 99 i *--— Cotton, sires 3-6* 2 99 S I-----1 CBE SURE TO SEE OUR i COMPLETE SELECTION OF ! Gift Suggestions We ve a gift for every member jl of the family! All top values! <B> V/2 QUART CASSEROLE WARMER SET 2 98 ft (C) E-PIECE WHITE CERAMIC SALAD SET 3 90 ft <D> ELECTRIC CORN POPPER, 23/4 QUART 3 89 £ (E) FOUR-CUP MUSICAL TEA POT 2 98 * »gHT CUP CRYSTAL COFFEE CARAFF 298 * —-- 2 11 a:1 ■ Tf 7,1; rii PATTON'S ,r ft O'NEILL, NEBR S «««■*' -v -v rx ftsmt w-v » 1 I I I I l_l R A*st. desirws in eoch box R BOXED CARDS 50 Cards 4 A A With Envelopes I ■ vU Box of 16 slim, 34 conventional style. Beautiful designs, and jjj mersages. a Others at 29c up per box R 20-IN. DOLLS g Milly 'n Billy ** drink wet, Cr S sleep. Hove jj movable limbs, ^ vinyl heads. Choice § Stuffed Animals Cuddly rayon plush pals. Vinyl- 9 faced 20-in. monkey or 16x20- 2 in. elephant 3 *g jj Your Choice JajQ