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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1960)
The first reunion of the O’Neill high school cla .s of 1915 was held Sunday evening in O’Neill. Another reunion is planned for 1965. O'Neill High Class of 1945 Holds Reunion The first reunion of the O'Neill high school class of 1945 was hold Sunday evening at the Town House in O’Neill. Mrs Clifford Sohotka was the toastmistress. Each member of the class answered the roll call by introducing their husband or wife and telling a little about their work, homes and families. Mrs. Lyle Johnson gave the welcome and presented corsages to Mrs. Walter Manley who had come the longest distance and to Mrs. Bernard Montgomery, mother of seven children, who had the largest family. Sheryl Harley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harley, gave the blessing before the dinner. The original class will was read by Mrs. John Schultz. Two dance numbers were presented by David and Kent Cole, nephews of Mrs. laury Schaffer. A poem was re cited by Mrs. Waiter Manley and the original class prophecy was read by Dick Fox. Arthur Harley and his daughter, Sheryl, sang and David Snyder of San Diego, Calif., played a piano accordian solo. The tables were decorated with bouquets of shasta daisies in memory of Lyle Morrow and Richard Selah. The class plans to hold a second reunion in 1965. Those attending the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Cunning ham of Erie, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fox, Ida Grove, la., Twila Hicks of Fairfax, S. D., David Snyder, San Diego, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. George Hendrick (Thelma Morgon) of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Velzer (Leona Hami lton) of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Montgomery (Arlene Boelter) of Orchard, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Harley and Sheryl (Myr len Beckwith) of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Manley (Mar jorie Pfeil) of Wymore, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schaffer, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz (Lorraine Johnson), Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Johnson (Verna Miller) and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sobotka (Twila Whaley), all of O'Neill. O'Neill Locals Mr. and Mrs. Esty Nelson and Connie went to Colome, S. D., Sunday where they visited Mrs. Nelson's brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tracy. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Behrens and family and Lois and Ilene Nelson met his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Behrens of Norfolk at Neligh Monday for a picnic dinner together. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnes of Gering were Saturday and Sun day guests in the home of Mrs. Ivy Hopkins. Fred Summers, on leave from Tennessee where he is stationed was a guest in his parents home, Mr. and Mi's. Charles Summers. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ernst, for mer residents of the Eagle Creek district, and their daughter, Anna, and granddaughter of Miltonvale, Paul Shierk INSURANCE AGENCY O’NEILL. NEBR Insurance of AO Kinds Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hoffman . . . wed at Norfolk Kan., are visiting relatives in O' Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Tomlinson and family of Valley City, N. D., were weekend guests in the Anson Closson and Dick Tomlinson homes. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dexter and family and Foster Pokorny of Burwell were Monday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tomlinson. Sunday dinner guests in the home Mrs. Ive Hopkins were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Morey and Nancy and their daughter, Mrs. Frank leedom and daughter, Teryl of Sioux City, la., Danny Morey, on leave front Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Perry and family of O’Neill. Danny's parents took him back to his army assignment July 4. Mrs. C. C. Nelson of Bristow was a Saturday caller in the Esty Nelson home. Mrs. Nina Rust of Chadron left Tuesday for her home following a two week visit in the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Esty Nelson. Mrs. John Pruss and grandson, John returned Tuesday from Boulder, Colo, where they had vacationed for 10 days visiting Mrs.. Pruss’ son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hoehne and other relatives. John’s mo ther, Mrs. Ivan Pruss and Mrs. George Ries met them in West ern Nebraska and brought them home. Mr. and Mrs. James Coughlin of Denver, Colo, spent the Fourth of July with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Eld Wilson. Dervnis Walsh of Vail, la. vis ited Paul Ziska last weekend. Mrs. Jerry Carlson and son, Mike of Auburn spent Saturday and Sunday at the Joe Ziska home. Rita Joyce Waller Daniel Hoffman, jr. Exchange Vows Miss Rita Joyce Waller, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wal ler of O’Neill and Daniel W. Hof fman, jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Hoffman, sr. of Nor folk, were united in marriage in a Sunday, June 26 ceremony at St. John’s Lutheran church in Norfolk. The Rev. Robert Hulse officiated at the 3 p. m. double ring ceremony. Miss Paula Reed sang, “Be cause” and “Tihe Lord’s Prayer” accompanied by Mrs. Howard Manson at the organ. Baskets of white gladioli and blue chrysan themums decorated the sanctu ary. The bride, escorted to the altar by her father, appeared in a ballerina length gown of tulle and chantilly lace. The bodice featured a sabrina neckline and bridal sleeves. The bouffant skirt of tulle topped an underskirt of lace which cascaded down the sides of the skirt. Her fingertip illusion veil was caught in a crown of pearls and sequins. She carried a white orchid on a white Bible, a gift of the bridegroom. Mrs. Judy Sieke of Norfolk was the matron of honor. She wore a pastel blue ballerina length gown of nylon sheer with schif tle embroidery. A blue cummer bund encircled the waist flowing into a bow and streamers in the front. She carried a nosegay bou quet of white pom poms and chrysanthemums. Keith Collins of Coleridge wy» the best man. Ushers were Dick* Klug of Hader and Rodney Wil cox of Battlecreek. A reception followed the cere mony in the church parlors for 150 guests. Mrs. Hoffman is a graduate of O'Neill High school and is em ployed as a beautician in Norfolk. Mr. Hoffman graduated from Norfolk High school and is em ployed by Montgomery Ward in Norfolk. The couple will be at home at 205 E. Braasch, Norfolk following a wedding trip to the Black Hills. AT THE COURTHOUSE COUNTY COURT State vs. Zeta L. F. Quinn of Ainsworth, night speeding, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer—R. L. Gude, June 30. State vs. Orville Worden of Ne ligh, overweight on capacity plate, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer— Clifford L. Kizzire, June 30. State vs. Jack L. Bailey, driv er for C. J. Gatz of O’Neill, overweight on interior group of axles, fined $60 and $4 costs; of f*cer—Clifford L. Kizzire, June 30. State vs. Ed Em, driver for Duane Ertz of Butte, overweight on capacity plate, lined $10 and $4 costs; officer—Clifford L. Kiz zire, June 30. Slate vs. Blair D McGregor of Seattle, Wash., no reciprocity, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer— Cliifard L. Kizzire. July 1. State vs, Joseph L. Diginann of Rapid City, S. D., over length, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer— Clifford L. Kizzire, July 5, State vs. Wayne L. Johnson of Ainsworth, overweight on capac ity plate, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer—Donald F. Richardson, July 5. State vs. Ranald R. Burt, dri ver or Rock County Oil Co. of Bassett, overweight on axle, fin ed $70 and $4 costs; officer—Clif ford L. Kizzire, July 6. MARRIAGE LICENSE Bobbie Ford jr., 32, Omaha and Katherine Alice Berger, 22, Om aha, July 1. Robert Gartner, jr., 18, Cham bers and Miss Roberta Klabenes, 18, Ewing, July 5. O'Neill Locals Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Spittler and family were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Austin of Plainview, also present were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Austin and two sons of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Alex ander and two children. A the ater party followed the dinner. Mike Austin accompanied his cousins, the Spittler children home and will visit a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Gribble and daughter, Tann of Chambers, Mr .and Mrs. Sylvester Zakrzew ski, Donnie and Kathy Doietl of Denver, Colo., and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Latzel spent the Fourth fishing and boating at Fort Ran dall dam. Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Matthews of Lincoln are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde and Dean Streeter and Leo Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Janzing of Wahoo visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Janzing over the week-end. Joe Langan and Jasper Hitch cock, both of Columbus spent Tuesday in O’Neill on business. Liz DeWitt went to Columbus Tuesday to visit the Joe Lang an family also her grandparents and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Max Bergstrom and family of Ray, N. D. who had been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Cunningham at O’Neill and other relatives in this vicinity left Thursday for their home as did her sister Mrs. William Mosley and sons, Billy and Steve of Rockford, 111. Robert Hynes of Minneapolis, Minn, spent the Fourth of July weekend with his mother, Mrs. Loretta Hynes. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Donlin of Omaha were visitors over the weekend with his brother, John Joseph of north of O'Neill. H. L. Hammond of Areata, Calif, is visiting in O’Neill on his return from Miami, Fla. where he was a delegate to the Kiwanis International convention. He, his sister, Miss Mae D Hammond of Omaha and a brother, Arthur Hammond are visiting at the home of their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Moss. Mr. Hammond is public defender for Humboldt county in Califor nia. Mrs. Joe Jurgensmeier and children, Mary, James and Ro bert visited Sunday with Mr. Jur gensmier at the veterans hospital in Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Strong and family of Portland, Ore. ar rived Sunday and will spend a month visiting in the home of his father, Mr. C. A. Strong and with his brothers and sisters and their families here and at Nor folk. Mrs. Melvin Klingler of O’Neill is a sister. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. (Pete) Banks, Kathy and Karen of Cas per, Wyo. arrived Friday to spend a ten day vacation in the homes of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Banks and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Howard. Mr. Banks has employment at tne Casper hos pital. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pru den of Page joined the group for the July Fourth observance. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Baber and Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Weyer, all of Plainview, Mr. and Mrs. Cordes Walker and Kathleen and Mrs. Evelyn Gray of Page were Fourth of July guests of Mr. and Mrs. Duane Gray for a pic nic dinner and supper. Mi. did Mrs. Norm Klasna and daughter, Tanny of Lincoln were Saturday and Sunday guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Miner and Fourth of July guests in the Ernest Klas na home at Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kiser of In man and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Turnbull and son, LeVern of Texas were Saturday evening guests in the home of Mrs. Iva Hopkins. Mrs. Hazel Boatman was a weekend guest in the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lange and sons at Atkinson and enjoyed the fire works display at the Country Club enroute back to O’Neill Mon day evening. Lynn LeRoy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Juracek was bap tized at the Sunday morning wor ship service at the Christ Lu theran Church by the pastor, Rev. A. S. Gedwillo. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Juracek, paternal grand parents, and Mrs. Elsie Frerichs, maternal grandmother and Lyle and Vida French of Page and Mrs. Sophia Nekuda of Omaha paternal great grandmother were dinner guests in the Archie Jur acek borne. Miss Ethel Oeltjen of Palmer was a Thursday to Sunday guest in the home of her fiance, Rus sell Miner’s parents, Mr. and Mrs E. L. Miner Miss Oeltjen left Tuesday for San Beroadino, Calif, where she will spend a month visiting her aunt and un cle. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hering of Omaha were Friday evening guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bates and with rel atives at Emmett. Mr, and Mrs. Gene Bird and family returned Friday from De troit we here they vacationed in tahe home of her brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Mil ton M itched. While there they spent two days at Niagara Falls and also attended the New York Yankee and Detroit Tiger base ball game at Briggs stadium in Detroit. M iss Christine Herley celebrat ed her fourteenth birthday Tues day evening at a party for sev eral erf her friends, Mrs, Martha Tate of Dallas. Ore. arrived Monday at the home of her brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Johnson. The Johnsons took her to the home of the ladies mother, Mrs. Er nest Miller near Verdigre Tues day. Mrs. Tate will spend a week here Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Johnson were Fourth of July guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs, Dave Johnson at Creighton. Mr. and Mrs. Ken McDonald of El Cajon, Calif., left Mon day for their home after a va cation spent with her mother, Mrs. Chris McGinn and Mr. Mc Ginn and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Clauson, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Patton and L. C. Walling spent Sunday and July Fourth at Scalp Creek in South Dakota on board a house boat, They report fairly good fishing. Glea Wade was owner and pilot of the boat. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nelson and Sharon went to Adrian, Minn, where they were week-end guests in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. William Rowe. Their son, Bill, stayed at Ft. Randall where he enjoyed boating and water skiing. An executive meeting of the W S C S will be held Monday July 11 at the O’Neill Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. William McEl vain and son, Greg left for Se attle, Wash. Thursday morning where he will be employed as an experimental electronic tech nician for Boeing Aircraft. Bill received his diploma from the Radio Engineering Institute in Omaha on Tuesday, June 11th. They have been visiting in the Ralph McEilvain and James Cov entry homes for the past two weeks. Harry Smith accompanied by Nels Linquist were Wednesday to Saturday business visitors in the Sheidan, Wyo. vicinity. They re port a shortage of grass in the area and cattle are being shipped out. Mr. and Mrs. George Oetter and family of Omaha were weekend guests of her father Ben Miller. Mrs. Oeter and children re inained with her father as Mrs. Miller is caring for her mother, Mrs. John Hauf at Lucas, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Ritts and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Timmerman were Saturday evening visitors in the Nels Linquist home. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hawk of Omaha were Week-end guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Snyder. Marvin has employment at the Omaha Cold Storage Plant. Engagements Mr. ami Mrs. Henry Straka of Stuart announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Marilyn Jean, to Louis Laihle, son of Mr. and Mrs. John I>albie of Atkinson. The bride-elect is a graduate of Marymount college, School of Nursing, Salina, Kan. She is pre sently a member of the staff of St. Anthony’s hospital in O’Neill. A September wedding is planned. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Snyder of O’Neill announce the approach ing marriage of their daughter, Dianne to Thomas Cunningham, son of Mrs. R. M. Conard of St. Helens, Ore. A July 1J wedding is planned. Teen Age Hop_ SATURDAY. JULY 9 AMERICAN LEGION BALLROOM O'Neill, Nebraska THE BROUGHAMS Featuring — Ron Thompson and Dick Allison CHAPERONED BY Mr. and Mrs. Vem Reynoldson Mr. and Mrs. Vlrg Laurson - Shown here as they gathered for the llardtng family reunion Sunday are .lint Harding, Iaives Park, III., Wilma Haven. Roscoe, III., laris Kortje, Norfolk, Tom Harding, Petersburg, Rosa Harding. O’Neill, .Mildred Hobbs, Kwing, niff Harding. O’Neill. Edna Huebert, O’Neill, Vern Harding, O'Neill and Inn Nelson of llartinglon. .Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Hartak . . . wed 50 years A Poem From Mrs. Eby .. • —Against a Thorn— Once I heard a song of sweetness as it cleft the morning air, Sounding in its blest complete ness, like a tender pleading prayer; And I sought to find the singer, whence the wonderous song was borne; (And I found a bird, sore wound ed, pinioned by a cruel thorn.) I have seen a soul in sadness, while it's wings with pain were furl'd, Giving hope and cheer and glad ness that should bless a weep ing world; And I knew that life of sweet ness was of pain and sorrow borne (And a stricken soul was sing ing with it’s heart against a thorn.) You are told of one who loved you, of a Saviour crucified. You are told of nails that pinion ed and a spear that ipierced His side, You are told of cruel scourging, of a Saviour bearing scorn, (And he died for your salvation wan ms orow against a uiorn.i You “are not above the Master” will you breathe a sweet re frain? And His grace will be sufficent when your heart is pierced with pain. Will you live to bless His loved ones, tho your life be bruised and torn. (Like the bird that sang so sweet ly, with its heart against a thorn.) 11 Cor 12: 7-9 Servicemen's News . . . Army recruit Michael B. Liddy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Liddy of O'Neill completed the eight-week radio relay and car rier operation course June 24 at The Southeastern Signal School at Fort Gordon, Ga. Liddy was trained to operate and maintain field radio relay systems and carrier equipment. He entered the Army last January and received basic training at Fort Riley, Kan. The 19-year-old soldier is a 1958 graduate of O’Neill high school and attended the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. PAGE Sp/4 Jack R. Hartman, son of Mrs. Mary C. Hartman of Page participated with other personnel from the eighteenth Ordnance Company which recently provid ed weapons maintenance support for the forty fourth Artillery dur ing its annual practice in Ger many. Specialist Hartman, an artillery repairman in the company in Karlsruhe, entered the army in May 1950 and arrived overseas on this tour of duty in December 1958. The 28-year-old soldier is a 1950 graduate of Page high school. Phone Your News to The Frontier Phone 788 Inman News By Mrs. James McMahan Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Watson were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Perry of Borger, Tex., Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Watson of Rapid City, S. I>., and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Tom linson and Bonnie and Jackie of O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Watson left Tuesday for their home in Rapid City, S. D., after spending the weekend visiting Mr. Watson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Watson and also relatives in O' Neill. They were accompanied to Rapid City by Mrs. Watson's mother, Mrs. Tess Murray of O' Neill, who will visit there for a few weeks. Marvin Stewart, who is em ployed at Amelia, spent the week end visiting his mother, Mrs. Violet Stewart. Reverend and Mrs. Bob Linder and Dick and Mrs. Linder’s mother, Mrs. Stockwell and sister, Mrs. Virginia Kennedy and Nikki andPatty were guests at the Har vey Tompkins home Monday. Linolle Claire Tompkins spent the Fourth of July weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Haney A. Tompkins and family. Unt ile is working at Nebraska Wesleyan University this summer where she is secretary for Hr Walter French and his accocintes in the physics department. John Schrunk jr of Denver, Colo., was an overnight guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Hanks and family. John Schrunk sr. ,of Inman ac companied his son. John jr., to Atkinson Wednesday evening where they visited in the Ralph Schrunk home. Mr. and Mrs. James Hanks and family visited In the Sam Hanks homo at O’Neill Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dean DeUing and family of Omaha visited Friday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeLong enroute to South Dakota to spend the week end visiting other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Keyes and family, Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keyes, Mrs. Blanch Rouse and Mildred Keyes spent the weekend visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Vidlak and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burgstrom in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. James Hanks and famiy were Fourth of July guests in the W. E. Rickard home at Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Myrle DeLancey and family and Edwin Stewart of Omaha and Barbara DeLancey of Fullerton spent the weekend visit ing Mrs. Violet Stewart and Everett. I Fri. - Sat. July 8 0 Double Feature BED OF THE RIVER James Stewart Rock Hudson AND DARBV O’DILL & THE LITTLE PEOPLE Albert Sharp Sean Connery BOTH IN CO I/JR Sun. - Mon. • Tues. July 10 - 11 • 12 WILD RIVER Montgomery Clift Lee Remick Jo Van Fleet Albert Salmi In Color and Cartoon Wed. linn. July 13 - J l Buck Nights «‘30” Jack Webb David Nelson PLUS HORN RECKLESS Mamie Van Doren O'Neill Photo Co. SUMMER SPECIAL 1— 3x4 Black and White Enlargement 24 Black and White Exchange Prints /«**4- * *1.50 Natural Color Portraits 1 Mantle Size in Folder 12 Billfold Size Prints *2.95 (One person only on each picture) July 18 Through July 23 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. July 24 - 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. O'Neill, Nebraska Phone I ---j