\\U 'j»y» V\v\ \« I •' b/t yV \*/,M // A,v ♦» U /m <• FOR SALE FOR SALE Purehred Hampshire hoars ready for service.—Henry Stelling and Son Orchard, Nehr. _18 If FOR SALE Good heavy oats.— Leo Burival, Rt, O'Neil). 30tfc SALT FOR SALE K ana polls J16 50 a ton; American S20 50 a ton; white block 75c—Located 3 blocks east, 4 blocks north of traffic light, Everett Gorgan, Ph. 164, O'Neill. 51tf FOR SALE Good quality old or new, shelled or rolled com and oats. We also sell Conkey's Feeds. Will deliver feed and Sain Pag? Grain and Feed ., Page, Nebr., Phone 2101. 33-34p FOR SAIE^ Purebred Hampshire boars, vaccinated and guarante ed John Sojka, 1 Vi North. 4 east of Page. 24tf MAKE PATTONS BEN Franklin store your candy and nuts head quarters. Always fresh. 27 tfc FOR SAIE1 1954 Chevrolet pick up, 3/4 ton, also 1953 Ford 4-Dr. George Winkler. Ph. 286, O’ Neill. 33c FOR SALE Ten bred owes. Will sell reasonable.- Don Butterfield, Phone 7844 or 68*18 at Atkinson. 32-33p FOR SALE—1956 Ford, Custom Victoria, tudor, hardtop, good condition See Mrs. Ray Wither wax at The Frontier office. 32-33p SPECIAL PRICES Early Booking Prices on NOBOO CATTLE CUBES Delivered or F O B. Norfolk or Inman Special 90-day prices on all kinds of feeds $6 00 per ton discount on bulk feeds plus special gift Items. 10c refund on Norco burlap bags. Old process 41% soybean meal $76.00 Hi-Phos Mineral $99 00 Call collect 11W or 34 Tompkins Livestock Headquarters Inman, Nebraska 31-36c REGISTERED HAMPSHIRE BOARS for sale. Long, rugged, high quality Champion Blood lines. Three miles east Creighton Highway 59 Phone 121 on 10. Shadylane Hampshire Farm. 30-33c V FOR SALE 1954 Pontiac Star) f Chief 4-Dr. Sedan. -Kenneth Waring, Phone 46 or 732, O’Neill. 32-3?.c LOWEST WISCONSIN CATTLE IN YEARS From our WISCONSIN dairies. All new cattle just arrived. Springers and fresh with heifer calves. Real large and fancy §uailty llosteins, Guernseys and wiss. Prices lowest in years. Everybody wants good ones. Shores, Neligh. TU 7-4060. or TU 7-4850 29tf Discounts — Discounts FERTILIZERS You save up to $13.00 per ton on LINCOLN Fertilizer pur chased for fall application or hooked for spring. See us be fore December 1 for maximum savings. We also have lime. Soil samples taken free of charge. You buy it we can spread It. Tompkins Livestock Headquarters Inman, Nebraska 25-33c SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down. 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone Contois Motor Co.. Neligh. 30tf LOW COST INSURANCE—And prompt claim service. Virgil Laursen Agy.. O'Neill. lOtfc FDR SALE—We have on hand first and second calf Holstein heifers, fresh or heavy springers.— Arnold Thiele, Clearwater, ph. HU 5-3200._17-24p 25-42c MACHINERY \ Farmall 400 Farmall 450 47 Farmall M 53 Farmall H 46 Farmall H 50 Farmall C 560 Demonstrator SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT CO. O NEILL. NEBR _ IHC — Gehl — RCA Whirlpool DO-AIJ, LOADER for sale, com plete with grapple fork. Neale Hamilton. Stuart, Nebr. 33-35p TOR SALE Second calf Holstein heifers —John Sojka. Page. 24tf FDR SAIJC Real good red polled Shorthorn bull, coming three years old. Market price.—Roy M Gannon, Inman. 33-35p MOBILE HOMES Year-end Close out Stop and see our large selection at discount prices. Every unit on the lot must be sold before Jan. 1, 1961 Contact us today In O'Neill vicinity contact Clarence Johnson, Elms Court MILLER TRAIT.ER SALES Albion. Nebr Phone EX 5-2170 We trade-Deliver - Terms i 32 tf FDR SALE 1957 Ford Vt ton pick up, radio, heater, 4-speed trans mission. Reasonable price.—Mrs. V. Clemens, Neligh, Nebr. _ 33-34c 12 Registered ANGUS BULLS Serviceable Age TB & Bangs Tested TO SELL AT Ainsworth, Nebraska DECEMBER 16 1 p.m. CONSIGNED BY Myron Neidig Madison, Nebraska 33-34p FOR SAIJS— Big, strictly meat type Duroc boars. Vaccinated and guaranteed. Priced reasonable. Also some good rugged register ed long yearling Hereford bulls.— L. V. Gant and Son, Atkinson. 30-33c FOR SALE—In this area like new Necchi Sewing Machine com plete with button-holer, zig-zag, and attachments. New guarantee. Party with good references may have for 6 payments of $6.72. To see: Write Sewing Machine De partment, Box 250, North Pla*te, Nebr. 33-34c MACHINERY 32 ft. elevator, double chain, good Farmhand loader COMBINES J.D. 55 M. H. 7 ft CORN PICKERS Woods Bros., good John Deere 226 USED TRACTORS J.D. Model 60, 1955 J.D. Model 620, 1958 J.D., B, 19.50 JD„ A. 1944 J.D., G. 1949 J D., B. 1943 John Deere B 1952, fuel Harry R. Smith Imp. Phone 562 O’Neill Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE OR RENT—Modem 3 bedroom home. Available now.— Francis Gilg or Harry Ressel. 33tr FOR SALE—Two one bedroom houses -will sell separate ori together.—Kieth Abart. 321 West] Clay. O'Neill.12tfc MONEY TO LOAN—On homes, farms and ranches. Low interest, prompt service. Virgil Laursen. O’Neill. lOtfc FOR RENT FOR RENT—Furnished apartment. All utilities including immediate! possession.—Call Golden Hotel,1 Phone 35. 33tf FOR RENT—Business building | located on main street near center of town.—See Ponton Agency, O’Neill. 33tf FOR RENT—Two homes at West Fremont and South Jefferson.— Kieth Abart 30tfc FOR RENT—Nice 4-room fur nished apartment, gas furnace, automatic washer.—O E. David son, Phone 126, O’Neill. 32tf FOR RENT—Sleeping r o o m — Mrs. C. H. Switzer, 113 E. Everett, O’Neill, Phone 466J. 25 tf WANTED WANTED—Night waitress from 6 p m. to 1 a.m.—Candy Bill's Cafe. 13tfc WELL DRILLING and well and windmill repair. — Write Box b62. phone 553-J. SPRAGUE WELL 00.. O’Neill 3 blks W & 3Vi blks N stoplight WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockmon, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf L. Gothmiller Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. LAWN MOWER repairing. Also repair parts for Lawson — Reo — Clinton. HELP WANTED—Waitress and' kitchen —Segerwood cafe, O' Neill, Nebr. "WE" DON’T WANT ••ALL" THE BUSINESS We Just want "YOURS” PATTON’S BEN FRANKLIN 23tl WANTED Reliable party to take over last few payments of $8.92 on 1960 Singer Slantomatic Sew ing Machine. To see: Write, Credit Manager, Box 83, North Platte, Nebr. 33-34c EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY— Reliable man or woman from this area to distribute complete line of cigarettes, candy, nuts or gum through new automatic vendors. No selling, we will establish accounts for you. To qualify party must have car, references, and cash capital of $900 which is secured by In ventory. Excellent earnings part time—Full time more. For per sonal interview give phone, etc. Write P. O. Box 156, Rochester, Minnesota. 33p HELP W A N T E D- Experienced mechanic. Chiefly automobil work, some welding and tractor work. Good hours, commission with guarantee. Contact Herbert Kaiser or Bob Krotter at Wm. Krotter Co., West O’Neill. 26tfc WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks. south of the New Deal Oil Station—O'Neill 50tf DONOHOE CONST. CO. CAT—SCOOP—DOZER Rumor Elevated dney Ken nedy. Mr. and Mrs Verne Riege ami family of Orchard, Mr, and Mrs William Riege and family ami Ralph Riege of Norfolk were thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorens Riege. Also home was C mnie, daughter of the Lor enz Rieges, who is attend ng the School of Commerce in Lincoln. Connie brought hnrne a house guest, James Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Midloff went to Grand Island Wednesday niglrt to meet their sun, Larry, and Eddie Gallagher, Dan Boan and Ronnie Gilg of O’Neill, all students of Regis college in Colo rado, who came home for the holidays. The M'adloffs stoppl'd in St. Paul to visit with Mr. and Mrs. August Mudloff. Royal News By Mrs. K. J. Ilcrlng Lloyd Serck, jr., of Denver, Colo., surprised his mother, Mrs. Lillian Held, by arriving un expectedly for a visit on Thanks giving day at the Walter Beutler home. He returned to his work Plainview hospital Sunday. The young man is serving un appren ticeship in a school of electronics and has one more year to com plete his work. Mrs. Louis Waterman and in fant son came home from the Plainvie whospital Sunday. The baby is the eighth child in a family of five boys and three girls. Mrs. E. Waterman of Orchard is assisting in the home. Mrs. Truman Kirby who was indisposed because of a cold the past week, is feeling somewhat improved this week and able to carry on her work. The BTC club will meet with Dorothy Jensen December IS for the annual Christina* party. Work oh the new auditorium is progressing. The heating plant has been moved from the old building, lights have been in stalled and the water pipes con nected. The next step is to be the building of the stage. The Band Mothers club will finance the buying of the stage curtain. A freak storm visited Itoyat and vicinity Sunday afternoon utuHit three o’clock when rain descended In torrents and the wind blew unusually hard. A number of persons reported an inch of moisture was received. The downpour came following a day of sodden skies, and af ter some ton minutes the hcavons cleared and the sun shone brilliantly. Clayton Meisner was taken ill during the past week and hos pitalized in Neligh suffering from a gall bladder ailment. Glenn Rundpuist, hospitalized in Plainview where he is being treated for a heart ailment, is said to lx? slowly improving. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bauer of Plainview were dinner guests Sunday evening at R. J. Hcrings and later guests of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Brozek. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hall and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Maple went to Omaha Monday where the two men were due for a health check-up. The WSCS met Wednesday with Mrs. Clarence Weber. HOLT COUNTY RANCH FOR SALE A good 880-acre Improved unit. Possession Immediate to March 1, 1961. Same owners since 1940—Now retiring. Big gain pastures, alfalfa and prairie hay. Attractive, modern home. Desirable location IS miles from O'Neill. $65 per acre. Contact Bill Bowker. BYRON REED CO. Farnam Bldg. Omaha, Nebr. 32-33-34 __ LAST SPECIAL CATTLE SALE-(This Year) FRIDAY, DEC. 16-12:30 P.M. Make your listings this week—at this sale, we will also sell milk cows, pigs, stock hogs, brood sows, and boars. II you have stock of this kind to sell, list It to be Included in the regular advertising for the cattle auction. REPORT OF LAST FRIDAY’8 SALE: All classes of calves were higher and bidding was active. Cows and butcher cattle found ready buyers with prices much higher than two weeks ago. REPORT—LAST MONDAY’S HOO AUCTION—DEC. 5, 1900 Hogs sold from Knox, Boyd, Holt, and Antelope Counties Verdlgre livestock market sold hogs for over 100 consignors last Monday making it one of the largest sales on record. Prices held up remarkably with plenty of action throughout the sale. Extreme top reached *17.75 with the top hogs selling from *17-25 to $17.70. A considerable spread Is developing between the heavy iind lightweight butchers. Due to feed and weather conditions many of the hogs are being fed longer, consequently getting heavier. Hogs from 240 to 270 are being discounted from 50c to $1.00 per cwt. and the 270 to 300 lb. butchers are selling from $1.00 to *1.50 under the lightweight top butchers. Pigs and stock hogs sold about steady. Ship that next consignment of hogs to Verdlgre—we appreciate your patronage and will make Every effort to see that you are a satisfied customer. REGULAR SALES EVERY MONDAY Special sales held on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month VERDIGRE LIVESTOCK MARKET Don Jensen, Manager