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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1960)
MIm Janice Bench of Portland, Ore. became Ihe bride of I iirry O. Parks on Saturday, Feb. fi in a one o’clock ceremony at St. John's Nazarene church, Portland, Ore. Mr. Parks Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Owen II. Parks of Page. He In a graduate of Page high school and attended Mlltonvale Col lege at Mlltonvale, Knnx. The couple lire at home at 111.1 First N., Seattle, Hash, where Mr. Parks Is presently employed. Mrs. Louis Sojka Louis Sojka of Ewing Weds Columbus Nurse; Will Live in Omaha Miss Jacqueline Jean Michael sen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin M. Michaelsen, Columbus, became the bride of Dr. lziuis A. Sojka, Omaha, Saturday at the St. Bonaventure Catholic church in Columbus. Dr. Sojka is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sojka Sr., Ewing. Rev. Albert Polt, Norfolk, Conn., cousin of the bride, per formed the double ring 11 a.m. ceremony before 150 guests. Bou quets of stock and white carnations j decorated the altar. Margaret Mary Mrzlak, the bride's cousin, was at the organ, with Lawrence Terazon soloist. Escorted to the altar by her father, the bride wore a gown of antique satin fashioned with long tapering sleeves and a scoop neck line with scallops. Pearls and sequins set off the embroidered j ehantilly lace empire bodice and the princess skirt was frosted with sequin and pearl trimmed lace spray appliques and extended into a court train beneath a bustle, bow with streamers. A crown of alternating pearl edged petals of satin and lace held : her veil of silk bridal illusion. Miss Jeannie Olson, Beatrice, was maid of honor, and Miss Rosie Gottula, Lincoln, was brides maid. They wore street length gowns of beige silk organza and carried princess style bouquets of bronze and gold pompons. Circlets of gold pompons in their hair completed their attire. Michelle Hae Micnaeisen, sister of the bride, was flower girl wearing a white silk organza dress fashioned like those of the brides maids. Dr. James Duseman, Omaha, was best man, and Carl Sojka, Page, was groomsman. Ushers were Joe Mowad and Lee Bevilac qua, both of Omaha. A reception and dinner given by the bride’s parents immediately followed the ceremony at St. Bon aventure Memorial Hall. Arrange ments of bronze and gold pompons decorated the tables and the wed ding cake was flanked by esper gnes of white candles and pom pons in the bride’s colors The bride wore a navy blue costume accented by a corsage of white feathered mums for her going away dress. Mrs. Sojka is a graduate of St. j Elizabeth School of Nursing in Lincoln. She was employed by St. Elizabeth s before her marriage. The bridegroom attended Ewing high school and is a graduate of Creighton School of Medicine in Omaha. He is presently complet ing post-graduate training there The couple will live at 111 North 42 St. in Omaha. Name O^Neill Captains For Heart Fund Drive Heart Sunday will tie observed here this Sunday as O'Neill women solicit residences for heart fund donations from 12 to 3 pm. Mrs. Marvel Jean Batenhorst, the local Heart Fund Drive chair man, announced the area captains. | They are Mrs. Harold Mlinar. Mrs. Ben Bazelman, Mrs. C. R Mrs. Marge Sfuifbergen, and Mrs. J Iona Id Franklin. Working with these captains will be a woman from each city block to solid! in her Mock. Ewing Board Offers Teachers New Contracts The Board of Education of the Ewing public schools met Wednes day and offered contracts to all teachers. A contract had previous ly been offered to Supt. G. D. Ryan. Others are: Lena B. Baker, mathematics; Gary Tessmer, com m Tcial; Thomas D. Hutton, ath letic coach, Amber Schlotman, English and government; George Keller, science; Helen Grim, kin dergarten; Ruth Hansen, first and second grades; Neva Bergstrom, third and fourth grades; Fern Rexin, fifth and sixth grades and Beulah Black, seventh and eighth grades. Mr. Hutton, who has worked the past six years during the vaca tion months at Glacier National Park, plans to take up this work permanently and has presented his resignation accordingly to take effect at the close of the school year. Recreation School Set Wednesday at Legion A district recreation training school is scheduled to be held in O'Neill Wednesday, sponsored by t h e Nebraska state Extension school. The school is open to any or ganization that includes in its pro gram activities covered by the school. The session will begin at 8:30 .1 m. at the Legion Hall. The program, designed to em phasize techniques of teaching re creation for youth and adult groups, will include leather crafts, aluminum engravings, group sing ing, stunts and skits, folk danc ing, party planning and other games for older people. Program personnel will include representatives from the Univer sity of Nebraska and associate state 4-H leaders. C3 I Saturday, Feb. 27 Jr. Legion Auxiliary Bake Sale, ; 9:30 a m. i Tuesday, March 1 O'Neill Women’s Club, Mrs. Ver non Lorenz home, Book review Catholic Daughters, business meeting WCTU Merrimyx BCA, Mrs. Leigh Reynoldson Wednesday, March 2 Legion Auxiliary Thursday, March 3 What Not Extension, Mrs. Ted Kyster Presbyterian Women’s Assoc. Club Notes Grattan Farmerettes Mrs. Alvin Vorce was hostess to Grattan Farmerettes Extension club Wednesday, Feb. 17. Mrs. Kenneth Ellingson gave the les son, “More Meals for your Money.” Eight members were present. Mrs. V'orce served lunch follow ing the meeting. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Ellingson. O’Monde Mrs. Lou Reimer jr was hostess Tuesday evening to O'Monde members following dinner in O' Neill. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Larry Schaeffer. ; Kebekah Rebekah Lodge members met in regular session Friday even ing. Following the meeting lunch was served by Mrs. Ray Schuch mann and Mrs. II. L. Lindberg. Janawa Janawa club met at the home of Mrs. Esther Morgan Monday evening. Bridge winners were Mrs. John Stuifbergen and Miss La , Veta Lehn. O’Neill Women's Club O'Neill Women’s Club will meel Tuesday, March 1. at the home ol Mrs. Vernon Lorenz. This is a change in the meeting place. Mrs , Jim Champion will review a book for the program. Izithenui ladlrs Aid Thirty men and women met Thursday evening at Christ Luth eran church fur a joint meeting of the Lutheran Ladies Aid and the Men s club. Rev A S. Gedwdlo presented the topic discussion, “God s Per son." The clubs then met for separate business meetings. A social evening followed the meetings including an oyster din ner. Hosts and hostesses were Mrs. Duane McKay. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Krugman and Don Meyer. M.NO The MNO Extension club met Tuesday evening at the home of; Mrs. Bob Forward with Mrs. Bernard Schmitz as co-hostess. The lesson. “More Meals for your Money." was given by Mrs ijeonard Davis and Mrs Russ Force. Mrs. Marvel Batenhorst became a new member. Guests were Mrs. Orville Nickeson. Mrs Lee Jack son and Mi's. Bob Roberts. Mrs. Gene Hastreiter will be hostess next meeting. Boyd knights Entertain The Knights of Columbus council of Boyd county entertained their wives and friends at the Spencer I Community hall Sunday evening, I Feb. 21. Grand Knight Leo Lich j tenberg welcomed the large at j tendance and acted as master of I ceremonies. Rev. Father Steinhausen showed I a film concerning the activities ' of the order after which a social hour was enoyed. Lunch was served. New Church Members Eleven persons were received into communicant membership of the First Presbyterian church during the Sunday worship ser vice They were received follow ing a three week study course. They are Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wortman, Mr. and Mrs. William 1 Derickson, Mr. and Mrs Melvin Ruzicka. Mr. Dewey Schaffer. Mr. and Mrs. Max Farrier, Mrs. Carrie McMahan and Mrs. Esther i Morgan. Absent were Mr. and Mrs Wavne Spelts due to illness. Orchard OKS Meets Mrs. Walter La Frenz, worthy matron anil Gordon Johnson, worthy patron, presided over the Thursday evening meeting of Sunset Chapter No. 300, Order of ! the Eastern Star at the Masonic i Temple at Orchard. Mrs. Riley lloyse and Mrs. Dale Greenmyer sang a duet. The charter was draped for Mrs Alma Husdon, past matron and for Mrs. Jesse Robertson, a former member. Mrs. Wilbur Mallood and Mis. Henry Drayton served refresh ments. Special Event Planned The WMowdale extension club met with Mrs. Lysle Johnson Tuesday afternoon, February 16. The meeting had been postponed from February 9. , . Mrs. Johnson served a 2 o ciock dessert luncheon of cherry pie ala mode and coffee. The business meeting followed, roll call being answered with, "The resolution you should have made.” Mrs. Bob Tomlinson and Mrs. Ne*is Linquist gave the demonstration lesson on i "More Meals for your Money - Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Ewalt Mil ler won a prize in a game contest and Mrs. Linquist won the door ' Next meeting will l>c with Mrs Nels Linquist March 9. Roll call wil'i be answered with a 25 cent j gift exchange. Mrs. Lysle Johnson plans to have the February special event on February 27 probably a card party. Three Celebrate Birthdays (3 rat ten Farmerettes extension I , lub met at the home of Mrs. Al vin Vorce on February 1 < with eight members present. The les son was presented by Mrs. Ken neth El'iingson. Three members were recipients of birthday gifts. Next meeting will lie at the home of Mrs. Ellingson on March 9. The lesson "Shoes that Fit will be given. Reveal Secret Sisters The H.H.H- club met Friday Feb 12 at the home of Mrs. Vin cent Thiele with ten memlx'rs present. The meeting was opened hy the president by reading the creed. Secret sisters of last year were revealed as no meeting wjis held in January due to bad roads. A card of thanks was read from the NorMik Opportunity Center. Mary Funk and Lihby Tuttle gave the lesson on "Food for Fitness.” Lunch was served by the hostess. Cronins Are Godparents Mr. and Mrs Allan Jaszkowiak and Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Cronin were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs J. G. Brewster at Stuart and attended the christen ing ceremony for the Brewster's grandson, Scott Jordan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Brewster. Other guests there were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Henderson of Valen tine, Mr. and Mrs. Dwaine Lock mon of Stuart, Lt. and Mrs. Den nis Brewster and son of Wichita, Kan., and Alan Brewster, who is a student at the University of Omaha. Christening services were held at 11:00 am. at St. Boniface Catholic church at Stuart with Father A. J. Paschang presiding over the christening. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Cronin were god-parents for the Brewster’s son. Waistline Whittlers Record 110 Pound Loss In Six Month's Period The members of the Waistline Whittier’s club met Friday with Mrs. Durl Anderson. A weight loss of 110 pounds was noted in the six months since the club was organized. The club began with five mem bers but this number has been added to until at the present time 14 ladies answrer roll call. The greatest loss recorded in the six months time was 26 pounds, second greatest was 18 and two ladies showed ten pound losses. Members don’t follow the same pattern of reducing. Each in her own way and according to ner own needs tries to show a weight loss. A fine of 25c was imposed for any gain in weight but this they felt proved to be poor business for they were becoming quite content to just stay the same. Now the fine is imposed for anyone who does not show a weight loss. Members meet each Friday after noon at the home of Mrs Durl Anderson. A contest is in progress over a six week period to end March 4 when the lady noting the greatest weight loss will win $500. In order to be eligible a five pound loss is required in that time and the one registering the greatest loss above that will be declared the winner. Fred Wiegand Died Wednesday CLEARWATER Funeral services for Fredrick Wiegand are to he conducted Friday at 2 p.m. at the Methodist church in Clearwater with Rev. W W. Elliott of Ewing officiating. Burial will be in the Cleaiwater cemetery'. Pallbearers will be Albert Lor enzen, Dwaine Frady. Hoge Frady, Arthur Ahlers, Kenneth Marshall and Robert McDaniels. Fredrick Wiegand was bom at Neligh Septemlier 11, 1887 the son of Henry and Elizabeth Wiegand. He was reared in the community. On February 26, 1916, he was united in marriage to Georgiana McGee. Two children were born to this union. He died Wednesday at the Antelope Memorial hospital in Neligh. Survivors include: wife, Georgi ana; daughter, Mrs. John (Doris) Knieval of Ewing; son, James Richard; 8 grandchildren. Also two brothers, Charles Emrich of Mar tin, S. D. and Asa Keezer of An derson, Calif. ( IJVKENOE HOY BRIGGS Clarence Hoy Briggs, 52, son of the late Dr. Walter H. Briggs and Grace Briggs was born in Ewing October 29, 1907 and died at his home at Corvallis, Ore., February 9. He graduated from the Ewing high school and attended Creigh ton University. On July 5, 1930, he was united in marriage to Ruth Lind berg. To this union was born four children, | three daughters and one son. The family moved to the west coast in 1941, where they have since made their home. Mr. Briggs was an accountant. Due to ill health, he was forced to give up his work for several years. His health improved, and for the past one and one-half years he was an accountant at the Oregon State University. While at work, he was stricken with a fatal heart attack. He is survived by his wife, Ruth; three daughters, Jacquiline Grace, Nancy Ann and Beverly Ruth; one son, Philip Merle; eight grand children; his mother, Mrs. Grace Briggs of Ewing; two sisters, Mrs. Dorothy Vaughn of Omaha and Mrs. Carol King of Aurora, 111.; one brother, Wayne of Los Angeles, Calif; many neices and nephews. . ,, „ . Funeral services were held 1-11 day, February 12 at 10:30 a.m., at the Methodist church in Cor vallis. The Rev. Kenneth Mitchell, officiated. Real Estate Transfers WD- Robert D. Krokaugger to Edwin R. Flynn 12-22-59 $31,000, WVa & SViSEVi 28- N'/2 NEU 32 (except part) and NVaNWVi and SEV4NWV4 and NE’/4 and N'2 SE l/4 and NE'i SWVi 33-28-14. I WD- John Bollwitt to Fred S. Bollwitt and wf 2-5-60 $22,000-SJ:> SE>4 30- E%NE*'4 - NWV4NEV4 11- NE‘4 31-26-9 and S'2 SW' t 25 26-10 Subject to life use of house and garden spot on NEV4NEV4 31-26-9. QCD- School Dist. No. 60 to Clare Otto Knoeile and wf 9-17-59 $11 acre tract in NEV4SEV4 21 30-10. „ , , WD- Norris W. Coats to St. Boniface Church Stuart 11-5-38 $1,500- Lots 5 6 and 7 Blk 8- Hal locks Add- Stuart. WD- Mary Kramer to St. Boni face of Stuart 2-15-60 $2,000- Lots 11-12 and 13 Blk 8- Hallocks Add Stuart. Eagles Lose Close One Bob Eby scored 14 points Fri day night against Bassett, but the Eagles were unable to win in a close one. 41-38. Jerry Dexter had 9 points and Don Schaaf scored 7 in the loss. The O’Neill reserves downed Bassett by almost identical scores. 43-38. Stan Schmeichel and Roll and Johnson had 12 for the win ners Score by Quarters Bassett .8 12 10 11—41 O'Neill .9 17 12 0 —38 Cardinals Win At District Meet St. Mary s Cardinals won a close 6S-66 contest over Springview in the Class C district tournament at Atkinson the first of the week. The Cardinals trailed most of the way and in the closing sec onds were behind 66-62 Stevens ami Cleary each hit a bucket to knot the count at 66 ail Cleary was then fouled and he calmly hit both tries to take the lead. The Indians missed on a long shot following the free throws and Gale Stevens took the rebound and proceeded to put on a dribbling exhibition. The officials claimed he held the ball longer than 5 sec onds although no one was guard ing him and awarded the hall to Springview for a last second shot which they missed. First Round District Play In Class D district basketball games played Tuesday night in O’Neill Wheeler County high school downed Lynch 61-19 and Orchard defeated Chambers 40-39. The Orchard-Chambers game was a thriller and was won in the final two seconds on free throws John Phifer was fouled just t>e fore the final buzzer sounded with Chambers leading 39-38 The team had headed for the dressing rooms and the floor had to be cleared so that Phifer could shoot the two free throws to win the game for Orchard. Phifer was also high point man with 14. Robert Crosby had 32 points for Wheeler Co. in the first game. Area Boxers Win In Omaha Area boxers turned in steller per formances during the Midwest AAU Golden Gloves boxing cham pionships held in Omaha over the weekend. 'Hie men, fighting under Norfolk colors, were sparked by the fight ing of Butch Pofahl of Ewing. He was apparently beaten in the first round of his middleweight fight with Forrest Phillips of Omaha, but came back to take the fight. Jack McGinn, O'Neill decisioned Eddie Phillips, Lincoln in the flyweight division. but Dennis Tomlinson. O’Neill lost to Wilbert Miller of Seottsbluff. Dean Pofahl, Ewing knocked out Eugene Ironshell, Grand Island in the welterweight, but Hank Leonard, Holdrege, beat Pofahl later in the same weight. In the lightheavy division, Roger Pofahl lost to Charles Morgal, Omaha O'Neill Locals Mrs. John Claussen has return ed after spending three months in tlfith VlOY* KnYV-i Yl law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Yarnell and family. John Shoemaker jr., of Omaha came Friday and spent until Mon day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Shoemaker sr. Thursday overnight guests of Mrs. Rosa Bowers were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowers of Lake Park, Minn. Mrs. Pat Gallup and children of Stratford, Olda., are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Weyhrich. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sauser were in Mapleton, la., during the weekend where they attended the wedding on Saturday of Mrs. Sauser’s nephew. Dean Schaaf of Atkinson and Miss Eileen Ulrich of Mapelton. . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weyhrich of Randolph called on Mr. and Mrs. Emil Weyhrich Monday. Those attending funeral services for Mrs. E. N. Anderson in Nor folk on Monday were: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Woidneck, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Woidneck, Mrs. Rosa Bowers, Mr. and Mrs. James Havranek and family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Havranek and family, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Havranek and Mrs. Jim Havranek of Atkinson Mrs. Anderson was a sister of Mrs. Rosa Bowers. The following members of the youth fellowship group attended the sub-district senior youth fel lowship rally in Clearwater were : Paula Reed, Georgetta Clyde, Ruth Ann Walker, Esther Young. Kenneth Peacock, Richard Hill and Rev. Glenn Kennicott. Miss Reed is district president and ap peared on the program. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Watson and her mother, Mrs. A. E. Marsh field of Atkinson were visitors Saturday evening at the Neil Harsh field home The group were en route form Iowa where they had been visiting. Coupon Special—Complete 10 piece hair cutting set. $8.88. Scovles Western Auto. 44c Teen Hep FRIDAY. FEB. 26 O'Neill Legion Ballroom DON SOHL and his popular recording and dance band 8:30 - T2:00 1 Adm. 75c Mr and Mrs Axel Borg re turned Tuesday evening. Feb. 16 from a three week trip to the west coast where they visited their children Mr. and Mrs. Ron ald Borg and family at San Ber nardino, Calif.; Mr and Mrs. Gerald Harding and family of Fullerton, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kirwin and fatnily also of California and Mr and Mrs. Duane Borg and family at Bremer ton. Wash. Mrs. Jessie Kaczor is in Lincoln, a guest in the home of her sister, Mrs. Ed Larson. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Krugman were Sunday evening guests in the home of Mr. and^'Mra Joe Sivisend- -— - — Mr. and Mrs. Heranan Janzing were Sunday afternoon visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs Edward Winkler and Mary Alice L. G. Gillespie, who has spent the winter with relatives in Cali fornia is expected home about the first of March. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski of Page were Sunday dinner guests in the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. George Pongratz anti ac companied them to St. Mary's Academy where they attended the reception for Monsignor Timothy O’Sullivan. Mrs. Joan Steen, Sargent, was an overnight guest of Mrs J. D. Osenbaugh Thursday, Feb. 11. Mrs. Steen was here to conduct the Eastern Star school of instruction lilSt W66k< Bob Sanders, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sanders, left February 12 to attend a college semester in Dallas, Tex. Mr. and Mrs. Carol Summerer drove to Sioux City Saturday where they met their mother, Mrs Edith Young who was returning after a six week’s visit with Mr. < . * . .Xi 1 ... • > rx.I itihj o"*"*' j * r* .. •' daughter, near Minneapolis, Minn., and with a daughter, Mrs. Walter Huston and family at Kansas City and a son Harold and family at Paola, Kan. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Witherwax were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Witherwax of Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. Gene lhrd and family were Oakland visitors Fri day and Saturday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Swan Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Boyle and , Pauline Mahony were Sunday evening visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Gallagher at Inman. Charles Mahony, Gene and lorn Schneider and Larry Cleary spent the weekend in Omaha where they attended the golden gloves boxing tournament. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole left last Monday for Brownsville, Tex., where they will spend some time and will tour the southern states enroute home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beilin en tertained Mr. and Mrs. George Squire and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schehzel Saturday evening in honor of Mr. Beilin’s birthday an niversary. Cards furnished the evening's interest. Miss Bette Fetrow, Lincoln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Dale Fetrow, spent the weekend with her parents. Miss Sharon Hancock of Nor folk was a weekend guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ed Hancock. Coupon Special—17 ft. Deluxe Deep Freeze, $‘M5. Seovie's West ern Auto. Fie Mr. and Mrs Ko> Worth and family from Carter Lake visited this weekend at the hiimes of Mr. and Mrs. C. K Worth and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lindberg of O Neill. Both parents accompanied the Hoy Worth s to Omaha. Mr and Mrs. Hay Witherwax, i Marly n Graham of Norfolk and I Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham | and I -eshe of Lynch were Friday evening callers in the Albert Car j son home at Lynch. Mrs. John Schmidt of O NeiU visited with her grandson, John | Schmidt, son of Mr ami Mrs. i Haymond Schmidt of Atkinson who was suffering from the | mumps. Mrs. M. L. Harmon and son, Haymond of Page attended funer al services at Morrill for the for mer's sister-in-law, Mrs. C. C. Harmon. Mr. ami Mrs. Walt Kopejtka and sons were Sunday guests in the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Hall at Page. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin lloese ami family were Sunday evening \isi tors in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Spath at In inan. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Cole were Sunday guests in the Walter Anson home at Bristow where they also visited Mrs. Willie Anson. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Linquist ami children were Sunday supper guests in the home of Mr. and Mi’s. Soren Sorensen jr. Miss Mary Holliday returned Wednesday from Orchard where j she lisited her brother, John Hol I liduy, and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Bob Holliday Mr. and Mrs. George Head were Sunday guesis in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski for sui> per and an evening at cards. Mr. and Mrs. Gil Poese enter tained the members of the KBHX Radio Station Wednesday at din ner. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Barry Rice, Jim Cavanaugh and Mike Troshynski jr. The gentle men then attended the basketball tournament. Miss Nancy Devall, who attends the Omaha School of Commerce, was a weekend guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Devall Mrs. Preston Jones spent Tues day night at the home of her mother, Mrs. Sarah Hull. Mrs. Hull, who is HM years old has been staging an apparently luting fight following « Naif with the flu ami complications ul old age. Mi's Junes cai-eii for her mother so that her hrotlier-in-taw and sister, Mr and Mrs i'«vil Haynes rould get some much needed rest, They have j I'een in the Hull Inane (or several Weeks helping pare (or her mother Their homo is Faramalee, S. L> Saturday ittmrr guests in the home ia Mr ami Mi's Prestun Jones were Mr. and Mrs R. V. i'i'll mly and suns, Johnny and Jerry Mr. iuiiI Mrs. Ihnt Mo Andrew of Wood I jtke announce the on gagcmcnt of their daughter, Jiui Ice, to Terry' Manser, mh» of Mr. anil Mrs. Mav Wansor of K« lug. Miss MoAndrew, a graduate of Ainsworth high school, opor ales the Beauty Land Salon in O’Neill. Mr. Wansor graduated from St. Mary's Aoiulemy. lie is em ployed by his father al the lining Livestock Market. A late spring nodding Is plmiu oil. Notice to Trailer House Owners All trailer house owners must apply for a permit at the County Treasurer's office. Trailer houses will be taxed on tax statements the same as cars. Statements will be issued at the County Assessor's office and you must have your Nebraska title with you. March 1st is the deadline. William Wefso County Assessor AUTOMATIC "SELF (LEANING" LINT INJECTOR Westinghouse Laundromat A REAL BUY! $25.00 DOWN • Save Soap j • Save Water • Self Cleaning • Safety Door Switch Westinghouse Dryers AS LOW AS 149.95 I FREEZERS SAVE UP TO $100 IO Chest Type or Upright Models • Buy Foods in Quantity—Save • Save on Shopping Trips • Various Sizes; Extra Capacity HURRY — SALE ENDS SOON! |f ...RANGES! Model* as low as 1.95 per week I • 1001 Heats on Surface Units • Miracle-Sealed Oven • King Size Oven • 30" or 40" Models LIMITED QUANTITIES I CONSUMERS PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT | t ■ ,