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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 14, 1960)
Lynch News Mr. and Mrs Dan McKenzie left Lynch for their home in El Monte, Calif., Wednesday and Mr. and Mrs Vic McKenzie from Lay ton, Utah, left for their home Thursday after spending several days with Mrs Hazel McKenzie. Hie Mulhair Tuck family re union was held at the Niobrara State Park Sunday. A picnic din ner was served at noon. Janette Elsasser was a Saturday overnight guest of Marlene Streit. Carle Darnell, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Darnel], Mr. and Mrs. Floyd France, John Wike, and Bernard Peklo all attended the funeral of Earn Wilson Thursday at Burke, S. D. Mrs. Hannah Streit was dismis sed from the Sacred Heart hospi tal Wednesday. She is staying in the Edward Streit home. Mrs. Roy Lowery from O’Neill was a Tuesday night guest in the Pete Mulhair home. Johnny Weeder took Mr and Mrs. George Barta to the Black Hills to spend a few days va cationing Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moody and family from Wheaton, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fuhrer and family frorh Phoenix, Ariz., are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Moody. Reno Boelter was a Friday night supper guest in the Pete Mulhair home. Mr. and Mrs. Berl Moody and family from Sioux City spent the past weekend with friends and relatives. Mrs. Pete Mulhair was a Wed nesday evening guest of Mrs. Phylis Mulhair. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Christensen of Omaha were house guests over the Fourth of July weekend at the Leo Jurgensen home. They visited I in the Herman and Frank Heiser homes. Inman News By Mm. James McMahan Out-Door Concert Friday Night Another out-door hand concert under the direction of Leonard I Sawyer will be held Friday eve ning. Group two of the band mot hers club will serve pie and cof i fee during the evening. Inman Commercial Club met Monday evening at the Watson Hay office for their regular rneet I inS- . , , Miss Ann Kelley is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. James Kelley, at Madison this j week. Mr. anti Mrs. Bert Reynolds of j Neligh visited their son and daugh j ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Albert J Reynolds and family, Thursday I evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson and l Sam were Friday evening dinner j guests in the home of Mr. and 1 Mrs. John Watson and famiy. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Hartigan of 1 Norfolk visited a few days last i week with Mr. and Mrs. Earl I Watson. Miss Mildred Keyes returned I Monday from Omaha where she | spent a week visiting Mr. and ; Mrs. James Vidlak and family and | also other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Don Kelley and I Ned Kelley of Ohiowa came Sat I urday evening to visit Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kelley and girls. Don and Ned returned to Ohiowa Mon day but Mrs. Kelley remained for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Crosser of Neligh spent Monday evening vi siting Mr. and Mrs. David Mors bach and Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conard of St. Helens, Ore., spent a couple Of days last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeLong. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conard Vtere Monday evening guests in the home of George Conard. Mr and Mrs Walter Ubben and Christie entertained the following Sunday evening at a buffet supper at their home; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kopecky and son, Mr. and Mrs Albert Anthony and family, Mr. and Mrs Vaden Kivett and Mr. and Mrs. James Sobotka and daughter Mrs Albert Anthony visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs Otto Mat schuilat at Page Tuesday morning. Miss Cindy Stoiler spent Tues day and Wednesday visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat, at Page. Mrs. Lewis Kopecky jr., Mr. and Mrs Harry Snyder and Mrs. Josie Kopecky spent Monday In Neligh. Mr. and Mrs Walter Ubben and Christie returned Tuesday from Omaha where they spent several weeks visiting in the home of; Mr and Mrs. John Cline. Gaylene Anthony and Cindy Stolier went to Page Tuesday to visit their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat. Gaylene returned Wednesday and Cindy re mained until Saturday in the Mat schullat home. COMMUNITY CLUB The Inman Community chib met Monday evening at the scho ol assembly. Election of officers was the main business of the evening The following officers were elected: Harvey Tompkins, president; Mrs. James McMahan, vice president; Mrs. Walter Fick, secretary and Mrs. Bill Butter field, treasurer. Vem Wrede of O’Neill was a Wednesday morning caller in In man. Bill Duncan left Friday for Sioux City, la., after visiting sev eral weeks in the Leo Harte and John Gallagher home and with ot her friends. Floyd Do Long, Otto Retke, James Sholes and Albert and Ter ry Anthony spent Thursday after noon and evening and Friday m<»rning fishing at Fort Randall. Ralph Sholes, who is employed at Ainsworth, visited his mother, Mrs. Violet Sholes over the week end, Mrs. Blanche Rouse spent a it’W uaja mat wcvr vioiuug iiti son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKathnie and fam ily near Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Ohrmund of Seneca spent the weekend vis iting Lyle’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ohrmund. Keith McGraw and sons of Fort Collins, Colo., spent the weekend visiting Mr. McGraw’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGraw. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Couch and daughter who are employed at Aurora spent the weekend at their home here. They also visited in the Fred Schaum home. Mary Alice Gallagher spent a \ few days last week visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James P. Gallagher at O’Neill. Charles Young, who is employ ed at Sutton, spent the weekend at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry and Bill were Thursday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vitt at O’Neill. Mrs. James McMahan was a Sunday dinner guest of Mrs. John Osenbaugh in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burger J and family of Neligh visited Mr. j and Mrs. Tom Hutton and Mr. and 1 Mrs. E. E. Clark Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Pallies of Los Angeles, Calif, spent a few days this week in the home of Mrs. Pallies brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gannon. Mrs. Pallies is remembered here as the former Helen Gannon and it is 33 years since she has been back to Inman. Mr. and Mrs. iBert Powell of Corvalis, Wash, and Mrs. William Buxton of Page were Tuesday af ternoon callers in the home of Mrs. Ray Siders and Marilyn. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hackett ;uvd family of Chamberlain, S.D. spe it Sunday visiting in Inman. They were accompanied to Inman by Mrs. Elizabeth Morsbach who was returning to her home in Inman after spending a few weeks in the Hackett home at Chamberlain. Mrs. David Morsbach and Mary spent Sunday visiting Mr. and ie of ;ure! i anniversary or a sur prise remembrance, give • the true gift of originality! be lu/ie and buy. OaXaUtot Black" Hills Gold Jewelry AT McIntosh jewelry E. Douglas Phone 186 A Trusted Jeweler Is Tour Rest Advisor Mrs M M. Crasser and sons at Neligh. Gary and Jerry Crasser of Ne hfh spent Sunday evening and Monday visiting in the home of Mr and Mrs. David Morsbach and Mary. Mr, and Mrs, Gordon BrUtell and daughters of Norfolk vis ited Friday with Mr and Mrs. David Morsbach Mr and Mrs Marvin Yost and Scotty of Harvard, Mr and Mrs Ralph McElvain and John and Mr and Mrs, William McElvain and Gregory were Wednesday evening dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. James Coventry and Bill Mr. and Mrs William McEl vain and Gregory and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Yost and Scotty left Thursday for Seattle. Wash . where they will make their homes Mr. McElvain and Mr Yost will be employed by Boeing Co. Mrs Vaden Kivett and Mar garet Prtiss, who attend Wayne Summer school, spent the week end with their families. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Abney en tertained at a picnic Sunday Those present were Mr. and Mrs Bob Tams and Janelle and Donna, Mr. and Mrs. Boh Van Horn and Allen, Mr and Mrs, .Archie Tuttle and Mr and Mrs Clarence Hansen and family. It is in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Tams who are moving to Battle Creek. Nefcr. Mr and Mrs Donald Myer and children of Omaha spent the weekend visiting Mrs Meyer’s parents. Mr and Mrs. Merle De Long They were accompanied to Omaha by their other two child ren, Cheri and Donnie, who had spent a few weeks visiting their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bly, Mrs Lizzie Dexter and Edward Coohdge of Amelia, Mr. and Mis. Myrle DeLancey and family Barbara DeLancey and Edwin Stewart enjoyed a Fourth of July picnic at the home of Mrs. Violet Stewart. Everett and Marvin. Everett Stewart left Monday evening for Omaha where he will spend three weeks in the home of Mr and Mrs. Mvrle DeLancey and family and Edwin Stewart Glenda DeLancey returned to her home in Omaha Monday af ter spending three weeks visiting her grandmother, Mrs Violet Stewart Mrs Gary Sanders and Tena of O'Neill visited last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peters and Larry while Gary was in South Dakota working. Wayne and Gary Sanders re turned Saturday from South Da kota wdiere they had been em ployed. Fourth of July guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Englehaupt were Mrs. Albina Re lik. Mr and Mrs Wayne Sanders and Tommy and Mrs Joe Peters ami Larry' of Inman, Mr and Mrs Gary Sanders and Tena and Willis Sanders of O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schomberg and, daughters of Pierce and Steve | and Robert Belik and Bruce Wet tlaufer who are spending the summer in the home of their grandmother. Mrs Albina Belik. Friday evening guests tn the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry were Mrs. Bill Turner, j Mrs Willard Thomsen and Susan i and Leanne Marie of Chambers Mr. and Mrs James Coventry were Fourth of July guest* in the home of Mr and Mrs. Frank SuF livan and family at O’Neill. Try the Frontier Want Art*. Dr. H. D. GILDERSLEEVE OPTOMETRIST Eye* Examined—Glasses Fitted (Vmtaet l.enwew Ptaoae 167 — O’Neill. Nebr. Hour-. (5—Mon. thru Saturday (lowed Wednesday runts umim ncu., nu.. sat., JULY U. U, 11 QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED Archway .<In DeiicioQS ajmp" FRUIT MIX ”"S5&““ "SiS 5 TXU-FAX . . . YXLX.OW QUITO 5 PEACHES SSWJSK?* •&» j Sunny ■ Dale plums rarajsr ■w# | MANDARIN ORANGES &£ jj MIX OR MATCH | 1C. a. NO. 1 ELBKBTA M FKKESTONK % Peaches .. Bu. $£98 17 Lb. Lug $ J 99 I ill. S. NO. 1 WHITE SHAFFER | POTATOES ... 10 lbs. 59c | Sl'NKIST m LEMONS . lb. 19c ff U. S. NO. 1 WASHINGTON MOORPAK Apricots239 Fresh'n'juicy e , . I Wat r»< 3/2t J '= ^ Red 'ri ripe LB* f 1 BETTY CROCKER CAKE MIXES -29* SUGAR 10 A 89' I JELL-0 4^29° I TRU-PAK TEA BAGS nr 48- 49* [ Dutch Treat CHEESE SPREAD 2 - 49* I i y C KRAPT PRESERVES | STRAWBERRY*.,..So t ooooh I EGG NOODLES ^ 27« ( ROBOT HOOD I FLOOR...IA 49c C BCHILLOTO 1 GARLIC SALT BH-oa. Om ... .Si S Kentucky Maid Qt. Jar I SALAD DRESSING.39c ■ Dutch Maid Lb. Pkg, I SUGAR COOKIES.49c W Libby’s No. 303 Cans — * For I SLICED PEACHES.45c EXTRA STANDARD GOLDEN CREAM CORN.8^51 FINEST... EAST TO PREPARE PORK art BEANS EKRBY POTTED MEATS.1$ *.88e LIBBY'S PINEAPPLE Qrapefrsit DRINK ROMPER ROOM SPECIAL I ALCOA WRAP ARMOUR'S STAR 1 PICNIC 1 HZ AS 1 •1.98 j Each C ID. 8. D. A. (CHOICE RIB STEAK ib 79c END CUT ■ PORK CHOPS 1 u-3» I SWIFT’S 1 MINCED HAM.Each 39c I glfOMK MADE PORK | SAUSAGE .. lb. 45c I LKAN MEATY 1 BOIL BEEF .. lb. 25c I I SWEET RASHER — SLICED 1 BACON 3 «■ 1.00 t PEPSODENT m m TOOTH PASTE «iBBY’B• • • *•«*QCC I »*»»•«« Grapefruit I 2«*.83e SECTIONS I rW»WWt««WWWMMW»WWWW*»»W»WWW>»»WWW»wl K ORANGE I JUICE I ML GROVE LEMONADE..6£59e I CAL IDA FRENCH FRIES.2 & 29c 1 HAROLD SUMMERS Page BBH8BB MB