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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1960)
A Poem i From Mrs. Eby ... i Former Governor Thomas E. 1 1 a-woy of New York likes to quote this prayer sent to him by William E. Robinson who, in turn, received ' it from Us author, a Mother Su- 1 pc nor who wishes to be annony mous. I PRAYER Lord Thou knowest better than I know myself that I am growing 1 older and will someday lie old. Keep me from getting talkative, and particularly from the fatal habit of thinking I must say something on every subject and on every occasion. Release me from craving to straighten out everybody’s af fairs. Keep my mind free from the reci tal of endless details, give me wings to get to the point. I ask tor grave enough to listen 1 to the tales of others pains, j H< lp me to endure them wath 1 patience. Hut seal my lips on my own aches and pains they are increasing and my love of rehearsing them ! is becoming sweeter as the i years go by. Teach me the glorious lesson that occasionally it’s possible that I might be mistaken. Keep me reasonably sweet: I do not want to la* a saint, some of them are so hard to live with but a sour old woman is one of the crowning works of the Devil ! Make me thoughtful, but not moody: Helpful but not bossy With my vast store of wisdom, it seems a pity not to use it all - but Thou knowest Lord That I want a few friends at the end. i Amelia News By Miss Florence l.imlsey Our mailmen had a vacation Monday due to Washington’s birth day anniversary. The Atkinson mailman, Dwight Kenny, probab ly si>ent the day getting acquaint ed with that new little grandson - born to his son and daughter-in- 1 law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dale Kenny. The baby was named John Edward for his great-grand fathers, the late .John Kenny and Ed Welton. Mrs. Vern Sageser accompani- , ed Mrs. Van Robertson to the auction sale of antiques near At kinson Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees also attended the . sale for a while. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Prewitt, Liri and Jerry visited at the Cliff ' Clemens' Wednesday evening. I Misses Elinore Porter and Kay Tracy of Chambers came out Sat- c urday afternoon to stay overnight i with Elinorc's sister, Mrs, Clifford ' Clemens and family. Mrs. Cle- < mens took the girls back to ( Chnml»ers Sunday morning and 1 later were dinner guests with her 1 \ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Por- j ter. [ £ Mrs. Elmer Oetter, Lana and | J Janeth v isited at the William j 1 ltiecks home in Chambers Sun- j (lav evening while Mr Oetter ’it- 1 tended a business meeting at the j ■ Lutheran church. I The Women’s Society of Christ ian Serv ice will meet March 3 at : the home of Mrs. Emma Lindsey. ' Mrs. Joe Stoecker and Mrs. Dick Doolittle will serve on the lunch ’ committee. The Amelia Progressive elul met Wednesday, Feb. 17 at the home (>f Mrs. Ralph Rees. Eight members and one visitor were present. Mrs. Rees gave the les son on “More Meals for your Money." The next meeting will he at the home of Mrs. Vern Sageser Mrs. Sageser and Mrs. Bernard Blnrkmore will give the lesson on ' “Shoes that Fit.” MILLER THEATER ATKIN-jON One Show Nightly 8 o’clock Tliurs.I'ri. Sat. Feb, 25-2C-2' j 1 Sun. • Mon.-Tues.-Wed. Feb. 28-29 - Mar. 1-2 ^ HOLDEN Mrs. Blake Otl and Mrs. Asa j Vatson attended the Merry Ma rons club at the Steak House in < Ukinson on Thursday, Keb. IS < drs. Alice Prewitt was the hos- 1 ess ami Mrs Fred Karuelmeyer, j 1 George McGinnis of Nickerson s vas looking after business in- I erests in Amelia vicinity on Wed- 1 losday. Mrs. George Fullerton accom- t >anted Mrs. Danker! of Oiambers 1 0 Lincoln the later part of the i seek. They were delayed in gett ng home because of the road cun lit ions In the Lincoln area Mrs. Elmer Coolidge called on Wrs. Julia White m Atkinson Puesday. ., „ 1 Mr. ami Mrs. R. W. Waldo will < x* home this week from a week- < ■nd visit with their son. Harold . ind family at Cheyenne, Wyo. I >ue to Washington’s birthday i toliday, Harold was able to spend s 1 long weekend with them. Mr. < ind Mrs. Waldo will return to i sjorth Platte by train to the home if Mrs, Waldo’s sister, Mrs. Ever- | »tt Smith, where they had left j heir ow n car and will drive homi ^ rom there. 1 I The WSCS ladies served a chili , voup dinner at the annex on lues- ( lay, Feb. 16. The attendance was , miall due to the sales that day | ind many folks were ill. I Mr. unit Mrs. Clifford Clemens ind Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Prewitt , attended the show in O'Neill i Saturday night. i « Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Barnett at- - ended church ami Sunday school j it the Free Methodist church and ' ; vere dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Glen White and Venita. > Mr. and Mrs. Paul Briggs ami H,ys of Rose visited her mother, drs Maude Forbes Wednesday Mrs. Frank Pierce called on drs. Delia Ernst Sunday after- j ion. , , ( Mrs. Earl Schwenk and three ittle sons calk'd on Mrs. Clifford , riemens and family Monday ; Homing. , Stuart News lly Mrs. Herb Skala Allierta Hoffman and Mrs. Mary , lenning were Wednesday supper i quests of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. ibermire. i Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Vlrs. George King were Mr. anti Vlrs. Arthur Seger and Charles md Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Seger, ( ill of Newport. Miss Geraldine Herrick spent , he weekend with her parents, Mr j ind Mrs. G. VV. Herrick. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and , Vlrs. Don Myers were Mr. and j drs. Kelly Myers and family, Mr , ind Mrs. Kent Kaup and Mr. and drs. Tom Schoberg of O’Neill j [Tie occasion was Kathy's 4th j ( tirthday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cadwalla- , ler entertained at a pitch party ’ Sunday evening, Feb. 21. Prize t inners were Elgie Irish and Mrs. ?,en Cadwallader, high scores, . lien Cadwallader and Mrs. Elgie ‘ rish low scores. Frank Johnson /on travelers award. Mr. anti Mrs. Richard Flynn and . tin, Mike ol Omaha were weekend 1 quests of Mr. anti Mrs. Robert latenhorst. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bernt left ] ’o(i«day for a few days visit with dr. and Mrs. Raymond Fox and < amilv at Hastings. 1 Mrs. Dana Bigelow visited Mr. ind Mrs. Jim llindmarsh at t •rand Island over the weekend. I Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nelson vent to Ciete and Omaha Thurs- ' lay on business anti returned ( lump Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wardeft Alt xan I ; ler were Tuesday evening, Feb. 16, ’ allers of Mr. anil Mrs. George Vlexander at Naper. 1 \ Wednesday callers of Mr. and t drs. Wardell Alexanders were Hr. and Mrs. Don Moody. < Mrs. W. Flannigan anti family t if Grand Island were weekend I quests of Mrs. Jane Cobb Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Cobb left ; •"riday lt>r Omaha where they at- < ended the gdtden gloves events. ; I They returned home Sunday after j loan. Sunday supper guests of Mr. and j drs. S, E. Timmerman were Mr J, m l Mrs. Mai lie Fetherston and ; ] amilv <>f Atkinson, Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and;; drs. Roy Greenfield were Mr. and < dts. George Hitchcock anti fumi- i y. Beverly Martell of Atkinson. Vlr. and Mrs. Don Shald and < am by and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph i ThaId The occasion was honoring drs. Ralph Shald and George I litchcock for their birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kunz enter- ' ained friends Sunday evening ’ vith a seven o’clock dinner and a ■ard party td,lowed. Prize win- t lers were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer ] /ogel. high scores. Venion Heyne ind Miss Helen Martens, low t scores and Bob Martens won raveling prize. s Mrs. John Friedel and Mrs. 1 John Steinhauser gave a card party n honor of Mrs. Emma Kozisek ' >f Oakland, Calif., at the home of 1 Vlrs. John Friedel. ( Sunday dinner guests of Mr. ind Mrs- J. G. Brewster were «lr and Mrs. A P. Ja&rkowick id ) Neill, Mr and Mrs. Dale Hen lersun of Valentine, Mr. and Mrs Jwaine Lockmun, Mr. and Mrs. '. N. Cronin of O'Neill and Mr ind Mrs. Dennis Brewster and on. They attended the baptism of ittle Scott, son of Mr. ami Mrs. Jennis Brewister. These attending the surprise louse warming for Mr. and Mrs. »uie Stemhauser Sunday evening iere: Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Dvorak, dr, and Mrs. Harold Givens, Mr ind Mrs. Edwin Engler, Mr. and drs. John Stemhauser, Mr. and drs. Dennis Brewster, Mr. and drs J. G. Brewster, Mr. and Mrs >waine Brewster, Mr. and Mrs lary Lockmon, Mr and Mrs. liar ild Dobrovolny, Mr. and Mrs. im Stemhauser, Mr. and Mrs >ale Henderson of Valentine. The ;roup presented them with a gilt ind the self invited guests brought md served dinner. The evening vas spent playing eaixis. Brownie Scout meeting was irought to order by president iurbara Skala. Color bearers lore: Dianne Sehaaf and Kathy iunz. Twenty-two mcmtHTs an vvered ixiFi call. One visitor, Lin la Wright was present. For enter ainment each colored a picture Jianne Sehaaf served popcorn mils. Denise Olberding, reporter Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Brewster ind son left Monday morning foi Vichita, Kan., where they will b< itationed till the first of June Tieir address will be Mr. and Mrs H-nnis Brewster, 1539 South Old danor, Wichita, Kan. Alan Brewster spent the week ■nd with his parents, Mr. and Mrs I. G. Brewster. Mr. and Mrs. Bob CadwaMadei •ntertained four tables of pittg-h jlayers Friday evening, Feb. 19 iigh score winners were Mike Jadwallader and Mrs. Herb Skala ow score winners were Herb ikala and Mrs. Leo Slachetka and ravelers winner was Mrs. Bob Hadvvallader. The next party will tie at the lome of Mr. and' Mrs. Mike Cad vaFuider March 4. Mrs. John Stuifbergen and faini y, Judy Sullivan and Mr. and Mrs. Job Blunn of Norfolk were Sun lay guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vilson. inHa v? TTnh 1 ^ viinm'r iruests >f Mr. ami Mrs. Jim Friedel were dr. and Mrs. John Friedel, Mr. ind Mrs. John Steinhauser anil drs. Emma Kozisek of Oakland. ?alif. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Hoffman en ertained at a pitch party Sunday, •\>b. 21. High scores winners were vugene Wedige and Mrs. Eddie Schneider. Bob Hamm and Mrs. Jaul Kramer won low. A 'uinch was ,erved by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kaup and amily had as their Sunday dinner :uests Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gilg and amily of Atkinson and Mr. and drs. A. J. Kaup. Afternoon visi ors were Mr. and Mrs. Adolph ,11 mar. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Obermire ind family attended the Henning tedding in Atkinson on Saturday. .ynch News lly Veldeen Pinkerman The I yn<'h Fire Department was ailed to the Howard Slack home Friday morning were Lyle Wells ractor had caught on fire. The ire was soon brought under eon rol. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hoiser me O'Neill shoppers on Thurs lay. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pinkerman mil tKiys were Saturday evening isitors in the Guv HuPx home. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Carsten cere O'Neill shoppers on Satur lay. Mrs. Fay Pinkerman and Vel leen were Saturday overnight :uests in the Reggie Pinkerman tome. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Halstead md family and Mr. and Mrs. Rex larson attended the wedding of Shirley Halstead on Saturday at Ukinson. Mrs. Irene Carsten spent the last weekend with Mr. and Mrs lerry Carsten and Mr. and Mi ■’rank Carsten. Albert Carson and Rex Carson ittended a sale in O’Neiil on Tues lay, Feb. 16. Mrs. Guy Pinker nan accompanied them home, Nancy Kotas was a February K ivernight guest of Marlene Streit n the Hannah Streit home. Mrs. Fay Pinkerman aecom lanied Mrs. Rex Carson and Mrs uma Carson to Dorsey Ladies Aid Vednesday which was heW at the darvin Richter home. Mary Ellen Wells was a Tues lay, Feb. 16 overnight guest of falfie Carsten. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mellor called ,n Mrs. Sarah Hull Wednesday. Veldeen Pinkerman has been taying with her grandmother. ,lrs. Fay Pinkerman. Miss Marvene Kemitz was a Vednesday overnight guest of dartene Streit and Miss Judy Me Jill was a guest of Hallie Carsten Danny and Delmar Pinkerman were Monday overnight guests in the Guy Hull home. Mrs, Roy Lowry of O’Neill has been spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs, Glen Hull. Mrs. Guy Pinkerman spent from Sunday till Tuesday hApmg in the Reggie Pinkerman home. Mr and Mrs Ruhard Christen sen and family were Sunday din ner guests in the Fay Pinkerman home. Afternoon visitors were Mrs Frank Carsten, Mrs. Jerry Carsten and Mrs. Irene Carsten. A birthday dinner was held in the Ray Wilson home Sunday honoring Ray whose birthday was the 15th. Those present were Mi ami Mrs. Gary Wilson ami Sonja^ Mr and Mrs. Junior Wilson and family, Mrs. Willa SchoUmeyer and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Boh White, Mrs. Larry Tibtiets and baby and Ronnie Hasenpflug. Mr. and Mrs. George Calkins Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDonaW were Sunday dinner guests in the Guy Pinkerman home. A farewell party was held foi Mr. and Mrs Freddie Krugman ami family Tuesday night, hob 16. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carson, Mr. and Mrs Harold Halstead and family. Mr and Mrs. Harvey Krugman and family, Mr. and Mrs Rex Carson. Mrs. Anna Carson, Mr. and Mrs Guy Pinkerman and hoys and Mi ami Mrs. Bill A'iin and Jo Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Christensen and fami'iy and Mr. and Mrs. \ i go Christensen and Kay were 1 Sunday dinner guests in the Guy I Pinkerman home. Inman News By Mrs. Janies McMahan Mrs. Ethel Siders and Marilyn attended the McKim-O'Neill wed ding at St. Patrick’s church in O’Neill Saturday morning. Miss Yvonne Smith of Denver, Colo., came Saturday to spend the weekend in the home of her father, Kenneth Smith and family. On Sunday they were guests in tiie home of Mr. and Mrs. Roll and Cadvvallader and son at Newport. Ernest, John and Barbara Brunckhorst drove to Sioux City, la., Saturday to visit Mrs. Ernest Brunckhorst who is a patient at St. Joseph's hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anthony and Terry and Gaylene were Sun day dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat at Page. Additional guests were Mr. nmt Mrs. Dale Matschullat and family. The occasion was the birthday anniversary of Dale. Ivan Couch of Geneva spent the weekend visiting his family. Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry were Saturday guests in the horm i of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vitt at O' Neill. Mrs. Bill McElvain and son. Greg of Omaha came Monday af temoon to spend a few days in the Leap Year Dance 'Whoopee' JOHB Vnn-rica’s Favorite I*olka Band —at— Bohemian Ha!! Verdigre, Nebr. MONDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 29 Here's Your Chance Girls Boys Be Brave The Comet, which went on sale at Mercury.Comet dealerships March 17. combines economy with tasteful styling. Although it is two to three feet shorter than the standard size cars, the Comet has travel room for a family of six and their luggage. Ml Comets—the two and four-door sedans ami the two and four door station wagons— are powered with a six cylinder engine and are available with ei ther automatic or manual transmissions. The car’s 114-inch wheelbase, longest in the Comet’s field, gi\ es driver and passengers an excellent ride. homeof her parents, Mr. and Mrs James Coventry and with relatives in O'Neill. Mr and Mrs. Amir Mace and son of O'Neill were Sunday even ing guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Charles Young. Miss Shery l Jeffers of O Neill spent the weekend visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs Charles Young Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Strong moved to 0 Neill on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Gary Sanders and daughter, Tina moved to their home in D Neill Sunday They had been living with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peters Mr. anil Mrs. Arthur Engle haupt ami daughter, Sandra and Mr and Mrs. Ronnie Englehaupt of Goring spent Saturday evening visiting in the home of Mrs. Violet Stewart and sons The Englohuupts had attended the Mc Ktm-O Neill wedding Saturday morning at St Patrick's church in O'Neill Sunday dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom ngle haupt were Mr and Mrs Arthur Knglehaupt and daughter Sandra and Mr and Mrs Ronnie Engle haupt of tiering, Mr ami Mrs. Gary Sanders and Tina. Mrs. Violet Stew art and sons and Mr. and Mrs Wayne Sanders and son Tommy of Inman Mr and Mi's Harvey A TV>m pkins, Allen anti Neil spent the weekend m Utica visiting Mrs Tompkins mother, Mrs l" l t'aldw ell Flocked Nylon Tiers Brighten up your windows for spring! Crisp white nylon curtains have dainty dot flocking, a row of flocked flowers in white, gold or pink, and 7" bottom ruffle. Use with valance or in double tiers. 36" long. Matching Flocked Valance.59£ 11M1S4.II sailcloth cafes 198 Compare at 2.49! Bright and charming in red, gold or tur quoise print. Colorfast, 36" long. Price includes valance. 119-3140 LW duralon panels 177 ■ PAIR Compare at 2.49! No stretch ing, no ironing — whisk through suds, hang on rod to dry. Ivory, champagne, pink; 62x81". 119-6323 dacron panels Compare at 1.59! Tailored ivory panels are machine wash able, quick drying, need little or no ironing. 40x81" size. 119-6314 CHENILLE BEDSPREAD Lintless full-size spread of thickly-tufted rayon chenille, fringed on 3 sides. Pink, white, rose, aqua, green, yellow — guaranteed fast color. Fluffs dry, fresh and pretty as new, needs no ironing. 125-0153 I Cannon Bath Towels A Rose, turquoise, green or yellow stripes, Hand towel.29^; wash cloth.15^ ■® 120-2910,II,It Printed Pillow Cases Compare at 1.291 Pastel prints on fine I cotton—double and single border designs. ■ PR* 129-5214 Ironing Pad Set Compare at 1.29! Burn-proof Silitex pad, BJ A j ’’ scorch-proof Silicone cover. Standard size. ''m/ 120*104f Orion Rayon Blanket JJ99 Compare at 5.95! Big, thick, fluffy blend bui in red, gold, or blue plaid. 72x90" size. SHEET BLANKETS Compare at 2.29! Natural creamy white cotton, both sides softly napped. Ends have non ravel lock-stitch finish. Full bed size. Save during sale!.... 1.77 129-2324 2-PIECE BATH SET Compare at 2.29! Diamond pat tern 20x32" rug and matching lid cover in cut and uncut cotton loops. Pink, mist green, antique gold, aqua. Latex back.... 1.77 120-2621 LOOP TWIST RUG Compare at 2.29! Diamond pat tern hi-lo cotton loop rug in red, rose, white, aqua, brown, beige, grey, green. Large 30x50" size. Non-skid latex back.1.77 12fi-?72l FEATHER PILLOW Compare at 2.49! Save on plump feather-filled bed pillows! Sturdy linenized cotton ticking in fresh blue stripes; corded edges. 21x27" size.1,77 125-7Q01 LUNCHEON CLOTH Compare at 2.49! Set a cheery family table with thrift-priced print cloths! Sturdy, machine washcble cotton sailcloth, choice of prints. 52x52" »ize.1.77 12S-S9M