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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1960)
I own five quarter section* of ground some six miles north northeast of Atkinson, Nebraska am a partner on two quarters of ground and am a stockholder erf a corporation that owns two ad ditional Quarters of ground. Thus. I speak tor nine quarter sections of ground in that area I am completely opposed to Federal development of irriga tion in the O'Neill unit. Any patriotic American can see the Federal Government’s pro poaal is totally uneconomic, is certainly not needed In vi» w of OJr gram surpluses and is sim ply a socialistic maneuver on the part of a big bureau of our Fed eral Government to spend the taxpayer's money foolishly. I hope you will find opportun ity to let my views be known. Very truly yours, W. A. Curry l»ear Sirs: Please print this so others won’t have happen to them what happened to me. Last Friday, I, Robert Geary, and my brother-in-law ate an early dinner. We were going to a sandhill pasture to feed cows and then on to start tearing down a barn we had recently acquired. I had been hurt recently tearing down another barn so just before leaving I said to my wife, ‘‘Do you want to come over after awhile and watch me get hurt again?” She said, "You hadn't better get hurt again that way.” 1 loaded a stack and went on over while my brother-in-law brought a pickup When I gut to where I was going to start feed ing I did as I had dune so many bmea before. I put the tractor in low gear, well throttled down. Then taking two forks I went to the back of the rack where I started to climb up on top of the stack That waa mistake number one aa I was directly between the back wheels 1 got about three fourth of the way up the stack when mistake number two came up One fork didn't hold too se cure but I thought it was good enough as I had a fair knee hold But when I went to pull on up both forks came loose and I started to fall. The first thing I thought was I would be run over M when I landed I throw myself sideways, not thinking about a stabbing sensation in my right side. When I landed on the ground clear of the wheel I no ticed one of the pitch forks stick ing out of my side. I grabbed it and with all my strength pulled the tines loose from me. My brother-in-law still hadn’t arrived yet so I got an the tractor and drove it abrmt an eighth of a mile to a yard where we leave the tractor and rack when we don't entirely unload it. Just before getting there I saw my brother-in-law coming with j the truck so I motioned for him I to hurry and open the gate. He did and as I drove in I told him I had just run a fork into my self. He hurried and got me into the truck and rushed me to 0’ N( ill to the hospital. They oper ated and found I was luckier than I deserved to be as the tines didn’t do any internal injuries. One tine hit the hip bone and J bent, glancing off and swinging the tines upward so they followed the stomach muscles. -1 Now I hope other* will take heed at my accident and maybe not come out unlock ler than ] did. Still a reader. Robert E. Geary E. Jedlickas Honored on Anniversary VERDIGR E-Mr. and Mrs Emil Jedlicka. long time resi dents of Verdigre celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary day at St. Wenceslaus Catholic church Sunday morning with a Mass of Thanksgiving recited by Rev. Charles J. Oborny. Mrs Edward Pavlik, a daugh ter, who has been choir director and organist for the past 35 years sang "Ave Maria." Dinner was served at the Edward Pavlik home followed by an open-house observance at the Jedlicka home. The couple was honored at the church services for being the longest-wedded couple In the church. Mrs. Jedlicka served for 30 years as president of the society of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 94. She also includes fancy work among her many in terests. Mr. Jedlicka, a member of the Catholic Workmen, says he finds gardening a fine substitute as a hobby replacing his farming in terest. Mrs. Jedlicka was the former Eleanore Pavlik. Both Mr. and Mrs. Jedlicka en joy good health and are busy with their work and hobbies. Warranty Deeds WD-Wm. F Grothe Jr., et al to Herman H Grothe & wf 10-14-60 $28,000- SWy4 10- WMiNWy4 15 SE'.4 16-29-13 WD-Gladys Schupbach, et al to Vernon E & Feme L Slaymakcr 7-5-60 $7500- NV4NEy4 10-29-15 except 5 acres WD-D >rothy A Simmons to James B Rotherham & wf 7-25-58 $7750-All of Block 14- Hazelett’s Add- O’Neill WD-Bertha M Harsh to Harley G Kennedy & wf 10-29-60 $1500 Lots 1-2-3-4-5 Blk 11- Page Village —■———■ .— I Chambers News By Mr*. E. R Osrpeoter The American Legion Auxiliary met Friday evening at the Leg 1 or hall. Mrs. Edd Coday presided The group discussed plans for a card party on Veterans Day Lunch was served by Mrs. H. W Hubbard and Mrs. Edwin Wal ters. Gerald Harley is convalescing from a recent appendectomy at St. Anthony's hospital. He re turned home October 31. L. V. Cooper entered Bryan Memoral hospital in Lincoln and submitted to surgery there on Tuesday. Nov. 8. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Read and children of Lincoln were weekend guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Read. Redbird News By Veldeen Pinkerman Charlie Schollmeyer visited in the Ernest Schollmeyer home at Crofton Tuesday night. Mrs. Rex Carson entertained the Dorsey Ladies Aid Wednes day. Mrs. Frank Hunter came home from the Lynch Hospital Mon day. Charlie Schollmeyer was a Wed nesday evening visitor in the Jack Hughes home. Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Pinker man were Thursday evening vis itors in the George Calkins home. Mrs. Duane Carson and Mrs Ernest Durre of Chambers call ed on Mrs. Anna Carson Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. George Calkins were Tuesday evening supper guests in the Don Hynes home Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Pinker man called on Mrs. Fay Pinker man Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pinkerman and boys, and Mrs. Fay Pinker man and Mrs Veldon Pinkerman were O’Neill shoppers Saturday Mrs. Bub Carsten and Hallie visited relatives at Bonesteel S. D. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pinkerman were Friday evening visitors in the George Calkins home. Clearwater Newi Mrs. Charles Curtright Hl'nter 5-3280 Mr. and Mrs. Emery Carey re turned Monday from Sidney where they had spent the weekend vis iting relatives and friends. William Luben returned Friday after spending the week with his daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Woods of Weep ing Water. Honor Roll Announced The honor roll for the Clear water high school for the first six weeks of school has been announc ed. Those named are: Tom Pat ras, Donna Sanne and Joan Sa botka, seniors; Sheryl Ahlers, Maxine Hoffman, Marie Ander son, Jack Hixson, Gerald Hoerle, Beverly Snider and Mona Ziems, juniors; Richard Twiss and Helen Snider, sophomores, and Marsha Allen, Rochelle Nolze and Cathy Wiegand, freshmen. A Mother-Daughter banquet was held Friday evening in the par lors of the Concordia Lutheran church. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hubei and daughters entertained at dinner Sunday honoring Mrs. Don Joh ring on her birthday and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Luben on their wed ding anniversary. Lt. and Mrs. Joseph McGraw and daughter of Omaha, who have just retimed from duty in Ger many and England, spent the weekend as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Erick Minerich and family. WSCS MEETS WSCS of the Methodist church met Thursday at the home cf Mrs. Erick Minerich with Mrs, Wallace Twiss as co-hostess. Mrs. Lyle Switzer conducted the meeting. Mrs. Jack Middleton gave the devotions, “Abide In All The World Together”. The les son, “Take the Name of Jesus With You”, was presented by Mrs Howard Luben. Mrs. Wayne Switzer reported on the bazaar and Lord’s Acre sale held in October. Linen will be purchased for the Communion Cloth. Plans were announced for a WSCS work shop to be held here in June. Mrs. Switzer stated that any member interested in a chartered bus trip to the Metho dist Institute in Omaha and Blair should contact her at once. The next meeting will be held at the chrrch December 1 with a party and gift exchange. OYSTER SUPPER u . AAL of the Lutheran church held an oyster supper in the church parlors Sunday night. L.C Schnabel was re-elected presi dent; Clarence Michael, vice chairman and Lowell Herley. secretary and treasurer. A ulm stnp was shown by Ruben Meyer of Neagh Serving the supper were Mrs Glen Wolfe, Mrs. Lo well Herley, Mrs Herbert Spahn Mrs. Clarence Michael and Ocea Kirchner. Mr. and Mrs Earl Smder and family have moved into the Mrs Carl Hemenway property in the east part of town recently va cated by the Gene Neal family. Inman News By Mrs. Jamra McMahan Mrs Kenneth Coventry spent Saturday in Norfolk visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coventry and Joe. Mr. and Mrs. Don Robinson were called to Bedford, la., last Tuesday by the death of Mr. Ro binson's father. They returned to Inman Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker and sons of Nebraska City, are visiting this week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Robinson. Clyde Ross was taken to the Atkinson Memorial hospital Sun day for medical treatment. Jack Mainquist of Wausa was a weekend house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and family. Mrs. Dick Clark and family of O'Neill visited Mrs. Violet Sholes Sunday. Nyla Reynolds was a Monday overnight guest of Donna Harte in the Leo Harte home. Harvey Tompkins, Ira Wat son, Tom Hutton and Albert Reynolds attended the Chamber of Commerce meeting and banquet Monday evening in O’Neill. Bill Shoke and Mel Gardener of Omaha, Jack Mainquist of Wausa, and Raymond Taylor were breakfast guests Saturday morrung in the home of Mr and Mrs. Albert Reynolds. Mrs Albert Anthony and fami ly went to Norfolk Monday eve ning to meet Mr Anthony who was returning from a week in and near Ralls, Tex., where lie visited relatives and friends. Mr and Mrs Myrle DeLancey and family of Omaha spent the weekend visiting Mrs. DeLan cey s mother, llrs Violet Stewart and Everett. Ivan Couch returned to his work at Wahoo Tuesday after spending several days at his home here. Mr. and Mrs Floyd Tucker of Ewing visited Mrs. Violet Sholes Tuesday. Yvonne Smith of Denver, Colo., is spending a few days visiting her father. Kenneth Smith and other relatives and friends O'Neill Locals Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Caskey and family were guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Held at Orchard for an annivirsary dinner Sunday honoring grandchildren, Linda and Robin Wood of Page on their o.ribday anniversary. Other guests were Mr and Mrs Robert Wood and family and Linda and Ritoy Asher of Page, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Held and family of Royal and Mrs. Flossie Held of Oi chard. The ministers and their fam ilies of the sub-district met Mon day at tlie Methodist church for a no-host dinner, a business meet ing and a social hour. Present were Rev. and Mrs. Charles Gates of Atkinson, Rev. and Mrs. Char les Cox of Chambers, Rev. and Mrs Robert Linder of Page, Rev and Mrs. Wo sirow Elliott id Ew mg and Rev, ami Mrs Lester Spragg id Lynch. Ibe December ministerial nteetmg will tw held December 6 at the O'Neill church Mr ami Mrs Bernard Schmitt and family traveled to Pickstown S D. Sunday to the home id Mr and Mrs. Charles Fuchs for an anniversary dtimer. Ail families were present except the Ray Schmitt family of Sheldon, la Tommy, son of Mr and Mrs Bernard Schmitt, and a kinder gartner is home from school with tlie fhi. Mrs Dick Tomlinson and son Casey were Sunday guests in the home id Mrs Lizzie Dexter at Amelia. LitUo LeRoy, sun of Mr. and Mrs Vernon Schleusener id Or chard, returned to his home Sai urday night after a week's visit with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Ed TTiorin while his mother was employed at the local bank Mr. and Mrs. H J. Cox and infant daughter of Mullen were weekend guests id Mrs. J. L Osenbaugh Mrs Anne Asher returned from Omaha Wednesday after visit ing her son and daughter-in-law Mr and Mrs. Leon Asher Mr. and Mrs Herb Kaiser were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Liam Thompson at Bloom field. Mr. and Mrs Warren Seg er and children of Neligh and Ivan Kaiser and Janet Henry of Wayne, students of WS1V were also guests Mrs Thonvpson and Mrs Kaiser art' sisters Mr and Mrs Otto Retke left Tuesday lor Seattle, Wash , where they will visit their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. ami Mrs Elmer Kiln^or Mrs Marion Woidnevk ami two daughters. Lamia and Janet ami Mrs Rosa Bowers went to Nor folk Saturday to visit at the home of Clarence Bowers Frank D Fetrow, son of Mr ami Mis Dale Fetrow, arrived home from Germany Friday He has received his discharge from the service Mr. ami Mrs Matt Fischer of Spalding were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. ami Mi's. Grover Shaw Mr and Mr- Dale Fetrow wiU leave Wednesday on an all ex pense paid trip to Hawaii for a week They won fir-* place in a General Electric sales contest in tin* Omaha sales district, D m and Vicky lanquist were Friday supper p tests in the home of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Timmer man. Mrs Tommy Zakriewaki and family, Mr. and Mrs Ben Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Timmerman and Mr and Mrs Nels Linauist attended the Halloween progrnm Thunday evening. A lunch of bar becues, pie ami coffee was sold, proceeds to bo used for school equipment Mr. and Mrs. Bill Buxton were Friday evening guests in the Ben Miller home. SALE REPAIR SHOP EQUIPMENT 1—Steam Cleaner (nearly new) t—Gas Welder (complete with tanks and cart) 1—Welding Table I—AC Electric Welder (complete with extra long leads and wall Plug) 1—6 and 12 Volt Portable Battery Charger 1—Portable Air Compressor (electric) t—Blackhawk Floor Jack 1—Walker Floor Jack 1—Black A Decker Heavy Duty Vi-Inch electric drill 1—Bench Grinder I—Bench Vice 1—Commentator Lathe 1—Cylinder Hone 1—Wrist Pin Hone Some hand tools and other Items too numerous to mention. Located at JAY'S REPAIR Bristow, Nebraska TERMS—CASH SALE IS IN PROGRESS NOW Don't Miss It! O'Neill CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Pre-Holiday SALE i THURS. FRI. SAT. Nov. 17-18-19 BARGAINS GALORE IN O’NEILL STORES Organized by The O'Neill Chamber of Commerce MILLER THEATER ATKINwOlf One Show Nightly 8 o’clock Fri. • Sat. Nov. 11 • 12 Sun. - Mon. - Tues. • Wed. Nov. IS ■ 14 - 15 • It Teen Age : :of SAT.. NOV. 12 Music by THE BROUGHAMS American Legion Auditorium Adm: 75c — All present before 9:30 — 50c PARENTS ADMITTED FREE _ DINE and DANCE American Legion Clubroom SUNDAY, NOV. 13 Shorty Avery and his Swingsters Fried Chicken Plate Lunch . 50c FREE ENTERTAINMENT Legionaires and guests are Welcome Must be 21 years of age I ! i LOOK FOR THIS LABEL FOR SAVINGS THROUGH-OUT OUR STOREII ONLY $1.00 DOWN HOLDS ANY TOY UNTIL CHRISTMAS SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION J~~7\-i „" :r 'rr,— t i Combination | Blackboard and PEGRITER TABLE Opans to pegboord with attached saddle type seat. Includes mallet, chalk, eraser, pegs, etc. Made of kiln dried pine. (TA827) __ Blum and Polka Dot, Folding Folding °°v- smsz BWSJaW'S: «!»£• "Sfesw hood. Hold* o 21 Inch ondboaor. Jetochoblo. doll. (TY320)(TY365)^^^^^^ I For the Whola Family BOWLING Co73po9r5 3 Placa Matching PIN SET W LUGGAGE SET fen durable, unbreak- I Set Include, large «ult- able polyethylene pin., eo.e, hot bo* ond troln «l. .h'9h ond ,one i cot. that I. blue vinyl ^all.wi,h *ln9"r h,°U*i covered with polka dot l°i7,n??ra,ch ,h" fl00r itrlm. (TE781) (TT701) Realistic ^ ROUND-UP SET Ha* tinted windshield, mirror, pull back win dows, open side win dow* plus non-mar tires. Interlocking plas tic corral and poly ac tion figures. (TS246) Papor or Foil 66< 99* Christmas Design WRAPPING PAPER b. Lov/.h #/th Light./ Three rolls of 20 Inch 7-LITE TREE SET wide paper with assor ted colors, designs. Have your Christmas Paper rolls 120 Inches tree blaze with light! long, foil Is 45 Inches Have several strings ot long. No crease, no this low price! For waste. (TF52) indoor only. (TF260) 31 Place Hostess CARAFE SET Compare et 4 * Place "Jusy Coosa" S2.W * HOUSEKEEPING Booutlfully doe.gnml SET - $i*6 service for 4 Includes * Individual carafes plus Includes plastls broom, large one with tray, as J'or" dust mop, hand well as plotes, cups, duster, dust pan, saucers and ''silver* "pcnge and carpet wore". (TE202) sweeper. Ruffled opran p —for glomourl (TE472) Sli-N-Rld* Buddy **L" SUPER HOT ROD f Unbr»akabl» BABY BATH AND BASSINET SET Mad* of unbreakable poly I Includes bas — sinat, diaper pail and Auto-steering and safe- cover, bath tub torn ty seat! Poly-pneumo- plat* with drain and tic non-skid fires, stopper, doll with mov welded steal body. 42 able eyes, drinks, inches long, 16h inch- wets and has jointed as wide, 125$ Inches arms, legs and neck. I high. (TS383) (TE305) _ Big and Roomy TOY CHEST Lota of spoco for bulky toys I Strong wood frame and wooden supports. Red finish with white plastic trim. Sliding panels with black chalkboards. (TY250) L Romot, Control. 36 Ploco NEAR MISS” ELECTRIC TRAIN I S3?toT I and tractor cars' eoboo«* *»r C°L* ** ou,omol>ll« ■ -M »ron.4r.', err„!;v:“c,‘:rcoup,"r'50 I ■mok* rafill. (TU44) ' con"ae,or, and Hj Dale & Jo O'Neill 1 i Wilson Phone 125