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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1960)
Lynch News Tommy Fernau, son of Mr. and Mrs Bui Fernau of Butte, was U>e vicum ut an accidental gun ehot wound Saturday while hunt ing with several other men. Tom my was given emergency treat meat at uie Lynch hospital and transferred by plane to Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Reggie Pinker man were Sunday dinner guests in die Vigo Chr.siensen home. Jim Eiier of Lincoln accompan ied Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Bone and family also from Lincoln to the football game in Lynch Fri day night. Mr and Mrs. Virgil Shermar and family of Sioux City spent the weekend with relatives. Tom Chvala of Bassett spent the weekend here with friends and relatives. Francis Fisher, Gail Heiser Kim Lueken, Larry and Helen Halstead spent the weekend in Omaha with, friends. The l.yneh school band traveled to Lincoln Saturday morning for Lincolns Home. coming. Judy McGill was a Monday overnight guest in the Frank Carsten home. Mrs Glen Rihanck took Joe Rihanck to Omaha Monday where he underwent surgery on Friday. Mary Ellen Schindler and Ju dith Sexton were Thursday over night guests in the Frank Carsten home. Mr and Mrs. R >nnld Crawford and daughter spent the wet kend here with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Bir meier and family. Ewing News Ily Mr*. Harold Harris Jerry Jefferies, who attends Wayne State Teachers, spent the weekend with h.s parents, tor and Mrs. Kermu Jetitries. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hutton were Ewing visitors one day last week. Mr. Hutton formerly was coach in the Ewing high school. For the time being they axe guests at the home of his par ents at Inman. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Norwood went to Ainsworth Wednesday to attend a convention tor ministers of the Church of the Nazar ene Students oi tlie Ewing high school taking the regent exam inations of Uie University of Nebraska Wednesday were: Ben Bollwitt, Ron Brion. Sharon Hobbs, Leonora Tuttle, Judy Tinsley, Sharon Johnston and Douglas Shrader. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller of North Platte visited at the homes of his sisters, Mrs. Jessie An gus and Mrs. Ed Hr ag Saturday. Mrs. Fern Pollock and Mrs. Edna Lofquest were Sunday din ner guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Bert Fink who have just returned from a six weeks visit with relatives in California. Mrs. Edna Lofquest and Mrs. Walter Miller and Danny attend ed the Elkhorn Valley Prayer Conference held at Amelia last Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lofquest and children were dinner guests Friday evening at the home of his mother, Mrs. Edna Lofquest. They were enroute to their home in Fremont after taking her mo ther to her home in Lynch. CHRISTIAN MOTHERS The new officers lor the Clwist lan Mothers of St. Peter's church are: Mrs John Miller, president; Mrs. David Burk, vice-president; Mrs Arthur Kropp, secretary; Mrs. Leonard Knapp, treasurer The retiring officials are Mrs Knapp, Mrs. Lester Bergstrom and Mrs Melvin Roach. Other business discussed at the regular meeting held Tuesday evening was the bazaar which will be held the day before Thanksgiving. The new officers met Friday evening to make plans for this annual event and for the coming year Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Ryan and family spent Sunday at Niobrara with relatives. The Forum Group composed of pari-uts and their families met Monday evening at the an nex of the United Presbyterian Church. There was a good at tendance. Mrs. Leo Miller conducted the lesson followed by a discussion in comparing family life with that of fifty years ago. This brought up many interesting comparisons > Gloria, Dyana and Mark Ham j ilton spent the weekend with their j grandparents at Creighton while I their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E! vin Hamiliton, were deer hunt j ing. Members of the Facts and Fur j Home Extension Club attending the Christmas Ideas Activily held | in O'Neill Tuesday were Mmes I J. L. Pruden, C. C. Hahlbeck Jessie Angus, Andrew Olson, El la Ziems, Ben Larsen and James Boies. Fr:m the Try and D: Home Extension club were Mrs Gene Zimmerman, Mrs. Ivan Wright, Mrs. George Keller and Mrs Nadine Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. win winner axe staying at the Carl Hubei home for a few days while the Hubels are deer hunting in the west. Mrs. Grace Briggs returned home Tuesday from about a month’s vacation spent with her daughter anti son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas King and family at Bloomington, 111. and also her daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Vaughn in Omaha. cunday evening guests at the Jerry Rotherham home were Mr and Mrs. Ilhomas Clark of O’ Neill. , „ Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gragert and family of Albion were Sun day guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ro therham. Mrs. Anna Pollock, who has been convulesing from a recent operation spent the weekend at her home in Ewing. She went to Omaha Monday for a check up. Guests Friday at the William Hobbs home were her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John 9chiffbauer of Norfolk. Mrs. Leonard Knapp and Mrs Grover Shaw attended the ser vice for the Day of Recollection held Wednesday at St. Patrick’s church in O’Neill. Mrs. Leo Vandersnick and her daughter, Mrs. Joe Kaczor, vis ited her sister, Mrs. Lizzie Schue th, and other relatives in Elgin Friday. They also called at the home of Mrs. G. A. Bauer in the Deloit community. Mrs Richard Cunningham and children of Page spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs Leo Vandersnick. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Vander snick of Atkinson, 111., visited frem Monday to Thursday at the Leo Vandersnick home. They al so called on other relatives while in the community. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Nelson of Norfolk were weekend guests at the home of his sister and bro ther-in-law, Mrs. Will Walter. All members were present when the Thursday night pitch club was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bergstrom Charles Rotherham. Mrs. William Spence, G. D. Ryan and Mrs Rotherham won prizes. Mr. and Mrs Waldo Davis were afternoon and dinner guests at the heme cf Mr. and Mrs. Walter Austin at Plainview cn Sunday Mrs. Waldo Davis ar.d Marie went to Oakdale Wednesday af temoon where Marie had a den tal appointment. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Munn en tertained their nitch club Thurs day evening. Guests were Mr. and Mrs Jerry Rotherham. Mrs James Botes and Mr. and Mrs Richard Napier R H 3win, Mrs Boies and Mrs Napier won prises. In honor of the November birth day anniversaries of their oldest daughter, Mary Sharm, and the twins, Patty and Mike, Mr and Mrs Rat* M mi had as their dinner and evening guests on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs Z H Pry. Mr anil Mrs Richard Napier and children, and Mr. and Mrs Dale Napier. Mrs Lyle Dierks. who was hi>s pitalized foe- a few days at St Anthony's hospital in O'Neill, wa> able to return home Friday Due to her illness Mr, and Mrs Dierks cancelled a trip to Fres no, Calif, to visit their daughter and son in-law. Dr and Mrs Paul Waters and family. Mrs Mick Hobbs -~nd Lon, ac compamed by her father, John Vamiersnick, went to Stuart Tues day to spend some time with her mother. Mrs John Vandersnick who is being cared for at a rest home there. __ Mr and Mrs. Harold Savidge and family of Oakdale were guests on Saturday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Anna Sa vidge. Mr and Mrs Sam Regan en tertained Tuesday evening hon oring the seventh birthday of their son. Mike. Present were Dr and Mrs L. R. Su tic lift of O'Neill, Mrs. Laura Spittler, Mr and Mrs. Ray Funk and family and Mr and Mrs Robert Bartak and children. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fink, ac compamed by her mother, Mrs Laura Spittler, went to Norfolk Thursday evening The Funks vis ited F Hup}' who is lnwpitalixed there, while Mrs. Spittler was a guest at the home of her son Dr. Leo Spittler and family. Guests at the home of Mrs Rose Bauer and family Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Nick Bohn of O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies and Bertha Harris of Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stevens of Clearwater were dinner and eve IWWWWWWWtMSkkWWhtWW rung guests on Thursday at the Gail Boies home. Charles Rotherham and Bill Lofquest, accompanied by Father Flynn and James Gillespie of Tilden, went Ui Crawford for some deer hunting during the we* end Mrs. Charles Rotherham ami family, accompanied by Frances Rotherham, were Norfolk visitors Friday evening. Wedding DANCE FRI., NOV. 11 At the Amelia Hall with music by THE NIGHTENGALE SWING BAND Given by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Peterson 29c NEW! Brite’ Groom CONDITIONER • HAIRDRESSING by For Beautiful Hair That Behaves! BRITE 'n GROOM I* a concentrated, mois turizing hairdressing that discipline* each hair strand. Leaves hair silty soft with dancing highlights. So economical, too. Just a vary small amount is necessary. Works invisibly with never a greasy, oily look. Counteracts the harsh effects of wind and weather. See the dif ference, feel the difference, instantly! So little does so much. FREE TRIAL SAMPLES DEMOY REXALL Drug Bob Devoy, Pharmacist Open Evenings and Sunday Mornings O'Neill, Nebr. 'PWto&toj i Franks Knit ! - 29: ^WELLS' BLUE BUNNY ICE gal. CD PAY DAY CUT GREEN BEANS 3 £„s303 49c SWIFT'S RING BOLOGNA jj 3 RINGS FOR 1.00 COLUMBIA ] BACON 2 POUNDS 79c j USDA CHOICE BLADE CUT BEEF ROAST POUND 49c j VOGELS POP CORN 4 £_ _ 39c TRUPAK FRUIT COCKTAIL 2 &T 49c IFUSHIA HOUSE NUTLADE 39c TRU PAK TOMATOES Nc°o 303 23c DREAM WHIP. .... 2-os. Pk*. 25c A ul SNOW CROP FROZEN | JuTcE* 4 ££ 79° I II/LTOM THUMB PUMPKIN p /y J | PIE Frozen.. 22S 29c j VWWWWVWWW\A/VWW/W\AA/WVW\AA/»AAAP»AA/»/\AA*»A/Wv RED PONTIAC POTATOES Bag Washed . . . Waxed I JUMBO HEAD LETTUCE 5 • WASHINGTON WINESAP APPLES rorsn ® ONIONS BAG • TOMATOES POUND your 4Ac CHOICE IJ1 WE GIVE TOP VALUE STAMPS l/\/\AAA/\A/</WVAA/VVVX/VV\/>A/\AAAA/VAA/V\A/\A/W\/\/\AAA/\AA/W%A/V/' _I