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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1960)
Naper News By Mr*. John Vbun#baam Sunday afternoon visitor* in the home of Mr. and Mrs Philip Holmgren were Mr and Mrs. Stanley Regjww Burke S. D., Mr and Mrs Ohris Wetzler and Marthatta of Herrick, S D-, Mr and Mrs Henry Holmgren and Nola Ann and Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Kibtoy. Mr and Mrs Chris Wetzler and Marthetta were sup per guests William Blakkofh left on Sunday for St. Lzans, Mo,, where he will attend the REA convention. A number of relatives helped Mr. and Mrs. Everett Green cele brate their 24th wedding anniver sary at their home on Tuesday evening. Those present were Mr and Mr*. Marlin Green of Bristow, Mr. and Mrs. Herman HiagUous and son, Mr. and Mrs. John Ni calous of Butte, Merlin Green, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Vogt and family of Herrick, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nicaiuus and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Blum and family and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schmitz and family, Mr. and Mis. Lyle Klein and sun of Bonesteel Pro gressive pitch was played at five tables for the evening. Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Kerns to help them observe their 25th wedding anniversary were: Marilyn Riemiin of Butte and Mr and Mrs. Abbie Lund of St. Charles, S. D Mrs. Susie Spahn observed her lOth birthday on Sunday, Fehru - - - - — — — . wry U at her home with a duawr which included two birthday cakes. .Hiked by Lydia Spahn and Mrs. Juiacek. Those present lor the dinner were Mr. and Mrs Walter Stahleeker and family, the Robert Stahleeker and family of Hones!eel S D-. and Mr and Mrs Ernest Juracek and sons The afteiTKxjn was spent visiting and taking pictuies. A number of relatives went to the home of Mr and Mrs William Vogt on Sunday to help them cele brate their 25th wedding anniver sary Those present were Mr. and Mrs Emil Zeisler and Leonard. Mr and Mrs Carl Vogt and fami ly, Edward Vogt, Mrs Barbara Vogt, Mr and Mrs. Bert Johnson and family of Spencer Mr and Mrs. Martin Vogt and family of Herrick, S. D., Mr and Mrs Lyle Klein and son of Bonesteel. S D., Mr and Mrs. Gary Vogt of Fairfax. S. D-, Mr. and Mrs. Al fred Carlson and daughters of Fairfax and Mr and Mrs. Wayne Schonefeld, Mrs. Carlson baked a cake for the occasion. Progressive pitch was played for the evening Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Ahlers and family moved to Naper Tues day. They have rooms at the Mean Broekemeier home. The Donald Schmitz family moved to the place they Ixnight from Laurence Aiders on Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Schmitz and family were dinner guests in the Glenn Allpress home to observe the birthday of Mrs. Harvey Davis. Evening guests in the All pres* tame to help her celebrate were Mr and Mrs. Maa Higgins and family Mr and Mrs Donald Sc buck, Mrs William Biakkulb. Mr. and Mrs. William Schuck, Mr. and Mrs. Max Brown, Mr. and Mrs. John Schonebaum Progres sive pitch was played at five tables for the evening after which a lunch was served. Mr and Mrs. William UUnch were Sunday dinner guests in the George Alexander home. After noon visitors were Mr. and Mrs Johnnie Mitchell and sons of spencer — Ewing News By >liw llorenw tindsey Mr. ami Mrs Elmer Williamson I attended a Co-Operative Council meeting held February 16 and 17 at the Castle Hotrt in Omaha They were guests at the home of their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williamson while there. The Williamsons returned home late Wednesday in a new car which they purchased in Omaha Mrs. Elmer Williamson and Joan accompanied by Mrs. C, C. Hahlbeek transacted business in Creighton on Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Elmer Williamson attended a seed com meeting and banquet on Monday at Norfolk. The World Day of Prayer will be observed in Ewing on March 4th, at 2:00 p.m. at the First Me thodist church. Other churches participating will be the United Presbyterian and the Riverside Free Methodist. "Labourers To gether with God will be the them* for the program Miss Doris Lou Gunter of Nor , folk was a guest over the weekend with her grandparent*. Mr anc Mrs Dewitt Gunter and Mrs Anna Pollock, Miss Pollock is a teachei i in the Norfolk schools. A district youth Aally was (held Sunday at Clcarwter and was attended by the following M\r i members of the Ew ing Methodisi Church. Leonora Tuttle. Karen, j Larry. Russell and Ronnie Tuttle Sandra Elliot and Mane Davis lr attendance also were Rev. and | Mrs. Woodrow Elliott and Mr and Mrs. Marcus Pierson who are the sponsors of the Ewing group Mr. and Mrs. Carl Christen cat led her parents. Mr and Mrs- A1 bert Larson from Cottage Grove, Ore., one day last week- They were guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. George Hohlman and family, former residents of the Ewing community . Birthday greet ing were also extended to Mrs. Larson who celebrated a birthday on February 22. Guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert I-arson were their daughter and son-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer Guests at the home of Mrs Vera Anson on Sunday were Mr and Mrs Vance Anson and fami ly of Neligh. The Pitch club was entertained Thursday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs. Ralph Munn High score was won by Earner Bergs trom and low by Jerry Tomjaek for the men. Mrs. Tomjaek won high for the ladies and Mrs. Bergs trom, low. The traveling prize Went to Mrs R H Sham. Guests i "w Mrs Rose Bauer and Mr i and Mrs Bergstrom. Refreshments were served by the hosts. Mr and Mrs Earl Billings visi ted her mother. Mrs Mrytle Kimos on Sunday at her home in Clearwater Afternoon and dinner guests or Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Gail Boies were Mrs Rose Ikiuer and family and Miss Geral dine Bauer of Norfolk, who spent the weekend with her mother Miss Sherry Tuttle has accepted a position at the home office of Mutual of Omaha and United of Omaha Shi' is a graduate of the Ewing high school. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Vearl Tuttle of Ewing. The United Presbyterian church making plans for their annual Easter cantata which will be pre oii'U on the evening of Easter Sunday. I>r, and Mrs William Ross re-1 turned home Friday from Kansas: where they visited relatives at Clay Center and Sterling They called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Napier at Sterling. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawk of Ewmg were married thirty-five years ago on February 18th. To celebrate the occasion, a group of triends and relatives arrived at their home Friday evening for an informal party. A decorated wedding cake was presented to them anil served as a part of the refreshments which included cakes, sandwiches, pick les and coffee. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Waller and Wen anah Mi and Mrs David Burk i Cathy and Sue Mr ami Mrs. Wil liam Hubei, Billy and Janette, Mr j ami Mrs YVYsK n Larson, Shirley ; and Tim, Mr and Mrs Robert j Kreiziger Mr ami Mi's. Leo Lydon, | Mr. and Mrs William Whelan, j Mr Fitchett. Mrs Anna Klein | ami A1 ThOendel, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tom jack were tionored guests on Sunday at the1 Tome of their daughter and son n-lavv, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawk end family The occasion to eele- j irate their February birthday an mxersartes A one o'clock dinner was served i and the afternoon htKirs were u>ent visiting Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Herley ami family of Clearwater and Mr. and Mrs Albert Kallhoff and familx if O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs Harold Savidge mo family returned on Monday to their home in Minnesota after sending the weekend with his mother. Mrs. Anna Savidge. Mrs. Anna Sax idge entertained it a family dinner party at her tome on Saturday evening. Guests acre Mr. and Mrs. Bud Bartak md family of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Savidge and family from Minnesota. Bob Knapp of Brookings. S. IV .pent the weekend at the home of lis parents, Mr. and Mrs. L«xm ard Knapp. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack left Thursday on a combined; Hisiness ami pleasure trip to Cali 'ornia. While they are gone, Cathy and Steven will l>e guests at the! tome of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard vnapp of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs Everett Taylor of Oakdale. Guo >is an Sunday at the home id Mr. ami Mrs. Leonard Knapp were Miss Lots Jackson of Huron. S O , Mrs. Kenneth Hunt of O'Neill. Mr and .Mrs. Grover Shaw anil Julie of Ewing and Bob Knapp of Brookings, S D. Mr and Mrs. Eil Urban ac- j cumpanied Mr. and Mrs Fred Bollwitt to Norfolk on Saturday] on a combined business and pleasure trip Mr. and Mrs Victor Bollwitt and family were Saturday even ing guests at tin* home id Mr. anil Mrs Ed Urban. L>r. and Mrs. L R. Suttcliffe of O Neill were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Max Wan ser and family. Miss Judy Wanser of Omaha ms to siviui the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Max Wanser, she also will at lend the wedding of a friend on Saturday at Long Pine. Dr. and Mrs l,eo Spittler and family of Norfolk were Sunday guests at the home of his mother, Mrs. Laura Spittler. Richard Spittler of Valentine spent Tuesday and Wednesday with his mother, Mrs. luiura Spittler. Mrs Sam Regan and children ac companied by her mother, Mrs Laura Spittler were supper and evening guests at the Robert Bank home Monday. Mrs. Regan had accompanied William Hobbs to Omaha on Imsmess the same day. tVlipon Special—6:70x15 Nylon Ttrc, Sli.SS plus lax. Scovic’s West ern Auto. 44o O'Neill Locals Mrs. Jerry McGinn ami lVhtne wore WffkiSld visitors of Pebble s great-grandmother, Mrs. UUian McGinn of Plain view, Mrs Wilbert Wuthalm amt daughter, Cindy, of Ash Grove community were Monday after noon guests In the homo of Mr. and Mrs Bruce Johnson Mr. and Mrs Marvin Ziska amt family attended a surprise birth day party for Mrs. diaries Ziska of Atkinson on Friday evening. Mrs. Ziska is the mother of Mar vin. Jerry McGinn amt Mr. and Mrs. R K McGinn motored to Omaha Friday to attend the golden glove matches at the Civic Auditorium. Their son and brother. Jack Mc Ginn, was a participant in the matches. Mr and Mrs. James Jankiewie* amt family motored to Verdigre and Creighton last weekend to visit Mrs. A. IV Thomas of Pal las, Tex., who was visiting at the home of Mr and MYs. R. P. Tharmsh. Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Jnnkievvic/ are sisters. Coupon Special—Reveruable 11” electric drill. Scovle’x Western lute. tie Alice’s Beauty Shop lt€>x. S doors west of Tmkw ISA Fan! Oouglax Phone 263 — O’Neill lot Entitles you to a Hot Dog on a Bun and Coffee or Dr. Pepper, Orange or Squirt Pop at the Thursday and Friday NEW from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. OUTLAW Saturday from 2 to 9 p.m. All Proceeds go to the Boy Scouts a. k k k k k k \ A Salute To The \ [ BOY SCOUTS t of America ^ While you shop ut The OI'TI^AW this weekend, enjoy a treat and remember to have a hot doR and pop. Your 10c | donation rocs to the Boy Scouts. I VAN CAMPS __ SWIFT'S PREMIUM WIENERS u,. 4I9C > OUTLAW’S BEST j PORK SAUSAGE Lb. 29c | LEAN PORK STEAK ..Lb. 39c j WHJSON’S Sl'K i:» LUNCH MEAT Lb. 39c School Day Peanut Butter 3-lb. jar $1.19 Baker's CARAMEL or Lemon Chips 6-oz. pkg. 19c Oyster Shells 50-lb. bag 75c Del Monte Seedless Raisins . 30-oz. pkg. 49c Ken-L Ration Dog Food .6 cans $1.00 Sugar Wafer Cookies .Full pound 39c Blue Bonnet Oleo .4 Lbs $1.00 Derby Chile ... 3 1 1 -oz. cans $1.00 Kraft 10-oz. Marshmallows . 2 Pkgs. 45c Shop at the Shop at the OUTLAW for OUTLAW for Top Quality Your Best Produce Produce Specials EXTR A FANCY WIN ESAP APPLES 4 Lbs- 39c 8UNKI8T — Size ORANGES Doz- 39c FRESH CRISP CARROTS Cello pkg. 0c CLEAR CUT REEN BEANS 303 cans 2jc _ 1 MORRELL. LARD O-lb. can R WAY DILL PICKLES Half gal. jj^c IJBBY'S GRFRUIT JUICE 0 46-oz. cns. $1 ALMA SW. POTATOES 2% can 2JC IJPTON Chicken Noodle SOUP Pk. of 3 for 00c WILDERNESS — Lemon PIE FILLING No. 2 can 9Qc