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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1960)
Ewing News By Mrs. Harold Harris Mrs Lorraine Wright, Mrs. Del bert Carl Jr., and daughter and Mr sod Mrs. George Jefferies spent Sunday at Spencer visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs Mark Muff Saturday guests at the hotne of Mr. and Mrs Ludwig Koenig were Mrs Jerald Black and her mo ther-in-law, Mrs. Edith Black, both from Seattle, Wash Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mark tin of Stockton, Calif, visited the first of the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Rotherham She is the sister of Mr. Rother ham. They are also visiting ot her relatives in the community. John Vandersnick, Mrs. Mick Hobbs, Mrs. Garrett Kallhoff all at Ewing and Vincent and Tommy Vandersnick at Absorkee, Mont, visited Wednesday with Mrs. John Vandersnick at a rest borne in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Claus Sievers left Monday to return to their home at Gillette, Wyo., after spending a few days in Ewing visiting at the homes of Mr and Mrs. Ev erett Ruby, Hazel Ruby and El sie Chase and Mrs. Josie Virsaw and Mrs. Althea Peterson and family at Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. John Ttamjack of Melbota visited last week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tomjack and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lee. Mr. and Mrs. James Mlnarik anil Karen and Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Schroeder and family at tended the Hoffman family re union held Sunday at the Rives side Park at Neligh. About fifty were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dierks were Sunday evening guests at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Etl Ver zal at O'Neill. Mrs. Woodrow Elliott and San dra left Monday to spend the week in Missouri visiting rela tives. Dr. and Mrs. Vernon Rockey and family, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. R. G. Rockey from Flordia, left Saturday for their home at Grand Junction, Colo., after spending a few days in Ew ing with relatives. Boy Scout Troop 181 had a cook out Thursday evening at the Ew ing Park. This waa the first ex perience of the newly organized troop in preparing a meal over a campfire A meeting followed for regular business and a dis cussion on out door cooking. Mr and Mrs Waldo Davis and Mane were afternoon and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs Aubrey Wood Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Coe Butler of Lin coln were Friday overnight guests at the home of her sister, Vina Wood. They left Saturday ior Fort Randall where they planned to spend two days camping. Mrs. Waldo Davis went to Or chard Monday to spend the fore noon with her mother, Mrs. Lou ise Beal and attended the Gar den Club meeting in the after noon. Dr. and Mrs William H. Ross went to Bone steel, S. D. Friday and were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hartford. On their return trip home they called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coburn near O’Neill. Mrs. Coburn is the former Audrey Hen derson of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. John Rowelinski and family of Omaha, who have been guests at the home of her mother, Mrs. Vera Anson for the East two weeks, returned to their ome in Omaha Sunday. Weekend guests at the home of Mrs. Vera Anson were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Halquist of Omaha. CHRISTIAN MOTHERS A report on Civil Defense was given by Mrs. Anton Pruss at the regular meeting of the Christian Mothers of St. Peters church when they met Tuesday evening. Mrs. Leonard Knapp gave a report on the spiritual development work shop held recently. Card games provided entertain ment for the recreational period Lunch was served by Mrs Don McBride, Mrs. Weis, Mrs. James Walnofer, Mrs. Pruss and Mrs. Edwards all from Orchard. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Koenig were Mr. and Mrs. Steven Markaski and sons of New Jersey, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Roth and daughters of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. James Koenig and family of Ewing. Bob Koenig of Lincoln spent the Fourth of July weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Koenig. On Sunday he accompan ied the Rethmeyer family of Ne • ■ BE FIRST SHOP OUR BARGAIN TABLES MERCHANDISE RE GROUPED, RE-PRICED SPECIAL BUY ON SPORT SHIRTS! 99c Men's sties 8, M, L What value! What variety of cottons! See oasy-care plaids, neat conversational prints, collar and pocket trimmed fancies, dobby weaves! Short sleeves! PINCH FRONT STRAW HATS! »i« i 6 7/8 to 7 V* Get a cool, lightweight dress straw at Ju*t the price you want to pay! Wide snap brim. Assorted solid color bands. Yours in light grey or medium tan. Save! PRINT AND PLAIN FITTED CRIB SHEETS 88‘ Our lowest price ever for these fine quality sheets. Closely knit construction smooth to baby's touch. Slip on easily—simplifies crib making. II PRINTED COTTON TERRY FEED BIBS Set of 4 88 So adorable! His daily be havior printed in bright colors: “Today I am a little angel,” “today I am a little devil,” etc. 11 by 12 inch finished size. WATERPROOF PANTS BUY! 4 88° Check the way they’re made, see why they’re such good buys! Four gauge strong plastic, nylon covered waist, leg openings! Bar tacking adds strength! SHOP PC2NE¥$...Wm UVi KIT7E1, TOtt'U S*¥I! ugh to the Niobrara State Park. Bob Koenig, who is attending the University of Nebraska this summer, will complete his four years of college and graduate on July 30. He will teach in the high school thte fall at Beaver Cross ing as well as assist as coach. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eacker re turned home Wednesday from their vacation trip through the western states. They drove ap proximately >.-,500 miles. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eacker went to York Sunday where they attended the golden wedding an niversary of Mr. and Mrs. Monte Fuller and were overnight guests of their daughter and husband Mr and Mrs. Russell Bredenkamp and son. Mr .and Mrs. R. B. Krachie and grandson, Jerry Jefferies, re turned home Saturday from a three week’s vacation in Minne sota. FACTS AND FIN The Facts and Fun home exten sion club met Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ray "Dicker. Thirteen members and two guests Mrs. Bob Jones and son of Ewing were present. The social afternoon included a general review of the lesson® this year. A no-host picnic lunch was served. Janelle and Donna Tams, who are spending a part of the sum mer in O'Neil], were overnight guests Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris and Bertha. Mrs. Edna Lofquest spent Sun day in O’Neill calling at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Fay Doty, Mrs. Lottie Lofquest and her mother, Mrs. Charles Munson. Merlyn and Reuben Meyer of Neligh, L. M. Carter and Warren Seger served breakfast Sunday morning at the Country Club in Neligh, followed by golf. Fifty were in attendance. Lt. Col. and Mrs. E. D. Mc Donald, Douglas and Suzanne of Fait Benning, Georgia arrived in Ewing to spend a part of their vacation at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Butler. Kate O’Brien of Chicago, 111. is spending a month’s vacation with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Max Wanser and family. She came by plane to Omaha where the Wansers met her. Bob bie Walker of Norfolk is also a guest this week at the Wanser home. Ronald Rotherham of Lincoln was a weekend guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Rotherham. WSCS MEETS Mrs. R. G. Rockey was pre sented a life membership to the WSCS when the group met Wednesday afternoon. This was a surprise gift given by her two daughters, Mrs. Gene Zimmor man of Ewing, and Mrs. Buford Carlson of West Palm Beach, Fla., and her son, Willis Rockey of Ewing. The meeting opened with a thought for the day'‘The Wasted Hour” by Mrs. James Tinsley. Mrs. Willis Rockey conducted the devotional period. As a part of the service, Sandra Elliott and Judy Tinsley played a piano du et. Mrs. Tinsley presented the les son in the form of a monologue, “The Diary of a Missionary”. Sandra Elliott, Marie Davis and Judy Tinsley gave a report on the week they spent at Camp Fontonelle and showed snap shots they had taken. At the business session, Mrs. Ray Sedivy gave a report on the vacation bible school The nominating committee ap pointed for 1961, 1962 and 1963 by Mrs. Rockey are Mrs. Sedivy, .Mrs. Harry Van Horn and Mrs. L. A. Hobbs. Names were drawn for serving committees. The program committee, Mrs. Tinsley, Mrs. Henry Fleming, Mrs. Pollock, Mrs. Jessie Angus and Mrs. Earl Van Ostrand are to make up the date books for the society. Mrs. Albert Larson and Mrs. Angus were appointed as visiting committee for the month of July. Lunch was served by Mrs. Se divy and Mrs. H. R. Harris to the twenty-four members and the following guests, Mrs. Waldo Da vis and Mane, Judy Tinsley, San dra Elliott all of Ewing me Mrs. R. G. Roekey irom Fiordia. Mrs. S. M. Surtwistie of Ewing, who is attending summer school in Colorado spent the Fourth of July weekend at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Buriwistlo visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pru den Sunday. Mrs. J. L. Pruden attended a clJb meeting in O’Neill Tuesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Ed Howard and family of O'Neill were July fourth guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pierson. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Norwood and her mother, Mrs. Amy Ja cobsen, attended a family gath ering at the home of Mrs. Myrtle Tborin at Neligh Friday evening honoring Mr. and Mrs. Don Lib by and sons Irom Oregon and Mr. and Mrs. WiiluumDougan) Libby from California. Other guests present were Mr. and Mrs. David Pollock of Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. D. Pollock and family, Mrs R. Libby of Neligh and Mr. and Mrs. Loren Libby of Page Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tuttle and Leonora were Sunday din ner and evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rotherham and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Black and family of Seattle, Wash., were entertained at dinner Monday eve ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies. Guests at the Gail Boies home Friday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Johanson and daugh ters of Plainview. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pierson Monday were Mrs. Peter Banks and family of Casper, Wyo. and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Howard and family of O' Neill. Mrs. Minnie Larson had as her guests on Wednesday her daugh ter, Mrs. Clarence Harrod, and mio. nuua n <u wai ui/iu ui uui well. Miss Patsy Pollock or Omaha came home Wednesday for a few days vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Pollock. Mrs. Gary Tessmer and sons spent last week at Zumbro Falls, Minn., visiting at the home of her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bring. Gene Lewis, is the new student minister at the Church of Christ. He attends the Nebraska Christ ian College at Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright and family visited Sunday at the home of her father, Mr. Elmer But terfield at Inman. Wednesday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright were her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Thornton and son of California, and Mr. Elmer Butter field of Inman. Mrs. John Steskal and daugh ter-in-law, Mrs. John Sbeskal jr., and children were callers Mon day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rexine. Mrs Reed Mummert of Clear water was a Monday evening guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Steskal, sr., in Ewing. Mrs. Kenneth Arehart and child ren were Saturday guests at the home of John Steskal, sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Arehart, sr., of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Er nest Arehart, jr., and family of Omaha were guests at the home of Mr .and Mrs. John Stes kal, sr., Sunday. Mrs. Kenneth Arehart and child ren spent Sunday at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Ernest Arehart at Elgin. Mrs. Gladys Steskal and child ren visited Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Steskal sr. Mrs. Maden Funk was hostess at her home for a meeting of the WTCU. Tuesday afternoon. The O’Neill WTCU Chapter were guests. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Norwood this week are their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Norwood and son Kevin of Midwest, Wyo. They arrived in Ewing Tuesday morning. Joann and Connie LeMasters are guests this week at the El vin Hamilton home. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Rockey and children returned home on Mon day after spending the weekend ui the Black Hills. Mr and Mrs. Floyd Lee spent the Fourth of July weekend at the home of their daughter and husband. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bandars at Laurel. Sue Sanders who had been a guest at their home accompanied them to Lau rel. Mr. Merle Lee of Omaha was also a guest at the home of his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sanders. Mr. and Mrs Peter Spes of Chapman were recent visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. Joe Tomjack and Mr. and Mrs Floyd Lee. Mr. Spes is a brother of Mrs. Lee and Mrs Tomjack. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davis and children spent the weekend at Mission. S. D , guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orval Davis. Mrs. Laura Spittler, Mrs. Ro bert Bartak and Greg, Mrs. Sam Regan and Ann went to Valen tine Sunday to spend the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Spittler and family. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson at tended a dinner on Sunday at the home of their daughter anti son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wilson, Elgin, the occasion hon oring Mr. Floyd Wilson of Ne ligh. Mrs, Maude Bower was al so a guest Monowi News By Mrs. Mike Piklapp LOcust 9 2520 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zach and family were Sunday evening sup per guests in the Rudy Eller home. Mrs. Charley Kolar brought Mrs. Frank Lewis and Orval home from Norfolk Monday where they had visited the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed May and Dwayne attended the Tuch fami ly reunion at the Niobrara State Park Sunday. l^ena Johnson was a Sunday dinner guest in the C. W. Christen sen home. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Heiser were Sunday evening visitors in the Herman Heiser home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ertz sr.. were Norfolk business callers Monday and Mr. Ertz consulted doctors while there. Frank Ertz jr., of O’Neill was a caller here Monday morning. Redbird News By Veldeen Pinkerman Mr. and Mrs. Gay Hull and family left for Denver Saturday to spend a few days with friends and relatives. They called on re latives in Sioux City, Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hull at Har lan, la. Mr. and Mrs. Junior Wilson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wil son and Sonja and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Haynes were Sunday callers in the Ray Wilson home. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pinkerman and sons and Mrs. Fay Pinkerman attended the little league ball game in O'Neill Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bill AI171 and Mrs. Veldon Pinkerman were O'Neill shoppers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Dwain Narigan and Nicky from St. Louis, Mo., spent the weekend in the George Calkins home. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pinkerman, Mr. and Mrs. George Calkins and Mr. and Mrs. Dwain Narigan at tended the horse races at Madi son Saturday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Don Hynes and family and Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Pinkerman were Sunday visitors in the George Calkins home. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Krugman attended a family reunion at Al bion Sunday. Dick Ladley, Mrs. Anna Car son and Mrs. Myrtle Young were Friday supper guests of Mrs. Fay Pinkerman. Mrs. Young and Mr. Ladley left for their homes in Gordon Saturday. The annual clean-up was held at the Scottville cemetery on Fri day afternoon. AUCTION Tuesday, July 19 7:30 p.m. HOUSE — GARAGE — WOODSHED (To Be Moved) At The Junction of Main Street of Atkinson and Highways 20-11 Formerly Stella Dunn Property For More Information - Contact Kieth Abort, O'Neill Mr. and Mrs. Bert Powell of Oregon. Mrs Fay Pinkerman and Mrs Guy Hull called on the Car son sisters Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Lore 11 Pickering arrived Sunday from California and Mrs. Wilna Churchill and girls from Keswick, la, arrived Tuesday to attend the funeral of their grandmother and mother, Mrs. William Pickering on Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Wilson and Mrs. Gladys Gallop called on the Carson sisters Thursday after noon. Gaylene Kaasa recently re turned from Atlantic City, N. J-, where she has been attending a youth congress. Ruth Osborn was a Saturday overnight guest of Veldeen Pinkerman. The Earnest Schollmeyer fami ly called on Charlie Schollmeyer Thursday evening. Mrs. Fay Pinkerman, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pinkerman, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson, Bruce and Hardy Schollmeyer, Mrs. Guy Hull, Mrs. Anna Carson, Dick Ladley and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wilson all attended the funeral of Earn Wilson in Hurke Thursday. Mrs. B. Caraten and Hallie left Saturday from Grand Island on the train to Visit Mrs. Carsten’s mother, Mrs. Iva McRoberts and i other relatives in Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Pinkermun ' and Veldeen were supper guests at the Reggie Pinkerman home in O'Neill Tuesday evening. Mrs. Johnny Earnst, Mrs. Chloe Dill and Mrs Dick Wilson left Tuesday for their homes in Rapid City. S D., after spending the weekend here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McDon ald from Omaha spent the Fourth of July weekend in the Frank McDonald home. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Scholl meyer and family from Crofton spent iruiii oaiuruuy ui muuua) evening in the Charlie Scholl meyer home. Naper News Bv Mrs. John Schonetmnni A picnic supper was enjoyed at the home of Mi' .and Mrs. John Stahlecker on Tuesday eve ning in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stahlecker and daughters of Omaha. Those present besides the honored guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Gentele and sons of Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. William Gentele and son of Butte, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Willuweit, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Stahlecker and Mrs. Mathilda Stahlecker, all of Jamison, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Benson of Marshall, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Dellbert Hannah and family of Bjtte, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stahleckf £. and Laura, Mrs. Herman Gentele, Mr. and Mrs.' William Blakkolb and Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. George Ahlers and daughters and Chris Nuemiller. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Zimmerle and Mr. and Mrs. John Germian and Mary and Delores Zimmerle, ' all of Denver, Colo, were Tues day evening visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Beem and family. Mrs. Gottielb Herrmann and daughter of Custer, S. D. were Saturday evening visitors in town with relatives and friends. They were overnight guests of her bro ther, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Herr mann. Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchel and sons of Si>encer were !ies<lay afternoon visitors in the William Ullrich home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lutz and family of Selby, S. D. returned to their home on Thursday al ter spending the past week with her parents. Mr and Mrs Adolph Stahlecker. Mr anil Mrs .Alvin Stahlecker and family of Aberdeen, S. D came on Thursday and spent till Tuesday with his parents, Mr and Mrs. Adolph Stahlecker. Mr. and Mrs William Fuhrer of Butte and grandson, Ronnie Fuhrer of Fremont were Sunday afternoon visitors in the home id Mr and Mrs. Clarence Heem anil family. Mr and Mrs. Harry Aylin and son of San Leandro, Calif, came on Tuesday and are visiting with her parents, Mr. anil Mrs. John Camin and other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs Everett Green were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs Mary Kicalous and Mr. ami Mrs. Cliff Lund. In the afternoon the ladies visited with Mrs. Gust Wi'tzler, Mrs. Alfred Frank and da ugh ters. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Will uweit, Mr and Mrs AHmi Stah iecker and daughters, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Bettcher of igloo. S.D and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bartling and family of Burke were Wednesday evening visitors in the Adolph Stahlecker home to vis U with the Ray Luts family. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Jtwtn Cauvin were Mr. and Mrs Harry Aylut and son of California. Mr and Mrs. Henry Soisockecnaier and family of Bone steel and Mr and Mrs Alfred Camin and son of Butte. Mr ami Mrs Harvey Davis left on Friday evening for Sioux City where they were overnight guests in the Ray EHer home On Saturday they drove to Ne vada, la. to spend the 4th of July weekend with their son, Mr. and Mrs Clinton Davis. FREE Wedding Dance SUNDAY, JULY 17 Ash Grove Hall mi suc by THE ROCKETS Dianne Snyder Tom t'll lining hain THE A & M FAMILY SHOE STORE Has Many Bargains in Shoes Women's Naturalizers Life Stride Natural Poise Petite Debs Trampeze Children's Patent Jumping Jacks Step Master New Fall Shoes are coming in A md M Shoe Store O’Nolll, Nebraska We Will Give You One Picnic Ham Free With Each 1-ton Purchase of... NORCO FEEDS (Straight Tons or Assorted) During the Week of July 18th to July 23rd At Our Usual Low Prices Tompkins livestock Headquarters Inman, Nebr. Phone 11W