The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 08, 1960, Section Two, Image 12

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    \\U 'j»y» V\v\ \« I •' b/t yV \*/,M // A,v ♦» U /m <•
FOR SALE Purehred Hampshire
hoars ready for service.—Henry
Stelling and Son Orchard, Nehr.
_18 If
FOR SALE Good heavy oats.—
Leo Burival, Rt, O'Neil). 30tfc
SALT FOR SALE K ana polls
J16 50 a ton; American S20 50 a
ton; white block 75c—Located 3
blocks east, 4 blocks north of
traffic light, Everett Gorgan,
Ph. 164, O'Neill. 51tf
FOR SALE Good quality old or
new, shelled or rolled com and
oats. We also sell Conkey's
Feeds. Will deliver feed and
Sain Pag? Grain and Feed
., Page, Nebr., Phone 2101.
FOR SAIE^ Purebred Hampshire
boars, vaccinated and guarante
ed John Sojka, 1 Vi North. 4
east of Page. 24tf
store your candy and nuts head
quarters. Always fresh. 27 tfc
FOR SAIE1 1954 Chevrolet pick
up, 3/4 ton, also 1953 Ford 4-Dr.
George Winkler. Ph. 286, O’
Neill. 33c
FOR SALE Ten bred owes. Will
sell reasonable.- Don Butterfield,
Phone 7844 or 68*18 at Atkinson.
FOR SALE—1956 Ford, Custom
Victoria, tudor, hardtop, good
condition See Mrs. Ray Wither
wax at The Frontier office.
Early Booking Prices on
Delivered or
F O B. Norfolk or Inman
Special 90-day prices on all
kinds of feeds
$6 00 per ton discount on bulk
feeds plus special gift Items.
10c refund on Norco burlap bags.
Old process 41% soybean meal
Hi-Phos Mineral $99 00
Call collect 11W or 34
Tompkins Livestock
Inman, Nebraska
BOARS for sale. Long, rugged,
high quality Champion Blood
lines. Three miles east Creighton
Highway 59 Phone 121 on 10.
Shadylane Hampshire Farm.
V FOR SALE 1954 Pontiac Star)
f Chief 4-Dr. Sedan. -Kenneth
Waring, Phone 46 or 732, O’Neill.
From our WISCONSIN dairies.
All new cattle just arrived.
Springers and fresh with heifer
calves. Real large and fancy
§uailty llosteins, Guernseys and
wiss. Prices lowest in years.
Everybody wants good ones.
Shores, Neligh. TU 7-4060. or TU
7-4850 29tf
Discounts — Discounts
You save up to $13.00 per ton
on LINCOLN Fertilizer pur
chased for fall application or
hooked for spring. See us be
fore December 1 for maximum
savings. We also have lime.
Soil samples taken free of
You buy it we can spread It.
Tompkins Livestock
Inman, Nebraska
SEE US for new SPARTAN or
SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25%
down. 5% int.; up to 84 months
to pay. Write or phone Contois
Motor Co.. Neligh. 30tf
prompt claim service. Virgil
Laursen Agy.. O'Neill.
FDR SALE—We have on hand first
and second calf Holstein heifers,
fresh or heavy springers.—
Arnold Thiele, Clearwater, ph.
HU 5-3200._17-24p 25-42c
Farmall 400
Farmall 450
47 Farmall M
53 Farmall H
46 Farmall H
50 Farmall C
560 Demonstrator
IHC — Gehl — RCA Whirlpool
DO-AIJ, LOADER for sale, com
plete with grapple fork. Neale
Hamilton. Stuart, Nebr.
TOR SALE Second calf Holstein
heifers —John Sojka. Page. 24tf
FDR SAIJC Real good red polled
Shorthorn bull, coming three
years old. Market price.—Roy
M Gannon, Inman. 33-35p
Year-end Close out
Stop and see our large
selection at discount prices.
Every unit on the lot must
be sold before Jan. 1, 1961
Contact us today
In O'Neill vicinity contact
Clarence Johnson, Elms Court
Albion. Nebr Phone EX 5-2170
We trade-Deliver - Terms i
32 tf
FDR SALE 1957 Ford Vt ton pick
up, radio, heater, 4-speed trans
mission. Reasonable price.—Mrs.
V. Clemens, Neligh, Nebr.
_ 33-34c
12 Registered
Serviceable Age
TB & Bangs Tested
Ainsworth, Nebraska
1 p.m.
Myron Neidig
Madison, Nebraska
FOR SAIJS— Big, strictly meat type
Duroc boars. Vaccinated and
guaranteed. Priced reasonable.
Also some good rugged register
ed long yearling Hereford bulls.—
L. V. Gant and Son, Atkinson.
FOR SALE—In this area like new
Necchi Sewing Machine com
plete with button-holer, zig-zag,
and attachments. New guarantee.
Party with good references may
have for 6 payments of $6.72. To
see: Write Sewing Machine De
partment, Box 250, North Pla*te,
Nebr. 33-34c
32 ft. elevator, double chain, good
Farmhand loader
J.D. 55
M. H. 7 ft
Woods Bros., good
John Deere 226
J.D. Model 60, 1955
J.D. Model 620, 1958
J.D., B, 19.50
JD„ A. 1944
J.D., G. 1949
J D., B. 1943
John Deere B 1952, fuel
Harry R. Smith Imp.
Phone 562 O’Neill
Real Estate for Sale
bedroom home. Available now.—
Francis Gilg or Harry Ressel.
FOR SALE—Two one bedroom
houses -will sell separate ori
together.—Kieth Abart. 321 West]
Clay. O'Neill.12tfc
farms and ranches. Low interest,
prompt service. Virgil Laursen.
O’Neill. lOtfc
FOR RENT—Furnished apartment.
All utilities including immediate!
possession.—Call Golden Hotel,1
Phone 35. 33tf
FOR RENT—Business building |
located on main street near
center of town.—See Ponton
Agency, O’Neill. 33tf
FOR RENT—Two homes at West
Fremont and South Jefferson.—
Kieth Abart 30tfc
FOR RENT—Nice 4-room fur
nished apartment, gas furnace,
automatic washer.—O E. David
son, Phone 126, O’Neill. 32tf
FOR RENT—Sleeping r o o m —
Mrs. C. H. Switzer, 113 E.
Everett, O’Neill, Phone 466J.
25 tf
WANTED—Night waitress from 6
p m. to 1 a.m.—Candy Bill's
Cafe. 13tfc
WELL DRILLING and well and
windmill repair. — Write Box
b62. phone 553-J.
3 blks W & 3Vi blks N stoplight
WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading
days, Monday, Tuesday and
Thursday each week.—Dwaine
Lockmon, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf
L. Gothmiller
Half Block East of
Texaco Station
SPECIALIZING in all kinds of
automobile, truck and tractor
repair. Acetylene welding.
LAWN MOWER repairing. Also
repair parts for Lawson — Reo
— Clinton.
HELP WANTED—Waitress and'
kitchen —Segerwood cafe, O'
Neill, Nebr.
We Just want "YOURS”
WANTED Reliable party to take
over last few payments of $8.92
on 1960 Singer Slantomatic Sew
ing Machine. To see: Write,
Credit Manager, Box 83, North
Platte, Nebr. 33-34c
Reliable man or woman from
this area to distribute complete
line of cigarettes, candy, nuts or
gum through new automatic
vendors. No selling, we will
establish accounts for you. To
qualify party must have car,
references, and cash capital of
$900 which is secured by In
ventory. Excellent earnings part
time—Full time more. For per
sonal interview give phone, etc.
Write P. O. Box 156, Rochester,
Minnesota. 33p
HELP W A N T E D- Experienced
mechanic. Chiefly automobil
work, some welding and tractor
work. Good hours, commission
with guarantee. Contact Herbert
Kaiser or Bob Krotter at Wm.
Krotter Co., West O’Neill.
For Farm and Domestic Wells
Call 721 or come to—
Kelly's Well Service
5 Blks. south of the New Deal
Oil Station—O'Neill
Rumor Elevated <trading
John E. Donohue, Phone 447-W
We make quick cash loans on
automobiles and furniture. i
See us also for your insurance
Central Finance Corp.
O’Neill Phone 14 Nebr.
home buyers. Notify Virgil Laur
sen today if you are thinking
about selling.—Virgil Laursen
Agency, O’Neill. 13tf
IS YOUR insurance costing too
much? Are you properly insured.
—See Ed Thorin, agt., O'Neill,
Nebr. 34tf
Offers you the best in dairy and
beef bulls. Now included are
performance tested CHAROLAIS.
Duane Gray, Ph. 470, O'Neill.
_ 29 tf
Private Listings and Auctions
Auction Service
face yearling heifer branded bar
diamond bar on right side.—
Neil Hipke, Anncar Route, O’
Neill, Nebr. 31-34p
felt thanks to our minister, rela
tives, neighbors and many friends
who remembered our loved one
during his long illness and death,
with cards, visits, letters, prayers
and floral offerings, also con
tributions of food and any other
expressions of sympathy that made
our burden easier to bear.
The family of Charles Grimes
I WISH TO EXPRESS my sincere
thanks for all the cards and visits
while I was in the hospital.
A special thank you to Dr. Car
stens, the Sisters and nurses for
their care and thoughtfulness.
Emil Gruhn
We WISH TO take this opportunity
to thank all our friends, neighbors
and relatives for their many acts
of kindness and sympathy during
the illness and death of our be
loved brother-in-law and uncle.
Mrs. Eva Razor and family
of Ewing 33p
-Legal Notices— |
(First pub. Nov. 17, 1960)
Puohc Notice is hereby given
to the qualified electors of the
School District of the City of
O'Neill, in the County of Holt, in
the State of Nebraska, that by the
consent of a majority if the mem
bers of the Board of Education
of said District, a special electiin
has been called and will be held
in O'Neill. Nebraska in said Dis
trict on December 9, 1960, at
which election there will be sub
mitted to the qualified electors of
said District, the following propo
‘Shall the School District of the
City of O’Neill, in the County of
Holt, in the State of Nebraska,
issue its negotiable bonds in the
principal amount of Four Hundred
Six (v F'”e Thousand Dollars
($465,000.00), for the purpose of
purchasing a site, building school
houses, and fumish;ng the neces
sary furniture and apparatus for
the same for said District, said
bonds to be dated at the time of
their issuance and become due
and payable on such dates as may
be fixed by the District Board at
the time of their issuance, but
in a period not exceeding twenty
(20) years from their date, said
bonds to bear interest from their
date of issue at nit to exceed the
legal rate, payable one year af
ter date and semi-annually there
after; provided, however, any or
all of said bonds shall bo re
deemable at the option of the
District at any time on or after
five years from the date of their
issuance; and
“Shall the Board of Eduction
of said District cause to be le
vied annually a special levy of
taxes by valuation on all the tax
able property in said District suf
ficient in rate and amount to pay
the interest and principal of said
bonds as and when such interest
and principal become due?”
( ) FOR said bonds and tax
( ) AGAINST said bonds and tax
The electors voting in favor of
said proposition will mark an “X"
in the square opposite the words
“For said bonds and tax’’ fol
lowing said prposition, and elec
tors voting against said prosposi
tion will mark an “X” in the
square opposite the words
“AGAINST said bonds and tax"
following the proposition.
The polling place for said elec
tion shall be at the Court House
in O’Neill. Nebraska.
The polls will be open from 8:00
A.M. to 8 00 P.M. of said date.
BY ORDER of the Board of Ed.
ucation of said D’strict this 11th
day of November, 1960.
H J Lohaus
H L Lindberg
(First pub. Dec. 8, 1960)
No. 4436
Cronin and Hannon Attorneys
Notice is hereby given that a
petition has been filed for the
probate of the will of said de
ceased, and for the appointment
of Helen O’Donnell and Patricia
Wadden as joint executrices
thereof, which will be for hearing
in this court on December 29,
1960, at 10 o’clock A. M.
(COUNTY Louis W. Reimer
COURT County
SEAL) Judge
(First pub. Dec. 1, 1960)
to the qualified voters of School
District Number 137 of Holt Coun
ty, Nebraska, that an election
shall be held in said District on
the 23rd day of December, 1960,
between the hours of 8:00 o’clock
A. M. and 8:00 o’clock P. M., at
which there will be submitted to
the qualified votors of the Dis
trict the following question:
“Shall School District Number
137 of Holt County, Nebraska, be
authorized to issue the negotiable
bonds of said District of the prin
cipal amount of Two Hundred
Eighty Thousand Dollars
($280,000) for the purpose of build
ing a school house and furnishing
the necessary furniture and ap
paratus for the same; said bonds
to be dated at the time of their
issuance and bear interest at a
rate not to exceed the statutory
rate, payable one year from their
date and semi-annually thereaf
ter, and the principal of said
bonds shall become due at such
time as may be fixed by the
District Board at the time of
their Issuance but is not to ex
ceed twenty years from their
date; provided, however, any or
all of said bonds shall be redeem
able at the option of the District
at any time on or after five
years from their date, and
“Shall the District Board cause
to be levied and collected annual
ly a tax by valuation on all the
taxable property in said District
in addition to all other taxes suf
ficient in rate and amount to pay
the interest and principal of said
bonds as such interest and prin
cipal became due?”
( ) FOR said Bonds and Tax
( ) AGAINST said Bonds and
Voters desiring to vote in fav
or of said bonds and tax will
mark an “X” in the square op
posite the words “For said Bonds
and Tax”; voters desiring to vote
against said bonds and tax will
mark an “X” In the square op
posite the words “Against said
Bonds and Tax"
The polling place for said elec
tion shall be the Town Hall In
said District in the Village of
Chambers, Nebraska. The polls
shall be open from eight o’clock
A. M. to eight o’clock P. M. on
said date.
C. E Wintermote
E R Baker
Page News
By Mr*. Ben Asher
Legion Auxiliary
The American Legion Auxili
ary held a farewell party Sunday
night at the Legion hall for Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Hansen, who are
moving to Omaha. Cards were
played. Mrs. Lee Fink, Calvin
Harvey, Kenneth Wettlaufer,
Keith Kennedy and Mrs. Kenneth
Asher won prizes.
Mrs. Clifford Hahlbeck and
family of Ewing ate Sunday din
ner with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and
sons ate dinner Saturday with Mr.
and Mrs. Willie Shrader of Ew
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dimmitt
of Page moved to O'Neill for the
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Sukup and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
Hawk of Omaha and Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Cunningham of O'Neill
were Sunday dinner and supper
gulabo u * mi. aiiu mis. uti «uu
Snyder of O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher
and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Asher
entertained the following at a
supper party Saturday night in
O’Neill: Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Asher, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher,
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey and
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hansen.
Mrs. Milo Landreih was hos
tess to members of the Chatter
Sew on Saturday for a noon
luncheon. It was the club’s
Christmas party and also re
vealing day with Mrs. George
Clasey, Mrs. John Sorensen and
Mrs. Orville Kemper being
guessed. Election of new officers
were held with Mrs. George
Clasey being elected new presi
dent, Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge,
vice-president and Mrs. Jesse
Kelly, secretary-treasurer.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hansen
and family of Inman, and Mr.
and Mrs. Orville Hansen and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Erik Neilsen
and family and Mrs. Minnie Han
sen all of Creighton, Mrs. Donald
Pittack and children of Foster
and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thom
sen surprised Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Hansen Sunday in honor of their
fifteenth wedding anniversary. The
self invited guests brought din
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heiss
and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Heiss and baby were Sunday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Heiss in honor of Rich
ard's birthday.
Seventh and eighth grade girls
held a farewell party Thursday
night at the IOOF Hall in honor
of Sharon and Richard Hansen,
who are moving to Omaha. The
pupils of the seventh, eighth, ninth
and tenth grades were invited.
WSCS met on Thursday at the
Methodist church with 26 present.
Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge was in
charge of devotions and the
theme was Christmas cards and
their meaning. Mrs. William Rag
land read the scripture. Mrs. Har
old Keiiy was the pianist and
Mrs. Harold Freemeyer read the
closing prayer. Several Christmas
songs were sung. Mrs. Jessie
Kelly was in charge of the busi
ness meeting. Mrs. Lois Tomp
kins of Inman invited the ladies
of the Page WSCS to a Christmas
tea December 8.
Mrs. John Steinberg announced
that the study lesson on ‘‘Alcohol
and Christian Responsibility” will
be held Sunday evenings in Feb
ruary. The birthday of the last
quarter was observed with twelve
ladies honored. Two birthday
cakes were presented and they
were baked by Mrs. George
Clasey and Mrs. Jessie Kelly.
Hostesses were Mrs. Robert Lin
der and Mrs. Raymond Heiss. A
get well card was signed for Mrs.
Les Riege.
Neighborhood Club
Neighborhood Club met Wed
nesday with Mrs. J. W. Finch. A
pink and blue shower was held
for Mrs. Duane Finch with Mrs.
George Wettlaufer, Mrs. Louise
Heese and Mrs. Glen Harris act
ing as hostesses. Mrs. Mary Lip
polt of Laurel was a guest and
won the door prize.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher,
Mr. and Mrs. William Sorensen,
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kennedy, Mr.
and Mrs. George Wettlaufer and
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher surpris
ed Mrs. Kenneth Wettlaufer Fri
day night in honor of her birth
day. Cards were played wi*h
George Wettlaufer, Mrs. Ben Ash
er, Ben Asher and Mrs Keith
Kennedy winning prizes. The self
invited guests brought lunch.
Mr. Leslie Laraason of 1920
G Street in Lincoln is home re
cuperating from an operation
and would enjoy hearing from
all his friends, in Page.
Leroy Clasey who had been
stationed in Panama City, Fla
was home for the past week and
will leave on Friday for Lincoln
and then continue on to Arizona.
Mr. and Mrs Otto Kloth of
Wisner and Mr and Mrs. Walt
Vahle of Pilger were Sunday din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ber
nard Konock.
Mr. and Mrs Alton Braddock
took their grandson, Jimmy Stevi
son back to his home in Lin
coln. Jimmy was hospitalised for
a few days with a virus.
Mrs. Anna Smith and Ernest
Trowbridge, both of Inman, Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Mil'er of Ewing
and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trow
bridge were Sunday dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stevens to
help Mrs. Stevens celebrate her
birthday. In the afternoon Mr.
and Mrs. Chester Smith of Ne
ligh and Mr. and Mrs. Morris
Kennedy of Riverside, Calif, tele
phoned a happy birthday.
Beverly Holliday , a student
nurse at Sacred Heart hospital at
Yankton, spent the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence Dobbins at Page.
Saturday evening callers in the
P. E. Nissen h ime were Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Stevens, George
and Grace Zellers, Mr. and Mrs.
E. H Farnsworth and Mrs. Ro
bert Nissen, Nancy, Jeanie and
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Cole and
family were supper guests Friday
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ger
ald Snyder.
Mrs. Jessie Cronk wont to Or
chard Friday where she was an
overnight guest of Mrs. Alice
Quigley. On Saturday she at
tended the 80th birthday anniver
sary party held at the EUB
church in Mrs. Quigley's honor.
Mrs. Jessie Cronk will be hos
tess for the Christmas party for
the members of the Get-Together
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Crumly were
Sunday dinner guests in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prill
and Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beelaert
and Becky and Mrs. Marie Bee
laert of Ewing were Sunday din
ner guests in the A. M. Beelaert
home, the occasion toeing Bar
bara’s 16th birthday anniversary.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnson,
of Fremont, Mrs. Emma Morris
and Paul Neubauer were Sunday
supper and evening guests of Mr.
and Mrs. N. D. Ickes. Mrs. Mor
ris accompanied the Johnsons to
Fremont to spend the winter with
Dennis Ickes and Norman Wett
laufer were weekend housoguests
of Ronnie Parks of Omaha. While
there the boys attended the mo
vie, “Ben Hur”.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch en
tertained the following on Sunday
in honor of her mother, Mrs.
Ethel Waring’s seventy fifth birth
day. The guests included Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Waring of O'Neill,
Glenn Waring and Kevin, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Pease of Niobrara
and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Finch.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski
were Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. George Pomgrat of O’
Neill. In the afternoon they all
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Pomgratz at Emmet.
GGG and G
GGG and G met Friday with
Mrs. Ethel Waring. Cards were
played as the afternoon’s enter
tainment. Mrs. Frieda Asher, Mrs.
Bert Finlay and Mrs. Clarence
Dobbins won prizes.
Diane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Cork, was home for the
weekend. On Sunday the Corks
took her as far as Randolph and
she continued to Sioux City
where she is a student in St.
Vincent’s School of Nursing.
Mr. and Mrs. Edd Stewart and
Mikie were Sunday dinner and
supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Don AcKnr
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kennedy j
were Tuesday night supper guests
of Mr. an dMrs. Ray Harmon.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Anthony and!
family of Inman were Sunday eve
ning callers at the Otto Matschul
lat home.
Mrs. Hester Edminsten went to
North Platte for a few days to
visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gher
kin and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ed
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat
were Sunday dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Matschullat.
Mrs. Joe Peters and Larry and
Mrs. Albina Belik all of Inman
were Sunday afternoon and sup
per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Wettlaufer.
It was announced that until fur
thur notice after December 18
there will be no more shows in
Page. There will however be the
free show when Santa Claus
comes. . „ ,
Mr and Mrs. Otto Matschullat
visited in the Tony Pruss home
at Orchard Friday night.
Mrs. Dan Troshynski visited
with Mrs. Frank Belmer of Ewing
The Page honor roll for tne
second semester is:
Sophmores—Carolyn Max, 3 A,
1 B; Bonnie Heiss, 1 A, 3 B and
Connie Nissen, 3 A, 1 B.
Juniors—Alivin Crumly, 3 A,
B- Aletha Rutherford, 4 A; Linda
Smith, 1 A, 3 B; Martyri Parks,
1 A, 3 B and James Melcner,
Seniors—Dennis Ickes, 4 A,
monk 4 A; Bonnie Crum
ly, 3A, IB and Norman Wettlau
feMr2 and2Mre. Leo Vandersnick,
Mr and Mrs. Joe Kaczor, Mr.
‘ j vfr« Lyle Mitteis and family,
!?. and Mrs. Lewis Vanders^k
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Vandersnick and son. al of Ew
ing Mrs. Laura Cunningham and
Snis and Miss Effie Stevens cA
O’Neill, Don Cunningham, Mrs.
Eva Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Stevens of Page were
Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and
Mrs Dick Cunningham. It was al
so a birthday celebration for
Mary Lynn Mitteis, Eva Cun
ningham and Mrs. Dick Cunning
ham During the afternoon Leo
Vandersnick was taken to the hos
pital due to illness which was
diagnosed as pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. H Ash r and f.nm
Mrs Harold .Asher and Ron, Mr
and Mrs. Ben Asher and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Asher
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Asher and family, Mrs. Frieda
Asher and Mr. and Mrs Robert
Asher and family of Alliance had
their Thanksgiving dinner and
supper at the Legion club in Page.
In the evening cards furnished
entertainmt nt at the Kenneth
Asher home.
Mr. and Mrs, Gone Mudloff
anti boys, Mrs. Ethel Park and
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Hill and
family of Orchard were Thursday
dinner and supper guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Edd Stewart.
Last Monday afternoon Mines.
Bertha Downey, P. E Nisaen,
R. D. Copes, Herb Stevens, Hes
ter Edminsten and Frieda Asher
surprised Miss Nell Woods on her
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Troshynski
and Jimmy, Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Minton and girls, Mr. and Mrs.
Francis Hershiser and family all,
of O'Neill, and Tom and Bill
Troshynski of Atkinson were
Thursday dinner and supjier
guests of Mr and Mrs. Dan Tro
shynski. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Tro
shyniki of Mux joined the group
for Sapper.
On Monday night the following
surprised Mrs. Leila Snell on her
birthday. Mines. Evelyn Gray,
Frieda Asher, Ethel Waring, Ethel
Park, Alta Finch and Hester Ed
On Wednesday the pupils and
teacher, Mrs. Dorothy Nisten of
District 23 enjoyed a chili feed
at the school house.
The following were all guests
on Thanksgiving for dinner at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Sorensen: Mr. and Mrs. Bulb Nis
sen and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Soren Sorensen sr., Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Sorensen of Omaha, Mr.
and Mrs. Eddie Connery and fam
ily of Chadron, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Sorensen and girls of
Grand Island and Mr. and Mrs.
Soren Sorensen jr. and family of
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink of Page
joined other relatives Thanksgiv
ing day for dinner at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fry of Ewing.
Timmy and Bruce Fink, sons
of Lee Fink, accompanied their
grandparents Thursday for Mc
Pherson, Kan., where they spent
Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs.
Abe Pauls.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schom
berg and girls of Pierce were
Thursday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Wettlaufer.
Mrs. Hester Edminsten, Mr.
and Mrs. Calvin Harvey and fam
ily and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Wright and family who were here
from Sioux City f ir the holidays,
were dinner guests Thursday of
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harvey.
Thanksgiving dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmon were
Mr. and Mrs. Milo Landreth of
Page, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Har
mon of Bassett, Mr. and Mrs.
V. C. Johnson, Mr and Mrs. Al
vin Vorce and Sherry, Mrs. Ag
nes Vorce, all of O'Neill, and Mr.
and Mrs. Wayne Harmon and .
family of Norfolk.
Perfect Attendance Record
The following have had perfect
attendance for the second six
weeks of school: Freshmen, Bec
ky Beelaert, Margaret Belik, Leo
nard Blain, Sharon Hansen, Jim
Rutherford, Lloyd Sorensen, Kent
Stauffer, Floyd Sorensen and
Larry Walker; soph mores, Lynne
Boelter, Peggy Crumly, Karen
Harris. Bonnie He Us, Diane Kem
per, Rita Larson. Caroline Ma*
and Sharon Schollmeyer; juniors,
Ron Asher, Byron Blaine, Joyce
Grass. Am dd Hall, James Mel
cher and Harlan Sa’tt. ami sen
iors, Fred Cronk. Gene Harvey.
Dennis Ickes and R >dney Ken
Mr. and Mrs Verne Riege ami
family of Orchard, Mr, and Mrs
William Riege and family ami
Ralph Riege of Norfolk were
thanksgiving guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Lorens Riege. Also home
was C mnie, daughter of the Lor
enz Rieges, who is attend ng the
School of Commerce in Lincoln.
Connie brought hnrne a house
guest, James Mitchell,
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Midloff
went to Grand Island Wednesday
niglrt to meet their sun, Larry,
and Eddie Gallagher, Dan Boan
and Ronnie Gilg of O’Neill, all
students of Regis college in Colo
rado, who came home for the
holidays. The M'adloffs stoppl'd in
St. Paul to visit with Mr. and
Mrs. August Mudloff.
Royal News
By Mrs. K. J. Ilcrlng
Lloyd Serck, jr., of Denver,
Colo., surprised his mother, Mrs.
Lillian Held, by arriving un
expectedly for a visit on Thanks
giving day at the Walter Beutler
home. He returned to his work
Plainview hospital Sunday. The
young man is serving un appren
ticeship in a school of electronics
and has one more year to com
plete his work.
Mrs. Louis Waterman and in
fant son came home from the
Plainvie whospital Sunday. The
baby is the eighth child in a
family of five boys and three
girls. Mrs. E. Waterman of
Orchard is assisting in the home.
Mrs. Truman Kirby who was
indisposed because of a cold the
past week, is feeling somewhat
improved this week and able to
carry on her work.
The BTC club will meet with
Dorothy Jensen December IS
for the annual Christina* party.
Work oh the new auditorium is
progressing. The heating plant
has been moved from the old
building, lights have been in
stalled and the water pipes con
nected. The next step is to be the
building of the stage. The Band
Mothers club will finance the
buying of the stage curtain.
A freak storm visited Itoyat
and vicinity Sunday afternoon
utuHit three o’clock when rain
descended In torrents and the
wind blew unusually hard. A
number of persons reported an
inch of moisture was received.
The downpour came following
a day of sodden skies, and af
ter some ton minutes the
hcavons cleared and the sun
shone brilliantly.
Clayton Meisner was taken ill
during the past week and hos
pitalized in Neligh suffering from
a gall bladder ailment.
Glenn Rundpuist, hospitalized
in Plainview where he is being
treated for a heart ailment, is
said to lx? slowly improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bauer of
Plainview were dinner guests
Sunday evening at R. J. Hcrings
and later guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Adolph Brozek.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hall and
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Maple
went to Omaha Monday where
the two men were due for a health
The WSCS met Wednesday with
Mrs. Clarence Weber.
A good 880-acre Improved unit. Possession Immediate to March
1, 1961. Same owners since 1940—Now retiring. Big gain pastures,
alfalfa and prairie hay. Attractive, modern home. Desirable
location IS miles from O'Neill. $65 per acre. Contact Bill Bowker.
Farnam Bldg. Omaha, Nebr.
FRIDAY, DEC. 16-12:30 P.M.
Make your listings this week—at this sale, we will also sell milk
cows, pigs, stock hogs, brood sows, and boars. II you have stock
of this kind to sell, list It to be Included in the regular advertising
for the cattle auction.
All classes of calves were higher and bidding was active.
Cows and butcher cattle found ready buyers with prices much
higher than two weeks ago.
Hogs sold from Knox, Boyd, Holt, and Antelope Counties
Verdlgre livestock market sold hogs for over 100 consignors
last Monday making it one of the largest sales on record. Prices
held up remarkably with plenty of action throughout the sale.
Extreme top reached *17.75 with the top hogs selling from *17-25
to $17.70. A considerable spread Is developing between the heavy
iind lightweight butchers. Due to feed and weather conditions
many of the hogs are being fed longer, consequently getting
heavier. Hogs from 240 to 270 are being discounted from 50c to
$1.00 per cwt. and the 270 to 300 lb. butchers are selling from
$1.00 to *1.50 under the lightweight top butchers. Pigs and stock
hogs sold about steady.
Ship that next consignment of hogs to Verdlgre—we appreciate
your patronage and will make Every effort to see that you are
a satisfied customer.
Special sales held on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month
Don Jensen, Manager