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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1960)
’ Mr >> "’j Chambers News By Mr*. E K Carpenter i Valley Center Valley Center Extension chib net Thursday at the home of Mrs C. V. Robertson with 18 mem bers present. Roll call was an swered by each telling of the Christmas most enjoyed. A check for S3 from Ak-£ar-Ben was MILLER THEATER ATE Iff .Oft One Show Nightly 8 o'clock Thur*. . Fri. - Sat. Dec. U • i« • 17 PUTS Sun. - Mon. - Tnwt. • Wed. Deo. 18 • 19 • 20 - 21 Thura. - Fri. - Sat. Dec. 22 • 28 • 24 Hannibal , VICTOR MATUR •SupmCiwscok Tpchnicout .-WuhubBhos presented This was for a booth the club had at the County Fair Mr* Uoyd Gleed presided at the nulling. Games wert* played and gifts exchanged. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by her co-hostess. Mrs. Lloyd Gleed The next meeting will be Janu ary 20 at the home of Mrs Roy Miller. Relatives have received word of the serious illness of Mr. Chris Haussler of Holbrook. Mr. Haussler is a brother-in-law of A. A. Walter, Mrs Rena Deirking and Mrs. C. V. Robertson, and a son-in-law of John Walter sr., of Chambers. Mrs. Edgar DeHart has spent the past two weeks in Fremont caring for her new granddaugh ter and assisting her daughter. Mrs. Gene Van Gerpen. She re turned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Theis and sons came Saturday for a visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs Edgar DeHart. Sunday guests of Mrs. Charlotle Honeywell were Mrs. Verna Sheer of California and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burtwistle of Ew ing. Mr and Mrs. Rill Cox of O’ Neill were Sunday dinner guests of his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Charles Cox. cjuiu »» him i muvcu i day for week visit with her mother, Mrs. John Wintermote, and brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Guais Wintermote. Miss Wintermote has recently re turned from Iran where she had spent about two years in govern ment work. Since returning to the stat?s she has visited relatives in California and Oregon. Rev. and Mrs Charles Cox drove to Spalding Friday. Mrs. Bert Lybolt left Thursday to spend the winter with her son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. A. Barrett at Brunswick. She plans to visit her son in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs Steve Shavlik and Pam visited her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Switzer at Clearwater Sunday. Kellar Club Kellar club met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Louis Neilson with Mrs. G. H. Grimes, co-hos tess. Only nine members and one visitor were present. A card of thanks was read from the child rens home in Omaha. The club has donated to this home for SI years One new member, Mrs Jane Spann was admitted It was decided to postpone election of officer* Mrs Ray Heed was in charge of games. The »ixt meeting will be December 21 with Mrs Glen Crimes. Better Ways dab The Better Ways Extension club met Sunday evening at the home of Mrs. Frank Tracy with eigh teen members present. This was the Christmas party and an ex change of gifts was held. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Harley drove to Norfolk Sunday Twelve friends were present at the Bill Logeman home Sunday evening for a card party. Clearwater New Mr*. ( Karin (Virtrtgbt Winter 5 1iM Elvon Ziems suffered a broken tone in his foot while hauling hay last week. The hay sled slipped from the tractor and fell on his foot. He was taken to the Neligh hospital. He was released Tues day but will have to keep off the foot for about two weeks. Mrs. John Rix suffered a deep gash on the knuckle of her hand, while taking shortening from a can, blood poisoning set in and she was cared for by a doctor Mae Prtiden. was awarded IMm in » damage suit la die trtct court ta Nr Ugh the put week Mm. Prudra was the admlnUtraHrtx of the r stair of her late husband, Oscar Pru drn, who Imt hts life tn a car truck accident In December. 1*VS The deiendrnta were W. J and Fred Clark and Virgil D. Khm An account of the reception for Mr and Mrs. Calvin Yorke of 17027 S7th Ave. So Seattle, Wash, on their 60th wedding annivers ary has reached here. The Yorkes were long time Clearwater residents before going to Seattle in October 1957. The reception was held at their Seattle home. All of die Yorkes eight children, who were hostV live m Seattle except two. They are Mrs Rand all Hixson of Clearwater and Mr* Verna Anderson of TUden, whi unable to attend the cele ,ra ton *ent congratulation* by ^Tep»ho«e. The couple was mar ried, at VenuL Nebr, Nov, 25. 1900* The chfldren bosMk' Mrs: Anderson at* Mrs Hixson art* Allan and R<% Mrs Rena HhA more. Mrs Amy Sipo, Mrs. Frances Foreland and Mrs Mn* bel Jacobsen. They are both in comparatively good health Mrs, Yorke is the former I .aura Gent zler. Both Mr and Mrs Yorke are 78 years old. Mr. and Mrs Howard Luhen entertained at dinner Sunday hon oring their son-in-law, Dewey Brittell, on his birthday anniver sary. Other guests were Mrs. Brittell. Uurry James and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brittell and three daughters of Norfolk. Afternoon guests were lV>n Luhen Ijomune Brandt, William Lela, Bernard Laiben. Mr and Mrs Charles Curtnght and Mr ami Mrs Otto iTubel and two daughters kindergarten e lasses wilt start here January 16 at the beginning of the second semes ter Mr* Netvman Card will be In charge. Members of the Senior class have chosen their class play. “China Boy." Roles have been selected and practice has gotten underway. The date of the pre sentation will l)e announced later. Mr and Mrs Dwayne Mock and family of Sidney visited Mr. and Mrs. Emery Carey the past UAf au A.* A* A* at at as as as AT Af -• m, * * * * The infant son bom December 6 in the Antek>|x* Memorial hos pital to Mr, and Mrs Bimm Lindquist. dM December 8 Mrs Lundquist is the former Norma Thompson of Clearwater. They have a one and one-half year old son. Hilly. Terri Lea, the 11 inonth-oN! daughter of Mr. and Mrs Ken neth Johnson, was a patient to the Neligh hospital last week. --- % | Phone Your New* to . - it The Frontier— , Phone 7R8 * _ n For The Finest In Christmas Gifts Shop DEVOY'S REXALL DRUG Cosmetic Gifts by Leading Manufacturers REVLON SETS AND INDIVIDUAL PIECES “Intimate, “Aquamarine,” "Fire and Ice,” and others—all in beautiful Christmas packages. CARA NOME COSMETICS Be sure to see the NEW “SHARI'’ line by Cara Nome. LENTHERIC "Classics In Fragrance" make ideal gifts for teachers, etc. $1.00 and $1.50 COTY These fabulously beautiful sets are priced as low as $2.50 SHULTON "Escapade," "Friendship’s Garden," "Desert Flower” $1.25 and up EVENING IN PARIS Gift items start at 75c “Tweedle,” “Little Lady,” and “Puppy Love” cosmetics for the small fry—just like Mother’s. Looking For The Best in Chocolate Candy? Give PANGBURN’S Western Style Chocolates—there is no better candy at any price. In O’Neill, you can buy PANGBURN’8 Candles ONLY at DEVOY’S BABY GIFTS Baby rattles and toys as low as 25c Bottle sterilizers — Bottle warmers — Baoy dooks TOILETRIES FOR MEN "Stag” toiletries gifts start at $1.00 See the NEW "Royal Stag” line by Rexall. "Top Brass” and “That Man” by Revlon Shulton’s "Old Spice” for men $1.00 and up Also Mennen — Williams — Woodbury — and others CAMERAS AND CAMERA SETS For a gift that will give years of enjoyment, we suggest a camera or camera kit—we have them at reasonable prices. Don’t forget to stock up on film and flash bulbs for the holiday festivities. CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTS Indoor 7-light multiple sets Outdoor 15-light multiple sets CHRISTMAS TREE DECORATIONS Icicles — ornaments — twinklers CHRISTMAS CARDS We still have a nice selection of Christmas cards by American Greetings-boxed cards and individual cards. Don't Forget Christmas Gift Wrap, Ribbon, Seals, Tags, Package Decorations DEVOY REXALL Drug Bob Devoy, Pharmacist Open Evenings and Sunday Mornings O'Neill, Nebr. _ a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a i a i a 1 I I a ^ a S a ^ a a a i a a ! a a J ~these are ffamp | Afeaty Binds ~v*fth CJhsna&dfGc/ freshness/ i Armoors Smx 1 \ Smoked i SA±£! \ BOTTENPUL 49* CENTER CUTSmTS* V « SWIFT'S PREMIUM 1 SPICED LUNCH MEAT 3 £ 1.00 I LEAN-MEATY A $E(V fc j SpareR/Es 3® / I » Swift’s Summer Sausage ±2 59 I | Fresh Oysters '%%■ 79 I « Bacon c",ZE&.(z?e* 39 I | Swifts Premium Wieners s£S& [ I..AMME YOtN MOUKWi I comere ersew- I ne cnwaeenesi M ! 9om>- § 1 SSSSmriOm 1 * mumr mower ■ i YAMS 1 I Cnp CELERY J \ *TRKX$ £EE£Cr/VE....J)£C. /STM U l THRUJ>EC.£/S7; A960* 1 II I jj 10% OFF j TO ALL CHURCHES AND SCHOOLS '! On Holiday Nuts and Candies m o ■