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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1960)
4-H Club Notes l.AI*i AND LASSIES T-Shirt Lad and Lassies 4-H club met at the Stoffer home Sun day. The afternoon was spent fishing. The meeting was called to order by Jerri Ersert and the roll was called by Winifred Stof fer with each member answer ing by naming the different fish they'd caught earlier in the af ternoon Cheryl Eisert and Peg gy Eppenbach were v isitors, Members then toured Stoffers garden for their gardening pro ject They also toured the yard anil identified each flower. Ella Boelter, leader, assigned each member lessons on their pro jects. Next meeting will be at the Boelter home July 24. Reporter Ronald Haselhorst. EAGLE HUSTLERS The Be«*f division of the 4 H Eagle Hustlers met Tuesday night with Joe Luebcke, with all members present. Roll was answered by giving a safety hint. It was decided that some rainy day the club will take a tour of some points of interest We had a healthful judging quiz and we worked on oar 0-10-2 re _ lOtfr CASH LOANS Auto, Furniture etc. O'Neill Loan Co. VIRGIL LAURSEN THE MAN TO SEE Joe Fenton World Book Encyclopedia Representative _H First in sales to America’s Homes - Schools - Libraries. There's a reason—Find out why Phone 512 — 308 E. Adams porta Our leader, Harold Mekrb er, had our results of judging day from A. J. Snyder and we saw the results erf each mem ber After the meeting we re viewed Cell's and Mary Lou's calves and also Mary Lou’s horse project. Mrs, Luebcke served hunch July 19 meeting will be with Alvin Crumly New sre porter, Becky Beelaert EAGLE HUSTLERS The Eagle Hustlers Electromo tive division 4-H club held their regular meeting Thursday at the Bruce Bowen home All members were present. The meeting was called to order by James Melch er. Roll call was answered by nam ing a road hazard. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. 4-H camp was dis cussed. Val Stauffer displayed his en tomology equipment and Tom Mel cher explained his yard beautifi cation project. After the meeting lunch was served by Mrs. Roger Bowen. Next meeting will be July 8 with Tom Scheinost Tom Melcher, Reporter Naper News By Mrs. John Schonebuum Mr and Mrs Henry Seevers of Norfolk came Tuesday and visited until Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. August Ahlers. Mrs. Carl Cunningham was a dinner guest Saturday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Kra mer. Linda Heermann went to Wis ner last Sunday to spend a two weeks vacation with her aunt and family, the John Raymers. Mrs. William Goodman, Don na, Marie and Jerry were Friday evening visitors in the Howard Hovey home to help Mrs. Hovey celebrate her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Max Higgins and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis and family and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Allpress and sons were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Claus Seih left Thursday afternoon for Rapid City, S. D., to visit with rela tives. On their way they stop ped at Mission, S. D. and spent Thursday evening in the Ken Stoltenberg home. Mr and Mrs. Herman Fuhrer of Butte were Wednesday visit ors in the George Ahlers home. Mr and Mrs Ernest Jurcak and Mr. and Mrs. H. M Mo whirter ol Stuart were Sunday visitors and dinner guests of Mrs. Susie Spahn and family. Mr and Mrs Henry Seevers and Mr and Mrs. August Ah lers were Tuesday evening vis itors in the Wayne Ahlers home. Mr. and Mrs. Ormal Clayton and sons of Jacksonv ille, Fla , came last Thursday and visited until Tuesday with relatives and friends. Mrs. Clayton is a sis ter of Jim McLaughlin, The Marlin Breyer family re turned to their home Monday af ter spending their vacation with relatives and friends here. Mr Alfred Whitley was brought home Saturday morning from the Burke hospital where he had been a patient since Monday. Mr. and Mrs Ed Vogt and family, Mr. and Mrs, Paul Nue miller and son, Mr. and Mrs. Don Vogt and Kelly and Fern and Sharon Vogt helped Mr and Mrs. Johnnie Seih celebrate their tenth wedding anniversary at their home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Anderson of Butte and Mrs. Cecilia Ander son of Omaha were Thursday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Anderson and Gloria. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Serr and daughter of Garden Grove, Calif, arrived Friday June 24 to visit with his father, Julius Serr and sister Loma and family. Mr and Mrs. Warren Kerns and family of Slorissant, Mo. arrived Monday, June 20 to vis it his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Kern, Mrs. Carl Cunningham left Monday for Orchard and then to Omaha where she will visit with the Ray Canning ham family. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Whitley. Mr. Alfred Whitley and Lucy Whitley attended the fiftieth an niversary of Mr. and Mrs Dave Beck of Paxton, S. D. Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Anderson and Gloria and Marlyn Rieman were last Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Kern and family. Mrs. Lawrence Nagel, Mrs. Lester Anderson, Mrs. Minnie Wentz, Mrs. Stella Cunningham and Mrs. Ben Fuhrer visited Mrs. Etta Bennett at the Kirsh rest home in Spencer on Thurs day afternoon. Monday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Speck Whitley and fam ily were Mr. and Ormal Clayton and sons of Jacksonville, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. Gene McLaughlin of Bonesteel, Mr. and Mrs. Jim McLauglin and family and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Whitley and family. Warren Kern and Charlie jr took his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Kern to Stanton Sunday where theye visited in the C. C. Kern home. On their way they picked up Warren’s wife and children at Tilden where she had been visiting her mother. Mrs. Stella Cunningham was a Tuesday afternoon visitor in the Mary Nicalous home. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ahlers and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Schonebaum. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Anderson and Gloria were Tuesday eve ning barbecue supper guests of f Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Kern. Mr. and Mrs John Stahlecker entertained the following couples: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shierk of O' Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gil bert of Gregory, S. D., Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Juran and son of Burke, S. D., Mr. and Mrs. Jun ior Raymond and family of Bone steel and Mr. and Mrs Harlan Stahlecker and family of Wood, S. D. at a dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bensen and family of Marshall, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Stahleck er and daughters of Omaha are i Personal Property Public Aucti n of Mrs. George Peterson 627 E. DOUGLAS STREET O'NEILL, NEBRASKA SATURDAY, JULY 9 Sale Starts 2 p.m. Terms: Cash. 2 Piece living room suite Dishes 3 Piece bedroom suite Gas cook stove | 5 Piece chrome dinette set Dining table 2 Rockers Large assortment of tools 2 Roll-a-way beds, like new 1 Dozen new glass building blocks 1 Wicker flower box 15 Ft. ladder, nearly new 1 Davenport Step ladder 1 Bookcase sectional Trouble light 1 Parlor table Extension cords Hotpoint washing machine 2 Saw horses Floor and table lamp .22 Rifle 2 Kitchen stoves Garden hose Fruit jars Other articles not mentioned SPECIAL NOTE: Anyone wishing to sell personal property at this sale may do so by contacting the cleric, auctioneer or Mrs. Peterson. VERN and LEIGH REYXOLDSON, auctioneers VIRG LAI'RSEX, clerk vesting with relatives here and at Jamison. They were Thurs day evening guests of Mr ami Mrs. John Stahlecker and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs Marlin Breyer were Sunday morning callers m the Oliver Whitley hi m Mr. and Mrs Harold F°nson and family at Marshall Minr came Friday evening and rpert until! Sunday m the home of Mr and Mrs John Stahlecker ami family. Eighty-five relatives attended the Vogt reunion at the Yankton Park on Sunday. June 26 Those attending from here were Mr and Mrs Claus Vogt and daugh ters. Mrs Darlrne Martin, Mr. and Mrs John Seih and family. M- and Mr* Clari Vogt and f mi y. Mrs Barbara Vogt and Ed V»-gi, Mr. and Mrs Robert Stoltenberg, Mr and Mrs Mar tin Vogt ami family, Mr ami , Mrs Gary Vogt and family, Mr and Mrs Lyle Klein and son, Mr ami Mrs Henry Vogt and Mrs Grace Ajdiss Rev and Mrs George Rothe ami son of Sturgis, S D and Rev and Mrs Carl H Ulmer f"om Mi wrist own, s I>, came Sunday evening and are visiting with Rev and Mrs. Kenneth St rack and Susan until Wednes day. Mr and Mrs Henry St .'Meek er and Laura were Sunday din ner guests of Mr and Mrs Will iam Ullrich Barb«'cue dinner guests at die Rev. Strack home Tuesday were their house guests. Rev and Mrs George Rotho, Rev and Mrs Carl HiUmer, Rev and Mrs Dave Plooker of Winner, S D , and Rev. and Mrs Carl Fuhlbrigge of Mission, S D. Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays I Shop 8:30 • 5:30 Saturday 8:30 - 9:00 O'Neill, Nebraska BLANKET SALE! RAYON and ORLO JUMBO BARG 3 Compare at 4.98 * A terrific savings! Extra warmth is the highlight of deep napped rayon and Orion*acrylic fiber. LARGE . . . 72x90" ... fits your bed generously—no skimping! Little care—washes and dries easily. No storage worries—it's mothproof. Six popular colors: turquoise, cherry, green, gold, camel or pink. 5" acetate satin binding. BUY NOW and . PAY LATER ON GAMBLES EASY TERMS. 125*1240 (/owi Choice! BEACON BLANKETS * RICH PLAID with firmly woven nop gives you "all night" warmth! Softness is the keynote of rayon Orlon® acrylic. Washes and dries quickly. 6" acetate satin binding. White with overtones of red, tur quoise, or toast. 72x90". 1J5-1337 31/4 LB. PLAIN colorsi Blue, pink, yellow, red, green, or beige. Fine blend of rayon-Orlon® acrylic is non-allergenicand moth-resistant. Wonderfully warm. Rich, luxurious nap. Matching 6 in. nylon binding. Full 72x90" 135-1241 SAVE! 100% ORION SAV ! LOVELY PRINT Regularly 8.98 Regularly 6.99 All Orion® acrylic! Fluffy soft—luxury- A beauty of a buy for warmth, wear and B^BB^B weight and REALLY toasty warm. Ex- easy care! Rayon, cotton, and Orion® B|^P travagantly large 72x90" size gives you acrylic blend provides that EXTRA cozy K K plenty of tuck-in! So easy to wash! So comfort without weight. A dream to wash! quick to dry! Keeps that "just new" look! A joy to’ store—mothproof! Neat 6" ace No storage problem here—mothproof— tate border. Choice of pink or gold print C ^\C mildew-proof. Matching nylon binding—6 for decorator beauty. They’re perfect in. Choose blue, pink,red, gold, or green. gifts, too. Jumbo size 72x90". 125-1245 125-1247 UV/ W IM 'Prlem end effcn apply '# ell Gambt»-own*d iterm. Gombt«-$koflmo Aufborlitd Dtolart »l tbalr own prlem end Hfm."