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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1960)
\\w ^Lvd‘ VNy\ \\ i vA*» u. *// v\vv»' /-•/ a/'/ Iff FOR SALE FOR SAIE. Reg. Polled Hereford Bulls, Two 24 and 3 vcars old. Proven, herd huU quality some yearlings Everett Van Dover, 24 miles east of old Opportun ity or 22 miles west of Verdigre. or 16 south of Lvnch. 25tf FOR SALK 1950 J, D.-A, com pletely equipped-real good; 2-C IIIC. tractors; 2-3-14’’ plows. Case and I.H.C.--Brady Weld ing, Atkinson. 43.44 c THOENE'S Tenth Annual Re gistered Polled Hereford Bull Auction, Bonestcel, S. D., Satur day, Mar. 5th. 1:30 PM. 50 2 year-old Bulls. 43-45pd U S i DTI R K 1 650x20? 700x20; | 750x20 ; 825x20 ; 900x20; 1000x20 Shelhamer Equipment Co. FOR SALE Eight Poland Boars 1 year old-Production tested by University of Iowa Av. Index] 150-Bill Whittaker-Phone 37-W2! Valentine, Nebraska. 43-44p FOR SALK 1,000 bu.of corn Robert Wallinger, Phone 2103 Stuart. Nebr. 43-46pd ] SALT FOR SALE: Kanapolis *16 50 a ton; American *20.50 a ton; white block 75c—Located 3 blks. east, 4 blks north of traffic light, Everett Gorgan, Ph. 164, O’Neill. 51tf FOR SALE Lennox oil furnace, like new O E. Davidson, Phone 126, O’Neill. 42 tf FOR SALE Nearly new Davis Krimi>er-Kutter electric grain roller. Rolls a bushel of grain n minute. Mrs. Ray Siders, In man. 44-45pd FOR SALE Purebred Hampshire meat-type boars. Reasonably priced. Henrj Stelling and Son, 2 S and V\ W. of Orchard, Ne braska. 29tf FOR SALE 2 to 500 tons of Prai rie Hay. Inquire at Golden Hotel Room 109. O’Nelli 14tf FOR SALE: V<ore fancy Cream cows. Shore s Guernseys, Hol steins, Swiss Extra large fancy Some fresh with calves Rea sonable prices Harold Shores Neligh. ph. TU 7-4060. TIT 7 4850 25tf HOME GROWN FARM SEED YH Clover, $7.20 per bu.; Alfal fa, $21.00 per bu.; Brome Grass, 20c per lb. Also, Sweet Clover for soil bank seeding, $5.70 per bu. O’Neill Grain Co., O’Neill, Nebr. • 44-49c FOR SALE Ewes with lambs at side Robert Wallinger, Stuart, phone 2103. 43-46pd 4ARE PATTON’S REN Franklin store your candy headquarters. Always fresh. 27tfc SEE US for new SPARTAN or 1 SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% | d o w n , 5% int .; up to 84 | months to pay. Write or phone ! Contois Motor Co.. Neligh. 30tf FOR SALE Set of oxygen and acetylene bottles (large size). Northwest Electric, O’Neill. 34tfc FOR SALE: High quality April I, 1959 Hereford Bulls. Extra good backs. Rleth Abart - O'Neill, [ Percy Abart - Emmet. 31tf - j MACHINERY I For rent rotary stalk cutter DuAll leaders for John Deere and Allis Farmall 300 Farmall H Farmall C Massey Harris Minneapolis Moline 6x7 combination pickup box New Holland No. 80 Baler Used discs all prices Twindraulic Loader for Allis. Like new Cub plow 111 2-14 plow Massy 2-16 plow 111 3-16 plow APPLIANCES— See us for new and used appliances We have RCA Whirlpool 60 line SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT CO. O'NEILL. NEBR 1HC — Gehl — RCA Whirlpool FOR SALE Three Angus bulls: one a six yr. old Revell bull, one 4 yr. old from Wm. and ■ Sons of Clarks, Nehr., and a 2 yr. old of Blaine Garwood breed ing. Melvin Johring, O’Neill. 44-46pd MOBILE HOMES M-ost for your Money I-neomparable Brands L-arge Selection L-ow Down Payment E-asy Terms R-emarkable Trades S-ervice after Sale These are just a few of the rea sons why You Should See Us Last. In O’Neill vicinity see Clarence Johnson O'Neill. Nebr. MILLER TRAILER SALES Albion, Nebr. Ph. EX 5-2170 44 tf NEW MOBILE HOMES Your Factory Authorized Dealer for Safeway, American, Spartan Detroiter, Richardsun, Sparcraft A. B. C. Sparlane, Busker We trade, finance,' deliver any where. Terms up to 84 months. Open everyday and Sunday. For your host deal see CONTOIS MOBILE HOMES Northeast Nebraska Largest Neligh, Nebraska 3S44c Real Estate for Sale TAVERN TOR SALE or LEASE Liquor by the drink, liquor and lieer, on and off sale. Good lo cation. See or write l>on or Zella Bare, Lynch, Nebr. 42-43c FOR SALE Improved 80 acres 41 mi. from Clearwater on good gravel road, lMs mi. to highway! 275, Ideal for semi-retired i couple Buildings in good repair, j REA, natural gas, hot and cold j water, bathroom. Mail route toj door. Immediate possession. { Leon Beckwith, Emmet. 36tf j FOR SALE Three bedroom house, residence of Mary Zastrow. 507 E. Adams, call 766 for informa tion. 1 lc Listings For Sale 760 acres northeast of Inman, improved; 180 acres north of Page, modem home; 320 acres modem improved, Atkinson, ir-1 rigation equipped; 320 farm near Emmet; 160 farm east of O'Neill, irrigated, with equipment; 320 improved northeast of O'Neill, farm and pasture; 80 acres northwest O'Neill, good location well fenced and near Highway No. 20; 200 acre improved farm EDTHORIN PHONE 207 — O'NEILL 13tf FOR QUICK SALE Two bedroom ! house nt 315 S. 9th. We guarantee j you can't beat this offer. Kieth | Abart, O’Neill. 41tf FOR RENT FOR RENT Very nice two bed room apartment. Hot and cold water and heat furnished. Mrs. j Pauline D'ise, Ph 759-R, O'Neill j 44 pd j FOR RENT Five room house with i basement. Gas heat. O. E. Da vidson, Phone 126, O’Neill. 42tf | FOR RENT Two nedroom home. Kieth Abart, O’Neill. 22tfc ; FOR RENT—IHC Rotary Stalk cutter. Shelhamer Equipment j Co., O'Neill. tf WANTED NEEDED AT ONCE Man or Wo man, full or part time, to sup-1 ply established customers in | city of O’Neill with famous, j nationally advertised Watkins , products. Profits of $2 an hour; and up at start possible. No in vestment. Write Watkins Pro-! ducts, Inc., D-84, Winona, Minn 43-45pd i WANTED Pasture for 60 head of cows. George Fiek. Inman, ph. 3152. 44-45pd j FRED KARO RERNARD TROSHYNSKI Public Accounting and Tax Service Phone 5281 Atkinson WELL DRILIJNG and well and windmill repair. — Write Box 562. phone 553-J. SPRAGUE WELL CO , O’Neill 3 blks W & 3D blks N stoplight. WANTED: Serum pigs: Trading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week. Dwaine I Stuart nh. 3741. tf WORK WANTED • Guaranteed welding and mechanic work done, j East of drive-in theatre.—Ver-! non Gorgon, O'Neill. 32tfc WE DON'T WANT ALL THE bus iness—Just yours.. Patton's Ben Franklin O'Neill. tfc WANTED! DRY CLEANING OF ALL KINDS! Ideal Cleaners Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 47ctf Wick's BODY SHOP Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W - O'NEILL - for Any Job 25tf Minnesota Woolen Company Bonded Representative Robert W. Young Phone 192-J 609 East Adams 23tfc DONOHOE CONST. CO. CAT—SCOOP—DOZER Donior Elevated Grading . John E. Donohoe, I’hone 447-W O’NEILL, NEBRASKA l Guthmiller Half Block East of T°\„co Station SPECIAL) in all kinds of automohiip nek and tractor repnir Aoetyi 'r welding. LAWN MOWER r*"'Hiring Also repair parts for Lawson - Ket -Clinton 'l » WELL ESTABLISHED Retail farm supply business handling well known products. Small capital needed. Write box TH, c-o The Frontier. 5th WANTED 250 >• tilings to pas ture. Inquire at Golden Hotel. Room 109. O'Neill. 44tf WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks. south of the New Deal Oil Station- O’Neill 50tl MISCELLANEOUS I WIIJ. !>e back March 1st to per sonally take care of my insur ance business. See me at Gil lespie Appliance or call 144. L. G. Gillespie. 44c EVERY COW can stand for im provement. CURTISS STUD SERVICE can bring improve ment to your cows with matings to the greatest sires in the world. Call 470, Duane Gray. O’Neill. 34tfc IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill. Nebr. Mtf CASH LOANS Signature — Auto — Furniture O’Neill Loan Co. VIRGIL LAURSEN Phone 434 O’Neill AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private Listings and Auctions Auction Service LONG TERM LOANS ED THORIN PHONE 207_O'NEILL NOTICES Moved to New Location PETERSON REPAIR East of Ryan Hay Co. Office Phone 373 Res. Phone 577J Motor tune-up with Allenscope, Wheel balancing, Automatic trans mission overhaul, General repair. 43-41 SAVE UP TO $20 OR MORE ON AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE VIRGIL I.AURSEN O'Neill, Nebraska WILL DO custom grain drying— Ernie Kloppenborg, O'Neill. 43-44pd |-Legal Notices—| (First pub. Feb. 25, 19601 NOTICE OK ELECTION FOR SUPERVISORS OF THE HOLT SOIL AND WATER CON SERVATION DISTRICT. TO ALL OWNERS OF LANDS lying within the boundaries of the Holt Soil and Water Conservation District, Notice is hereby given on the 11 tli day of March, 1960, two supervisors will be elected to hold office for a term of four years for iho Holt Soil and Water Conserva tion District of the State of Ne braska. The names of the candidates are as foftows: v B A R E LM AN. Ru sse ft -O’ Nei 11 JURACEK, Elmer-O'Neill POESSNECKER, Thilo-Atkin son VOGEL, Elmer-Atkinson WIT] IERWAX, Robert-Spencer All nersnns firms and cnrnnrn tions who hold title to any lands within the boundaries of said Dis trict are eligible to vote at said election. Polliftg places will be opened on the above date between the hours of 12:00 Noon and 10:00 P.M., as follows: From 12:00 Noon to 6:00 P.M. Court House Annex, O’Neill. From 6.00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. American Legion Hall, O’Neill. Landowners who find that they may not conveniently vote at the pools on the ejection day may secure a ballot and form SWCD-12A at any time prior to the election at any of the following places, and vote by sealed ballot: First National Bank - Atkinson Farmers State Bank - Ewing Tri-County Bank - Stuart Chambers State Bank - -Chambers Holt Co. Extension Office - O’ Neill Hdit SWCD Office - O’Neill Page Cooperative Bank - Page Nonresident landowners, or those who wish to vote by mail may apply in person or in writing, to the District Election Officer, Merwyn French. Sr of Page, Ne braska, requesting a ballot. Dated this 18th day of February, 1960. STATE SOTL AND WATER CONSERVATION COMMIT TEE By Warren D. Fairchild, Ex ' ecutive Secretary 44-46e (First pub. Feb. 4. 1960) NOTICE Notice is Hereby Given that the Holt County Board of Supervisors will receive bids on Liability In surance Policies Covering County Owned Vehicles in the amounts of. Fifty Thousand, One Hundred Thousand and Ten Thousand Dol lars. Bids will be opened at the Reg ular Meeting of the Holt County Board Of Supervisors, on February ?9, 1960. at 1:00 P M. KENNETH WARING HOLT COUNTY CLERK 41-44c (First pub. Feb. 18, 1960* NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Roy E. Blunt has filed a petition With the County Clerk of Holt County, Nebraska, praying that he be granted a license to operate a Rural Dance Hall at the S 4SW14, Sec. 1, Twp. 26, Range 9, Ewing. Nebraska. That a hearing on this petition will be held by the Holt County Board of Supervisors on February 29, 1960 at 11:30 a.m. at which time arguments for or protests against the issuance of said 11 j cense will be heard. Kenneth Waring, County Clerk 43 - SI (First pub. Feb. 11, 1960* William W. Griffin, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 4366 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBI CASK A FEBRUARY 5th. 1960 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ERNEST H. DURRE. DECEASED. CREDIORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limit ed for presenting claims against said estate is June 3id, 1960, and for the payment of do (its is Febru ary 5th, 1961 and that on March 3rd. 1960. and June 6th, 1960, at 10 o’clock A M., each day, I will he at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. D>uis \V. Reimer County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 42-44c Page News By Mrs. Ben Asher Golden Rule extension club met for a noon dinner with Mrs. Leila Snell on February 16. There were 11 members and four guests pre sent. They were Mesdames Carl Max, Bob Nissen, Roy Hansen and Ben Asher. Roll was answered by naming your left-over tips. Mrs. R. V. Crumly and Mrs. Harold Freemeyer gave the lesson en titled "More Meal for your Money." Plans were made for a covered dish supper to be held on Sunday evening for the mem bers and their husbands. They will meet at 6:30 p.m. at the A. T. Crumly home. Mrs. Hanson and Mrs. Asher ioined the club. A farewell party was held last Monday evening at District 55 schoolhouse for Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Sukup and Stanley who are moving to Orchard. Those attend ing were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Har ris and Karen, Mrs. Ixaiise Heese Wayne and Harold, Mr. and Mrs John Zumbrum, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Anson and family, Mrs. George Wettlaufer and children Mrs. Alvin Heese of O'Neill, Mr. and Mis. Gerhardt Luebcke, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Summers, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Summers, Mr. and. Mrs. Gerald Snyder and Kathy. ! Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and boys., Mr. anti Mrs. Duane Sukup and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Stauffer. The I table decorations consisted of a money tree, a gift from the group and the Roger Bowen and Ed Eggan families. There was also a birthday cake for Stanley Sukup, who celebrated nis 15th birthday. Cards were played with Mrs. J. W. Finch and Edward Sukup tak ing high honors and Mrs. Roy Hansen and Harold Heese taking the low. traveling was won by Gera Id Snyder. Page Extension met on Tuesday with Mrs. Stella Russell. The eight members answered roll call by telling some fact or thought on Washington, Lincoln or Valentines Day. Mrs. Jesse Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper conducted tin .. * * m ...I Lvm <-,.111 11 NMJI1 UII lUVAi p ■ Money." A get well card was signed for Mrs. Merwyn French sr.. who is a patient at the Bryan Memorial hospital. The American fx-gion met on Tuesday night. Feb. 16 with 16 members present. Plans were made for the stag party that war postponed a week ago, to be held on the 29th of February. A few of the members planned to attend the Mid-Winter conference at Grand Island. East Side Kountry Klub met on Wednesday with Mrs. Darrell Heiss with nine members and two guests, Mrs. Matt McCabe and Mrs. Bob Beelaert present. Mrs. V. Linnaus conducted the lesson entitled “More Meal for your Money.” Roll call was answered by giving an economy dish for your family. Mrs. Paul Hartigan ■ won the door prize. Next hostess ^ will be Mrs. Warren Cronk. Help-U-Club met on Wednesday for a noon dinner with Mrs. Ken neth Waring. Six members and one guest, Mrs. Bruce Johnson did handiwork for the hostess Mrs. Alta Finch will be the next hostess. R.N.A. Lodge met with 17 mem bers present on Wednesday night at the IOOF hall for their valen tine party. Binro was played for entertainment. Plans were made for their annual family supper tc be held on March 2. Hostesses were Mrs. Alton Braddock and Mrs. John Steinberg. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat arrived home on Wednesday from a two month trip to California. They were met by their son. Dale, as Columbus early Wednesday morning and he brought them home. The Matschullats visited with their daughters and their families. Mr. and Mrs. Sid i Helen! Stolier and Mrs. Alice Clark at San Diego. Calif Mr. and Mrs. William Matschullat of Lincoln a brother of Otto, who was also vacationing in California paid hD brother a surprise visit just in time to celebrate Mrs. Otto Mat schullat's birthday They also vi sited with Otto's sister and fami ly, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Horseman of Garden Grove. Calif The four of them went to Porterville to see another daughter of the MatschuT lats. Mr. ami Mrs. Mervin tLouel la» Chase and family and Mr and Mrs. Ralph Chase. They re mained with the Chases for a couple of weeks. Herman Mat sihullat came from San Francisco to visit them. Before their re turn they spent a day in Palm Springs. W.S.C.S. met for a noon dinner with Mrs. Raymond Heiss on Thursday. There were ten present for dinner ami three more arrived in time for the afternoon's meet ing Mrs. Leila Snell had the devo tional as well as the lesson. Mrs Snell told about her cousin, Miss Effie Lewton, a Deaconess of th« Methodist church who works at the Bid wo II settlement house a mission in Ties Moines, la. She also told how the mission had its start by obtaining clothing and household articles from the various churches around Des Moines then selling the articles for 10c apiece They now have auctions twice a week to sell the articles. Miss Lewton is well-known in Page. It was decided to offer help to the King’s Daughters on Feb. 29 when they will serve a noon dinner to six ministers and laymen who will visit here that day. A birthday card was signed for Mrs. Nell Mc Intosh and a get we 11 card for Mrs. Merwyn French sr., who is a patient at the Bryan Memorial hospital in Lincoln. Mrs. William Wattermann was hostess to the members of the HOA when they met with her on Tues day. There was a valentine gift exchange and the club presented mi a. u in it i oiciiiuuik ci u wedding gift. Mrs. Harry Van Horn is next hostess. 4G’s met on Friday with Mrs. Alta Finch. The ten members played cards with Mrs. John, Steinberg winning high score. Mrs. I. O. Woods winning low and Mrs. Clarence Dobbins taking traveling honors. Mrs. Otto Mat schullat is next hostess. There was a lienefit card party on Friday night for the Heart Fund at ihe IOOF hall. High win ner for pitch was Mrs. Otto Mat schullat and low. Mrs. Keith Ken nedy; high for pinochle, Mrs. Earl Parks, low, Orville Kemper, Har old Asher took high honors at j bridge with Mrs. Gerald Lama- j son taking low prize. Harry Har per won the door prize. The free will offering amounted to $37.30. Mr. and Mrs. George Wettlaufei left Friday for a weekend at j Grand Island attending the Mid | Winter conference of the Legion and auxiliary. Andrea and Doug las Wettlaufer stayed with Mrs Louise Heese. A birthday party was held Frida \ night at the Legion club for the 15th birthday of Caroline Max and the 16th birthdays of Alvin Crum ly and Ben Asher jr. Around 26 attended the party. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fusselman and Seamen Lloyd (Sonny) Fussel man left Wednesday morning foi Norfolk where Mrs. Fusselman i consulted a foot specialist there They went on to Omaha when Sonny had to catch a train for Great Lakes Training Station where he will be studying elec tronics. Mr. and Mrs. Fusselman were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Braddock of Omaha. They ! returned home on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roach left ; Wednesday to attend a lumber- | ; man’s convention at Omaha for a ; few days. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey and , Mr. and Mrs. William Sorensen I 1 entertained at the Sorensen bom I I Thursday evening. They had Mr ; and Mrs. Vernon Linnaus. Mr I and Mrs. Ron Park and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Goodart for suppet I and pitch was played afterward? ’ with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Park vvin I ning high score and Mr. and Mrs 1 nomas uuutuu i wuiiiiiif, . Vernon Linnaus look traveling. Mrs. I. O. Wood, Mrs. John Sorensen ami Mrs. Cordes Walker on Saturday morning surprise'll Mrs. Floyd Frahm on her birth day. Thte guests brought in rolls and coffee. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes wenl to Norfolk on Friday and on theii way home stoppl'd at Meadow Grove and spent the night with ( Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Inness. They returned home Saturday after- j noon. Mr. ami Mrs. Harrison Hallman j and family and Mr. and Mrs John Zumbrum attended the gol den wedding anniversary of Mrs Zumbrum’s sister and brother-in law. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Albrecht of Pierce. Rev. and Mrs. Cecil Green anr Tami of Norfolk were Sunday din ncr guests of the Carl Maxs. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stew’art o' Grand Island was here over thi weekend visiting the John Soren sens and the Glenn Stewarts. Golden Rule extension club he’ their annual supper for member and their husbands. It was held nr Sunday night and cards were th entertainment of the evening. R V. Crumly and Mrs. Ren Ashe1 took high honors and low w nt t' Mrs. Ivan Heiss and Lorenz R ’ge Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and boys and Mrs. Kitty Fry of Ewin " were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Willie Shrader of Ewing Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heiss an'’ boys, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Heisc and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fink and family of Lafayette, Colo., wdic are here visiting for a few days w'ere all Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heiss. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stewart went to Graml Island early Sun day morning to meet their son, Loren E. Stewart who is on leave from the navy. Accompaning Loren was Miss Rernedine Fitz gerald of North Hollywood, Calif., who will be a houseguest of the Stewarts. They were all dinner guests of Mr and Mrs, Melvin Smith. Also guests of the Smiths were Mr. and Mrs Art Milter ami Glenn of Chambers ami Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray. Mrs. Hester Edminsten and Mr and Mrs Calvin Harvey were Sun day dinner guests of the Kenneth Ashers. Mr. and Mrs. George Head of O'Neill wi re Sunday supper guests | of Mr. and Mrs. Pan Troshynskt They played bridge after supper. On Thursday night Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Beelaert. Mr. ami Mrs. Roy i Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Riehard : Heiss, all of Page, Mr. and Mrs I Emery Carey, Mr. and Mrs 1 Charles Curtwright, all of Clear | water, surprised Bill Knievol of ] Clearwater on his birthday. A sub-district M Y F. rally was j held at Clearwater on Sunday Those attending from Page were Frank Beelaert as their sponsei and Darrell Heiss, who is a dis trict officer, Kay Nissen, By l Heiss, Bonnie Heiss. Caroline Max Alvin Crumly, Juanita Ragland Peggy Sue Kelly, Luanne ami Connie Nissen ami Joan Fisher The Page group had the devotion Connie Sorensen had a surprise supper party for her mother's birthday, Mrs. William Sorensen The invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. Sorensen and Mr, and Mrs. Mrs. Lee Fink and boys, Mr. and Soren Sorensen jr., and girls of O'Neill. On Friday Ray Harmon took his mother, Mrs. M. L. Harmon and sister, Mrs. Alvin Voree both of O'Neill to Morrill where they at tended the funeral of Mrs. C. C. Harmon. Mr. and Mrs. Everitt Copes and Nancy of Ainsworth were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Copes. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Matschullat and Mr. and Mrs. Al Anthony and family of Inman were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Trow bridge and family were Sunday dinner guests of the Elmer Trow bridges. Mrs. J. E. Smith returned to her home on Saturday. She had been staying at her daughter's home, Mrs. Bernard Kornock. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Beeleart and family of Orchard were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Bernard Kornock. The Kornocks were Sunday evening guests of the Harvey Spanglers. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bowen and Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mclc her and boys and Mrs. Emma Melcher were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stauffer. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. George Pongratz and then attended the reception for Mon signor Timothy O'Sullivan. Mr. and Mrs. George Clasej < visited in the Tom Hutton home | of Ewing on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Floyd Wilson and Jimmy of O'Neill visited in the George ! Clasey and Roy Wilson homes on j ' Sunday evening. , t Newport News By Mrs. Oliver Oilg Mr. and Mrs. non uiig attend- i ed a meeting and supper Wednt s 1 day evening in the Bassett Hotel Altar Society of St. Michaels' s church met Wednesday afternoon > in the home of Mrs. Don Kaup . with four members present. The s afternoon was spent rolling band ages for Catholic Medical Missions Inc. t The Newport Women's Society of Christian Service met Thursday j afternoon in the church with 14 j members and one visitor present Mrs. John Hosch was in charge of : devotions and Mrs. Arthur Hall- ■ stead was program leader with \TInhn Cht iOnncnn TVTI tnU'. ^ ard Fu'iler and Mrs. Fay Picken- J paugh assisting. ■ Mrs. A. B. Everingham and Mrs lorena Keller had charge of < lunch. | The Nightingals project club met ( Thursday evening in the home of Mrs. N. V. Butler in Bassett with nine members present. Plans were completed for the entertainment Wednesday evening for the "Heart i Benefit.” Sub-District MYF rally was held Sunday evening in the Metho dist church. There were 39 youths registered from Ainsworth, Spring view, Johnstown, Bassett and New port. Miss Sharon Conrad spent the weekend with home folks from her studies at Chadron college. Mr. and Mrs. Don Kaup and family were Sunday dinner guests in the Oliver Gilg home. After noon callers were Mr. and Mr*' Bob Gilg and Mrs. Rex Young and Toni. Mrs. Leonard Bendig accom panied Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Con nek. Jim and Jeff of Bassett t< Grand Island Thursday where sir visited with her parents, Mr. an*’ Mrs. William Kaul. She returner' home Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Oliver Gilg and Mrs. Do*^ Kaup w'ere Ainsworth visitor' Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 1fi. Maude Mahin received word Saturday of ’he death ' f her sister Mrs. Kate Henry of Nd-igh. Tuesday evening visitors in thf C. A. Henry home were Mr. and Mrs. Clint Davis of Bassett, Mr and Mrs. Roy Farr, Mr. and Mrs Walt Johnson and Mr. and Mrs Bill Farr and children. Jim Fox left Sunday for his base at Fort Mead, Md., after a month’s vacation with his mother. Mabel Fox and other relatives. He was aceompan'ed by his mother to Lincoln w'here she will visit relatives. Mrs. Veril Ander son and EFeen Anderson accom panied him as far as Wilmington Del., where they will visit friends for a couple of weeks. GRAND CHAMPION OF THE NATIONAL WESTERN • — — g - " ' HPJ ■ m A 1,020 pound Hereford was named grand champion over all breeds at the National Western Stock Show in Denver The sleek Whiteface was shown hv Gene Hawkins, Oakland, 111 The grand champion is shown above with his new owners representing the llrown Palace Hotel. They paid a record price of $3.75 a pound lor the Hereford and changed his name from ' Hod Meat" to "Sat 'Marco”, one of the dining rooms in the Brown Palace. From left to right John Ghigliano. Catering Manager; Ire Dole, Chef; Charles A O'Toole, Vice President and General Man ager; Plat .lacovette. Plat Packing Co ; Fritz Genas, Steward; am Gene Hawkins The steer was purchased on a hid hv Charlet O'Toole and Plat .lacovette Manager O'Toole announced that i portion of the steaks from the grand champion will he sent I President Eisenhower since "steaks arc his favorite food". (Phot by American Hereford Association.) Wednesday e vening dinner quests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fo.\ were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fox, Linda and Glenn Lee, Mabel and Jim Fox. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Burt, Mr ind Mrs. Don Dilsauer of Bassett visited Sunday afternoon in the lome of Mr. and Mrs. Harry staid. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dix and Larry if Stuart were Wednesday even ng visitors in the Leonard Bend in lome. Sophia Lashmett and Mrs. Ed stolcpart were Tuesday afternoon rufers with Mary Gilg in the Oliver Gilg home. Sunday guests in the Harold Mc Millan home in honor of Mrs. .jouis Strelow and Betty for their drthdays were Mr. and Mrs aiuis Strelow and family of Bas sett. Miss Betty was a weekend Oiest in the McMillan home. Mrs. Lew McKenny, Mrs. i luaine Woods and Peggy were \insworih visitors Saturday eve dng. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Johnson had is their guests Sunday in honoi if her brother, Hugh Moore for lis birthday, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Vloore and family of Long Pine ind Mr. and Mrs. Dean Moore md family. Mrs. Fay Pickenpaugh, Chuck md Kerry were Sunday afternoon uiMors in Bassett in the C. W. Geckner home. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fuller were callers in Stuart Saturday iftemoon in the Fanny Fuller lome and were Sunday afternoon md supper guests in the Olivet J('ine home north of Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Christen ;en, Lonna and Myrna were Satur lay evening dinner guests in the foe Frizzell home south of Bas iett. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wilkensen of Bassett were Sunday visitors in he Clifford Stahl home. Mrs. Albert Osterman was a Saturday afternoon visitor with donna Stolcpart. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Johnson vi lited Saturday evening with Mr. ind Mrs. Roy Farr. Mrs. Joe Burt and Mrs. Elmer Christensen spent Saturday af ernoon in the Kitty McCanee lome at Bassett. Mrs. Ilarl Anderson was a Sun lav dinner guest of Sophia Lash nett. Evening supper guests were Mr. and Mrs. N. V. Butler and family of Bassett. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnson spent Sunday in the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith at Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. John It. Berkhei mer and Marilyn of Ainsworth and Gertie Berkheimer of I/>ng Pine were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Osterman. Mr. and Mrs. John Copeland and family of Bassett and Mr, and Mrs. Udell Braun and Julia of Mills were Friday evening callers in the Alliert Osterman home. Mr. and Mrs. Ulmer Christen sen. Myrna, Lonna and Raymond Christensen were Sunday dinner guests in the John Christensen home in honor of Misses Judy and Donna Cristenson for their birth days. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bendig, Roger and Robert were Monday evening callers in the C. A. llenry I home. Jim Seger and Bill Farr attend ed the golden gloves events in Omaha over the weekend. Ponton Insurance Insurance of All Kinds and Bonds 1’l.OKFNOF, PONTON, Prop. Phone 1(M Golden Bldg PRE-LENTEN JOHNNY HIDER at Nebr. Legion Hall Tuesday, March 1 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. MOUNTAIN OYSTER FEED Monday Night, February 29 AT Page Legion Club Admission $1.00 ANNOUNCING Farmers and Ranchers Cooperative of Holt county is holding its annual meeting and neighbor night in — O'Neill, Nebraska MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29 at 7:00 p.m. at O'NEILL LEGION HALL This year's topic is dedicated to farm youth. Everyone is cordially invited. We'll see you there!